04x121 - The Right to Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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04x121 - The Right to Love

Post by bunniefuu »

Magnolia, X791.

After returning from Tenroujima, we discovered that seven years had passed in this world, Earthland.

I think I read a fairy tale about something like that a long time ago, but never imagined I'd go through the same experience.


I don't think I'll ever forget our homecoming at Fairy Tail that night.

We drank, we sang, we danced, raising a clamor as if to bury the seven-year-gap.

You can use Fire Magic too, Romeo?


The temperature in the guild is gonna rise up again!

I can produce cold flames, too!

Ooh, blue flames!

Purple sticky flames, like my dad.

And weird smelling yellow flames, too.

That reeks!

That's impressive.

Looks like you've got more of a range than your old man Where have I seen that magic before?

Aye Don't tell my dad, but I've been going to Totomaru-sensei's magic class.

Is that what he's been up to?

That's unusual.

He looks happy That brings back memories!

I never did get to eat all the colors of his flames!


Maybe I'll go with you next time!


Natsu-nii, you're a taboo subject.

I would think To think, you'd become the fourth Fairy Tail Master What are you talking about?

I was only, like, standing in for you.

You can have the position back right away.

Nah It's more amusing this way, so keep going for the time being.



The 1st Master, Mavis.

The 2nd Master, Purehito.

The 3rd Master, Makarov.

The 4th Master, Ma-ca-o If that's what the previous Master decrees, then I'll continue for a while I've got this indescribable feeling of disappointment Right?



Y-Y-You guys got married?


Six years ago.

Listen to this, Erza-san!

I'm the one who proposed!

You should've seen Al We don't need to bring that up!


Incompetent as I am, I hope you'll think well of me!

Somebody, stop her!

What's Erza talking about?

She's mixing up their lives with hers.

That's wonderful!

Do you have any children?

One daughter.

Her name is Asuka.

Um Reedus-san, this Oui.

I drew how I pictured you grown up after seven years, Wendy.

My chest is Hm?

Did you say something?

This is disturbing.

Why am I wearing a loincloth?

That reminds me, the Exceed I wonder if they've been worrying about us these seven years No.

Exceed have a different sense of time than humans.

Seven years probably hasn't seemed that long for them.

I see!

Well, I hope that's the case E-Even if I get bigger, I'm not going to get bigger there?


Are you dissatisfied with my drawing?

You've held out well these seven years, Kinana.

It's not like I've been holding out Did you remember anything about your past?

No, nothing.

I don't know why But every once in a while, it's like someone whispers to me.

Saying, "Let me hear your voice.

" I wonder who it is It's a very kind voice like it knows me from long ago Oh, welcome!

Well, it looks like the g*ng's all here.

Who the hell are they?

Don't tell me Love Let me congratulate you with love on your homecoming, everyone!

Are you all safe and sound?

They may not have aged in seven years, but still Are you gonna go back to being a boisterous guild?

You're Lamia Scale!

Pegasus and Lamia were both a big help in the search for Tenroujima.

Oh, really?

I guess we're in their debt now Don't worry about it.

Pegasus has overtaken us, but we've got more powerful members.

That's what you mean?!

After all, in these seven years, Lamia Scale has become the number two guild in Fiore.

Too bad for you, Lucy-san.

Then Pegasus is number one?

You really think that's possible?!

How can you even suggest that?!

Cool it.


It's not Pegasus.

Come, let's change the subject.

What's important is that everyone is safe.

I-Is this what they call love at first sight?!

He came right out with it!

I can tell, this is gonna get really complicated!

W-Wait, this means Juvia Pandemonium!

She's got quite the imagination.

Gimme a break!

By the way I found out I'm Cana's dad!

Cut it out!

Don't get all clingy!

I can't help it!

I'm so happy!

Do something about that goofball face!

But first put me down!

Couldn't they have dealt with this in a more dignified way?

I guess they don't intend to keep it a secret Ta-daaa!

This is Asuka!

She looks exactly like you two.

I see.

She reminds me of Wendy.

She's very cute.

Even Lily!


What did I say?!

It's as noisy as ever.

For us, about a week passed, but for those who stayed here, seven long years have gone by.

A hard, lonely seven years When I think about how everyone was waiting for us all this time it makes me sad.

The Seven-Year Gap!

It feels like it's been forever since we've been back to the old house!


Is that L-Landlady I heard you were back.

I'm glad you're safe.

But your rent is something else.

Seven years' worth!

5,880,000 jewel!

If you don't pay up, you're not setting foot in this house!

I can't pay that The guild is in financial straits, too My savings I chipped in to cover you when you were out.

And Fairy Hills deducted seven years' worth of rent We're all in the same boat.

Seven years That's longer than I can imagine.

Romeo-kun's gotten bigger Jet and Droy have changed, too.

Alzack and Bisca have a child!

Come to think of it, everyone was surprised about Cana and Gildarts, right?

Father That means I haven't been in touch with him for seven years.

He's probably worried about me Maybe I'll go see Dad.

This may be the first time I've ever thought I wanted to see him!

I-It's not to borrow money!

But the seven years we lost forced a blank reality on us, too.

Erza-san It's about Jellal.

Actually Hey, Bisca Makarov-dono, the gathering of the Ten Saints is drawing near.

But before that, I would like to inform you about a certain guild.

You know two women, Ultear and Meldy, don't you?

Have they done something?

It's gone!

It's gone!


Look harder!

Without that, we're Then he's still alive Zeref I'm never gonna ride in a carriage again!

Never again!

We're here, Natsu.

Jeez Why are you two tagging along?

We don't have any money!

Lucy, your papa knows a lot of delicious fish stories, right?

More like fishy get-rich-quick stories And I won't even know if he knows that 'til I see him.

Anyway, you guys don't live in a rented house, right?

Our safe is missing!

Our food expenses What are we gonna do?!

Oh, boy The merchant guild, Love & Lucky Um, excuse me Yes?

I'm looking for Jude Heartfilia He is a member here, isn't he?

Ah Might you be Jude-san's daughter?


What's wrong?

Has he quit already?

Is he not here?

Um It pains me to have to tell you this Jude-san passed away one month ago.

I'm truly sorry for your loss.

This is what seven blank years did to us.

Lucy Happy.

My old man stinks to high heaven and he never shuts up!

My dad bugs the hell out of me, too!

Why does he have to be so annoying?!

Totally, right?!

I wish he'd just hurry up and die already!

Totally, right?!

Hey, knock it off, you wenches!

Can't you sense the mood?!


Who the hell is he?

How are we supposed to sense the mood of strangers?!

Shut up!

Get the hell outta here!


We were on our way anyway.

What's wrong with this guy?

What a freak Yeah totally Don't.

I wasn't Sorry for making you fuss over me Are you okay, Lucy?


I just wasn't prepared to hear about my dad Two months ago No, that's not right.

Seven years have passed The last time I saw my father was in Acalypha I never loved him, even when I was kid.

That business with the Phantom Lord made it even worse But after what happened in Acalypha, I had the feeling my relationship with my father could change.

It's just like him to lose his health from working too hard.

I don't understand it I'm sad and lonely Yet the tears won't come I guess I really didn't have feelings for That's not true.

I don't know how to put this, but I don't think it's about whether you cry or not Yeah.


It's strange, but I really am fine.

The wizard guild, Twilight Ogre I'm telling you, old man, there's nothing to discuss.

Pay us back the money we lent you and the slate will be wiped clean.

The Master of Twilight Ogre, Banaboster.

Easy for you to say, but as you know, we have a surprising lack of money.

Besides, one look at the account book shows that there's obviously something odd about income and expenditures.

Take heed.

Are you accusin' me of something?!

Perish the thought!

We'll pay back the money we borrowed along with legitimate interest eventually.

And I'm tellin' you to pay it back right now, you old fart!

Look Let's start by recalculating the interest.

You beat up five of my guys!

First, our debtors open up a can of whoop-ass on us and then they don't pay what they owe, you're makin' our guild lose face here!


I came here today to talk about money, but you want to bring honor into it, too?

We don't have money or honor, thanks to you!

Pay back what you owe.

That's your guild's creed.

That's how you want to play it, yes?

Seven years of property damage to our guild and v*olence towards our members We're obliged to pay you back for all of that.

For seven years you've made my brats suffer It makes me cry just to think about it Hey, boy.

It's a w*r you want?

Wait Hey, I thought the idea was to talk it out Should've figured that wouldn't fly Still and all Lookin' at this makes me feel like those seven years never went by.

It's like the good old days.



What are you doing here?

Weren't you guys goin' to Acalypha with Lucy?


Are you up for a scrap?!


It'll only make matters worse!

What was that?

You got me Welcome back, Papa!

I'm home!

Landlady Hey!

What are you doing?!


Help me!

My room Huh?

Even though I haven't been here in seven years, it isn't dusty at all I've been cleaning it every week.

Although several outfits have gone to the moths I took one for myself.

Look on the table.

They were sent here every year on the same day.

To my dear daughter, Happy birthday.

Love, Papa He remembered?

One more was delivered this morning.

To my dear daughter, Happy birthday!

Although I don't know when you'll read this note Much time has passed since I heard that you and your friends had disappeared.

Although I'm very worried, I have faith in you.

You remind me so much of Layla.

You were born with many blessings.

I'm sure you're safe.

I have faith that we'll be able to meet again.

As for me, it looks like I'll soon be finalizing important business negotiations in the west.

I'm busy, but each day is satisfying.

Every day, I think of you and Layla.

You're our pride and joy.

I want you to go down the route you strongly believe in.

And I want to see you again as soon as I can.

Father Lucy, I always have and always will love you.

I love you, too!


How can it be?!

Lucy turned into this?!

How rude!

I'm her landlady.

Of course you are So where is Lucy?

Let her be right now.

But We've got a job for her.

The letter that arrived this morning came with seven years' worth of rent.

Honestly I suppose that's what you call a doting parent What?!

Then we're the only ones who don't have money for food?!

There's no time to stand around and chat!

We gotta get to work!

Aye, sir!


We're goin' out on a job!

We'll bring you back some Shirotsume dumplings!

Losing seven years is huge Wait!

I'm going, too!

But even so, we're gonna live in this world!

There's gonna be a dance?

That sounds like fun!

It's a social event for adults.

I don't think you're ready for it yet, Natsu.

Why not?!

I bet they've got lots of delicious food, right?!

I'm gonna clean 'em out!

You really are still a kid, Natsu.

I'm an adult, so I'm looking forward to dancing elegantly with Carla.

You don't have the guts to even ask her!

Next time: Magical Ball!

That's absurd!

Don't underestimate me!

Well, I've never seen that side of you before!

Sure you have!

I think you have!
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