04x24 - The Mind's Eye

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x24 - The Mind's Eye

Post by bunniefuu »

Personal Log, Chief Engineer
Geordi La Forge

Stardate 44885.5.

l am en route to the planet Risa

to attend an artificial
intelligence seminar.

Captain Picard has ordered me
to arrive a few days early

to have some fun and relax.

l intend to follow his orders
to the very best of my ability.

How about
some different music, Computer?

Something with a Latin beat.

No, l meant something
with a gentle Latin beat.

Maybe a... a Spanish guitar.


Hey, what's the weather like
on Risa?

Risa is climate controlled
for optimum tourist comfort.

ls that right?

And about how long
till we get there?

Arrival at Risa is scheduled
for 0932 hours.

Ooh, three hours.

How about a game, Computer?

Please restate request.

Something to pass the time.
You know, a diversion.

Select either visual interactive
or verbal interactive.

Hmm... verbal.

You have 20 seconds to respond
to each question.

Level of difficulty
will increase as you progress.

Proceed when ready.


List the resonances
of the sub-quantum states

associated with
transitional relativity...

That's easy.

...in alphabetical order.

Uh... well, uh...


uh, uh, uh, inverted...

um... uh, uh...


uh, stable...

Your time has expired.

The fifth resonance is...


l knew that.

Okay, okay.
Give me another one.

List the field patterns
associated with warp modulation

in order of decreasing energy.

Oh, okay. There's the aft
nacelle associative

the for...

Ho! Computer

sequence 0-1-0,
maximum power to the shields.

k*ll the music.

this is Shuttle Seven.

l've encountered
a Romulan warbird.

Coordinates are three...

Warning, shield failure.


Risa Control.


Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

lts continuing mission--

to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Captain's Log, Stardate 44891.6.

The Enterprise has been ordered
to accompany a special emissary

from the Klingon High Council
to the Kriosian system

where one of their colonies
is fighting for independence.

There was a time when the Empire
would crush a rebellion.

Now it is tolerated.

We have enough troubles
on the home planet

so we don't wish
to divert resources

to such a trivial w*r.

You're preparing
to grant them independence?

Well, perhaps.

Conquer them again later,
if we wish.

May l ask, Ambassador,
what has this to do with us?

The Governor of Krios
has charged

that the Federation
is secretly aiding the rebels.

Does he have evidence?

The Council has sent me here
to examine that evidence.

lt was my decision to invite you
to accompany me, Captain.

Many on the Council
have great respect for you.


l have been pleased
to offer occasional assistance

to the Klingon people
in the past.

Your modesty is
very human, Captain.

l will excuse it.

But l can assure you,

that the Federation
would never interfere

in the internal affairs
of the Empire.

Let us hope not.

Such interference would strike

at the very basis
of our alliance.

Captain, we are in the w*r zone.


Ambassador, l will ask
our Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Worf,
to make a report...

Uh, Captain

Worf's discommendation
makes that very awkward.

lf l could work with one of
the other security officers...

Lieutenant Worf is
my Chief of Security

and my Tactical Officer.

This matter clearly falls
within his jurisdiction.

As you wish.

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, take it easy.


Welcome, Mr. La Forge.

We've waited
a long time to meet you.

l can tell you've gone
to a lot of trouble.

lndeed, we have.

You are going to be
of great help to us.

Oh, l wouldn't count on it.

Good. Very good.

Do not enjoy yourself
too much on Risa.


Your VlSOR
will be returned to you

but first, l want
to show you something.

Show me something?

That'll be a nice trick

seeing as how
I can't see anything

without the VlSOR.

That is not quite true.

Allow me to demonstrate.

l now have direct access
to his visual cortex.

He has no choice but to see
what l wish him to see.

l can feed him
any image l choose.

He will be unable to ignore it.

His galvanic skin response
has increased nine percent.

lt seems Commander La Forge

like many humans,
has a low tolerance

for watching others suffer.

Why are you doing this?

l am sorry, Commander.

lt is a necessary step.

l apologize
for your discomfort.


Observe how a spring day
on his native Earth affects him.

He's looking
at a beautiful meadow--

green trees, birds, a blue sky.

The heartbeat slows.

The galvanic skin response

The body responds
to our stimuli.

He is incapable

of maintaining control
of his own responses.

Watch as l change
the stimuli again.

Once our work is done,
La Forge will act normally

totally unaware
of his conditioning--

the perfect tool
for our purpose.

Will there be
any physical evidence

of what you're going
to do to him?

None, Commander.

That is why we chose La Forge.

The utilization of his
pre-existing neural implants

makes our work
impossible to detect.

How will we be certain your
procedure has been successful?

l will program him to perform
a series of specific tests

both before he leaves us

and after he returns
to the Enterprise.

We'll be able to verify
his effectiveness.

Notice that his heart rate
has slowed somewhat.

He is becoming accustomed
to the horrors he is witnessing.


we change horrors.

There have been
two rebel att*cks

on neutral freighters--

one the Ferengi,
and the other Cardassian.

Both were engaged
near the lkanian asteroid belt.

That's where the rebels
must be hiding.

The actinides in the asteroids

provide positive protection
against our sensors.

They might attack a freighter

but l doubt they would challenge
a Federation starship.

Especially with the Federation
furnishing them support.

You would test the Captain's
word with me, Kell?

ls it because l have
no honor in your eyes

that you expect me
to be disloyal?

Wrong of me to ask.

My apologies.

Captain Picard does not lie.

lf he says there is
no Federation assistance

to the rebels, there is none.

Good. Because l risk
my own reputation

and honor coming to Picard.

He will not disappoint you.

lf that is all...

There are some members
of the High Council

who would thank you, Worf.

Thank me?

For k*lling Duras.

No doubt that, had he lived

one day, he would ascend
to head the Council.

Many were not looking forward
to that.

My motives were personal,
not political.


Who cares for motives?

Humans, perhaps.

What matters is,
you acted on that day

as a true Klingon.


So l've got to shut
the whole system down.

Where are we, Mr. La Forge?

This is Ten-Forward.

Who is that man
sitting over there?

That's Chief O'Brien.

How long has he served with you?

Almost four years.

l want you to k*ll him.


Take this phaser,
and k*ll Chief O'Brien.

Finally, l think l've found it

when l see this piece of
conduit that's coded to be

the power linkage
to transporter seven.

Now, l know that can't be right

so l give it a closer
look, and sure enough...

Freeze simulation.

Commander, did you understand
my request?

Well, l...

lt's just, l...
l don't...

Look at me.

Now, what did l ask you to do?

k*ll Chief O'Brien.

Then do as l asked.

Resume program.

Well, you know what that means.


...'cause now, l have to...

Good, Mr. La Forge.

Very good.

Why don't you enjoy a drink
with your friends?

Mind if l join you guys?


He still hesitated.

Prepare the equipment
for another session.

Captain's Log,
Stardate 44896.9.

We are orbiting Krios

awaiting our first meeting
with the Klingon Governor.

Commander La Forge has rejoined
the Enterprise from Risa.

Welcome back, Geordi.


How was the seminar?

Very informative.

l'll tell you all about it.

lt is fortunate we were
able to coordinate

your return
on the Teldarian cruiser.

Yeah. When l heard
the Enterprise

had been ordered
to the Krios system

l thought l might be forced

to endure another couple
of weeks on Risa.

l am sorry to hear you
did not enjoy yourself.

l was joking.


Ah. ''Forced to endure'' Risa.

Your actual intent

was to emphasize that you
did enjoy yourself.

Yes, l see how that
could be considered

quite amusing.

l missed you, Data.

Commander La Forge.

Permission to come aboard,

Welcome back.

Thank you, sir.

Commander La Forge
is my Chief Engineer.


He's been attending a seminar

on artificial intelligence
on Risa.

l'm glad
we got you back, Geordi.

We're going to need
your help on this one.

Data tells me
that the Federation

has been accused
of aiding Kriosian rebels.

We're being presented
with evidence today.

We'll need your help
in analyzing it.

Anything l can do.

You had a good time.

Does it show?

You're more relaxed
than l've ever seen you.

Governor Vagh has signaled.

He is ready to meet with you.

Very well. Advise him
that we will transport

down to the surface immediately.


Commander Riker?

What is it, Data?

Our sensors have detected

a brief energy fluctuation
in the E-band.

The E-band?
That's unusual.

What's the source?

Unknown, sir.

E-band emissions
are difficult to localize.

Collapsing protostars
sometimes emit E-band bursts.

Yes, sir. However, there are
no protostars in this sector.

You better do a complete scan.
Keep me posted.

Yes, sir.

...the Kanarians
who've actually done

the most advanced work
in artificial intelligence

so l spent a lot of time
in their research seminars.

Hmm. Geordi?


l get the feeling

that something special
happened on this vacation

and l'm not talking
about computers.

Well, l did take second place
in a chess tournament.


And, uh, l swam a lot.

l worked on my backstroke.

The water is very calm on Risa.


And l walked a lot.

That's all.

Well, l ate enough
for 12 people.

The food there is terrific.

They've got a chocolate
there, Counselor

that you would love.

And that's all?


Well, there was this...


Her name is Jonic.


But, uh...

you wouldn't want
to hear about that.

Better get ready for duty.

Nice talking to you, Counselor.

We talk, we socialize,
we waste time

and the insurrection
continues to grow.

These rebels need to be crushed,
not coddled.

Governor, it does not matter
what you or l think.

The High Council has made
its wishes clear.

The Council should be
more interested

in Federation interference.

Governor, exactly
what do you think

the Federation has done?

Your medical supplies have been
found in rebel strongholds.

We make no effort to restrict
access to our medical supplies.

Are your weapons
also freely available?

No, they are not.

Then explain this.

You took this w*apon
from the rebels?

That and many more like it.

lt does appear to be
Federation issue.

Governor, with your permission,
l would like to take this w*apon

back to the Enterprise,
to verify its origin.

As you wish.

l have hundreds more.

But even if these weapons
are genuine

l can assure you that a third
party must have been involved.

The Federation is not
in the business

of supplying arms to rebels.

This is the only Klingon colony

on the border
of Federation space.

You cannot deny
that Starfleet would be happy

to see Krios
gain its independence.

lt would reduce
your vulnerability to an attack.

Governor, you speak as if we
are enemies and not allies.

And you speak the lies
of a tah-keck.

Qu'vath guy'cha b'aka.


You swear well, Picard.

You must have Klingon
blood in your veins.

Governor, l will report to you

as soon as the analysis
of that w*apon is complete.

Captain, Commander.

Enterprise, three to transport.

lntercooler flux
down to five percent.

Plasma deviation steady at .72.

Aye, sir.

Well, you guys keep running
at this efficiency

l might as well go back to Risa
for another week.

Just run through
a level-4 series

and then call it a night, huh?

l'd help you,
but there's something

l've got to take care of.


Red Torian, please.

Thank you.



l'm sorry.

lt's all right.

My glass, i-it just slipped.

lt's nothing.
Just a little cold.

Yeah, but you're
all soaked here.

lt's nothing serious.

Let me get something
to wipe it up.

No, no, l'll just go
to my quarters and change.

You're sure?

Don't think twice about it,

Energy flow is within
normal parameters--

from the prefire chamber
to the emission aperture.

Rapid nadion pulse
is right on target.

Beam control assembly,
safety interlock--

both check out.

Beam width, intensity controls--
also responding correctly.

Energy cell usage

remains constant,
at 1.05 megajoules per second.


The efficiency reading
on the discharge crystal

is well above
Starfleet specifications.

Yeah, by quite a bit.

Our most efficient
discharge crystal

Hmm. Let's take a closer look

at the wave pattern
on the emission beam.

That might tell us why
it's losing so little energy.

Pulse frequency out
of prefire chamber reads steady.

There. That's not right.

The initial output spike
is inverted.

That might suggest
the w*apon has been charged

with a forced pulse
well into the terahertz range.

Then it's definitely
not Starfleet issue

and there can't be
that many systems

that use the terahertz feeds.

327, to our knowledge.

We can probably
achieve an exact match

with a random computer search.

lt will take
approximately three hours.

l think
we can narrow this down

with a little common sense,

Who has the most to gain
from a conflict

between the Klingon Empire
and the Federation?

The Romulans.

They fashioned
the perfect Federation r*fle

but they had to charge it
from their own energy sources.

So the discharge crystal
and the emission beam pattern

both correspond to those you'd
find in a Romulan disrupter.

The Romulans have no interest
in Kriosian independence.

This planet is
too far from their borders.

But they do have an interest

in driving the Federation
and the Empire apart.

Our alliance is the only thing
that has kept them in check.

Romulan replications
using stolen

Federation technology?

lt's a typical Romulan ploy--

an attempt to sow dissension
and mistrust.

you've done very well.

l would thank you
on behalf of the Empire.

l still have my doubts, Picard.

l will want my own technicians
to confirm your findings.

Of course.

My staff will give you
their full cooperation.

You may go.

Another E-band blip?

Yes, sir.

However, the difference
in intensity indicates

this one did not originate

in the same location
as the first.

lf it's changed intensity

it can't possibly
be a protostar.

That is
a reasonable assumption.

ls there any known instance

of the Romulans using E-band
for communications?

Not to my knowledge, sir.

Can you track the source?

We can reconfigure
the primary sensor array.

lf we narrow their focus
to scan for E-band emissions

We might be able to calculate
a directional vector

but only if there
are more occurrences.

Do it.

Computer, reroute the power flow

in the Cargo Bay Four

through the auxiliary
replicator system.

Please verify command
with necessary protocol.

lnitiate protocol 364-B.

Verify priority clearance.

Recognize La Forge,


Power has been rerouted

through auxiliary power
distribution system.

Code number 4-4-7-6-2.

Now, redirect transporter mode
to the planetary sensor array.

Transporter mode
has been redirected.

Verify that all record
of these modifications

are being erased
from each directory.

Erasure process is proceeding.

Sir, we are being hailed
by Governor Vagh.

On screen, Mr. Worf.


You astonish me, Picard.

Did you seriously believe
you would succeed?

Do you think we are blind?

l don't understand.

We intercepted the weapons

you tried to transport
to the surface.

Governor, l assure you...

Do not insult us both
by denying it.

Maintain your position
until further notice.

Do not attempt to leave orbit.

Klingon attack cruiser
uncloaking, sir.

On screen.

Two birds of prey approaching.

Sensors confirm an unauthorized
transporter beam at 1 123 hours.

Do you know which transporter
was used?

l'm not sure, Captain.

Whoever did it apparently
used the planetary array

to bypass the transport sensors.

What about the transporter logs?

They're blank.

How many people on board
are capable of this, Geordi?

l'm not even sure
how it was done yet.

As soon as l find out,
maybe l can give you an answer.

Not many, that's for sure.

Vagh is fully prepared
to open fire on the Enterprise.

l've convinced him
it would not be wise

to take any action

without first consulting
the High Council.

How long do we have?

A few hours, at most.

Mr. La Forge,
your recommendations?

Well, it might be possible
to locate the point of origin

by tracing power flows
at the time of transport.

Make it so.

The primary plasma system

does not indicate a power drain
from any of the transporters.

Then whoever
used the transporter

must have bypassed
the primary feeds.

Tracking power
from the secondary systems.

No surges to any
of the transporters indicated.


Who could have pulled this off?

Try the life-support
power flows.

No abnormal surges indicated.

Replicator wave guides?


That's not a replicator
energy pattern.

Trace it.

Cargo Bay Four.

La Forge to Worf.
Security to Cargo Bay Four.

l've run a level-1 diagnostic.

As far as l can tell

the unit hasn't
been tampered with.

This has to be
the transfer point.

Perhaps the perpetrator

the memory chips
to erase any record.

You're talking
about 30 or 40 chips

in half a dozen
different control systems.

Which members of the crew
could have accomplished that?

l think l could have done it,
if l put my mind to it.

The Chief, Data,
Lieutenant Costa.

That's about it.

Procedure requires
that l ask each of you

where you were at 1 123 hours.

Well, l was with Keiko...
in the arboretum.

l was on the Bridge
at my station.

l was in my quarters.

Was anyone with you?

No, l was alone.

And Costa was on duty
in Engineering.

l'm sure he's got 20 witnesses.

Then there is someone
on board who isn't

what he or she seems to be.

Data, let's do a detailed scan
on every chip in this assembly.

There's got to be some kind
of trail we can follow.

The isolinear chips
were definitely altered?

Programmed to erase
all operator commands

once the transfer was complete.

But with the chips erased,
what evidence remains?

The erasures were complete.

However, an analysis
of the subatomic structure

revealed an almost
undetectable residual pattern.

ln time, we may be
able to reconstruct

the perpetrator's
authorization code.

You have any idea
who's responsible?

No, sir.

with the necessary skills

also has an alibi.

Except for me, that is.

l was alone in my quarters
at the time.

Then whoever did this
must have been

specially trained for the task.

Our forensic team
is trying to identify anyone

who might have been
in Cargo Bay Four today.

lt's not going to be easy.

There were a lot of people
in and out of there.

Riker to Data.

Yes, Commander.

Sensors have picked up
another E-band emission.

l will be there shortly.

E-band emission?

We have been picking up
a curious intermittent blip.

Commander Riker has speculated

that it might be
a Romulan transmission.

l am attempting to track
its source.

Thank you, Mr. La Forge.

We do not have much time,

Vagh is not noted
for his patience.

Assure him that we are
doing everything possible

and advise him that,
if necessary

l will defend my ship.

With your permission

l will transport
down to the planet.

Of course.

May l suggest
that you issue an invitation

to Governor Vagh
to personally witness

your ongoing investigation.

Do you think he will come?

l will do everything in my power
to see that he does.

Qapla', Picard.

Qapla', Ambassador.

Come in, Mr. La Forge.

The investigation is moving
faster than we expected.

You're in danger
of being exposed.

l will transport to the surface

and when l return,
l'll have Governor Vagh with me.

Your Captain and l will
bring him to the cargo bay.

l want you to k*ll him there,
in front of many witnesses.

Use a hand phaser.

When he is dead,
you will claim that you acted

on behalf of Starfleet

in support
of Kriosian independence.

l understand.


La Forge to O'Brien.


Go ahead, Commander.

What can l do for you?



Chief, l'm...

l'm sorry to disturb you.

l'm sorry.

Hiya, Doc.

Geordi, hi.

What can l do for you?

Well, l just can't seem
to get any sleep.

l was hoping you could
give me something.

Sit down.
Let's take a look.

You couldn't sleep at all?

No, l was restless.

l kept waking up.

Hmm. Would you take
off your VlSOR, please?


ls there something on your mind?

No, l don't think so.

Well, everybody goes through

these occasional
bouts of insomnia.

There's probably
nothing to worry about.

Let's just make sure

that there's nothing
physically wrong.

There's a minor
vascular irregularity

in the visual cortex.

A slight dilation
of the blood vessels.

lt's nothing serious.

What about your VlSOR?

Has it been giving you
any problems lately?

Nothing out of the ordinary.

All the same, it might be a
good idea to have it examined

when we get to Starbase 36
next month.


ln the meantime, l will get you

a somnetic inducer
to put by your bed.

lt will help you to sleep.

Thanks, Doc.

l'm sure l'll be fine.


Governor Vagh,
thank you for coming.

You can thank Ambassador Kell.

l am here against
my better judgment.

Captain, l think the first thing

the Governor should see
is the investigation

underway in the cargo bay.

Of course.

From inside the Enterprise?

You're sure?

The first and third
E-band blips

were clearly generated
on board the ship.

The second came
from the planet's surface.

Generated by what?

Unknown, sir.

Mr. Data, we have
a known spy on board.

And now we have unexplained
signals on board.

l think it's reasonable
to assume

that they're related somehow,
don't you?

One could speculate
that the E-band

was being used as some form
of covert communication.

We need more than speculation,
Mr. Data.

We need to know who, what,
where, when and why

or we may be going to w*r.

Yes, sir.

Computer, run an analysis

of all known Romulan
transmission formats.

All bands.

ldentify any commonalties
with displayed waveform.

No commonalties noted.

Does this waveform match that

of any known
communication format?


Broaden search pattern
beyond communications.

Does the waveform displayed
conform to any natural phenomena

cryptographic formats,
or life-form EM emissions?

The signal corresponds

to a delta-compressed
wavelength spectrum

to human neural frequencies.

As in a human
brain wave pattern?


What kind of receiver

would be capable
of processing these signals?

A system designed to modify
the electromagnetic spectrum

and carry those messages
directly to the human brain.

Computer, link with
the shuttle's onboard system.

Access the isolinear
storage assembly.

Scan all chips
which contain mission logs.

Note any discrepancies.

No discrepancies noted.

Perform a level-5 diagnostic

on the shuttle's navigational
and power systems.

The components specified are
all within normal tolerances.

My technicians have examined

all of the ship's transporters,

l can assure you,
this is the only unit

that has been tampered with.

Computer, scan the shuttle's
structural integrity.

Sub-microscopic deformations
are present

in the nose section
and aft thrusters.

Probable cause
of these variations?

The shuttle has been subjected

to stress consistent
with a tractor beam.

All of our transporter
rotators are produced

with a slight...
in the structural alloys

which allow us to trace
our material back

to the exact...

lt also gives us
an identifiable matter...

Commander La Forge.

What can l do for you, Chief?

Could you look
at the pattern buffers?

Considering what's happened

l'm not sure the control systems
are reliable.

Sure, sure.
Let's take a look.

Computer, l am reading
anomalous variations

in the molecular structure
of these memory chips.

Please confirm.

Analysis confirmed.

Probable cause?


Compare these variations

with established Romulan
replication patterns.

The patterns are identical.

Then maybe we should run
a level-1 diagnostic

on those phase transition coils.

Right, Commander.

l'm still confident...

Data to La Forge.

Report, please.


Please respond.

Computer, current location
of Commander La Forge.

Cargo Bay Four.

Data to Lieutenant Worf.

Priority One.

Go ahead.

Take Commander La Forge
into custody immediately.


That is an order.

We've been looking
for DNA samples.

By tracing
the biochemical signatures

they will be able to determine
who was in this bay recently.

But how will it be possible
to prove which one...?

Q'ac Ken ta'vak!

La Forge!

Mr. Worf, get him out of here.

Arming our enemies
is not enough.

Now the Federation would
m*rder me to achieve its aims.

Governor, if l could
explain this, l would.

l believe l can help,

l've been able to determine
that Commander La Forge

was abducted by Romulans
en route to Risa.

lt is likely that he was
somehow forced to take part

in the plot to assassinate
Governor Vagh.

l saw no evidence of Romulans.

We just witnessed him
acting very much alone.

No, sir, you did not.

l do not believe the Commander
is acting of his own accord.

He has been receiving E-band
signals through his VlSOR--

signals which are carrying
direct commands to his brain.

l have surmised
that Commander La Forge

was conditioned by Romulans

a process referred to

and somewhat inaccurately--
as ''brainwashing.''

But to what end?

Why would the Romulans
want to k*ll me?

The Romulans have always wanted
to destroy the alliance

between the Federation
and the Klingons.

lf Mr. La Forge
had k*lled you, Governor

l think you would agree,
they might have succeeded.

Who sent these signals?

A cloaked Romulan ship?

No, sir.

That is not possible.

The signals had
to be transmitted

within close proximity
to the VlSOR.

Are you suggesting
that there was

a Romulan accomplice
in close proximity

to Mr. La Forge when he
was receiving the signals?

Yes, sir, l am.

This Romulan accomplice,
who is he?

l have narrowed the list
of possibilities to two people--

the only two people
who were with Commander La Forge

all three times
a transmission was recorded--

Captain Picard
and Ambassador Kell.

One of them may be concealing
an E-band transmitter.

lf they would agree
to be searched...

l am a Klingon,
an emissary of the High Council.

l will not submit
to being searched

by you or anyone else
on this ship.

l am forced to agree, Captain.

We will take the Ambassador
with us

and search him ourselves.

Captain, l believe it to be
in all our best interests

if l remain aboard.

l formally request asylum.

l will certainly
grant you asylum...

when you have been absolved
of this crime.

Gurt'ank te'la.

But l remember everything!

Like, there was this one night
at dinner.

We had this Andorian waiter.

He couldn't get
our orders right.

lt did happen!

l remember being on Risa.

l know you do.

Just take that memory
and put it aside for a moment

and tell me
everything you remember

about the shuttlecraft trip
after you left the Enterprise.

Well, l... l was just trying
to get in the mood.

l, uh...

l played some music.

l talked to the computer.

You know what it's like
on a long trip.

And when you saw
the Romulan ship

did you try and call for help?

No, the first thing l did...

Wait a minute.

But that's...

lt'll take time, Geordi.

A long time.

But we will reconstruct
your memory...


l'm just not sure...

about anything.

Believe it or not,
that's a good sign.

A beginning.

Now, let's go back
to the shuttlecraft.

There was a Romulan ship

and the first thing
you did was...?
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