04x13.5 - The Beginning of Golden Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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04x13.5 - The Beginning of Golden Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

Nar: Giorno Giovanna meets Bruno Bucciarati and joins his crew.

Rumble,Sfx: Bagyah

Nar: Under the boss's orders,

Sfx: Boom

Nar: his team acts as bodyguards for the boss's daughter Trish,

Nar: but this causes them to be targeted by several enemies.

Nar: Let us follow their path to the present by looking back on their battles thus far.

Nar: Giorno and Bucciarati's encounter began with a battle.

Bruno: You see... I can tell if people are telling the truth or not.

Bruno: No one knows why Leaky Eye Luca was at the airport.

Bruno: Did you happen to run into Leaky Eye Luca at the airport?

Giorno: No. I don't know who you're talking about.

Bruno: This taste... is the taste of someone who's lying, Giorno Giovanna!

Bruno: Does your head feel wobbly, as if it's about to fall off?

Bruno: Though I'm pretty sure you have no idea what I've done to you.

Giorno: My body has a zipper?!

Gold: Useless!

Bagyah,Sfx: Bagyah

Bruno: What?!

Bruno: So you're the one who att*cked Luca!

Bruno: Take this, Giorno Giovanna!

Bruno: I just thought I was moving with incredible power...

Bruno: But my body's actually still over there,

JoJo-main: ,and my consciousness just jumped out, and that's what's over here?

Bruno: Crap!

Bruno: I-It hurts!

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,A very sharp pain is gradually hitting me!

Bruno: I'm ending you right now!

Bruno: Unbelievable...

Giorno: Golden Wind!

Bruno: I-It's happening again!

Bruno: I'll probably die from the shock of the pain!

Bruno: Don't!

Bruno: Stop!

Giorno: I plan on defeating your boss and taking over this city.

Giorno: Bucciarati,

JoJo-main: ,I'm going to become a g*ng-Star!

Polpo: What do you think is the most important thing

nar: In order to join the organization, Giorno meets with the capo Polpo.

JoJo-main: ,when it comes to choosing someone?

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Giorno is tasked with carrying around a lighter without letting its flame go out,

JoJo-main: ,That's trust, Giorno Giovanna.

Nar: and ends up fighting Polpo's Stand, Shadow Sabbath.

Polpo: This test is all about seeing how trustworthy you are...

Polpo: with this lighter's flame.

Giorno: I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream!

Giorno: And to take my first step toward that dream,

Giorno: I have to protect this flame, no matter what!

Giorno: This isn't good.

Black: You relit the lighter, too, didn't you?

Black: I'll give you one more chance. You have two possible paths...

Giorno: I've got no choice!

Giorno: Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!

JoJo-main: ,All movements will look slow.

Giorno: I have to find it before the slowed-time effect wears off,

Giorno: or it'll attack me again.

Giorno: What?!

Giorno: F-From within the shadows?! Sh-Shit!

Giorno: Its movements are slower, but it's still just as powerful!

Giorno: I can't move at all!

Giorno: The sun's going to set on the other side of the school soon.

Giorno: Once that happens, I'll have nowhere to run.

Koichi: What are you doing, Giorno Giovanna?!

Giorno: Koichi!

Koichi: I was watching from the window!

Giorno: You were... watching?

Giorno: Then... did you see the lighter being relit, too?

Koichi: Huh?

Giorno: Don't step into the handrail's shadow, Koichi!

Giorno: Get out of the shadows!

Black: You saw the lighter being relit, didn't you?

Black: You have two possible paths.

Giorno: Golden Wind!

Giorno: It hurts so much...

JoJo-main: ,This hurts like hell, but now...

Giorno: it looks like I was able to drag you out into the sunlight.

Koichi: I-It's gone!

Black: I've got you!

Giorno: Wh-What?!

Koichi: The crows!

Koichi: It hid in the shadows of those crows and moved over there in them!

Giorno: While in the shadows, its power and speed are much higher!

Koichi: Act ! Freeze!

Giorno: It's strong...

JoJo-main: ,It's determined to not let go, no matter what.

Black: You have two possible paths...

Koichi: Act ! Undo Freeze...

Giorno: No.

Giorno: Don't do that, Koichi.

Giorno: This ability that makes things heavier... Don't you dare undo it.

Giorno: This is perfect.

Giorno: This is exactly the ability that I was looking for!

Koichi: But your leg's going to shatter!

Giorno: Golden Wind is an ability that continuously gives life,

Giorno: so that tree continued to grow, lived the extent of its life,

JoJo-main: ,and is now starting to wither.

Koichi: So you got to the tree's roots by digging that hole!

Bam,Sfx: Bam

Giorno: You told me there were two paths,

Giorno: but sadly, you only have one.

Giorno: Koichi, could you move to the right a little?

Koichi: Huh? Like this?

Giorno: Hmm...

Giorno: Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!

Giorno: Bask in the sunlight.

Giorno: That's it.

Giorno: That's your one possible path.

Giorno: Still, I have to wonder

JoJo-main: ,if I'm going to be able to join the g*ng now.

Polpo: If the most important thing in this world is trust,

Polpo: the most despicable thing you can do is insult someone.

JoJo-main: ,I will risk my life over being insulted.

Polpo: I believe that God forgives even m*rder.

Polpo: Don't forget that.

Polpo: Congratulations! I will allow you to enter the organization.

Polpo: What was that noise?

Polpo: Well, whatever.

Giorno: When someone insults you, even m*rder is forgivable?

Giorno: I see. What you told me is very important.

Giorno: You insulted that innocent old man's life.

Giorno: You should savor your last meal as best you can.

nar: Polpo, who died, had a hidden fortune that he kept secret even from the organization.

Bruno: The capo Polpo committed su1c1de.

Mista: What? su1c1de?! Polpo did?

nar: Bucciarati proclaims that he was ordered by Polpo to hide his fortune for him.

Nara: No way!

Fugo: But why?

Bruno: Polpo actually has a secret fortune.

nar: Now that the crew is together, our story greatly changes.

Bruno: It's worth...

Bruno: ten billion lire!

Bruno: With that money, we can claim the rank of capo!

Nara: A-Awesome!

Bruno: No one can find out before we secure the money.

nar: Members of the organization who heard about Polpo's fortune

Nara: B-Bucciarati!

Bruno: Hey! Something's wrong!

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,attack the crew one after another.

Mista: If you're just fooling around and hiding... Hup!

Mista: Hurry up and answer us!

Fugo: Mista?

Bruno: It can't be...

Fugo: Come on, Mista!

Fugo: Why are you messing around now—

Bruno: Hey, Fugo!

Abba: What?

Bruno: There's someone hiding somewhere on this boat!

Giorno: If we get close without figuring out the mystery, we're going to get kil—

Abba: Shut your mouth!

Abba: You stupid little brat...

Giorno: I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream.

Abba: What are you talking about?

Giorno: You can solve the mystery, right?

Giorno: I'm counting on you!

Bruno: Giorno!

Bruno: What the hell are you doing?!

Crunch,Sfx: Roar

Bruno: G-Giorno!

Bruno: Giorno's in trouble!

Abba: Giorno Giovanna... You're one crazy bastard.

Abba: All this to prove yourself...

Abba: What the hell is wrong with you?

Abba: Moody Jazz!

Abba: Does Narancia from five minutes ago work?

Bruno: Yeah. That should be fine.

Bruno: Let's get behind Narancia.

Bruno: He's about to be att*cked!

Bruno: L-Look! It's the same wound Giorno had!

Sfx: Roar!

Bruno: It's coming!

Bruno: He's deflating like a balloon losing air!

Abba: The pipes! Cut through them and get them outta there!

Bruno: Zipper Man!

Bruno: Th-They're not there!

Abba: It's right around there.

Bruno: Right around where?

Abba: I'm telling you, right where you opened up!

Abba: My Moody Jazz is definitely right there!

Abba: Impossible... It's definitely right here.

Abba: Does this mean there's a mystery we haven't solved yet?

Abba: That Giorno Giovanna, whom I hate, told me to solve this mystery.

Abba: He's an annoying little brat,

Abba: but I'm going to solve it!

Abba: There's one more mystery surrounding this enemy.

Abba: I'm finally starting to see it.

Abba: I'll solve this and k*ll that bastard!

Abba: That awkward feeling I got when I saw the mast...

Abba: Back then...

Sfx: Bzzzzzz

Bruno: It's right there! Call back your Stand!

Abba: I've figured out the other mystery!

Bruno: Abbacchio...

Abba: k*ll him... Bucciarati!

Abba: This mystery...

Abba: The place the enemy's hiding...

Bruno: You're being dragged in! Grab on to me!

Bruno: Damn it!

Bruno: He's not there...

Bruno: Where did he go?

Bruno: I didn't punch the deck earlier to find where Abbacchio was.

Bruno: It was to put a hole in the bottom of the boat.

Mario: A h-hole?!

Bruno: I know where you are, so if you don't wanna drown,

Bruno: you'd best come out.

Bruno: There were two boats!

Baaaaaa,Sfx: Bwaaaaa

Fwip,Sfx: Fwip

Bruno: You're way too slow.

Pop,Sfx: Pop

Gio: Mista! He's already on the radio!

nar: The enemy beats Giorno and the others to Capri, where the fortune is hidden.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,In order to launch a surprise attack, Giorno and Mista get off the boat

b*ll*ts: sh**t!

Bazoo,Sfx: Bazoo

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,and land on the island.

Mista: Eat lead!

Sale: O-Ow!

Mista: I'm going to aim properly this time, damn it!

Mista: How could I say something so lame?!

Mista: That's not what I meant!

Mista: I was supposed to ask how that bastard didn't die

Mista: after I shot him in the head!

Mista: Shit. I need to reload!

Mista: Wh-What the?!

Mista: Y-You're kidding me!My left hand won't let go!

Mista: Whoa!

Sale: I told you because you won't be able to reload

JoJo-main: ,with your left hand stuck to the truck.

Mista: His ability is to fix something he's touched into place.

b*ll*ts: Hell yeah!

Mista: Four b*ll*ts?

Mista: What the hell's going on?

JoJo-main: ,I only have four b*ll*ts!

b*llet: Four is unlucky.

Five: Don't put all four in there. It'll just be bad luck.

Sale: Just gotta tap it slightly with my finger...

Sale: Even if it's just slightly, if I tap it over and over,

Sale: it'll just keep building up force in the place where it's affixed.

Sale: I can't hit it too hard.

Sale: It'll throw off my aim, and my enemy will figure out which way it's going to fly.

Sale: And then... I let it loose!

Bam,Sfx: Bam

Mista: What?!

Mista: This really sucks...

Mista: Talk about bad luck.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Four is always the absolute worst for me.

Mista: Still, other than that, it's a good number.

Mista: I only have one b*llet left, but this means the worst is over, right?

Mista: Now the number's one, damn it!

Seven: Number ! Number ! Group up!

Seven: We're all gonna group up on this last shot!

Seven: This is the the last of them, so give it your all!

All: Yeah!

Mista: If I told you that I only have one b*llet left in this chamber, would you believe me?

Mista: I'm telling you the truth.

JoJo-main: ,I only have one b*llet left.

Sale: What are you pointlessly rambling on about, Mista?

Mista: You're definitely going to let your guard down

JoJo-main: ,now that you know I only have one b*llet left.

Five: He's gonna use his Stand!

Seven: Leave it to me!

Seven: Let's go! We only have one target!

JoJo-main: ,Give it your all!

Sale: You're aiming for the inside of my mouth.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Am I wrong?

Five: He opened his mouth on his own!

Six: He's not going to defend himself!

Seven: We'll just have to charge right in!

Sale: I knew it.

Sale: It looks like you weren't lying about that being your last b*llet.

Sale: I see you're not sh**ting again.

Sale: You done now, Mista?

Sale: If you're finished...

Sale: The launching power on this baby...

Sale: is more than ready, Mista!

Sale: I win! Take this! Release!

One: He really did let down his guard.

Six: He let his guard down because Mista was out of b*ll*ts!

Seven: We just wanted to get closer to him,

Seven: because the closer we get, the better we can aim!

Sale: Wh-What?!

One: Here we go, boys!

One: Aim!

Sale: Arts & Crafts! Defend!

Sale: The b*llet split in two?!

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,He's aiming for that!

Sale: That's—

b*ll*ts: We did it!

b*ll*ts: Yes!

b*ll*ts: Yes!

Mista: Come on, Number .

JoJo-main: ,I keep telling you to not bully Number , jeez...

Nar: After an intense battle, Giorno and the others successfully retrieve the fortune.

Mista: Bucciarati, where is it?

Fugo: All I see are urinals...

Nar: They give that money to the organization, and Bucciarati becomes a capo.

Plop,Sfx: Plop

Abba: I-It was inside the urinal?!

Mista: I mean, that's as safe as it gets, but...

JoJo-main: ,Sucks to be the guys who've been peeing there this whole time!

Peri: Yup... It's real.

Peri: The reality this fortune shows us is that the owner is intelligent and trustworthy.

Peri: Congratulations, Bucciarati.

JoJo-main: ,You've been promoted to the position of capo.

Nara: H-Hell, yeah! He's a capo!

Nara: Bucciarati's finally a capo!

Nar: They were then given an order from the boss through the capo Pericolo.

Peri: Of course, you'll be taking on any jobs that Polpo had, Bucciarati.

Nar: Their mission was to act as bodyguards for Trish, the boss's daughter.

Peri: You'll be guarding the boss's daughter,and risking your lives doing so.

Peri: That's all.

Nara: Daughter?

Nar: Because Trish cannot appear in public, Narancia ends up going shopping for her.

Form: Anything cut by my Tiny Feet becomes small.

Form: It does take a little while for the ability to go into effect, though.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,It's then that he's att*cked by Formaggio,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,one of the members of the Hitman Team that's trying to overthrow the boss.

Form: Look at those creepy little shits...

Nara: The same movement...

JoJo-main: ,All of them are moving the same way,

Nara: but there's only one rat who's breathing really hard...

Nara: Yes! A clean shot!

Form: Th-That was close...

Form: If I hadn't returned to my normal size, I would've been done for!

Nara: I-I didn't get him!

Nara: Did I become so small that Li'l Bomber's power also shrank?

Form: What?!

Nara: Damn it!

Nara: I'll just make them bigger!

Form: Tiny Feet!

Fugo: Who's going to fight him?!

Nar: Next, they head to the Pompeii Archaeological Park as instructed by the boss,

Abba: Hold on, Fugo. I have no idea what you're talking about.

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,and Fugo is pulled into the world of mirrors by another member of the Hitman Team, Illuso.

Gio: Is something wrong with the mirror?

Fugo: This isn't good! He's going to attack!

Fugo: Get away from the mirror!

Fugo: What?

Fugo: Giorno! Abbacchio!

Abba: When Purple Smoke uses its fists, no one can stay nearby.

Nar: But then, Fugo's terrifying Stand ability, feared by even his friends, is revealed.

Illuso: What the hell is with these corpses?

Abba: It's a k*ller virus.

Abba: That's Fugo's Stand, Purple Smoke's ability.

Gio: A virus?

Abba: Look at its hand.

Abba: When it hits something with its fist, that capsule breaks open,

Abba: and the virus comes spilling out!

Abba: It infects its host within thirty seconds, then kills them instantly.

Abba: And once the virus spreads, it doesn't matter who's nearby, be they friend or foe.

Abba: I knew it... Fugo's unable to control it.

Illu: You're finished. Take this!

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Even more powerful enemies are bound to attack Giorno and the others in the future!

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Will Giorno and the others successfully be able to protect Trish

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,and carry out the boss's orders?

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,Also, will Giorno and Bucciarati be able to achieve their true goal?

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,The journey has only just begun for Giorno and his friends!
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