01x18 - Reach it! To That Sky!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x18 - Reach it! To That Sky!

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Let's go on an S-Class quest, Lucy!

We came to Galuna Island
without the guild's permission.

Gray and Erza got dragged
into it, and we settled things

with Lyon's group, which was
bent on reviving Deliora, but then...

Please destroy the moon!

Yes, we can do it! Let's go,
with a lot more unanswered questions!!

The door to the magical
is right before your eyes

This entire world is a wonderland

And we're already wondering!!!

When that sense of nervousness
turns into excitement...

...isn't it wonderful?!

Who am I? What is reality?

Why can't I see into tomorrow?

The more curious you are, the more you level up

The everyday lives we share aren't so bad, right?

Tell me! Sense of Wonder

Life is training!

So we can make it! Let's go,
to find even more unanswered questions

I can't bear having so many answers

A spell's been cast on this wonder life

Our future is wondering!!!

It's easier to do your best when you live

doing the things you want to do!

Let's Wondering!!!

We're going to destroy the moon now.


We're going to destroy the moon
and return everyone to normal.

We get to see the moon
destroyed with our own eyes?!

Oh! We can finally go back to normal!

Wouldn't the ruins be a better
place to destroy the moon from?

It's higher up there!

This will do just fine.
Besides, the villagers can't get near the ruins.

Destroy... the moon?
I don't think even Erza can do that...

Wh-What is she planning to do?

--Gets your heart racing, huh?
--For various different reasons...

This is the Giant Armor.
It increases one's throwing strength.


...this is the De-Malevo-Lance.
It drives away darkness.

Whoa! Awesome!

You're gonna chuck that thing
at the moon to destroy it?!

No, there's no way that'll work...

That said, I doubt it'll be
able to reach it on its own...

I'll need your firepower to boost it.

When I throw the spear,
you'll hit its rear end with all your might.

We're going to destroy the moon

by using both my armor's
throwing power and your firepower.

All right! Got it!

Let's do it!

Why are they both so raring to go?

They're not going to actually
destroy the moon... are they?

"Reach the Sky Above"
Reach the Sky Above.



Oh, man...

They're wrecking stuff again?!

Reach it!

No way!

The moon?!

What is this...?!

It wasn't the moon that shattered... It was the sky?!

What the heck's goin' on?!

This island was covered by
a membrane of evil energy.


Think of it as something like
gas produced by the Moon Drip.

It crystallized and created a film in the sky.

That's why the moon appeared purple.

With the evil film now broken,
the island will regain its former luster.


They're... not turning back?

Oh, no...

No, things are back to normal.

The evil energy didn't affect their
appearances; it affected their memory.

Their memory?

They said they turned into demons at night

because their memory was faulty.

Huh? Are you saying what I think you're saying...?!

That's right.

They were always demons to begin with.


Y-Yeah, now that she mentions it.
It's all still a bit fuzzy, though...

They have the ability to transform into humans.

They simply thought that
their altered states were their true forms.

The Moon Drip had impaired their memory.

But why were Lyon and the others fine, then?

Because they're human.

It would seem the memory loss
only happens to demons.

And the reason they can't get near the ruins

is because they're actually demons.

Sacred light is stored within the ruins;

those of the darkness can't draw near.


Letting you handle this was the right choice.

Thank you, wizard!



You're that old sailor!

Bo... Bobo...

--Huh?! But you were...!

A s*ab in the chest ain't enough to k*ll us!

B-But you vanished from the boat...

Sorry I couldn't tell you the truth then!


I left the island because I was
the only one whose memory had returned.

I was afraid of everyone in the village!

They all thought they were human!



Looks like you're finally yourself again, Pops!

--You're alive!
--You're alive, Bobo!

--All right!

An island of demons, huh...

Look at everyone's faces, though...

Thank goodness!

If anything...

...they seem more like angels than demons!

We're having a celebration tonight!
A demon celebration!

A demon celebration?
That sounds really... intense...


Are your injuries all right now?

Do I know you?

You've forgotten?

--You're that girl...!
--You remember now?


We all think you're just wonderful!
Ever since you came to our village!

Yeah! We think you're so cool!

But you probably prefer
our human forms instead, huh?

N-No, not necessarily...
I think you look pretty good as you are...


You really are nice, Gray!

You fill us with confidence!

Let's do the Demon Wiggle-Waggle Dance!

--This way, Gray!

So they're the type Gray is popular with, huh?

Looks like he's having fun!

Gray is right...

We never opened up to other islands

because we felt inferior about the way we looked...

That's how the rumors spread
about Galuna Island being cursed.

That must've been why the people
at the harbor were so afraid of this island.

Yes. But we hope to become greater friends

with people from other lands from now on.

I'm sure we can help each other out.

Yes. Talking like this is proof that
it's possible to understand each other

regardless of what you look like.


Are you really going?

Yes. We'll never be satisfied otherwise.


You stay with Cold Emperor Lyon.

This is all for love.



...the Cold Emperor's minions!


I'll handle this. Don't worry.

What do you want?

Cold Emperor Lyon is incapacitated
at the moment, because of you.

So we've come for payback.

Hold on! Haven't you heard?! We and Lyon have--

That makes no difference to us.

We're going to settle things now.

Sounds interesting! Bring it on!


We can't continue to rely on you forever!

Yeah! That's right!

This is our village!
We need to protect it ourselves!

Your sentiment is admirable. But I will handle this.

Titania of Fairy Tail...

I owe you for our little encounter on the beach.

You are a worthy opponent.

Careful, Erza! That chick can
control rocks and trees and stuff!

And that guy with the weird
eyebrows can neutralize magic!

I see. In that case...

...I need only finish them before they try anything!


Even without weapons she's tough!

--That's the great Erza for you.

That was splendid...


You're too much for us.

Wait, don't tell me you...!

I doubt this atones for what we did,

but we wanted to at least own up to our actions.

Oh, so that's what you
meant by "come for payback"!

The Cold Emperor told us everything.

Thanks to you, we've been
freed from our hatred for Deliora.

Oh! So you're victims of Deliora too...?

When we were young, our towns were destroyed

and our friends and families were burned to ash...

That's why we followed the Cold Emperor;

he had plans to defeat Deliora once and for all.

But that doesn't mean it was right for us
to hurt innocent people in the process...

Our hatred for Deliora nearly
made us as bad as Deliora himself.

We had forgotten about love.

We had forgotten about love.

All right!

Come eat with us!

Huh? But we were just your enemy!

High-calorie food makes me gain weight--

Don't be like that! Let's have some fun!

Okay! Let's party!


Did you see that?

Yes. Why did you restore the village?

Call it a kind gesture!


Still, Fairy Tail is more skilled than I expected.

Let's just hope they don't get in our way...


Where's Eyebrows and the other one?

They left a long time ago.
They said they couldn't eat any more.

Looks like it's gonna leave a scar...

--Huh? That's no big deal to me.
--It's your face, you know!

I don't care where I get scars.

--Well, the kind you can see, anyway.
--Oh! That's well put!


What scars can't you see?

Shut up! I'm being cool here! Butt out!

That was cool?

Wh-What?! You can't accept your reward?!

That's right. The sentiment alone is enough.

Oh, uhh, but...

Our guild never officially accepted this job.

Some of our foolish members simply
decided to take on the task themselves.

Even so, that doesn't change
the fact that we've been saved!

Would you accept it as a token
of appreciation for our friends instead?

Putting it that way makes it difficult to turn down.

--Seven million Jewel?!
--All right!

However, accepting it would go
against the principles of our guild.

We'll gladly accept just the key
you offered alongside the reward.

We don't need that!

We do! We do!

Then at least let me take you back to Hargeon.

No, I already have a ship ready.

A pirate ship?!

Don't tell me she h*jacked it?!


Big Sis!

"Big Sis"...?

Yes. They seem to be fond of me.

--That's the great Erza for you!
--Enough with the "great"...

Come aboard too, ya mateys!


No way! I don't wanna ride that thing!

--I'll swim with you, then!
--Forget that!

--Steady as she goes!
--Steady as she goes!

Thank you, everyone!

Take care!

Let's do the Demon
Wiggle-Waggle Dance again sometime!

Good luck with work!

Fairy Tail's the greatest!

Visit again anytime!

There they go...

I-I'm not crying at all, just so you know...!

Actually, why are you crying?

Are you sure about this?

You finally reached an understanding
with your fellow pupil.

In other words, it's love...

In other words, it's love...

I'm sure.

Tell me... Is it fun being in a guild?

It was a shame about Deliora.

It couldn't be helped.

I never would've imagined
that he was already dead.

I thought that acquiring Deliora

would bring me one step closer to my dream.

I'm sorry, Sir Siegrain.

I had no idea that woman's magic was that powerful.

Don't talk about her that way.

Ultear... the tears of Ur.

I hold great respect for your mother.

If she were alive,

she would undoubtedly be
one of the Ten Saint Wizards.

You put too much value in her.

My mother was a wretched woman
so obsessed with the ways of magic

that my father abandoned her.

The greater the loss, the stronger one becomes.

I meant little to my mother.

I wonder. Perhaps she raised young pupils

out of a lingering attachment to you...

Enough of that talk.

We should move to the next stage now.


...your face...

What is this?!

It swelled up only now?

Come to think of it, how was it fighting Natsu?

He was impressive, although
I hadn't used even half of my strength.

He's going to grow much, much stronger.

I bet so...

He is Igneel's son...

May he continue to burn for my dream...

--We're back!

Man, after all that hard work,
we get one lousy key as a reward...

It was an S-Class quest, too!

It wasn't an official job. This will do just fine.

Exactly! No complaining!

You're the only one who profited, Lucy...

Let's sell it!

How can you say that?! Are you an alley cat?!

I mentioned it before,
but the gold keys are Zodiac Keys,

and there are only twelve in the entire world!

They're super-rare!

That cow and maid are rare?

If I keep training, the celestial spirits
will get way stronger than you!

So, what key is this one?

--It's Sagittarius! Half human, half horse!
--Half human, half horse?!

--Heya! I'm Sagittarius!
--No, I think more like this...

--Yo! I'm Sagittarius!
--That's not even horse or human...

You're certainly carefree.

Surely you haven't forgotten
that punishment waits when we get back.

Wha...?! Punishment?!

Hold on! I thought we had gotten over that!

Don't be foolish.

I only permitted your actions
due to the situation at the time.

You still deserve to be punished.

You can't be serious...!

For the most part,
I'm willing to forgive your actions.

However, the decision is up to the master.

I have no intention of standing up for you.

Be ready for the punishment you deserve.

Oh no! Don't tell me
he's gonna make us do that!

Hold on! Not that! I never wanna do that again!

What do you mean by "that"?!

Don't sweat it!

Knowing Gramps,
he'll praise you and say, "Well done!"

That's being extremely positive...

No. "It" is almost a certainty.

I can hardly wait.


--No! Not that! Anything but that!
--No... Not that...

What do you mean by "that"?!

What are you talking about?!

The merry-go-round spins in the world of dreams

Morning comes as I chase after
the profile you left behind

Without waiting for a reply,
you said you never want to see my face again

Tears trickled down your cheeks

You must've really fought
your tears back each time you were about

to be swallowed by waves of contradictions

Everyone overestimated
how strong of a person you are

so at some point we lost sight of your true self

The sun, that should've been
right by your side, set and stopped shining,

blotting out truths and lies from times gone by

The merry-go-round spins in the world of dreams

Ironically, morning comes as
I chase after your profile

Professor Happy's Fairy Tail Course!

Today, I'm going to introduce
the members of Fairy Tail!

Our guild has many wizards,
all led by Master Makarov! Uppa!

They fight all the time,
but they're actually really good friends!

See you next time!

Rise! Bow! Aye!

"Fairy Tail"

I wish I could fly like you, Happy!
It'd be so convenient!

Aye! But it's pretty much impossible
unless we somehow swap magic.

Yeah, huh...

I wonder if a spell for
that's lying around somewhere...

Natsu. You don't just find
magic lying on the ground.

"Next episode: Changeling"
Next Episode: Changeling.

But I think I heard
that sort of spell exists somewhere...

Oh! You're awesome, Happy!
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