02x66 - The Power of Feelings

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x66 - The Power of Feelings

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Fairy Tail: Nirvana was fired toward Caitshelter, but thanks to the magic bombs from Christina, it barely missed! The Tri-mens, Lyon, and Sherry managed to make Christina fly with what little magic power they had left, but Christina is crashing! Nirvana has been sealed since long, long ago.

It is an ultra-inversion magic which replaces darkness and light.

The seal was broken deep inside the Worth Woodsea by the Dark Guild, Oracion Seis, who wished to gain Nirvana for themselves.

In order to prevent that, an alliance of official guilds was formed.

From Fairy Tail: Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza.

From Blue Pegasus: Hibiki, Ren, Eve, and Ichiya.

From Lamia Scale: Lyon, Sherry, and Jura.

And from Caitshelter, Wendy also participated.

Plus Jellal, who should have sunk into the sea together with the Tower of Heaven, also joined the fray.

After many fierce battles, Oracion Seis was finally defeated, but with the appearance of Master Zero, Natsu and the others are facing their greatest crisis! One! Two! I'll go to three! I just hope Zero's not there! I will head to four.

My parfum tells me that it is the closest one to me.

The map is what told you.

Was it really necessary to correct me?

I'll take five.

You're six.

The Power of Feelings! Damn, this tunnel is long.

Finally, I'm here Lacrima number two.

So I gotta destroy this thing, then.

Doesn't look like Master Zero's here.

So that means someone else has to fight him.

This is lacrima number one.

Jellal I see So, your memories have returned?


You bastard Jellal! Natsu Fire ain't gonna work on me! I know.

I remember.

You're Natsu Our only hope.


! Huh?

The Fire Dragon Slayer.

Your magic power increases from the power of flames.

Power of flames?

You Doesn't seem like your memories have totally returned at all.

It's as I said I remembered Natsu, that is all.

I will stop Nirvana.

What I am trying to do has not changed, Zero.

What do you mean, memories?

I do not have any memories prior to waking up in this land.

I know I was the worst kind of human trash But I'm not aware of it myself.

All I know is it seems I caused you and Erza some great injury But now, I wish to protect Wendy's guild.

I wish to stop Nirvana.

I wish to be of help to all of you! Like hell you do! Are you sayin' you forgot all that?

You can't get away with pretending to be my ally! Please, Natsu Accept this flame! Well, I didn't forget.

I'll never forget Erza's tears! You You You made Erza cry! Sheesh If you're going to squabble amongst yourselves, can you please do it elsewhere?

It's annoying! You If you want to do me in, you can do it anytime.

I'm already on my last legs Now The power to defeat that guy Golden flames And this is the passage to the third lacrima.

You should rest a little, Lucy No! I won't make it then But You can barely walk.

Are you okay?

What are you talking about?

I can walk just fine But Even if I'm not so okay I can't go saying that now! Men, men, men The passage to the fourth lacrima I must hurry, no matter what happens to this body of mine! I am Ichiya, of Blue Pegasus! I will fulfill my duty to the end! The fifth lacrima.

Master Zero is not here.

As I thought, he's at lacrima number one, which Natsu headed towards.

Natsu This is the flame of guilt.

The passage to the sixth lacrima Thank you, Carla I hope Jellal is okay Don't worry about others, worry about yourself! Can you really do this, Wendy?

Yeah! This is something I have to do! Jellal, do you feel okay?

You can use Healing Magic, yes?

Can you recover Natsu's magic power during his fight with Natsu?

Well, I What's this crazy talk?

Do you have any idea how many times she's used Healing Magic today already?

Any more is impossible! You know that she's actually I see.

Then, I will handle Natsu's recovery.

I remember the unfathomable power he has The power of hope.

You go destroy the sixth lacrima in my stead.

But I I know you can do it.

Dragon Slayer magic was designed to be an overwhelming offensive magic for battling dragons.

Air Or rather, the sky Eat the heavens themselves.

The power of a dragon sleeps within you.

The heavens?

The power of a dragon is within me This is to protect my guild! Please, Grandine! Lend me the power! Wendy The flame of guilt?

I don't need you to forgive me I just want you to receive this power I believe in you.

I believe in the man that Erza believes in I'm counting on you.

Thanks for the meal.

Don't worry, I've gotten your power, Jellal.

The flame of guilt?

By eating that, you take on the same sin I'm used to that.

For a Fairy Tail wizard, the true sin is averting one's eyes, and no longer being able to believe in anyone! This power T-That light Dragon Force! This lacrima isn't just big, it's also damn hard! I can sense a ton of magic power! The lacrima is near.

This parfum reeks of danger.

I am close.


The time is near.

Natsu, I believe in you.

Wendy, concentrate! Yeah.

I know.

Natsu-san This power is similar to when I ate Etherion Whoa It's like my power's doubled, or even tripled Dragon Force.

The final form of Dragon Slayer Magic.

Its magic power is said to rival that of a dragon's, capable of annihilating anything.

Annihilation! Interesting! With this, I can win! Come at me with the power of a dragon! Here I come! I made it The third lacrima Lucy, hang in there I knew it wasn't the time to show off, but I wasn't able to say I couldn't do it! Lucy?

I'm completely out of magic power.

Even so, I want to protect Wendy's guild! I don't want to get down on myself! That's why I'm going to keep going, until the bitter end! Lucy! I can't fall! Not in a place like this! Wendy I have to do my best.

For Caitshelter For Jellal, who believed in me And for all my other friends, too! Dark Gravity! Come on now You can do better than that.

Natsu That was close Zero Slash! Dark Delete! No I can't pass out yet! Hibiki, Ren, Eve Give me the power! Natsu.

Is that all there is to the power of a dragon?

Dragons ruled in ancient times with this paltry amount of power?

! W-What are you going to do, Lucy?

I don't know! I don't know, but maybe if I throw myself against it I have to destroy it! I won't give up! I won't give, up no matter what! Sometimes, it's that feeling that can give you the power.

We were listening back then.

We heard your feelings.

Gemini Why are you here?

We can copy your body and abilities.

We'll become your will! We just need to destroy this thing in about three minutes, right?

Thank you! Men Men I will show you my power parfum! More power The power of the heavens I am the master of Oracion Seis, Zero! I'm on a whole other level than a mere foot soldier from some guild.

There's no way trash like you could handle me alone! I'm not alone.

I can hear them I can hear them I can hear everyone's voices I can sense everyone's feelings I'm not alone Everyone's feelings They support me They are what give me the will to stand and fight.

Guess it's about time.

Okay, here we go! The Gate of the Golden Bull is good, right?

Yes, please! Now is the time to show everyone the true power of Ichiya, of Blue Pegasus! Requip! Power Power is welling up from within me Wendy The power The power of my friends flows throughout my body! Dragon Force It will be a shame to crush it to smithereens, but Enough.

It's been fun.

I will give you true nothingness.

My greatest magic Secret Dragon Slayer Art: Blazing expl*sive Flame Edge! Genesis Zero! Vanish into the great nothingness! I wonder if there's a dragon walking around somewhere, that's just fallen through the cracks Like a dragon would fall through a crack! If I had a dragon, I'd be able to train with my Dragon Slayer Magic whenever I wanted! Natsu! What do you want with a dragon when you have me?

Why do you look like you just said something cool?

Next time: I'm with you! I mean, there's no way you could do it! If I feel like it, I can go toe-to-toe with any dragon! More like, toe-to-head.
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