03x76 - Gildarts

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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03x76 - Gildarts

Post by bunniefuu »

Lisanna, where are you?

Hey, answer me! Lisanna! Oww Damn it Lisanna! What is it?

Just a dream?

What are you doing making such an insinuating face in someone else's house?

Since you took the bed, I ended up sleeping on the floor! Man, so noisy right when I wake up This, coming from someone who just had a sleepover at my house without permission?

I can't help it, man! I get the best sleep in this bed.

Aye! Then why don't you buy your own?

Well, I'm hungry.


So, what was the dream about?

You woke up from a dream, right?

Right then, let's get some grub! Aye, sir! Don't dodge the question! Gildarts! Looks like both Carla and you, Wendy, have gotten used to the guild.

Yes! She's especially glad about the women's dorm.

By the way, why aren't you in the dorm, Lucy-san?

I only found out about the women's dorm recently.

And it turned out the rent in the dorm is 100,000 jewel If I'd gotten a place there, I wouldn't be able to pay that much lately.

Big news! What is it?

The bells are ringing?

Them ringing like this means Aye! Could it be?

Those bells Here we go! It's him, right?

Gildarts has come back! Aye, sir! Gildarts! Gildarts?

I've never met him.

Who is he?

He's Fairy Tail's strongest wizard.

Wait, even stronger than Erza?

I'm not even in his league.

How dangerous can this guy get?

Not like I care, but what's the celebration about?

It's like a festival, Carla! Definitely one festive guild It's only natural for everyone to celebrate.

It's been about three years since he came back.

Three years?

What was he doing?

There are quests more difficult than S class, called SS class.

But there are jobs even above those, called ten-year quests.

Ten-year quests?

No one has completed them for more than ten years.

That's why they're called ten-year quests.

Gildarts went on one even more difficult, a hundred-year quest.

Hundred-year quest?

No one has managed to complete it for a hundred years?

! Right.

It's Gildarts! Gildarts has returned! Magnolia will now change to Gildarts Shift! Residents, please move to the designated areas! Even so, isn't this going a bit overboard?

I wonder What is Magnolia's "Gildarts Shift"?

You'll know if you look outside.

Whoa! What is this?

The city is splitting! Gildarts uses Crash Magic.

He'll turn anything he touches into bits If his mind wanders, he'll just walk straight through people's houses.

How much of an idiot is he?

So, the entire city was reconstructed with this in mind?

! That's amazing! Isn't it, Carla?


Amazingly stupid.

He's coming! Aye! Gildarts, fight me! Right off the bat with that?

! Welcome back.

So, this person is Gildarts Miss, I was pretty sure there was a guild named Fairy Tail around here This is it.

Oh, and I'm Mirajane.


Oh! You've really changed! And wow, the guild is brand-new! He didn't notice from the outside?

Gildarts! Natsu, is it?

Been a while! I told you to fight me! Maybe another time.

I knew it! He's crazy strong! You ain't changed a bit, Pops.

A Man among Men! There are faces I never seen before Things sure have changed Gildarts! Oh, Master! Long time no see.

How did the job go?

No good.

It's impossible for me.

You've got to be kidding me! The one and only Gildarts failed a quest?

I can't believe it! Even Pops couldn't handle it?

Knowing when to withdraw is also being a Man! Impossible, even for Fairy Tail's strongest wizard?

What in the world is this hundred-year quest?

You aren't ready for a hundred-year quest.

Don't even consider it.

Do I look rarin' to go to you?

I see.

Even you couldn't handle it?

Sorry, this'll be bad for our reputation.

No, I'm just happy you came back safe and sound.

You're the first one I know that's ever come back from this quest alive.

I wanna get some rest, so I'm heading home.

Man, I'm beat Natsu! Come to my place later.

I've brought souvenirs! Now, pardon me.

My, my Use the door, man! I wonder what he brought me?

I can't wait! Don't go copying him! My, my Happy, let's hurry up and go! Hey Are Gildarts and Natsu really that close?

Aye! The difference in their skills are like night and day, but it seems like Gildarts has taken a liking to Natsu.

But Gildarts only comes back once in a while, right?

Aye! He came back right after I was born Still no fish?

I'm gonna catch you a big one soon, so just wait! But we've hardly had any bites Oh, right Lisanna was with us back then.

Hooked one! You can do it! Alright! Tiny Well, it is what it is! Weren't you going to catch me a big one?

I know! You'll get one, just wait! It's like you're the dad getting angry at his son.

Why am I the dad?

I don't want a dad like that! But you see, since I'm your wife, Natsu This again?

I never gave my permission for that! Aw, you're blushing again! It'll be true soon enough! Shut up, you little brat! You're so cute when you're embarrassed! She lllikes you! Stop rolling your tongue like that! Natsu, do you remember your mom or dad's face?

For me, Mira-nee and Elf-nii are so kind, I don't feel lonely.

But I don't know what it's like to feel the warmth of parents Warmth?

You know what it's like, Natsu?

Not sure But I know about Igneel's warmth.


I see Igneel Why did you leave me behind?

I searched all over for you! And yet, you were nowhere to be found I Natsu Now that you mention it, I saw some huge footprints on the outskirts of East Forest.

Whoa, for real?

Yup! Although I can't guarantee it was from a dragon or anything Alright, let's go! Right now! But, the sun will set soon It don't matter! I'll go myself! Tell me where they are! What is it, Natsu?

Okay, I understand.

Let's go together.

All right! I'm gettin' fired up! Hey, I'm scared It'll be fine! Lisanna, are they there?

I was pretty sure it was near here, but There they are! These are footprints?

They're really big! What do you think, Natsu?

I think this is from a forest Vulcan.

Forest Vulcan You mean a Gorian like you fought with that other time?

Yeah Igneel's not just going to show up so close after I searched for him so hard.

I'm sorry My mistake got your hopes up, didn't it?

It's okay, don't worry 'bout it.

Now, let's go home.

Where are you, Igneel?

Natsu, hold up! W-Walk a little slower, would you?

Sorry, my bad It's gotten foggy Natsu, shouldn't we wait for Lisanna?

Lisanna, hurry up! Wait Where'd Lisanna go?

See why I said to wait?

Crap If they find out she got lost, even for a second That's terrible of you, Natsu.

Get ready to cry, 'cause you're in for a beating! You were slacking off! But it's nothing a good beating can't straighten out! Lisanna! Hey! Lisanna! Come here! Hey, answer me, Lisanna! Oww Damn it.

There it is! Long time no see, brat! Looking for this?

Natsu! Lisanna! Let Lisanna go, you dumb ape! No! I picked it up, so it's mine! No returns! Lisanna isn't an object! That's right! Since you're mine, how about you be my wife?

N-No I can't see it I know! This is called "forbidden love"! I'm going to be Natsu's wife, so I can't go out with you.

In that case, I'm really not going to give you back! Say that again, you You bullied me, so I won't give her back! If you insist I return her, then apologize! Why should I do that?

Don't do it, Natsu! What's the matter?

You get down on your knees and I'll give her right back.

Have it your way.

Natsu Sorry, I was wrong back then.

So, give Lisanna back! Natsu No ways! Hey! What are you doing?

You fell for it! Damn you I feel much better now.

Therefore it's time to finish you off! You're a very dangerous monkey.

Gildarts! Who are you?

Get out of here.

Put down the girl, and leave this forest.

Never come back here again.

Right! Apologies! Thank you! What was your name again?

I'm Lisanna.

Right Mira's little sister.

Natsu, are you okay?

Yeah Whoa! A cat's got wings! His name is Happy! Gildarts, I You've matured quite a bit.

Being a wizard isn't just about being strong.

Anyone could see what you did for the sake of your friend today was the right thing.

You should be proud.

Right! Wait So she's not your friend, she's your wife?

No way! Don't be shy! She llllikes you! The fog sure is thick, though It's especially thick during this time of year.

Watch yourself here.

When walking in the thick fog, it's like walking in another world.


In the fog before, when I heard you searching for me, Natsu, it really made me happy.

Hey If I disappear again sometime Will you come and find me, Natsu?

S-Sure Promise me?

Yeah, I promise! Right, Natsu.

How about we play catch tomorrow?

Sure thing! I ain't gonna lose! But why were you wandering around East Forest in the middle of the night?

I told you before, remember?

About Igneel Right.

The red dragon you're looking for.

Lisanna said she found footprints, so we went to search.

It was a misunderstanding, though! Uh?

Sorry But you really want to meet this Igneel fellow, don't you?

Yeah As long as you feel that strongly, you'll meet him one day.

Yeah! Okay, how about we go fishing?

The two of them are like father and son.

Aye! I wonder if he brought me some rare flames from foreign lands or something.

Who knows?

Heya! Pardon the intrusion! Oh, you're here.

It's been a long time since I've been here.

Three years, right?

So, what's the souvenir?

Put that aside for now.

Have things been going well between you and Lisanna?

Embarrassed, are we?

Lisanna died.

Two years ago.


I see So that's why Mira I'm sorry, Natsu.

If that's what you wanna talk about, I'm leaving.

Natsu, hey! Natsu I met a dragon on this job.

I don't think it's the red one that you're searching for.

It was a black dragon.


The holy Mt.


And thanks to it, I failed the job.

And what'll you do?

Isn't it obvious?

I'll ask it where Igneel is.

It's gone.

It flies around the continent, or maybe even the world.

Even so, there might be some clue! Natsu, take a look at this.

It basically all happened in a flash.

My left arm and leg, and my internal organs, too I don't know what kind of guy this Igneel fellow is, but the black one is an enemy of humanity.

Of that, there's no doubt.

Plus A human can't beat it.

The ones who can defeat them are the Dragon Slayers! With my magic, a Black Dragon isn't anything If you really think that, then I won't stop you.

Damn it! Natsu! Happy.

Give Natsu your support.

A human can't beat it.

A dragon might be able to.

And one day, Natsu will There are three Dragon Slayers in our guild Exactly as Poluchka said.

Fate is trying to make its move.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it all! Are you doing well, Igneel?

Dad Where'd Gajeel head off to?

I was thinkin' of fighting him since I had free time.

Please don't get in fights to k*ll time.

Anyway, Natsu The sky looks odd.

Oh, you're right! We might be in for a shower.

I hope that's all we're in for But I've never seen the sky like that! Next time: Earthland.

What else could you mean, more than a shower?

You mean, like a showier shower?

You're thinking is even simpler than a cat's!
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