04x08 - Future Imperfect

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x08 - Future Imperfect

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's Log, Stardate 44286.5.

The Enterprise is conducting
a security survey

of the Onias Sector
near the Neutral Zone.

Despite our proximity
to Romulan territory

the mission has been quiet
and uneventful.

All right, Commander,
you've got until

your next birthday
to get that right.

Some things improve with age.

Maybe your trombone playing
will be one of them.

lt's candle time, birthday boy.

All right.

So, what did you wish for, Will?

Music lessons.

Mr. Data, we must hurry

or we'll miss
Commander Riker's party.

Sir, l find it interesting how
much importance humans place

on celebrating the day
of their birth--

a day they cannot
possibly remember.

Captain, l am detecting
some unusual fluctuations

in subspace frequencies.

We'd better take a look at it,
Mr. Data.

lt appears
we are being probed, sir.

The source?

The third planet
of the Alpha Onias system.

Our reports list it
as presently uninhabited.

Perhaps reports
were incorrect, sir.

Or maybe the rumors
of a secret Romulan base

in this sector are true.

Picard to Commander Riker.

l apologize for interrupting
your celebration

but l'm going to need
an away team.

Would you report
to the Bridge, please?

Although Alpha Onias lll
is a Class-M planet

our survey teams have listed it
as ''barren and inhospitable.''

Any life signs?

No, sir.

But we have traced
residual energy readings

to a cavern two kilometers
beneath the surface.


lt is possible.

l suppose you'll just

have to go down there
and find out.

Geordi, Worf, you're with me.

Number One?

Happy birthday.

l'm detecting high levels
of volcanic gases--

sulfur dioxide,
methane, hydrogen sulfide.


Uh, we're okay for now,
but l wouldn't

want to spend my vacation here.

What about energy readings?

Magnetic clutter is increasing.

l cannot make
an accurate determination.

Same here, Commander.

l'm getting a lot
of confusing readings here.

Picard to Riker,
please acknowledge.

Riker here.

We're having trouble
reading you.

And we're having similar
difficulties reading you.

l'm advising you
and your away team

to transport up at once.

That's good advice, Commander.

We've got a sudden build-up

of gases here,
especially methane.

Transporter Room, take us up.

l can't get
a solid lock on you, sir.

There's too much interference.

l'm trying again.

Transporter Room,
what's happening?


l'm trying again, sir.

Dr. Crusher, he's awake.


Will, you remember me.

That's good.

What else do you
remember, Captain?


Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

lts continuing mission--

to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Water, three Celsius.

How do you feel?


That's understandable,
considering what's happened.

What has happened?

What happened to Sick Bay?

To you... to me?

Sit down, Captain.

l am Commander William T. Riker.

What is going on here?



What is the last thing
that you remember clearly?

Alpha Onias lll.

The Enterprise had been probed.

Geordi, Worf and l transported
down to track the source.

But all you found there
was toxic gas.

They barely had time
to get the three of you out.

Will, that happened
16 years ago.

That's not possible.

With an Altarian virus,
anything is possible.

ln fact, we've been
expecting this.

Could you be more specific?

That day on Onias lll,
you were infected

with a strain
of Altarian encephalitis--

a retrovirus
that incorporates its DNA

directly into the cells
of its host.

lt can lie dormant
for many years

and then suddenly
become active again

as it did in your case
ten days ago.

You have been in a coma,

Your fever finally broke
this morning.

But what happened to my memory?

Let me show you a scan
of your brain tissue.

When the encephalitis
became active

it caused widespread
synapse degradation

interrupting the consolidation
of your memory patterns.


Will, this virus
inevitably causes

memory loss back to the moment
of the original infection.

ln your case, all the way back
to Alpha Onias lll.

l don't believe this.

ls this a dream?

Feel my hand.

lt is flesh and bone.

This is not a dream.

And you are, in fact,
Captain William T. Riker

in command of the Enterprise.

The Enterprise.

For how long?

Nine years.

lf l've lost my memory,
how do l get it back?

Memories are formed
by association.

Smells, sounds
and images from the present

could possibly trigger them.

Like a song reminds you
of an old friend.


ln associational therapy

we expose the patient
to familiar surroundings.

This could stimulate
the brain's neural synapses

into regenerating.

Well, then let's get started.

There's nothing more familiar
than the Enterprise.

Maybe that'll bring back
some of my...


l said your memory could return.

ln many of these cases,
the damage is permanent.

What about Geordi and Worf?

Were they infected, too?

Thankfully, no.

Geordi appears
to have been immune

and the Klingons don't seem
to be affected by the virus.

Speaking of Klingons.

There have been
quite a few changes

on the Enterprise
during the last 16 years.

Deck eight.

Belay that order.

We should begin
the associational therapy

in your quarters.

Personal recollections
are always the most vivid.

My life was on the Main Bridge.

Always has been.

lf anything's going
to jog my memory...

Main Bridge.

Repeat command.

l said, Main Bridge.

The computer's been
slow all morning.

A processing attenuator is down.

Commander La Forge
has been running

a level-1 diagnostic on
it to isolate the problem.


Oh, it's good to see you
up and about again, sir.

Your eyes--
what happened to your VlSOR?


Oh, l'm sorry, sir.

Dr. Crusher told us
that you might not remember.

l haven't needed a VlSOR

since l got these cloned
implants, Captain.


Welcome back, Captain.

We were not expecting to see you
on the Bridge so soon.

Commander Data,
you are my First Officer?

Do you remember, sir?

Data, l haven't remembered a day
for the last 16 years.

Captain, warbird uncloaking.

On screen.

Shields up.

Red Alert.

Captain, we were expecting
the Decius.

There is no cause for alarm.

Cancel Red Alert.

Clearly, l need to be briefed.

Captain, the Decius
is hailing us.

The Admiral wishes
to speak to you.

On screen.


Admiral Picard.


How are you feeling?

l've been better.

Not surprising.

Altarian viruses
can be a nasty business.

That's an understatement.

l can't even...

We'll discuss this
after we've transported over.

Picard out.

Transporter Room Six.

How are you holding up?

l could get used to the idea
of a Ferengi ensign

but Admiral Picard
aboard a Romulan warbird?

What is that all about?

l think l should leave
all the explanations

to the Admiral.

Whenever you're ready, Chief.

Captain Riker

it's good to see
you've recovered.

l'm not exactly sure
you'd call it a recovery, sir.

Then there has been
some memory loss?

How much?

after Alpha Onias lll.

To lose 16 years...

it's almost beyond belief.

l have trouble
believing it myself.

lt's so overwhelming to have
so much of your life missing.

And it couldn't have happened
at a worse time.

A few more days of relatively
simple negotiation

and the treaty will be signed.

What negotiations?
What treaty?


l'll start at the beginning...

which is four years ago.

A Romulan battle cruiser
strayed into Federation space.

lts warp coils had collapsed.

Life support was failing.

You saved them, Will.

You and the Enterprise.

The Romulans were... impressed
to say the least.

After years of distrust
and conflict

they started to talk.

You were our key spokesman

in securing the alliance
with the Romulans.

How far have
these negotiations progressed?

The preliminaries are over.

All we need do now is escort
the Romulan Ambassador

to the final session.

Where you will complete
the negotiations

and sign the treaty.



l am in no condition
to negotiate with the Romulans

or with anyone else.

Will, you're sound
of mind and body.

lf you are properly briefed

you'll still be able
to fulfill your duty.

With a 16-year gap in my head?

We do need you.

Sir, l'm not fit
to resume command.

l appreciate your candor

but despite your condition,
there is no one better equipped

to deal with the Romulans
than you.

When do we leave?

As soon as the Ambassador
transports over from the Decius.

We will get through this...
as we have many times before.

l hope so.

Let me take you
to your quarters.

Good idea.

l've had enough surprises
for one day.

Anything familiar?

Hi, Dad.

...and then Mr. Greenburg
asked about the Fornax Disaster

and l knew the Enterprise
saved all the colonists

but l didn't know...

Ah, here it is.

But l didn't know
the exact stardate

of when their sun went nova.

So if you tell it to me,
l'll write it down

and that way
l won't forget.

You don't remember me, do you?

l'm sorry.

l need to talk
to your father, Jean-Luc.

Would you mind leaving us alone
just for a moment?

Why didn't you warn me?

Beverly hoped
that meeting him like this

might make an impact--
help you remember.

Well, it made an impact,
all right.

Give it time.



The Admiral was very pleased
when you chose that name.

He's a wonderful boy.


who's his mother?

She died two years ago.

A shuttle accident.

l'm sorry, Will.

l have no recollection
of her at all.

What was she like?

Min was beautiful

of course.


intelligent, patient.

Well, she was married to me.

She had to be patient.

She was
an excellent Captain's wife

and a very good
ship's Counselor.

She took over after l left.

l can't imagine
you leaving the Enterprise.

Admiral Picard
offered me a position

at Starfleet Command.

lt was a tremendous opportunity.

l couldn't refuse.

But what's important
right now, today

is that you have a son
who needs you.

Spend time with him.

You may find part
of what you've lost.

Pretty bad, huh?

l've heard better.

l've been practicing

but l... l still
can't get a good tone.

You're putting
too much pressure

on the mouthpiece.

Relax the embouchure.

Don't use any muscles
you don't need.

Show me again.

Left hand, right hand.

16 years, you'd think
l'd be able to hit that note.

Come on, Dad.

You always make that mistake.

Computer, summarize
service record

Riker, William T., Captain.

Begin with the Fornax Disaster.

Please restate question.

Service record,
Riker, William T.

Damn it.


Computer lag.

l can't believe Geordi's
still running his diagnostic.

ls, um, that what you wanted?

Picard to Captain Riker.

The Romulan Ambassador

is ready to transport
over from the Decius.

On my way.

l've got to go.



Everything's going to be fine.


Troi tells me you met Jean-Luc.

How is my namesake
holding up to all this?

Better than l am.

We did our best to prepare him.

l'm trying to catch up
with all this.

l've still got a long way
to go-- a long way.

Just follow my lead
with the Ambassador.

You'll be fine.

The Decius reports

the Ambassador is
waiting to transport.

Beam him aboard.

Admiral Picard, Captain Riker.

lt's good to see you again.

Ambassador Tomalak,
welcome aboard the Enterprise.

Thank you, Admiral.

lt is an honor
to be the first Romulan

to freely walk
about a Federation starship.

Ambassador Tomalak?

At Nelvana lll, he threatened

to take the hull
of the Enterprise home

as a w*r trophy.

That was a long time ago.

Many things have changed,
including Tomalak.

As soon as we arrive
at your Outpost 23

the final negotiations
should go quickly.

l agree, Ambassador.

All of the difficult issues
have been resolved.

After much debate.

Your Captain Riker
is the kind of negotiator

even the Ferengi should avoid.

But we have come to an agreement
both sides are happy with.

Largely thanks to Captain Riker.

And we are grateful, Captain.

The new alliance
will greatly benefit my people.

As l hope it will benefit mine.

Oh, it will, Captain, it will.

Main Bridge.

The virus you contracted,

have you fully recovered?

l assure you,
Captain Riker is quite well.

He is looking forward

to attending the final
negotiations as planned.


The signing of this treaty
is an historic occasion.

You, of all people,
deserve to be there.

Thank you... Ambassador.

So this is the Bridge
of the Enterprise.

And this, l assume

is your tactical position?


Excuse me.

Admiral, Deanna,
l need a moment with you.

Commander Data, if you would

accompany the Ambassador
on his... tour?

Certainly, sir.

Excuse us, Ambassador.

Ambassador, you may find
this of interest.

These newly refined sensors

are capable of pinpointing
power emissions

of a cloaked warbird
even at warp.

You say you trust Tomalak?

l trust the process

we have built
with the Romulans

over the past four years.

They have nothing
to gain by betrayal.

Are you sure?

You've always said it's
a chess game with the Romulans--

move, countermove,
guile and deceit.

l sense no such dishonesty
in Tomalak.

His desire for peace is sincere.

He wants this alliance.

There's no cause for concern.

No cause for concern?

We're talking about revealing
the location of Outpost 23--

the key to all of our defenses
in the Neutral Zone.

l'm sorry, Will.

Your information is out of date.

The strategic importance
of Outpost 23 is minimal.

Has been for years.

Dr. Crusher to Riker.

Are you there, Captain?

What is it, Doctor?

Your son has been injured.

He's been taken to Sick Bay.

You'd better come down here
right away.


Are you all right?

l'm fine.

What happened?

lt's broken

but it's going to be
all right in just a minute.

Now, let's go easy on this arm
for a little while, okay?

How did this happen?

l was in the gym...

playing parrises squares.

Parrises squares?

l fell off the ramp.

At your age, you could
break your neck!

l'm sorry.

l didn't mean to.

the compression attenuator

for another two minutes.

Yes, Doctor.

Can l talk to you for a moment?

l'll be right back.

Will, how old were you

when you first started
playing parrises squares?

All right. l was probably
a little younger than he is.

lt's just that,
for all practical purposes

this is my first day as a father
and he almost kills himself.

He didn't almost k*ll himself.

He just broke his wrist.

Just like a lot of other boys
his age when they fall.

You're right.

lt's difficult.

Difficult for you.

What about for Jean-Luc?

Can you imagine how he feels?

You've lost 16 years.

Jean-Luc has lost
a lot more than that.

First, his mother...

and now, his father.

Good as new, Captain.

You can take him home.


How's the arm?

lt's fine.

Dad, l'm really sorry.

l mean, l know you have
more important

things to do...

There is nothing more
important than this, son.


Deck eight.


l know how hard this is for you.

lt's okay, Dad.

No, okay is not good enough.

When l was your age

my own father
wasn't there for me

and l really needed him.

l've often wondered
what kind of father l'd be.

l never felt quite ready.

The idea even scared me
a little.




But l guess l got over it--
you're here.


lt's important to me

that l don't
let you down, Jean-Luc.

You never have, Dad.

You've always been there for me.

l'll have to take
your word for that

because l don't
remember any of it--

your first step,
your first tooth, nothing.

And l want to remember.

l guess there's
only one thing we can do.

We've got to build
some new memories.

l'm not sure it's still
in the memory banks

but l used to have

a great fishing program
on the holodeck.

The Curtis Creek program?

You know it.

Sure, we've gone to Curtis Creek
lots of times.

Would you like to go again?

You bet.

Well, as soon as these
negotiations are out of the way

you and l are going fishing.


...and then Mom tried
to net the fish

and she fell in the creek, too.

And then you tried
to pull us both out

and you fell in.

l'm not sure
l want to remember that.

Mom really liked Curtis Creek.

We went there for picnics
and stuff lots of times.

What was she like?

She was great.

l think of her a lot.

l better go change.


display family record,
Riker, William T.

Limit to visual.

Display family record,
Riker, Mrs. William T.

Please restate request.


What's wrong, Dad?

The computer still
isn't working properly.

l can't bring up
a visual of your mother.

But l know Mom's pictures
are in there.

Did you give a stardate?


display family record,
Riker, Mrs. William T.

Home file, Stardate 58416.



Mom was beautiful, wasn't she?


What's wrong, Dad?

La Forge to Riker.

Riker here.

Captain, please come
to the Bridge.

On my way.

What's the problem?

l've had to shut down
the warp engines, Captain.


Antimatter containment
fields are fluctuating.

lt's nothing to worry
about though.

We're on the edge
of the Neutral Zone

at impulse power,
and you're not concerned?

l'll have the engines
back on line in no time.

Like you tracked down that
faulty processing accelerator?

l'm running
a level-1 diagnostic.

For 30 hours?

lt would never
take you more than four.

You're incapable of that level
of incompetence, Mr. La Forge.

Worf, where did you get
that scar?

ln combat.

What battle?


Which sector?

Which unit?

Mr. Data, if we left immediately

when would we arrive
at Outpost 23?

At warp one

three days, four hours...

What about at warp seven?

At warp eight?

At warp nine?

What's the matter, Data?

What happened to those millions
of calculations per second?

Pardon me, sir.

l am experiencing
subspace interference

which limits my abilities.

l can't operate as quickly as...

What did you say?

l said l cannot operate...

No, that's not what you said.

You said, ''l can't.''

You used a contraction,
didn't you?

Sir, l can explain
if you would just give me...

No, you can't.

Don't even try.

Captain, perhaps
it would be best if we...

Shut up!

l beg your pardon?

l said shut up

as in close your mouth
and stop talking.

Will, l sense how upset you are.

You're angry and impatient...

Deanna, back off.

Well, would anyone else
like to speak up

or shall we end this charade?

As you wish, Commander Riker.

The charade is over.

The Enterprise, my son--
you created it all.

With the help
of our neural scanners

and what you would
call a holodeck.

Now, please tell me.

How did you discover the truth?

The future we created for you
should have been convincing.

lt wasn't.

There was a computer
time lag, for one thing.


Our scanners have
a limited response time

so whenever you strayed
from our... expectations...

But surely, that was
not enough to...

To smash your house of cards?

No, it was the visual record
of my ''wife,'' Minuet.

Bad move.

But we chose someone from
your past who is still alive

a woman you were
extremely attracted to.

Your mistake, Tomalak.

Minuet was nothing more than
a computer-generated fantasy

l once experienced
on another holodeck.


ln your mind, that woman
exists physically.

Your feelings toward her
remain quite passionate.

She was part
of a very special program.

So much effort,
so little accomplished.

lf it was Outpost 23
you were after

why didn't you use
your neural scanners

to probe my mind?

Our scanners are calibrated
for Romulan brain patterns.

When it comes to human brains,
they are less efficient.

There were gaps
in the information

we gathered from your memory.


From what l saw, l find
that hard to believe.

You recreated the Enterprise--

the crew, every nuance,
smell, sound--

with perfect accuracy.

l didn't see any gaps.

l don't buy it, Tomalak.

We are wasting time.

Bring him!

When you and your colleagues
transported to this planet

you were less than
a kilometer from this base.

Your capture was
a simple matter.

My colleagues,
where are they?

We allowed them to transport
safely back to the Enterprise

but your signal was diverted.

They won't stop
looking for me, Tomalak.

They already have.

Please say hello to your son.


That is not his name, of course

nor have you ever
really met him.

We merely used his image
to augment your program.

What have you done to him?

While l am gone, please give

careful thought
to your situation.

What's your name?


lf we're going
to get out of here

you're going to have
to trust me.

l'm not going to hurt you.

Who are you?

How did you get here?

My name is Will.


They brought me here
with my parents.

We were at a research
station at Miridian Vl.

Miridian Vl?

On the edge of the Neutral Zone.

l thought that was uninhabited.

The station was set up
last year.

Then the Romulans came.

lt's odd that the Enterprise
wasn't advised.

Where are your parents now?

They took them away.

Do you know why the Romulans
are keeping you here?


l just want to get away.

l'll get us out of here, Ethan.


Even if we do get away,
they'll find us.

They found me
when l escaped before.

You escaped?


l hid in a secret place
for weeks.

They caught me
when l came out to find food.

l want that information,

l want the location
of Outpost 23.

Very well, l have been given

permission to use whatever means
are necessary.

Ethan, no!

Stop him!

That secret
hiding place of yours?

This way!

ln here!

Their sensors
should have picked us up.

No, they can't.

l heard them.

There's something
in these rocks.

Heavy metals?


The Romulans forgot
all about this storeroom

when they rebuilt their tunnels.

Here, we can use these.

Help me.

After l escaped last time,
l mapped out all their tunnels.

Supply depot.



living quarters and shuttle bay.

How many guards
in the shuttle bay?

Only two or three.

lf we stole a shuttlecraft,
that would get us nowhere

because the Romulans
could follow their own ship

too easily.

But if we broke into
their communications system

we could send a message
to the Enterprise.

Can't do that.

The transmitter is on a voice-
activated security system only.

Do you know whose voice
activates it?

Only Ambassador Tomalak.



Ambassador Tomalak?

Tomalak is a Romulan Captain.

The only time
he was ever called Ambassador

was in a holodeck fantasy.

How do you know about that?

You, uh...
you told me about him.

Who are you?

What is your part in all this?

They've found us!

But you said the sensors
didn't work in these tunnels.

Uh, they must have fixed them.

We've got to go.

Where are we going to go, Ethan?

The shuttle bay.

There's still time.

l've had enough.

surrender your w*apon.

No more games.

No more fantasies.

l'm not going to play anymore.

lt was never the Romulans.

lt was you all along, wasn't it?

There is no question
about it, sir.

lt is his signal.

Picard to Commander Riker,
do you read me?

Riker to Picard, l'm here.

Are you all right?

Yes, sir, l'm all right.

What about Geordi and Worf?

We beamed them up an hour ago.
They're fine.

But we lost you
in mid-transport.

Where have you been?

What is going on down there?

l'm not sure yet, sir.

But l think
l'm about to find out.

Stand by.

What shall l call you?

Ethan? Jean-Luc?

Doesn't matter.

This room, it's more
than a holodeck, isn't it?

Much more.

The neural scanners
read my mind.

Give me anything l want--

just like they tried

to give you
everything you wanted.

Everything l wanted?!

You probed the Enterprise.

You lured us here so you
could play games with me.

l didn't want that, you did.


My world was invaded.

My people, k*lled.

My mother brought me here

so our enemies
would never find me.

They found her, didn't they?

She knew that they would
never stop looking for her

so she made sure
l would be safe.

She left the scanners
to protect me--

to give me anything l wanted.


Then why did you kidnap me?

l wanted you to stay.

lt's been so long.

l just wanted somebody... real.

l thought that you'd be happy.

l'm sorry.

l have to return to my ship.

Come with me.

You don't have
to stay here anymore.

You don't have
to be alone anymore.

My name is Barash.

To me,
you'll always be Jean-Luc.

Two to transport.
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