04x23 - The Host

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x23 - The Host

Post by bunniefuu »

Doctor Beverly Crusher,
Personal Log, Stardate 44821.3.

Began an analysis today
of the respiratory problems

being experienced
on the Beta Moon of Peliar Zel.

Finally got
an actual letter from Wesley.

Topped the class in Exobiology

but he's still struggling
in Ancient Philosophies.

And... there's someone new
in my life.

Ambassador Odan, Dr. Crusher.

I was just on my way
to speak to you.

Hello, Data.

I've completed my study

on the atmospheric variations
which have occurred on the moons

since the new technology
was implemented.

Oh, thank you, Commander.
That will be most helpful

in my efforts
to mediate the quarrel.

I could go over it with you now.

It would not require
more than two hours.

Oh, we-we do appreciate
that, Data

but the Ambassador and I
have set aside this time

to analyze the incidence
of the lung disease

on the moons' inhabitants.

Then it is perfect timing,

What better occasion

to integrate my results
into your study?

Now that I think about it

you're absolutely right,

I'm not feeling very well.

Perhaps Dr. Crusher
could get you started

inputting your information.

l, myself, must return
to my quarters.

Ambassador, are you still having
those awful headaches?

I'd better bring you a hypospray
to take care of it.

I would be most grateful.


Put a cold cloth on your
forehead, Ambassador.

I'll do my best
to be with you shortly.

I'll set you up with
the medical monitor, Data.

It'll take you a while to input
the figures, won't it?

At least an hour.

But I do not believe
much time can be saved

by exhibiting such haste now,

Data, there are times
when every second does count.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission...

to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Somehow, I had an unnatural fear

that Data was going to barge in
and ask to discuss

the peripheral effects
of magnetospheric energy taps.

Well, if I don't get back soon

and take a look
at his projections

he just might come
looking for me.

Do you know when I first met
the formidable Doctor Beverly...

what, uh, 10 days ago? ...

I thought to myself,
"This woman is ice...

through to her bones."

Who would have ever guessed
that instead of ice

there is fire?


Stay here.

Don't go.

Odan, are we...?

Is this interfering

with your work
on the Peliar Zel problems?

Well, fortunately, I've done
about as much as I can

until we get there,
because I just can't seem

to keep my mind
on my work right now.



I have to go.


Promise me
we'll be together tonight.

I promise.

Then you may go, Doctor Beverly.

It's just Beverly.

Not just Beverly.

It's Beverly's smile,
it's her kindness

her beauty,
within and without.

So much more
than just Beverly.

Picard to Ambassador Odan.

Yes, Captain, this is Odan.

The Federation representative
from Peliar Zel

has come on board.

Would you care to meet us
in the observation lounge?

I'll be right there, Captain.

If the news were encouraging,
I assume you would not be here.

I am afraid you are correct,

The situation is growing
progressively worse.

Where have you been?

Uh, with a patient.

Minor emergency.

Ambassador Odan.

This is Governor Leka Trion,
of Peliar Zel.

thank you for coming.

I knew your father.

His efforts helped keep
our people at peace

for several generations.

I would hope to serve you
as well as he.

Governor, Ambassador.

I hope Doctor Crusher

was able to help you
with your headache.

Thank you.
Actually, she was.

Governor Leka
has intercepted us

before we reach her planet

in order to update us
on the situation.

The people on our moons
have been in discord

ever since they migrated
from our planet

five centuries ago.

To us on the planet

they're like
two squabbling children.

We try to help them
settle their arguments

by not taking sides,
but this time, we are at a loss.

Well, I've been studying
the information you sent.

If I understand correctly,
the people of Alpha Moon

have found a way to tap directly
into the magnetic field

of your planet

and now rely exclusively
on that energy source.

Yes, but the Beta Moon
is now suffering

some environmental damage
as a result.

My design model suggests

that Beta
will eventually experience

rising temperatures,
erratic tide surges

and, in general,
the beginning of global warming.

The impact on the health
of the Betan people is clear.

There will be
profound medical repercussions.

Alpha is unwilling to give up
its newfound energy source.

Beta accuses them

of intentionally
courting genocide.

Our efforts to reach
a compromise have failed.

And now we have received

that both sides
are arming for w*r.

If that happens,
the people on my planet

will begin to take sides

and the outcome
can only be disastrous.

We'll be in orbit around
Peliar Zel within six hours.

If you could arrange

for the representatives
of Alpha and Beta to be there

then Ambassador Odan could beam

directly down
to the planet's surface.

Excuse me, Captain.

I prefer to shuttle
to the surface.

I would not recommend it.

There are many radical factions
involved in this dispute.

It would be difficult
to guarantee your safety.

Well, I'm sure I'm not the first
who has expressed discomfort

at the idea
of molecular transport.

Thank you,
but I prefer to remain intact.

I'll shuttle down.

As you wish.

Counselor, what is it?

It's Ambassador Odan.

I continually feel...

of emotion from him.

Perhaps it's perfectly
normal among the Trill.

It could be.

We know so very little
about them.

Yes... quite.

Hi, Deanna.


Is that the colgonite astringent
you have on your eyes?

Yes. I guess so.

I've never tried it.

just put it on... me.

I didn't know
you even came in here.

I don't.

At least, um...
at least not very often.

But it feels good
to indulge yourself sometimes.

I guess so.

Especially when you
haven't done so in a while.

Wha-What is that
supposed to mean?


you're in love.

Sometimes I wish
you weren't so empathic.

I don't think
it's really a secret.

It isn't?

You've been glowing.


Must be the astringent.



Oh, yes, there is.

What is it?

It's just something
I sense in Odan.

What do you sense?

It's just...

How well do you really know him?

I feel I know him better

than I've known anyone
in my life.

Am I being foolish?

I don't think so.

And yet, I've only known him
for a couple of weeks.

Of course,
that could be infatuation.

But I am a grownup
and I know the difference

between love and infatuation.

Oh, all I know is...

I haven't felt this way
for a long time.

And you like it.

I like it.


You wanted to see me, Captain?

Yes, Ambassador.
Please sit down.

We have entered orbit.

We shall be transporting
you to the planet

in a few minutes.

Oh, I am ready, Captain.

How will you proceed
when you're there?

Oh, I cannot answer that.

I... I never know
until I'm into the situation...

meet the people involved.

I work very much by instinct,
and not by prearranged plan.

Well, it seems
to work well for you.

Well, I do like to go
into a situation

as well-informed as possible

and I must say that your staff
has been quite helpful

in briefing me
on the problems down there...

particularly Doctor Crusher.

My staff is quite capable.

I'm glad they've been useful.

Your Doctor Beverly is...

an extraordinary person

both as a scientist and...

and as a woman.

Yes, I'm sure that's true.

Well, shall we make our way
to the Shuttle Bay?

Captain, you know her
better than I.

Do you have any idea

how committed she is
to remaining with Starfleet?

I wouldn't presume
to speak for her.

Oh, no, of course not.

I just thought...

Well, you've known her
so much longer than I.

Ensign Taggert
to Captain Picard.

Yes, Ensign?

The shuttle is ready
to transport the Ambassador.

Very well.

I'll find my own way, Captain.

I hope to return with good news.

Commander Riker has asked

to pilot you himself,

I am honored.

I don't know when I'll be back.

I know.
Have a safe trip.

Oh, I will stay safe,
Doctor Beverly.

I have good reason to return.

I've researched Earth customs.

This flower is given
to express love.

Yes, it is.

Initiate shuttle
preflight sequence.

Preflight underway,
counting to clearance.

Shuttle has cleared
the bay door.

Commander Riker

you will be out of shield range
in five seconds.

Acknowledged, Lieutenant.

We'll be entering
the upper ionosphere

in two minutes and 20 seconds.

Sir, an unidentified ship

is emerging from the limb
of the moon.

Hail the vessel.

I have visual contact.

I don't recognize it.

It claims to be an escort vessel
from the Beta Moon.

There was no mention
of an escort.

Request a security
clearance code.

They do not answer, sir.

Commander Riker, prepare
to return to the Shuttle Bay.


Captain, they are loading
their phaser banks.

Increasing power to the shields.

Coming about.

Engage tractor beam.
Report, Number One.

We've lost port thrusters
and both backup stabilizers.

I'm losing control.

We're bringing you in.

Captain, the shuttle hull
has been weakened.

We're breaking up.
You can't tow us.

You better beam us
directly on board.

Don't do it.

I can't stabilize the shuttle.

If you transport me,
it will k*ll me.


Number One, we're ready
to beam you aboard.

Belay that order, Captain.
I'll bring her in manually.

Advise Doctor Crusher
we have a medical emergency.

He's in shock.

He's lost a lot of blood

but that still doesn't explain
these readings.

Sedimentation rate is 29

but his lymphocytes
are still intact.

It's as though
there's a parasite at work.



I need to do
exploratory surgery.

You may have
a parasitic infection.

You must not.

You won't survive.

What is that?


that is me.


This body is just a host.

I am that parasite.

That is what must survive.

It has always been this way.

The Trill
are a joined species...

a host and a symbiont...

and in this fashion,
we have survived for millennia.

You're dying.

What can I do?

The host body is dying.

You must contact the Trill

Tell them I need another host.

They will send a replacement.

I know this is
difficult to accept

but I beg you, Doctor Beverly...

help me.

This mission must be completed.

Odan's host body
died of the injuries

just over an hour ago

but the symbiont being,
Odan, is still alive.

Odan is the one
who negotiated the last treaty.

But the man everyone
thought was his father

was just another host body.

And the reason Odan
refused the transporter?

It would have damaged
the symbiont.

We've contacted the Trill.

Another host
will be here in 40 hours.

I've placed Odan in stasis.

He can survive
another hour, maybe two

but not beyond that.

Would it be possible for me
to serve as a temporary carrier?

No, Data.

The relationship requires
a biological being.

We're at a desperate impasse
in the Peliar system.

The attack on the shuttlecraft
has inflamed the dispute.

Who was responsible?

No one will admit anything.

Each side accuses the other,
and the threats are mounting.

We need Odan.

Doctor, could a human host
carry him?

I believe so.

From Odan's description
of the process

it should be possible,
but I don't have...

Then I volunteer.

There's been no precedent
for a human host.

I couldn't guarantee
what might happen.

The risk is too great,

Weigh it against the prospect
of w*r.

It's your choice, Will.

Let's get to it.

I've given you
a local anesthetic.

You must be conscious
during the implantation.

dr*gs might damage
the symbiont.

I understand.

Laser scalpel.

How do you feel?

Is there any pain?

No, just
some strange sensations.

Vital signs?

Heart rate 110.

Blood pressure 90 over 40.

I can't close yet.

The assimilation's not complete.

Pulse 130 and climbing.

EEG is erratic.

He's going to start

200 milligrams of metrazene.

Yes, Doctor.

Hang on, Will.

We've got incorporation, Doctor.

I'm closing.

Brain waves are still irregular.

The metrazene should
have stabilized him.

I'll give it ten more seconds
before I go in again.

Here we go.
EEG approaching regular.

Blood pressure leveling off.

That's better.

Signs are returning to normal.


it's Beverly.

Can you hear me?


You're going to be all right.

How do you feel?

I'm fine.

You look a little tired,
Doctor Beverly.

I know this must be disturbing,

but you must convince
the inhabitants of the moons

that I am Odan.

I have his skills,
his thoughts, his memories.

They will perceive you
as a Starfleet officer...

perhaps with your own agenda.

The man they knew
as my father...

the man who stands
before them...

both are merely hosts.

It is your task
to help them understand.

I will try.

I cannot promise
they will listen.

They are more factionalized
than ever.

And listening is a skill
which seems to have evaporated

with the heat of argument.

Speak softly, Governor.

Those who cannot
hear an angry shout

may strain to hear a whisper.

I will do what I can.

Well done.

Mr. Worf, will you escort
the Ambassador to his quarters?

I'm just a little dizzy.

I'll be fine.
I just need to lie down.

Picard to Doctor Crusher.

Yes, Captain?

the Ambassador is not well.

Will you please attend to him
in his quarters?

Right away, sir.

White cell count is elevated.

Six-tenths of a degree

But no sign of rejection.

That's good.

You look awfully pale.

Just a little weak
and lightheaded.

Cerebral blood flow
looks normal.

I'll leave
the metabolic booster.

Use it if the symptoms
get worse.


Beyond that,
I don't know what to do.

This is all new to me.

It is new to me, as well.

Please don't go.

We've got to talk about this.

I don't know what to say.

Nor do I

but I know that the
silence would injure us.

Well, maybe you should have
thought about that sooner.

Maybe you should have
told me what you were.

It didn't seem to bother you
to remain silent yesterday.

It never occurred to me.

This is what I am.

Did you ever tell me that you
were only a single being?

Of course not.

It was normal to you.

I don't know who you are!

You must understand.

Whoever I...
whoever I seem to be, I am Odan

who loved you.

That has not changed.

I still love you.

I can't help that!

If this causes you pain,
I will suppress it.

I will keep my distance.

Doctor Beverly...

I would never hurt you.

May I join you?

You know, Deanna

the first man I ever loved

was named Stefan.

He was a soccer player,
and I would watch him

as he would race down the field.

And I thought my heart
would stop

because he was so beautiful.

We married
and had three children...

twin boys, Andrew and Alexander

and then later,
a little girl, Jennifer.

Stefan became an artist...
very famous.

He created huge, breathtaking
metal sculptures.

He came to adore me
as much as I worshipped him...

in my daydreams at least.

Stefan was 11, and I was eight.

He never even knew I existed.

Oh, Deanna...

I loved Odan.

I'm sure of it.

I had no doubts, no fears.

But what was it I loved?

His eyes?

His hands?

His mouth?

They're gone.

If that was all it was

I should mourn him and go on.

But it was more than that.

I felt...

completely free with him...


at ease with myself.

There were so many things
that made him special to me.

And where are they?

Are they still here,
alive in Will Riker?

I look at Will, and I see

someone I've known for years...

a kind of brother.

But inside, is he really Odan?

Oh... help me.


What do your feelings tell you?

I feel his pull.

It's very powerful.

I wish he'd never
come on this ship.

Don't wish that, Beverly.

You can't be open to love
if you don't risk pain.

I don't care.

I'd give anything
not to feel the way I do now.

He's here, isn't he?

Look at him.

I don't want to look at him.

Talk to me.
Just keep talking to me.

The first man I ever
loved was my father.

He was strong and tall.

He carried me when
the ground was muddy.

He chased away the monsters
that hid under my bed at night

and he sang to me
and kept me safe.

And he went away.

What I wouldn't give
to hear those songs again...

to feel his arms protect me.

I never will.

But I can still feel
his warmth and his love

as though he were here with me.

If you can feel those things

from the man we know
as Will Riker

accept them.

Accept the love.

Captain's Log, Stardate 44823.8.

of the two moons of Peliar Zel

have agreed to come on board

to meet
the "new" Ambassador Odan.

White cell count is elevated.

It's getting higher and higher
every time I read it.

Are you in pain?

Not much.

Ambassador, we can stall
the representatives.

They would see that
as a deception.

I must meet with them.

But surely, to present yourself
in this condition

is not going to help our cause.

I promise you, Captain

they will never know
that I'm ill.

Captain, the emissaries.

May I present Kalin Trose,
of Alpha Moon

and Lathal Bine, of Beta Moon.

Thank you
for receiving us, Captain.

Is this Ambassador Odan?

Lathal Bine

it was your aunt who represented
Beta 30 years ago.

That is correct.

She was a formidable woman.

I had the utmost respect
for her.

And who was it who spoke
for Alpha so long ago?

That was you, of course...
Kalin Trose.

Then you were a young man

bristling with passion and zeal

yet wise enough to understand

that your people needed peace
to ensure their future.

And how did you
achieve a compromise

between that young man

and the iron-willed woman
of Beta Moon?

They agreed to trade places
for a week

to understand
each other's situation

with more informed eyes.

After that,
an agreement came swiftly.

Nothing that you have said
is beyond what a schoolchild

could learn in a history book.

What is not commonly known

is that,
during those negotiations

you, Kalin Trose, quelled a plot
by a radical from your own moon

who was attempting to
assassinate the Beta delegate.

It is true.

Perhaps he was wiser
in his youth

than he is now.

Odan, you must
convince him to stop.

Will you accept me?

Will you allow me
to work with you?


And Alpha Moon?

I will consider it

but I must consult others.

This is a typical tactic.

He is an obstructionist.
You can see that.

Kalin Trose

you may confer with your people

but we must have your answer
within eight hours.

You shall have it.

His vital signs are overworked.

His immune system
is under attack.

I can only guess
that he's suffering

from classic
rejection syndrome.

Is there any treatment
you can give him?

I can administer
an immunosuppressant.

That could help relieve
the symptoms

but it can't correct
the underlying cause.

There is a foreign organism
in his body.

Medical school didn't
exactly prepare me

for situations like this.

You're doing all you can.

Don't worry about me, Captain.

I'm fine.

when you feel up to it

would you join me
in my ready room?

Of course.

I can give you something
that should help with the pain

at least for a little while.

The pain's gone.

Thank you.

Please don't.

Please let me touch you...

just for a moment.

No... please.

It was a fast decision,
which we must take as positive.

The Alphan representative
has agreed...

however reluctantly...

to let you mediate the dispute.

I knew they would.

They're reasonable people.

They're just trapped
in their own anger.

I have no doubt, however,
that they will bolt

if something goes wrong
in the discussion.

Then it's my job to see
that nothing goes wrong.

Did I say something wrong,
Captain Picard?

No, it's just that...

for a moment, you sounded
more like Will Riker.

We have received information

that the new host
will arrive in 18 hours.

Will you be all right
until then?

The medication Doctor Beverly
gave me has helped.

I will find a way to keep going.

Lemon tea.

Computer, location
of Doctor Beverly Crusher.

Doctor Crusher
is in her quarters.

Can you make balso tonic?

There is no formula on record.

Please supply
a molecular structure.

Never mind.

Come in.

I thought I should see
how you were doing.

If you needed another hypospray.

I don't think so.

The symptoms haven't returned.

Oh, well, that's good.


Uh, tomorrow's an important day.

Do you feel ready for it?

I'll be fine.

I've been preparing.

Oh, that's good.


I'll, um, check your vital signs
in the morning

before the representatives
get here.

I don't want them knowing
that I'm taking any medication.

Maybe you could schedule
a series of breaks.

That's good.


Beverly, I want you.

If you are going to leave,
you better go right now.

I'm not leaving.

Captain's Log, Stardate 44824.4.

Governor Leka
and the representatives

of the two moons are ready
to transport on board.

We have learned that
they each have troops massed

and are ready for combat,
if this final effort at peace

is not successful.

White count is back up.

Temperature is elevated.

The effects of the medication

are wearing off
faster every time.

I'll administer one now

and hope that it will hold
for an hour or so.

No. No more.

it's clear you're in pain.

You can't get through
the next hours without help.

I must.

Are the injections damaging to
the host's body, Riker's body?


We can't put him
through any further risk.

But how can you function,
conduct the meeting?

I'll manage.

We'll respect your wishes.

One more thing...

I will conduct
the mediations today.

But at the end of today,
regardless of the outcome

I must be removed
from Riker's body

even if the new host
has not arrived.

But you won't survive.

Riker will not survive
if I am not removed.

He has done enough.

Your word.

Very well.

Worf to Captain Picard.

Yes, Mr. Worf?

The Governor and the two
representatives have returned.

I will escort them
to the observation lounge.

Thank you.

I'll stand by with
the medication, just in case.

The pain may become
so intense that I'll have to...


Whatever else I may be to you,
I'm your friend.

I can only imagine
what you're going through

and I want you to know,
I'm here.


Computer, what is the time?

1535 hours.

They've been in there
for almost six hours.

Captain, I am receiving
a message from the ship

carrying the Trill host.

Are they here, Worf?

No, they are experiencing

They do not anticipate
their arrival

for another nine hours.

Nine hours?

It was worth it.


They will not go to w*r.

Mr. Worf, see
that the representatives

are safely transported
off the ship.

Ensign, set a course to
intercept with the Trill vessel.

Prepare to go to warp nine.

Sir, it could take more than two
hours to reach the vessel.

I must remove him.
I gave my word.

Will is going to be all right.

His vital signs have stabilized
and he's sleeping now.

How is Odan?

I've placed him in stasis.

He's fine for the moment.

You need some rest, Doctor.

No. If Odan is to survive

he needs to be implanted
in the new host

as soon as he arrives.

I'll wait here.

It'll be some time.

I know.


Is the Trill host here?



Bring him in.


I am Kareel.

I am to become host to Odan.

The operation to implant Odan
into the new host

was completed at 1900 hours

and appears
to have been successful.

There were no difficulties
in assimilation.

Doctor Beverly,
could we talk for a moment?

You should be sleeping.

You need to rest.

I've never felt better...

except once or twice.

My poor Beverly.

This has been so hard for you.

I want to thank you
for your caring...

for your standing by me.

I congratulate you.

You averted a w*r
that would have cost many lives.


It seems as though everything
has turned out for the best.

And, yes, I am still Odan,
and I still love you.

I cannot imagine that
ever changing.

I am glad that you're all right.

Is there to be nothing more?

Perhaps it is a human failing

but we are not accustomed
to these kinds of changes.

I can't keep up.

How long will you have
this host?

What would the next one be?

I can't live
with that kind of uncertainty.



our ability to love

won't be so limited.

I understand.


I do love you.

Please remember that.

I will never forget you.
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