04x13 - Devil's Due

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x13 - Devil's Due

Post by bunniefuu »

You don't believe in me.

I don't.

What evidence would you have

of my reality
beyond that of your senses?

I don't know.

Why do you doubt your senses?


a little thing affects them.

A slight disorder of the stomach
makes them cheats.

You may be a bit
of undigested beef

a blot of mustard,
a crumb of cheese

a fragment
of an underdone potato.

Why, there's more of gravy
than of grave about you

whatever you are.

Humbug, I tell you.


Freeze program.

Very well done, Data.

Your performance skills
really are improving.

Your courtesy
is appreciated, sir

but I am aware that I do not
effectively convey the fear

called for in the story.

Well, you've never
known fear, Data

but as an acute
observer of behavior

you should be able
to approximate it.

Sir, that is not
an appropriate basis

for an effective performance.

Not by the standards
set by my mentors.

Your mentors?

Yes, sir.

I have studied the philosophies

of virtually
every known acting master.

I find myself attracted
to Stanislavsky, Adler, Garnav...

of an acting technique

known as "The Method."

Method acting, huh?

I'm vaguely familiar with it

but why would you choose
such an old-fashioned approach?

Perhaps because the technique

requires an actor to seek
his own emotional awareness

to understand
the character he plays.

But, surely, that's an
impossible task for you, Data.

Sir, I have modified the method
for my own uses.

Since I have
no emotional awareness

to create a performance

I am attempting
to use performance

to create emotional awareness.

I believe if I can learn

to duplicate the fear
of Ebenezer Scrooge

I will be one step closer
to truly understanding humanity.

Captain Picard,
please report to the Bridge.

On my way, Number One.

Data, the moment
that you decided

to stop imitating other actors

and create
your own interpretation

you were already one step closer
to understanding humanity.

We've received
an emergency transmission

from the science station
on Ventax Il, sir.

What's the nature
of the emergency?

The signal was interrupted...

Contact reestablished
with Ventax Il, sir.

On screen.

I am Dr. Howard Clark,
director of the science station

here on Ventax II.

Thank you for responding.

Mr. Worf,
can you improve our reception?

The trouble is
at the transmission source, sir.

Dr. Clark, we're barely able to
maintain communication with you.

Can you boost the level
of your power source?

I'm afraid not, Captain.
It's under attack.

Under attack?

There's a mob outside the door

trying to break
into the station.

The planet is in chaos...
lootings, fires

mass hysteria.

These people are all convinced

that their world is coming
to an end tomorrow.

Please, we must have
your immediate...

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission...

to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Captain's Log, Stardate 44474.5.

We have reached Ventax II

and are attempting to contact
the Federation science station

which at last report was
under siege by an angry mob.

They are transmitting again.

On screen,
before we lose contact.


Enterprise, do you read me?!

Emergency! We need help.

Dr. Clark,
this is Captain Picard.

We are ready to beam you
and your team

on board...

They're in! They're in!

Transporter Room Three

Iock onto the science team,
beam them aboard.

I've locked onto Dr. Clark.

I can't pick out the others.

It's a mess down there.

Then beam Dr. Clark aboard
by himself.

Yes, Captain.

Mr. Worf, will you escort him
to my ready room.

Aye, sir.

Number One, try and make
some sense out of this mess.

The people in Ventax II
live in an agrarian society.

At least, they do now.

What do you mean "now"?

It's an interesting
anthropological question

one we were studying
before the... trouble began.

In the distant past

the Ventaxian culture
had achieved

an extremely, um,
advanced scientific level

but a millennium ago

they turned their backs
on technology.

They reverted
to a simpler existence.

And remained that way
for centuries.

First contact was made
by a Klingon expedition

70 years ago.

Since then, the new technology's

been available
to the Ventaxians.

They simply are not
interested in it.

Virtually no social problems
can be found on this planet.

In fact, I would have
described their society

as idyllic, until...

Until what, Doctor?

It's hard to believe.

Several years ago, Acost Jared,
the Ventaxian head of state

began to grow
increasingly obsessed

with the legend of Ardra.

With each passing day,
he grew more anxious

and he'd talk about little else.

"Ardra is coming back.

"Ardra will be here soon.

"We must all leave
before Ardra returns."

And who is this Ardra?

For all intents and purposes...

the devil.

Captain, these people
actually believe

they've sold their souls
to the devil.

Riker to Captain Picard.

Have you located the
science team, Number One?

Evidently, they're
being held hostage.


There's a Ventaxian leader

on the viewscreen,
name of Acost Jared.


Jared, you must secure
the release of my people.

I can't believe
you would allow this.

Howard, my friend, you know
how I abhor all acts of v*olence

but events
are out of my control.

I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Is there nothing you can do?

As the hour of Ardra's return
approaches, fear has overwhelmed

my people.

It has been a thousand years!

The prophecies have come true.


Ardra's arrival was
supposed to be heralded

with the shaking of the cities.

Now, there has been a series
of geological tremors

on the planet... minor quakes.

Nothing extraordinary.

But poorly timed.

There is more.

For several nights, there have
been visions of Ardra.

Again, just as the contract said
would occur before her return.

Visions? You mean dreams.

No. She has appeared.

l, myself, have seen her.

Jared, tell your people,
if the hostages are released

I am prepared
to offer Federation assistance

should this...
this Ardra return.

I'm afraid it will not matter.

They know your weapons are
useless against her, Captain.

I will make inquiries
concerning the hostages.

The innocent should not suffer
for our sins

but I can make no promises.

This situation is
deteriorating, Captain.

The people are reaching
levels of anxiety

that could lead to su1c1de.

Mr. Data, what do we
know about this Ardra?

She is a cornerstone
of Ventaxian theology.

It seems Ardra came to Ventax II

and promised 1,000 years
of peace and prosperity

for a price... upon her return

she would enslave
the entire population.

In Ventaxian culture,
it is considered bad luck

to speak her name out loud.

There are ancient scrolls
concerning Ardra

that are stored
in the Atheneum Vaults.

Scholars study them.

They've been of little
public interest until recently.

I think I should meet
with this Acost Jared.

He's still our best hope
for a release of the hostages.

I'll arrange to have him
transported on board.

No, I'm going
down to the planet myself.

Sir, you'd run the risk

of being taken
as an additional hostage.

Mr. Worf, you and Mr. Data
will accompany me.

Mr. O'Brien can keep a lock
on our communicators.

He can pull us out if necessary.

Yes, sir.

Counselor, I want you to come,

Captain Picard, you
shouldn't have come.

Your life is in danger here.

You must calm your people.

There is no reason for panic.

No reason?

If these tremors
have frightened them

leading to this hysteria
over Ardra

let us reassure them.

We have scanned the
tectonic stress patterns

of your planet's crust.

There is no evidence
that the quakes

pose any kind of threat.

No, no, no.
The threat is from Ardra.

You cannot understand.

If you can at least help us
to locate our people.

She is here.

Nonsense. It is only...

Time's up.

I'm disappointed.

I expected my tenants

to take better care
of my property.

Ardra, most powerful one

I am Jared,
leader of Ventax II.

I take responsibility
for all that displeases you.

Please, do not punish my people.

Punish? Who said anything
about punishing?

I merely expect your end
of our contract to be upheld.

Thank you, Ardra.

And don't talk like some
ancient prophet around me

with "thees" and "thous"
and "most powerful ones."

It was appealing
for a few centuries

but I bore easily.

And stop cowering.

When I want you on your knees,
I'll let you know.

Much better.

A fine example for the others.

Who would you be?

I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard

of the Federation Starship

Keep up the good work.

Now, the first thing we'll need
is an accounting

of all you've been
accumulating for me.

This form will provide

for a full census
of the population

with emphasis on productivity
and economic forecasts.

Who are you?

My, you are forceful,
aren't you?

Good. I like my men
to be forceful

at least, at the start.

If your intention
is to intimidate

you're not succeeding.

That's all right.

I like a challenge.

An entire planet

has been terrorized
because of the suggestion

that you're going
to enslave the population.

Well, it's true.

Of course, I wouldn't put
it so melodramatically.

It's just a standard contract
with an unusually long term.

So you do purport to be
the mythic figure Ardra?

I have many names,
my pale friend.

I am Mendora
in the Berussian Cluster.

Torak to the Drellians.

The Klingons call me Fek'lhr.

You are not Fek'lhr.

Ah, but I am.

I am the Guardian

of Gre'thor
where the dishonored go

when they die.

But here on Ventax Il,
I am called Ardra.

The same Ardra
who negotiated a contract

with these people
ten centuries ago today.

Oh, you doubt me.

A non-believer.

Really, Jean-Luc Picard

of the Federation
Starship Enterprise

no doubt you have
traveled the galaxy

encountered a diverse
universe of creatures.

Is there no room
for the likes of me?

I've encountered many

who are more credibly to be
called the devil than you.

The devil.

Now there's one I haven't
heard in a long time.

You claim you visited
this planet 1,000 years ago

and negotiated a contract?

That's correct.

I would like to see
that contract.

The scrolls of Ardra, Captain.

A long-winded description

of a very simple
business arrangement.

I did away with their wars,
famine and economic ruin

and provided them
1,000 years of paradise.

My terms were clearly stated.

They went into this
with their eyes open.

I'm sure you'll find
everything is in order.

You won't mind if I don't
take your word for it.

Jared, with your permission

I'd like Mr. Data to review
these scrolls thoroughly.

It is no longer
my decision, Captain.

I have intrigued you,
haven't l, Picard?

I am only here
to secure the release

of the Federation hostages.


Is this true?

Uh... yes, Ardra.

Panic gripped the people
as the time of your return

grew closer.

Yes, I do have
that effect on people.

See that the hostages
are released... now!


Let us not cloud this
with bit players, Picard.

You will not leave because
you find me irresistible.

Enterprise, advise Dr. Clark

that the hostages
are being released.

This is Clark.

You did it, Captain.

Thank goodness.

Goodness had nothing
to do with it.

Three to beam up.

Mr. Data will remain
on the planet's surface.

Data, I want a complete report

on the contents
of these documents.

I refuse to abandon
this planet to that woman.


Could she be another refugee
from the Q Continuum?

For that matter, could she be Q?

Q would never bother
with contracts.

Or economic forecasts.

I noticed that, too, Counselor.

I had the distinct impression

of being in the presence of a...

a flimflam artist.

But her powers?

Her powers are,
at the best, unclear.

Think about it, Mr. Worf.

Transporter technology

can make things
appear and disappear.

The illusion that she
can transform herself

into a Klingon creature

could be created
by holographic projection.

And creating a minor tremor

could be the result
of a low-frequency tractor beam

projected against
the tectonic plates.

We are capable of recreating
all of these events.

It's just that she
dresses them up

and she delivers them
with more dramatic flair.

Like a magician.


She has an incredibly
focused mind.

It was virtually impossible
to sense any deception.

Or anything else,
for that matter.

The best magicians
will never let you see

what's up their sleeve,

She must be tapping into
some sort of power source

to produce those effects.

She's not hiding
that up her sleeve.

Number One, I want
you and Mr. Worf

to run high-resolution scans
of this star system.

Look for a ship,
a base of operations

anything large enough
to generate that power.

Mr. La Forge,
accompany Dr. Clark

back to the science station.

See if you can trace
the origin of these tremors.

Your chair offers a lovely view
of my planet, Picard.

Come, sit with me.

Either leave my Bridge

or I will remove you by force.

By force?

You disappoint me.

You didn't strike me
as that sort, Picard.

But, by all means, try.

Mr. Worf?

I was really hoping
you'd try it yourself.

Transporter Room Three,
lock onto the intruder

and transport her
to the planet's surface.

Aye, sir.

Ensign, put up

the shields
until further notice.

Yes, sir, Captain,
whatever you say.

We are not impressed
with your magic tricks.

I pity you.

We live in a universe of magic

which, evidently,
you cannot see.

Ah, my pale friend
has returned.

Have you finished
examining the contract?

I have, sir.

Report, Mr. Data.

The contract agrees to deliver
the people of Ventax II

into the personal
servitude of Ardra

after 1,000 years of peace.

I have compared the terms

to the body of laws
which govern the planet.

The language of the agreement
is correct in every detail, sir.

Such speed and accuracy.

You're much too talented
to be human.

I am an android.

Android? Of course.

How wonderful...
an unexpected bonus.



When the contract came to term

I gained clear title
to the planet...

anything on the surface,
in the air, or...

in orbit.

So, you see,
the Enterprise belongs

to me now as well.

I am afraid the contract

could be interpreted
in that way, sir.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

Although I consider
this woman's claim upon my ship

to be an empty threat,
it has further inspired

my determination to expose her
for the fraud she is.


You wish to see me, sir?

Yes, Mr. Data.

A wise man once said

"There is a sucker
born every minute."

Barnum, sir. P.T.

I've been examining the dynamics

of what used to be called
"the con game."

Quite fascinating...
worthy of your study, Data.

Sir, do you believe Ardra is...

to use the vernacular...
a con artist?

Yes, I do, Data.

And I believe it is our job
to out-con the con artist.

Sir, I must point out
that the Ventaxians

did have 1,000 years
of peace and tranquillity

as promised by Ardra.

We can only speculate

what happened on that planet
1,000 years ago.

Maybe a Ventaxian leader

saw the destruction
of his society at hand

and he conceived
this "contract of Ardra"

to motivate change.

Or maybe there was
an Ardra of some sort

who was the basis
for this mythology.

Who knows?

The point is

that somehow a fundamental
theology was created

which transformed this society

but, in the process of change,
created this latent fear

which has been passed down
through generations.

Data, from your own experience
of performing Ebenezer Scrooge

you're aware how fear can be
a very powerful motivator.

Indeed, sir.

In the story,
the spirits used fear

to motivate Scrooge
to reform his character.

And in the hands of a con artist

fear can be used to motivate
obedience, capitulation

the exploitation
of innocent people

and that is what I believe
has happened here

and I intend to prove that.

I need to find a loophole...
some way of challenging

the validity of this contract.

Sir, the language
of the contract

seems carefully chosen
to avoid any loopholes.

Check it again, Mr. Data

and check every Ventaxian
legal precedent

for the last 1,000 years.

We'll talk again in the morning.

Aye, sir.

Picard to Bridge.

Intruder alert.

Picard to Bridge.

Oh, I've arranged
for a bit of privacy.

Just the two of us.

This is becoming very tiresome.

Oh, come now, Picard.

You know you find me

Give in to your desires.

You know, there's nothing

about you I find tantalizing.

On the contrary,
I find you obvious and vulgar.

Easily fixed.

I can be
your ideal woman, Picard...

prim and proper

and chaste

until I succumb to your charms.

Or would your fantasies

turn more toward
a professional woman?

One, perhaps, who wears
a Starfleet uniform?

Perhaps I could even be...

...someone close at hand,
yet unattainable.

I can do anything
for you, Captain...

anything you could ever imagine.

I could give you a night

that would light fire
in your dreams until you die

and you would reject me?

Oh, yes.

You shall regret that.

I think not.

Oh, but you will.

Captain Picard.

Captain, l-I wasn't
expecting you here.

Neither was I.

La Forge to Enterprise.

Go ahead.

Worf, Captain Picard is here.

You'd better transport him
back on board.

The Captain? But I have no...

It's all right, Mr. Worf.

Ardra somehow
transported me here.

Will you beam me
directly to my quarters?

Aye, sir.

We're locked onto you.

Transporter is malfunctioning,

Some sort of interference.


Just have Mr. Data
fetch me in a shuttle

and have him bring along
a uniform.

Did you say "uniform"?

Yes, I did.

Aye, sir.

Mr. La Forge and Dr. Clark
have made no headway.

Commander Riker
and Lieutenant Worf

have picked nothing up
on their scans.

Sir, I believe I have found

an obscure precedent
in Ventaxian law

which may be of interest.


The case involves
a contract dispute

over services rendered
by a Klingon craftsman

on the construction
of a Ventaxian home.

Because the dispute
involved an alien culture

the parties decided
that arbitration

rather than the courts,
should resolve the issue.

Both parties agreed
to chose an arbitrator.

It is the only known case
involving an alien claimant.

That's exactly what I needed.

Well done, Data.

Shuttlecraft One to Enterprise.

Prepare for docking sequence.

Proceed, Shuttle One.


Enterprise, do you read me?

Enterprise, come in.

I cannot locate the Enterprise
anywhere within one light-year

of the planet, sir.

I don't believe Ardra
is capable of transporting

the Enterprise
a light-year away.

Keep hailing them, Mr. Data.

Repeat on all frequencies.

Hey, I think
we found something here.

There's a sudden jump
in Z-particle readings

just about the time
the Enterprise disappeared.

Where did it originate?

It was too brief to pinpoint.

But it could suggest
a hidden power source.

Gentlemen, we need
to find that source

if we are to defeat this woman.

Well, if you can get her

to perform a few more
magic tricks like that one

we just might be able
to track it down.

So, I trust you have
a bit more respect for me now.

What have you done with my ship?

I've done nothing
with your ship.

My ship is safely
in my possession.

I do not recognize

your claim on the Enterprise

nor on this world
for that matter

and in accordance
with Ventaxian legal precedent

I call for an arbitration.

An arbitration?

There's nothing
here to arbitrate.

Oh, but there is.

You're a fraud, madam,
and I intend to prove

that you could not have effected

the changes that took
place on this planet.

Do you not believe

what you see with your own eyes?

Your ship is gone, Captain.

An illusion.

Magicians have been
making things of all sort

disappear for ages.

Oh, you underestimate me

but then, most people do,
until it's too late.

But if you are
who you say you are

then you have nothing to lose.

I also have nothing to gain.

I already have possession
of this planet

and your ship.

I am prepared to offer
an added incentive.

If you win...

I'll take you to the
ruins of Ligillium.

The Zaterl emerald?

You know where it is?

Yes, I do.


You are too clever, Captain

but I have enough jewels.

If you wish
this foolish arbitration

I will choose my own prize.

And what would that be?


By all rights,
your body is already mine

but I want more.

I want your heart,
your mind, your soul

and I want you to give them
to me without resistance

of your own free will.

So, do you still wish to pursue
this most dangerous game?

I agree to your terms.

Oh, Picard, I will enjoy you
morning, noon and night.

But... we must agree
to an arbitrator.

Very well.

I choose Mr. Data.

Any objections?

But Mr. Data is a member
of my crew.

Of my crew

and he's an android.

He is incapable
of deceit or bias.

He has no feelings to get
in the way of his judgment.

Ardra, before he responds

may I have a word in private
with Captain Picard?

Sir, I request you reject me
as an arbitrator.


Ardra is right.

If I am chosen,
I will perform my duties

without bias or sentiment.

I cannot guarantee

I will deliver
a verdict in your favor.

Data, where else on this planet

can I find someone
she cannot intimidate?

Sir, I will have to follow
the rules of conduct

for a Ventaxian jurist.

I understand.

You'll make a fine judge.

1,000 years ago,
our planet was dying.

Overcrowded and dangerous

warred unceasingly
with each other.

The air and water were polluted
with industrial waste

and there was a constant threat
of starvation and epidemic.

Then what happened?

And then... you came.


There is no conclusive evidence

that this woman ever visited
this planet 1,000 years ago.

And I suppose you want
a thousand-year-old witness?

That would be acceptable.

Jared, in the contract
does it specify

how you would know me
when I return?

Yes, by the date.

Anything else?

By the shaking of the cities
and by the visions.

And all of these
occurred on schedule?


Thank you.

Your Honor, I submit that I
have established my identity

as stated by the contract.

Captain Picard

my interpretation
of Ventaxian law

suggests that,
under these circumstances

this is acceptable.

Your objection is overruled.

But, Your Honor...


I have ruled.

Please sit down.

You may proceed.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Now, when I first
set foot on Ventax II

what did I offer your people?

According to the scrolls

you offered us 1,000 years
of peace and prosperity

if we would promise
to surrender ourselves to you

at the end of the term.

And why do you think they
would strike such a bargain?

We had nothing to lose.

There was no hope in sight.

Until I came along.


I withdraw the observation.

No further questions.

Your Honor, nothing in this
testament proves that Ardra

had the power to affect
the lives of the Ventaxians.

My opponent has failed
to prove her case

and I move that her claim
be summarily dismissed.

I find no cause to invalidate
the contract at this time.

The arbitration will continue.

Your Honor, Captain Picard,
as a new visitor to my planet

has been a consistent doubter
of my abilities.

I would like to ask him
a few questions, if I may.

It is highly irregular

to question
the opposing advocate

but I see no reason to deny it.


Please do not take any offense
to these questions, Captain.

You know how fond I am of you.



The advocate will refrain
from expressing

personal affections
for her opponent.

You do not believe
my powers are real, do you?

No, I don't.

Then, sir, may I ask you
to explain this?

You are out of order.

Or this?

The advocate will refrain from
making her opponent disappear.

Or this?

Can you explain it, Picard?

Any more disruptions

and I will rule you
in contempt of court.

Is that understood?

I am sorry, Your Honor

but can you explain it, Picard?

Yes or no?


I rest my case, Your Honor.

The decay rate
of these Z-particles

make it almost impossible
to trace the source.

I'm correlating
the particle trajectories.

They're beginning to align.

Wait a minute.

I have coordinates.

34 degrees north, 62 degrees
east, at an altitude

of 210 kilometers.

That would

put it in orbit, uh,
above the Western magnetic pole.

Running visual scan.


Uh-uh. This time,
I don't buy the magic.

Something's got to be there.

Jared, you've described
quite thoroughly

the history of your people

before and after
Ardra's first visit

but I am a little unclear
about the change itself.

Did Ardra simply...
snap her fingers

and transform the planet
into this paradise?

No. The changes
occurred gradually

over a long period of time.

Did she personally
form the government

that so peacefully ruled
this planet for a millennium?


Historical records indicate
a council was convened

to assess our options.

They drew up a new constitution

which the population
later ratified.

I see.
So she advised this council?



Then she must have destroyed
all the weapons on the planet.

No, our leaders did that

and they signed a treaty
of non-aggression.

Well, then, let's move on

to the environmental gains
on Ventax II.

How were they accomplished?

We shifted our economy

from an industrial
to an agrarian base.

It was more ecologically sound.

But Ardra must have purified
the polluted water and air.

No, the record shows

there were a series of
initiatives covering everything

from atmospheric contaminants
to... waste disposal.

Did she not even pick up
one piece of trash?

Ardra had left Ventax II

before the environmental reforms

Forgive me,
but it sounds as if...

with a lot of courage
and hard work

your ancestors changed
this world all by themselves.

Objection. The advocate
is drawing conclusions.

Sustained. I will
draw my own conclusions

if you do not mind... sir.

No further questions.


Just two questions.

Is there any doubt in your mind

any doubt at all... that if I
had not intervened

the terrible conditions here
would have continued?

I remind you
that you're under oath.

No doubt at all.

Then, as former head of state
for the Ventaxian people

you are satisfied
that I fulfilled

my part of the bargain?

Yes, Ardra.

Thank you.

Your Honor,
what more can be said?

Both sides agree

the terms of the contract
have been fulfilled.

Captain Picard, do you have
any further evidence to present

before I render judgment?

I believe my associate,
Mr. La Forge

may be bringing the answer
to that question.

I request a recess.

Hi, Data.


One hour recess is granted.

Mr. La Forge, my reputation
as a litigator...

not to mention
my immortal soul...

is in serious jeopardy.

Well, whatever's been
going on over here

gave us exactly what we needed.

Have you identified
the source of her power?

A cloaked ship.

She has a Romulan
cloaking device?

More likely a bad copy of one.

We picked it up on
a wavelength stretchout.

And the Enterprise?

Exactly where it's
supposed to be.

Ardra extended
her cloaking shields around it...

set up a subspace damping field

to interfere
with normal operations.

I've isolated
the frequency spread

and penetrated the field.

Can you make contact?

Already have.

This is what I want to do

but we have less than an hour...

Jared, you are a wise
and experienced leader

and I assume that you
trust your senses.

Yes, I would say so.

And all your senses tell you
that this woman here

is the most powerful force
on this planet, don't they?


And what would you say
if I were to tell you

that she has no powers

But we have seen her powers

That's right

and you will again.

Oh, yes... Ardra's magic.

Jared, would you believe me

if I told you
that I could steal her powers

and perform the same magic acts
as she does?

I'm sorry, Captain Picard,
but you are not Ardra.

No, that's true.

I'm not Ardra

but I can create tremors
just as she did.

Objection, Your Honor.

I think he deserves
some leeway.


But that will be
quite enough, Captain.

Of course.

Ardra, will you do the honors
and stop the tremors?

Uh... of course.

Is something the matter?

I like the tremors.

Well, I don't.

Do you recognize
the same old bag of tricks?

What about this one?

Come back, Ardra, if you can.


Fine. Allow me.

Of all the impudence.


Impudence is pretending

to be Fek'lhr of Klingon.

Your leeway has run out,

Your Honor

I appreciate your indulgence.

Allow me to explain.

A team from the Enterprise

has taken control of...
this woman's ship

now in orbit around Ventax II.

Thank you for your help,
Number One.

Glad to be of service, sir.

They have been monitoring me
on my communicator.

Executing a prearranged program
on her ship's computer...

a fairly ingenious combination
of force field projection

and transporter effects.

Ardra controls her "magic"

literally by the blink
of an eye...

centuries-old technology.

An implant which permits
the movements of her eye

to choose and activate
each illusion.

Ardra once told us that she
is known by many names.

Well, at least in that,
she was being honest.

Her crew have admitted
that she is known by 23 aliases

in this sector alone.

You had no right.

Deceiving innocent people with
her petty schemes for years.

Ventax II must have offered her

the greatest opportunity
of her nefarious career.

She learned of the myth
of Ardra, studied it

and so expertly played
on your fears

that your people were ready
to virtually surrender to her.

Your Honor,
under the circumstances

I believe it is only fair

that I release the Ventaxians
from their obligation

and I will let them
keep the peace they have

and I will just be on my way.

With the advocate's withdrawal

the contract
is hereby dissolved.

This arbitration is adjourned.

Thank you, Captain Picard.

You saved our lives.

No, Jared,
as I've tried to tell you

you saved your own lives
a long time ago.

Congratulations, sir.

Your Honor.

You would have had
a lot more fun if you'd lost.

Till we meet again,
Jean-Luc Picard

of the Starship Enterprise.
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