03x91 - Dragon Sense

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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03x91 - Dragon Sense

Post by bunniefuu »

Lily, you saved my life.

I am glad I was able to protect your homeland Thank you very much Prince.

Black cat! Lily! Prince Lily! Traitor.

In the end, you are one of the Fallen.

Just an Exceed.

You've forgotten the debt you owe our king for saving you, and instead turn your blade against him.

It's the other Erza! Her name is Knightwalker.

Lily! How dare you! Dragon Sense! S-Someone save Lily! You mustn't, Chagot! Queen, leave him to me! Scarlet! So heavy Knightwalker Wait, Erza.

You intend to aim your spear at me, the Prince of Edolas, Erza Knightwalker?


Prince, you say?

Don't make me laugh! I don't think of you as my son! That's the voice of the King! Where is he?

After 7 years of hiding in faraway lands, you have some nerve skulking back here! I know that you've been going around Earthland sealing off Anima! You've betrayed your country! You sold out your own kingdom! Where is that voice coming from?

It's like it's coming from deep inside the ground Hey! Show yourself! Yeah! Your Anima plan was a failure.

Continuing to fight would be meaningless, yes?


The meaning of fighting?

What's that noise?

Or wait, what is The air is trembling from magic power! This is not a fight.

It is retaliation against those who defy the King! A one-sided extermination! What is that?

Some magical w*apon?

No matter who stands in my way, I will eliminate them.

Even you! There won't be any trace left! Father I am no father.

I am the King of Edolas! Yes I'll wipe you out here, and then no one will be left to stop the Anima in Earthland! I'll suck up another giant lacrima, and then fuse it with the Exceed! I can do it as many times as I want! That's Nothing is impossible for the King! The King's power is absolute! That shape That magic power It can be none other! M-My word That's That's! Droma Anim! Droma Anim?

It means "Dragon Knight" in our native tongue.

It's a hardened armored dragon?

A dragon?

Or rather, it's in the shape of one.

Hardened armor?

What does that mean?

Special anti-wizard lacrima Wizard cancelers nullify all external magic! It's a suit of armor you can pilot! The King's inside of it, controlling Droma Anim! My soldiers Capture the Exceeds! Yes, sire! Crap Run for it! Don't run! Magicalize Cannon is fully charged! Irradiate them! Everyone, run! Chagot We should get farther away Everyone Survive! After them! We'll protect the Exceeds from the Royal Army! Attack Knightwalker's forces! Right! Oh yeah You don't get queasy when riding this Legion Did you have Troia cast on you to help your motion sickness?


! T-This guy's like one of our buddies, right?

Stop treating it like transportation! That's cold.

Yeah Sorry about that.

Man, it's been a long time since we did this bit.

Enough pointless banter for now.

What'll we do about that giant thing?

Don't call it pointless! It's pointless to even try and face it! Magic won't work on it! We just have to dodge it! The Exceeds are defenseless now! If we don't protect them, then Right! Let's go! Protect them while dodging me?

I won't let a single human escape! I'll blast every last one of you to bits! Begone!! Mystogan Mystogan?

Is that your name on Earthland, Jellal?

Erza, take this chance and go! But Go! Prince You Three Layered Magic Circle Mirror Water! What?

It's reflecting back?

Did that do it?

Wow! So that's Mystogan That tickles! It didn't even scratch him! Impossible! That's Exactly! This is the power of Wizard Canceler! No matter what wizard faces it, no magic will work on Droma Anim! Mystogan! You're much more suited to crawling along the ground! You should wander along the ground until you give up and die! Damn it Ice Make This is pretty tough.

I think I'm gonna be sick, and I'm not even Natsu! Help me! Monmo! Ooh, how beautiful.

Turn every Exceed into a lacrima.

Spare no one! How dare the humans hide the fact they had such a monster?

! The beast that darkens the heavens, leading to extinction Its name is the Dragon Knight, Droma Anim.

Long, long ago, not only Edolas, but Extalia as well came very close to being wiped out.

It was so dangerous, the humans should have sealed it themselves.

So what do you mean, almost wiped out?

I don't know the details.

According to the legend, when the Droma Anim dyed the heavens black, the world lost more than half of its magic power! Damn it! There's no way we can fight while dodging that! Legipyon, hang in there! But what should we do?

I think we should use Lucy as a decoy! You little devil! You mean cat.

Hey, stop breaking the flow of conversation.



Magic shouldn't work on Droma Anim, so who is attacking me?

Roar of the Sky Dragon! You scum! Hey, not bad, Wendy.

No The att*cks from the two of you did more damage.

Let's do it How dare they do that to my cat?

I see! It's you fools! Natsu! Wendy! Gajeel! Go on.

Protect the cats.

We're counting on things here.

But will just the three of them be okay against that thing?


Not a problem.

We're up against a dragon.

They're the only ones who can defeat it.

The dragon-hunting wizards Dragon Slayers! Those are lacrima?

Everyone's turned into a lacrima?

The Dragon Chain has been severed, and with it was lost a lacrima that could have been 10 years of magic power for this kingdom Even if all the Exceed are magicalized, that won't change the situation.

He even brought out Droma Anim How is this even going to end?

You really shouldn't move! Lily, you're safe?

Prince! Hey, hey Look at those humans! Just the three of them plan on fighting?

That's nuts! But kind of cool Chagot Let us escape to somewhere a bit farther away If we stay here, we'll get caught up in it! Let's do this, Salamander.

Teaming up with you, again?

You and I can settle things after we give this thing the bustin' up it deserves.

I'm all fired up.

Foolish children! I'll provide support! O swift wind that dashes through the heavens! W-What's this?

My body It's light as a feather! Vernier! They dodged?

Fast! I can't set the aim! Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon! Pillar of the Iron Dragon! Magic shouldn't work at all on Droma Anim! But it's taking damage Just a tiny bit.

Damn this thing! How hard is it?

We're barely denting it! In that case O strength of arm to cleave the heavens! What is it this time?

Arms! Power is welling up inside of me! It's magic that increases your attack power! You ain't bad.


Their magic power is increasing?

Dazzling Blaze of the Fire Dragon! Spears of the Iron Dragon! Demon Poles! How dare you! It's that little girl! Launch the Dragon Knight Balls! Oh, no! Wendy! I will be fine.

Vernier! They're homing?

Oww Natsu! I don't think so.

There's more where that came from! I ain't gonna let you! So annoying! There are still 2 left! Those are Don't, Natsu-san! They're different than the ones from before! You naive, foolish wizards! And you call yourself dragon hunters?

What the?

He's eating the Dragon Knight Ball's expl*si*n?

! And he's eating my tail! What's with this awful fire?

I ain't never tasted anything that pissed me off more.

That ain't it.

But in the meantime Now that I've eaten, I'm all revved up! What the hell do you think you're doing?

You're one real annoying pest.

Nonsense These are Earthland wizards?

Sure is strong.

It ain't called a "dragon" for nothing.

Give me a break.

This ain't even close to a dragon! Even though he's the king of this land, he doesn't have a single bodyguard.

He's got incredible self-confidence.

I'm fired up! These are Dragon Slayers However, all the more for me What's this?

It's collecting magic power from the air?

It's flowing into that thing?

As long as they're here, I can put my Anima plan into motion once again! For a future of eternal magic power, I will capture these three.

No They are already dangerous weapons.

No imprisonment I'll have to break them into a couple of pieces each.

First, I will rid everyone of the will to fight! With the Black Heavens power Droma Anim has! Go! Did a mosquito just try and bite me?

Natsu-san! Even with the power of Arms, our att*cks won't work! Can you feel this overwhelmingly powerful magic?

It is incredible! Don't kneel before me! Don't plead for your life! I want you to just keep standing there shaking like leaves! Be afraid, Dragon Wizards! I'm sorry, Natsu Prince What is the meaning of this?

You let yourself be done in on purpose before?

In order to save me?

How are your injuries?


It's nothing serious.

You can't! You're just barely able to stand! We have no choice but to leave Droma Anim up to Natsu and the others.

We have something we must do.

Something to do?

My final work.

For that, I'll need your help.

Oh, no! I can hear screams all the way over here! They caught up to them! The Royal Army has And in so many numbers What'll we do?

We must go.

If we don't, then the Exceed are finished! We'll fight, too! Yes.

We'll protect our homeland! I've been waiting for you, Scarlet.

Waiting for me?

! Crap, it was a trap! An ambush?

! Dodge, Legipyon! Legipyon!! Happy! Aye, sir! Those who turn against the King cannot be allowed to live.

I will finish you for good! I'm getting off onto the ground! Holding the both of you up is impossible! Legipyon! I'm sorry, Carla! And would you stop squirming?

! So heavy Even though there's only one of me! Oh yeah, now I'm wondering Where's Erza?

Scarlet! I think it's time we finished this, Knightwalker.

Everyone, dismount to the ground! I'll fight her myself! Yes, ma'am! The old capital of those filthy cats?

A fitting place to make your grave.

I say the same back to you.

Even as you are Erza, you have hurt Fairy Tail far too much.

Even as you are Erza, you have turned against our King.

There's no need for two Erzas.

This fight continues until only one of us remains! Natsu, what does it mean to be alive?

What's this all of a sudden, Happy?

Did you eat something funky?

I'm just like always! Anyway, what's your answer, Natsu?

It's simple, really.

Living is eatin', sleepin' and gettin' into fights! You're actually quite the philosopher, Natsu.

Next time: Those Who Are Alive.

So, what's your answer, Happy?

Catching fish, cooking fish, and eating fish, I suppose.

Pretty much the same things
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