01x06 - The Fairies in the Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x06 - The Fairies in the Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

The Fiore Kingdom.

A neutral country with a population of 17 million.

It is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold there like anything else,

and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some who
make a living using magic.

These people are referred to as wizards.

These wizards belong to many different guilds

and accept jobs brought to them.

There are many guilds in this kingdom,

and there's a certain wizard guild
in a certain town...

A guild from which
countless legends were once born--

nay, one that will continue
to create legends well into the future.

Its name... Fairy Tail.

Fairy, where are you going?

hikari zenbu atsumete
kimi no ashita terasu yo

Oh yeah kikoeten no ka kono koe wa?

Oh yeah kareta tte sakebu kara

Oh yeah kikoeru made kimi no kokoro ga

Oh yeah Oh yeah

tsuki to taiyou no haitatchi

wasuremono wa nai desu ka?

okashii na kimi ga inai to

hoshii mono sae mitsukaranai

Snowing sunao ni egao ni nareta no wa

futari yorisoi kasane atta jikan ga aru kara

Fairy, where are you going?

hikari zenbu atsumete kimi no ashita terasu yo

Don't say goodbye

"So much luggage"

"So much luggage"
Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Eisenwald is plotting something!

Erigor the Reaper...

You flies from a legitimate guild!

I know that flute! It's the cursed flute, Lullaby!

We're going to stop them!

The conference building
for the guild master league,

in the town of Clover.

Oh, Macky! Your wizards
are so nice and full of life!

This is Bob, the master of
the Blue Pegasus wizard guild.

He is male, by the way.

In fact, I heard one gave
some big shot a real thrashing!

Oh, you must mean Lucy! She just joined!

She's great! Supple and voluptuous!

Oh! So naughty!

This is no time to be laughing, Makarov.

This is Goldmine, the master of
the Quatro Cerberus wizard guild.

Your people may be spirited,
but they always go too far.

I hear some of the guys
on the council are worried

that Fairy Tail's gonna go and obliterate
an entire city one of these days.

I want to be obliterated! By Lucy's body, that is!

Oh, you know you shouldn't get involved

with your own wizards like that!

Master Makarov! Master Makarov!
A letter from Miss Mirajane!

--Thank you!
--No problem!

Master! I'm glad you made it to the conference!

What do you think?!
This is our poster girl! A cutey, ain't she?!

Oh, my!

Mirajane, huh? She's really matured!

Something very wonderful has happened
during your absence, Master!


You'll never believe it!
Erza, Natsu, and Gray have all teamed up!

I think they might be
the strongest team in Fairy Tail now!

I just thought I'd send you
a letter to let you know!


Bye now!

Oh, my.

Looks like those worries could become reality.

I-I can't believe this! A team of those
three really could destroy a city!

The conference ends today,
so I can be back by tomorrow...

Please, let nothing happen before then! I beg you!

"Fairies in the Wind"
Fairies in the Wind.

Kunugi Station.

Some guys with scythes
suddenly took over the train!

I know who they are!

They're the dark guild guys
who've been hanging around this area!

I can understand carriages and boats,
but taking over a train?

Aye! It wouldn't be very helpful,
since they can only follow the tracks.

But they are fast.


Sounds like the Eisenwald guys
have to rush for some reason.

Why are your clothes off?!


Still, the army's already taking action,

so it's only a matter of time until they're caught.

Let's hope so, anyway.

You allowed a Fairy Tail fly to see the Lullaby flute

and get away, Kageyama?

H-He doesn't know about the plan!

Besides, even if he did,
the plan is still unstoppable!

We need to be absolutely certain.

I'm setting the strategy into motion.

Then Oshibana Station is the place...

There are some forests
flies shouldn't buzz around in.

Go teach him a lesson.


Erza! Not so fast!

You're overloading the SE plug!

Scores of people will die if
the Lullaby flute is played!

Just hearing the sound of it is fatal!

What if you run out of magic power
just when we really need it?!

If that happens, I'll use
a stick or something to fight.

Besides, you and Natsu are with us, too.

I think I'm supposed to tell you something, Lucy.

You are? What is it?

I forget. All I remember is
that it had to do with you.

So nauseating...

--That might be it!
--That's it?!

--Stop, Natsu! You're gonna fall out!
--Please, let me...!

Hmm, if it's not, "Lucy is nauseating,"
then what else could it be?

Lucy's weird? A fish? Delicious? Healthy?

Weird? Weird? Weird?

Why do you keep saying I'm weird?!

What is that?

Oshibana Station.

Please leave the premises!

This station is currently closed
due to a train derailment!

A derailment? You serious?

I heard some dangerous guys
have taken over the station...

Please leave the premises!

--Tell me! What's the situation inside?!
--Huh?! Who are you--?

What's the situation inside?!

--What's the situation inside?!

I guess she has no use for people
who can't answer immediately...

Finally starting to understand what she's like?

Why aren't you wearing clothes?!

--Eisenwald's inside. Let's go.

--You mean I gotta take care of this?!

"And then..."
And then...

Apparently, a small army unit
broke in earlier but has yet to return.

They're probably locked
in combat with Eisenwald.

They've been wiped out!

We're up against an entire guild.
They're all wizards, in other words.

A small army unit never stood a chance.

So you did come, you Fairy Tail flies.

Th-There are so many...!

You. Are you Erigor?!

Wake up, Natsu! Time to work!

It's no use. He rode a train,
a Magic-mobile, and then you.

It's a triple vehicle sickness combo!

I'm a vehicle?!

Damn flies! Because of you,
Erigor got mad at me...!

That voice!

What is your aim?! What are you
planning to do with the Lullaby?!

You mean you don't know?

What do train stations have?

--He's flying!
--It's wind magic!

You plan to broadcast it?!

Thousands of nosy onlookers
have gathered around this station.

No, if I raise the volume,

the melody of death might just
echo throughout the entire city...

You're going to make innocent people
hear the Lullaby being played?!

This is a cleansing.

A cleansing of fools who preserve
their livelihoods by flaunting their rights,

ignorant of those who've
had their rights stolen away.

It is a sin to live oblivious to this unfair world.

Therefore... the reaper has
come to dish out punishment.

That won't give you your rights back!

Besides, you were kicked out of the wizard league

because you kept doing bad things!

At this point, we don't want rights. We want power!

With power, we can wash away
the entire past and control the future.

You're insane!

So sorry, flies.

You're going to the afterlife without
getting to witness the age of darkness!


I knew I recognized that voice!

Nice recovery!

Oh, look at all these people!

They're enemies. They're all enemies!

Sounds interesting!

We got you now, Fairy Tail.
Everything is going as I planned.

There are people who have
to hear the sound of the flute.

There are people who
we must get revenge against.

You're facing the strongest team in Fairy Tail!

You better prepare yourself!

I leave the rest to you.
Teach them the true terror of a dark guild.

He ran away!

Natsu. Gray. You two go after him.

If you two work together,
not even Erigor the Reaper can beat you.

--Are you listening?!
--Aye, Sir!

--They ran away!
--They're going after Erigor!

I'm on it!

I, the great Rayule, will take them down!

I'm coming with you! That bastard has to pay!

We'll hurry after them too when we're done here!

Two girls against this many?!

What are you two girls gonna do for us?

We'll pluck out your wings, you lousy flies.

Being so cute has its disadvantages too...

Lucy. Come back...

Depraved scum!

A sword appeared!

A magic sword!

Try insulting Fairy Tail again!
You won't live to see tomorrow!

That's nothin' special!

We got tons of magic swordsmen on our side!

Eat this!

It turned into a spear!

Now she has twin swords!

This woman can requip so fast!


Magic swords are sort of
like your celestial magic--

you basically summon weapons
stored in a different pocket of space.

Switching between those
weapons is called "requipping."

That's amazing...

Erza's amazingness is just getting started.


--All right! I can kick butt, too!

But Erza's just about to have her big scene!

Open, Gate of the Giant Crab!



Another fight, shrimp?

Take 'em out with style!

--What a stupid hairstyle!
--Crack him open!


--My w*apon!
--My hair!

--We all look like...
--...a kappa.

That's so mean!

Nice cut, shrimp.

Not bad.

Y-You're too kind!

All right! My likeability's gone up!

That's what you were trying for?!

However, his sentence-ender bugs me.

However, his sentence-ender bugs me.

"Shrimp" is no good.
At least make it something like, "Snip."


Shrimp... snip.


That said, there are still this many?

How annoying. I'll take them all out at once!

Her armor's coming off!

Magic swordsmen always
fight while requipping weapons.

But Erza can also fight

while requipping magic armor
that increases her abilities!

That's Erza's magic! It's called...

..."The Knight"!

Dance, my swords!

Erza?! Don't tell me she's...?!

Circle Sword!

Whoa! She wiped most of them out with one blow!


You're dealing with me now!

No doubt about it!
She's the strongest woman in Fairy Tail...

..."Titania, Queen of the Fairies" Erza!

Amazing! I think I could fall for her!

Screw this!

He might be headed for Erigor. Follow him.




I'm going now!

I guess I did overdo it with the Magic-mobile.

I leave the rest to you, everyone...

Work together?! You gotta be kidding me!

You can't put fire and ice together! It's impossible!

Erza's way too selfish-minded!

She always has to decide everything on her own!

I can handle Erigor just fine by myself!

Don't copy me!

Which way?

We can just split up.

Natsu. We're dealing with an idiot
bent on unleashing dangerous magic.

If you find him, beat his brains out.

That's not all. He's also an idiot
who picked a fight with Fairy Tail.

I'm gonna turn him into cinders!


Don't die, now.



Wait. If he's going to broadcast the Lullaby...

The broadcast studio.


Does that mean broadcasting it isn't their goal?

Your hunches are too good.

You're an obstacle in our plan!

Looks like there's another side to this!

--Oh! Someone's coming out!

If you value your lives, leave this place at once!

This station has been taken over by evil wizards!

They intend to use a spell to k*ll everyone here!

Run as far away as you can!

Hey, you! Why would
you start a panic like that?!

It's better than having everyone die.

You should evacuate immediately, too.

Now there's no one around the station.

What will Erigor's next move be?


The station is surrounded by wind!

There's no escape from my urumi swords!

Ice Make...


Ice magic?!

Ice Make: Knuckle!

What is your guys' real goal?!

You never planned to broadcast
the Lullaby over the speakers?!

Erigor's Magic Wind Wall
should be active right about now...

Magic Wind Wall?

A wind barrier to keep you guys from escaping!

I had always wanted to
fight you at least once, Queen.

But it's a pity.
I have no time to play with you now!


Forget it. This Magic Wind Wall is one-way only.

Try to leave, and the wind will tear you apart.

What is the meaning of this?!

You people have wasted much
of our time. I must be going now.


Curse you, Erigor... Where are you headed?!

Your target wasn't this station, in other words?

I hate when things get confusing.

Explain what's going on!

We simply created a cage to hold some flies.

We only took over this station to block all traffic

to the final stop... Clover Station.


Clover Station is beyond a large gorge,

and this train line is the only way in and out.

Unless you're able to fly like Erigor, that is!

The Lullaby's there?!

Know what's in Clover? Try to remember!

You're wide open!


That's where Gramps and the others
are holding their conference!

The guild masters are their real target?!

Finally figured it out?
Too late to do anything about it, though!

That's pretty ballsy of you, trying to
go after such powerful old wizards!

Having those ignorant old fogies
hear the flute will be a cinch!

Erigor will succeed! I'm sure of it!

And you pests are stuck in this station!
No one can stop him now!

We're going to have our revenge
on everyone who ever oppressed us!

They're all about to disappear for good!

We will stop you.

And we'll make you regret
trying to take out our masters.

Even if they are old fogies,
they're like parents to us!

It's about time to strike...


Where did that fat one go?!

Erza's gonna strangle you
if you don't find him quick!


I'll show you that there's a guild
even more terrifying than the dark guilds.

"To be continued..."
Guu no

doko ka e tsurete tte!

buriki no uma ni notte futari de

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romansu)

kataomoi no dooru wa

kotoba ni dekinai kara setsunai

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romansu)

namida ga dechau yowamushi da ne

anata no koto omou tabi ni.

tsuki no (tsuki no) yoru wa (yoru wa)

itsumo (itsumo)

usagi o sagashiteru

guu no ne denai kurai ni

mahou kakerareta mitai

zutto yume kara samenai no

koi wa hitorigoto

guu no ne denai kurai ni

kotenpan ni suki nan desu

donna jumon o tonaetara

tsutawaru no deshou?

kanpeki guu no ne

guu no ne are ya kore ya de

mechakucha ni suki nan desu

itsuka anata ni iwasetai

mairimashita nante

okaeshi guu no ne

"My place!!"
guu no ne mo denee ze

"Fairy Tail"

Erza was so cool in her armor!

Apparently, she has 100 other types of armor!

I want really cool armor that
makes me look like a hero of justice!

But you already have
something that suits you better!

Huh? What's that?

"Next Episode: Flame and Wind"
Next episode: Flame and Wind.

You know, the thing everyone
longs for at least once!

Is it a uniform or something?

--Yes, yes! That maid outfit from--
--Enough with that maid outfit!
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