01x03 - Infiltrate! The Everlue Mansion!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x03 - Infiltrate! The Everlue Mansion!

Post by bunniefuu »

The Fiore Kingdom.

A neutral country with a population of 17 million.

It is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold there like anything else,

and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some who
make a living using magic.

These people are referred to as wizards.

These wizards belong to many different guilds

and accept jobs brought to them.

There are many guilds in this kingdom,

and there's a certain
wizard guild in a certain town...

A guild from which
countless legends were once born--

nay, one that will continue to
create legends well into the future.

Its name... Fairy Tail.

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Oh yeah can you hear my voice?

Oh yeah even if I go hoarse I'll keep shouting

Oh yeah until your heart can hear it

Oh yeah Oh yeah

The moon and the sun high-five

You haven't forgotten anything, have you?

It's strange, without you

I can't even find something to want

Snowing, I was able to open up and give a smile

because we have time to
snuggle up and be together

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Don't say goodbye

Previously, on Fairy Tail...

This is the request board.
Choose any job you want from here!

Oh! The little dog constellation key!

Better get working soon if we wanna eat...

I'm Lucy, a wizard!

And this is Magnolia,

a commerce city where
magic has flourished for ages!

Past Kardia Cathedral in the center of town

you'll find Fairy Tail,
the only wizard guild in the city!

And this is the house I live in now!

The rent is 70,000 Jewel! What a find!

It's pretty roomy for only 70,000
and has tons of closet space!

It even has a retro fireplace and cooking stove!

But, best of all, is...!


...my room!

What are you two doing here?!

Mira said you'd found a place to live, so...



Don't you know the saying,
"Good manners even between friends"?!

This is breaking and entering,
you know! It's a crime!

Come on, that hurts.

I'm the victim here...

"Scratch scratch"
This is a nice place!

"Scratch scratch"
Don't sharpen your claws, you cat creature!

Oh? What's this?


Now I'm curious. What is that?

It's none of your business! Just get out of here!

Yeah, right! We came to hang out!

So selfish...

"Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion!!"
Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion!!

I just moved in, so I don't have
anything for entertaining guests.

Drink your tea and get out.

--What a cruel person...

I'm cruel?

Oh, I know! You can show us
all the key guys you've gathered!

They're celestial spirits, not "key guys."

How many celestial spirits
do you have contracts with, Lucy?

Six! And there are different types!

These silver keys are sold in stores.

Horologium, the clock.
Crux, the southern cross. Lyra, the harp.

These gold ones are super-rare keys
that open the Zodiac Gates.

Taurus, the golden bull.
Aquarius, the water bearer.

Cancer, the giant crab!

--A crab?!

Why do they always focus on the weirdest stuff?


Oh, yeah! I still haven't made a contract
with the key I bought in Hargeon!

Since you're here,
I'll show you how a celestial wizard

makes a contract with a celestial spirit!

--Think they seal contracts with blood?
--Sounds painful for her butt.

Why are you talking about my butt?
I can hear you, you know...

Just watch.

I am connected with the path
to the celestial spirit world!

Heed my call! Pass through the gate!

Open, Gate of the Little Dog! Nicola!

Better luck next time.

I didn't mess up!


Oh, he's so cute!

Y-You sure about that?

Nicola's gate doesn't use much magic power,

so he's popular as a celestial spirit pet!

Natsu! This is a case of pure human egotism!

Man, Luigi's scary...!

It's Lucy. I can hear you, you know...

Okay, let's get down to the contract.

How are Mondays for you?



--This is mundane...

Okay! Contract complete!

--That was easy!

It seems that way, but it's important.

Celestial wizards take
their contracts very seriously.

So I make it a point to
never break my agreements!



Oh, yeah! I need to choose a name for you!

--I thought it was Nicola?
--That's just the generic name.

I got it!

Come here, Plue!


Sounds cute, doesn't it?

Right, Plue?

--I think he hates it...
--That's not true.

Plue's a dog constellation
but doesn't bark? That's weird.

So? You don't meow.

What's he doing?

Plue! Well said!


You're communicating?!

"Silent stare..."

"Silent stare..."

All right! It's decided! Let's team up!

Good idea!

Team up?


All the guild members are comrades,

but people on especially good terms
get together to form teams.

If a job's too much for one person,
doing it as a team makes it a cinch!

I like that! It sounds interesting!

--All right! It's decided!
--We have an agreement!

Aye, sir!

Okay! Let's get right to work!

I've already decided on a job!

Oh, you're so impatient. Let me see!


Shirotsume Town, huh?

No way! 200,000 Jewel just to take a single book

from the mansion of some guy
named Duke Everlue?!

Good deal, right?!

"Note: he's a dirty, perverted man

currently seeking to hire a blond-haired maid..."

Lucy happens to have blonde hair...

Let's have her sneak in dressed like a maid!

You planned this from the start...

I've been had!

Celestial wizards always take
their agreements seriously, you say?

That's mature of them!

You tricked me!

Okay, let's rehearse. Call Happy "Master."

No! Not to a cat!

Huh? Did someone take that
200,000 Jewel job for stealing a book?

Yes. Natsu said he was going to ask Lucy to help.

Aww, I was considering taking it, too...

It might be for the best that you didn't go, Levy.


I just received word from the client.

Did he cancel the job?

No... he's raising the reward to two million Jewel!

--Ten times as much?!
--Two million Jewel for one book?!

That's the kind of reward
you'd get for defeating monsters!

--Why the sudden increase?
--What's the deal with that book?

--Man, we let a sweet job get away...
--What a waste...

Things are getting interesting now.

Gray. Pants.

Enjoying the ride, Master?

You're the maid from hell...

I'm supposed to be the master!

Shut up, cat!

--Anyway, Natsu...

What made you decide we should team up?

Well, you're a nice person.

He acknowledges me,
after everything is said and done...

Even though you're weird.

"Voice of the heart"
He called me weird...!

Anyway, this is my first job.
I'm going to go all out!

Huh? I thought you didn't like this job?

I'm dealing with a dirty old man.

Believe it or not, I'm somewhat
confident of my feminine charms!

I wouldn't know. I'm a cat.

Just so we're clear,
we're splitting the money 80-10-10

since you two aren't doing anything!

--Oh, you only want 10%, Lucy?
--I'm the 80%!

"And then..."

"And then..."
And then...

Shirotsume Town.

I'm never riding a carriage again.

You always say that.

Let's just get some food...

Why don't you eat your own fire?

You're cruel. Would you eat Plue or your cow?

Of course I wouldn't!

It's like that.

You're saying you can't eat
your own fire? What a pain.

Oh! Let's eat here!

Go ahead, you two can eat.

Aww. Eating together would be more fun.


Let's save a greasy one for Lucy!

Yeah, she seems like she'd like greasy food!

Since when do I like grease?!


I guess I really do look good in anything!

Are you finished with your meal, Master?

What do we do?! We were joking around,
but she's taking it seriously!

It's too late to tell her it was
a joke now! L-Let's just go with it!

I can hear you!

I'm Kaby Melon. I posted the job.

--That's a tasty-sounding name!

Stop! That's rude!

I get it all the time.

I've heard that name somewhere before...

So, let us get down to business.

--All right!

I would like you to destroy-- or burn--

a book in Duke Everlue's
possession called Daybreak.

Burn, huh? We can burn down
his whole mansion too, if you want!

It'd be a cinch!

No! We'd go straight to jail if you did that!

Mind if we ask why?

What does it matter? It's for 200,000!

No, two million Jewel.

T-Two million?!

Oh? You didn't know?

Two million split between three people...

I can't calculate that!

It's simple! I get a million,
you get a million, and Lucy gets the rest!

--You're smart, Happy!

That'd leave none for me!

But, why...?

I must destroy that book...
I cannot allow it to exist.

All right! I'm fired up now!

Let's go, Lucy!

--H-Hold on!


That book must be eradicated from this world...

Duke Everlue's residence.

I'm here for the maid position! Is anyone home?!

Get a dirty old man to like me,
burn some book, then get two million...

Piece o' cake!

--Don't screw up!
--Good luck!

--Applying for the maid position?

Master! We have an applicant
for the maid position!


--Did you call me?

Let's see here...

It's wonderful to meet you!


I-I'm getting goose bumps... Gotta stay strong!

No, thanks. Get lost, ugly.


You heard him. Get out of here, ugly.


Elite men like me...

...can only be surrounded by beautiful girls!

"Ugly" "Ugly"

--Oh, Master...
--You're such a flatterer...

You're so cool, Master.

Go on home, ugly.



Man, you're useless.

No! That Everlue guy's
got a weird sense of beauty!

That's an excuse.

This sucks...!

All right! We'll just have to switch to Plan T now!

Urgh! That old man's gonna pay for this!

Wait, what's Plan T?

T stands for "take by storm."

What kind of plan is that?!

Some more wizards, huh? They just never learn...

They're from Fairy Tail this time, huh?

Prepare for landing!

--Thanks, Happy!

Man. We're supposed to
storm the place, not sneak around!

Why can't we just charge head-on?

Forget it! We don't want
to get the army involved!

What? You just said he was gonna pay!

Yes, he's gonna pay, all right.

While we're in there, I'm totally
gonna hide his shoes or something too!

"Hee hee hee"

--Whoa, talk about petty.

What is this? A storeroom?

--Look, look!
--Oh! Looks good on you, Happy!

"Sneak sneak"
Wait, we're gonna check every room?!

"Sneak sneak"

Wouldn't it be quicker to catch someone
and ask 'em where the book is?


We have to accomplish our mission
without getting spotted!

It's cool! It's like we're ninjas!

It's cool! It's like we're ninjas!


There he goes again,
focusing on something weird...

Intruders detected!

--They must be disposed of!
--They found us!

--A ghost!

You're annoying!

Flying Virgo Attack!


Take that off, will you?


We cannot allow ourselves
to be discovered! Nin-nin!


That was pretty conspicuous, if you ask me...

Oh! Many books, indeed!

Aye! Indeed!

Wow. That old man's more of
a book collector than I would've guessed...

--Let's get looking!
--Aye, sir!

We have to find one book out of all these?

--Ooh! A dirty book!
--A fish encyclopedia!

--Found a gold book!

"Uppa"?! Search seriously, will you?!


--We found it!

You serious?!

Two million, just like that!

--Okay, let's burn it!
--That was easy!

Hold on! This book was written by Kemu Zaleon!


He's a wizard who also
wrote novels! I'm a huge fan!

I thought I'd read all his stuff,
but I guess this is an unpublished work!

Whatever, let's just burn it now!

Are you crazy?! This is a piece
of culture! We can't burn it!

--You're abandoning your job.
--I just said I'm a huge fan!

And now you're talking back.

Let's just say we burned it and I'll keep it...

--I don't like lying.

Ah, I see!

You lowlifes were after Daybreak, huh?!


--See! You just had to dawdle!

How do the floors in this mansion work?

I wondered what you wizards
were so eagerly looking for,

but I never imagined it was that crummy book!


The client was willing to pay
two million to destroy this book...

And even its owner calls it crummy?

Oh, can I keep this book, then?!

No! What's mine is mine!

--Shut up, ugly.


It's not his if we burn it, though.

No! Absolutely not!

Lucy! This is a job!

--At least let me read it!
--Right here?!

I've had enough! I'll teach you
to mess with me and my books!

Vanish Brothers!

Good afternoon.

These brats are Fairy Tail wizards?
Mom would be shocked.

That emblem!
The Southern Wolves mercenary guild!

So you hired these guys?

This is...!

Boyoyoyo! The Southern Wolves are
always hungry! Prepare yourselves!

Natsu! Buy me a little time!

I think there's some sort of secret to this book!


A secret? I must not have noticed it.

Could there be a hidden treasure map or something?

I'll get the girl. Exterminate the boy!

Yes, Sir.

--Happy! I leave Lucy to you!
--I'll help you fight!

No... I can handle them on my own.

Huh?! Don't make me tell Mom on you!

Be calm. Cool down.

Come on, fire wizard.

Huh? How did you know?

You had fire around
your legs when you beat Virgo.

There was no doubt you were
an ability-type fire wizard.

Incidentally, "ability-type"
refers to wizards like Natsu

who use magic in combination with their body.

Wizards like Lucy who use items
are called "holder-type" wizards.

So you're ready for this, huh?

I'll burn you to a crisp!

Unfortunately for you,
fighting fire wizards is my specialty.

Even if you are from Fairy Tail,
you're still only a wizard.

You're no match for
professional mercenaries.

That's the best you two can do?

He's mocking us, Brother!

Do you know what a wizard's weakness is?

R-Riding in vehicles?!

I can only assume that's
a personal issue you have...

He is mocking us!

The weakness... is their body!

Mastering magic requires great mental training.

Which leaves you lacking physical training!

We train our bodies daily, which means...

...you're no match for our strength or speed.

Oh, so scary!

So, when are you gonna get serious?

Brother! The combination technique!


--Heaven and Hell Annihilation Technique!
--Bring it on!

These are Wind-reading Glasses,

a magical item that allows one to
read books at tremendous speeds.

N-No way!

I can't believe this book holds such a secret!

What did you find?
Tell me the secret of that book!

Y-You're pathetic!

You're an enemy of literature!

Face the heavens... and I'll be on the earth!

Face the earth... and I'll be in the heavens!

This is the Vanish Brothers' combination attack--

the Heaven and Earth Annihilation Technique.

No one has ever survived this attack--

No one's ever survived what now?

No way!

This'll blow you away!

Fire Dragon Roar!

--All right! Fire magic!
--He's done for now!

Flame Cooking!

This absorbs all flames,
transforms it, and blows it back...

Roasted fairy!



Now that I've eaten, I feel re-energized!

Didn't you hear me?

I'll blow you away! Fire Dragon Wing Attack!


Whoops. I went a little overboard.


Ready, go!

Take me away somewhere!

Just the two of us, riding a tin horse

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

My beloved dolls can't talk back

so it can get painfully lonely

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

I'm a crybaby and get tears in my eyes

every time I think of you...

On nights when the moon is out

I'm always

looking for the rabbit in the moon

I'm so at a loss for words

that it's like a spell's been cast on me

I can't wake from this dream

This love is a soliloquy

I'm so at a loss for words

because I really, really love you

What magic words can I chant

to let you know that?

I'm at a complete loss for words

I'm at a loss for words because of everything

because I love you like crazy

Someday I want to make you say

"I'm at a loss for words!"

back to me

"My place!!"
I'm at an utter loss for words!

"Fairy Tail"

Boyoyoyo! It's me, Mira!

Huh? What was that, Mira?

Original, isn't it? I want it to
get popular in Fairy Tail!

No, I don't think it'll catch on at all...

You don't? I think it's pretty cute!

Here, Lucy! Watch!


I don't like that at all!

"Next Episode: Dear Kaby"
Next episode: Dear Kaby.

Let's all boyoyoyon on
the next episode of Fairy Tail!

I'm getting chills...
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