03x22 - The Most Toys

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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03x22 - The Most Toys

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 43872.2.

In order to neutralize
a sudden contamination

of the water supply at the Federation
colony on Beta Agni ll,

we are procuring 108 kilos
of hytritium

from Zibalian trader, Kivas Fajo.

Because pure hytritium
is too unstable for our transporters,

Lieutenant Commander Data
has been shuttling the material

to the Enterprise.

Data to Enterprise.

Go ahead, Mr. Data.

This will be the last trip, sir.

The remaining cases of hytritium
are now being loaded.


Mr. Worf, advise Beta Agni ll
that our departure is imminent.

Aye, captain.

At warp six, we should be there
at just over 16 hours.

Loading is complete.
I am now proceeding with departure.

Enterprise Shuttle Bay 2,
prepare for docking.

Level one precautions for incoming
material remain in effect.

If you'll just acknowledge this last load,

Twenty-six-point-eight kilos
tripolymer composites.

Eleven-point-eight kilos
molybdenum-cobalt alloys.

One-point-three kilos
bioplast sheeting.

LA FORGE: Shuttle 12
containment field reads nominal.

Now leaving the Jovis.

On viewer.

Containment field stable.

Gravitational fluctuations
within acceptable parameters.

Flight pattern--


Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

Captain's log, supplemental.

As the result of a yet unexplained
shuttle expl*si*n,

Lieutenant Commander Data
has been lost.

RIKER: Why didn't the
containment field hold?

- Unknown, commander.
PICARD: Hail the Jovis.

- I want to speak with Kivas Fajo.
- Sir, Mr. Fajo is hailing us.

On viewer.

Captain Picard, what happened?

It's unclear.
We're running a full analysis.

We detected no malfunctions
before the expl*si*n.

Everything seemed to be running
as smoothly as the other flights.

Were you able to save the pilot?


I'm sorry.

Mr. Fajo, I would like to analyze
your sensor readings of the expl*si*n.

Compared to the Enterprise's,
our sensors are rather primitive.

I doubt they contain any information
that your sensors overlooked.

Perhaps, but I don't want to leave
any avenue unexplored.

I understand.

We'll transmit the information.

Link established. Receiving.

Can we be
of any further assistance?

How much hytritium
did we manage to bring onboard?

Eighty-one kilos.

That may barely allow us
to complete our mission, captain.

But it leaves us no margin for error.

Mr. Fajo, I realize we have acquired
your entire supply of hytritium.

Do you know where
we could obtain some more?

That may be difficult. The only source
I know is in the Sigma Erandi System.

Three weeks away, sir.

And I can't guarantee
they'll have any.

For obvious reasons,
no one wants to keep it around.

In fact, even I may stop selling it.

It's just too dangerous.

I guess we're fortunate you had
any at all, sir.

Captain, transfer of information

Mr. Fajo, thank you for your help.

Mr. Crusher, set in a course
for the Beta Agni Il system, warp six.

Aye, sir.

The Grissom is near
the Sigma Erandi System.

I'll alert them to stand by
in case we need more hytritium.

- Thank you, Number One.
- Course laid in, sir.


What am I doing here?




The detail. The balance.

Was I not right, Varria?

Oh, what a remarkable
piece of work, hmm?

- Why have I been brought here?
- Oh.

The voice simulation, it's perfection.

The inflections, the timing.




Yes. Uh...

It took great effort,
effort, to bring you here.

I was sure it would be worth it
and I was right.

I have been delivered here against
my wishes.

- I would like to know the reason.
- Certainly.

You have been brought here
for my enjoyment and my appreciation.

Am I to infer that you intend
to keep me c*ptive?

c*ptive? c*ptive? Oh.

It's such an inappropriate

My dear android...

May I call you Data?

It is my name.

Data, you will be catered to,

fawned over, cared for,
as you never have been before.

Your every wish will be fulfilled.

I wish to leave.

Almost every wish.

This is unacceptable, sir.

I have no desire to remain here.

And even if I did,
my Starfleet duties would not allow it.

- It's so single-minded, isn't it?
- Very persistent.

But it's very polite,
which is a very nice touch.

Um, I decline to allow you to go.

Then I am forced to attempt escape.


Uh, ten androids just like you
might be able to force that thing open.

But then again, there aren't any more
just like you, are there?

It's keyed to galvanic skin responses
and, uh, DNA patterns.

- Sorry.
- Then you will have to open it for me.


Really, I wouldn't do that again
if I were you.

This is a proximity-actuated field.
It impedes positron flow.

It's very bad for the brain paths
in the long term.

I fail to understand the value
you place on my presence.

Well, just look around the room.

There are items here gathered
from half the galaxy.

Right here. This, heh, is the very first
Basotile ever created.

Oh, ahem, sorry.

It's very, very ancient.
Hundreds of years old.

Oh. It's priceless.


This vase? Heh.

This vase is made by Mark Off--

Well, heh, the late Mark Off-Zel
from Sirrie IV.

Dali. This-- Heh.

This is the only known
Roger Maris trading card

from Earth circa 1962.


The smell?

I've preserved the scent. Ah.

Uh, what? What? Ah.

A lapling.



- I thought they were extinct.
- Extinct? Ah.

Good. Yes, well, that is what
is generally believed.

She is the last surviving member
of her species.



They're very defenseless creatures,

Everything that you see
in the room here.


One of a kind. Unique.

All original.

Just as you are.

There, that is your place of honor.


Sit, sit.


You think perhaps
it might be uncomfortable?

But then again, you don't give
a thought to comfort, do you?

When Palor Toff learns of that,
he'll swallow his tongue with envy.

I can't wait to see his face.

You-- You are, um, the crown jewel
of my collection.

You're a treasure
beyond comparison.


Yes, go ahead.

I think you should be flattered.

I am not, sir.

Most intelligent life forms
find involuntary confinement

offensive and inequitable.

Moreover, you have violated
Federation law.

I know. I know. What I've done
is evil, selfish, immoral.

Unprincipled, illegal.
Well, I've learned to live with it.

The Andorians wish to make a bid
on a shipment

of Tellurian spices you offered.

They've had four days to decide!

Why do they have to decide right--?
All right.

I must emphasize, Mr. Fajo,

that I consider this captivity
a hostile act on your part.

Oh, well, you'll get used to it.

I can't believe he's gone.

Yeah, well, I always thought
he'd outlive us by centuries.

He'd been working on this for months.
He never felt it was quite finished.

You know what a critic Data was,
especially about his own work, huh?


That was a gift from the captain.

And he should have it back.

Those should go
to Commander Riker.

Data always fell for Riker's bluffs.


These are some
of Starfleet's highest honors.

Not bad for a walking pile
of circuitry and memory cells.

You know,

I keep going over and over
the accident in my mind,

trying to figure out
what went wrong.

I can see Data in the shuttle.

Almost like I'm sitting there
next to him

going through
the departure sequence.

What the hell happened?

Why didn't I see it coming?

What am I missing?

Kivas wishes you to wear this set
of clothes and to sit in your chair.

I have no reason to accede
to Mr. Fajo's wishes.

He will give you reasons
if you force him to.

Mr. Fajo is deluding himself
if he believes he can keep me here.

The Enterprise is certain to find me.

They're not even looking for you.
They think you're destroyed.

Your shuttle blew up.
A hytritium expl*si*n.

They will scan the debris
and discover I was not aboard.

They'll find exactly
what they thought they'd find,

traces of your component

We put them aboard the shuttle
in just the right proportions.

Clearly, Mr. Fajo
has no moral difficulty

with my imprisonment here.

Mr. Fajo has no moral difficulties
at all.

Do you?

Clever, android.

Is it part of your program to seek out
vulnerabilities in your enemies?

Yes. Are you my enemy?

I obey Fajo.
And so does everyone on this ship.

- Why?
- You are a curious thing, aren't you?

Do you object to the question?

Kivas finds ways to get
what he wants from his people.

His rewards for loyalty are lavish.

His punishments for disloyalty
are equally...


You won't find anyone here
on this ship to help you escape.

Face it, android. He has you.

It appears he has us both.

The reason I can't find anything
is that there's nothing to find.

I've run this analysis
dozens of times over

and there's just no indication
of any malfunction.

No explanation at all?

Well, yeah, there's one,
but I don't believe it.

Pilot error?

I know it's hard to accept,
but even the best--

Captain, it's not only hard to accept.
With Data, it's impossible.

I mean, I can't even begin
to calculate the odds. It's--

Well, if Data were here,
we could ask him.

What are you suggesting,

I don't know, sir.

It just doesn't make sense.

And I like for things
to make sense, that's all.

Geordi, maybe if you got a little rest,
and you came at this thing afresh.

A little rest isn't gonna change
the computer analysis, commander.

I'm sure you have done
a complete investigation.

And if you wish to continue it,
of course, you have my full support.

But we shall be reaching
the Beta Agni System shortly.

And I expect you to be rested.

I understand, sir.



I understand how much we want,

even need to explain
an accident like this.

Sometimes there just aren't
any explanations.

For an android with no feelings,

he sure managed to evoke them
in others.

We must select an officer
to replace Data at Ops.


Worf would be my first choice, sir.

Mine as well. Make it so.


"He was a man,
take him for all in all,

I shall not look upon his like again."



You are still wearing that uniform.

I am a Starfleet officer.

You are not in Starfleet any longer.

It's time you adjusted your program
to accept reality.

Even if I chose to do so,
it is doubtful that my program

could be sufficiently altered
to accede to your wishes.


I have been designed
with a fundamental respect for life

in all its forms and a strong inhibition
against causing harm to living beings.

What a marvelous contradiction.
A military pacifist.

Tell me, whose dreadful idea was it
to enlist you in Starfleet to begin with?

My skills seemed appropriate
to the--

Data, Data, Data,
big mistake, grievous error.

You belong in Starfleet

about as much as I belong
in a verbal contract.


Tell me, Data, have you k*lled yet?

No, but I am programmed
with the ability to use deadly force

in the cause of defense.

Shame on you.
Shame on you.

How neatly you rationalize
your capabilities.

How can you just casually accept
your role in m*rder?

I would not participate in a m*rder.

Perhaps you misunderstand.

Can't you see how much better
it would be for you right here?

The intellectual rewards alone,
our personal exploration of the galaxy.

I am at w*r with no one.

I'm your liberator.

You are a fine debater, sir.

It is a pity you have used
your verbal skills for mere hucksterism

and the advancement
of your own greed.

Perhaps-- Perhaps you would
not judge me so harshly

if you knew of my desperate youth.

Wasted, wasted
on the streets of Zibalia.

Your past does not excuse
unethical or immoral behavior, sir.

It doesn't matter, it isn't true anyway.
My father was quite wealthy actually.

He was a thief.

Data, why don't you put on
these lovely new clothes

and go sit on the chair?

I must decline.

You are going to be much more of
a challenge than I had first thought.

Finoplak. A hundred denkirs.

Now, Data, in the meantime,

here is something
for your logic circuits to analyze.

Don't worry, the solvent
won't harm your, uh, skin.

But in seconds,
it will completely dissolve that uniform.

Personally, I'd be delighted
to see you go around naked.

I assume you have no modesty.

But, heh, then,

I guess that decency is the rule
of your Starfleet training.

In any case, Data,
why don't you make a decision

about which alternative
you dislike the least?

Make a decision by dinnertime tonight.
I've invited a guest to meet you.

And I expect you to be as entertaining
with him as you have been with me.


Proceeding with departure.

Enterprise Shuttle Bay 2,
prepare for docking.

Level one precautions
remain in effect.


I did miss something.

See you later.

Your first watch at Ops?

I have served at the position before.

I've been concerned about you.

About me? Why?

Because I know how I'd feel
if I was asked

to replace Data at his station.


Promotion due to the death
of a crewmate

is commonplace on Klingon ships.

I know, but this isn't a Klingon ship
and Data was your friend.

And it's the second time you've
replaced a crewmate who's died.

I honor Data's memory,
as I did Lieutenant Yar's,

by attempting to perform
their duties as well as they did.

In true Klingon fashion.

I appreciate your concern.

Computer, now replay shuttle
audio transmission,

time index 0423.

This is Data's second trip.
Hmm? All right.

Proceeding with departure.

Enterprise Shuttle Bay 2,
prepare for docking.

Level one precautions
remain in effect.

Shuttle has cleared Jovis cargo bay.

Sounds just like the first trip.

Exactly the same. That's protocol.

And that's Data
following protocol to the letter.

Okay, computer, now replay
shuttle audio transmission,

time index 0439.

Third and final trip.

Loading is complete.

I am proceeding with departure.

Enterprise Shuttle Bay 2,
prepare for docking.

Level one precautions
remain in effect.

That's it.
That's the last communication.

He didn't report the shuttle
clearing the cargo bay of the Jovis.

Of course, there really wasn't any
reason for him to make voice contact.

He knew we'd be
monitoring his position.

Any other pilot might not even
have bothered.

But Data?
Not following standard procedures?

- What do you think it means?
- I'm not sure, Wes.

I suppose he could've been too busy.

Maybe he saw something was wrong.

Without communicating it?
That doesn't sound like Data either.

Which means that maybe something
was wrong with him.

But there's no other indication
of that.

Nothing he said or did during
the entire mission. None.


Sure wish I could to talk
to the last people who saw him alive.



I've added a Veltan sex idol
to my collection.

Well, I got four of them.

What? With the pearls intact?


Please. Pearls were added by
Ferengi agents to increase the value.


What is that?

Something new
and you didn't tell me.


Mr. Data, I'm delighted to see
that you dressed for the occasion.

Heh. Say hello to my very good friend
Palor Toff.


Data, say hello, heh.

No need to be shy.

It's a mannequin of some sort.

This is not a mannequin.
This is Data.

This is formerly
Lieutenant Commander Data

of the Federation Starfleet.

The only sentient android
in existence.

It doesn't seem particularly
sentient right now.

FAJO: Because it's playing
a stupid little game with us.

Well, someone has certainly
played a game on you, Fajo. Ha, ha.

I don't find this amusing.
I demand that you behave normally.

Behave normally.

I know you can hear me!

He falls well.

I apologize for this.

Do not be upset, my friend.
I'm having a delightful visit.

- Come along, Varria.
VARRIA: Ha, ha.

TOFF: You're much more fun
than Fajo's new toy.

You'll regret this.

Now entering
the Beta Agni System, sir.

Take us to half impulse,
Mr. Crusher.

La Forge to Bridge.

- Go ahead, commander.
LA FORGE: Captain.

A class two probe has been loaded
with the hytritium compound

and is ready to launch.

Now approaching Beta Agni Il, sir.

Mr. Crusher, put us into close orbit.
Mr. Data, scan--

My apologies, Mr. Worf.

Scan the colony's subsurface water.


Tricyanate contamination confirmed.

Levels approaching 42 parts
per million.

- Area affected?
WORF: Thirty square kilometers.

Any indication of the source?

Highest concentration,
eight kilometers west of the colony.

- Adjust target coordinates.
- Aye, sir.

La Forge to Bridge.

According to these figures,
the 81 kilos of hytritium

should be enough
to neutralize the contamination.

Now approaching
target coordinates.

Launch probe.

Probe on target.
Hytritium entering water table.

Disbursement slightly
faster than expected.

Sir, something unusual.


I'm getting concentrated
tricyanate readings

of 70 grams per cubic centimeter
at the source coordinates.

Much higher than would
normally occur.

Computer, report on geological
instability on Beta Agni Il.

No significant geological activity

has been recorded on Beta Agni Il

since the settlement
of the Federation colony.

Number One, perhaps you better take
an away team down

and have a closer look.

Aye, sir. Dr. Crusher,
join me in Transporter Room 3.

CRUSHER [OVER COM]: On my way.
- Mr. Worf.



I would very much like
our relationship to change.

You may expect me to use
every means at my disposal

to resist your wishes.

Why couldn't you just comply?

Why do you have to argue all the time?

Couldn't you just go sit on the chair?

Come on, go. Sit on the chair.

I do not intend to sit in the chair.

You will. You may not believe it
right now but you will.




Have you ever seen one of these,

It is a disruptor.

Well, no, it's a prototype
for a Varon-T disruptor.

The Varon-T disruptor
is banned in the Federation.

Oh, yes. They only manufactured
five of them.

I own four. I sleep with one
under my pillow at night.

And I sleep very well
knowing it's there too.

Do you know why?

It is a most lethal w*apon.

It's not just lethal. It's...

It's vicious.

Tears a body apart inside out,
and does it very slowly too.

By your phaser standards,
it's tortuous, very painful death.

I've always wanted to try this.

It is doubtful you will destroy me,

since you assign so much value
to possessing me.

That goes without saying.

Please come in.

Varria. Heh.

How long have we been together,
my dear?

- Uh, 14 years.
- Fourteen?

Fourteen wonderful years
they were too.

She was barely an adult
when I found her.

She was idealistic, naive,
full of dreams.

And I made those dreams
come true too, didn't I?

I'm gonna miss you.



The contamination's
been neutralized.

The water's clean.

Curious. The process of neutralization
should have taken several hours.

Naturally occurring tricyanate
does not respond this quickly.

Are you saying
it's not naturally occurring?

WORF: There are no
natural trace elements present

in these tricyanate crystals.

If it's artificial,
then we're talking about sabotage.

With tricyanate?

That's hard to believe.

It's slow to assimilate,
difficult to replicate

and hard to transport.

There are a lot of easier ways
to poison a water supply.

More effective ways too.

Can you think of any reason
a saboteur would choose tricyanate?

It might pass for a natural disaster.

And since there's only one way
to treat it, with hytritium,

maybe somebody
figured we couldn't locate it.

It is hard to find.

Then, it really was lucky, wasn't it?

That we were able to find
hytritium when we did?

And just enough hytritium
for this crisis.

Fajo was in the right place
at the right time,

just when we needed him most.

You're suggesting he created
the problem just to solve it?


What? To make a profit
from his sale of hytritium?

It doesn't add up.

The cost of producing tricyanate
is very expensive.

He wouldn't make a profit on it,
quite the contrary.

Then why would he do it?

What did he want?

Computer, biographical file
on trader Kivas Fajo.

Accessing file, Kivas Fajo.

A Zibalian trader
of the Stacius Trade Guild.

Educated on Iraatan V.

A noted collector
of rare and valuable objects

including the Rejac Crystal,

The Starry Night
by Vincent Van Gogh,

the Lawmim Galactopedia,
the Maliamanda tapestries--

Computer, that is sufficient.

Rare and valuable object.

What if Data wasn't on that shuttle?

- Mr. Crusher.
WESLEY [OVER COM]: Aye, sir.

Set course for the site
of the shuttlepod expl*si*n.

- Warp eight.
WESLEY: Aye, sir.

The Jovis has a maximum speed
of warp three.

He's had 23 hours so we can define
a perimeter of 0.102 light years

as his possible distance.

Fajo doesn't know
that we're on to him,

so he probably isn't taxing
his engines at top speed.

He could have made it
to the Nel Bato system.

Or maybe even the Giles Belt.

He's a trader. He doesn't attract
customers by being hard to find.

We could put out
a coded level two query

to all Federation outposts
within the perimeter.

Make it so.


If I help you escape,
will you take me with you?

He's sleeping,
and there isn't much time.

The consequences if we are caught--

I know the consequences.

Fourteen years.
You learn a few things.

There's an escape pod
in the aft cargo bay.

Captain, affirmative response
from station Lya IV.

Fajo spent more than half a day
in orbit.

Departed just over seven hours ago.

Mr. Crusher, new coordinates.
Lay in a course for Lya IV.

Course already laid in, sir.

Perhaps I should attempt
to communicate with the Enterprise.

You can't.

Fajo has communications access
restricted to the Bridge.

Once we're out, the shuttlepod
will emit an emergency beacon.

We'll just have to hope
somebody responds

before Fajo is able to destroy us.

I am trained in evasive maneuvers.

We'll need a few. Let's get going.

As soon as I start the escape
sequence, an alarm will sound.

We won't have much time.







It's your fault.
You knew the price for disobedience.

And so did she.


Well, there's always another Varria.

You won't hurt me.

Fundamental respect
for all living beings.

That's what you said.

I'm a living being,
therefore you can't harm me.

You will surrender yourself
to the authorities.

Or what? You'll fire?

Empty threat, we both know it.

Why don't you accept your fate?

You will return to your chair
and you will sit there.

You will entertain me
and you will entertain my guests.

And if you don't,
I'll simply k*ll someone else.

Him perhaps.

It doesn't matter.

Their blood will be on your hands too.
Just like poor Varria's.

Your only alternative, Data, is to fire.

m*rder me.

That's all you have to do. Go ahead.


If only you could feel rage
over Varria's death.

If only you could feel the need
for revenge,

then maybe you could fire.

But you're just an android.

You can't feel anything, can you?

It's just another interesting
intellectual puzzle for you.

Another of life's curiosities.

I cannot permit this to continue.

Wait, your program
won't allow you to fire.

You can't fire. No.


I'm reading a w*apon in transit
with Commander Data.

- It seems to have discharged, sir.
- Discharged?

I'm deactivating it.

Welcome back, Mr. Data.

- You all right?
DATA: Yes, commander.

Please arrange to have Kivas Fajo
taken into custody

on charges of m*rder, kidnapping,

The arrangements have already
been made.

A Varon-T disruptor.
It belongs to Fajo.

Mr. O'Brien says the w*apon
was in a state of discharge.

Perhaps something occurred
during transport, commander.


Oh! You've come to see me repent

as your final satisfaction?

Wanna see me beg for mercy?

You're not gonna get any of that
from me.

I expected nothing.

Our roles are, heh, reversed.


Aren't they, Data?

You're the collector now.
Me? I'm in a cage.

So it seems.

Just don't count me out too quickly.

I had you in my collection once.
I can have you there again.

Unlikely, sir.


Your collection
has been confiscated.

All of your stolen possessions

are being returned
to their rightful owners.

You have lost everything you value.

It must give you great pleasure.

No, sir, it does not.

I do not feel pleasure.

I am only an android.
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