05x137 - That Which Exceeds Calculation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x137 - That Which Exceeds Calculation

Post by bunniefuu »

So you're here for the clock piece too?!

I don't believe we've properly met.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Samuel.

You're the Exceed Natsu
and the others mentioned!

Indeed. I'm known as the
brains of the Legion Platoon.

Toward the beginning sky...
Toward the shining light...

There's nothing to fear... Because I'm here...

Even if you've fallen to your knees
over and over, had your pride spoiled,

and garnered nothing but doubt,
don't shut your eyes just yet

There's no way to assess the
possibilities right here and now

When your tears turn to rain,
I want you to realize that

Rather than abandon your frustration

taking it with you has a meaning of its own

So even if you can't grab hold
of everything you wish for

take hold of the one thing you can't give up

Let's go welcome the beginning sky

looking straight ahead

When you feel the wind at your back,
all your troubles will surely go away

When I look across the way,
I see that usual smile

so don't bottle everything up inside

If we're patient, we'll find
the answer as we go along

I'm sure of it

This is the clock part?

It's way bigger than I expected!

I need to obtain it myself somehow...


--You still wanna fight?!
--No, you win.

I admit total defeat, yeah.

Could you tell us what the
Legion Platoon's goal is then?

Yeah! Like who you are and why
you're gathering the clock parts!

I'd like an actual explanation!

All right, yeah!

I'll accept defeat gracefully

and explain in full, unadulterated detail, yeah!

So, who am I and what is my goal?

Here's my explanation, yeah!

Why a picture-card show?

"Defying Calculation"

"Defying Calculation"
Defying Calculation.

I, Dan Straight, was born in the city of Cedar.

There existed there a
dependable band of knights

that protected the town and its church, yeah.

My own family came from a long
line of these knights, yeah.

As a successor to this family line,
I lived a happy, pampered childhood.

But the tranquil days did not last long, yeah.

At one point, a civil w*r erupted
and split the city in two, yeah!

Wow, that's a surprisingly
intense past you have...

So I take it your family was
dragged into the fighting

and had to struggle to survive?


The fighting ended in half a day,
so we didn't suffer even a scratch, yeah!

And everyone else reconciled right away, too!

So fast!

Sounds more like a quarrel than a civil w*r!

However, I haven't gotten
to the real issue, yeah!

At the time, I was head over
heels for my first love,

a beautiful girl who went to my school, yeah.

However, after the fighting ended,
I couldn't find her anywhere!

She went missing?

It sounds like she might've
been caught in the fighting...

...and possibly lost her life...!

This girl also looked a little like Loopyloo.

This is so sad!

And that's why you fell for Lucy at first sight?

There's no telling what kind of circumstances
someone has unless you ask, huh?

So, what happened to this girl of yours?

The next day...

...I found her perfectly okay, yeah!

Oh, geez.

My daily marriage proposals and
whispers of sweet nothings in her ear

apparently brought her so much
happiness that it frightened her, yeah.

She must've thought she
wasn't worthy of my love, yeah.

Her grace was truly charming, yeah.

I can't help but think that the story
and the pictures don't quite match...

It's obvious she can't stand him.

Ultimately, she rejected my proposal

and I cried my eyes out for
three days and three nights.

I then set out on a sentimental
journey to soothe my sorrow, yeah.

During my aimless travels, I crossed
paths with many different girls...

They're all different types, all right.

So you aren't out to find someone
who looks like your first love?

Oh, no, it isn't like that at all.

To be frank, pretty much
any ol' girl will do, yeah!

Somehow, that really irks me!

However, due to unavoidable circumstances,

I was always forced to part
ways with every girl I met.

Love and peace...

These are things knights
are forbidden to have, yeah.

The story and pictures don't match again!

They actually all dumped him.

You know, it makes me wonder
who drew these pictures!

Hughes, Sugarboy, and the others drew them,

based on my journal and old photos, yeah.

Some guesswork was involved, so some
parts might not be entirely accurate.

I'm pretty sure the pictures are
more accurate than your story.

At some point, I eventually
joined the Legion Platoon

and am now gathering the clock
pieces at Lord Byro's behest, yeah.

So that's who I am and what my goal is!

The end, yeah!

Uhh... We want to know about
the Legion Platoon and its goal!

Can't tell you the Legion
Platoon's secrets, yeah.

Lord Byro would punish me if I did that, yeah!

Then what was the point
of that story just now?!

It didn't seem all that relevent, either!

Why, so that you could learn
more about me, of course!

Now, let's get married, Loopyloo!


I dunno if I can put up with any more of this...

What we do, Big Brother Natsu?

We won't get anywhere if we keep
messing around with this wacko.

But we can't really leave, either;

we're supposed to meet up with
the rest of the guild members here.

--Guess we'll just have to relax here.
--Don't relax! Help me!


One of the Legion Platoon members
seems to have disappeared...

Coco's gone! I hope she hasn't
gotten herself hurt again!

My guess is that she ran away!

Who cares about her, anyway? She's our enemy.

Even if she is, I think she's a kind
and thoughtful girl deep down.

Just like me, yeah!

You stay away!

I'd like to avoid hurting her, if possible...

What are you saying, Coco?!

You're a member of the Legion Platoon!

You need to accomplish your mission!

If you wanna fight, then bring it on, Sammy!

Please refrain from abbreviating my name.

My name is Samuel.

I'll handle this.

You guys hurry and find the clock piece.

Pantherlily... A senior Exceed, yes?

That essentially makes you
like an older brother to me.

You are unfit to be my brother!

Now, don't be so coldhearted.

As fellow Exceeds, let us be friends...


Are you trying to irritate me, Sammy?!

Gajeel! Let's hurry and dig up
the clock part like Lily says!


Don't blame me if you lose!

I know all about you.

Despite being an Exceed, you sided with humans

and ended up in all sorts of trouble, I hear.

What I did was based on personal convictions!

I don't consider it a mistake!

That's quite an injurious
temperament you have.

You'd gain much from being craftier, like me.

Sorry, but I've never been one to
think in terms of gains and losses.

I see, Brother. It would appear...

...that we can never get along, Sammy!

That's more like it.

Have at you!

I'm more than just smart!

Allow me to demonstrate!

What the heck?

These are some weird-faced ruins!

Stop running away! Face me like a man!

Only an imbecile would attack head-on!

A more intelligent fighter considers
strategy, methodology, and outcomes first!

The Legion Platoon has endured training
far more intense than you can imagine

to be able to cope with any possible situation!


Precisely as I calculated!

I impress myself!

According to my calculations,
he should've landed around here.

Right here, Sammy!

You're quite stubborn indeed, Brother!

I won't fall for the same tricks twice!

The others will reach the
clock part any moment now.

Victory is impossible for you!

I wouldn't be so sure.

These ruins do house a variety of traps.


What's the deal?

I don't see any clock parts at all...


Hey. Something's written here.

Let me think...

"I'm hungry..." is what it says.


I'm wondering...

Maybe this is a clock face?

Which means...

...it should point at "snack time" or something?

That's it!

So we just gotta move it, huh?

I told you! I'm more than just smart!

I'm fully versed in these sorts of
martial arts and combat techniques!

Gajeel! Be careful!

We've finally found it!

It's an actual clock face.

What are you doing?!

Seems to be made of iron.

Couldn't you check some other way?

There's some writing here.

--I'll try deciphering it.
--Screw that carefree approach!

No! Wait!

Here's what it says!

"Warning! He who takes this shall
face the wrath of the rock guardian!"

See! I told you to wait! You careless blunderer!

This is my fault?!

It obviously is!

This is no time to be arguing!

It appears the traps have been sprung.

Precisely as I calculated!

Curse you!

So that's why you've
drawn me away from them!

You're powerful and you can fly!

It's important that I take all
threats out of the picture.

It looks like that red part
on its head is controlling it!

Which means that's its weak spot!

All right! It's time for Shadow
Gear's teamwork to shine!

First, we immobilize it!

Solid Script!


Now it's my turn!

Chain Plant!

Now I'll finish it!

High Speed!

See that? That's Shadow Gear's teamwork!

Not too shabby.

--I got ya!

Are you okay?

Ack! I'm all covered in oil!

Here it comes!

Let's try that again!



My High Speed is useless like this...

Then I'll do it!

I knew I should've gone on a diet...

I guess that leaves just me!

You're in the way! Move!

Listen, now! That's no way to talk to--

Impressive, Brother!

Likewise! Are you sure you were
an Exceed sent to Earth Land?!

I was! Just as your comrades
Happy and Charle were!

Then why have you sided
with the Legion Platoon?!

Have you no care for those
who share your circumstances?!

Zentopia took me in and raised
me shortly after I was born.

Lord Byro looked after me, as well!

Repaying that favor to the Legion Platoon

is far more important to me
than the Exceeds or Edolas!

Almost there!


Gotta get up to its head somehow!


Entirely as calculated!

I will defeat you, Brother!

And it will take care of your friends!

And after that, I'll simply take
the clock piece at my leisure!

Crap! I'm hungry and out of strength!

I know! If I eat this...!

Are you crazy?! You know that's not an option!

Don't be so serious! It was a joke!

It doesn't sound like one, coming from you!

Run! It wants the clock face back!

In that case...

...you hold on to it!

What's the big idea?!

Go, Gajeel!


Dragon Slayer Secret Art!

Karmic Demon...

...Iron God Sword!

We've taken care of business here!
Now it's your turn to finish up!

This is impossible! Inconceivable!

There's someone who eludes my calculations?!

Without a clear plan,
I have no idea what to do!

Incalculable! Incalculable!

A fight is a dynamic thing.

You must be able to react and
adapt to anything that happens.

It looks you still got a lot
of learning to do, Sammy.

Do not call me that!

You've left yourself wide open!

You seem to have some skills.

Challenge me again sometime.

I'll take you on anytime you'd like.

I admit my defeat.

I now realize there are some people
in the world who defy calculation.

So you've realized your own inexperience?

What I'm saying is that I didn't
calculate enough before our fight!

I lost today, but next time I'll
calculate in even greater detail

and show you musclebrains who's boss, Brother!

Yes! I need to log every
detail of this latest fight!

Who are you calling a musclebrain?!

I guess Exceeds come in all types too...

"Brother", huh?

I am not his brother!

Look, Big Sis! The lake...!

It looks like Lisanna found something.

Good work, Lisanna!

I've been feeling a bit unimportant lately,
so I hope this helps me stand out.

What's that supposed to mean?

Okay! Let's get the clock piece
and return to the guild!


What are you throwing it for?!


Nice work!

Like, I have the clock piece thanks to you,
and I didn't even work up a sweat!


Mary Hughes of the Legion Platoon!

You followed us?!

That's right.

I figured it was, like, totally easier

to let you find the clock
part and then steal it!

I'm so smart!

Although, it was technically Samuel's idea.

You again?!

Give the part back!

Oh no!

There's, like, nothing you can do.

As long as I have this baton,
you're totally all my puppets!

Man, they're still at it...

I'm starting to get hungry.

Don't you ever give up?!

It's because you're my destiny, yeah!

Destiny, my eye!
You just said any girl would do!

I got a simple question for you...

If anyone will do, then
what about Michelle here?


She's pretty, but I like my girls
to have more life to 'em.

Yeah, Lucy is more of a tomboy!

What a casual insult!

Shall I punish him, Princess?

--Virgo! Why are you here?!
--Loopy! Wait up!

You seemed to be at a loss,
so I thought I could be of help.


She's actually a princess of some place?!

Ah! That's why she's so pretty!

What would you like me to do, Princess?

Uhh, I don't really have
anything for you to do...

That's a maid outfit!

In that case, I'd like you to prepare a meal

that will kindle the love she and I share, yeah!

I'm not ready to prepare a meal, I'm afraid,
but I can perform an enjoyable dance!

Not that again!

And, actually, you don't have to listen to Dan!

Oh! What a lovely dance, yeah!

It reminds me of my
hometown's traditional dance!

This is the first time I've
been praised for this dance.

--They have the same taste in stuff?!
--They are both a little strange...

It appears I've been helpful, so I'll go now.

Call for me again anytime.

What did you even show up for?!

Dear me.

I come to check on your
progress, and what do I see?

That voice! Lord Byro!

That octo-jerk?!

You seem to be having difficulty, Dan... Coco...

Our deepest apologies, Lord Byro!

I'm ashamed to admit that I temporarily
lost sight of our objective, yeah!

However, this holy ground is also where I met

the girl of my destiny--

Divine punishment?

You two will fall back and
reflect on your worthlessness.


Mr. Jude's...!

That clock hand belongs to Lucy, octo-geezer!

Give it back or I'll beat you senseless!

Yeah! Yeah!

As you wish. Give me your best shot.

Our cold, lifeless world

was made from the outline of a glittery time

A decayed metropolis

No relief to feel

This is what you wished for

Overflowing grayness

This is a utopia?

Let's take everything that's wanted

Let's give everything that's wanted

As we live and obey the unseen voice

lurking within our unconscious minds

What's with these guys?!

All they talk about is holy
wars and other crazy stuff!

Sounds like they got various
circumstances of their own.

Whatever! Just let me at 'em already!

Let's just hope they're all
as simpleminded as you!

Is it me, or does that not sound very nice?

Nope, I didn't mean it to be.

"Next Episode: The Course of the Holy w*r"
Next Episode: The Course of the Holy w*r.

I didn't say anything that weird, though.

I'm spiteful that I haven't
had a big role lately.
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