06x163 - Mirajane vs. Jenny

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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06x163 - Mirajane vs. Jenny

Post by bunniefuu »

It seems I somewhat underestimated
your manly spirit, Elfman.

Your stalwart mind and gluttony for punishment

might be unrivaled in our guild.

The victory you achieved will
keep going. We'll see to it!

It's not every day Erza gives such high praise!

Yep. That's how good of a job you did.

That was totally exciting, Elfman!

Knock it off...

Quit talkin' like this is
a funeral or somethin'...


Well, taking a beating has always
sort of been your strong suit.

That's a sad strength to have...

Like you're any different!

Still, you really were amazing, Mr. Elfman!

I hate to admit it, but I'm in
no condition to keep going.

I leave the rest to you, Wendy.


Now, then. The next match is already underway.

Get going.

Observing your opponents is a key to victory.

Got it, old lady.

We'll be back.

I'm sorry. I'd like to go
with them, too, actually...

Don't worry about it. Big Sis' match is next.

Cheer her on for me, too.

Rest easy. The Thunder Legion
will look after you.

I shall place an enchantment
to keep outsiders out.

We won't let anyone raid this place again.


Hmph. Couldn't you have
used a saner battle strategy?

Sleep for now. You're injured.

In fact, maybe you'd like
Ever to sleep with you too?

Don't be stupid!

A simpleminded but purehearted person

was always seen in those eyes

What's important, what tomorrow holds

What true strength actually is

Remembering you has made
my paltry self go crazy

I'll toss everything aside and make
a miracle happen, just you watch

Race forward, forward,
forward with everything you got

The fateful moment is when you think,
"This is how it's gonna be."

So keep fighting it, with all
your voice and all your soul

Because staring at books isn't
going to get you anywhere

Man, those Raven Tail guys
fight downright dirty.

They seem intent on taking us out one by one.

Actually, I still have some
uncertainties about that...

What do you mean, Charle?

We've already heard a
summary of what happened...

Raven Tail used a bandit guild to
try to capture Lucy, most likely.

But the plan failed for two reasons:

they chose the wrong target
and Natsu pursued them.

I don't see what's strange about that.

Although, there's no telling what
would've happened if she'd been caught.

Don't talk like that!

The issue is how they did the capturing.

Raven Tail has a wizard who can
instantly drain a target's magic power;

that one who att*cked us before.


Our master believes this
individual was also the one

who nullified Lucy's spell during the first day.

If they have a wizard who's
so adept at capturing people,

why wasn't he involved with this abduction?

Probably because the rules say

that competitors have to stay near
the arena during the battle segments.

Because there's no telling who'll be
chosen until just before they fight.

You're overthinking it, Charle.


We know all too well that they
care about results, not methods.

Well, in any case, if they intend to
target us outside the arena as well,

then we must remain vigilant
and avoid going anywhere alone.

What really worries me is the
fact that they were after Lucy...

Mirajane vs. Jenny.

It's Day 2, Match 3 of the Grand Magic Games!

It's Fairy Tail B's Mirajane Strauss...

...versus Blue Pegasus'
reserve member, Jenny Realite!

We're here!

Welcome back. How's Elfman doing?

He's beat-up, but he'll be fine.

A battle between two former models, huh?

Jenny's super popular.

As I recall, seven years ago she ranked #1

on Sorcerer Weekly's
"most-wanted wizard girlfriend" list.

Apparently, she used to really
look up to Mira as a role model.

But now Jenny's the older of the two,

since Big Sis Mira was asleep
for the last seven years?

Oh, have you recovered?

--Wendy's okay now, too.

Apparently members who aren't
competing have to stay over here.

--I was so worried!
--Knock it off.

The match is starting.

There's no point worrying about
something I saw in a dream.

I need to focus on cheering for our guild now!

Mirajane! Fight with all your might!


What is this?!

--Well, actually...

Calm down, Master.

How's this?

Like this?

What's going on here?!

--Ms. Mira?!

Since they're both former glamor models...

...they apparently changed things
to make it a glamor showdown.


This way?

Here you go!

The battle segments can be like this too?!

I'm guessing these are
special rules or something.

Or at least I hope so...

It's only the second day, and we
already have to use a reserve member?

We had no choice. Mr. Ichiya's
in no condition to compete.

Yeah, that contest part
must've been really exhausting.

You're skilled, all right.

It feels nice to be doing this again!

I never expected you to
agree to a glamor battle.

Of course. I don't really like
slugging it out with people, you know?

I'd prefer to settle things
in a peaceful way if possible.

They're both former glamor models
who use transformation magic!

That makes this a dream battle come true!

Mr. Yajima and I will act as judges,
along with Mr. Jason of Sorcerer Weekly!

An important responsibility, indeed.

They're both cool beauties!

--Now, then! Their next outfits--
--Not so fast!

We can't let these chicks hog all the attention!

In both strength and beauty...

...Mermaid Heel can't be beat!

Why me, too?

In a startling turn of events,
Mermaid Heel has joined the fray!

Lislie is sporting a delightfully slender look!

Hold it right there!

You all lack love!

You're sorely mistaken if you think
swimsuit poses alone can elate men!

Love! It's all about love!

I refuse to be outdone, too!

Now Lamia Scale's Sherry and
Shelia have joined the battle!

They're all incredible...

This is no time to act impressed!

--Huh? You don't mean...?!
--You want us to enter too?!

But we didn't bring any swimsuits.

Don't worry!

I prepared swimsuits for you all just
in case something like this happened!

That's our first master for you!

Her perceptiveness goes
beyond our imaginations!

So she didn't just come here to have fun?

You need to do more than watch, too!

Let's all enter together!

How come?!

If people in the stands are competing,
then we can't sit idly by, either.


Swimsuits suit Juvia the best,
since she's a water wizard!

Oh? You're gonna go too?

A girl in love has to fight at a time like this!

Man, you're annoying.

Things have really gotten crazy, huh?

As a bit of fun, I suppose it's not so bad.

The situation has gone out of control!

However, as everyone is loving it,
we'll let the match continue as-is!

We'd have a riot on our hands if
we tried to stop this excitement!

Great! Cool!

The next Sorcerer Weekly's gonna feature

the "Hot-Hot-Hot Wizard Swimsuit Tournament"!

It's decided!

However, the match will still only
be between Mirajane and Jenny!

Then what's the point in having us compete?!

Come, now! Let's just
enjoy ourselves shall we?

Why are you so enthusiastic
about this, anyway? You're a ghost.

Her personality definitely
sets the tone for our guild.

Oh? You came, too?

I can't let you girls strut
your stuff unchallenged.

Th-The next theme is school swimsuits!

Why do we suddenly have to
wear these hardcore outfits?

--Wendy seems at home in hers.
--That doesn't make me happy!

Next are bikinis with knee socks!

Somehow this feels more
embarrassing than just a bikini...

And now glasses!

I always look like this, actually.

Cat ears!

It seems pointless for me to wear some.


--This is another type of love!
--You're getting way too into this!

Well, Erza?! Do you admit defeat yet?!

Oh? Did you say something?

You win.

These themes are getting
more and more hardcore...

Yeah... And I like it.

The next theme is wedding dresses!

Please ready a partner and
change into your wedding attire!

Thanks for helping me on
such short notice, Master.

This is part of my duty as your master.

I guess you're a nice match.

Who knows, maybe more than you think.

Levy's marrying me! She rejected you!

She rejected you, too!

You're not going to pair with anyone?

This is stupid. I'd rather be takin' a nap.


You guys aren't gonna join in?

Well, the thing is, you see...

If my wife were to see me...

I guess I should be your partner, Charle!

Well, since we're both Exceeds and all...

Juvia! I'm the only partner for you!

Sir Lyon!

But Juvia already has...

--Get lost!
--My lovely Gray!

I refuse to let an outsider swipe
one of my fellow members!

Juvia is in heaven!

As a couple, we share unwavering love!

Quit bein' so clingy. You're makin'
me fall for you even more.

Who should I partner with--


Come! Let's get married right this minute!


Oh! You're lookin' pretty good!

You too!

Whoa! When did I--?!

Come to think of it, when we
were little I was your wife--

What's the big idea, Lucy?!

--Get off, will ya?

The wedding match is over!
Now it's back to another swimsuit match!

It seems it's finally my turn to shine!

Oh! That's...!

I, Ohba Babasahma of Lamia Scale,

shall teach you the very
definition of womanly charm!

The as*ault just now has utterly
drained the arena of its excitement.

The intervening teams have instantly
lost interest and are now leaving.

Cool down...

Looks like the sideshow is over now.

That's too bad. I really enjoyed it!

Since we're well over schedule now,

the next theme will be the final one!

All right!

Sorry, Mirajane, but no
matter what the theme is,

I have a trick up my sleeve
to win this last one for sure!

This is it, Mira!

Yes! I won't lose!

What do you say we make a little bet,
just like in the previous matches?

Sounds great! What's the bet?

The loser has to do a nude
photo spread for Sorcerer Weekly!

Big Sis Mira...

For a second, I actually hoped she might lose...

Sorry. So did I.

--You're on.

O-O-Oh, my! They've just
made an unbelievable bet!

Now I've got her.

I don't know which of us has
more fans in this stadium...

...but it's those three judges
who award the points.

I just happened to hear what they like
during a dinner party yesterday.

It seems they prefer youthful girls...

Mira hasn't aged in seven years,
which makes her younger!

And, Jason. I'm sure you'll choose
Mira to sell more magazines.

Nude sh*ts of a hot model who hasn't
aged and is back after seven years...

The answer is obvious!

Th-The final theme is...

...combat forms!

So sorry, Mira. I'm going to win,
no matter what the theme is.

I've planned this perfectly!

This is my combat form!

Then it's my turn!

Since we've made a bet like
the other matches before us...

....maybe we can end with a battle of
strength like the other matches too!


What is that?!

She-Devil Mirajane's Sitri form.

As far as I know, it's her ultimate Satan Soul.

I agreed to the bet.

Now I ask you to agree to a fight.

You can't be serious...


Suddenly, the final theme
is a contest of strength!

Technically, this is how it's
supposed to be, anyway.

Cool! Cool! Cool!

The winner is Mirajane!

--Way to go, Big Sis Mira!

--Either way...
--...we lucked out!

We got some Sorcerers to buy!

She's like the old Mira! Awesome!

Wasn't this supposed to be a glamor battle?

It was.

But there were no rules against
physically fighting, either.

Somehow that sounds crazy.

It's always that way.

Sorry! I can't wait to see you
in your birthday suit, Jenny!


Fairy Tail B scores 10 points!

That was intense.

Now do you see?
Never get on her bad side.


Nicely done, Ms. Mira!

I feel like I was really
disgraceful out there, though...

I'd say that last part was especially shocking.

We got 12 points now.
We're tied with Natsu's team.

What's wrong, Mystogan?


Seems fine to me.
He is the silent type and all.

You're right!

The second day is about to end, and yet...

What does this mean?

Colonel Arcadios!

Why, hello, Defense Minister Darton.

Just what do you think you're doing?!

What do you mean?

Don't play the fool!

Why are you attempting to obtain
a celestial wizard at this point in time?!

Do you not think it premature?!

I wish to try it out as
quickly as possible, you see.

It's too soon! It's not yet ready!

I believe you should keep your
voice down, Defense Minister.

Besides, it has been ready for some time.


I claimed it was incomplete
for funding purposes.

Once we have our celestial wizard,
the Eclipse will be ready for use.

That's absurd...

You've completed something of that
magnitude in a mere seven years?!

I am now moving the project to Phase 4, Plan B.

I will obtain a celestial wizard
through more definite means.

It is already common knowledge

that you are among those
opposed to the Eclipse Project.

However, there is no stopping it at this point.

You devilish fiend!

For the king and the kingdom...

...a person can become a devil or a god.

For the Eclipse--the door
that can change the world--

a single girl's life is truly insignificant.

We've reached the final match of
Day 2 of the Grand Magic Games!

It's Mermaid Heel's Kagura Mikazuchi versus...

...Sabertooth's Yukino Aguria!

Once more, we're treated
to a battle of beauties!

Who do you think'll win?

Ms. Yukino, duh!

You must be seriously dumb, Frosch!

I think so too.

We didn't score any points
during the contest segment

thanks to a certain someone...

No. Sir Sting was just unfortunate.

Had we known the contest
would take place atop vehicles...

Never mind that.

You do understand what it
means to be on this team, I hope.

To uphold the name of Sabertooth in battle

and achieve victory without fail.

Good luck, Kagura!

Get her for me, too!

Still, she is up against
the infamous Sabertooth...

Kagura's stronger.

Fear not.

I see the path that lies before my sword.

Is this one not gonna be a glamor battle?

Well, personally, I'm all for it...

...but we can't ask that of these cool girls!


Watch closely. They're the
guild we need to surpass.


Kagura's skill is already well known!

She's Mermaid Heel's mightiest wizard

and Sorcerer Weekly's
preeminent wizarding woman!

Her opponent, Yukino, makes her debut today!

However, just the fact she's a member
of the mighty Sabertooth guild

puts heavy expectations on her skill!

Now, then! Let the match begin!

It is an honor to do battle with you.


Before we begin, shall we make a bet as well?

I'm sorry. I'm not interested.

Because you're afraid of defeat?

I feel no such thing.

However, I take bets with grave
seriousness and always uphold my word.

As such, I prefer to avoid bets for
the sake of frivolous entertainment.

In that case, let us raise the stakes.

Let's bet...

...our lives.

I'm crying because I'm just so happy

I'm crying because I'm just so sad

Yes, living true to myself

is what lets me be myself

There's a whisper in the breeze

that says, "You're fine just the way you are."

We stay our true selves

and each embrace our own happiness

as we walk forward

Every time the sky changes color

the sound of my quivering heart rings out

What you gave me

The next battle is between girls too!

--Is it another swimsuit fight?
--If so, the guy running this tournament...

...must be a pervert.

This match seems different, though.

Yeah, they both seem really strait-laced.

--I think they'll take the fight serious.
--So no fan-service scenes, huh?!

Next Episode: Kagura vs. Yukino.

If they're betting their lives,
what happens when one of them loses?

--They get butt-naked for Sorcerer Weekly!
--No, that was the last match!
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