04x04 - Suddenly Human

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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04x04 - Suddenly Human

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 44143.7.

We have moved into Sector 21947
in response to a distress call

from a Talarian observation craft.

The alien vessel appears adrift,

and our initial scans have detected
a life-threatening radiation leak

within its propulsion system.

I get no further response
from the vessel.

Maintain an open channel.

Dr. Crusher and her assistants
are waiting in Transporter Room 3.

Sir, may I remind you
that during the Galen border conflict,

it was a common tactic
of the Talarians

to abandon their observation craft,
rig them to self-destruct--

And issue a general distress call,
yes, Mr. Data, I know.

That particular guerilla maneuver
resulted in 219 fatalities

over a three-day period.

Is there any way to detect
their self-destruct device?

Negative, sir.

The Talarians employ
a subspace proximity detonator.

It is not detectable by our scans.

Or the away team's tricorders, right.


Captain, the Talarian warship,
the Q'Maire,

is responding to the distress call.

- Position?
- Halfway through the Woden Sector.

It'll take them hours to get here, sir,
even at maximum warp.

- Counselor?
- There is life onboard, and it's fading.

Number One, assemble the rest
of your away team.

Prepare for immediate
rescue operations.

Yes, sir.


Ancillary power is failing.


They're nothing more than children.

I am Commander Riker
of the Federation starship Enterprise.

We will evacuate you
and give you medical care.

You will not be harmed.

prepping five Talarian males

for transport immediately to Sickbay.

Trauma team, stand by
to receive the injured.

We have radiation burns
and possible respiratory distress.

Transport locked in and ready, doctor.

Stand by for my orders.

Captain, this appears to be
a basic training ship.

Five boys, all teens,
all wearing uniforms.

with the evacuation, Number One.

No other lifesigns aboard, sir.

Commander, quickly.

- What is it?
- This boy, he's human.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We have completed
an emergency evacuation

of four Talarians and one human.

How this young man found himself
in the company of these aliens

remains a mystery.

It's Jono, right?
Is that what I heard them call you?

I'm Dr. Crusher.

I'm just examining you
for radiation injuries.

It won't hurt.

I have a son not much older than you.
Perhaps you'd like to meet him.

Well, Jono, you seemed
to have escaped radiation damage.

- Pretty lucky.
WOMAN: Dr. Crusher.

Now, how did this happen?


What is it?

They're terrified.

They all just started up.

Please may I have your attention.


Please may I have your attention.


Stop that immediately!


Well, that's better.

Now, what's your name,
young man?

He won't talk, captain.

We haven't been able
to get through to him.


I am Jono.
Take me home to my captain.

Take me home to Endar.

He managed to escape
radiation trauma.

- But the scans show something else.
- What?

Two previously fractured ribs,
a broken arm

and a low-grade concussion.

There might be
neurological impairment,

I'd like to examine him further.

Jean-Luc, the Talarians
have been known

to be ruthless to their enemies.

I think there's a real possibility
they may have brutalized the child.

Is it possible that the injuries
were caused prior to his captivity?

Mm, not likely.

He's been with them a long time.

Long enough to assimilate
their cultural traits.

And calcium trace patterns
indicate that the injuries took place

during the past seven years.

But if they have abused the boy,

why would he so devoutly wish
to return to them?

Oh, it's not uncommon.

It was identified centuries ago
as the Stockholm syndrome.


Jono, what is it?


Someone get him. Get him.



I just suggested he take off his gloves.
Suddenly, he lost control.

Security, we need some assistance
down here in Sickbay.


- Jono.
JONO: She won't leave me alone.

She keeps trying to dissect me!

- She was trying to help you.
- I don't want her help!

I want to be back with my brothers!
Send us back to Captain Endar!

Jono, I want you
to stop this immediately!

Yes, captain.

Good, that's better.
If we're to accomplish anything--

Data to Picard.

Go ahead.

DATA: We have received
a subspace communiqué

from Starfleet Command
regarding the young human, sir.

Very well. Doctor, counselor.

Lieutenant Worf,
escort this young man to quarters.

He is to be confined there
until further notice.

Yes, doctor.

Why are you here, Klingon, with them?
Did they capture you too?

They are not my captors.
They are my comrades.

Why do you take orders
from a female?

Dr. Crusher.
She is my superior officer.

Among my people,
a female could never outrank a man.

You are human,
and among humans,

females can achieve anything
the males can.

I am no more human than you are.

I am Talarian.

You are confused.


Stop that!

I will make the B'Nar, the Mourning,
until I am back with my brothers.


By matching DNA gene types,

Starfleet was able to identify the boy
as Jeremiah Rossa.

RIKER: Rossa...
- As in Admiral Rossa?

She is his grandmother, captain.

He was born 14 years ago
on the Federation colony Galen IV.

His parents,
Connor and Moira Rossa,

were k*lled three years,
nine months later,

when their colony was overrun
by Talarian forces.

I remember.
There were no survivors.

The boy was listed as missing
and presumed dead.

I knew another Rossa who was k*lled
in action at the Krasner outpost.

Tragedy seems to follow that family.
The admiral lost both her sons.

Well, now she'll have something
to celebrate.

Captain, if Jeremiah is returned
to his family in his present condition,

it will be a wrenching experience
for everyone, especially for him.

He needs to rediscover his identity,
make some connection with his roots.

I agree. Do what you can
to accomplish that, counselor.

I don't think
I can do anything, captain.

- Why not?
CRUSHER: Troi's right.

It's very clear that the boy
does not respond well to women.

The Talarians
are a rigidly patriarchal society, sir.

Jeremiah needs to build
a relationship with a man.

A father figure with whom
he can explore his origins.

And I think it should be you, captain.

Oh, no, counselor.

Oh, no, counselor. I don't think so.

He needs someone
who is trained in these matters.

You are the only person with whom
he has shown any connection.

If he is to find his humanity,

then you are the only one
who can help him.

It's up to you, captain.



Jono, why do you make that noise?

It is the custom of my people
when we are in distress.

Isn't it also the custom of your people
to listen to the wishes of their captain?

- Yes.
- Then as captain

of the starship Enterprise,
I ask you not to make that sound.

Yes, sir.

Hm. Good.
Well, now that's cleared up, let's, um...

Let's, uh...

Let's get acquainted, shall we?

Uh, what do you think
of your room?

I know it's, uh...
It's a little sterile.

But if there's anything you'd like...


Pictures, perhaps? Games?

This is a cage. I'm still your c*ptive.

Oh, no, not at all.

I thought you'd be comfortable here.

Are you going to return me
to my captain?

We will rendezvous with the warship
Q'Maire at 0740 hours.

We will transfer the Talarians
to Captain Endar.

Including me?

We'll discuss your situation
with Captain Endar.

I don't like this place.

We can find some other quarters.

I've always lived with my captain.


Yes, well, that wouldn't work here.

Well, I'm sure you'll see
there's nothing here to appeal

to a young person.

- Put that down, please.
- It's Klingon.

Yes. Would you put it back
where you got it?



Here we are, eh, Jono?

I notice you haven't taken off
your gloves.

Not here.

Why not?

So that I don't have to touch
an alien.

Jono, your captain, Endar...

...has he ever hurt you?
Inflicted pain?

Pain is not a consideration.

Then he has.

I did not say that.

Don't you understand?
Pain is not what matters.

Passing the tests is everything.

Is that what they are? Tests of pain?

You understand nothing.

It's true
I don't fully understand Talarians.

But you are not Talarian.

I will not listen to this.

I will not listen to your lies.



You wanted to see me, captain?

Yes, counselor. Please, come in.
Sit down.

You're probably not aware of this,

but I've never been particularly
comfortable around children.


For some reason,
they just don't seem to respond to me.

I see.

Frankly, I think that my time
would be best served

carrying out the duties
and responsibilities

of a Starfleet captain.

Seldom have I heard an explanation
so well rehearsed.

Look, counselor...

I just feel that I'm not
the right person for this job.

Strange, isn't it?

You'll travel light years,
dodge asteroid storms,

brave hostile aliens,

and yet when asked to assume
a parental role, you cringe.

Why do you suppose that is?

I'm not cringing. I'm just...

...acknowledging my limitations.

When you were a child,
did you have any friends?

Other children you played with?

I don't think that this has anything
to do with anything.


No, perhaps it was because...

This is foolish.


What were you going to say?

It's just that...

Ever since I was a child, I've always
known exactly what I wanted to do.

Be a member of Starfleet.

Nothing else mattered to me.

Virtually my entire youth was spent
in the pursuit of that goal.

In fact, I probably skipped
my childhood altogether.

You know, captain, almost no one
is born being a good parent.

Most people
just have to muddle through

and do the best that they can.

You're saying
that's what I'm gonna have to do?


And you might be surprised
at just how good you can be.



Computer, turn off that noise!


Computer, what was that?

COMPUTER: The Alba Ra,
a contemporary Talarian musical form.


Jono, where are you?

You turned off my music.

Yes, I most certainly did.

And I expect it to stay turned off.

Would you come down from there?

I see you've made yourself at home.

I cannot rest on your beds.
They hurt my back.

You come here.
There's something I wanna show you.

Those are Connor and Moira Rossa.

They are your parents.

The baby is you.

Jeremiah Rossa.

My name is Jono.

Well, you were born Jeremiah

on Galen IV.

The colony was destroyed later,
during a border skirmish.


See? You knew how to laugh once.

Do you remember any of this, Jono?

Your parents, your home?

I know that Endar rescued me.
He told me so.

Jono, your parents were k*lled
by the Talarians.

It was w*r.

- Death is part of w*r.
RIKER [OVER COM]: Captain?

Yes, what is it, Number One?

RIKER: We've established visual
contact with the warship Q'Maire.

- Endar.
- Hey. Hey, you...

...stay put.

I'm on my way, Number One.

CONNOR: Get to cover.
MOIRA: I can't leave you.

CONNOR: Take Jeremiah,
get to the forest. I'll hold them off.

No, no, come with us.


MOIRA: Jeremiah. Jeremiah.




Status, Mr. Data.

Q'Maire at station, holding steady
at bearing 013, mark 015.

Distance, 506 kilometers.

Are its weapons systems active?

Negative, sir.

Captain Endar requests
an open channel, sir.


I am Captain Endar
of the warship Q'Maire.

To whom am I speaking?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard
of the Federation starship Enterprise.

We have rescued four crewmembers
from your observation craft.

They have received medical attention.
They're ready for transport.

Your actions are duly noted.

We will forward coordinates
for immediate transport.

You're welcome, I'm sure.

One moment, captain.

We've also discovered a human
among your crew.


Actually, his name is Jeremiah.
Jeremiah Rossa.

What is his condition?
Is he injured?

He was not wounded in the mishap.

But as a representative
of the Federation,

I require an explanation.

Why has this child been held
in your custody for so many years?

No explanation
is warranted, captain.

He is my son.

Captain's log, supplemental.

Captain Endar's claim
that Jeremiah Rossa is his son

is clearly unacceptable.

However, to avoid
escalating tensions,

I have invited the Talarian leader
to come aboard the Enterprise

So that we may address
the issue face-to-face.

Yes, I was in charge of the force

that repelled the trespassers
on Galen IV.

I must say your Federation troops
fought tenaciously.

Among them,
Connor and Moira Rossa.

I suppose.

After the battle,
I found this squalling child

huddled by the body
of a young woman.

His mother, presumably.

There was almost no one left alive
on Galen IV.

Was I to leave him screaming
over his mother's body?

You should have notified
the Federation authorities.

To conceal him was a clear violation
of our agreement.

I took him in accordance
with my peoples' traditions.

What tradition is it that empowered you
to capture a helpless child?

I lost my son at the hands of humans
during the conflict over Castal I.

Talarian custom allows me
to claim the son of a slain enemy.

Does that custom extend
to brutalizing this surrogate son?

What are you talking about?

Our medical officer discovered
evidence of injuries so severe,

they might be considered t*rture.

Nonsense. I've never harmed Jono.

Then explain the fractured ribs,
concussion, broken arm.


Broken arm.


Have you ever been a father,

Have you ever had a son
desperately trying

to win your approval, your respect?

Jono broke his ribs
riding on a T'stayan.

Six hooves, a very powerful beast.

The arm, in a contest
with other youths.

He endured the pain
and won the competition.

One day, he will be a great warrior.

Doesn't he deserve
to become more than that?

His true heritage is human, Endar.

A heritage long since forgotten.

While onboard, you are welcome
to supervise the return of your crew.

But I cannot allow Jeremiah Rossa
to be returned to your custody.

His true family
are waiting for him on Earth.


Then under no circumstances
will I allow your ship

to leave our territory.

I have already reported our position

and the nature of this violation
to Starfleet.

And I've already called
for reserve forces into this sector.

Are you saying that you're willing
to go to w*r over this boy?

Would you not for your only son?

We have been at peace
for many years.

Let us not rush headlong into w*r.

Then help me to avoid it.

If you will allow me to see Jono,

it will be clear to you,
I have been a good father.

He's grown up happy in my keeping.

PICARD: So you think it would be
unwise to let Endar see Jono?

I think it might be dangerous.

Abusers can have subtle but powerful
influence over their victims.

You see, I'm not convinced
the boy has been abused, doctor.

I've talked with the father,
and if I'm any judge of character,

I would say he cares deeply
for the boy's welfare.

I sense awakening memories
in the boy.

This is a very fragile time for Jono.

If we send away
the man he calls father

without even letting them
see each other,

how will we ever gain his trust?


There is something else
to keep in mind.

We are deep in Talarian territory.

A semblance of diplomacy
is called for.

I'm going to agree to the meeting.

All I ask is that the visit
be supervised.

Don't let them be alone together.



Jono, my son.

Have they treated you well?

Yes, captain. Except...

Except what?

I was forbidden to make the B'Nar.


That's all right.
I know you've mourned in your heart.

Well, Jono, what do you think
of these humans?

They look like me.

They want to keep you, you know.

Yes, I know.

You've reached the age of decision.
What is your choice?

Do you want to stay?

No, of course not.

Then you shall not.

I'm returning to the Q'Maire.

I will give the humans a choice.

If they do not make the one
we know is right,

it may lead to w*r.

You may die.

I am ready to die.


WORF: Captain, sensors indicate
two warships approaching

from the opposite direction
along the border.

Mr. Data,
what's their offensive potential?

Talarian warships are limited
to neutral particle weapons,

high-energy x-ray lasers
and merculite rockets.

No match for the Enterprise,


The last thing I want is to be forced
into destroying one of their ships.

They won't back off.

They've been willing to fight
to the death in past encounters.

The lines are being drawn.

All this for a chosen son.

Captain, is it worth it?
To go to w*r over a child?

You might not ask that, lieutenant,
if it was your child.

There must be a way to avoid this.

If we can just reach Jono,

help him make some connections
with his origins,

he may choose to come with us.

Do you really think Endar
would go along with that?

DATA: If Endar respects
Talarian custom, he may have to.

According to their tradition,
a male child of 14

has reached the age of decision.

He then undergoes
a ceremony of initiation,

after which he has the freedom
to make his own choices.

Endar's entire claim on Jono
is based on Talarian custom.

He'd have a hard time
backing away from it now.

Captain, there is a subspace

- from Starfleet Command.
- On-screen.

Sir, the message
is for Jeremiah Rossa.

Have the boy brought
to my Ready Room.

Jeremiah, my name
is Connaught Rossa.

I am your father's mother.

I wish we could talk in person,
but that will have to wait.

When I heard the miracle
that you were alive,

I wanted to reach out to you
as soon as possible.

I find myself wondering
what you look like.

All I can do is imagine your father
at your age.

You come from a family
that would make you proud.

Many of them have given their lives
to bring peace to the galaxy.

You are the last of the Rossas.

I was so very thankful
when you were given back to us

to carry on the line.

Your grandfather and I will greet you
with all the love in our hearts.

Have a safe journey home,

She wears a Starfleet uniform.


What is her rank?

She's an admiral.

She outranks you?


If I were home now,
I would go to the brae,

and run along the river
as fast as I could.


I can't do any of the things
that calm me here.

You won't let me have my music,
you won't let me make the B'Nar.

I feel if I stay still much longer,
I will die.


Let me show you what I do
when I have these feelings. Come on.

Now, you can serve from within
either of these two sections

by bouncing the ball
and hitting it into that top center target.

Now, you have to return the ball
before it bounces twice, all right?

Let's try it.

Hm. Not bad.

I win at all the games.

I can believe it.



You all right?

I'm fine.


Mama, Mama!

Jeremiah. Jeremiah.



JONO: Mama.

It's all right. It's all right.

She was all red.

I cried, but she didn't answer me.


She used to sing to me.

I don't remember the melody,
just the sound of her voice.


Before I remembered these things,
I was strong.

And now...

It's part of being human, Jono.

But as deeply as you feel hurt,
you can also feel joy.

I do not think so.

I think I will always feel like this.


How was the racquetball?

Oh, he gave me quite a game
for his first time out.

Yes, captain,
I'm looking forward to next time.

I'm sure you are. Sit down.

What would you like?

- What is that?
- This is called a banana split.

It's quite possibly one
of the greatest things in the universe.

Here, try some.


That is called a spoon.



Forgive me.


I fail to understand
why this is amusing.

Access your data banks under Humor,
subheading: Slapstick.

Comedy stressing farce
and horseplay.

Ah. This, no doubt,
is a variation on pie in the face.

Now do you see why it's funny?

No, sir,
but I will take your word for it.

This is very amusing.

Let's try this again.

I'd like a fresh banana split,
and another one for my friend here.

Right away.



Look at him.

He's a different person.

Who would have thought we'd ever
see him laugh out loud like that?

Just half an hour ago,
he was crying like a baby.


Two bleeders,
single-plane penetration.

- I need the auto suture here.
WOMAN: Yes, doctor.

Looks like the blade hit the sternum
and was deflected.

It could have been a lot worse.


Then it wasn't a dream.

I'm afraid not.

No vital organs pierced,
no major arteries.

Where is the boy now?

Worf has him in security.

Hold still.

I want to see him. Here, now.

He'll wait until I'm finished.


Talarian warships converging.
Range, 500 kilometers.


Any communication,
Lieutenant Worf?

No, sir. We have an open channel.

Commander, the warships'
closing velocities are slowing.

Staggered approach vectors
bearing zero, 120 and 240 degrees.

Riker to La Forge.

La Forge here, sir.

The Talarians are moving
into attack posture.

Classic triangular envelopment.

I've tapped the impulse engines
for additional power to shields.

We're ready, commander.

the captain of the Q'Maire

requests communication.

Here we go.


Captain Picard,
have you made your decision?

This is Commander Riker.

What are your intentions,
Captain Endar?

Where is Captain Picard?

He has been injured.
I am in command now.

Very well.

Please prepare my son
for immediate transport.

I'm afraid that won't be possible.

Last night,
Jono att*cked Captain Picard

and tried to m*rder him.

We're holding him in custody.

If he had been returned to me
with the others,

this would never have happened.

I hold you responsible
for this incident.

He will have to come
with us now, Endar.

It is up to Starfleet
to decide the consequences.

I do not accept that decision.

I repeat.

You will prepare my son
for immediate transport.

If he is not aboard the Q'Maire
in five minutes,

you will suffer the consequences.

Red alert.


Talarian vessels routing power
to forward rockets.

Ready all weapons, Mr. Worf.

Jono, why did you do it?

That does not matter.

Yes, I think it does.
It matters to me.

What matters
is that I have att*cked a captain.

I am ready to be put to death.

You think you're going to be k*lled?

To attack a superior
is the worst offense.

I will die at your hands.

Jono, you're not gonna die
at my hands or anyone else's.

But I've committed a terrible crime.

What I want to know is why.


You seemed so happy
just a few hours ago.

I was.

Then I thought about my father.

I felt I had betrayed him.

I'd be throwing away
all that he'd given me,

all that I'd learned from him.

My home, running along the river,
playing in the games.

Sharing victory with my brothers.

All the things that are a part
of my life.

As I grew closer and closer to you,

I knew that it meant leaving more
and more of that life behind.

Forgive me, captain,
but I cannot allow myself to do that.

The Q'Maire is requesting
communications on a secure channel.


Commander Riker, you have failed
to transport my son

aboard the Q'Maire.

Our intentions
have not changed, Endar.

We are returning him to Starfleet.

I regret your stubbornness.

Much will be lost.


One moment, captain.

Captain Endar...

...last night, Jono att*cked me
with a dagger.

Which he could not have done
had he been returned to me

with the others.

There was a crime committed
onboard this ship,

but it was not Jono's, it was mine.

When we found Jono, it seemed
so clear what had to be done.

We knew
that if we could only persuade him

to make the decision to stay,
then you would most likely let him.

So with the best of intentions,
we tried to convince him.

And in so doing...

...we thoroughly failed
to listen to his feelings, to his needs.

That was the crime.

And it has taken a huge toll
on a strong and a very...

...noble young man.

And it must be rectified.

He will return home.

To the only home he's ever known.

And to the father that he loves.

To you, Endar.

Thank you, captain.

Please transmit coordinates
for immediate transport.

Goodbye, Jono.

Goodbye, captain. Thank you.
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