07x181 - Fairy Tail vs. Executioners

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x181 - Fairy Tail vs. Executioners

Post by bunniefuu »

Garou Knights. Mission , begin.


The kingdom's strongest?

I thought they were an urban legend.

They run criminals to ground and then execute them.

They're the kingdom's execution machine, so to speak.

It's impossible to get out of this Hell Palace alive because of them!

We are Fiore's independent Garou Knights.

And with the special authority granted to us, we will now execute the criminals.

Recently on Fairy Tail...

The Eclipse Project proceeded in the shadows of the Grand Magic Games.

It's something that will determine the fate of the world.

The plan is to travel back years in time and

m*rder Zeref before he can become immortal. That is the Eclipse Project!

T-Travel through time?!

However, Minister of Defense Darton fears the dangers of changing history.

He takes Celestial Spirit Wizards Lucy and Yukino c*ptive, who are essential to the plan.

A w*r fought on two fronts, right?

I'm counting on you, brats!

On the last day of the Games, Natsu and friends succeed in getting Lucy and Yukino back,

but an unforeseen pinch threw them for a loop.


Huh? What's happening to me?

What is this? I can't move!

Beautiful dancing doll, it's a skeletal flower that blooms in blood.

Hold on, Wendy! I'll get you outta there right away!

What a klutz!

It's too late. The girl will be digested and the execution will be complete.

Not as long as we're around!

Don't go over there. It's too dangerous!

But be at ease.

After she's digested, she'll be reborn as a beautiful flower.


Stop it!

What's wrong? It seems your partner is in a pinch.

Lily, I'll go. You take care of this guy.

Yes. Count on it.

Don't count your chickens!

Come and get me with your colors!


I'm on my way, Wendy!

Fairy Tail versus the Executioners!

Huh. Not bad.

Quite beautiful.



You did it! I knew you could!


Can you stand?

Yes. I'm fine.

All right!

That's Mira-san?

Hey, everyone, don't you think she kind of looks like Lisanna?

Now that you mention it...

Who's Lisanna-sama?

She's my little sister.


This magic is...

Take Over... She uses fantastic magic.

That's Mirajane's other form!

Satan Soul!

Inside of her is the strongest wizard, Mirajane Sitri!

Certainly, that girl is...

That's right! The former S Class Wizard, Mira-san!

When she uses Take Over, we've got nothing to fear!

Well, I fear Mira!

Yeah. She may be the scariest person here.

Freeze all of them!

Not today!

We've got them on the ropes!


I'll handle this!

That cat is using a sword that can change its size.

Seems like we've got an all-out battle now.

Hey, big cat! I'm gonna melt you down to size!

I'm gonna cut you down the middle!


Purple Dance!

What the...?!

I can't move!

Is it this paper's fault?!

It's Anomalous Conditions Magic!

Purple paper is the god of binding.

And now we can do a beautiful combo, Grow Flow!

It's huge!

Is that a plant?!

Summoning-type magic?!

Feast on the criminals' lives.

We're being sucked in!

Getting away? Oh, well, you don't have what it takes to beat me anyway.





I'll free your bodies of paralysis!

Anomalous Conditions Healing Magic... Laser!

We're glowing...

It worked!

All right, I can move!

But now that!

What do we do?!

Only one thing we can do! Destroy it!


Brilliant Flame of the Fire Dragon!

Wait! I have a bad feeling about this!

Is that true?!

We just received the report!

That sounds promising.

We don't need to worry anymore!

Princess! The Garou Knights went in to execute the criminals!

No one can escape them!

They're the kingdom's strongest executioners!

All of my plans are backfiring.

Please be safe, Arcadios.

We fell another long way.

Hey! Is everybody okay?!

It seems that shockwave scattered everyone.

But my knights are highly capable. None of your people will live to go home.

If Lucy and I get separated here, what's the point anymore?

Sorry, but I need to put off our fight.

Although I guess you won't go for that, huh?

I'll ask your name at least.

I don't give my name to criminals.

Everyone! Where are you?!

What should I do? I don't see signs of anyone else.


No. Sweet rather than beautiful.

But I'm going to execute you.

Dammit! I got separated from everyone. Stupid of me!

Right now, neither Lucy nor Yukino can use their Celestial Spirit Magic.

I have to settle this quick and then go off to help them!

What's that? Huh?

Settle this quick?

Lucy! Yukino! Where are you?!

This is no good. It looks like I'm totally separated from them.

You need to be paying attention.

Kamika-san, is that right? Do you know where my friends went?

Yes, I know. To the afterlife.


What is this? Jeez...

Natsu went overboard!

I wonder how far we've fallen.

Is this Hell Palace too?

Are we separated from everybody else? That can't be good, right?

And of all things, for the ones who can't use magic to end up together...

Without our keys, we can't summon Celestial Spirits.

Let's search for the others.

If we don't meet up with them, we'll be...


What are you playing at?

I'm not playing! My body is floating on its own!


Caught you-tai!

I'm not a fish!

Tai? Liar!

I'm a cat! How can you see me as a fish?

You're hiding fish!

Cut it out! That's for my lunch!

What's with that guy? Even among those executioners, he's high-spirited.

The same level as Happy!





What's he doing?!

I'm Uosuke the Executioner!

That's a lovely name.

I think we can win this even without magic!

Could be...

Saying things like that... is gonna make me mad.

Hard to hook him...

But we may be able to beat him yet. He seems like the weakest link.

Yukino, can you fight?

Yes. I've been trained for combat, even without magic.

N-No. Don't do it!


You mustn't fight him! He's... Uosuke is...

...a terrifying wizard who doesn't even leave behind the bones of the people he executes.


You're making me mad!

Life is fleeting. Sing of your crimes.

I don't remember doin' anything bad, though...

Put your hand on your heart and look back on your past.

I'll give you time to recall your sins.

Man, you're pushy. I said I don't remember us doin' anything wrong.

What's wrong, Master?

Nothing. For some reason, I just recalled all the letters of apology I've written.

Come to think of it, we've caused our share of problems here and there.

Where is this coming from? Don't bring that up now!

What's a "letter of apology"?

You don't have to know just yet.

We haven't heard anything since Natsu and the others left. I hope they're okay.

All we can do now is wait and have faith.

We have to think that they're going to return safely.

If we win here, we'll have an audience with the king and can explain the circumstances...

...but I doubt a letter of apology will cut it.

Yes. If only a letter of apology could resolve it...

Now that you mention it, I was also burdened with letters of apology.

Once, the guild's storehouse was filled to capacity with bundles of them piled high.

There were also claims for ruined items, bills for damages, written repair estimates...

It was rough for you too, huh, Number One?

But that's also the guild master's duty...

The first master knows all kinds of things! She's cool!

Well, that's only because I'm an adult...

You're beautiful even though you're little! Cool!


H-Hush, Asuka!

I'm sorry. Our daughter didn't mean to be rude...

I-It's fine! I don't take what a child says seriously.

Because I'm an adult!

You're a kid, aren't you, First Master?

I'm older than anyone here. I'm nothing if not an adult.

What you see is an astral body.

What's an astral body?

Like a ghost or a soul... Along those lines.

That's a pretty general explanation.

Well, it's not like we know about it.

Even though you're little, you're not a kid?

I'm not little! Look at Tenroujima!

It may be a small island, but it has a humongous amount of magic power...

The first master has gotten serious, and Master is pretending to be asleep.

Anyway, the match hasn't progressed.

That's because the imperial capital is huge, and there aren't many people left.

And only the strong ones have made it this far.

Running into the wrong opponent

could suddenly put the team at a disadvantage, so they're probably being careful.

No one's here. Okay, okay...

That being said, it's suddenly down to me and Kagura-chan!

And the odds are totally against us. What should I do?

Maybe I should look for Kagura-chan and team up with her...

A cat! Come here, kitty-kitty-kitty! So cute!

Come here, I said!

Criminal, are you prepared? It's time for your execution.

I got no choice then. The only way to get by you is kickin' your ass!

This guy...

Why do you dodge me?

It's the normal thing to do!

I'm only after the heads of criminals.

You're a scary son of a bitch.

No. A criminal like you who doesn't recognize his own sins is what's scary.

Are you still harping on that?!

What's wrong? Weren't you gonna cut me in half?

Magic acid is a pain in the ass. I can't defend against it with my sword!

My acid can melt anything!

Soon enough, that sword will be a puddle!

Is the source of this magic the contents of that bottle?

Although it doesn't look like he's gonna run out...

Anyway, I can't win this if I don't get close!

Melt! Melt!

You don't know when to give up! But prepare yourself...

...for execution!

Are we playing hide-and-seek?!

Even when you're at a disadvantage, you should use that to your advantage!

You're naive!

Petty tricks don't work on me. You can't run or hide!

And now Knepper-sama is going to melt you!

I remember you. The Demon, Mirajane.

You used to be an S Class wizard, right?

But you're totally different from the rumors I heard.

I heard you were extremely strong and scary.

I don't understand. You can use all this multi-colored magic and you're an executioner?

What? You're going to lecture me instead of fight?

That's pretty cheeky for a criminal.

I'm going to give you the rough treatment before sending you to the other side.

I'm Cosmos. What's your name, beautiful criminal?

I'm Wendy Marvel!

Oh, that's a lovely name. I'll remember it.

Even after I execute you, Wendy-san.

That's not going to happen. I'm also a Fairy Tail wizard.

After I take you down, I'm going to look for everyone else.

Then I shall also fulfill my duty as an executioner.

What is this?!

D-Dried plums?

Too bad! They resemble dried plums, but they're different.

They're magical fruit, so fill up!

Oh! Maybe you hate sour food?

N-No. That's not true.

I love... dried plums!

I'm glad to hear it! I love things that taste sour, too!

Incidentally, this fruit is ten times more sour than dried plums.

Ten times?! It's that sour?!

I can't get enough of this sourness!

Here, you try one, too! Come on! Come on!

Topography effect! Lava zone!

Something's coming!



What is this? The ground is...


Yukino! Lucy!

There they are!

Hold on, you two!

We're on our way!

He caught me again!

I'm not a fish either!

Topography effect! Gravity zone!

Happy! Carla!

Body's... heavy...

Is this gravity-manipulating magic?

Yukino, hang in there!

Okay! But if we put some muscle into it, I think the rock is going to give way.

Criminals will be ex*cuted and not even their bones will be left behind-tai!

Lucy! Yukino!

Stay alive! You two are our only hope!


You're talking about that again at a time like this?!

Sorry, but I'm not going to help you with that!

Eclipse won't work without both of you.

For that sake...

...I would gladly pay with my life!

What are you doing?!

Natsu! At this rate, Lucy and Yukino will fall into the magma!

Don't worry, Happy. When Lucy's in a pinch, her Celestial Spirits always save her.

But doesn't she need her keys to summon the Celestial Spirits?

Lucy has a comrade who can come and go through the Celestial Spirit gates at will, right?

Oh, that's right! I totally forgot about that!

Next time: Burning Ground!

If he comes, they'll be all right, right?

Of course! Now, time to counterattack!
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