04x12 - The Wounded

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x12 - The Wounded

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's Log, Stardate 44429.6.

We are on a mapping survey
near the Cardassian sector.

It has been nearly a year
since a peace treaty ended

the long conflict between
the Federation and Cardassia.

Captain, we are nearing
the periphery of Sector 21503.

Be on the lookout

for a Cardassian patrol ship,
Mr. Worf.

They should be hailing us soon.

Even with the treaty,
they're still skittish

about protecting their border.

Last time I was in this sector

I was on the Stargazer

running at warp speed
ahead of a Cardassian warship.

Running, Captain?

You? That's hard to believe.

Believe it.

I'd been sent to make
preliminary overtures

to a truce,
and I'd lowered my shields

as a gesture of goodwill.

The Cardassians
were not impressed.

They had taken out
most of my weapons

and damaged the impulse engines
before I could regroup and run.

The Cardassians have no honor.

I do not trust them.

They're our allies now,
Mr. Worf.

We have to trust them.

Trust is earned, not given away.

I hope their scout ship
makes contact soon.

It's not a good idea to stay
too long on a Cardassian border

without making
your intentions known.

What... what is it?

Kelp buds, plankton loaf
and sea berries.


Sweetheart, I'm not a fish.

It's very healthy.

I had this every morning
when I was growing up.

What? No muffins or oatmeal

or corned beef and eggs?

For breakfast?

Keiko, I've been thinking.

You've been introducing me
to all this wonderful food

that you're accustomed to.

I'd like to do the same.

Isn't that
what marriage is about?


What kind of foods?

Scalloped potatoes,
mutton shanks

oxtails and cabbage.

Kind of heavy.

Oh, you'll love it.
I promise.

Oh, I can still remember
the aromas

when my mother was cooking.

She cooked?

Oh, she didn't believe
in a replicator.

She thought real food
was more nutritious.

She handled real meat?

She touched it and cut it?

Yeah, like a master chef.

She was fantastic.

Of course, I'll have to use
the replicator.

I'll make something special
for you tonight.

You'll love it.
I promise.


Maybe I'll have something
special for you tonight too.


Something's wrong.

Red Alert.

Take emergency stations.

Cardassian ship
preparing to fire again, sir.

Increase power
to the forward shields.

Hail them again, Mr. Worf.

What the hell is he doing?
Damage report.

Minor damage to secondary hull

before we put up our shields,

No casualties.
Structural integrity intact.

Engineering to Bridge.

Starboard power coupling
is down.

Evasive action... Delta sequence.

Ready phasers, Mr. Worf.

Delta evasion plan initiated.

Limit targets
to engines and shields.

Aye, sir.



Direct hit, sir.

Moderate damage
to their aft shield generators.

Continue phaser fire.

Multiple hits, sir.

Power failure
in their forward shields.

The Cardassian ship
is standing down, sir.

Well, let's see
if they'll answer

our hail now, Mr. Worf.

Frequency open.

This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard

of the Federation
Starship Enterprise.

I am Gul Macet,
of the Cardassian ship Trager.

Why have you fired on us?

A curious question, Captain.

In w*r,
one att*cks one's enemies.

There is a treaty
between our peoples.

Perhaps that fact was unknown
to the Federation starship

which destroyed our space
station in the Cuellar system

two days ago.

Federation starship?

att*cked an unarmed
science station.

They had barely enough time
to send an emergency signal

before they were incinerated.

Gul Macet, the Federation
and the Cardassians

have struggled too hard
for peace

to abandon it so easily.

We are not the ones
who have abandoned it, Captain.

Let me talk to my superiors,
find out what is behind this.

Give me one hour.

The alternative is for us

to continue firing
at one another.

And in such a contest,
you would be at a disadvantage.

Very well.

One hour.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission...

to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Captain, we've confirmed
your report.

It was the Starship Phoenix

under the command
of Benjamin Maxwell.

Ben Maxwell...

but he's one of Starfleet's
finest Captains.

He... he must have
had provocation.

I wish we knew.

He's gone on silent running.

Doesn't answer our communiques.

Then he's still
in Cardassian space?

The station he destroyed
was in Sector 21505.

You're the nearest starship.

We want you to go in
and find him.

Will the Cardassians cooperate?

They've granted you
safe passage.

We've agreed that you'll take
along a delegation

of observers,
as a show of good faith.

Jean-Luc, I don't have
to tell you

the Federation is not prepared
for a new sustained conflict.

You must preserve the peace

no matter what the cost.

Haden out.

There will be three Cardassians
transporting aboard.

Their Captain, Gul Macet,
and two of his aides.

My intention is to be
as open as possible with them.

Allow them to share
in our search for the Phoenix.

Captain, it is necessary

to assign them
a security detail.

They're our guests, Mr. Worf.

I don't want them to feel
like prisoners.

I tend to agree
with Mr. Worf, Captain.

I think we should limit their
access while they're on board.

I don't think they need
to have the run of the ship.

At least allow me to post guards

in some of the sensitive areas
of the ship.

Very well.
Let's limit their access

but you instruct your people
they are our guests.

Aye, sir.

Counselor, I want you to stay

as close to the crew
as possible.

Some of them may feel

with Cardassians on board.

I don't want any incidents.

Yes, Captain.

Mr. Data, is there
anyone else on board

who served previously
with Captain Benjamin Maxwell?


Chief O'Brien served
under his command

aboard the Rutledge, sir.


Number One, will you
and the Counselor

meet our guests
in Transporter Room Three?

And inform Chief O'Brien
I will be calling on him.

Yes, sir.

Welcome to the Enterprise.

I'm First Officer William Riker.

Counselor Deanna Troi.

I am Gul Macet.

My aides, Glinn Daro

Glinn Telle.

This is our Transporter Chief

Mr. O'Brien.

Shall we?

Captain's Log, supplemental.

We have entered
Cardassian territory

and are proceeding on our quest
to locate the Phoenix.

And with long-range sensors

we've been scanning a radius
of ten light-years.

We can effectively scan
one sector a day.

We're scanning Sector 21505 now.

And there's still no sign
of the Phoenix.

In fact, you have no assurance

that the ship is still
in Sector 21505.

In fact, we have no idea
where it is.

We thought
the last known coordinates

were a reasonably good place
to start.

Captain Picard

you can understand
that we are skeptical.

Do you expect us to believe
that you are using

every means at your disposal
to track down one of your own?

Of course you are concerned,
Gul Macet.

It is precisely
because of that fact

that I have included you
in every aspect of our effort.

You're present with my staff.

You're hearing reports
as I hear them.

Nothing edited,
nothing withheld.

Very well.

Transporter Chief O'Brien served
with Benjamin Maxwell.

I thought that he might be able
to provide some insights.

Mr. O'Brien, I understand

that Captain Maxwell lost
his family

during a raid on an outpost.

More like sabotage, sir.

It was on Setlik III.

A squad of Cardassian militia
made a sneak raid on an outpost.

Wiped out
close to 100 civilians.

Then it's revenge he's after.

That's not what I meant.

Maxwell is taking retribution
for his own loss.

Captain Maxwell would never...

Gentlemen, please, let's not
indulge in speculation.

Can we confine our discussion
to the facts?

Now, Mr. O'Brien...

Worf to Captain Picard.

Go ahead, Mr. Worf.

Long-range sensors have located
the Phoenix.

Gul Macet, will you join me
on the Bridge?

Deck six.

Deck ten.

Your Captain is most impressive.

Yes, he is.

Chief O'Brien

our transporting system
is still operating

with active feed
pattern buffers.

I would like to talk with you
about your technology.

I'll have to get

Commander La Forge's
approval on that.

I understand.

In the meantime

we're going to your Ten-Forward.

Will you join us?

If my Commander tells me

to discuss the transporter
with you, I will.

If Captain Picard orders me
to tell you everything I know

about Ben Maxwell, I will.

But who I choose
to spend my free time with

that's my business.

Captain, the Phoenix
is in Sector 21505.

Ensign, set a course, warp six.

Mr. Worf,
send a message by subspace.

Tell them to prepare
for a rendezvous.

Yes, Captain.

Captain, a suggestion?


We have a number
of ships in Sector 21505.

If you will give us
more precise coordinates

and the ship's coded
transponder frequency

we would be able
to intercept Maxwell

far more quickly than you.

I'm sure that's true.

However, given the circumstances

I would prefer to make
the initial contact myself.

I'm sure you would

if the situation were reversed.

Captain, time is crucial.

You have a dangerous
man out there

with a huge arsenal
at his command.

If he is intent upon
revenge against my people

he must be stopped
before he can do more damage.

Captain, so far, we have
an isolated incident.

If I can reach him first

then perhaps
diplomacy can prevail

but if one of your ships
should decide to retaliate

there is a danger

we could lose control
of the situation.

Then you will not
give us the means

to find his precise location?

No, I won't.

There you are.

Potato casserole,
a dish fit for kings.

What's that you're singing?


Oh, it's just an old song.

A bunch of us used to sing it
together on the Rutledge.

I hadn't thought
about it in years.

What's it about?

Oh, it's about w*r and glory.

Captain Maxwell
always liked that song.

I guess it's all this business
about him and the Cardassians

brought it back to me.

You know, sitting
with the staff this morning

I could tell
there were people in that room

who still don't like
the Cardassians.

I imagine that's to be expected.

You do?

Sure, the w*r lasted
a long time.

That takes its toll on people.

What are these little,
dark things?


But the fighting's over now.

Why should anyone still feel...

however they feel?

You fought the Cardassians,
didn't you?

Well, there were some skirmishes
when I was with Captain Maxwell.

Well, how do you feel
about them?


Well, I feel fine.

I mean, the w*r's over now.

The pursuing ship
is the Phoenix.

And the other?

It appears to be
a Cardassian supply ship.

How would you know that?

We are able to make
that determination.

You can read
our transponder codes.

The important thing
at the moment

is that one of your ships
may be in jeopardy.

Mr. Worf, has there been any
answer to our communication?

No, Captain.

Put out a repeating message
on all subspace channels.

Priority one communique.

Break off your pursuit

Aye, sir.

Gul Macet, you see
we are doing everything

in our power to reach
the Phoenix.

Yes, and accomplishing nothing,
I'm sorry to say.

Can you show me the location

of our other ships?

Mr. Data?

There, you see?

We have a warship
which could intercept

the Phoenix before it's too late

if you will give us
the transponder frequency.

Or are you going to stand there

while our ship
is destroyed, Captain?

Mr. Worf

has there been
any response to our hails?

No, Captain.

Very well.

Mr. Worf...

relay the prefix codes
of the Phoenix

to the Cardassian warship.

Sir, they will be able
to dismantle its shields.

The Phoenix
will not have a chance.

I cannot allow Maxwell
to ambush that supply ship.

Mr. Worf, now!

Yes, Captain.

Sir, the Cardassian warship
is moving on the Phoenix.

Mr. Data, overlay
w*apon ranges of the two ships.

The warship is 300,000
kilometers from the Phoenix.

It is opening fire.

The Phoenix has taken
a direct hit.

The Phoenix
is beginning evasive maneuvers.

It has positioned itself outside

the weapons range
of the opposing ship.

The Phoenix has powered up

both phasers
and photon torpedoes.

The Phoenix is firing
photon torpedoes.

He has destroyed our warship.

Does the supply ship
have any weapons?

Very limited.

Certainly not enough

to defeat
a Nebula-class starship.

Sir, the Phoenix is firing
on the...

The warship carried
a crew of 600.

The supply ship, 50.

Mr. Data, estimated time
to intercept with the Phoenix?

At our present speed
of warp four

16 hours, 44 minutes.

Ensign, increase to warp nine.


Chief, I wanted to talk to you.

Anything I can do, sir.
You know that.

Ben Maxwell...
he must be quite a man.

He's a rare one, all right.

I count myself lucky, sir.

I've served with the two
finest Captains in Starfleet.

From your knowledge of the man,
what has gone wrong?

Well, there's a reason
for what he's doing.

Those Cardassians
were up to something.

I'm sure of it.

When his family was k*lled,
how did he take it?

I'd say he took it well.

Oh, I know
he was broken up inside.

Who wouldn't be?

But you'd never
know it to see him.

He never missed a minute's duty.

Always had a smile, a joke.

Hmm. I see.

He would never retaliate
out of vengeance

no matter what
that Cardassian says

They're up to something, sir.

They're the ones you
should be investigating

not Captain Maxwell.

You don't care
for the Cardassians.

Oh, I like them fine.

It's just...

Well, I know them.

You learn to watch your back
when you're around those people.

Ben Maxwell has just sent
more than 600 of them

to their deaths.

I don't know what to say, sir

but he must have had
his reasons.

I think...

when one has been angry
for a very long time

one gets used to it.

And it becomes comfortable

like... like old leather.

And finally...

it becomes so familiar

that one can't ever remember
feeling any other way.

Thank you, Chief.


Mind if I join you?

You want another?

And an ale.


I never could develop
a taste for it.

It takes a bit
of getting used to.

I wanted to say I...

I owe you an apology.

I shouldn't have
popped off like that

in the turbolift.

I think...

Here's your ale, Mr. O'Brien.

This has been hard on all of us.

I know I'll be happy
when I'm back on my own ship.

I guess that's true.

I hadn't thought about that.

I was on Setlik III
with Captain Maxwell

the morning after the m*ssacre.

We were too late, of course.

Almost everyone was dead.

That was a terrible mistake.

We were told the outpost
was a launching place

for a massive attack
against us.

The only people left alive

were in an outlying
district of the settlement.

I was sent there with a squad
to reinforce them.

The Cardassians
were advancing on us...

moving through the streets,
destroying, k*lling.

I was with a group
of women and children

when two Cardassian soldiers
burst in.

I stunned one of them.

The other one jumped me.

We struggled.

One of the women threw me
a phaser

and I fired.

The phaser was set at maximum.

The man just...

just incinerated there

before my eyes.

I'd never k*lled
anything before.

When I was a kid

I'd worry
about swatting a mosquito.

It's not you I hate, Cardassian.

I hate what I became
because of you.

I will protest this, Klingon.


He was found
at a computer station on deck 35

attempting to access information
on our weapons systems.

A lie, Gul Macet.

I was studying
the terminal interface systems.

They're more efficient
than ours.

I have no idea
what was in the files.

What business did you have

going near
one of their computers?

But, Gul Macet, I meant nothing.

There was no harm done.

Go to your quarters.

You're confined there

for the duration
of this expedition.

As you wish.


Mr. Worf, please accompany him.

Gladly, Captain.

Captain, may we speak
in private?

You have the Bridge, Number One.

I deeply regret
what my aide has done, Captain.

You have my word
he will be disciplined

upon my return.

You may take whatever action
against him

you feel is appropriate.

I consider the matter closed.

I'm not sure
I would be so generous

in your place, Captain.

Thank you.

If there is to be
a lasting peace, Gul Macet

neither you nor I must allow
any one man

to undermine our efforts.

There are those who...

crave w*r...

who need it.

I am not one of them, Captain

and I'm beginning to see
that neither are you.

We have had our full measure.

The lasting peace begins here

with the two of us.

Bridge to Captain.

Picard here.

We have located
the Phoenix, sir.

We will intercept it
in 22 minutes.

Captain's Log, Stardate 44431.7.

We have established

with Captain Maxwell

and he has agreed
to come on board.

Welcome aboard, sir.

I'm Commander Riker,
First Officer.

I know all about you, Commander.

Fine work you did with the Borg.

We all owe you on that one.

Thank you, sir.


Miles O'Brien?

Hello, Captain.

Good to see you again.

How are you?

I had no idea you were
on the Enterprise.

This was my tactical officer
on the Rutledge.

Best I ever had.

Thank you, sir.

O'Brien has the ability

to size up a situation instantly

then come up with options
to fit all contingencies.


Well, if that's true,
I learned it from you, sir.

But you got that silver tongue
by kissing the stone


Well, Commander, best I see
your Captain straight away.

We've got a lot to talk about.

Yes, sir.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard,
Captain Benjamin Maxwell.

That will be all, Commander.


A pleasure, Captain.

Please sit down.

You must think I've gone mad.

The thought had occurred.

Picard, I have to tell you.

I was grateful
when I realized it was you

Starfleet had sent after me...

someone who knows what
it's really like out here.

I know of nothing out here
that could possibly justify

what you have done.

Then listen to this.

The Cardassians
are arming again.

That so-called science station?

Military supply port.

How do you know this?

Information comes my way.

From whom?

Where is your documentation?

I know what they're doing!

I can smell it.

There's no good reason
for a science station

in the Cuellar system.

But it's
a hell of a strategic site

for a military
transport station...

a jumping-off point
into three Federation sectors.

They're running supply ships
back and forth.

And nobody's going to tell me
it's for scientific research.

But whatever circumstances
you encountered

why didn't you notify Starfleet?

And wait six months

while the bureaucrats
sit around reading reports

trying to figure out
what to do?

They don't know
what's going on out here.

But you should, Picard.

You know what it's like
to be under fire.

You weren't under fire.

Lives were at stake.

Whose lives?

We had to act now!


Smells musty in here...

like a bureaucrat's office.

You have k*lled
nearly 700 people

and you have taken us
to the brink of w*r.

I have prevented w*r

or at the very least delayed it
a good long time.

The peace treaty was a ruse,
to give them breathing room

time to regroup.

And so, all alone, you decided
to dispose of the treaty.

I took the initiative.

I did what had to be done.

What had to be done?

Hmm? For whom?

Why would a man

with a long
and brilliant service

the fundamental principles

that he has believed in...
even fought for...

all of his life?

Well, I believe

it is because of what they did
to your wife

and your children.

Not true... not true.

To avenge their deaths.

You're a fool, Picard.

History will look at you
and say, "This man was a fool."

I'll accept the judgment
of history.

When it becomes clear
what the Cardassians have done

I will be vindicated.

What the Cardassians have
or have not done is irrelevant.


Then come with me.

Find one of their supply ships
and we'll see

how "irrelevant" it is.

We're not going after
any more Cardassian ships.

You're going
to return to your Bridge

and set a course
for Starbase 211.

The Phoenix and the
Enterprise will return

to Federation space together.

Those are Starfleet's orders.

I will permit you the dignity

of retaining your command
during the voyage

but the only alternative
is to put you in the brig

and to tow your ship back
to the Starbase in disgrace.

I will return to my ship.

You understand your orders?

Yes, Captain.

Mr. Worf, report
to my ready room.

My guest is departing.

Aye, sir.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

With the Phoenix
in close formation

we are proceeding directly
to Starbase 211.

Mr. Data, how long until
we clear Cardassian space?

At our present speed,
three hours, 20 minutes, sir.

Mr. Worf, send a message
to Admiral Haden at Starfleet.

Inform them of
our projected time of arrival.

Aye, sir.

Captain, the Phoenix
has changed course.

What is he doing?

Ensign, change course to pursue.

Mr. Worf, will you hail
Captain Maxwell?

No response, Captain.

Data, project his new course.

The Phoenix is headed directly
for a Cardassian vessel

.12 light-years
from our location.

He'll attack that ship,
just as he did the others.

Continue the hail, Mr. Worf.

Priority one message.

Do you know
what that ship might be?

I imagine it's a supply ship

headed for the research station
in the Kelrabi system.

The Phoenix still
does not respond, sir.

Ensign, warp eight.
Overtake him.

Captain, the Phoenix has
accelerated to warp nine.

We will not be able to reach him

before he intercepts
the Cardassian vessel.

Ensign, warp nine.

Aye, sir.

Mr. Worf, arm phasers.

Continue the hail.

Aye, sir.

Captain, Chief O'Brien was
Maxwell's tactical officer.

Get him up here.

Sir, the Phoenix has
dropped out of warp.

They have reached
the Cardassian vessel.

Slow to impulse.

Vessels are within visual range.

On screen.

Has the Phoenix activated
its weapons systems?

Negative, sir.

Their phaser banks
are not armed.

What about the Cardassians?

Sensors are unable
to determine the status

of the Cardassian
defensive systems.

Their ship is running
with a high-powered

subspace field.

Mr. O'Brien,
your former Commander

a Federation Captain,
is about to place me

in the position
of firing on his ship.

I need your knowledge
of the man

how he thinks,
what he's capable of doing.

Aye, sir.

Sir, Captain Maxwell
is hailing us.

On screen.

All right, Picard.

You need proof?

You've got it now.

Captain Maxwell, you have
disobeyed a direct order.

Board the ship.

You'll see that everything
I've been saying is true.

The Cardassian vessel
will not be boarded.

You will transport yourself
aboard the Enterprise.

Picard, if you don't board
that ship

I'll destroy it.

And I will use
whatever force is necessary

to prevent you from taking
that action, Captain.

Sir, Captain Maxwell...

if he feels his back
is against the wall

he'll strike.

Captain, the Phoenix
is transferring power

to its shields.

They are arming phasers

and loading forward
torpedo bays.

Red Alert.

Seems you were right,
Mr. O'Brien.

Ready phasers, load torpedoes.

Phasers armed.

Loading forward
and aft torpedo bays.

Sir, let me beam over.

Try to talk to him.

We served together a long time.

When you've been through
what we have

you tend to get inside someone.

He might listen.

He'd never lower his shields

and allow you
to transport on board.

The Phoenix is using
a high-energy sensor system.

It cycles every 5.5 minutes.

Between cycles, there's a window
of a 50th of a second.

Trust me.
I can get through.

Make it so.

Not now!

I'm not armed.

How the devil
did you get over here?

I had the thought
that if we could talk

we could figure a way
out of this mess.

The way out of this is clear.

Talk to Picard.

Get him to board the damn ship.

He won't do that, sir.

But he'd turn his weapons
on a Federation starship

to protect the enemy?

I don't believe it.

He will.

Count on it.

What the hell has happened
to this w*r?


there is no w*r.

The w*r is over.

You're wrong.

The Cardassians live
to make w*r.

That's what everybody thinks
about the enemy.

That's probably
what they think about us.

We're not the same at all.

We do not start wars.

We do not make surprise
att*cks on manned outposts.

We do not butcher women and
children in their homes.


who never had the
chance to grow up.

You were with me on Setlik.

You saw what they did.

Yes, sir.

What was the name of that fellow

who always hung around you
like a puppy?

Will Kayden.



As cool under fire
as a mountain lake.

Yes, sir.

He died at Setlik, didn't he?

Yes, sir.

What was that song of his?

The one he always sang?

The one I liked?

I'm not going to win
this one, am l, Chief?

No, sir.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

Captain Maxwell has turned his
ship over to his First Officer

and transported
aboard the Enterprise.

I have confined him to quarters
for the return voyage.

Thank you, Chief.

I'd just like to say, sir,
he was a good man.

What he did was terribly wrong,
I know that now

but I'm still proud
to have served with him.

Thank you, Chief.

And well done.

That'll be all.

Well, his loyalty is admirable

even if it is misplaced.

The loyalty that you would
so quickly dismiss

does not come easily
to my people, Gul Macet.

You have much to learn about us.

Benjamin Maxwell
earned the loyalty

of those who served with him.

You know, in w*r,
he was twice honored

with the Federation's
highest citation

for courage and valor.

And if he could not find
a role for himself in peace

we can pity him, but we
shall not dismiss him.

You are welcome to
your opinion, Captain.

l, for one, am grateful
he is under lock and key.

One more thing, Gul Macet.

Maxwell was right.

Those ships were not carrying
scientific equipment, were they?

A research station
within arm's reach

of three Federation sectors?

Cargo ships running

with high-energy
subspace fields

that jam sensors?

If you believe
the transport ship

was carrying weapons, Captain

why didn't you board it

as Maxwell requested?

I was here
to protect the peace...

a peace that I firmly believe
is in the interest

of both our peoples.

If I had attempted
to board that ship

I'm quite certain that you and I

would not be having
this pleasant conversation

and that ships on both sides
would now be arming for w*r.

Captain, I assure you...

Take this message
to your leaders, Gul Macet.

We'll be watching.
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