02x61 - Super Aerial Battle: Natsu vs. Cobra!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x61 - Super Aerial Battle: Natsu vs. Cobra!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Oh, no! Nirvana has been set into motion!

Plus Natsu and I got stuck with matching outfits!

I can hear you...

Natsu is bad at riding vehicles
so he can't stand on it!

I can hear you...

Urgh! I'll stop you somehow!

I can hear you!

Even if you regret yesterday, the damage is done

If you simply let yourself flow with the sound

it'll lighten your mood too

Even now you can almost fly, y'know?

Like the mountain climber's response,
"Because the mountain is there."

the answer is actually simple

Everyone is a traveler on a continual challenge

See, even the rain is energizing

So let's put on a smile and dance the night away

Our compass points to the sun

If we follow it, we'll be free

So let's launch fireworks together, in harmony

The sun will set again and again

There's no guarantee that
tomorrow's weather will be fair

but we'll ride out even the roughest of waves

The fated paradise is right here, right now

Huh?! Look, Natsu!


That magic circle is back to normal!

I thought it had vanished after that last attack.

Guess that means we'll have to
take out that important-lookin' guy.

I can hear you, you know.

I won't let you do that.

Damn! This guy's a pest!

We're no slackers in the
teamwork department either!

Cobra. Eliminate them.

Sure thing.

They'll make the perfect feast for Cuberos.

I'm not food!

Bring it on!

"Super Aerial Battle! Natsu vs. Cobra"
Super Aerial Battle! Natsu vs. Cobra.





Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!

You missed?!

Nope! I'm just gettin' started!

Y-You gotta be kidding me!

You didn't even hit him once, Natsu!

After all that, you'd think
at least one woulda hit him...

I'm not sure that's how it works...

I told you before. You can't hit me.

I can hear your movements.

Oh, really?

So what if you can hear--?!

Natsu! Pull yourself together!


--Aye, Sir!

That was close! Nice one, Happy!

Where'd he go?!

Run! Run!

It makes the hunt all the more fun!

Damn! Actin' all cocky...!

I just bet all the girls hate him!

Wait, Happy!



Let's hide there...

...and surprise-attack him!


Don't make a peep now, Happy!


Here he comes!




He's not there.


I can hear you!


So, you say girls don't like me, huh?

You heard that too?!


What is this place?

It definitely looks like a city...

Just what kind of magic is this?

With gigantic legs and these ruins...

It looks like a really old city.

That is correct, yes!

This is the mystical city of Nirvana!

Your presence here is all the more reassuring!

--The guy from Lyon's group!
--And one of the Oración Seis?!


Fear not. He's an ally now.


Love makes the world go 'round, yes!

Love makes the world go 'round, yes!

No way!

Didn't he used to talk non-stop about money?

Does this older guy know
enlightenment magic or something?!

--Love, yes! The world is love!
--Various things came up, you see.

Yeah, now that you mention it,

ol' Sherry changed completely too.

She switched from good to evil.

What?! Sherry did?!

Well, she's back to normal now, though.

This city is where the
ancient Nirvits once lived, yes.



About 400 years ago, many wars
were being waged around the world.

The Nirvits, having remained neutral,
lamented the state of the world

and created a type of magic to
maintain balance in the world, yes.

You don't mean...

Yes. An ultra magic spell
that switches light and dark.

And it was named after Nirvana,
the land of peace, yes.

--So this walking city...
--...is Nirvana?

Man. Talk about ironic.


Nirvana was given a name that means peace

but now it's about to be used for evil...

It's a shame they included the whole
"changes light into dark" part to it.

It can't be helped.

It's possible the Ancients never
considered that aspect of it.

Plus, with powerful magic
come powerful side effects.

At any rate, its activation spells serious trouble.

We must stop it at once, yes!


--What the...?
--They're lighting up!

It's Brain, yes.

He is most likely controlling this city
from the Royal Throne in the center.

Brain is unable to use
other magic while doing so.

This is our chance to strike, yes!

"Controlling" it?

You mean it's headed somewhere?

I believe so.

But I don't know its destination.

That's right.

Only I know what Father's plan is.


--One of the Oración Seis?!
--The one who was always asleep!


Have you betrayed my father?



I've merely realized the error of Brain's ways.


My father is wrong, you say?

When did he--?!

Just who is this "father" of yours?!

Father and son are in a dark guild together?

People's hearts are not meant to bent by magic.

Even weak hearts can be
raised by us to be strong!

Wh-What just happened?!

Sir Hoteye saved us by
making the ground cave in!

Please get to the Royal Throne, yes!

The Oración Seis are equal in power!

Leave Midnight to me, yes!

You dare challenge me?

Liquid Ground!

Two Oración Seis members, slugging it out?!

Talk about a crazy turn of events!

Sir Hoteye...

Now, go quickly!


My real name is Richard, yes!

Sir Richard...

Revealing your real name to your enemy...

It seems you really have fallen, Hoteye.

I've no need for codenames now
that I've opened my eyes to love!

Prepare yourself!

He dodged again!

You just don't learn, do you?!

Damn! Why can't I hit him?!

Does his magic read our
movements or something?!

No. It listens.

I know what you're gonna do
'cause I can hear your minds' voices.

Our minds' voices?

In that case... can you hear this?!

I see. You love fish.

He really can hear it!
Fish was all I was thinking about!

--Oh! Do me next!
--He's good!

My magic isn't some sideshow...

D-Damn! That's actually a pretty good joke!

All right! He laughed at it!

I mean, he can hear us.

What did you say in your mind?

I'm really curious to know...

I'll tell you later.

This is bad, though.

I have a good idea, but do
you think he can hear it too?

You wanna attack from the left
while thinking about going right.


It's no use.

I can hear your thought process loud and clear.

You have no chance of winning.

Oh, that's interesting.

I can hear you thinking up all sorts of ideas now.

Three or four of 'em ain't half bad...
but I can hear 'em from a mile away.

That's not fair!

We'll just have to go at him head-on then!

Aye, Sir!

Plan T!

Take by storm!

Right hook.

Left kick.

Followed by a right sweep...

...and a straight right punch.



I can't hear him!

This guy's not thinking at all!

Dunno if you're an idiot or a genius,
but I've never met anyone like you before!


I see.

My parlor tricks won't cut it, huh?

M-My hand!

Natsu! What's wrong?!

It's time for Poison Dragon
Cobra to get serious now.

N-No way...!

Don't tell me this guy's...

...a Dragon Slayer?!

A-Are you okay?!

Damn! What's with these att*cks?!

The numbness gets worse each time I get hit!

I can hear your pain!

A single hit from a Poison Dragon
decomposes and destroys all!

You don't say? I'll just burn
up your lousy poison then!

--Here goes!
--Aye, Sir!

Fire Dragon...

...Iron Fist!

Fester and fall!

Poison Dragon Fang Thrust!

I dropped him!

You're sick already?! Talk about fast, Natsu!

C'mon! Pull yourself together!

Sorry for dropping you...

N-No, I-I'm okay...

You're one careless cretin. Ain't he, Cuberos?

--Say what?!

You're goin' down!

I can hear you clearly. Not just your thoughts.

Your breathing when you
move your muscles, too.


You stopped being able to hit him again!

What happened to not thinking at all?!

It's too hard not to, ever since
I found out he's a Dragon Slayer!

Oh, man. He's gotten to you.

Try not to think at all now!

It's not like you to think! Quit it!

What's that supposed to mean?!
Are you insulting me?!


I'm just saying you need to
stop thinking! So stop thinking!

Don't say it twice!

And you are insulting me, after all!

Am not!

--I think...
--What does that mean?!

So you were insulting me!

Just focus your feelings on Cobra!

--Here we go!
--Aye, Sir!

Fire Dragon Talon!

Poison Dragon Spiral Jaw!

This is no time to get sick!

I mean... Waah!


An expl*si*n!

Someone is fighting!

T-Talk about over-the-top!

Which means...

...it has to be Natsu!


I guess he's in cinders now.

No, something's odd. What is this sound?

He's eating the fire?!

Now this is a real sight, Cuberos!

Now that I've eaten, I feel re-energized!

Eating fire to recover doesn't
change the fact that I can hear you!

You talk big!

That's it!

Come and get us, slanty-eyes!

Like you're one to talk!

Poison Dragon Scales!

Max speed!



Feints are useless. Do you still not get it?

Is this the best you can do after eating fire?!

At this range, you're all mine!

Fire Dragon Roar--


You're way too reckless!

The only way to find out is to try!

--You're way too reckless!
--Seriously, don't repeat yourself!

Now it's my turn to eat.

Poison mist!

H-He's eating the poison!

Doesn't seem very healthy...

Now that I've eaten, I feel re-energized.

Don't copy me!

Now it's time to perish!

Poison Dragon...

--A breath attack?!
--Oh no!


Wh-What was that?
That didn't leave much damage at all!

Wh-What's wrong, Happy?!

So weak...

Pull yourself together! Hey!

For some reason... I can... barely move...

Don't worry about it! I can barely move too!

You should worry about that!

Poison Dragon breath
infects its target with viruses.

And then it gradually saps
away its mobility and life!

So weak...

Your defeat was set in stone
the moment my breath hit--

Enough of your damn blabbing!

Don't worry about some stupid poison, Happy!

Aye, Sir!

Do these guys even pay attention?!

Fire Dragon Wing Attack!

I can hear your movements!


Natsu! You have to not think!

Just focus on flying, will you?!

I am! That's all I'm thinking about!

--Man, these guys are annoying!

Ain't they, Cuberos?!

Still, the fact you're so mobile after
being subjected to my poison...

Not too shabby for an old
generation Dragon Slayer.

Old generation?

By embedding a dragon lacrima inside my body,

I became a new generation Dragon Slayer,
with the power to k*ll dragons!

Just like what Gramps talked about...

He did the same as Laxus!
This guy isn't a real Dragon Slayer!


Only dragons can master Dragon Slayer magic;

it's something humans can
never obtain on their own.

So, if anything, I'd say you're the iffy one here!

'Cause dragons don't exist in this world!


Just try sayin' that again!

Igneel does exist!


--Dragons have gone extinct!
--Yeah?! Says who?!

Poison Dragon Twin Fang!

Natsu! Hang in there!

I-I... can't move...!


I can hear it... The poison's
circulated throughout your body.

Now rot away and cease to be, Old Generation.


I... can't keep this up...

Happy. Drop me right on top of him.


What are you saying, Natsu?!

You just said you can't move!

That's why I have to end this now.

What are you planning to do?!

A full-power Fire Dragon Roar?

Fool! I can hear your thoughts, you know!

Happy! Now!


He was more of a threat when
he was attacking thoughtlessly.

This is the end!

Fire Dragon...

It's no use! I can hear you!

You're going for a spread attack!

One that's impossible to dodge!


...it won't reach behind your head!

I'll shatter that head of yours!


Go meet a dragon in the afterlife!

Damn it!

What is this sound?! Or is it a scream?!

Don't tell me it's a giant monster?!

No. This is...


M-My ears!

Th-That was an incredible yell...


Having good ears isn't all it's cracked up to be!

My plan... worked perfectly!

You know it was just dumb luck...

This can't be! He defeated
Cobra with a mere yell?

Just who is that man?!

I think about you always

Even on days we can't meet Everytime I feel

Ah the warm palms of your hands

wrapped around my Heart & Soul

I've never left, I'm right here

Every time I stumble upon your casual gentleness

it makes me want to embrace all of you

I Will - Be As One - I want to protect you

Stay With Me I love you Yes You my beloved

I'll express my overflowing
feelings without hiding them

That we met just once is a miracle

Like the stars coming together and shining as one

Like raindrops eventually pouring into the ocean

Let's join together, I love everything about you

That big guy from Lamia Scale

said he's one of the Ten Saint Wizards, right?

Yeah. I bet he's super strong!

He doesn't seem like it to me. Especially his face.

His face has nothing to do with it.

Then maybe I'll challenge him later on!

My money's on you losing!

"Next Episode: Saint Wizard Jura"
Next Episode: Saint Wizard Jura.

Why wouldn't you bet on me winning?!

You're so cold-hearted, Happy!

I make it a rule not to
bite off more than I can chew.
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