02x68 - A Guild for One

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x68 - A Guild for One

Post by bunniefuu »

Jellal Fernandez I hereby place you under arrest for the crime of high treason against the state.

Please, wait! A Guild for Only One.

Jellal has lost his memories! He doesn't remember a thing! By clause 13 of the criminal code, that is not a valid defense.

You can release them from the runes now.

But! It's okay.

I have no intention of resisting.

I never was able to remember you I am truly sorry, Wendy She tells me that long ago, she was saved by you.

I see.

I do not know how much suffering I must have caused all of you.

But to hear that I saved someone makes me glad.


Thank you for everything.

I must stop him.

It's for me to stop him.

Jellal is going away Jellal, finally awakened from his long nightmare, is How can I just let him be shut up in the darkness yet again?

Is there nothing left you wish to say?

It's pretty much guaranteed you'll be ex*cuted or given life without parole.

But that's You'll never see another human face again.

No I won't let you take him! You ain't takin' him! Natsu! They're from the Council! Why, you Move it! He's our ally! We're takin' him back with us! Natsu-san L-Leave me be Restrain them! Go, Natsu! Gray?

There's no stopping Natsu now, after all! It don't sit right! He helped defend you from Nirvana! And you don't got even one word of thanks?

! There is truth to that.

It is unjust to arrest a man like that! It pains me to say it, but if that man is taken away, Erza-san will be saddened! Don't blame me if anyone gets hurt! Please! Don't take Jellal with you! Come here, Jellal! You can't leave Erza! You've got to stay by her side! For her! So come here! We stand with you! We're allies, right?

! Arrest them all! For obstructing government officials and aiding in the escape of a criminal! Enough! That's far enough! I apologize for the fuss we've caused.

I will take full responsibility.

Jellal Take him.

Erza! Sit down! Yes, ma'am.

Oh, right It was the color of your hair.

Farewell, Erza.

Where did Erza go?

Let's leave her alone for a little while.

Aye To hear that I saved someone makes me glad.

Jellal Fernandez.

Whoa, that's hard to remember! That name's gonna tie my tongue in knots! Your name, "Wally Buchanan", seems hard to remember, too.

Erza, how about you?

I am Erza.

Just plain Erza.

That's kind of sad What?

It's a pretty scarlet.


I know! Let's name you "Erza Scarlet"! "Name you"?

Don't just go naming other people Scarlet Erza Scarlet Scarlet.

The color of your hair.

That way, I'll never forget.

Jellal That morning's dawn was painted a beautiful scarlet, the likes of which I had never seen before.

Like the color of Erza's hair, it was warm, and passionate If she could only lift her face, a beautiful sky would be spread out before her If she could only lift her face So cute! Oh?

I'm far cuter.

The entire village here is part of the guild, so clothing production is a thriving business! Is it some kind of Nirvit traditional sewing?

Now that I think about it Maybe it is?

You didn't realize that the guild was all descendants of the Nirvit, did you?

Well, I'm the only one who joined afterwards.

Erza, won't you try them on?

They're really cute! Sure You're right.

Speaking of which, Wendy When did Caitshelter join the League of Guilds?

I apologize for being blunt, but until this mission began, I had not even heard your guild's name.

Now that you mention it, neither had I.

Is that so?

My guild must really be one of the more obscure ones Who cares?

Everyone is waiting Fairy Tail Blue Pegasus Lamia Scale Also, Wendy and Carla.

You have done well in defeating Oracion Seis and stopping Nirvana.

As a representative for the local League of Guilds, I, Robaul, say job well done.

Thank you.

Nabula! Thank you! It was our pleasure, Master Robaul! The fight with Oracion Seis was one fierce battle after the next! There was not a single easy battle! But the bonds between us allies led us on the path to victory! You said it, Sensei! Men.

Oh sure, just take all the good parts for yourself.


Did he even fight anyone?

It's finally over You two did well yourself! Jura-san You're supposed to throw a party now, right?

Aye, sir! Ichiya will join in! A party?

And off go the clothes! You, too! Now Everyone from Caitshelter, join in! Everyone I am truly sorry about hiding our legacy as Nirvit.

You ruined the mood to say that?

We really don't mind at all.


Right! Master, I don't mind either.

Everyone, please listen carefully to what I am about to say.

To start, we are not the descendants of the Nirvit.

We are the Nirvit themselves! What?

No way! w*r that was raging across the world, I created Nirvana, a magic that inverts light and darkness.

Nirvana became our country, and, for a time, we realized peace.

However Great power will, without fail, give rise to a great power opposing it.

As much as Nirvana changed darkness for light, Nirvana itself became wrapped in darkness.

It was to maintain balance.

It was impossible to change people's personalities to light without limit.

As light rises to oppose the darkness, so does darkness rise to oppose the light, without fail.

Now that you mention it The darkness lost from the various peoples came back upon us Nirvit.

No It was hell.

We k*lled each other Until no one was left.

I am the only survivor.

Well, at this point, that's not exactly right.

My physical body has long perished I am what you might call a spectral form now.

Or rather, a weak ghost trying to atone for his sins of the past.

I watched over Nirvana for 400 years until someone appeared who would be able to destroy it.

And now my role is finally over.

W-What are you saying?

What is this?


All of you! Magna! Pepel! What's going on here?

They're all disappearing! No! Everyone! I don't want you to disappear! I apologize for deceiving you All the members of the guild are illusions created by me.

Say what?

! Illusions with their own personalities?

What incredible magic power! I lived alone in these ruins, protecting Nirvana.

Please, take care of this girl! I couldn't turn down the request of that boy and his fierce, honest eyes.

Even though I had promised myself I would stay alone Mister, where am I?

T-This is Jellal?

He said he was taking me to a guild T-This is a guild! This is a Wizard's Guild! Really?

Nabula! Try going outside! You have friends waiting for you.

And so I also created an illusory family.

The guild was created all for Wendy?

I don't wanna hear that! Bask, Naoki, don't you disappear too! Wendy, Carla You no longer need a foster family.

Don't you have real friends now?

Your future has only just begun.

Master! Everyone, truly, thank you.

I leave Wendy and Carla in your hands.

Master! Bury the pain of losing your loved ones into the arms of your friends.


To Fairy Tail.

It feels like it's been a while since we've been back to the guild.

No kidding! We can finally take it easy! Actually, it doesn't look like we can.

I heard there's a person that saw a dragon! Seriously?

! Could that dragon be Igneel?

Maybe it's the Dragon that Wendy and Carla are looking for! Next time: Call of the Dragon.

Oh yeah What was the name of the dragon they were looking for again?

I'm pretty sure it's "Wendine".

Uh, I think you're mixed up.
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