02x63 - Your Words

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x63 - Your Words

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

We finally defeated Brain,
the leader of the Oración Seis!

Ol' Jura's crazy strong!

But Nirvana is still moving!
And we don't know how to make it stop!

What do we do?!

We never give up. Hope always binds us!

Even if you regret yesterday, the damage is done

If you simply let yourself flow with the sound

it'll lighten your mood too

Even now you can almost fly, y'know?

Like the mountain climber's response,
"Because the mountain is there."

the answer is actually simple

Everyone is a traveler on a continual challenge

See, even the rain is energizing

So let's put on a smile and dance the night away

Our compass points to the sun

If we follow it, we'll be free

So let's launch fireworks together, in harmony

The sun will set again and again

There's no guarantee that
tomorrow's weather will be fair

but we'll ride out even the roughest of waves

The fated paradise is right here, right now

This is Wendy and Charle's
wizard guild, Cait Shelter.

Everyone! Terrible news!

It's Nirvana... It's headed straight for us!

--The joint operation failed?!

Even with Jura and Erza on the team?!




Don't pour if you're gonna chug from the bottle!

--Nirvana is headed here, you know!

What?! Truly?!

Wait until you've swallowed to talk!

So Nirvana is on its way here...

Is this fate or sheer coincidence, Nabura?

I hope Wendy's all right...

Yeah. There's nothing much we can do to help...

--Worry not...
--Drink right, will ya?!

The magic of light is alive and well.

Nabura! Brightly, it shines!

Still, this can't just be coincidence, huh?

Someone knows who we really are!

That's why they're coming for us...


We both go way back, yet I still
don't know what "Nabura" means.

Master! We should evacuate!

Barriers aren't enough to fend off Nirvana!

Insolent fools!

There are people Nabura fighting to stop it!

There is no need to take action
if you have faith they will prevail!

Or so I'd like to say.

Perhaps the time has come...

...for us to atone for our transgressions.

"Your Words"

"Your Words"
Your Words.

Talking about stopping it is one thing,
but we don't actually know how to do it.

Could we destroy it?

That line of thinking again?

And just how do we
demolish something this big?!

It seems asking Brain
would be the quickest option.

Will he tell us just like that, though?

Maybe Jellal could...

Did you say something?

Something the matter?

No, it's nothing.

I think I have an idea. I'm going to take a look.

--Wendy! Wait!


--I wonder what got into her...

Can you hear me, everyone?

It is I, Hoteye.

--Mass telepathy?!
--Who is this?!

Sir Richard! Are you all right?!

Unfortunately, I am not, yes.

I was no match for Midnight after all.

Please work together to defeat him.

If you defeat him, Nirvana's
supply of magic power will cease

and this city should come to a halt.

Who is this?!

So it runs on body link magic, huh?

He is directly below the Royal Throne.

Please be careful. He is very, very powerful!

Sir Richard...

Directly below us?!

Okay! We have some hope now!

Someone tough, huh?

Now I'm all fired up!

Our goal is to stop it, Natsu.

Okay! Let's go!

Only one of the six prayers now remains.

I believe in you!

You must defeat him and stop Nirvana, yes!


Sir Richard!

My defeat won't be for naught...

It won't be...


All right!

Come out, you napping freak!

It's a trap!

What was that expl*si*n?!

It was near the Royal Throne.

Father isn't very nice at all.

He took away what I was so looking forward to.

You're the last prey remaining.

I do hope you'll amuse me.

Stand back, Erza.


Damn... That hurt...

Are we alive?!


What's going on?

We were hit by such a huge expl*si*n...

We've been buried?!

N-No! This is...!


He protected us!


You kids... sure have lots of spirit...

I'm glad... you're all right...

--Stay with us!


Damn it!

It is headed for Cait Shelter!

I'm sorry, Wendy, but I can't fly any more!

Okay! I'm sorry, Charle!

Let's look for Jellal on foot.

You do have a strong sense of smell and all.

Still, this Jellal smells a little
different from the one I know...

A-At any rate, we have to find him!

He might be able to stop this thing, right?!


Please be all right, Jellal.

You seem to have forgotten about me...

...but I've never once forgotten
about you, not even for a single day.

It didn't hit him...

Stop, Jellal! You're in no condition for this!

Let me!


How pathetic.

This is the same Jellal?

Pitiful dunce.

Did you lose your memory and forget
how to use magic, my dear Jellal?

To think Jellal could be so easily defeated...!


Still alive, are you?


The self-destruction magic
circle he placed on himself

used up far more of his
magic power than expected...

Actually, I'd love to see your face
tremble with terror even more.

Time for the main dish already, Erza Scarlet?

--My sword flash curved away?!
--Erza! Get away!

He's serious trouble!




I see.

So it's that type of magic.

Yes. My Reflector can bend and warp anything.

It can reflect magic spells

and it can even skew light to create illusions.

Such magic...!

Have at you!

Did you not just hear me?

Magic can't hit me.

--Oh, man! He's really hurt!
--Don't you dare die, Pops!

It was a trap...

My, my...

Accursed Brain...

He used up his power, yet only
succeeded in taking one of you out...

Who's there?!



He's a disgrace to the six demons...

Still, we are not defeated
as long as Midnight still stands.

Perhaps I shall dispose of you lot myself.



The cane can talk!

You talk too, you know.
Even though you're a cat.


That's the scepter Brain was carrying!

What's going on?!

Take this! Take this! Take this...!

H-Hold on! We don't even know who it is!

Stop this giant city, you rotten stick!

R-Rotten stick?! How rude!

Just "stick" would've been acceptable,
but what do you mean by "rotten"?!

I am the seventh of the Oración Seis.

I've woken from my sleep to eliminate you--

--Just stop this thing!
--Wh-What are--?! Listen, you!

Huh? Aren't there are only
six members in the Oración Seis?

Professor Happy's Fairy Tail Course!

Yes! There are six members--
also known as six demon generals!

And these six demon generals
are called the Oración Seis!

Huh? That's strange...

Right?! There should only be six,
so why is there a seventh?

Umm, are we just gonna ignore
the fact that this is a cane talking?

It's tough having so many
ways to nitpick something...


You violent little imp...

Their guild should be coming
into view anytime now.

And then we can begin taking out the trash.

Do you mean Cait Shelter?!


It's the very first one
that needs to be destroyed.

Dance, my swords!

You think sheer numbers will let you hit me?

I told you before. I can bounce att*cks back.



Give a more painful look for me!

There's nothing better than that look.



Spiral Pain!


Finished already?

He's powerful...

Don't die on me yet, Erza.

I need you to entertain me
until we reach Cait Shelter.

Cait Shelter?

Our first destination.

Why them?

Long ago...

...a tribe of people created
Nirvana to put an end to w*r.

The Nirvits.

But Nirvana turned out to be far
more dangerous than they imagined.

So they sealed away the magic
that they, themselves, had created.

Fearing that it would be used for evil,

they've kept watch over the
seal for decades... for centuries.

And there's a guild comprised
solely of those Nirvits' descendants...

...Cait Shelter.

They possess the power
to seal Nirvana once more.

So they must be destroyed.

It'd be a waste to put this great
power to sleep, don't you think?!

This power can throw the world into chaos!

This will also serve to set an example.

The Nirvits liked to stay neutral,
but this will make them go to w*r.

We're going to use the power of
Nirvana to turn their hearts dark

and have them slaughter each other!

Doesn't that sound thrilling?!


Quit pretending to be good, Jellal.

You are...

You are the very embodiment of darkness.

You're a foul, dreadful, and vile man...

Y-You're wrong!

I'm not wrong.

You forced children to work for you...

...you m*rder*d your friend...

...and you even tried to k*ll Erza.

Do you have any idea how many
people you have brought sorrow to?

Do you have any idea how many
people have trembled in fear of you

and shed tears because of you?


Join us.


You are fit to be a new
member of the six demons.


I know the light inside Jellal.


Oh? You can still stand?

Live, and see what the future holds for you now.

Your words are the light that gives me courage.

The rumors about you really are true, Erza.

Destroying you will be a treat.

I will put an end to your outlandish aims!

I swear it!

I think about you always

Even on days we can't meet Everytime I feel

Ah the warm palms of your hands

wrapped around my Heart & Soul

I've never left, I'm right here

Every time I stumble upon your casual gentleness

it makes me want to embrace all of you

I Will - Be As One - I want to protect you

Stay With Me I love you Yes You my beloved

I'll express my overflowing
feelings without hiding them

That we met just once is a miracle

Like the stars coming together and shining as one

Like raindrops eventually pouring into the ocean

Let's join together, I love everything about you

Of course the strongest guy only
shows up now, after we're all beat up...

It feels like we're right back where we started.

Our earlier fights weren't for nothing, though.

Plus, it'll all be over for sure once we beat him!

You're always thinking on
the carefree side, huh, Natsu?

You mean "positive side"!

"Next Episode: Zero"
Next Episode: Zero.

--But, yeah, you're right, Natsu.
--Yeah, huh?!

That was pretty kickass stuff
I just said, huh?! Right?! Right?!
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