03x86 - Erza vs. Erza

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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03x86 - Erza vs. Erza

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Fairy Tail: Aye, sir! We came to my homeland, Edolas! It's totally different than Earthland, the world we come from In this world, cats have a higher status than humans! Which means I'm more important than you, Natsu! Uh, can we get back to the main gist, Happy?

That's Happy-senpai to you, bub.


There's another Erza-san?

Erza! Gray! Is that Gray Soluge?

No It's the Earthland one! Where are our friends?

Where are the others you turned into a lacrima, huh?

! Erza vs.

Erza! Erza vs.


! You bastard! You aren't going to get away with this! I'm gonna whup you good! That's Natsu's voice! He's near here?

I bet he's up ahead! Wendy should be with him! Gray, go on ahead! Right! Can you stand, Lucy?


How did you get here?

I'll fill you in later.

Let's go! I would have never guessed it would be me who stands in my way.

This is an odd feeling.

I am the Captain of the Second Magic Regiment of the Edolas Royal Army, Erza Knightwalker.

I am Erza Scarlet.

A Fairy Tail Wizard.

Show me just what the Earthland me has got Sylpharion! She's fast! In that case, Soaring Armor! When she changed her armor, her speed increased?

Mel Force! Requip?

No She's changing the shape of her w*apon?

expl*si*n! The form of her armor has changed again Your magic allows you to change the shape of your weapons and armor both?

It looks like the Edolas me can only change her weapons.

Depending on the form of my lance, my physical battle abilities can be raised.

The fundamentals are different, but the end effect is the same as my The Knight.

You'll soon see the true power of my magic lance, Ten Commandments! Come! The lacrima in an open square?

Yeah, that's right.

Seems like that part was basically Erza and I.

No way! But, how did you turn back to normal?

Gajeel showed up.

Alright! I can really go crazy now! Hey, what are you doing?

Stand back! That Mystogan guy's a shady character, but I'll believe 'im just for a bit this time! Pole of the Iron Dragon! Sword of the Iron Dragon! There's more where that came from! What's this?

What the Only two?

Hey, wake up! Pay attention! Ah, you're awake.


What happened?

I'll explain later.

We're beatin' it outta here! You fiend! What have you done?

You won't get away! I can't use magic! What?

I said, I'll explain later.

Roar of the Fire Dragon! Why is it you can use magic?

First, take one of these.


What happened?

Tell us the details! The two of you were turned into a lacrima.

Oh, you're here.

As expected from my Earthland self.

You rescued them splendidly! There are two Gajeels?

! I am the Gajeel from this world.

He's a pretty useful guy.

Look at his face! That's a face that says "I get things done.

" That aside, what do you mean we were turned into lacrima?

That aside?

It means she doesn't give a crap about your face.

All the wizards of Fairy Tail have been turned into lacrima.

They were after your magic power.

I thought the lacrima in the open square was it, but Even though it was so big, it was only you two.

How hella big is the real one?

There was a cut face on that lacrima, yes Now that I think about it, that means it was a section that was cut off.

There's still so much I want to ask, but what were those strange pills?

They're called exballs, and they're said to be a medicine that lets you use magic in this world.

We'll talk about the rest after you take these.

"Said to be?

" I got 'em from Mystogan.

From Mystogan?

I see! Gajeel is also a Dragon Slayer, so Anima didn't work on him either, just like Natsu and Wendy! He wasn't sucked over here, but remained in Earthland?

Then, Mystogan sent Gajeel here.

Why won't he come here himself?

In this world Dragon Slayer Magic can be used for a bunch of things.

It can turn our friends turned into lacrima back to normal! Really?

We know where that lacrima is! Really, Happy?

Aye! Gajeel's running wild in the city right now searching for that giant lacrima! Can you take Gajeel to where the lacrima is?

Gajeel should be able to turn everyone back to normal, right?

To be precise, Natsu and Wendy should also be able to, but they wouldn't know how.

Got it! I'll take Gajeel there! Wait Are you gonna be okay, Happy?

He will be fine.

We've got to go find Natsu and Wendy, too! Yeah! Look, there's a door! The two of them are in there! Natsu! Wendy! You okay?

Hang in there! Wendy! Natsu, wake up! Natsu is unconscious?

So is Wendy! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Wendy! Hey, Natsu! How long are you gonna sleep?

Wake up already, you bum! Hey, Gray Anyway, we'll get them to take exballs.

Open your damn mouth, Natsu! Those are We got them from Gajeel Didn't you get one from Mystogan?

Eat this.

What's that?

Now that you mention it, maybe I do remember him making me It's a medicine that lets you use magic in this world! It is?

Natsu! Good.

Next up is Wendy! Are you okay, Natsu?

G-Gotta stop them, or Stop?

Natsu! Hey, you! Wendy! Wendy! Are you okay?

Carla Everyone Hang in there! We're in trouble Everyone in the guild will be Sorry to keep you waiting, Your Highness.

The extraction is complete, for now.

Excellent work.

The magic power of dragons is indeed magnificent.

With this, it will be a trivial matter to convert that into a w*apon In order to destroy Extalia, the Royal Army intends to crash the giant lacrima into it! They're going to use everyone at Fairy Tail as a giant b*mb! I have been waiting for this time! The magic power of the Exceeds and the lacrima will explode, and fuse And magic power will rain down for eternity on our kingdom! In Edolas, they have floating islands.

I'm sure you all saw some of them, right?

It seems like they float using Extalia's magic power.

It said in the book that they control the balance of magic in this world.

And our friends that have been turned into a lacrima are on one of the islands?

One right next to Extalia, yes Right now, floating above the Royal City where we are, is Extalia and the lacrima.

They'll hit the floating island with Dragon Slayer Magic to accelerate it, and crash it into Extalia.

That's what the Royal Army is planning.

What'll happen?

The magic power of Extalia and Fairy Tail will collide, explode, and fuse They said magic power will rain down on this country for eternity If they do that, then everyone from the guild will be They'll disappear! Someone's coming, damn it! An enemy?

Here they come! What's with you?

! There were two Erzas! What the How the Why?

! Battles of the giant monsters?

! Is it the end of this world?

! Oh, it's Gray! You won't shut up.

You won't calm down Man, you're annoying.

This is the Gray we know, from Earthland.


! A lot of stuff happened and we're here now.

So are Gajeel and Erza.

Happy went to stop the lacrima.

Oh, you're right! Gray-san is here! What, you just noticed now?


Well, we're in a basement, so there's no sunlight on me, I suppose.

I can barely see myself! Hit a sore spot Wait, did you guys come here to save me?

You're safe too, Lucy?

You just noticed me now?

Stupid me I should have said that first thing! Thank you very much! No biggie.

I knew you all would come and save us, Carla! Thank you! Not that I care, but put on some clothes, Gray! Oh! Since when have I Since the beginning.

'Kay, all set! We'll find the king, and stop them from ramming the lacrima! Yeah! Wait! There are two giant monsters out there! This way! You sure it's okay to leave Erza on her own?

This is Erza we're talking about.

But then again, so is her opponent.

Carla, we'll head to Extalia.


We have to tell them to take shelter because the kingdom is going to attack! But we're going to stop that attack, right?

Of course we'll stop it.

We'll never let them do it, no matter what! That's because I believe in Natsu-san and the others.

But we don't know what other kinds of weapons the Royal Army has! We have to warn them of the danger, just in case.

Because that's something we can do! No! I don't want to go back! I don't care what happens to the Exceeds It's not about being human, or being an Exceed As fellow living things, there is something we can do.

The Exceeds are just I'll always be by your side.

You don't have to be afraid.


I understand.

Gajeel! Cat! You're okay?

I'll lead you to where the lacrima is that all our friends were turned into! Hey, wait Don't just grab me! How do you return the people to normal from a lacrima?

You shatter it with Dragon Slayer Magic! That actually works?

I did exactly like Mystogan said, so no complainin'! By the way, Mystogan didn't come?

How should I know?

I-It's big.

It's bigger than I anticipated.

Man, this guild's a real pain in the ass! When I get home, I'm gonna eat my fill of iron! You can do it, Gajeel! Who the hell are you?

! That guy's Captain of the First Magic Regiment of the Royal Army Panther Lily.

This lacrima is completely crucial for this operation.

I will not let you! Wings?

Don't tell me he's an Exceed?

! Stand back, Cat.

Sword of the Iron Dragon! Buster Ma'am! What the heck is with that stupidly giant sword?

This guy Can someone like you defeat me?

Where is this King person?

Well, he's the King, right?

I bet he's someplace real important! And where is a real important place?

How the hell should I know?

I just got here in the castle, and so did you! Sheesh The cell was in a high place, and the middle garden is really complex looking.

It's like a concentric castle city, except something is a little different Common knowledge on Earthland isn't going to help understand Edolas castle construction here at all! What are you talking about, Lucy?

So you're saying, the place's architecture sucks.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was like, an amusement park in the castle somewhere.

There is! What?

There really is an amusement park! Hey You think the king here's right in the head?

Looking at your face, I think you'd get along just fine.

How fun It really is fun.

This, like, crazy fun magic power It's gonna disappear from this world soon, whoa Don't you people understand how we feel?

We are going to get an infinite supply of magic power.

No matter what it takes to get it We're desperate here! We won't let anyone interfere! What's this?

There's an amusement park inside the castle! Whoa, awesome! Does this all move using magic?


But who cares about that right now?

! For now, let's just play to our heart's content, Happy! You've completely forgotten our goal, Natsu Next time: It's Life!!!! And besides, there's a lot of things you ride here.

I-I think I'm gonna hurl Please stop getting queasy just from your imagination
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