02x50 - Special Request: Watch Out for the Guy You Like

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x50 - Special Request: Watch Out for the Guy You Like

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

That Sorcerer Weekly
reporter was really something!

He completely ignored you though, Lucy!

Don't laugh!

Still, at least the guild has finally quieted down!

It has? It seems no different to me.

And your luck with men is
still as bad as ever, Lucy!

That again?!

ai mo yume mo kimi to naraba

majikaru ni kawaru

saa egao no mahou o kakeyou

mondai darake no pawafuru na sekai ni

chotto akogareteta

tomatta jikan ugoki hajimetan da

kimi ni deatte kara

doushite umarete ikiteru no ka?

muzukashii kotae wa iranai yo

waraou nakou sunao de ii

shinpuru na kimochi ichiban daiji

kanashii yoru ni nagasu namida

tsuyosa ni kaeru

saa egao no mahou o kakeru yo

A rare rainy day in Magnolia...

In one corner of town there
stands a shady magic potion shop...

Drip, drop...


You want him to take notice of you, you say?

I'm not sure I have anything that convenient...

Just having him gaze intently
at Juvia would be enough.

Drip, drop...

Well, I do have a magic charm,
if that's what you want.

Here. Give this a try.

What is this?

A magic potion that will have him
looking at you and brimming with passion.

60,000 Jewel.

That's rather steep.

Oh. If you're going to haggle, forget it.

Did I mention it's 100% effective?

100%... Filled with passion...

Juvia will pay.

Drip, drop...

Little did anyone know
that this mysterious liquid

that Juvia purchased without
even attempting to haggle

would eventually lead Fairy Tail
to the brink of destruction...

"Special Request: Watch Out for the Guy You Like!"
Special Request: Watch Out for the Guy You Like!

Sheesh, I'm so bored...

Can't you just go out on a job?

I would, but Natsu says he
wants to take some time off.

Can't you just go by yourself
then, or with someone else?

I feel obligated to him, since
we're in the same team and all...

You two really are close.

Almost like you're sweethearts!

It's not like that!

But, who knows, maybe Natsu does like you!


"Shake shake"

"Shake shake"
Shake! Shake! Shake! Shake...!

E-Even if that were true, I think I'd pass...

I think you two would make a great couple!

"Shake shake"
Shake! Shake! Shake! Shake...!

C'mon, Natsu! We need to start working already!

Put on some clothes, you!

"Shake shake"

Did you use so much fire that
your brain turned to ash, Natsu?!

It's no big deal!

It's important to take a break once in a while!

Right, Happy? Shake, shake!

Aye! It's refreshing!

And we can't forget this!

"Fidget fidget"
Fidget! Fidget! Fidget! Fidget!

I'll definitely pass!

I think you two would make a great couple!

Fidget! Fidget! Fidget! Fidget!

My darling Gray, giving Juvia
his undivided, passionate gaze...!

Oh, Juvia's so nervous!

H-Her hands are shaking!

Oh, it's too much!

I think you two would make a great couple!

Nope! Not gonna happen!

Sheesh, I wish Mira
wouldn't say such crazy things!

Lucy! That's dangerous!

I'm home!

What the...?!

--You broke in again?!

Actually, I have something important to tell you...

Sheesh, you sure do like my home...

Sheesh, you sure do like my home...

Sheesh, you sure do like my home...



Who knows, maybe Natsu does like you!


I gotta tell you something...

"Something important to tell you"


Wh-What's with you?!

Talk about a bad attitude!

Use the door!

"Thump thump"

Oh, no... What is this?

The next day...

Whew, I'm so bored...


You in a better mood now?!

Whoa...! Don't touch me so casually!

Hey, Lucy!

No good... This is no good at all!

I can't stop thinking about it now!


Enough is enough!
Quit goofing around like an idiot!

What did you say?! You want a piece of me?!




Gray, my darling...


Juvia was at a loss yesterday
because she was so nervous,

but she will go through with it today!

How does it work?

You open the bottle, blow on what comes out

and have the guy you have the hots for inhale it.

Do so, and your passionate
feelings might just get through to him...


Oh, my dear Gray...


The less attention you give Juvia,
the more her love burns for you!

The closer you get to Juvia,
the more tantalizing it feels!

But that finally comes to an end today!

From today forth, Juvia and her dear Gray

will become sweethearts
madly in love with each other!

Oh, my!

Oh, right! This is no time for this!

What do you mean by that?!

I hear Natsu has a crush on a girl now!

What? Our Natsu?

Yeah, right.

Get real. He's the last guy I'd expect
to suddenly get a crush on anyone.

"Thump thump"
It's the truth!

He's been saying, "I wanna see her!
I wanna see her!" non-stop lately!

--Who's "her"?
--Beats me.

What now?! What now?! It's definitely me!

"Thump thump"
I-It's not that I hate him or anything!

I'm... just not sure he's the kind
of guy I'd like or go out with...

But... I've never actually
gone out with a boy before...

I want to see you...

What am I doing?! Don't go and glamorize him!

What am I doing?!
Don't go and fantasize about him!

Hey, Lucy.


I have something important to tell you tonight...


Think you can meet me at the
Sola tree in South Gate Park?

Wh-Wh-What for?

It's important.

Come alone.

He's... blushing!

"Thump thump"

"Thump thump"
Natsu is blushing!



I-I'm... going home for today...


Dammit, Natsu! Where do
you think you're going?!

Now, my dear Gray!
Give me your passionate gaze!

Dammit! Get back here, Natsu!

Look at Juvia!

Gray, my dear! Please don't move!

At this rate, everyone is going
to give Juvia a passionate gaze!

She doesn't need that chaos!

Gray, my darling!

I did it!

What is this feeling...?

At last... At long last!

Ah, my dear Gray is giving
me his passion-filled gaze!

You think...

You think you're so great,
flying through the sky as free as a bird!


I'm strong, but I can't fly!
You're weak, but you can!

That makes our strength equal!


You and me are rivals!


What are you talking about, Gray?

Square off with me, Happy!

I'm scared, Natsu! Gray's acting crazy!

Huh?! Where's Natsu?!

Th-That can't be...
Where is his passion-filled gaze?!

Wakaba! How much did you make last month?!

Hmph! Much more than you, I'm sure!

There's no way you'd ever outdo me!

I'd never lose to the likes of you!

What kind of relationship do we have again?

We're rivals, of course!

I'll drink you alcohol, but you won't drink me!

Listen up, alcohol! I refuse to let you beat me!

You and I are true rivals!

You're rivals with alcohol?
What does that even mean, Master?

Alcohol isn't a person.
You can't be rivals with it...

I won't let you drink me!
I won't! I challenge you!

You, there! Pillar!

Why do you always block my path?!

All I ever wish to do is pass
by unhindered! So tell me why!

Why do you challenge me to battle?!

Are you trying to say that we're rivals?!

Uhh, it's impossible to be rivals
with a pillar... Definitely impossible...

The alcohol makes some sense, but not a pillar...

If it were a "caterpillar"
it might make more sense...

No, that doesn't really work, either.

Erza! Let's face off again
like we did in the old days!

I won't let you beat me!

You're my one and lifelong rival, Erza!

Hold on! What's going on here?!

Natsu! Where are you?!

I challenge you...


Just you watch! I will fly farther than you can!

I'm telling you, you can't!

No! I will fly!

I refuse to let you, my rival, outdo me!

Natsu! Where did you go?!

Perhaps it takes a while for
the magic charm to take effect?

An explanation is likely in order.

That was just a jumble of banned
magic potions all mixed together.

Heck if I know what effects it'll have.

Why would I do something like that, you ask?

I needed dough so I could skip town, of course!

So, what will become of Fairy Tail?!

What do I do? What do I do?!

Think you can meet me at
the Sola tree in South Gate Park?

It's important. Come alone.

What do I do? What do I do?!
There's no doubt about it!

He's going to confess his love!

I have to turn him down...
I mean, we're in the same team and all...

I'm sorry, Natsu...


Is it time for those?! Is it time for those?!

Yes! This is what I'll go with!



Don't be dumb! What am
I doing?! What am I thinking?!

But what should I do?! What should I do?!

Oh, I know!

Open, Gate of the Giant Crab! Cancer!


Give me a good hairstyle!

Understood, shrimp.

--What am I doing?!

And now I end up doing it myself anyway...!

Fire Dragon Iron Fist...

Let's have thirty babies, Lucy.


Uppa! Uppa! Uppa!

Now I'm all fired up!

No, don't think like that! And why Happy...?!


Drinking contest!

I've always wanted to
square off with you at least once!

You are not my rival!

My rival is alcohol itself!

I won't let you beat me!

Three against three...

Though our numbers may be the same,
do not assume our skill is equal as well!

For your information, we're the only
real three-man team in Fairy Tail!

You want to fight?!

Aren't there any real men here?!

Show yourselves, my rivals!

--I'm sad! Violently sad!
--Whoa, he actually thinks he's unrivaled.

Where does he get all that confidence?!

Finished tallying, rival?!

Of course! I even finished sooner than you, rival!

Heh. I see you're still as weak as ever.

Heh. I see you're still as weak as ever.

Y-You, little...! I can't let you beat me!

On "go."

Bring it on! Last month, we earned...

Ready... go!

150,000 Jewel in all!

The same?!

The month before last, then!

Our Thunder Legion and your Shadow Gear!

"Thunder Legion"

Let us see which three-man team is
Fairy Tail's greatest, once and for all!

Don't be shocked when
you witness our true strength!

--Curse you!

A pose-off?!

--I'm just getting started!
--I'm just getting started!

Aren't there any real men?!

Lucy! That's dangerous!

I'm okay!

Oh? That's a pretty fancy get-up!

Don't fall in the river before your date now!


O-Okay... I look nice... I think...

No, it's not like that!

It's not like that! It's not like that!

N-No! I work with the guy!

Me, together with Natsu from now on...!

We'll be together forever, Lucy...

Together forever...

Requip! Heaven's Wheel Armor!

Stop that, Erza!

We just rebuilt the place! Don't go and wreck it!

Silence! This thing always stands in my way!

It especially gets on my nerves when
I'm in a hurry to go further inside!

I always have to make a detour to proceed!

This pillar always stands right
in my way! It is my one true rival!

All you have to do is try to avoid it...

Just how straightforward are you?!

Erza doesn't really pay
attention when she walks, you see...

That's not true.

Erza! Face off with me!

Your rival is right here!

I am in the middle of fighting my lifelong rival!

No, it's just an ordinary pillar...

I can't believe this!

Satan Soul!

Knock it off!

Requip! Purgatory Armor!

Seriously, stop!

Lynx Punch!


Real men...!


I-It's too late...

The guild is going to be destroyed again...

"And then!"
And then!

Gray, listen to me!
You can't do it! Don't do this!

No! I will surpass you! You're my rival!

Juvia is frustrated!

She needs to use more of the magic charm!

Let's go, rival of mine! Follow me!

Whoa! Gray!

Now I'm even more fired up!

N-Now he's acting like Natsu!


...will fly!


...will fly!

Come on! Fly!

The Sola tree in South Gate Park...

"Thump thump"

"Thump thump"
Keep your cool! Yes... Keep your cool!

"Thump thump"
Just stay calm, Lucy!

Hey, Lucy!



What do I do?! What do I do?!

I'm a pushover when it comes to stuff like this!

Took you long enough!
Now hurry and call that maid of yours!

You know, What's-Her-Name...

Oh, Virgo.

The dirt's real hard here.

Only that celestial spirit maid can dig through it!


About that important thing you had to tell me...

Yeah, I heard there's treasure hidden here!

Supposedly it's an album of embarrassing
photos of everyone in Fairy Tail!

And Gramps apparently hid it here!

Sounds cool, huh?!

U-Umm... I heard you've had a crush recently...


They said you kept saying,
"I want to see her! I want to see her!"


You must mean Virgo. I don't like her
or hate her or anything like that.

I just really wanted her to help me dig this hole!




What am I doing?! I'm so stupid!

And so Lucy's poor luck with men
spanned two episodes in a row.

What on earth happened?

Thank goodness!


Pull yourself together! It's morning now, Gray!

Juvia! You came to help him!

Gray, my darling...

Juvia is so sorry!
She put you through all of this...!

The charm must not have worked

because Juvia's feelings for
you weren't yet strong enough...

My dear Gray!

Juvia... What happened to me?

Thank goodness! You're all right!

They're in loooove!

I thought something felt cold...

Don't get me sopping wet like this.
How many times do I gotta tell you?!

This can't be... Juvia is so shocked...

Huh? What's the matter?

She's frustrated... It's because
she's frustrated that Juvia...

...turns to magic charms!

Juvia is right here!

--Listen up, horizon!

You're my rival!

Gray, my dear! Wait...

Some things just aren't meant to fly.

And so Juvia's luck with men
was just as bad as Lucy's.

Several days later...

Whew, I'm so bored...

Hey, Lucy.


I was thinking...

Do you think maybe Gray likes you?

P-Please, no more!

What? A spell to make two
people fall for each other?

I don't have anything like that...


What am I doing all the way out here?

It's the curse of the moon!

ima kimi ni tsutaetai

tsunagatta kokoro ga aru koto

arukidashita yume o hanasanu you dakishimete

mune no oku ni himeta
kizuato ni wa todokanai omoi

furueta ashioto furikaerazu

ashita ni ippo arukidashite

ima kimi ni tsutaetai

daijoubu kono te o nigitte

koko kara mata hajimeyou

nando mo negau ano mirai e

What?! Some dark guild
guys are up to no good?!

All right! Then I'll just go kick their butts!

You can't! They have hostages!

Knowing you, you'd probably beat them up too!

So? I'm gonna go anyway!

No, you can't!

Then start giving me more of the spotlight!

"Next Episode"
Next Episode: Love & Lucky.

Huh? That's your reason?

Yeah! I've hardly had any time in
the spotlight lately, wouldn't you say?

Well, it is a hard world we live in.
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