01x02 - The Fire Dragon, the Monkey, and the Ox

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x02 - The Fire Dragon, the Monkey, and the Ox

Post by bunniefuu »

The Fiore Kingdom.

A neutral country with a population of 17 million.

It is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold there like anything else,

and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some
who make a living using magic.

These people are referred to as wizards.

These wizards belong to many different guilds

and accept jobs brought to them.

There are many guilds in this kingdom,

and there's a certain
wizard guild in a certain town...

A guild from which
countless legends were once born--

nay, one that will continue to
create legends well into the future.

Its name... Fairy Tail.

Fairy, where are you going?

hikari zenbu atsumete
kimi no ashita terasu yo

Oh yeah kikoeten no ka kono koe wa?

Oh yeah kareta tte sakebu kara

Oh yeah kikoeru made kimi no kokoro ga

Oh yeah Oh yeah

tsuki to taiyou no haitatchi

wasuremono wa nai desu ka?

okashii na kimi ga inai to

hoshii mono sae mitsukaranai

Snowing sunao ni egao ni nareta no wa

futari yorisoi kasane atta jikan ga aru kara

Fairy, where are you going?

hikari zenbu atsumete kimi no ashita terasu yo

Don't say goodbye

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

Huh? You're looking for a dragon?!

I feel queasy...

Ahh! I've been tricked!

I won't let anyone tarnish Fairy Tail's name!

That's going overboard!

Come to our guild!


The Magic Council, Era.

Those fools in Fairy Tail have done it again.

They destroyed half a port this time!

Honestly, now!

I'm rather fond of fools like them, to be honest.

Yes, fools they are. But it is also a fact
that they are a very capable lot.

They are truly a quandary.

We should simply let them be.

The world would be a dull place
without fools like them around.

Welcome to Fairy Tail!


"Fire Dragon, Monkey, and Bull"
Fire Dragon, Monkey, and Bull.

--We're back!
--We're back!

--Welcome back!


You really went all out this time!
I heard Hargeon was--

You little...!


You lied to me about the Salamander!

Don't blame me! I only told you
some rumors I happened to hear!

--You wanna fight?!

Okay, Natsu. I think that's enough--

Wow! I'm really here! Fairy Tail!

Oh? Natsu's back?!

This man is Gray Fullbuster.

He's competent at his work,
but he also has a bit of a habit--

okay, a very serious habit--
of taking his clothes off.

It's time to settle things
from the other day, Natsu!

Gray. Your clothes.


This woman is Cana Alberona:
Fairy Tail's heaviest drinker.

This is why I can't stand the men here.
They have no class at all.

Come on! Fight me!

Put on some clothes first!

It's only noon and you're
already whining and crying?

You aren't kids, you know.

This man is Elfman,

a musclebrain wizard who
solves everything with his fists.

Real men speak with their fists!

He's encouraging fighting after all...

Butt out!

And is already knocked out?!

Ugh. How noisy.

Hey, Loke...

This man is Loke,

one of the highest-ranked on
the "most-desired wizard bachelor" list.



I'm gonna go join in! For you girls!

Good luck!

He's off my list for sure.

But what's with this place?
There isn't one normal person here!

Oh, are you new here?

Mirajane! The Mirajane!

This woman is Mirajane.

A wizard whose photo spreads
are featured in Sorcerer Weekly.

She currently works here at Fairy Tail.

Sh-Shouldn't we stop them?

They're always like this.
We should just let them be.


it's fun, don't you think?


My boxers!

Miss. Could you lend me some underwear--?

Yeah, right!

I simply can't stand these insensitive fools.

Real men speak with their fists!

I said butt out!


Ugh, how annoying.
I can't even have a nice, relaxing drink.

You guys had better knock it off!

Now I'm mad!

What a nuisance you people are.

Bring it on!

--A fistfight with magic?!

Don't give me, "Aye!"

That's enough, you fools!




Oh, you're still here, Master?


What a bunch of wimps!

Looks like I win this--


--You new here?


Nice to meetcha!

Tiny! Wait, he's your master...?!

Yep! This is Mr. Makarov, Fairy Tail's master!

You guys have gone and done it again!

Just look at how much paperwork
the council sent me this time!

And it's all complaints!

The council is the organization that
holds together all the wizard guilds.

All you guys ever do is
get the council mad at me!

"Shake tremble"


To hell with the council!

Listen up!

Power that surpasses reason
is still born from reason.

Magic is not a miraculous power.

It is only realized when
the flow of energy inside us

and the flow of energy in
the natural world come into perfect sync!

Magic comes from mental strength and focus--

nay, it comes from your entire soul!

Worry about the eyes watching from high above

and you will make
no progress in the ways of magic!

Don't let the fools on the council scare you!

Follow the path you believe in!

That's what Fairy Tail wizards do!


"And then..."
And then...

There! You're now a member of Fairy Tail!

Look, Natsu! I got the Fairy Tail mark!

Oh, yeah? That's great, Luigi.


This is the request board.

The wizards can choose to take any job they want

from the requests posted here.

Choose a good-paying one, okay?!

Oh! 160,000 Jewel for getting rid of some thieves!

Then it's decided!

Is my dad still not back yet?

You're getting on my nerves, Romeo.

If you're a wizard's son, have faith in
your father and wait at home quietly!

He said he'd be back in three days,
but he's been gone a week now!

If I recall, it was a job on Mt. Hakobe...

That isn't that far away! Go look for him!

Your old man's a wizard!

There's no wizard in this guild
who can't take care of himself!

Go home and have some milk or something!


Darn it!

That was really harsh...

Despite what he said,
the master really is worried.

Hey! Natsu! Don't break it!

I don't know about this, Master.
He's gonna try to save Macao.

He's such a kid.

He's just gonna end up hurting Macao's pride.

No one is allowed to choose
the path others take. Let him be.

What happened to him, anyway?

Natsu's in the same boat as Romeo.

I guess he sees part of himself in him.

All of us Fairy Tail wizards have
our own issues of some sort.

Whether it's scars, pain, or suffering...

Why are you here?

What's the big deal?

You and vehicles don't mix at all, huh?

Oh, I feel bad for you in so many ways...

--What's that supposed to mean?
--Oh, nothing.

Natsu's father left and never came back.

Well, technically, he was only his foster father.

And a dragon.

Huh?! A dragon?!

Natsu was raised by a dragon?!

When Natsu was little, the dragon
found him in the forest, took him in,

and taught him all about
language, culture, and magic.


But, one day, the dragon suddenly disappeared.

Oh, that must be Igneel, then...

Natsu looks forward to
the day he'll see Igneel again.

That's kind of cute, don't you think?

We've arrived?


It stopped!

Sorry! This is as far as I can go!

Wh-Whoa...! What in the world?!

I'm freezing!

I know we're on a mountain,
but it's supposed to be summer!

This blizzard isn't right!

That's what you get for wearing light clothes.

You're not dressed any differently!
Give me your blanket!

--Man, she's annoying.

I know!

Open, Gate of the Clock Constellation!



--Oh! A clock!

"Talk talk"

Huh? I can't hear you.

"I'm staying in here," she says.

Why did she even come?

"What job brought Macao to
a place like this?" she asks.

You came along without knowing?

He was gonna subdue a Vulcan, a vicious monster.

"I want to go back," she proclaims.

"Be my guest," I reply.


Macao! You there?!


It's a Vulcan!

Hey, you!

A human girl!

It can talk?

"Help me already!" she says.

Near the summit of Mt. Hakobe.

"Talk talk"

"Talk talk"
"How did this happen to me?"

"What's with this monkey? He's too upbeat!"

I'm not sure how to answer...



"Staring in silence"

Ack! What the...?!
Horologium! Don't disappear on me!

Time is up. Take care!

No! Give me an extension!


Where is Macao?!

Whoa, so uncool. Can't he make
an appearance like a normal person?

All right, monkey! Where's Macao?!

You understand me!

Where's Macao! He's a human man!

--That's right!

Where did you hide him?!

Whoa, you already decided he hid him?!

Oh, it understood!

Where is he?!



No men! Like girls!

Oh, no! Don't tell me he's dead!


Girl! Girl! Girl! Girl!

Check this out, you perverted ape!

Open, Gate of the Golden Bull!



Taurus is the most powerful
celestial spirit I have a contract with!

You always have a nice body, Ms. Lucy. I'm mooved!

This one's a pervert, too.

Don't take my girl!

"My girl"?!

Those are fighting words!


Fierce Moove!

He's fast!


--Looks like this is the end...
--So weak!

Hey. Is it me, or are there more monsters now?

He's an ally! A celestial spirit!

--This monkey is?
--The bull!

Wait, how did you survive?

I owe that to Happy!


You're no good when it comes to
riding vehicles, but fine riding Happy?

What are you talking about?

"Put off"
Happy isn't a vehicle. He's my friend.

"Put off"
Wow, you're simpleminded.

"Walked right into it!!"
Y-You're right. I'm sorry...

My girl!

Listen up! All the members of Fairy Tail
are my comrades and friends!

From Gramps and Mira to those
annoying jerks Gray and Elfman!

Happy and Lucy are my friends, too.

Which is why...

...I'm taking Macao back with me!

That has no effect on fire!

--Uh oh.
--Taurus' axe!

Ms. Lucy...



Taurus! Go back!
That'll make the axe disappear too!

He melted the blade with his body heat?!

"And he's eating it?!"

"Nom nom"
Now that I've eaten, I feel re-energized!

Here I come! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

You did it!

Wasn't this ape supposed
to tell us where Macao is?

Oops! I forgot!

He's completely knocked out.

Wh-What the...?!


What?! He was that perverted ape?!

The Vulcan must've done a Take Over on him.

Take Over?

It's a body possession spell.

Vulcans are monsters that survive

by stealing people's bodies and taking them over.

It looks like he put up an intense fight
before he was taken over.

Macao! Don't you dare die!

Romeo is waiting for you! Open your eyes!



I'm pathetic... I defeated 19 of them...

...but the 20th took over me...

I'm really mad at myself...

Damn. I can't face Romeo now...

Don't say that!
Defeating that many is impressive enough!

No way...

There was more than one of those apes?!

And he took on that job all by himself?!

Now let's go see Romeo!

Amazing... I can't begin to compare to this...

Why are you smiling like that, Lucy? It's creepy.

Why are you smiling like that, Lucy? It's creepy.

Don't make me yank your whiskers, kitty.

Fairy Tail wizards are a joke!

They're just a bunch of drunk cowards!

I'm gonna be a knight when I grow up!

Wizards stink like booze!

Dad! Go do a job! I can't take this anymore!

All right!




Dad! I'm sorry!

I'm sorry for worrying you.

It's okay! I'm a wizard's son!

The next time those brats try to pick on you,

ask 'em if their dads can
beat 19 monsters on their own!

Natsu! Happy! Thank you!

--No problem!

And thank you too, Lucy!

July 4th. Sunny, followed by
a blizzard, then sunny again.

Fairy Tail is one crazy, messed-up guild,

but the people are really fun,
warm-hearted, and nice.

I'm still just a newcomer here,
but I love this guild!

Guu no

doko ka e tsurete tte!

buriki no uma ni notte futari de

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romansu)

kataomoi no dooru wa

kotoba ni dekinai kara setsunai

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romansu)

namida ga dechau yowamushi da ne

anata no koto omou tabi ni.

tsuki no (tsuki no) yoru wa (yoru wa)

itsumo (itsumo)

usagi o sagashiteru

guu no ne denai kurai ni

mahou kakerareta mitai

zutto yume kara samenai no

koi wa hitorigoto

guu no ne denai kurai ni

kotenpan ni suki nan desu

donna jumon o tonaetara

tsutawaru no deshou?

kanpeki guu no ne

guu no ne are ya kore ya de

mechakucha ni suki nan desu

itsuka anata ni iwasetai

mairimashita nante

okaeshi guu no ne

"My place!!"
guu no ne mo denee ze

"Fairy Tail"

At last, my first job! I'm so nervous!

I hope I'm up to it...

--Don't worry, Lucy!

I heard about your exploits the other day!

You beat some guerrilla mercenaries!

That was Natsu, and that story's a little off...

"Next Episode: Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion!!"
Next episode: Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion!!

So, what job did you decide to take, Lucy?

Maid work...

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