01x01 - Fairy Tail

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x01 - Fairy Tail

Post by bunniefuu »

The Fiore Kingdom.

A neutral country with a population of 17 million.

It is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold there like anything else,

and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some who make a living using magic.

These people are referred to as wizards.

These wizards belong to many different guilds

and accept jobs brought to them.

There are many guilds in this kingdom,

and there's a certain
wizard guild in a certain town...

A guild from which
countless legends were once born--

nay, one that will continue to
create legends well into the future.

Its name... Fairy Tail.

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Oh yeah can you hear my voice?

Oh yeah even if I go hoarse I'll keep shouting

Oh yeah until your heart can hear it

Oh yeah Oh yeah

The moon and the sun high-five

You haven't forgotten anything, have you?

It's strange, without you

I can't even find something to want

Snowing, I was able to open up and give a smile

because we have time to
snuggle up and be together

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Don't say goodbye

The port town of Hargeon.

Umm, Sir?

We've reached Hargeon, Natsu! Get up! Get up!

--I-Is he all right?!
--Aye! This always happens to him.

Never again... I'm never riding a train again...

If our information is correct,
the Salamander should be in this town.

Let's go.

G-Gimme a minute first...

Help me!

It left...

"The Fairy Tail"
The Fairy Tail.


There's only one magic shop in this entire town?!

Yeah. This is more of
a fishing town than a magic town.

Not even a tenth of the people here can use magic,

so this shop mostly focuses
on selling to traveling wizards.

Aww, all this way for nothing?

Now, now! Don't say that! Take a look!

I do have all the latest goods in stock!

This Colors magic is popular with the girls!

It can change the color of your clothes
to match how you feel that day!

--Changey-change! Okay!
--I already have one.

--And again!
--I'm looking for powerful Gatekeys.

Gates, huh? That's a rare request.

The White Doggy!

That one's not powerful at all.

That's okay! I've been looking everywhere for it!

--How much?!
--20,000 Jewel.

--How much again?
--I said 20,000 Jewel.

How much is it really, you handsome man?

Urgh! He only lowered it 1,000 Jewel!

Is that the most my feminine charm is worth?!

That's cheap! It makes me mad!

The fact it's such an everyday
amount makes it even worse!

--The famous wizard is here!
--It's Mr. Salamander!


The wizard who can use
magic you can't buy in stores?!

He's in this town?!

Man... I wound up riding the train twice...

You're no good when it comes to riding things.

--Not to mention I'm hungry...
--And we don't have any money.

Hey, Happy.
This Salamander has to be Igneel, right?

Aye! Igneel is the only fire dragon I can think of.

Yeah, huh?

--Mr. Salamander!
--You're so dreamy!

Please burn me!


--See! Speak of the devil!

--What a dreamboat!
--He's so cool!

"Thump thump"

"Thump thump"
Wh-Why is my heart beating so fast?!

"Thump thump"
What's gotten into me?!

You're too kind.


He looked at me!

"Throb throb"

Is it because he's a famous wizard?
Is that why my heart is throbbing?

--Could it be...? Am I in...?
--Igneel! Igneel!


Who are you?


Would the name "Salamander" ring a bell?

"Disappointment" "Gah!"
You're gone already?!

--How rude!
--Yeah! Mr. Salamander's a great wizard!

Apologize this instant!


What's with you chicks?!

Now, now. That's enough.
He didn't mean anything by it.

Here's my autograph.
Feel free to brag to your friends.

No, thanks.

It wasn't him after all.

Well, I have business at the port, so I must be off.

Aww! You're leaving already?!

Red Carpet!

I'm having a party on my boat tonight.
You're all invited!

Who was that?!

He was a real creep.


"And then..."
And then...

And then...

I'm Lucy. It's nice to meet you!



Umm, Natsu and Happy, was it?

You're really nice!

Okay, just slow down a little.
Stuff is flying everywhere...

There goes the 1,000 Jewel my looks saved me.

So that Salamander guy was using a Charm spell.

It can attract people to you, even against their will.

Sale of it was banned years ago, though.

What a creep, going that far to be popular!

But I broke free of the spell
thanks to you barging in!

So this is my thanks!

I see.

Believe it or not, I'm actually a wizard myself!

--Oh, yeah?
--I haven't joined a guild yet, though.

Oh, guilds are organizations

where wizards gather to
share information and find work.

You can't be considered
a full-fledged wizard unless you're in a guild.

There are lots of guilds all over the world,

and it's apparently really tough
getting into the popular ones!

The one I want to join
is filled with amazing wizards!

Oh, my! I want to join it, but I bet it'll be tough!


Oh, sorry! This wizarding talk must
sound like nonsense to you, huh?

But I'm definitely going to join that guild!

I bet I can find lots of big jobs there!

--You talk a lot.

Come to think of it, it sounded like
you were looking for someone.

Aye! Igneel!

We're here 'cause we heard
a Salamander was coming to this town,

but it was someone else.

Yeah, he didn't look like a Salamander at all.

A Salamander's a fire dragon,
so we thought he'd be Igneel.

What kind of person looks like a fire dragon?

He's not a person. Igneel is a dragon.


--Aye! He's an actual dragon!


Even in this world of magic,

dragons are very rare creatures
that are hardly ever seen.

Why would there be
a dragon in the middle of town?!

You just now realized that?!

Well, I should be going. Enjoy your food.

Thank you! Come again!

--Thank you for the meal!
--For the meal!

Stop it! You're embarrassing me!

It's okay! You helped me, so now we're even!

We weren't trying to help her, though...

Aye, I still feel indebted...

I know!

--You can have this!
--Don't want!

The wizarding magazine, Sorcerer Weekly.

Sheesh. Fairy Tail caused trouble again?

"Devon Bandit Clan Wiped Out,
Seven Homes Destroyed"?

Talk about going overboard!

Oh, Mirajane is the glamour model this time!

How do you get into Fairy Tail, anyway?

Is there an interview or something?

The Fairy Tail wizard guild...
It's so absolutely cool!

Oh? You want to join Fairy Tail?


I've been looking for you.

I wanted to personally invite you
to the party on my boat tonight.

Your Charm spell won't work on me!

Its weakness is awareness!

It doesn't work on people who are aware of it!

I knew from the moment
I saw you that you were a wizard.

No matter. Just come to my party.

Yeah, right!
Like I'd ever go to some creep's party!

Like I'd ever go to some creep's party!

I'm a creep?!

Your Charm spell. You'd go that far to be popular?

It's only a formality. I just want
to feel like a celebrity during the party.

For a so-called famous wizard, you really are stupid.

Oh, you want to join Fairy Tail, don't you?

Surely you've heard of
the "Salamander" in Fairy Tail.

I have!

You're a member of Fairy Tail?!

That's right.

If you want to join, I can put in
a good word with our master.

It sounds like it'll be a really nice party!

Wow, talk about a simple personality!

So can you really get me into Fairy Tail?!

But of course. But in return,
don't say anything about the Charm spell.

Sure! No problem!

All right! See you at the party!


I was pseudo-charmed!



I can get into Fairy Tail!

I just gotta be nice to that idiot until then!

--We ate so much!

Say, is that the ship where
that Salamander is having his party?

I feel sick!

Stop feeling nauseous just from the thought of it.

Look! Look! That's Mr. Salamander's boat!

I wish I could've gone!


You haven't heard?
The famous wizard Salamander is in town!

I heard he's a member of Fairy Tail!

Fairy Tail?

Fairy Tail...

Lucy, you say? That's a lovely name.


Let's start with a toast.

Now, open your mouth and savor
the jewels of fruit juice as they enter.


But be strong! You have to be strong!

What's the big idea?

That was Sleep magic.

I'm impressed.

Don't get the wrong idea!

I want to join Fairy Tail,
but I have no intention of being your girl!

You're a tough one.

What's going on here?!

Welcome to my ship.

You will behave yourself until we reach Bosco... girl.


Hold on! What about Fairy Tail?!

Forget about it. You're our merchandise now.


Then these girls are also...?!

--Way to go, Mr. Salamander!
--Got us a big haul!

Why, you...!

Gatekeys... A celestial wizard, huh?

Only contract holders can use this magic.
Meaning they're useless to me.

Who is this guy?!

I can't believe a wizard in Fairy Tail
would do something like this...!

Using magic for evil to fool people...

You're the worst kind of wizard there is!



I can't handle this after all!

Whoa! So uncool!

What are you doing, Lucy?


I was tricked!
He said he'd get me into Fairy Tail!


Wait, you have wings?!

We can talk later!

Let's go!

Urgh! After them!
We can't let 'em report us to the council!

--Wait! What about Natsu?!
--I can't carry two people!

You're not going anywhere! Prominence Whip!

--Ooh! Pretty!
--Damn that nimble cat!


We have to save Natsu and the other girls!

--Listen, Lucy!
--What?! This isn't a good time!

My transformation is over.

--You dumb cat!

There they are!

Nothing we can do. Let's hurry to Bosco for now.

Fairy Tail...


Here goes!

Open, Gate of the Water Bearer!


--A fish!

--That was amazing!
--I am a celestial wizard!

I can use Gatekeys to summon
celestial spirits from another world!

Aquarius! Use your power to
push that ship back to the port!


Did you just say, "Ugh"?!

That's not really worth getting worked up about.

Heed this, annoying child.

Drop my key again and I'll k*ll you.

W-We're sorry!

Don't sweep me with it!

What were you thinking?!
Why did you sweep me with it?!

Whoops. I accidentally swept the ship up, too.

You were aiming for me?!

Don't call me for a while.

I'm going on a week-long trip with my boyfriend.

--With my boyfriend.
--I heard you the first time!

Hey, Lucy!

When we apologized earlier...
I don't think I needed to, after all.

I don't even know where
to start with this dumb cat...

--What in the world?!
--A ship got swept in!

Damn! What in the hell--?!


You're a Fairy Tail wizard?

Yeah, so what?!

--Get 'im, men!

Let me get a closer look at you.


It's okay! We should've mentioned
it earlier, but Natsu's a wizard too!


I'm Natsu of Fairy Tail!

I've never seen you before in my life!

--Fairy Tail?!

Natsu's a Fairy Tail wizard?!

Th-That emblem! He's the real deal, Bora!

You fool! Don't call me by that name!

Bora... Bora the Prominence.

He was kicked out of
the Titan Nose wizard guild years ago.

I don't care if you're a good guy or a bad guy...

But I won't let you tarnish Fairy Tail's name!

And what are you gonna do about it, kid?!

Prominence Typhoon!


The bigger the talk, the weaker the man.

This tastes horrible.

Are you really a fire wizard?

This is the worst fire I've ever tasted.

Thanks for the meal.


Wh-Wh-Who is this guy?!

Fire won't work on Natsu.

I've never seen magic like that before!

Now that I've eaten, I feel re-energized!

Here goes!

Fire Dragon Roar!

B-Bora! I've seen this guy before!

That pink hair and scaly-looking scarf!

No doubt about it! He's the real...


Pay attention, now! This is what
Fairy Tail wizards are like!

Red Shower!

He eats fire and punches with fire...

Is this really magic?!

Dragon lungs for breathing fire,
dragon scales for dissolving fire,

and dragon talons that are wrapped with fire...

It's an ancient spell that lets his body
take on the qualities of a dragon.

Are you serious?

It was originally used for taking down dragons.

Oh, my...

Hell Prominence!

It's Dragon Slayer magic.

Igneel taught it to him.

Damn it!

Now this is a hefty meal!

I'm going to cook you like a smoked fish!

Cook me?!

Say goodbye! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!


Natsu. You don't use fire
to smoke food. You use smoke.

Wow! That was great...
but also going a little overboard!

--Don't give me, "Aye!"

The army?!

--Crap! Let's get outta here!
--Why do I have to?!

You wanna join our guild, don't you?!

Come on!


Ready, go!

Take me away somewhere!

Just the two of us, riding a tin horse

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

My beloved dolls can't talk back

so it can get painfully lonely

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

I'm a crybaby and get tears in my eyes

every time I think of you...

On nights when the moon is out

I'm always

looking for the rabbit in the moon

I'm so at a loss for words

that it's like a spell's been cast on me

I can't wake from this dream

This love is a soliloquy

I'm so at a loss for words

because I really, really love you

What magic words can I chant

to let you know that?

I'm at a complete loss for words

I'm at a loss for words because of everything

because I love you like crazy

Someday I want to make you say

"I'm at a loss for words!"

back to me

I'm at an utter loss for words!

"My place!!"
I'm at an utter loss for words!

"Fairy Tail"

Before you can join a guild,
you have to do an interview!

First impressions are always
important with things like this, so...

Greetings. My name is Lucy.

Greetings. My name is Lucy.

Greetings. My name is Lucy.

No, maybe that's too formal...

Hiya! I'm Lucy!

No, that's too casual...

Be more energetic! Be more memorable!

I'm Lucy!

No, that's not it, either!
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