06x172 - The Perfume Dedicated to You

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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06x172 - The Perfume Dedicated to You

Post by bunniefuu »

I will teach you firsthand what
it means to defy Sabertooth!

Stop her!

She's going to obliterate the celestial wizard!

Stop the event!

The referee stops the fight!

The event is over!

The winner is Minerva!

Sabertooth is truly mighty!

Lucy remains limp and motionless!
Is she all right?!


You okay?! Say something!

What's wrong with you?!

Get the celestial wizard
to the infirmary at once!

No! I need to give her
emergency treatment first!

I'll help!

Lucy! Hang on!

What is that look for?

Ms. Lucy!

She's hurt bad, but if we work together...!

I asked you a question.

I competed in full accordance
with the rules, I'll have you know.

The rules?

You tortured an opponent whose
defeat was already certain!

It made it that much more exciting, though.

If anything, you should be grateful.

I let that worthless,
useless girl have 2nd place.


Oh, my! What is this?!

Both teams are ready to fight it out!

They're gonna do it right here?!

Sabertooth versus Fairy Tail!

Mm. It's vital that they remain coolheaded.

But this is exciting, too!
Thank you very much!

I guess this was bound to happen eventually!

I think so too.

This isn't an official match.
Let's lend them a hand if need be!

Aye, Sir!

Whoa! Just calm down!



Things have taken a thrilling turn, 'kin!

What do we do?



Fight! Fight! Fight!

Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

I don't care if you're
Fiore's best and mightiest...

...but I will tell you this.

You people...

...have made yourselves an enemy of
the one guild you don't want to anger.

A Parfum for You.

Are you okay, Lucy?

Is Lucy all right?!


You guys...!

We may be on different teams,
but we're in the same guild.


So, how is she?

She'll live, thanks to Wendy's help.

No, Shelia's emergency treatment is to thank.

Thank goodness...

I'm also relieved to know that she
hasn't suffered any lasting injuries.

Those guys...

I know what you wanna say.


Guys... I'm sorry...

Huh? What are you apologizing for?

I messed up again...

Don't be crazy! We came in
2nd place thanks to you!

We scored 8 points!

Yes. You did well!

Oh... My keys...

Right here.

What a relief... Thanks...

Looks like she's asleep.

I can't stand those guys at all.


Don't like 'em one bit.


Oh, Teams A and B are both here. That's perfect.

I'm not sure if this will help or hinder us,

but the management has just ordered
us to combine our teams into one.


A combined team?

But why?

Raven Tail's disqualification means
that seven teams are left to compete.

Having an odd number is problematic
for choosing battle segment matchups.

So they've ordered us to
combine our two teams

into a new, five-member team.

A new, five-member team...

What about our scores?

They're giving us the lower score, apparently.

Team A's 35 points, in other words.

That's not fair...

But we have no choice; this was
the management's decision.

On the plus side, this is also a chance
to make an even stronger team.

What difference will it make now?

All that's left is the upcoming tag-team battle.


There's still the full-team battle on
the final day, after tomorrow's day off.

It'd be wise to choose carefully.

I will get revenge for Lucy!

They humiliated our friend!

I'm gonna make 'em pay!

Now that Fairy Tail has
finished restructuring its team,

we're now in the battle segment of Day 4!

As before, former Council member
Mr. Yajima will be providing commentary!

My pleasure.

"Grand Magic Games"

"Grand Magic Games"
And our special guest is Mr. Lavian,

head of the Selazade acting troupe!

It's an honor. Thank you very much.

Day 4's battles are tag-team matches, yes?

Two-against-two? I can't wait!

Thank you very much!

It's time to announce today's matchups!

Please turn your attention to the lacrima-trons!

Match 1: Blue Pegasus versus Quatro Puppy!

Match 2: Mermaid Heel versus Lamia Scale!

Match 3 is Sabertooth versus Fairy Tail!

Now, at long last, the new
Fairy Tail will reveal itself!

Go get 'em, guys...

We're counting on you.

Now they're literally the strongest team!

--We're rooting for you!
--Good luck!

Now this is a team!

Juvia can't even imagine this group losing.

Our guild's spirit has become one.

We entrust this spirit to you!

It's now time to demonstrate
the power of our bond!

The stadium is trembling!

Say hello...

...to Fairy Tail!

The highlight looks to be the volatile
Fairy Tail-Sabertooth battle,

wouldn't you agree?

They had me worried earlier.

It was a fiery situation, thank you very much!

The celestial wizard isn't with them?!

She's in the infirmary, it seems.

You wretch! You'd better not try
anything as heavy-handed as last time!

Perish the thought. I admit
that that was a misstep.

I intend to take more
reliable measures next time.

Let us enjoy the festival for now.

The project will commence in three days' time.

The Eclipse...

We will change the world.

Is there no way to stop it now?

Sir Zeref is waiting, after all.

I'm fired up.

Festival, huh...

The Grand Magic Games...

Long ago, they went by another name.

The Dragon King Festival...

A festivity of dragons, people, and magic...

It's time for the first tag-team battle!

Blue Pegasus' Ichiya and Rabbit...

...versus Quatro Puppy's Bacchus and Rocker!



Let's get wild on these guys, Bacchus.

We need to start doing better...

It's no big deal.

All I care about is having my soul stirred up.

If you would.

O-Oh, my! What a beautiful sight!

The fighters shake hands
before their intense battle!

Such beauty! Thank you very much!

I just shook hands... with a rabbit...?!

Oh. He doesn't smell half-bad.

Now, then. It is finally time to unleash you.

--The rabbit's identity...
--...is finally going to be revealed!

We don't even know who this rabbit is.

Who could it be?

Hey! What are you guys doing?!

You need to focus on Mr. Ichiya's match!

Reveal to them your handsome visage!




--...that one from Extalia!

Double Studmuffin Attack!




--A dangerous...


Double Studmuffin Attack!


Pull yourself together!

You ain't wild at all!

He's not even a Blue Pegasus member!
You should be disqualified!


We made Little Nichiya an
official member of our guild

before the Grand Magic Games started!

Someone as handsome as him is
more than qualified to join us!

But how did Nichiya end up in Blue Pegasus?

Meeting myself...

It was true destiny.

Mm. It happened on one sunny afternoon.

Sensing the parfum of a wonderful
meeting, I ventured into a forest.

But, no matter how far I went, I found nothing.

I wondered...

"Is this the parfum of being lost, man?"

I then tried to leave the forest,

but the further I went,
the deeper I found myself.

Eventually, I collapsed
out of starvation and thirst.

Fortunately for me, though,
this forest was home

to Exceeds who had come to Earth Land.

What a beautiful human!

What a beautiful cat!

Hey. Pull yourself together.

Is there anything I can get you?

A cup of water...

Mm. All right.

Times like this call for...

Surprisingly, this development had
the parfum of a classic romantic drama!

My apologies.

That perked me up, man!

I'm glad to hear it, man!




This is the parfum of a passionate friendship!

Feel free to stay in this forest and foster
your brilliance until you've recovered.

And so the seed of a greater
friendship between us began to grow.

This is the parfum of a too-beautiful memory.


What are you doing?!


Mr. Ichiya! Can he even fight?!

Of course he can!

He has the same face as I!


Which means...

...he's as skilled a fighter as I am!

He's out of commission!

No way!


Enough screwing around.

Our backs are to the wall.
We're gonna take this win!

The rabbit suit guy is suddenly down!

It's 2 against 1 now.

It's all over, I'd say! Thank you very much!

W-W-Wait, lads!

Drilling Rock For You!

Drunken Chop-Hanging Palm: Under the Moon!



Ni... chi... ya...

This is the end!

Eat this!

I dragged you into this battle...

...unaware that you're a
gentleman who can't fight!

Drilling Rock For you!


Yet, you nobly chose to fight alongside us!

And you're a very handsome man!

How could you have been beaten?

How could you have been hurt?!

Oh, my! Does this clinch it?!

Both the rabbit guy and Ichiya of
Blue Pegasus have been knocked down!



No, wait!

It looks like Ichiya of
Blue Pegasus is getting back up!

I won't let your feelings be for naught!

With handsome men there is justice!

Muscle, muscle! Man!

Man, man, muscle, muscle!

Muscle, man, man!

H-How did he suddenly turn wild?

He's got Power Parfum!

I dedicate to you the parfum of victory!

Mr. Ichiya?!

This is kind of touching, 'kin!

Wild Four!

Drilling Rock For You!

My soul's all stirred up!

Drunken Chop-Hanging Palm!

Take this! This is my...

...Beautiful Dreamer!



They're down! Quatro Puppy is down!

The winner is Blue Pegasus!


--He defeated Bacchus?
--In a 2-on-1 battle?

He's not just an idiot after all.

He's awesome!

Just how much of a stud are you?

He truly is a blue angel.

How dreamy!

Way to go, Mr. Ichiya!

Are you okay, Nichiya?

I'm tre-man-dously ashamed...

Wow! That was a great match!

I-It was?

I found it to be very gross.
Thank you very much.

Now for Match 2!

Lamia Scale's Lyon and Yuka...

...versus Mermaid Heel's Kagura and Millianna!

Lyon and Kagura, huh? This should be good!

Providing commentary
for Match 2 is Mr. Natsu!

What do you think of this matchup?

Lyon picks lots of fights
with Gray, so he's a good guy!

Yuka was that guy on Galuna Island
with the stingy-zappy attack, right?

--As for Kagura... No idea!

And Millianna's a pushover if
you just dress up like a cat!

Next Episode: Battle of Dragon Slayers.

Nicely done, Mr. Natsu! Thank you
for that dumbed-down analysis!

No problem!
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