01x11 - Cursed Island

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x11 - Cursed Island

Post by bunniefuu »

The Fiore Kingdom.

A neutral country with a population of 17 million.

It is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold there like anything else,

and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some who
make a living using magic.

These people are referred to as wizards.

These wizards belong to many different guilds

and accept jobs brought to them.

There are many guilds in this kingdom,

and there's a certain wizard guild
in a certain town...

A guild from which
countless legends were once born--

nay, one that will continue to
create legends well into the future.

Its name... Fairy Tail.

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Oh yeah can you hear my voice?

Oh yeah even if I go hoarse I'll keep shouting

Oh yeah until your heart can hear it

Oh yeah Oh yeah

The moon and the sun high-five

You haven't forgotten anything, have you?

It's strange, without you

I can't even find something to want

Snowing, I was able to open up and give a smile

because we have time to
snuggle up and be together

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Don't say goodbye

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Only wizards with the master's
approval can take S-Class jobs!

Meaning Natsu and I can't...

My room!

Master! A job flyer is missing from
the second floor request board!

An S-Class quest?!

Let's go, Lucy!

What? A job sheet's missing?

If it was on the second floor, it was an S-Class job.

What kind of dummy would run off with that?

A cat. I saw a cat with wings take off with it.

Happy did?!

--Meaning Natsu and Lucy...?!
--What are they thinking?!

They took an S-Class quest just like that?!

I thought they were stupid, but not this stupid.

This is a serious breach of the rules.

Gramps! You're kicking 'em out
the moment they get back, I assume?

Though, given their skill level,

I doubt they'll come back
alive from an S-Class job...

Laxus! Why didn't you try
to stop them if you knew?!

All I saw was a sneaky cat run off
with a piece of paper in its mouth.

I never imagined it was Happy

or that Natsu was going out on an S-Class job.

Oh? You haven't given that look in a while.

This is bad. What job flyer was taken?

The cursed island of Galuna.

--Galuna Island?!

--That's insane!
--They really are stupid!

Laxus! Go bring them back!

Don't be silly. I have my own work to attend to.

Members of this guild are supposed
to be able to take care of themselves.


Out of everyone here,

who else besides you can
bring Natsu back by force?!


I can't let that comment go.

"The Cursed Island"
The Cursed Island.

The port town of Hargeon.

Wow! This brings back memories!

This is the town where I met you guys!

Brings back memories? It wasn't that long ago.

You sound like an old lady.

Okay! Let's find a boat
that'll take us to Galuna Island!


Don't be crazy! We're swimming there!

I'd say that's crazier...

Galuna Island? Yeah, right!
We ain't goin' near that place!

Forget it. We don't even wanna hear that name.

Sailors around here won't
even talk about that island.

That place is cursed.
Going there'd be nothing but bad news.

Dunno what your story is,

but you won't find any sailors who'll go there.

Even pirates avoid that place!

--You can't be serious...
--It's decided! We swim!

--We're not swimming!

Found ya!

--What are you doing here?!

Gramps ordered me to bring you back.

We got found out already?!

Who knows, if you come back now,
he might not kick you out.

--Let's go.
--Kicked out?!

Screw that! I'm doing this S-Class quest!

You don't got the skill for it!

Man, if Erza hears about this...


Save me, Gray!

They forced me to come with them!


I'm gonna show Erza what I can do!
I can't turn back now!

This is a direct order from our master!
I'll drag you back if I have to!

Don't blame me if you get hurt!

You itchin' for a fight?!


You guys are wizards?!

Wait, are you going to break the island's curse?!

--T-To try to, anyway...

You're not going anywhere.

Get in!



Oh, all right! We'll take this boat there!

We're taking Gray with us?!

If he goes back to the guild,
Erza will come next...!

"And then..."
And then...

I know it's too late to say this, but I'm scared now.

You tie me up and then say that?!

And you! Why did you agree to take us?!

My name is Bobo.
I used to live on Galuna Island.

I fled from that cursed island.

Disaster will befall you all, too.

Such is the fate of those who visit that island.

Can you really lift this curse?

This demon's curse...

Mister! Your arm...!

Curse? You don't mean...?!

There it is.

Galuna Island.

What is that?
The mountaintop is glowing...

--Huh?! Where'd he go?!
--Did he fall overboard?!

He just suddenly disappeared!

What's that sound?


Giant wave!

It's going to engulf us! Hold on!

--Happy! Lift the boat into the air!
--I can't do that!

Where am I?

Oh, boy...

Galuna Island.

Oh, we're here?!

A giant wave washed us ashore...

Looks like we lucked out...

What was with that man, anyway?

He said something about a demon's curse...

Don't worry about it! Let's go exploring!


Don't you think it's the most
important thing to worry about,

based on the job description?!


Apparently there's a village on this island,

and the village chief is
the one who posted the job.

--Let's head there first.
--Not so fast.

Now what?!
The boat's busted! You can't take us back!

No. I'm coming with you.

I can't let you guys beat me to the second floor,

and it'd be no fun if you got kicked out.

If we do this job right, Gramps can't complain.

Let's go!


"Keep Out"...

It's nice that we made it here, but what is this?

What does it mean, "keep out"?!

Excuse me! Please open up!

--Should I break it?!

Who's there?!

We're from the Fairy Tail wizard guild!

Nobody notified us about the job being accepted!

Well, uhh...

There was probably just some
mix-up with the paperwork!

Show us your emblems!


They're real!

They really came!

It's like we're going into a giant monster's mouth.

Don't say things like that!

I am Moka, the chief of this island village.

Let's get right down to business. Please have a look.


--Just like the man on the boat...

Crazy sideburns!

No, this is what I want you to see.

Everything on this island is affected
by this curse. Even dogs and birds.

I don't mean to question you,
but what makes you believe it's a curse?

Couldn't it be a contagious disease?

We've consulted dozens of doctors,
but they say no such disease exists.

Plus, the moon's magic has something
to do with us taking these forms.

The moon's magic?

This island has absorbed
moonlight since ancient times.

It made the entire island
shine beautifully like the moon.

However, some years ago,
the moon's light suddenly turned purple.

A purple moon?

Oh! The moon is coming out!

It's true! The moon is purple!

Now this is creepy...

It's a curse.

This is the moon's magic.


--What the...?!
--What's going on?!

What the heck?!

I apologize for the shock.

What in the world is this?

--You poor people...
--You're so...

You're so cool!


You're so lucky!
I want some horns and spikes too!

--This is the first time...
--...we've been called cool...

Get it together!
They don't like being like this!


My bad! We'll have to do something, then!

--Finally you understand.
--Learn to read situations.

Anyway, as you can see,

we take on the forms of demons
whenever the purple moon is out.

If this isn't a curse, what else is it?!

Come morning, we'll all be back to normal.

However, there are some who lose
their minds and never change back.

Oh, no...

We've since made it a rule...

...to k*ll those who
transform into mindless monsters.

Even though they might turn back to normal?!

We have to, or they'll k*ll us all!

We've tried capturing them,
but they just break free.

As a result...

...I had to k*ll my own son.

My son, whose mind became that of a demon...

Th-That man...! Huh?!

--But, yesterday we...!

I figured out why that man vanished.

It's because he can't rest in peace.

A ghost...?

Please, save this island!

It's only a matter of time until we all
lose our minds and become demons...!

We won't let that happen!

We'll figure something out!

There's only one way to lift our curse...

The moon...

Please destroy the moon.

The more I look at it,
the creepier the moon seems.

Happy. Hurry and shut the window.

You heard the village chief.

We'll wind up demons too
if we're exposed to the moonlight for too long.

Man, talk about a tall order.

Asking us to destroy the moon is a bit much...

I'm not even sure how many punches it'd take!

You want to destroy it?!

What is he thinking, though?

Yeah. I don't think there's
any wizard who could do it.

But he hired us to destroy the moon.

It would tarnish Fairy Tail's name
to take a job and then back out on it.

If we can't do it, we can't do it!

--How would we even get to the moon?!
--With Happy!

Huh?! Definitely not gonna happen.

He wants us to destroy the moon,
but I bet we can find another way

to break the curse if we do some investigating.

Walking all day after getting shipwrecked...
Man, I'm beat.

Why are you stripping?

All right, then!
We explore the island tomorrow!

--Now for sleep!
--Aye, Sir!

We can do our thinking tomorrow.

Yeah. I'm tired, too. Let's sleep.

"Snore" "SNORE"

Wait, how am I supposed to sleep
between this beast and this pervert?!

It's too early...

It's crazy early in the morning...

Who are you blaming for not being able to sleep?!

Okay! Let's put our energy into this and get going!


Open, Gate of the Clock Constellation!


The time is 7:48.

Are we really gonna find another way
besides destroying the moon?

We have to.

Besides, we can't destroy it.

People wouldn't be able to
go moon-viewing anymore.

Oh, right!

Then there'd be no more limited-time-only
Fairy Tail moon-viewing steaks!

I can't live without that moon-viewing salted fish!

"Stop that, you guys.
We don't know what's out here.

Could you please not shout so loud?" she says.

Walk on your own.

Uhh, are you sure you're using
your celestial spirits properly?

W-We're dealing with a curse here.
Intangible stuff is scary!

She says.

S-Class quests rock! I'm all fired up now!

I'll freeze this stupid curse!
There's nothing to be scared of!

"You guys really are stupid," she says.


What's that?

--Wh-What the...?!
--It's huge!

"Beat it up, you guys!" she says.

Ice Make...


"H-Hey! What's going on?!"

"And when did you get in here?!"


...They say.


A rat?!

--Natsu! Quit lying around!
--He has a strong sense of smell, so...


Ice Make: Floor!

--Why didn't you do that first?!
--Quit complaining!

Look! There's some sort of building!

Let's get inside while we can!

Yeah! Let's beat it up while we can!

You guys...

The Temple of Moon.

--Wow! This place is big!
--It's all busted up!

Just how old is this?

--Huh? What are those?
--They're moons.

This place was originally
called "Island of the Moon."

A moon island, a moon curse, and moon emblems...

There's something fishy about these ruins.

Man, this place is falling apart.
Is this floor even safe?

Stop that!

Natsu, you idiot!


Hey! You guys okay?!

No! This is your fault!

Why don't you ever think about the consequences?!

--Happy. Can you fly us all up?

--We're beneath the ruins...
--It's a secret cave!

--Since we're here, let's go exploring!
--Hey! Quit running around like crazy!


--Now what?

What is this?

Wh-What the...?


That can't be!

What is Deliora doing here?!

It's impossible! He can't be here!

You know this thing?!

It's... It's...!

Gray! Calm down!

Tell us, what is this thing?

Deliora... The demon of destruction...

--Demon of construction?

He looks exactly the same as then...
What's going on?!

This is where the voices were coming from.

It's daytime. I'm sleepy...


Have you been soaking in the Moon Drip?
You have ears and stuff.

No! These are decorations!
Get it through your head!

I was only teasing you, idiot.

You're so mean.

Moon Drip? Could that be the curse?

Yuka. Toby. I have sad news.


Someone beat up Angelica.

It's just a dumb rat! Don't give it a deluxe name!

She is not a rat! Angelica is a hunter
that races through the darkness...

And... love!

And... love!

Talk about a serious weirdo.
Especially with that last thing she said.

They're not from this island. They smell different.

And they don't seem to be cursed, either.

Intruders, huh?

Just when the moon's light
is nearly gathered, too. How sad.

Let us get rid of the intruders before
the Cold Emperor hears of this.

Yes, before the moon shows itself...


Now that they've seen Deliora,
we cannot let them leave alive.

We will give the intruders eternal sleep...

--In other words, love.
--You mean death.

--What was that?
--Over there!

--Good work!

Aww, we should've caught 'em and interrogated 'em!

Not yet. Let's check things out a little more first.

This is starting to get complicated.

I wonder who this "Cold Emperor" is...

Why did they bring Deliora here...?!

How did they find where he was sealed, anyway?!

"Where he was sealed"?

This thing was sealed in
an iceberg in a northern continent.

It's an immortal demon that ravaged
the Isvan region ten years ago...

Master Ur, the one who taught me magic,
risked her life to seal it away!

Dunno what it has to do with the island's curse,

but it doesn't belong here!

Cold Emperor... Who are you?!

You'll have hell to pay if
you try to tarnish Ur's name!

Ready, go!

Take me away somewhere!

Just the two of us, riding a tin horse

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

My beloved dolls can't talk back

so it can get painfully lonely

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

I'm a crybaby and get tears in my eyes

every time I think of you...

On nights when the moon is out

I'm always

looking for the rabbit in the moon

I'm so at a loss for words

that it's like a spell's been cast on me

I can't wake from this dream

This love is a soliloquy

I'm so at a loss for words

because I really, really love you

What magic words can I chant

to let you know that?

I'm at a complete loss for words

I'm at a loss for words because of everything

because I love you like crazy

Someday I want to make you say

"I'm at a loss for words!"

back to me

"My place!!"
I'm at an utter loss for words!

"Fairy Tail"

--Have you heard of Moon Drip, Natsu?
--Huh? What's that?

--I'm not sure, but it sounds tasty.
--Wow, is it food?!

Aye! I bet it's candy!
Made from juice squeezed out of the moon!

That sounds great!

"Next Episode: Moon Drip"
Next episode: Moon Drip.

--But how do you squeeze the moon?
--You'll just have to find out next time!

Ah! I can't wait! Moon Drops!
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