02x18 - Anansi

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir". Aired: September 1, 2015 – present.*
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A computer-animated series that takes place in modern-day Paris and revolves around the adventures of two teenagers who transform into their superhero personas, Ladybug and Cat Noir when evil arises.
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02x18 - Anansi

Post by bunniefuu »

In the daytime, I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl with a normal life.

But there's something about me
that no one knows yet.

Because I have a secret.

♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪

♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪

♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪

♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪

♪ Miraculous! ♪

♪ Main theme ♪


Mr Stone would like his breakfast
on the back of a polar bear.

-Could you arrange that for me?

[phone ringing]

I'll see what I can do, Miss Penny.
Will that be all?

Yes, a red-eye flight would be preferable.

Jagged's crocodile, Fang,
hates flying in the daytime.

I found the way to market his album.

He'll be a guest on a reality TV show!

I don't think Jagged will be OK with --

No, I wasn't talking with you.
Confirm that flight.

Thanks a lot! I'll call you back!

Bob, wait.

Penny, did you remember to order
macaroons for Fang?

I'm taking care of that right now.

[knock on door]

Your album's gonna go platinum.
Wait till you find out how!

I'm sorry, Miss Penny,
but you cannot allow your crocodile

-to just roam around the hotel by itself!
-I'm sorry, Mr Bourgeois.

[phone rings]

Yes. What?

-[JAGGED STONE]: What? What is this trash?
-Thanks, Mr Mayor.

You want me to be a guest
on Rocker Wants A Wife?

There's nothing rock'n'roll
about that show!

-My fans will never watch it!
-Of course they will.

-This is how marketing works these days!
-No way!

-I'm a genuine rock'n'roller, Bob!
-I am so sorry, Miss.

There were no polar bears available.
Would a pony do, instead?

I can dig being a guest on a reality show,

but it's gotta be music to my ears.

-A pony is fine.

Can you throw in some macaroons too,
please? Thanks.

No, not you. Don't worry, there won't be
any ponies... just a crocodile!

[BOB]: Deal with it! You will be a guest
on that show, whether you like it or not!

Oh, yeah?
And how're you gonna make me do that?

-I think we're done here, Bob.


Of course! Now that's what I call
a rock'n'roll idea!

Penny, you're the best!
What would I do without you?

[she sighs]
♪ violins ♪

♪ rock music ♪

[crowd cheering]

Welcome to Fill my Shoes!
You're joining us live on a new episode

and our guest today
is the one and only Jagged Stone!

Rock'n'roll! Yeah!

-Filling the shoes of... a baker!
-Yo, rockers!

A big thanks to Tom Dupain
for having us in his bakery,

the best in Paris, I might add!


Uh... Hello!

Excuse me. Would you like
some hot croissants?

I'm not sure it was a good idea
to let them film the show here, sweetie!

Of course it was, Mom!
Jagged asked specifically to come here.

You realise how good
it'll be for the bakery?

And Dad will become an instant celebrity!

Well, for a celebrity,
he looks pretty nervous.

No, no!

You have the right energy, Jagged,

you just need to be gentle.

Hi. More like this!

-Calm down, Fang!

-Are you OK, Miss Penny?
-Yes. It's just this show was my idea

and Jagged's putting all his trust in me.
I just hope everything goes well today.

So, how does it feel
to fill the baker's shoes today?

It's awesome! Check out this edible guitar
I made from scratch!

This is so rock'n'roll!

♪ Flour, eggs and butter ♪


So, Miss Penny, what's it like working
with a star like Jagged? He seems so cool!

Oh, yes, he's... wonderful!

Uh, I mean... Yeah, he's awesome!

♪ Flour, eggs and butter
and fire in the oven ♪

Oh, Come on! Are you gonna finally
put cheese on that bread or what?

Since when are you interested
in this show?

-The show's being shot at Marinette's.
-♪ This is the bakers' rock'n'roll ♪

Yo, Marinette! My favourite little lady!
Come over rock out with us!

Uh... [giggles]

It's so cool we get
to spend the day together!

Marinette's really talented.

She did the artwork for my album
and she's only in high school!

Wow! Impressive! A true family of artists.
A talented young designer

and a gifted pâtissier. By the way,
what are you gonna bake for us, Tom?

How about some chocolate croissants?
Can you grab a bag of flour, please?

Sure, Dad.

Oh! Yes!


Hey, look! I look like a ghost!
Rock'n'Boo-hoo! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Making pastries
is obviously no piece of cake!

Stay tuned. We'll be back after the break!


And cut!

-Hi, Bob.
-Alec! This is starting out very well!

-Sorry, Jagged.
-No sweat, Marinette.

-Could you tell me where the restroom is?


Come on, we have some cleaning up to do.

-[PENNY]: Are you sure it's up here?
-[JAGGED STONE]: She said upstairs.

Wait. This isn't the restroom.

This must be Marinette's bedroom. Cool.
Hey, there's a sink!

-Our rating are sky high!
-Alec, we're back in seconds!

-Where's Jagged?

Thanks! Follow me! We'll improvise!

Hey, look! Man!
Marinette's got some serious talent!

Hey! I know this guy!

-Rock on, Jagged!
-We've got to hurry, Jagged.

Yeah, yeah! Relax, Penny.

He's here! Come on, start sh**ting!
In three, two, one...

We're back on the air with Jagged Stone,
filling the shoes of a baker!

Let's see how this rock star
cleans off all that flour!

Hey, there are more photos of this dude
than of me!

I think the baker's daughter's
got a little crush!

Lookie there. Another secret admirer.

Oh! Teenage love is so sweet!

-Makes me wanna wrote a song!
-[gasps] No, no, no, no, no, no!

-No, no, no, no, no!

Keep calm, Marinette, it's not a big deal!

Of course it is! This is a major disaster!

I told everyone to watch today's show,
including Adrien!

He'll see the photos
and figure out I'm in love with him!

-But isn't that what you want?
-No! Not like this!

-What are you guys doing in here?
-I'm sorry. I couldn't find the restroom!

Hey, Marinette!
You want me to sign this poster of me?

No! I just need everyone to leave!
And you, stop filming!

-Penny, do something!
-You heard the lady!

Security and Comfort...

Hey, Penny! You just cut us off the air!

-No, Penny.

-Get them out of here first, please!
-Give me that cable. We're live!

Atchoo! Penny, was that flour organic?

I'm allergic to non-organic flour!

-Penny, the cable!
-We've got no picture!

Penny! Do you have a tissue?

-[MARINETTE]: Penny, no!

Get out of my room first!

[BOB]: Penny, what is going on?

You said this gig would be easy as pie!

Stop! That's enough! All of you
back downstairs! Now! Out, out, out!

Out, out, out!

-What do we do now?
-I'll meet you downstairs in five.

-But, Penny...
-In five!

♪ Dramatic music ♪

A devoted assistant losing her cool.
Such a fortunate opportunity.

Fly away, my little akuma,
and evilise her!

Troublemaker, I am Hawk Moth.

You've always been the faithful one,

taking care of other people
and solving all their problems.

Today, you are free of that burden!

From now on, you shall be the creator
of all their problems!

Sounds like a plan, Hawk Moth!

So, what's next on my to-do list?

Oh, I know. Taking care of Jagged.

[evil laugh]

I'll be a laughing stock at school,
online... all over town!

And Adrien will never talk to me again!

This is a disaster,
a disaster, a disaster, a disaster!

-Just breathe! Everything's gonna be OK.
-It is?

Yeah! Besides, it's too late anyway.
The show's live!

Oh, no! This is a disaster, a disaster,
a disaster, a disaster, a disaster!

All right, everyone back to work!
Chop, chop!

OK, people! Jagged, Mr Dupain, get back
to your place. We're live in five, four...

-Wait, wait, wait.

-We'd rather not continue.
-What? Have you lost your mind?

We're not comfortable with your cameras
invading our privacy.

Our daughter is upset
because of your show.

-We won't allow that!
-The ratings are sky high!

There's no way we stop the show now.
Right, Jagged?


-Ah-ha! See?
-Oh! How dare you?

Ya! I demand an apology!

Darling, what happened?

Hey, are you looking for trouble?

[nervous laugh]

I could pretend
that this isn't bothering me,

but now you've gone too far, Mister.

-Don't lay a finger on my husband!



No! What’s happening? A ghost!
It's a ghost! Where's Penny? Penny!

Are you sure your bakery
ain't built on a cemetery?



-Hello, Jagged!

Who are you? Where's Penny? Penny!

There's no more Penny to deal
with all your problems, Jagged!

From now on, there's only Troublemaker,

and I'll make your life
nothing but problems! [evil laugh]


-That poor Penny was trying so hard

to help everyone that she became
a perfect victim for Hawk Moth!

sh**ting the show here
definitely wasn't a good idea!

Tikki, spots on! Yah!

♪ Dance music ♪

It's time for Cat Noir
to cook up a plan at the bakery!

Don't forget to save a baguette for me.
I just love camembert on sourdough!

You're just a floating stomach.

Plagg, claws out!

♪ Dance music ♪

Here's come trouble again, Jagged!

Not in my bakery!

Penny, stop! It's...

-It's not... Atchoo... rock'n'roll!
-I hate rock'n'roll, Jagged!

I only love chaos,
and you'll be my number-one hit!

You're witnessing the arrival
of a new supervillain, live! Aaah!

Show's over, people!

[evil laugh]

I am in front of Dupain-Cheng bakery,
where a new villain appeared.

Hey, everyone, let me take care of this.
It'll be a piece of cake.

-Catacly --
-So, you wanna play "Rescue"?

No one's gonna be rescued today.




-Right on time, Cat Noir!
-Good to see you, Bugaboo.

-Looks like we'll break bread today.
-Stop calling me Bugaboo! Follow me!

Oh, wow! That's a lot of pictures!

We can take the grand tour later,
Cat Noir!



I said later, Cat Noir!


Look out!

The akuma is inside the pen!

Touch me if you dare!

What are we gonna do?
I can't touch her with a ten-foot pole!

Her strength is also her weakness.

In order to touch us,
she must become touchable herself!

Oh! Uh... There you are! All right!

Be careful.
She's probably hiding in this room!

If she wants our Miraculous,

-she can't be untouchable.
-If we can grab her,

-we can also grab her pen.
-And capture the akuma.

But we'll have to act fast!

[evil laugh]


You've already lost half the battle,


Excellent, Troublemaker!


I had it!

That was a close call.

Certainly not how I dreamed
we'd share our secret identity.

Oh, no. Not like that!

It'll all have to wait, at least until
we kick Trouble's butt and Hawk Moth!

Lucky Charm!

A broken plate?

That's strange. I don't see how to use it!

Maybe losing an earring
weakened your power?

My power has to be working!

It is working! Sticking time!


All right! We're coming to get you!

Be careful, Cat Noir. She can come
from anywhere to get my Miraculous.

She's nowhere to be seen.
I'll check on the roof. Stay here!

No, don't leave me alone!
I only have a plate to defend myself.

[evil laugh]

-No, stop!
-Bravo, Troublemaker!

Take her Miraculous!

-Having some trouble?

Oh, my poor Bugaboo.

Another supervillain fan has literally
glued themselves to you.

Sorry to disappoint,
but I'm the only one to stick to Milady.


No more evildoing for you, little akuma!

Time to de-evilise!


Bye-bye, little butterfly.

Miraculous Ladybug!


What... ?

-What happened? Where's Jagged?
-You're always so helpful,

putting everyone before you.

Let's worry about Penny for a change.
How are you feeling?

I'm fine. Thank you, Ladybug.

Oops! We gotta a go! Rock'n'roll!


Phew! Well, that was a close call.

Looks like you won't find out
my identity today.

-I already know who you are.

You're the girl of my dreams!

[laughs] Silly Kitty!

-Pound it!
-Pound it!


-Mom, Dad!

-Are you OK?
-I'm fine.

I locked myself in the bathroom.


-Hi, everyone.

Oh, Penny! I'm so glad to see you
without your supervillain costume!

What would I do without you?
You're the best!

-Have a nice day, sweetie!
-Bye, Mom!

Are you OK, Marinette?

I'll never ever persuade my parents
to sh**t a show at our house again!

Not unless you want the whole world
to know all of your secrets.

I need to stay on the down-low
for a few days,

so everyone can forget all about
what happened! Especially Adrien!

Phew! Hopefully, he didn't see me!

-Hey, Marinette!

How's it going? After what happened
at your place last night,

-I was worried that --
-Oh! So you watched the show, then!

Well... Uh, look,
about what you saw on the show.

-The totographs in my room.
-The photographs?

The grotographs, exactly!

It... it's not what you think!

See, I'm really into fashion and...

Are you lying?

No! I'm so not into you.
I mean, sure, I'm interested in you...

but, um, not in that way.
Well, you know! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

[chuckles] Just teasing!
I understand, don't worry!

I've got used to having lots of fans
and photographs of me everywhere,

even in the most unlikely places.

As if someone would have a picture
of you under a bed, right?

Yeah. I was wondering.
Since you're into fashion so much,

-you could come watch my next photo sh**t!
-No way! For you?

-Peel... Meal... For real?
-Honestly, it's pretty long and boring.

But if you were there, it would be
more fun. What do you say?

Oh, wow, yes!

-Thank you, Adrien!
-I'll keep you posted, then.

See you later, in class.

I'm glad to have you as one of my fans.

Relax, Marinette. You can breathe now.

He invited me to one of his photo sh**t!

Yeah, that's awesome!

And you even managed to get
some normal sentences out, too!

-Oh, come on! That's not funny!
-You're totally right. It's not funny!


♪ Dance music ♪
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