06x167 - 100 Versus 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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06x167 - 100 Versus 1

Post by bunniefuu »


You can't challenge 100 monsters at once!

This event wasn't designed for
a single person to defeat them all!

I don't care.

Fairy Tail, the light grasped by these hands

We won't let our dream
paradise end as a mere dream

When we meet someday,
I want to let my future self know

The future can sometimes be
cruel and shatter like a mirror

but we just need to pick up
its pieces without losing any

Even if the freezing darkness blocks our path

we'll never lose our hope

Fairy Tail, the light grasped by these hands

is filled with the power of our bonds

We've experienced tears of sadness

so we won't give in or waver

until we've reached that day we dreamed of

The contest part of Day 3 of the
Grand Magic Games is "Pandemonium."

The goal is to defeat the greatest
number of magical monsters,

out of 100 total.

Challengers earn points by entering
the Pandemonium one at a time,

declaring the number of enemies they
wish to face, and then slaying them.

The challengers are supposed
to take turns doing this, but...

I will take on...

...all one hundred foes.

I choose to challenge...

...100 monsters!

And so the foolhardy challenge begins.

100 Against 1.


It's actually pretty big inside.

It's upside-down, though...

Just watching makes me queasy...

I, Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail A...

...choose to fight 100 monsters.

Here come a bunch of them!

Even that D-Class one seemed really tough.

Does she seriously plan to
take out that many by herself?

She will.

Erza will do it. I can tell.

Mr. Natsu seems very excited!

This would've suited him
better than the Chariots game.

Will Ms. Erza be all right?

She'll manage somehow.

Let's just sit back and enjoy the show.

As reckless as always.

They haven't changed one
bit since seven years ago.


Heaven's Wheel! Blumenblatt!

Oh, my!

She launches a preemptive
as*ault in all directions!

The D-Class monsters
succumb one after the other!

Did she try to wipe them out all at once?

No, I assume she att*cked in
every direction to determine

how they all react, what they can do,
and how strong their defenses are.

She then instantly calculated which
Requip to use against each monster.

Her attack power went up!

Black Wing Armor! It increases
the power of each attack!

It looks like she's using brute
force to thin their ranks first.

Ms. Erza!

It breathed fire at her!

No worries! She can handle fire!

Oh, yeah! Her Flame Empress Armor!

She put out the fire!

What is that?!

Her sword from her Sea Empress Armor set!

She's fighting fire with water, basically!

Oh, my! She's defeated 5
C-Class monsters already!

Oh! What is this?!

A water sword and a flame sword?!

It looks like she's taken
some real damage, though.

Are you the S-Class one?

No, I guess not.

She's fighting the water foe with
Sea Empress Armor and a lightning attack...


Such quick judgment...

...and powerful mental fortitude!

She's an outstanding wizard!


She's already taken out half of the monsters!

No way.


She fights efficiently, and with finesse.

I wonder if Sho and Wally are seeing this...

What a joke. She's nothin'
to get worked up about.

Just look at the sorry state she's in.

It looks like the fighting's
taken a lot out of her!

Keep going, Erza!

Obliterate 'em!

--She does seem a little exhausted.

Oh, my!

Despite her injuries, Erza
continues to defeat foe after foe!

But she's now faced with an A-Class monster!

That was one heavy blow...

Whoa... She's done for...

No. She used the weight of
its attack to her advantage.


Th-The Titania is truly fearsome!

She deftly defeats the monsters
with her wide array of Requips!

Despite taking severe damage and
expending tremendous magic power...

...she's taken out all but four monsters now!

But they're all strong ones...

And she hasn't beaten
the S-Class monster yet...

S-Class, my butt.

We know more than anyone that
our S-Class Erza can't be beat.

--Whoa, she's...

At last...

At last, only the S-Class monster remains!

Just what sort of monster is it?!

Wait... What?

Just as I thought. You're the S-Class one.


It's tiny!

It's a pretty adorable monster, actually!

I got a bad feeling about this...

Huh? Why is Big Sister Erza changing swords?

She switched to two swords at once?

Against that puny thing?

There must be some reason.

Yes. Look at her expression.

Her focus and tension have doubled.


Don't say I didn't warn you, 'kin!

The S-Class monster is designed
to get three times stronger

if it ends up the only monster left, 'kin!

We're down to the last Pandemonium monster!

But it appears the battle has
moved to its final location...

...where the now-enormous
S-Class monster has beset Erza!

This certainly came as a surprise...

An unexpected ambush...

I see. This is worthy of
the "den of demons" name.

Get him! That big boy's
got nothing on you, Erza!

"Day 3 of the Grand Magic Games
featured the Pandemonium event.

I don't think I'll ever forget
what happened that day."

"Despite being injured from head to toe,

the fairy that should have
fallen instead soared."

"The Titania was here!"

"She was like a scarlet-colored flower,
blooming in full glory."


She actually managed to defeat
all 100 monsters by herself!

Fairy Tail A's Erza Scarlet sweeps the round!

It's an absolute, undisputed victory!

Is this the true strength of the most
powerful guild seven years ago?!


Who is she?!

I remember her!

She's Fairy Tail's most powerful
lady wizard, Erza Scarlet!

Yeah! She's "Titania" Erza!

And the crowd is still going wild!

This is too much to handle...

I'm left speechless.

So this is what lay beyond that recklessness...

I wasn't able to see it before!

--Ms. Erza!


I'm sorry. It took longer than I expected.


--You're seriously amazing!
--Fight me later!

--I'm all choked up!
--I was moved to tears!

Now, now.

Victory isn't ours just yet.

Oh, come on!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

It took longer than she expected? Wha...?

She's in a league of her own.

Erzy really is the strongest!

She's full of life!

That's Mr. Ichiya's girlfriend for you.

She's too dazzling for me.

That's a daring thing to say after
she's proved how tough she is!

Well done!

I don't like this.

Erza! Erza! Erza! Erza! Erza! Erza! Erza!

Way to go, Erza!

You did it!

I-I love ya!

The booing that greeted Fairy Tail on Day 1

hardly seems real after
hearing these cheers now!

Anyone would cheer after witnessing that!

I was deeply moved as well, to be honest.

Those seven years that I lost myself...

Somehow, they don't
seem to matter anymore!

Th-That was nothing!
We could've totally done that too!

I-I think so too...


It would seem that Fairy Tail isn't all talk.

She's amazing. I've never
seen anyone like that before...

It's no wonder she goes
by the name of "Titania."

Erza Scarlet...

She's one who knows Jellal very well.

Fairy Tail A sweeps the Pandemonium
event and scores 10 points!

Uhh, after some deliberation, we've concluded

that the seven remaining teams
still need to be ranked as well.

So, although it's a little bland,
we've prepared a simple game.

What is this?

The Magic Power Finder, or the MPF for short!

A magic power measuring device, in other words?


If you use magic on this device,

it will display its magic
power in numerical form.

We'll use this number to decide
the rankings for the remaining teams.

A pure test of strength, huh?

I might be at a bit of a disadvantage...

Incidentally, Ms. Cana! Are you free tonight?

I am, but there might only be
enough room for one more barrel.

You drink too much.

This is more than "too much"!

That drunkard!

So much for our team.

Ms. Cana! The event isn't over yet!


Let's begin, shall we?

You'll go in the same order
as determined before, 'kin.

Then I'm up first!

Here goes!

Oh, my! She discards her cape
to reveal a skimpy outfit!

Kitten Blast!

She gets a 365!

That said...

Without a benchmark to compare against,
I'm not sure if that's high or not.


Actually, we Rune Knights
use MPFs in our training.

This is a high number.
It's enough to be a squad captain.

Oh! So it is impressive!

Feelin' full of life!

Millianna's true strength
isn't in raw power, though...

She might be at a disadvantage here.

Next is Novali of Quatro Puppy!

He clocks in at 124! A bit low, it seems!


Looks like I'm up.

This'll be rough.
Hibiki's power is his knowledge.

If only I'd entered instead...

Have faith in your friend, you two.

Sir! When did you--?!

You're back in action, Mr. Veteran!

Mm. Jenny handed the baton to me.

Blue Pegasus' Hibiki comes in at 95...!

Oh... How humiliating.

Is this the result of our faith?


But there is much we can learn from failure.

Let's use this experience
and work even harder!

Yes! We would love to, Maestro!

--He already is hard at work...
--Want me to cheer you up tonight?

--Yes, I need your comfort now...

Next is Obra of Raven Tail!

It's him!

The one who att*cked Charle and Wendy!


Raven, huh?

I wonder what kind of magic he'll use.

A magic power level... of 4!

--Is this some kind of joke?!

What's with that guy?!

Wait, shouldn't you be in the infirmary?

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid
there are no do-overs, 'kin.

Umm, hey...


What are you doing, Obra?!
How can you be so stupid?!

Be quiet, Flare. He can't reveal
his magic in front of everyone.


Yeah, he's one guy ya
don't wanna get worked up.


Millianna of Mermaid Heel is
currently in the lead with 365, 'kin!

All right!

I'm #1, meow!

--We'll see about that.

Here comes Olga of Sabertooth!

The crowd's going wild for him!

All right, Olga! Show 'em who's boss!

Olga is real strong!

120-mm Black Lightning Cannon!


I-It's over 3000?!

Meow?! 10 times more than me?!

--You can't be serious!


Not even our unit's seen a number like that!

That's our Olga! He's got unbeatable power!

I think so too!

♪ Strongest, strongest, number 1! ♪

--We don't need the song, 'kin.
--♪ We're the unbeatable Saber-- ♪

Now to see if the Saint Wizard Jura
can surpass that number or not!

Mr. Jura can beat him for sure, right?

Of course. My worries lie elsewhere.

May I give it my all?

Of course, 'kin.

Jura of Lamia Scale
appears to be concentrating!

An earthquake?!

He's giving off intense pressure!

Rumbling Fuji!

8544?! Th-This is absolutely mind-blowing!

--That's insane for a middle-aged guy!

--"As expected" is all I can say.

Saint Wizards are so dangerously powerful

that I thought maybe they should
be prohibited from participating.

Oh, so that's what you were worried about!

Th-This is a new MPF record!

His title of Saint Wizard is
clearly not just for show!

Just incredible...

He's on par with Gildarts...

Don't forget there's someone who
takes after Gildarts down there!

The final challenger is
Fairy Tail B's Cana Alberona!

Is it finally my turn?

Having to follow Jura must be daunting, but...

Well, do your best, 'kin.


She's plastered...

I wonder if she'll even get 4 digits.

My guess is she'll go for
3rd place in the upper 3-digits.

Wait! Why is she stripping?!

Okay! Let's do this thing!

--That emblem!

D-Did you...?!

I lent it to her for this special occasion!

So she can win!

Assemble, o river of light guided by fairies!

She possesses incredible
latent abilities to begin with.

I'm sure she can wield it masterfully.

Shine! To destroy the fangs of wickedness!



Cana can use one of the
Three Grand Fairy Spells?!

I-I can't believe it!

The MPF has been destroyed! It's off the scale!

This guild is unbelievable!

It finishes the event in 1st and 2nd place!

Can no one stop Fairy Tail now?!

No one can stop us!

'Cause we're Fairy Tail!

I must give this a little thought... 'kin.

Sir Alexei. Here's the battle lineup for ya.

This matchup...

The management has some
true connoisseurs, indeed.

Let us begin, shall we?

And accomplish our true objective.

I'm right here, even in this maze of darkness

Let's call out to each other
and keep moving forward

This path may be devoid of landmarks

but I have a friend I can count on

Your eyes shine brightly

Brighter than light itself

We're the stars, and we each hold one tightly

as we keep walking

And when we hold our hands together,
we make a constellation

Let's shine, to the ends of our future

I believe

♪ F-F-Feelin' full of life,
meow, meow, meow! ♪

♪ Meow, meow, meow! ♪

Wait, what are you doing?

I was thinking up a cheer song for Minianna!

Natsu. Her name's "Millianna" not "Minianna."

And she's our competition.

I have lots more to say... but why a song?

I'm sick of ordinary cheering.

Next Episode: Laxus vs. Alexei.

♪ Zappy-zappy! Lightning-lightning!
That's my thing! ♪

Is that supposed to be Laxus' song?!
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