04x19 - The Nth Degree

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x19 - The Nth Degree

Post by bunniefuu »

You were like a brother to me.

Do you remember?

We used to play
in the park near the lake.

Yes, of course.

Every summer,
you would come to Bergerac.

You used to make swords
out of the reeds.

And when you'd cut your hand

you would come running to me,
and I would say

"Let me see."

Oh, how did you do that?

Playing near the Porte de Nesle.

And how many
did you play against?

No more than a hundred.

Tell me.


Let it go.


Let it go.


Let it go.

Let... let it go.

You... you tell me
what you were going to say.

Do you dare?

I do dare.

I love someone.


He does not know.


Not yet.

But he is proud
noble, brave and beautiful.

Oh, beautiful.

What's the matter?

With me? Nothing.

It is my hand.

He is in the guards?

Since this morning.

Baron Christian de Neuvillette
in your own regiment.


Promise me...

promise me to be his friend.

I promise.


Oh, I love you.

I must go now.

Oh, and tell him to write me.

A hundred men... what courage!

Oh, but I...

I ha... I have done
better since.


Very good.


Wonderful, wonderful.


Lieutenant Barclay's performance
was adequate

but clearly not rooted
in the method approach.

I do not understand why...

Data, because it's polite.

- Bravo.
- Encore.


Good job, Reg.

And only, what?
Six weeks worth of lessons?

Good job, period.

l, well, we...

we have a patient teacher.

Uh, Worf?

I have an opening
in my workshop.

Well done.

Thank you, uh... Counselor.

You've come a long way, Reg.

After, uh, more...

more rehearsals
than I can count.

I don't just mean
your acting ability.

It takes a great deal of courage

to put yourself
on display like that.

You... you think...
think so?

There was a time when nothing
could have dragged you

onto a stage
in front of an audience.

You've made tremendous progress.

l-I... I guess.

Don't you think so?

Well, I just feel
more comfortable...

playing somebody else.

Maybe all of this is...
is... is not any better

than escaping into...
into a holodeck fantasy.

I disagree.

This isn't fantasy.

It's theater.

You used to withdraw
onto the holodeck.

You isolated yourself
inside your own imagination

avoiding contact
with real people.

Look at yourself now.

Look at all the other people
you're with.

You're not just acting,
you're interacting.

Give yourself
some credit, Mr. Barclay.

Maybe you're right.

Captain's Log, Stardate 44704.2.

We have arrived
at the Argus Array

a remote subspace telescope

at the very edge
of Federation space.

The unmanned structure
mysteriously stopped relaying

its data nearly two months ago.

The fusion reactors
that power the array

are extremely unstable.

There is a high
risk of overload.

What about
the computer systems?

They do not seem to be
functioning at all, sir.

Captain, I am picking up
an unidentified device

1.8 kilometers from the array.

On screen.


That's some kind of probe.

I'll bet that's
what damaged the array.

Is it emitting any
signals, Lieutenant?

Negative, sir.

I show no activity.

Mr. La Forge, why not go
out and take a closer look?

Aye, sir.

Lieutenant Barclay,
report to the Main Shuttle Bay.

Enterprise, this is
Shuttle 5 in position.

Ready to begin
a short-range scan.

Proceed, Shuttle 5.

Reg, why don't we begin
with the passive

high-res series, all right?

Electromagnetic band?

Give it a try.

I'm picking up
visual wavelengths only

between 45, uh...
4,500 and 7,000 angstroms.

Let's try
the neutron densitometer.



Doesn't want to give up
any of its secrets.

Let's go to an active scan.

No... no modulation.


Boy, you are definitely
not from our neighborhood.

Increase to 3.0.


Yeah, Reg?

Thanks for assigning me
to this mission.

Don't mention it.

You're one of my top engineers.

It's about time you got in on
some of the interesting stuff.


this is why I'm in Starfleet.

There's still no, uh...
no modulation.

Well, hit it
with a positron emission.


What was that?

Computer's down, Reg.



Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission...

to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

An intense energy surge
from the alien probe

has severely disabled
the shuttle's onboard computer.

The away team has been

directly to Sick Bay,
where Lieutenant Barclay

remains under observation.

Any indication of the probe's
energy source, Data?

No, sir.

Power emissions do not match
any known radiation patterns.

We have not encountered
this technology before, sir.

Very well. Isolate the
probe and place it in tow.

We'll take it to Science Station
402 in the Kohlan system.

Captain, the probe
has begun to move.

It is approaching
the Enterprise.

Shields up.

Aye, sir.

There was enough energy
in that flash

to overload your optic nerves.

It knocked you unconscious.

My VISOR must have
filtered it out.

Exactly. But there was
no apparent retinal damage

and the cornea looks fine

but I'm still waiting
for a full sero-amino readout.

I'll call you when it comes in.

I'd like this done
as quickly as possible, Ensign.

You shouldn't have to wait
too long for the results.

What do you mean?

Couldn't you use a global mode
in your scanner?

It would be a lot faster.

That's not possible.

We're talking about human cells
here, not isolinear circuits.

I think you'd better stick
to engineering, Lieutenant.

A cell has
an electromagnetic signature

just as a circuit element does.

Theoretically, it should work

with just a few adjustments.

I could set it up for you,
if you'd like.

Probe now closing
at 15.3 meters per second.

Collision course.

Captain, sensors are reading
no particulate emissions

or subspace field distortions.

Then how is it able to move?

Method of propulsion
is unknown, sir.

Ensign, take us away from it.

One quarter impulse.

Aye, sir.

The probe is matching
our speed and course.

Captain, an energy field is
forming around the device.

Intensity is 3.2 terawatts
and increasing.

Sir, the shuttlecraft shields
did not provide

sufficient protection
for its computer.

Our computer may also
be vulnerable.

I recommend withdrawal
to a safe distance.

Ensign Anaya, full about.

Half impulse.

One half impulse.

The probe is following.

Options, Number One?

We can't use photon torpedoes.

An expl*si*n this close
could cr*pple us.

Sir, recommend full phasers.


Firing phasers.

No effect, Captain.

The probe's field intensity
is continuing to build, sir.

We are in danger.

Riker to La Forge.

Can you increase phaser power?

Attempting to now, Commander.

Isolate phasers 80 to 120.

Shunt all the plasma to the...

To the emitters.
Yes, sir, I'm already on it.


Phasers are as hot as we
can make them, Captain.

Mr. Worf?

Aye, sir.


Go to warp two.

Aye, sir.

Warp two.

The probe is still with us, sir.

At warp two?

Yes, sir.

the probe's energy output

is overloading our shields.

Failure anticipated
in 47 seconds.

I'm willing
to entertain suggestions.

Captain, we are dropping
to impulse.

Commander, warp power has been
transferred to the shield grid.

Yeah, but by whom?


What are you doing?

Lieutenant Barclay
to Captain Picard.

You can fire photon torpedoes.

Maximum yield.

Full spread.

We're too close.

I'm certain
the shields will hold.

Mr. La Forge?

I don't know how he did it

but shield strength has
been increased by 300%%% .

It should be enough, Captain.

Mr. Worf, photon torpedoes.

Maximum yield, full spread.


Thank you, Mr. Barclay.

You're welcome, Captain.

Barclay out.

I'm sorry
if I overstepped my authority.

Don't mention it.

Captain's Log, Stardate 44705.3.

The Enterprise has destroyed
the alien probe

but now we are left
with the difficult task

of repairing
the Argus telescope.

Failure to do so would represent
an incalculable scientific loss.

Mr. Barclay.

Everyone's still trying
to figure out

exactly how you did it.

Well, it-it just
occurred to me

that I could set up
a frequency harmonic

between the deflector
and the shield grid

using the warp field generator
as a power flow antiattenuator.

And that, of course,
naturally created

an amplification
of the inherent energy output.

Uh-huh. I see that.

I'm glad you could join us,
Mr. Barclay.

Your report, Mr. La Forge.

Each of the telescope's
subspace antenna clusters

is powered
by its own fusion reactor

but a single computer
controls them all.

So all 18 reactors

were affected
when the computer was damaged?

That's right.

They're starting to overload

and could eventually
go critical.

The expl*si*n
would destroy the array

and I wouldn't want to be
next door when that happens.

A standard isolation procedure
would be advisable.

I agree.
We'll cut off each reactor

from the damaged control system,
and repair them one by one.

How long will that take?

Two to three weeks, at least.

All right, Mr. La Forge...

I don't agree.

We could repair
all of the reactors

instead of one by one.

All 18?

Yes, sir.

But the Argus' computer
is inoperable.

Not entirely.
The core memory is still intact.

And we could program
a completely new control system.

An interesting
suggestion, Lieutenant.

However, that approach
would require much more time

than our original plan.

At least seven weeks.

I could have it ready
for you in two days.


If you could assist me
in the morning, Commander.

Sure, Reg.

The moon...

yes, that'll be my home.

My... paradise.

I shall find there
all the souls that I love...



And when I arrive, they will
question my worthiness.

"What the devil
is he doing there among us?"

Philosopher, scientist

poet, musician, duelist.

Here lies Hercule Savinien
de Cyrano de Bergerac.

I would not have
you weep any less

for that charming, good
and handsome Christian.

I only ask this:

That as the great cold
surrounds my bones

you allow a double meaning
for your mourning veil.

And when you let fall
your tears for him

some few will be...

for me.

That was a real improvement.

Same time, day after tomorrow?

Same time.


May I join you?

Oh, of course.

Sit down, Counselor.

Hard at work?

I'm getting prepared

for tomorrow's meeting
in Engineering.

We're planning
our repair strategy.

I really enjoyed the scene
you just performed.

a very forgiving audience.

Not at all.

I thought you were brilliant.

You've changed.

Is that a professional opinion?

Pure observation.

You know, it's true.

I can't explain it.

In the past few days,
I've found a confidence

I never knew was there.

I'm proud of you, Reg.

I'm glad for you, too.


I'd better be going.

Must you?

I think so.

Wouldn't you like
to take a walk with me

through the arboretum?

The zalnias should be in bloom.

Reg, as your former Counselor

I don't think
it would be appropriate.

I don't need a Counselor.

What I need is the company

of a charming,
intelligent woman.

Good night, Mr. Barclay.

Where's Lieutenant Barclay?

I stopped by his quarters
on my way over.

He wasn't there.

Computer, location
of Lieutenant Barclay.

Lieutenant Barclay
is on Holodeck Three.

"G" sub "l"

"J" of "t"

as "t" approaches



"G" of "t"

over G-naught.

So it is. So it is.

Well, I still don't see how
you're going to incorporate

quantum principle
into general relativity

without adjusting
the cosmological constant

a lot more
than you're doing here.

Well, if we increase the
value, as you suggest

we must face the possibility

of 26 dimensions,
instead of ten.

I don't think
I could deal with that.

I certainly could not.

If the semiset curved
into the subatomic

the infinities
might cancel each other out.

Gruss Gott.
They just might.

We had a meeting at 0700.

I'm sorry, Commander.

Thank you, Professor.


End program.

What was that all about?

I had some ideas
late last night.

I needed to consult
with the computer

about some quantum
electrodynamic calculations.

A holodeck Einstein program
seemed like the best way.

I guess I went
a little overboard.

A little? Most of the stuff
on that blackboard

was way out of my league,
and yours, too.

Not really.
I just haven't thought

along those lines before.

It's all really
pretty evident now

and if you were to put
your mind to it, I'm sure...

Reg, ever since
our run-in with that probe

something's different about you.

Because I'm beginning to behave

like the rest of the crew?

With confidence
in what I'm doing?

You just spent the entire night

arguing grand
unification theories

with Albert Einstein.

Yes, but...

Reg, something's happened to you
and we can't ignore that.

Yes, I've finally become

the person
I've always wanted to be.

Do we have to ask why?

Yeah, I think we do.


The production
of neurotransmitters

in your brain has jumped
by over 500%%% .

Pre and postsynaptic
membranes have increased

permeability to match it.

I couldn't even guess
at your IQ level now.

Probably somewhere
between 1,200 and 1,450.

But that isn't all.

The corpus callosum...
the connecting bridge

between both sides
of the brain...

it is so active now
that the hemispheres

are essentially behaving as one.

So, it's not just
raw intelligence

we're talking about here.

No. Creativity, resourcefulness,
inspiration, imagination...

they've all been enhanced.

Lieutenant, you
could very well be

the most advanced human being
who has ever lived.

Whatever that alien probe
did to him

Barclay now seems to know more

about the internal workings
of the Enterprise

than anyone else on board.

The question is

how are we going
to deal with it?

We could confine him
to his quarters.

How can we do that?

What's he done?
I mean, we're talking about

Iocking a man up
for being too smart.

If he's been influenced
by an alien

wouldn't that
put us all at risk?

Not necessarily.

It might be something
as simple

as an allergic reaction
to a bee sting.

Has Mr. Barclay done anything

that could be considered
potentially threatening?

Well, he did make
a pass at me last night.

A good one.

I'd hardly consider
that a threat.

No, but it's certainly
unusual behavior for Barclay.

There's something else, Captain.

He taught violin technique
at the music school last night.

I didn't know
Barclay played the violin.

He didn't.

Not until last night.

Look, if we want to save the
array, we need Barclay.

It's as simple as that.

Until he does
something more menacing

I see no reason
why we should prevent him

from continuing his work.

Larson to Commander La Forge.

Go ahead, Lieutenant.

We're having trouble
containing reactor nine, sir.

It's starting to chain.

I'm on my way.

You said he made a pass at you,
but you failed to mention

whether he was
successful or not.

Thermal level's up 177%%% .

Comparable increase
in neutron emissions.

Is the interface between
the computer and our array

still in operation?

Yes, but our computer is too
slow to direct the repairs.

The parameters are changing
too quickly for it to keep up.

Then we'll have to try
a remote shutdown from here.

Transmitting commands
to the array now, sir.

Starting close-down sequence.

Brower, increase the intake
of liquid helium three

into the reactor wall.

We've got to cool this off.

Transmitting commands.

Thermal level's increasing, sir.

What happened?


The interface isn't fast enough.

Commander La Forge.

Overload indications

on Argus generator five,
seven and 14.


Well, I can't do anything
from here.

I have to find
a better interface.

La Forge to Bridge.

We're looking at a cascade
reactor failure on the Argus.

I don't think we're going
to pull this one out.

Reactor nine will
reach critical

in ten minutes, 43 seconds.

The subsequent expl*si*n
will create a chain reaction

along the entire
length of the array, sir.

Ensign, stand by
for a jump to warp two.

Yes, sir.

La Forge, you've got
ten minutes.

Mr. Worf, Red Alert.

Aye, Commander.

Computer, begin new program.

Create as follows:

Work station chair.

Now, create a standard,
alphanumeric console

positioned for the left hand.

Now an iconic display console
positioned for the right hand.

Tie both consoles
into the Enterprise

main computer core,
utilizing neural scan interface.

There is no such device on file.

No problem.
Here's how you build it.

Argus reactor nine...

28 seconds to critical.

Get us out of here.

Warp two, Ensign.

Yes, sir.

Helm's not responding, sir.

Captain, we have lost
computer control.


12 seconds to critical.

Go to manual.

I'm attempting that, sir, but...

There's not enough time.

Computer is coming back
on-line, sir.

Captain, the Argus reactors
are shutting down.

We are no longer in danger, sir.

What happened?

Unknown, sir.

Geordi, what did you do?

It wasn't me, sir.

Computer, how were
the Argus reactors shut down?

A neural interface was created,
to expedite the repairs.


Computer, respond.

I am responding, sir.

I'm sorry
if I caused you any alarm.

It was necessary in order
to secure the array.



What's going on?


Yes, Commander.

It's me.

I'm sorry, Captain.

I was only trying to help.

Our computer was too slow
to compensate

for the overload on the array

so I created an interface
that communicated my thoughts

directly to the central
processing unit.

Exactly what does that mean?

My body is as you see it here

but much of my higher brain
functions and memory

have been transferred
to the starboard computer core.

Mr. Barclay, remove yourself
from the computer system.

Leave the holodeck.

I'm afraid I can't do that, sir.

And why not?

My primary cerebral functions
are now operating

almost entirely
from within the computer.

They have expanded
to such a degree

that it would be impossible

to return to the confines
of my human brain.

Any attempt to do so
would mean my death.

That's it.

I've disconnected
the audio and visual pickups.

We can talk without being
monitored by the computer.

By Barclay.

Report, Mr. La Forge.

It is now almost impossible

to tell where Barclay ends
and the computer begins.

He's actually rewriting
the isolinear chips

each time he extends
himself a little further.

How do we get him out of there?

We don't.

Not without k*lling him.

This is
an intolerable situation.

I have no wish to harm him

but I cannot allow Mr. Barclay

to continue to act
as the computer.

I don't care how smart he is.

Lieutenant Barclay has
not yet extended himself

into the engineering subsystems.

It may be possible to establish

an ODN bypass
directly to the Bridge.

But that still won't give us
control of the ship.

No, but it would give us access
to the propulsion systems

enough to get us
to the next Starbase.

How long would it
take to set that up?

A few hours.

Make it so.

Commander La Forge?

Yeah, Reg?

I thought you would be
in your quarters.

No, I'm, uh...

just catching up
on some work, you know.

That, uh, level-3 diagnostic
we talked about.

How are you doing?

I wish I could convey to you
what it's like for me now...

what I've become.



I can conceive almost
infinite possibilities

and can fully explore
each of them in a nanosecond.

I perceive the universe
as a single equation

and it is so simple.

I understand.

You understand?




do you understand
how this happened to you?

I believe it is a gift...

that I have been chosen
to fulfill a great purpose.


Do you suppose all of this

has changed the way people
think about me?

To tell you the truth, Reg,
we don't know what to think.

I've been concerned about that

but soon
everyone will understand

what I can do for humanity.

What do you mean?

We have always perceived
the maximum speed

of the Enterprise
as a function of warp

but I know now
there are no limits.

We will explore new worlds

that we could never before
have reached in our lifetime.

I will take us to them.

Captain, I am picking up
subspace distortion.

Mr. Data?

This disturbance is the result

of a highly-charged
graviton field

from our warp nacelles.

It is creating a severe bias
in the subspace continuum.

Mr. Barclay, are you responsible

for this graviton
field disturbance?

Yes, sir.
I'm altering subspace

in a way that's never been
conceived of before.

I'm fairly certain
it will allow us

to travel halfway across
the galaxy in a matter of...

Mr. Barclay, I want you to stop
this experiment for now.

Captain, if you'd only
allow me to sh...

Mr. Barclay,
this is a direct order.

Discontinue whatever it is
you are doing.

I really would rather not, sir.

I am positive that you'll be
pleased with the result

once I've finished showing...

Audio is disconnected.

You may speak freely.

How long before
the ODN process is in place?

I have been monitoring
Geordi's progress.

It will be operational
in 17 minutes.


Let me go to the holodeck
and try and talk to him.

Sir, the subspace distortion
continues to increase.

Hello, Deanna.


I'm sorry
that we can't take that walk

in the arboretum.

So am I.

Reg, you've frightened
all of us.

I'm sure
that wasn't your intent.

Young children are sometimes
frightened of the world.

That doesn't mean
that their parents

should let them stay
in their cribs.

Are we children to you now?

I can see so much more
than you are capable of.

You should trust that.

Deanna, I've always
wanted to earn your respect.

You've got it.

From all of us.

We don't need
any more convincing.

obey the Captain's orders.

Stop whatever it is
you're doing.

You must trust me.

How can we trust an officer
who doesn't follow orders?

Trust me.

The Captain will do everything
in his power to stop you.

Picard to La Forge.

Ready, Captain.





You're too late.

Captain, we have not
regained control

of the propulsion systems.

The ODN bypass to the Bridge
has been blocked.


Yes, Commander Riker?

Whatever it is
you're doing out there

you've got to stop it.

Sir, we're going in.

Mr. Barclay, respond at once!

Audio is disconnected.

Lieutenant, take a security team
to Holodeck Three.

Disconnect Mr. Barclay
from the computer.

Aye, Captain.

I want you to know,
Lieutenant Worf

that I understand
your duty in this matter...

Phasers... maximum setting.

...and that I will

in no way take
your actions personally.

The conduits.

La Forge, initiate
stabilization procedure.

Resetting stabilizers
to match subspace flow matrix.

Stand by.

He is protected
by a force field.

We could not disconnect him.

Mr. Data!

We are experiencing

a quantum level
oscillation delay

doubling in intensity
every 12.3 seconds.

Biocellular disruption
is imminent.


Where are we, Ensign?

Unless something's
wrong with our sensors, sir

we're almost 30,000 light-years
from where we were.

The center of the galaxy.

Sir, our heading's been altered.

Approaching planetary cluster.

Captain, all systems are back
under helm control.

The computer has returned
to normal functioning.




stimulus response.

Cranial plate.

Bipedal locomotion.


Contiguous external integument.


I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard

of the Federation Starship

Hierarchical collective
command structure.

Who are you?


I am interrogative, yes

and I would appreciate
an explanation.

I think I can help you,
with that, Captain.

Mr. Barclay?

I thought it would be fatal

if you left the holodeck.

The Cytherians
have reintegrated me, sir.


The probe was designed
to instruct outsiders

on how to reach the system.

But technologies are
not always compatible.

They failed
with the Argus computer

and with the computer
on board the shuttle.

But they were able
to reprogram me.

What do you want of us?

The same as you.

Mr. Barclay?

You're both
on the same mission, Captain.


Yes, sir.

The Cytherians are
exploring the galaxy

just as we are.

The only difference is

that they never leave
their home.

They bring others here.

Their only wish...
an exchange of knowledge.

They want to know us.

Captain's Log, Stardate 44721.9.

After ten days in the company
of the Cytherians

the Enterprise has been safely
returned to Federation space.

We bring back knowledge
of their race

that will take our scholars
decades to examine.

Lieutenant Barclay
is apparently no worse

for his experience.

So, how much do you remember?

l-I remember doing everything.

I just don't remember
how or why.

How do you feel now?


Just plain old Barclay, huh?

It always seems to come back
to that, doesn't it?

You know, almost everyone has
a moment in their lives

when they exceed
their own limits

achieve what
seems to be impossible.

The tricky part
is what happens afterwards.

You almost always feel
a sense of loss

but it is possible to carry
something of that experience

through the rest of your life

in ways that you aren't
even aware of now.

l, uh... I think I know
what you're saying.

Either way, Reg

you're an important part
of this crew.

In fact,
I could really use your help

with that level-3 diagnostic.


Excuse me, Commander

but, um, I believe
Mr. Barclay and I

had a date scheduled...
for a walk in the arboretum?

The diagnostic can wait.

I'll see you later.

You really... you really
don't have to do that.

I know.

Oh, that was a good move.

May I?

Checkmate in nine moves.

I didn't know you played chess.

I don't.
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