07x186 - A Future Racing Toward Despair

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x186 - A Future Racing Toward Despair

Post by bunniefuu »

You know that man as well as I do.

Jellal m*rder*d Simon...

My big brother!

Simon's... younger sister?!

True, Jellal may be at fault for Simon's death...

...but Jellal didn't k*ll him.

It was me.

I can feel the thirst for blood even from here...

I can't afford to die!

On the final day of the Grand Magic Games,

Natsu and his team went off to save Lucy,

but also encountered the future Lucy underneath the palace.

Why did she travel back in time?

What happened in the future?

What is Princess Hisui trying to accomplish by using the Eclipse Gate

to travel back in time?

Everything is still shrouded in mystery.

The Future Speeding Towards Despair!

Another door? I thought the last one was the exit outta here.

I have a feeling we're going around in circles.

I feel a breeze here and there,

so I can't figure out which one leads to the outside.

This is a problem, especially since we've got wounded.

Anyway, we have to let everyone in the guild know we're safe.

That's right! So we've just gotta get outside!

If we're lucky, this passage will lead us out.

And if we're not, we'll just waste more time wandering around.

I'm sorry. This wouldn't have happened if I knew more about the layout here.

You have nothing to apologize for.

Whatever, let's just keep goin'. I'm curious about this Lucy, too.


All right, then let's go!

I wanna carry Lucy, too!

Certainly, it's only natural for you to be concerned.

Deciding whether to use the Eclipse Gate based on the results of the game...

If possible, I'd rather take measure of the situation more carefully, too.

Especially since it's connected to the future of everyone who lives in this country.

But right now, there's nothing else I can base my judgment on.

My contact told me the results of the Grand Magic Games.

If that's right, it definitely proves that they have knowledge of the future.

We'll have our conclusion shortly.

To be honest, I don't want to believe it either.

If the future they foretold comes to pass...

Well, Lucy-san?

It looks like nobody is there. Let's go.


I wonder what's going on with the Grand Magic Games.

I'm sure they're holdin' up their end.

Anyway, let's get the hell outta here and meet up with Gramps and everyone.

She parried Kagura's Archenemy!

I don't believe it!


I'm alive because of Simon...

I'm alive because of old Rob...

I'm alive because of my comrades.

Giving up on this life...

...would be a sacrilege against those who went on that journey!

I'll k*ll both you and Jellal!

If that's what drives you, that's fine.

I don't intend to ignore that feeling...

...but I don't intend to lose either!


It's Erza! What force of will!

She was totally worn out, but pulled off a reversal!

I'm not surprised, though.


She unsheathed Archenemy...

Kagura... lost?


Magnificent! Even my eyes couldn't follow that slash!

Kagura is getting up! This isn't over yet!

I... I...

Look out!



I... know...


Or, no. I should say I remember you.

I just... remember... Simon's little sister.

Y-You mean...

That's right.

I'm from Rosemary Village, too.

Same as you... and Simon...

Take the children! k*ll all the adults!

Big brother...

...where are you?!

They'll find you if you stand here!

But my brother is...

I heard a child's voice over there!

Hide in here!

What about you?

Don't worry. I'll find another place!


I found a kid!

Grab her!

I remember...

Simon often talked about you.

I was worried all that time, too.

I prayed for your safety.

I still do.

I don't have a sense of closure yet.


...as for this fight, I...

The winner is Erza.

However, I get the points.

Minerva took down Kagura!

Signs,,,,,,Sabertooth Fairy Tail Lamia Scale Mermaid Heel

Sabertooth gains points!

Since the leader was defeated, that's points!

Sabertooth has bypassed Fairy Tail to become the current front-runner!

I told you, remember? I'm going to give you a battle worthy of a king.

But the king only eats exquisite dishes.

Such as a mermaid's head, a fairy's flapping wings, and so on...


You're next, Erza.

Although with those injuries, it's clear who's going to win.


Please... help Millianna...

I will.

Millianna? That kitten?

All the fight's out of her.

I get the points!

Signs,,,,,,Sabertooth Fairy Tail Lamia Scale Mermaid Heel

Sabertooth gets another point!

That widens the gap even more with Fairy Tail-kabo!

Five points... That's pretty steep.


Huh? Er-chan...

Hang in there, Millianna!

W-What's this?!

I was bored waiting for you, so I amused myself by hurting her.

She had such a nice scream.


Kagura! Millianna!

This isn't about winning anymore!

They need medical treatment and fast! Come on!

With this, all the Mermaid Heel participants are out!

So now it's just down to Erza and Minerva!

But Erza has already been put through the wringer-kabo!

Minerva, on the other hand, doesn't have a scratch on her.

Does the fairy with flapping wings have any chance at victory?!

Erza and Minerva aren't the last ones left.

Here and there in the city of Magnolia,

fierce battles between wizards are playing out.

You can't get up to my level in just a day or so.

Give it up.


...aren't as strong as Natsu Dragneel!

What was that?!

You're Orga, the Lightning God Slayer, right?

You remembered my name, Laxus?

You stand out, even in Sabertooth.

And sure, your lightning may be something to write home about.

But in the end, you're stuck being number two.

Big talk. Are you trying to say you're number one?

There's always somebody above you.

Losing once makes for good experience.

Interesting. Your lightning and my lightning.

I wonder which one is stronger.

What's wrong? Don't tell me you're frozen in fear.

Did you seriously intend to hit me or not?

Did you really think I wouldn't be able to tell?

You live up to your reputation, Laxus.

Shall we get started?

I don't have all the time in the world for this.

Well, well...

I've come across a couple of strong wizards.

Jura of the Ten Wizard Saints!

You appeared at last, monster.



You're leading Lyon astray!

Juvia is devoted to Gray-sama!

This is a tough fight for Cheria. Then again, her opponent is Juvia.

Dammit. We're back to this old crap again.



What's wrong, Gray? You're all beat up.

I had some minor business to take care of.



Let's take them out together.

Let's take them out together.

No matter where we go...

...our love is eternal.

Where shall we go on our honeymoon, darling?

What's going on in your head?!

Oh, no! I've got to get Juvia to come to her senses!

You're the one who needs to come to his senses, Lyon!


Who figured we'd get lost after all that?

This is a real pickle.

I just don't have enough knowledge of the castle-sama's structure...


We got a lot to tell everyone, so we'd better get out of here soon.

Aye. Like about Eclipse and future Lucy...

This is a pain in the ass, so let's just plow through some soldiers.

Forget it! We've got injured people here.

Maybe we could handle them with our numbers.

No, that's not all.

We're also fighting in the Grand Magic Games, right?

It's a kingdom-sponsored tournament.

I don't think we can afford to make a bad impression on the imperial armed forces.

Well, we did beat up the executioners, so it may be too late.

Maybe we should have gone a little easier on them.

If you think about it, it's not like they're especially bad people.

Well, we couldn't afford the luxury of saying that at the time.

We didn't put anyone out of commission permanently.

They'll probably be waking up any time now.

Lucy, you needn't worry so much.


Because even if there are two of you, I've got enough love for you both!

You know this isn't the right time or place?

Are you okay, future Lucy?

Where am I?

We don't know.

It looks like the palace dining hall.

So we're still in the palace...

According to my memory...

...after escaping from Hell Palace, we're all captured by imperial soldiers.

I came rushing back here so I could warn us beforehand...

...but all I can say is, we were unlucky.

And until that time came, we were in a prison.

"That time"?

You're talking about the reality that you experienced, future Lucy?

What are you talkin' about? Those guys could never capture us!

True. I don't feel like they could take us.

We get close to Eclipse while we're on the run.

Because of that, we can't use our magic and all get thrown into the dungeon.

Our future selves sure are careless, huh?

Um, why did you come from the future, Lucy-san?

Good question. You haven't told us the important stuff yet.

In order to change a terrible future...

A terrible future?

What happened in your future?


My contact told me...

...what lies ahead.


A swarm of more than , dragons att*cks this country.

The city is burned down. The palace is destroyed.

Many lives are lost.

Are those words true or false?

They entrusted me with the answer.

The results of the Grand Magic Games...

...will guide my decision.

, dragons... Sounds like somethin' terrible happens in the future.

Natsu, what should we do?!

Happy! I just thought of a great plan!

I'm not expecting much...

Just hear me out! This time, it really is an awesome plan!

Next time: Change!

So what's your plan?

Dragons are super-tough, so instead of hittin' em normally, I hit 'em with magic!

Natsu, that's the usual...
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