02x10 - Glaciator

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir". Aired: September 1, 2015 – present.*
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A computer-animated series that takes place in modern-day Paris and revolves around the adventures of two teenagers who transform into their superhero personas, Ladybug and Cat Noir when evil arises.
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02x10 - Glaciator

Post by bunniefuu »

In the daytime, I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl with a normal life.

But there's something about me
that no one knows yet.

Because I have a secret.

♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪

♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪

♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪

♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪

♪ Miraculous! ♪

It's no good! The brakes are busted!

-Ready, Cat Noir?
-I'm always ready.

Who needs brakes when they've got us?



So, er, Ladybug, what would you say
if you and I met up tonight

for a little dinner, rooftop-style?

-For dinner? As superheroes?
-Well, uh... yeah! That's right!

We're only together
when we're saving Paris.

-Shouldn't we get to know one another?
-I... That's so thoughtful. But I can't.

I have to... I've already
got plans with some friends!

Thank you. Thank you, Ladybug.

Well, if your plans end early,
come and join me!

-We'll see!
-I'll be waiting, Milady!

-It was delicious, sweetheart!
-And, as a dessert...


Wow! Oh! No, thanks, Dad.

-But isn't this your favourite?
-And it still is, Dad! But...

I told you I was going
to get ice cream at André's.

Oh! Sweethearts ice cream!

-That was where your father asked me...
-To marry him.

He hid the ring
in a scoop of vanilla ice cream!

And you almost swallowed it, too!

They say that couples who eat ice cream
at André's will stay in love forever.

By the way,
who are you getting ice cream with?

Oops! Gotta go! Don't wanna be late!
See you later, guys!



There's no point
in waiting for your father.

He'll be eating in his office.

What's the point of keeping me here
if he's never going to show up?

Don't forget to practise your piano
before bed.

You could've at least grabbed
that piece of camembert!

Fuel up, Plagg! Adrien may not be allowed
out of the house, but Cat Noir is!

-You seem in a hurry to get stood up.
-She didn't say she wasn't coming.

But she didn't say she was, either.

Plagg, claws out!

Don't I even get a minute
to digest my food?

-Hey, Alya!
-Hey, Marinette!

-Where's Adrien?
-Don't get upset, OK,

but Nino just got a text.

Adrien's dad isn't letting him go out.

-Once again.
-Yo, Marinette!

-What's up, M?
-How are you, Marinette?

I'm fine, thanks.
So, do you know where André is today?

The deal with André is that
you never know where he's gonna be.

You gotta follow his clues
to find out.

The first time Mylène and I
wanted André's ice cream,

it took us three hours to find his cart!
Do you remember?

Hey! Someone posted a photo!

-He's on his way to the Pont des Arts!
-Let's go!

-Come on, Marinette!
-Yeah! Awesome!


♪ My name is André, André, glacier
The sweetheart matchmaker ♪

♪ With one scoop or two
I'll find love for you ♪

♪ With magical ice-cream flavours ♪

♪ My name is André, André, glacier
The sweetheart matchmaker ♪

♪ With one scoop or two
I'll find love for you ♪

♪ With magical ice-cream flavours ♪

Hey, he's here!

Let's go.

Pistachio, vanilla and strawberry
for lovebirds from Italy.

-Merci, André.
-You're welcome, my friends!

Enjoy André's ice cream!
May love never end!

Bonjour, André.

Strapping young Ivan
and dear, sweet Mylène!

If you aren't still
the cutest lovebirds I've seen!

Chocolate, praline
and white nougat for you!

A special concoction
to keep your love true!

Ah, these two I've never seen!
This your first time here with me?

[both laugh]

Coconut, banana,

-and a touch passionfruit!
-Why don't you go and get one too?

What's the point? Adrien won't be coming.

He might not be here, but that shouldn't
stop you from enjoying an ice cream

and a fun night with your friends.
And you could give me a taste, too!

And how about this young Miss,
the pretty one who sighs?

I've a flavour just for her.
It's sure to make her smile.

-What's your name, dear?


Peach pink like his lips
and mint like his eyes.

Eat this, my dear,
and your love will materialise!

No! There's been a mistake.
I'm not in love with anyone

and I think I've just lost my appetite.

But of course you are!

When there's love burning in one's heart,
André knows it from the start!

Enjoy your ice cream, Marinette.
I know he will be here.

Green eyes, like mint!
Now who could that be?

Thank you. But you've got it all wrong.
I don't have a...



Hey, you finally made it. That's great!

[gasps] André's ice cream
has always melted hearts!

But the magic will only work
if you eat it! I'll make another one.

-Thanks, but it's really not necessary.
-Yes, it is, my dear!

See here? My ice cream
has brought everyone together!

Every famous loving couple in Paris!
Edith and Marcel,

Jeanne and Serge, Olive and Tom!
Your loved one is out there! Somewhere!

All you need is to believe in the magic
of André's ice cream!

You're very nice, André.
But I don't have a loved one.

Who has green eyes?
Do you think we know him?

Lay off, Ivan. There's no one, OK?

And I don't think there's something
magical about your ice cream.

It's just... ice cream!

Hey! I was going to get another one!

But André's ice cream
always melts people's hearts!

At least, it used to.

A thwarted artisan, his shattered dreams,
and the collapse of his whole world.

Quite chilling.

Fly away, my little akuma, and freeze
the heart of this ice-cream maker!

I don't understand.
It's never failed... ever!

Glaciator, I am Hawk Moth.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Since they refused
to let you melt their hearts,

I'm giving you the power to melt
their entire bodies instead.

I only ask a little favour in return.
Get me Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous!

Ladybug and Cat Noir-flavoured ice cream?

It's a deal, Hawk Moth.

I'll get even give a double scoop!


Hello! How about some ice cream?
Will that do?

Enjoy it. It's just for you!

[evil laugh]


What a disaster! I ruined
the whole night for all of my friends.

And I was mean to André. I'm so lame!

You're not lame.
You just overreacted a little.

Just let it go.
Tomorrow will be a new day.

I'll never get to eat
ice cream with Adrien!

She loves me, she loves me not.

She loves me,

she loves me...

-Cat Noir?

Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you.

What are you doing here? Don't you have,
like, "superhero-y things" to do?

No. I don't feel like
being a superhero tonight.

And I also don't feel like
being alone tonight.

Would you mind if I hung out here
for a little while?

Marinette, right?
We've bumped into each other before.

Yeah, a bunch of times.
I mean, yes, we have.

One time, a supervillain fell in love
with me! Talk about bad luck!

Seriously, I seem to be having some
bad luck in the love department myself.

Really? What kind?

Well, tonight I had this special surprise
all planned for Ladybug.

You're in love with Ladybug?

For real?

So, what was this special surprise?

[sighs] It doesn't really matter,

'cause she never showed.

Sounds like you and I both need
a bit of cheering up tonight.

You've gotten your heart broken too?


Hey, come with me.

Close your eyes and hold on tight, OK?

Just give me a minute.

All right, you can open your eyes now.


Cat Noir... this is...


I'm so sorry.

-Why? It's not your fault.
-No. Yeah.

I mean, what I mean is,
I'm very sorry for you

'cause, um, you prepared all this
and then... she didn't show!

She told me she might not make it,
but I really wanted her to come.

Maybe she had a really good reason for not
coming, like... a problem or something.

You're only saying that
to make me feel better.

Yeah. I mean, no. I mean ... Look out!

Marinette, party-pooper,
you're looking so sad and surly!

But Glaciator will make it all better,
don't you worry!

What's that?
Another supervillain in love with you?

No! That's... André the ice-cream maker!

The sweethearts guy?
He isn't looking too sweet now.

It's... it's a long story...

♪ I'm Glaciator, the mean ice-cream man ♪

♪ Escape my fury if you can ♪

♪ I've melt your hearts, but I was wrong! ♪

♪ Now I'll freeze your bodies, so long! ♪

Go inside, Marinette!
I'll lead him away from you!

Cat Noir!

Thanks for cheering me up!

It was the least I could do.

Wow! I've never seen this sensitive side
of Cat Noir before!

Yeah, maybe I was wrong about him.

Tikki, spots on!


-Hey! Snow-dude! You looking for me?
-Bad kitty!

Where have you hidden Marinette?

Did the bad guys leave you cold?

How was your amazing evening
with your "friends"?

I've never tasted "superhero"
flavour before!

I can't wait to serve myself
a double scoop!


Don't forget what you promised me.

Get me Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous!

I'm a man of my word, Hawk Moth.

Come out now or I'll bury Paris
in an entire layer of ice cream!

The ice cream fires out of his hand.

And before André got akumatized,
he served his ice creams using a...

-A whatchamacallit!
-That's called an ice-cream scooper.

-That must be where the akuma's located!
-It's been a ball!

But now it's time to turn you
into popsicles, once and for all!


That's weird!
He's leaving the couples alone.

-Too bad for us!
-You don't understand!

He doesn't attack couples,
so we could pretend...


To be in love.

Sorry. It's not cool
to play with people's feelings.

Are you mad
because I didn't show up?

-What do you think?
-I didn't mean to hurt you.

-And I also had a surprise for you, too.
-I really am sorry.

No, I'm the one who's sorry.

-Maybe another time.
-Show yourselves, cowards!

-Let's try your idea.

[Glaciator] I know you're here!

Glaciator, fire!
Now's the time! Freeze them forever!

-It's all part of the plan.

I can't, Hawk Moth.
They look so... in love!

Now! Ha!

I hit something inside!
André's inside the monster!

-Look out!


This isn't over!

-What should we do?
-We must take care of him

before all these people totally melt away!

Lucky charm!

Looks like someone's going for a ride.

Grab three signposts
and tie them to your stick.

-We're going to make a propeller!
-A propeller?

♪ A popsicle freeze is coming your way
If you don't pass my test ♪

-All right, now, give me your belt!
-♪ I'm Glaciator, you can't run from me ♪

♪ Hand over your Miraculous ♪

Ready, Kitty?



No more evil-doing for you, little akuma!

Time to de-evilise!


Bye-bye, little butterfly.

Miraculous Ladybug!

Pound it!

Sacrebleu! How enchanting!

Saved from the cold
by a couple of super-lovebirds!

He said it!

Ladybug! You've melted all my plans!
But someday, I will triumph.

And it will taste of such sweet revenge!

-It's beautiful, Cat Noir.
-Aren't you glad you finally came?

Listen, I don't want to play around
with your feelings.

It would be the same as lying to you
and I don't want to do that.

You're more than a partner, Cat Noir.
You're my friend.

And I'd never want to lie to a friend.

But why do you think it'd be lying?

Because there's this boy I...

There's a boy? Who is... ?


I can't tell you who it is.
We can't know anything about each other.

Our identities must remain a secret.

We're both superheroes, Cat Noir.
We don't have a choice.

I get it, Ladybug.
Your friendship means everything to me.

You can keep the rose.
It goes with your costume!

The only way to get over a heartache is
to eat a whole bunch of cheese. Shall we?

I don't have a heartache, Plagg.

Great! So, then, no cheese fest?

Perhaps Ladybug will love me some day.
I mean, like I love her.

I have to believe. In the meantime,
her friendship is the best gift of all.

Ugh! All this sweet talk
is grossing me out! I need camembert!

-Hello, André!
-Hey, pretty Marinette!

Can I offer you some ice cream,
to eat, this time?

Of course! How else will I know
if it's really the best in Paris?

Peach pink like his lips
and mint like his eyes.

It's delicious!

Still think
it doesn't lock loves together?

Never say never! Have a good day, André.

See you again soon, my dear.


Another customer! Welcome!
Would you like some sweetheart ice cream?

-Is your ice cream really magical?
-What do you think?

-I think you have to believe.
-You're spot on, son!

Strawberry with black chocolate chip,
blackberries for her hair,

blueberry ice cream,
just like her sky-blue stare.

On the house!

There's love in your eyes.
André can see it, clear as day!

-This love is true!
-Have a good day.

[lively music]
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