04x17 - Night Terrors

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x17 - Night Terrors

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's Log, Stardate 44631.2.

We are proceeding
through the rim

of an uncharted
binary star system

where we may have located
the USS Brittain.

The missing science vessel
failed to arrive

at its destination
and has not been heard from

since a distress call,
29 days ago.

On screen.


That's the Brittain, all right.

The ship is intact, sir

with no indication
of structural damage.


All propulsion
systems are shut down.

The ship is drifting, sir.

Life-form readings?



There is life on board, but...

What is it?

I don't know.


Number One, assemble your team.

Dr. Crusher, report
to Transporter Room Three.

Worf. Data.


I need to come, too.

There is no malfunction
in any of the main systems, sir.


Here's another one.

This was done by a phaser
on a setting of six or seven.

And more over here.

The entire Bridge crew.

Whoever did this
could still be on the ship.

There is someone still alive

but he didn't k*ll these people.


I think he's Betazoid.

It's all right.

We're going to help you.

Who did this?

Who did this to you?

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission...

to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

We've almost finished
the autopsies, Captain.

How long will it take
to compile the data?

It's complicated.

The dead were found
all over the ship.

Some were found locked
in their rooms, barricaded

with weapons piled
all around them.

Others were found
in the corridors

where they'd obviously
had hand-to-hand combat.

It's going to take some time

to analyze and sort
through the details.

We've identified him
as Andrus Hagen from Betazed.

Scientific advisor.

He's in a profound
catatonic state.

I'm not getting much, Captain.

A few words,
disconnected phrases.

I can feel his terror

but I can't seem
to get through to him.

Stay with him, Counselor.

We're examining
the Brittain for clues

but this is the only man left

who knows what happened there.

I'm here.

I'm right here.

Out there...



What do they say?

Both things...

no... no...

Keep talking to me.

I'll try to understand.

All the engines check out
perfectly, Commander.

Once we get them started

the Brittain can get back to
Starbase under her own power.

Let's give it a try.

Preheating injectors.

Data, fuel flow?

Matter valves are open
and operating.

Magnetic containment
of antimatter pods is constant.

Okay, open injectors.

Injectors open.

There is no engine activity
at all, sir.

What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

I don't understand it.


I've been studying
the autopsy reports.

The conclusion is appalling.

There was no outside source.

No alien presence.

All 34 of them appear
to have k*lled each other.

What could have caused
such an event?


A virus? Poison?

Toxicological tests

showed no unusual substances
in their systems

and they all appear
to be in good health

but, for whatever reason

they seemed to turn
against each other

using phasers and knives
and bare hands.

I'd like you to see this,

It's from the logs
of the Brittain.

Captain Zaheva's
mental condition

deteriorated steadily
once they had become stranded.

She began talking
of plots and mutinies.

This was the last entry
in the log

made after they had been adrift
for over three weeks.

First Officer Brink
and his men were behind it.

They got to the engines.

They don't work anymore.

Had to eliminate Brink.

The ship is out of...

out of...

We're running out...

Too dangerous...

Out of Brink...

and his men...


in the dark...

One moon...

Where are you?

I'm coming.
Where are you?


in the dark...

One moon...


in the dark...

One moon...


See the eyes...

in the dark...

One moon...

Where are you?!

... in the dark...

One moon...

Captain's Log, Stardate 44635.8.

Four days have passed

but we have made
little progress

in solving the mystery
of the Brittain.

I have decided we should return
to Starbase 220.

And to that end,
Commander La Forge is rigging

the Brittain for towing.

I'm going to try recalibrating
the field generators.

I still don't see

why we can't get
the engines started.

It just doesn't make any sense.

Someone's still here.

What did you say, Ensign?

Can't you hear it?

There's someone still alive
on the ship.

I heard...


I mean, I thought
I heard something.

The ship was searched

There's nobody left on board.

Sorry, sir.

My mistake.

Don't worry about it.

There were 34 people found dead
on this ship.

That's enough
to make anybody uneasy.

Thank you, sir.

I'm here.

Can you hear me?

Tell me about
the voices you hear.



out there...

I don't understand.

Bright what?

Tell me more.

Boy, what a day this was.

I'm doing an isozyme study
on some populations of Cardilia

but they're turning out

to have these really weird

What a headache.

Is that why you're late?

Oh, no, I had a conference
with Dr. Balthus.

She wants to do a study
on the laticifer ontogeny

of the Kaladian thorn flower

but I don't have time
to oversee another project.

Was Tom Corbin there?


Tom Corbin...
from the Science Lab.

Remember him?

Of course,
I remember him, but...

You use any excuse you
can to pay him a visit.

Miles, what are you saying?

I think you know
exactly what I'm saying.

If I didn't know better,
I'd say you were jealous.

You take me for a fool.

Hello, Chief.

Having coffee?

No, I'm drinking
too much coffee.

Kind of a surprise
to see you here at this hour.

Yeah? Why is that?

Not out of the honeymoon yet.

Usually, newlyweds can't keep
their hands off each other.

She has work to do.

She heads up the plant
biology lab, you know?

Any strange things
going on down there?

Like what?

I've been hearing things.

Kenicki, in Engineering

told me he saw a man
in an old Starfleet uniform

riding the lift
near the engine core.

When the lift got to the top,
there was no one on it.

- Ghost stories.
- There's more.

There's lots more.

There are strange things
happening on this ship, O'Brien.

I'm surprised at you, Gillespie.

A Starfleet officer?

I have more things to worry
about than shades and spirits.



Yes, yes.



Captain, do you have a moment?

We're concerned.

We're afraid whatever happened

on the Brittain
may be starting here.


Well, Beverly and I have been
getting unusual reports.

People behaving strangely.

Others hearing sounds
that aren't there.

Are we talking
about hallucinations?

In some cases.

In others,
just erratic behavior.

We can't track down

any element
that might be responsible.

But everything started
when we found the Brittain.


Captain, we have to get
the Enterprise away from here

before it gets any worse.

We're preparing
to take the Brittain in tow.

We'll be on our way
within the hour.

Ensign, maneuver us
into tractor beam range.

Aye, sir.

Is there a problem, Ensign?

I... can't seem to remember

how to enter
the coordinates, sir.

Ensign Lin.

Ready now, Captain.

Report to Sick Bay,
Ensign Rager.

Ready tractor beam, Mr. Worf.

thrusters are losing power.

Impulse engines...
ahead minimum power.

Impulse engines
are not responding, sir.

Geordi, what's going on
down there?

I don't know, sir.

Nothing's responding.

Go to warp engines, factor one.



we don't have warp drive,

We have no functional
propulsion systems?

No, sir.

Apparently, we do not.

We're adrift.

Just like the Brittain.

Captain's Log, Stardate 44639.9.

The Enterprise has now been
adrift for a total of ten days.

We have sent subspace
distress calls

but because
of our distant location

we cannot expect a response
for at least another two weeks.

After analyzing the sensor logs

of the Brittain
and the Enterprise

as well as the data
from the last series of probes

I conclude
that we have become trapped

in a massive rupture in space

into which energy is absorbed.

You mean a Tyken's Rift?

A what?

A rare anomaly,
named after Bela Tyken

a Melthusian captain
who first encountered it.

Tyken's Rift.

That would explain
why we don't have engine power.

The ship's energy
is being drained

into the fissure
before we can utilize it.

I was detained.

When Tyken was trapped
in the rift

his analysis determined
that a massive energy release

might overload
and dislocate the anomaly.

Fortunately, his cargo included
anicium and yurium

which he used to detonate
the expl*si*n.

He then escaped through
the ruptured center of the rift.

But we aren't carrying anything

that could produce
that kind of an expl*si*n.

Not even our photon torpedoes
would be enough.

Couldn't we replicate
the elements that Tyken used?

No, sir.
We no longer have the power

to reproduce complex elements
in the replicator.

We must find a way to generate
a violent energy release

without using
conventional means.

Data, in Tyken's experience

did the crew exhibit
behavioral changes?

No. There were no reports of
unusual conduct among the crew.

What about nightmares?

There were no records

of sleep disturbances
of any kind, Counselor.


what is it?

What's happening to us?

The only one who doesn't seem
affected by all this is Data.


Number One, how...?


Any hallucinations?



I'd be a liar if I said
I felt like myself.

I've had to bite my tongue

to keep from snapping
at people.

Couple of times,
I've gone to my quarters

and felt as if there was
someone else in there

waiting for me.

I've had similar feelings.

With everyone succumbing

it's even more important
that one of us attempt

to keep control
of his faculties.

I want you to turn in,
take a nap.

I'll be on the Bridge.

You can relieve me
in four hours.

Yes, sir.

Deck eight.



As you were.

Mr. Data, will you join
me in my ready room?

Commander La Forge
and I have come up

with a potential solution
to our predicament.

Perhaps the modifications
used to increase firepower

against the Borg would
be effective here.

Channeling power to the main...

um... deflector dish.

Yes, sir.

I believe that within six hours

we could generate
a concentrated burst of energy

which might disrupt
the Tyken's Rift.

Very well. Proceed.

Mr. Data.

Yes, sir?

It appears that I am not immune

to the strange forces
that are at work on this ship.

Yes, sir.

It's a terrifying prospect,
to lose control of one's mind.

When I was young

I remember watching
my grandfather deteriorate

from a powerful,
intelligent figure

to a frail wisp of a man

who could barely make
his own way home.

Mr. Data,
it is my responsibility...

somehow... to see that this ship
is guided to safety.

I will need to rely on you
from now on.

We may need to count on you
for our very survival.

I will do my best, sir.

I'd like to do
more cross sections

on the brain tissue
of some of these bodies.

Set up the positron emission
sensor in Sick Bay

and I'll decide
which ones I want to study.

Yes, Doctor.

Go away.

Captain, let me ask you this.

Since we located the Brittain

can you remember
any of your dreams?

I hardly ever recall dreams.

Most people don't, but think!

Have you even had a dream
in the last ten days?

I don't recall.

I'm willing to bet you haven't.

What's more, neither has
anyone else on board this ship

except for Troi.

I began to realize that

when she talked about
having nightmares.

I've, uh...

done some...

additional brain tissue scans
on, uh, the bodies...

some of the bodies
from the, uh...


The Brittain, Doctor.

Right, and uh...

I've also done some scans

on a random cross
section from our crew.

They both have
the same results...

a unique chemical imbalance.

Caused by?

Dream deprivation.

Every night

when we...


enter into...


I believe what the Doctor means

is that humans enter into
what is known as REM sleep...

rapid eye movement.

It is the level
of brain-wave activity

at which one dreams.

We have to dream
in order to survive.

If we don't reach REM sleep,
we don't dream.

We-we begin to lose
our cognitive abilities.

We find it hard to concentrate.

We forget how to do
the most ordinary task.

Then we become
irritable, paranoid.

Some people experience

You're describing
the situation on this ship

but Counselor Troi
reported nightmares.

Maybe it's because
she's Betazoid.

I don't know why.

All I know is that
there's more going on here

than being caught
in a Tyken's Rift

and I don't know
how or why it's happening.

But I do know this...

there is an inevitable
conclusion to this pattern

and if I can't find
a way to stop it

we will all go insane.


in the dark.

One moon circles.

Where are you?

Eyes... in the dark.

One moon circles.

I'm still here.

I haven't gone anywhere.

Do you remember anything more?



What does that mean?

Is something doubled?

Deanna, nothing's working.

I've tried somatic dr*gs.

I've tried inducing theta waves
into the entorhinal cortex.

No matter what I do,
no one can reach REM sleep.

No one can dream...
except for you.

Except me...

and all I have is nightmares.

I can hardly sleep
at all anymore.

In the end, I'll be like him.

Just like him.

Well, I think it's some kind
of experiment.

Oh, what do you know about...?

You see, Captain Picard
is trying to see

how long we'll take it,
stuck here like rats.

Oh, you couldn't be
more wrong.

It's like we're
laboratory animals.

I don't want to sit here
and wait

for death to sneak up behind me.

What's that supposed to mean?

You heard about them
on the Brittain...

shut in their rooms,
dying alone.

That's not for me.

Not for me, either.

I'd rather go out fighting.

Okay, all power
has been channeled

to the, um...


The main deflector dish.

Yes, right, the deflector dish.

So, uh...

what do we do now?

Data to Bridge.

Mr. Worf, activate
the deflector.

Aye, sir.

Deflector power banks
approaching maximum.

Discharge in 15 seconds.

Data, this detonation
better work.

We're not going
to last much longer.

Discharge in three seconds.

Two, one.


It just fizzled out.

Captain, it appears
the energy output

has been absorbed into the rift.

Data, can we try again?

No, sir.

If we draw more power

we risk losing
life-support systems.


Keep me apprised, Commander.




Worf, no!

You will not stop me.

Security, Worf's
quarters immediately.

No one can stop me.


What is it?

I am no longer a warrior.

I am no longer strong.


I feel...


What do you feel?

I feel fear.

To admit that you are afraid
gives you strength.

Something is waiting for us.

I am not strong enough
to fight it.

No, Worf.

It's just an illusion.

It's not real.


put down the knife.


It's all right.

Everything's fine.

Thank you.

Let me take you to Sick Bay.

Acting Captain's Log,
Stardate 44642.1.

I have assumed command
of the Enterprise

at the request
of Captain Picard.

Our situation is deteriorating.

Many of the crew
are unable to function

and our life-support systems
are beginning to falter.

Once before, you said "double. "

What did you mean?

What is "double"?


too bright...


cannot leave the twin.

One moon circling...

What do you mean?

You can't leave?

No, no.

Please... can't.

You want to leave.

Why can't you?

Can't go.


One moon... circling.


that's it.


in the dark.

"Eyes in the dark."

That's what the voice said
in my dream.

Is that where you heard it?

In a dream? Over and over?

Beverly, I know what it is.

I know what's happening.


My nightmare.

It's not a dream.

It's not a dream at all.
It's a message.

REM sleep occurs
at a different frequency

for Betazoids
than for other humanoids.

I believe the beings
are using that frequency to...

communicate telepathically.

It is possible that this
telepathic communication

is creating interference

in the REM sleep
of other species.

That would explain why the rest
of our crew is not dreaming.

Counselor, what are these beings
trying to tell us?

They're calling for help.

I think they're trapped,
just like we are.

"Eyes in the dark" could mean
this twin star system.

Your hypothesis is
certainly plausible.

There may be another ship

on the other side of the fissure

where we cannot detect it.

Is there a way
we could block their signals?

There is no technology

to block telepathic
transmissions, Doctor.

Maybe communication

through dreams
can work both ways.

I could try
and get them to stop.

Perhaps we could accomplish
more than that.

If there is another ship,
and we can reach them

we might be able to coordinate
our efforts to free ourselves.

It is conceivable.

When working with patients
with debilitating nightmares

I've often used
a therapeutic treatment

called "directed dreaming."

Dreamers can learn
to control their dreams

retain a conscious memory,
even while in REM sleep.

I could remember a short message
and deliver it to them.

If it were possible,
what would you say?

Working together with the aliens
we must discover a means

by which we can produce
an expl*si*n

more intense than either one
of us could achieve alone.

What is it you're looking for?

These are the elements
we have available.

Some of them could be used

in the creation
of an expl*sive reaction.

If we could communicate
this inventory

to the other ship, perhaps
they would be able to...

No, Data, no.

This is too complex.

It has to be a simple,
clear message.

I am uncertain
if a simple transmission

would be adequate.


Go back.

Further back.

There. Stop.

"One moon circles."

Yes, Counselor.

One electron circles one proton.

This is a hydrogen atom.

"One moon circles."

That's what they've been
telling me over and over.

Perhaps the aliens
are thinking as we are...

to collaborate
in producing an expl*si*n.

If hydrogen is combined
with another element...

calendenium, for example...
it is extremely volatile.

But would the message mean
that they have hydrogen

or they want hydrogen?

Well, if it's a distress call,
I think they'd be asking

for what they need,
not what they already have.

Then the proper course
of action would be

to release hydrogen
into the rift

and hope they have a substance
that would detonate it.

How do I tell them what to do?

If you are correct, Counselor

I believe they have
already told us what to do

and are waiting for us to do it.

When we are ready,
the only message

you should attempt
to convey is "now."

I can help keep you
in REM sleep for a while

with this cortical scanner.

It will maintain
electrical activity

in your brain
at the proper frequency.


you will have to communicate
with the other ship

within two minutes
of entering REM sleep.

Two minutes?

Is that all, Data?

Unfortunately, yes.

We have only enough power
to emit a hydrogen stream

for that amount of time.

They must understand

that they will have to detonate
it immediately.

Captain, we are ready
to implement the plan.


We will have to draw power
from the life-support systems

in order to discharge
the collectors.

This is Acting Captain Data.

All personnel will report
to the designated shelter areas


Life-support systems
will continue

only in emergency shelter areas.

Hear that?

Get us jammed
into shelter areas.

We sit and wait to die.

Nobody will ever find us.

Relax, Gillespie.

Everybody relax.

Ten-Forward is
a designated shelter area.


We want to die here
like helpless children?

Security to Ten-Forward

We don't even know
what we're dying for.

Sit down, Gillespie.
You're not helping matters any.

What's wrong with standing up
for ourselves?



Picard owes us some answers.

Ooh, Gillespie!

What is that?

This is a little souvenir
I picked up from Magus III.

That was setting number one.

Anyone want to see
setting number two?

PGO signals steady.

Visual cortex showing
increased activity.

Rapid eye movements commencing.

Crusher to Bridge.

She's in REM sleep.

Thank you, Doctor.

Activating Bussard collectors.


in the dark.

Where are you?

90 seconds remaining.

One moon...


Where are you?!


I have to find you!

... in the dark.

I have to tell you.

45 seconds remaining.

One moon...


... circles...

I must find you...

to tell you.

30 seconds remaining.


in the dark...

One moon...

Ten seconds remaining.


No expl*si*n.

The Counselor was unsuccessful.

Activate impulse engines.

Engines activated, sir.

We have cleared the rift, sir.

Warp engines are
coming back on-line.

Set a course to...

Setting a course
for Starbase 220.

Sir, as my final duty
as Acting Captain

I order you to bed.

I shall do the same
for all personnel.

Very well, Mr. Data.

And, Mr. Data...

thank you.

Pleasant dreams, sir.
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