01x07 - Flame and Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x07 - Flame and Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

The Fiore Kingdom.

A neutral country with a population of 17 million.

It is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold there like anything else,

and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some
who make a living using magic.

These people are referred to as wizards.

These wizards belong to many different guilds

and accept jobs brought to them.

There are many guilds in this kingdom,

and there's a certain wizard guild
in a certain town...

A guild from which
countless legends were once born--

nay, one that will continue to
create legends well into the future.

Its name... Fairy Tail.

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Oh yeah can you hear my voice?

Oh yeah even if I go hoarse I'll keep shouting

Oh yeah until your heart can hear it

Oh yeah Oh yeah

The moon and the sun high-five

You haven't forgotten anything, have you?

It's strange, without you

I can't even find something to want

Snowing, I was able to open up and give a smile

because we have time to
snuggle up and be together

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Don't say goodbye

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

So you did come, you Fairy Tail flies.

What is your aim?! What are you
planning to do with the Lullaby?!

Erza the Titania?!

Circle Sword!

--What is that?!
--The station is surrounded by wind!

You are trapped inside now.

Oshibana Station.

Forget it! It's impossible!
You know we can't undo the magic barrier...


Gray! Wasn't Natsu with you?!

We split up! But never mind that for now!

Eisenwald's real target is the town up ahead!


Gramps' and the others' conference!

They plan to use the Lullaby there!

Is that so?!

This station is surrounded
by a Magic Wind Wall, though.

Yeah, I saw it.

Try to break out and it'll turn you into mincemeat.

I've already tried.

Erza! Your arm...!

It's nothing. But, as we speak,
Erigor is nearing the masters.

Come to think of it, there was
someone in Eisenwald named Kage.

He managed to break
the Lullaby's seal all by himself.

A dispeller... A seal breaking wizard?!

He could remove the Magic Wind Wall, too!

Let's find him! Catch Kage!


Karacka... How long are you going to hide there?


They're going after Kage. Go.

I-I'm sorry! I can't! I can't back him up!

No... this'll be a simple job.

"Flame and Wind"
Flame and Wind.

--We completely lost him...

What do you say we head back to Erza for now?

What's with that reaction?

E-Erza said to go after him.

You gotta be really gutsy
to ignore an order from her...

I don't want to see her do it to you, too...

Wh-What is she going to do to me?!

A-All right! We'll look!
We'll look until we find him!

Your mood sure changes easily, Lucy.

Urgh! Shut up! Why are you
getting so attached to me anyway, cat?!

Erigor! Where are you hiding?!

Next one!

Hasn't he ever heard of doors?!


He poses no threat, so I could just let him go.

But... I won't feel satisfied if I do that!

I owe you for earlier, you motion-sick fly!

You again?!

That suits you.

--Shut up, Toupee.
--Not "Toupee"! Kage! Kageyama!

Oh, that so?

Whatever, though.
I've got your magic figured out.

You increase your destructive power
by adding fire to your body.

That's pretty rare magic!

I really wanna beat you up,
but this is no time for that!

Where is Erigor?!

That's a good question.
I'll consider telling you if you can beat me.

Knuckle Shadow!

Oh, you're gonna tell me
after I give you a beating?

That's great! Two birds with one stone!

Now I'm all fired up!

What is this shaking?

Nimble bastard! But...!

You can't dodge my Snake Shadow!
It'll follow you wherever you go!

I'll shatter you! Fire Dragon Wing Attack!

Impossible! He defeated
the Snake Shadow in one blow!

This destructive force!
Wizards like this can't exist...!

Want another hard Fly Punch?

Y-You're a monster!

--Is that...?


You made me cause even more destruction.

What do you have to say for yourself?

Well, I feel better, at least.

--Looks like I win, Diorama.
--It's Kageyama...!

All right! Tell me where
Erigor is like you promised!

You fool. Erigor's not in this station anymore...



That's enough! We need him!

Way to go, fire freak!

Wait! I-I dunno what I did, but I'm sorry!

You will shut up and remove
the Magic Wind Wall for us!


That wasn't funny at all!
You really are dangerous, Erza...!

Shut up!


A-All right.


This'll be a simple job.


Eliminate Kage.

Damn! He was our only way out!

Kage! Stay with us! We need your help!

Damn! I can't believe this!

You're the only one who can remove
the Magic Wind Wall! Don't die!

He's one of your own comrades...!

He's a member of your own guild!

You bastard!

Is that just how your guild is?!

--Kage! You need to stay with us!
--It's no use, Erza! He's unconscious!

We can't let him die! He has to do this!

Come on! He can't use magic in his condition!

He has to do it!

Umm... Do you think this is a bad time?


Clover Canyon. A canyon so deep
it is said to rise from the abyss.

This train line is the only way to cross it.

The town of Clover is where
the guild masters gather... It's close.

And the magic energy I used up
creating the Magic Wind Wall

has almost fully replenished.

Guess I'll speed things up now.

You fools took away our work and our rights.

Now I'm coming for you!

The Reaper's cleansing is nigh!

What?! Erigor's real target is the conference?!


They cut off our only method of reaching Clover.

Erigor headed there through the air.

We could catch up to him in the Magic-mobile.

But unless we do something about
this barrier first, we're stuck in here.

You can't be serious...!

See? This is what happens if you try to leave.

Kage! Please! Help us!

Dammit! I will break
through this stupid thing!


You idiot. Brute strength won't do anything.

We need to hurry! Can't you freeze it
with your magic or something?!

I already would have if I could.


Stop that! You'll get torn apart!

Damn! What do we do?!

Stop it...!





--That's it! Celestial spirits!


Remember Everlue's mansion,

"Celestial Spirit World"

when I teleported by going
through the celestial spirit world?


Normal people would suffocate
and die if they went through, though.

Plus, the gates only open
where there's a celestial wizard.


Basically, if we wanted to pass through
the celestial spirit world to get out,

we'd need at least one
celestial wizard outside the station!

You're confusing me. Just hurry and do it.

I just said I can't!

Besides, the very act of a human
entering the celestial spirit world

is a serious breach of contract!

It didn't matter before
because it was Everlue's key.

I don't understand at all.

Everlue's key...?


--I just remembered, Lucy!
--Remembered what?

What I was supposed to tell you on the way here!

Oh, when you kept calling me weird?

This is it!

That's Virgo's key!

You know it's wrong to steal!

--No! Virgo told me herself...!

Urgh. This is no time for this nonsense.


Oh! That gorilla maid?!

Everlue was arrested,
so apparently their contract was annulled.

She visited us later and said she wants
to make a contract with you, Lucy!

"It" did?

I'm glad to hear it, but this is no time for that!

We need to figure a way out of here!


Shut up!

Enough talking! Just stick to meowing!

She can be frightening sometimes...

She's surprisingly powerful!

I just figured that since Virgo
can dive through the ground,

maybe we could go under
the wind barrier to get out...

--Are you serious?!

--Oh! Right!

You're so smart, Happy!
Oh, why didn't you suggest that sooner?

Because you kept pinching me.

"Apologizing on hands and knees"

Sorry! I'm sorry! I'll make it up
to you later somehow! I promise!

--Please just let me have the key!
--Aye! I look forward to your apology!

I am connected with the path
to the celestial spirit world!

Heed my call! Pass through the gate!

Open, Gate of the Maiden!



You called, Mistress?

Who're you? Who're you? Who're you...?

You called, Mistress?

Who're you?!

Hey, Marco! You've really slimmed down!

I'm Virgo. I apologize for
causing you trouble earlier.

Slimmed down?! More like a different person!

A different person?

Why do you look like that...?

I'm a devoted celestial spirit.
I take whatever form my master prefers.

Your last form was a lot more
powerful and tough-looking.

Is that so?

In that case... I'll use this form again.

Don't listen to him! Your skinnier form is better!



We're in a big rush!
Can the contract wait until later?

Of course, Mistress.

--I don't like being called "Mistress."
--"Queen" or "Dominatrix", then?


--That's more like it.

--How is she a princess?
--Just hurry it up!

Very well, then.

--Oh! She went down!
--Great thinking, Lucy!


All right! Let's go through the hole!


What are you doing, Natsu?

Having him die after fighting me
would leave a bad taste in my mouth.


--We're out!
--Let's hurry ahead!

This wind's so strong!

Princess! Your underwear might show!

--What about your own?
--Oh, man...

It's no use...

There's no way you can catch up to him now...

We win...!

Where's Natsu?

--Happy's gone, too.

There's the town...

Hold on, you old geezers!

This is Happy at max speed!


I can't fly any farther...

Thanks for the help!
We managed to catch up to him!


You're that Fairy Tail member...
What are you doing here?

I'm here to beat you, breezy bastard!

Why? Why are you taking me with you?

The town is empty now,
so we're taking you to a doctor in Clover!

You could show some gratitude!

No. Why are you helping me? We're enemies.

Ah, now I get it.

Ah, now I get it.

I'm your hostage, and you're
going to make a deal with Erigor.

Forget it. He's cold-hearted to the core.
He won't give a care about me.

So gloomy...

If you wanna die, we can k*ll you.

Hold on, Gray!

There's more to the world
than just life and death.

Live a little more positively. All of you.

What the...?!

--Sorry! It's all right!

--I'm sorry!
--Could your butt be any bigger?!

Sexual harassment! Gray! k*ll him!

Hey, now. Don't make
my sage advice go to waste...

My vision is blurring...

I must have used up much more
magic energy than I thought...

Natsu... Stop Erigor!

It's all up to you until we get there...!

Bring it on! I'll burn you and
that dangerous flute together!

You broke out of the Magic Wind Wall, huh?
What a pesky fly you are.

You are in my way. Begone.

This is nothing...!

What?! He uses fire to jump and to strike?!

And his strength!
That was nothing like a wizard's punch!


You can't fly in the air!
That's not fair! Come down and fight me!

Don't get cocky, fly!

Storm Bringer!


I-It's no use...
I don't have enough magic energy...

I doubt even your fire
can bring you back up here!


O-Oh, crap! This isn't good! What do I do...?!


Sheesh, all right!

--Watch closely, now. See!
--Whoa, cool!

It's called Purple Flare, and it can
do a lot more than just burn stuff!

My fire burns everything, though...

You just change the fire's properties.

If you ask for it from deep down,
the fire will respond on its own.

Do that, and not even water or wind can beat it!

I don't understand at all...


That was close!

Change the fire's properties, indeed...!

I did it, Macao!

Wh-What was that just now?!

You must be cold naked like that.
Want me to warm you up?!

You're just as unclothed as I am!

This'll blow you away!

Fire Dragon Roar!

Storm Wall!

I can't believe this guy...
Nothing he does makes any sense!

Is this what Fairy Tail wizards are like?!

It seems I somewhat
underestimated your strength.

What do you say we both fight for real now?

Now I'm fired up!

Storm Mail!

Here I come!

What's the matter? Is that all you have?

Damn! You just had to wrap
yourself in something annoying!

This'll tear it right off!

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!


What's going on?! My fire went out!

Just as I thought, your destructive
strength comes from your fire alone.

--You have no effect on me now.

The wind of my Storm Mail
is always blowing outward.

Understand what that means?
Fire doesn't blow against the wind!


Fire can't beat wind!

"To be continued..."

"To be continued..."
Ready, go!

Take me away somewhere!

Just the two of us, riding a tin horse

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

My beloved dolls can't talk back

so it can get painfully lonely

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

I'm a crybaby and get tears in my eyes

every time I think of you...

On nights when the moon is out

I'm always

looking for the rabbit in the moon

I'm so at a loss for words

that it's like a spell's been cast on me

I can't wake from this dream

This love is a soliloquy

I'm so at a loss for words

because I really, really love you

What magic words can I chant

to let you know that?

I'm at a complete loss for words

I'm at a loss for words because of everything

because I love you like crazy

Someday I want to make you say

"I'm at a loss for words!"

back to me

"My place!!"
I'm at an utter loss for words!

"Fairy Tail"

There's Erza, Natsu, Gray, and me.

We strike a pretty good balance, don't you think?

Yes. I'd say you might even be
the best team in Fairy Tail!

Yeah, huh?! If we do lots of jobs,
I'll be famous in no time!

"Next Episode: The Strongest Team!!!"

Next episode: The Strongest Team!!!

So, how many towns will
this team destroy? Two or three?

No, maybe four or five?

Please just give us a break!
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