04x27 - The Awkwardness

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing World of Gumball". Aired: May 3, 2011 - June 24, 2019.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectibles

Revolves around the life of a 12-year-old cat named Gumball and his frequent shenanigans in the fictional American city of Elmore.
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04x27 - The Awkwardness

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ On my way to buy some ketchup,
I'm feeling pretty good ♪

♪ gonna take it right on home, and
then I'll cover all my food ♪

♪ ketchup is my favorite sauce,
it is the condiment of kings ♪

♪ ketchup, you're so useful,
you taste great on many things ♪

♪ you can use it on a burger
or spaghetti bolognese ♪

♪ you use it to clean your ears
or even wash your face ♪

♪ on pizza, pasta, chops, or
cookies as a main or on the side ♪

♪ hair gel, salad dressing,
or to grease a slip-and-slide ♪

♪ it's good for steak, a cake,
a coffee break, roast hake ♪

♪ a pasta bake, if you
drink some in the morning ♪

♪ it'll make you feel awake,
on a fries, shish kebab ♪

♪ on bacon, crab, or toast,
you can fry it, steam it ♪

♪ boil it, bake it,
use it on a roast ♪

♪ on meats, beets, cheese,
wheat, sweets, and treats ♪

♪ and with a little chili
for a touch of extra heat ♪

♪ it's not just there
for you to eat ♪

♪ when dried,
it works like concrete ♪

♪ to shine your boots,
on veg, on fruits ♪

♪ to clean your shirts,
your socks, your suits ♪

♪ to lubricate a creaky door,
to clean your teeth ♪

♪ to clean a floor, to paint
a painting you have painted ♪

♪ revive old ladies who fainted, to
give your quiche a little lift ♪

♪ an unexpected Christmas gift,
it's always guaranteed ♪

♪ to make an awesome
fake nose bleed ♪

♪ but my favorite use for ketchup's
not on fries or roasted hog ♪

♪ where I love ketchup most
is on a big juicy hot do... ♪

Oh, no,
it's hot-dog guy again.

Oh, no... him!



- Oh!
- Oh!



Well, this is awkward.

It's like we're in synch.

And now we're both talking,

Right, I'll just
stop talking, and you can...

okay, the only way we
can get out of synch...

is if I say something
really unexpected like...

Business clown!
Meat flan!

Thunder quack!

Just pick up your phone, and
let's never talk again, okay?

Okay, bye!


Maybe I'll just cross the road.

Hey, what are you doing?

Trust me, I-it's
better this way!


Wait a minute!

What are you doing?

Playing tag!

Finally alone!

I thought I'd
never get rid of that guy.

Hopefully, I'll never
see his face ag...


I-I'll just, uh...

Yes. Y-yes, you do that.



Hot, hot, hot, hot,
hot, hot, hot, hot!

Could you, uh, like, not breathe
directly into my mouth?

Uh, I'm sorry.
It's just...

Really hot in here!
I-I'll just try to...

Hey? Hey!

Oh, sorry.

I don't mind.

Okay, just go to
your happy place.

That's better,
but I need some more air.

Comfortable clothes, please.


Still thirsty.

Hey, this is my private
happy place!

What are you doing here?!

Not really my choice.

What?! How?!

Well, we hit a bump, and, uh...

Okay, look, we're clearly
walking in the same direction.

Let's just acknowledge that
and move forward.

Yeah, it's only weird
if we make it weird.

I mean, we should just
relax and coexist.

There's nothing weird
about that.

Who am I kidding?

The elevator's one of the most
awkward places on the planet,

right up there with
the school locker room,

dinner with
your girlfriend's father,

and dinner with your girlfriend's
father in the school locker room.

So... Where are you
going, anyway?

I was just getting some ketchup

for my delicious
hot d... uh...

Did you press the button?

You're standing next to it.
I thought you pressed it.

Not this time!

What is wrong with you, man?


Come on!

Come on!


With our luck, we'll be
stuck here for two days.

How about we just
push through the awkwardness

and get to know each other?

Let's just confess to
our most embarrassing secret

right here, right now, then
we'll know each other so well,

we'll feel comfortable enough
to hang out.

Eh, really?
I'll start.

I've got, like, a weird nail
at the end of my tail.



Come on, man,
don't leave me hanging.


This isn't my real hair.

It's a wig designed
to hide this.

I was born attached
to my two brothers.

The other scar
is less conspicuous.

Don't worry...
i didn't take any pictures.

It was a video!

Finally, some place
where I won't...

bump into that guy again!

Oh, come on!

Would you just open
the door, please?

And we're stuck.

Look, the only way out of here
is to work together.

You work together!

It's not possible to
work together on your own.


Come on, we just have to go
to the back of the cubicle

and push up with our legs.

Okay, give me your arm.

We touch as little
as possible, okay?

Why do you have to make
everything so awkward?!


You're the one
who's haplessly awkward!

I am not hapless. I'm, like,
totally hapful, man.

That's not even a word.

Look, how about we just
pretend this is all normal.

Okay, we're just a hot dog
and a blue cat climbing up

a public toilet using only
our feet... nothing weird here.

See, nothing's awkward
if you decide it's not.

I don't know. It sounds
pretty awkward from here.

Sorry. Sorry.

I don't mind.

I'm sure one day
we'll laugh about...

well, not about this but...

♪ Finally got rid
of that annoying hot-dog guy ♪

♪ and now I'm in the store,
so there is no reason why ♪

♪ he can interrupt my day
so I'll tell you all what's up ♪

♪ it's time for me to buy myself
a bottle of ketch... ♪


Heh, funny...
that would've been

the perfect dramatic place
for him to appear.


You thought I was
the hot-dog guy, right?

Yeah, I get that a lot.

Hey, look!

Buy one, get one free.

It's funny.

You really do like that
that ho...

No! No! Nooooo!

What are you doing?!
I'm running away from you!

No, I'm running away from you!

Look, mother, larceny!

Somebody call secur...

Don't move a muscle!

Uh... Can we just
move a little?

You're going nowhere!

Now, let me read you
your rights.

You have the right to return
any product within days.

You do not have to buy anything,

but anything you do buy can
be added to your reward card.

You have the right to
redeem unlimited coupons.

If you do not have a coupon,

you may be provided
with one by the store.

Do you understand?!

I understand that
you're not a real cop.

I'm a mall cop!
Is that real enough for you?


Wait, if you're not a real cop,

how come you have handcuffs?

They're available for bucks

from the toy store
on the second floor.

Wait, so, are we officially
under arrest, or what?

Well, "official" is just a word.

Yeah, for things that
are officially official.

Shall we?

Hey, stop!


Quick, that way!

No, I say we go that way!

That's where he went!

Yeah, I know. I just
wanted to get you back.

Hey, you!


No, there!



Great, the one bit I'd like
to be flat isn't.


You two are going down!

Yes, that's it!

Trust me.

I meant,
the escalator's right there.

Oh. O-oh,
right, sorry.

Stop right there!

Hey, mister, are you okay?






T-that was weird.

Uh, but we made it.

High fi...

oh, hello.

Oh, no, no, no.

Uh, I, uh, wasn't saying
hello, uh, to you.

Oh, oh, sorry.

Oh, we're walking in
the same direction, heh.

Awkward! Heh.

I'm sorry.

For what?
For this.

I don't mind.
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