03x08 - The Price

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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03x08 - The Price

Post by bunniefuu »

Computer, dispatches.

A research inquiry

from the Manitoba Journal
of Interplanetary Psychology

and three communiqués
from your mother.


Transfer the letters from my mother
to the viewscreen.

And, Computer,

I would like a real chocolate sundae.

Define "real" in context, please.


Not one of your perfectly synthesized,
ingeniously enhanced imitations.

I would like real chocolate ice cream,
real whipped cream...

This unit is programmed

to provide sources
of acceptable nutritional value.

Your request does not fall
within current guidelines.

Please indicate whether you wish
to override the specified program.



Picard to Counselor Troi.

Now what?

Yes, captain?

The pleasure of your company
is requested, counselor. We are--

We're having a little impromptu
reception for the arriving delegates.

Captain, I'm not really dressed
for a reception.

Oh, counselor,
just throw on any old thing.

We're about to get our first look
at the wormhole.

Of course, captain. I'm on my way.

God forbid I should miss my first look
at the wormhole.

May I escort you, Miss Troi?

Just tell me
there's some chocolate here.

Counselor Troi. Will you allow me
to do the introductions?

This is Premier Bhavani of Barzen,
Counselor Deanna Troi.

Your discovery has produced
a great deal of excitement, premier.

Hopefully, it will also produce
a new era of prosperity for my people.

We'll see to that.

You know Mr. Mendoza,
the Federation negotiator.

A pleasure to see you again,
Counselor Troi.

This is a worthy Federation competitor
in the bidding, Leyor of the Caldonians.


And I'm Devinoni Ral.

Ship's counselor, Deanna Troi.

My good friend Ral
is the best hired g*n in the business.

Hired g*n?

My good friend Mendoza means
that I'm a negotiator

who serves a variety of clients.

On this particular occasion
I represent the Chrysalians.

BHAVANI: I believe it's almost time,
isn't it, captain?

It will be visible directly ahead.

- Is it always on time, Bhavani?
- Always.

We see it every 233 minutes.

Our scientists say it's due
to radiation buildup

in the accretion disk.

The visible burst is very brief.

There it is, ladies and gentlemen.

The first and only stable wormhole
known to exist.

It's yours for the right price.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

Captain's log, stardate 43385.6.

We are orbiting Barzan I,

which is entertaining bids for control

of what appears
fo be a stable wormhole,

which could provide
a permanent shortcut

to the distant Gamma Quadrant.

As you all know,

the environment on my planet
is completely inhospitable

to most other life forms.

So I'd like to express my appreciation
to you, Captain Picard,

for hosting these negotiations.

The Barzan has been a society
dependent on others for generations.

We want that to end.

The appearance
of this stable wormhole in our space

provides us
with our first true natural resource.

We have neither the experience
nor the technology to exploit it.

But you do.

Excuse me.

There's a delegation of Ferengi
that wishes to be beamed aboard, sir.

Were you expecting the Ferengi,

No. But I do not wish
to create ill will, captain.

If they are interested in bidding,
I have no objection.

Chief O'Brien, this is Captain Picard.

Will you beam the Ferengi
directly to the observation lounge?

Aye, sir.

On behalf of all Ferengi, I protest.

Why were we not invited
to these negotiations?

My apologies.

We did not anticipate your interest.

You're welcome to join us.

My name is DaiMon Goss.

And these are my consuls,
Kol and Dr. Arridor.

- We'll need chairs.
- I'm Captain Picard of the Enterprise.

I am serving as host
for these proceedings.

Then see to it we get some chairs.

Let me explain.

Fine, fine, just have your Klingon
servant get us some chairs.

I'm in charge of security.

Then who gets the chairs?

DaiMon, due to the delicate nature
of these negotiations,

all parties have agreed
that one representative will suffice.

Now, I will be happy to provide
your consuls with accommodations,

and you may have my chair.

Oh, very well.



Kol, the bag.

Gentlemen, this way.

We can handle
all the pleasantries later.

Now, let's get down to business.

I'll match anyone's best offer
and add the gold on top of it.


Devinoni Ral, human, age 41.

Born Brussels, European Alliance.

Relocated at age 19 to Hurkos III.


Come in.

Should I call for an appointment?


I was just looking over
some personnel files.

Well, that's too bad.

Thought you might be thinking
about me.

I thought you'd be deep
in negotiations by now.

In recess.

I never play the opening rounds


Besides, there are much better things
to negotiate on this ship.

Like dinner tonight?

What about
your traveling companion?

My traveling companion is traveling.

I sent her home.


You know why.

Weren't you getting along?

- Don't do that.
- What?

Don't do Counselor Troi.

- Was I?
- Yes, you were.

When you leave this office,
who are you?

Oh, so that's how it goes.

You never do.

You never do leave

the office.

- Wha--?
- Shh, shh, shh.

Dinner at 87?

The readings from the Barzan's probe
of the wormhole

are quite impressive, captain.

The wormhole delivered the probe
beyond the Denkiri Arm

in the Gamma Quadrant.


It would take nearly a century
at warp 9 to cover that distance.

The same distance
could be achieved

in a matter of seconds
through the wormhole.

Imagine the Ferengi collecting tolls
if we lose to them.

I don't think the Ferengi
are the greatest threat at the table.

With all of DaiMon Goss' bluster,

they don't have the resources
the Barzans need.

I think that Devinoni is the one
that we need to watch out for.

An accurate observation.

How did you recognize that?

Well, he was the most comfortable one
in the group.

You must play poker, commander.


Is that a game of some sort?

Commander Riker
conducts master classes in poker.

Our skills are not dissimilar,

Mr. Mendoza,
if this lives up to its billing,

it will be a discovery
of extraordinary value.

But it is a very big "if."

The wormhole is there one moment,
then gone the next.

A stable wormhole is unheard of.

Are you saying
this may not be what it seems?

The Barzans
do not have manned space travel,

so they had to resort
to an automated probe.

Its findings are limited.

It cannot be determined
from these charts

how stable the wormhole really is,
or how long it will remain intact.

The Federation could end up
buying a proverbial lemon.

Proverbial lemon?

- Later, Data.
- Aye, sir.

And, of course, that means
once the contract is negotiated

and closed, we would be obliged
to fulfill the terms.

I think we should take a look
for ourselves.

I don't think Bhavani
could object to that.

Geordi has been in continuous visual
contact with the wormhole, captain.

I think he's the logical choice.

I would also like to volunteer, sir.

Nobody's going in there until we
have done a full sensor analysis.

I want to do everything possible
to determine that it is safe,

and when I am satisfied,
then you, Data,

and Commander La Forge
will enter the wormhole tomorrow.

- Aah.
ARRIDOR: Just a moment

of discomfort for a good cause,

You understand
this will not be lethal.

Doctor, you surprise me.

I have no wish to k*ll anyone.

A short-term crippling will suffice.

Then this will be just fine.

A distillation
of your own blood pyrocytes.

Harmless to you,
undetectable by the ship's biofilters.

But when absorbed
through your victim's skin,

it will provoke
an extreme allergic reaction.

I'd say it's time
to extend the hand of the Ferengi

to the representative
of the Federation.


Much better.

Thank you.

Come in for a drink?

Ah, Federation décor.

Not your style?

Well, conformity is not my style.

What would you like?

I'd even like another.

Well, there she is again.
Counselor Troi.

I'm not.

- Computer, champagne.
- For two.

Am I moving too fast for you?


I'm moving too fast for me.

I like that better.

I haven't been able
to stop thinking about you all day.

You must have had a nice day.

Anticipation is fun.

We'll be late for dinner.

Very late.

Mr. Mendoza.

I seem to be a bit warm.

I need some help here.

You attempt to gain
every unfair advantage, Picard.

Premier Bhavani has no objection.

Well, I most certainly do.

First, you conveniently arrange
to play host.

Then you plan to send
a manned probe into the wormhole.

The Federation thinks
it can do anything it wants to.

Well, I will not tolerate it.

I will gladly share the results
of our explorations

with all the delegates.

And you expect us
to believe what you report?

Then send in your own probe, Goss.

That's exactly what I intend to do.

And I should strongly suggest
that you stay out of our way.

Tell Data and La Forge
to do themselves a favor

and stay out of their way.


CRUSHER: Captain Picard,
please come to Sickbay.

Acknowledged, doctor.

Whatever he's got
is obviously not life-threatening.

It's some kind
of system-wide histaminic reaction.

He certainly can't go back
to negotiations for several days.

- Will you keep me informed?
- Mm.

The Federation's top negotiator
taken out by a mysterious ailment.


With the Ferengi around? Always.

- You'll have to fill in, Number One.
- Me?

Well, I'm the designated host.

It would be
a most awkward transition.

You're the next likely choice.

And Mr. Mendoza
will certainly agree.

He's quite impressed
by your natural instincts.

Excuse me, sir,
but those weren't natural instincts.

Those were poker instincts.

A card game
doesn't exactly prepare me for this.

Yes, the stakes are higher.

But then, isn't that when the game
gets interesting, commander?

The wormhole will reappear
in 30 seconds, sir.

The Ferengi pod
is moving into position.

Shuttle 9, stand by.

Ferengi pod, this is Lieutenant
Commander La Forge

in the Enterprise shuttle.

This is Dr. Arridor. Go ahead.

Would you care to take the point,

We will gladly yield that honor
to you, lieutenant commander.

You know, if this doesn't work,
the thought

of spending the rest of my life
in here is none too appealing.

There is a bright side, Geordi.

You will have me to talk to.

It is visible, captain.

Proceed when ready.

DATA: --and intense energy fields
which appear to be stable--

They've traveled beyond
our communication capabilities, sir.

A complete analysis of our bid
is available on the ship's Computer

for your consideration.

Commander, I realize what
a difficult position this must be for you.

If you don't understand something,

I hope you won't be too embarrassed
to ask me.

I think I have an idea
what the rules are.

Well, that's what makes it
so interesting.

The rules of the game change
to fit the moment.

Not unlike commanding a starship,
Mr. Ral.

Well, Mr. Riker's placed a great deal
of emphasis on defense,

a subject he obviously knows well

having served Starfleet
in a number of conflicts.

Now, the Chrysalians,

we're enemies to no one.

And we choose to remain that way.


Neutral and uninvolved, sir,

in virtually all interstellar matters
of consequence.

No one would claim
that the Chrysalians are as powerful

as the mighty Federation,

but we have resources
and technology and scientists too.

But we also have had peace
for ten generations.

RAL: You know, I was thinking.
TROI: Hmm?

RAL: Maybe I could stretch out
these negotiations for a few days.

- Would you like that?
TROI: Mm-hm.

Devinoni Ral,

who are you?

Well, what do your Betazoid senses
tell you about me?

Not much.

My human physical response
must be blocking them out.


It never happened to me before.

I rather like that I'm more difficult
to read than your other men.

There aren't any others.


What about Commander Riker?

- Who have you been talking to?
- No one.

No one. I just sensed something
when I saw the two of you together.

Will Riker and I are good friends.


It was once a little more than that.


How come we're talking about me
instead of you?

Don't you have enough people
talk about their lives to you?

Who counsels the counselor?

Oh, no.

I want to know about you.

I'm what you see right now.

Just me.

Wanting to run away with you.

But knowing you'd never leave
this damned ship.

When I first saw you,

I felt as if I'd been waiting for you.

I'm trying to understand why
or how that's possible.

Does it matter?

Well, it will when I tell you.

But you must promise
never to tell anyone else.


I am part Betazoid too.

My mother was one-half.
I am one-quarter.

You're empathic?

The only one of five children.

But I must admit I was...

I was never as comfortable
sensing emotions as you seem to be.

So that's why you left Earth.


I learned to live with it, use it,
as you have.

But still,

it isolates us, doesn't it?

And I thought it always would.

So I tucked my heart away.

I didn't need it. I didn't want it.

At the negotiating table,

it can be fatal to have a heart.

But I never realized
how much I needed mine

until I looked at you.

I'm picking up an increase in accretion
matter filtering in from the terminus.

Monitors are functioning normally

Ferengi pod,
everybody in one piece over there?

Our condition is no concern of yours,
Enterprise shuttle.

We are competitors in this venture,
not partners.

Ferengi pod out.

Yeah, happy landings to you too.

- Curious.
- Hm?

We are not
where we are supposed to be.

What do you mean? We're on the
other side of the wormhole, aren't we?

According to the Barzan probe,
we should be in the Gamma Quadrant.

But these readings clearly indicate
we're nearly 200 light years away,

in sector 3556
of the Delta Quadrant.

Maybe the Barzan readings
were wrong.

Perhaps their readings were correct.

Their probe
could have exited the wormhole

- at a completely different location.

Data, my visor's picking up
subatomic fluctuations.

Meson and lepton activity
is definitely increasing.

Gravitational acceleration
is also increasing.

Something very strange
is happening to this wormhole.



You're unusually limber
this morning.

I'll say.

Devinoni Ral.

It's ridiculous and wonderful.

I feel completely out of control.

Happy. Terrified.

But there's nothing rational
about this.

Who needs rational
when your toes curl up?

I'm afraid I'm going to lose myself.

I can't get enough of him.

Is it possible to fall in love
in one day?

I did.

- It was like this for you and Jack?
- No.

It was another fellow.

I fell in love in a day.
It lasted a week.

But what a week.

Then I met Jack.

Took months to figure it out
with him.

Well, then maybe
I should slow down.

Catch my breath.

Not let this thing get out of control.


I get no complaints. He, he.

No, no.

- Hi.
- Hi.

To be honest, I was surprised

to see the Caldonians here at all,

You must think Caldonia very insular,
Mr. Ral.

Oh, no, no, not at all. Not at all.

On the contrary, I've always respected
your world's commitment

to pure research.

It's just that, well...

Go on, please.

Well, scholars don't always enjoy
administrative demands.

And certainly we've seen here

that the administration
of the wormhole is--

Yes. I must admit, I have begun
to feel some trepidation about that.


Yes, I'm sure you have, Leyor.

Heh. I'm sure we all have.

Do you realize that in the next century,
the number of ships that will pass...

Gentlemen, this open session is called
by request of the Caldonian delegation.

Madame Bhavani, Caldonia withdraws
from these proceedings.

For what reasons, Leyor?

It has been made very clear

that the maintenance
and administrative requirements

are beyond our abilities.

Leyor, the Federation would like
to negotiate a trade agreement

in which we could acquire your planet's
rich deposits of Trillium 323,

which we would add to our bid,
Premier Bhavani.

My apologies.

We have already reached
an agreement with the Chrysalians.

Mr. Ral,

you either had very good instincts...

or a foreknowledge
of the Caldonian withdrawal.

Well, some people just don't like
to transact business

with the Federation, commander.

The Chrysalians hereby add
the Caldonian Trillium 323

to its bid, premier.

I'm telling you, it's changing.

I can see it with my visor.

I have no intention of leaving yet.

We have not finished
taking our readings.

Listen, doctor.

Your readings must be telling you
the same things we're getting.

This is not the Gamma Quadrant.

I will not confirm your speculations.

This is not a speculation, doctor.

We are not
where the Barzan said we should be,

which would indicate this side
of the wormhole is not stable.

There are meson
and lepton fluctuations.

Local gravitational fields
are increasing exponentially.

Everything says
we better get out of here.

It will be visible again in 40 seconds.

We will make our own judgments

I can see it now, and I'm telling you
you don't have time to wait.

Not even 40 seconds.

Ferengi pod out.

Damn it, Arridor!

We're 70,000 light years
away from our ships.

Come on, now. Follow us in.
We'll lead you.


It's getting worse.

I'm taking us in, Data,
with or without them.

Thrusters at half-power.

Entering outer event horizon.

They panic quickly under pressure.

There. Precisely as scheduled.

Right where I expected it to be.

Everyone was talking today

about the way
you absorbed the Caldonian bid.

Well, the opening was there. I took it.

Commander Riker didn't know
how you managed it.

Let me tell you something
about Commander Riker.

He's good.

He's the most dangerous man
in that room to me.

But he doesn't have an edge,
your edge.

Our edge.

You make it sound unethical.

Isn't it?

Deanna, it's just business.

Why haven't you told anyone
you're an empath?

Because I find
it makes people uncomfortable.

I think you don't tell them
SO you can gain an advantage.

Well, I gained an advantage
by using it with you.

You didn't seem to mind that.

Look, Deanna.

The point of negotiating
is to take advantage.

I don't know
what the other side is offering,

and they don't know
what I'm offering.

So we dance around each other
until somebody wins.

I never cry foul when I lose.

But you're reading
their emotional states,

their inner selves, and then using that
to manipulate them.

Well, people have been doing that
for thousands of years.

Just by listening carefully.

By watching body language.

I just happen to be better at it.

You do it.

I do it to help my crew,
not outmaneuver them.

And I don't hide that I'm an empath.

Oh, so you announce it
to every alien culture you encounter?

Or do you use it
to give your side an advantage?

Do you tell the Romulan
that's about to attack

that you sense
that he may be bluffing?

Or do you just tell it to your captain?

That's different.

That's a matter of protection.

Yes. Protection. Your protection.

Your captain, your crew, your edge.


Now it's a matter of life and death
when you take the advantage. Me?

I deal in property.


Nobody gets hurt.

So you tell me,

which one of us would you say
has more of a problem with ethics?

Excuse me.

May I join you, commander?

Bought out the Ferengi yet, Ral?

- Think I should give it a try?
- No, but I think you will.

One way or another,
it's gonna come down to you and me.

You know, you're very good at this.

Very good.
Much better than you realize.

Oh, I hope I'm better
than you realize.

The last mile of the marathon
is always the toughest.

That's when the winners
are willing to take the big risks.

- Are you willing to do that?
- We'll see, won't we?

Well, let's see now.

I'm prepared to reach a firm agreement
with Bhavani

before we learn the outcome
of your probe's expedition.

Are you?

Well, well, well,

that would not be
looked upon favorably

by the Federation, I'd imagine.

You see, you have to be willing
to take that last step alone,

or it just isn't worth playing.

Your point of view, not mine.

Oh, I see that, commander,
I see that.

Otherwise you wouldn't be
second in command

of this starship.

You know, I feel responsible
for you in a way.



We both love Deanna.

Oh, in different ways, of course.

I will remove that burden
of responsibility right now.

My relationship with Deanna
stands very well on its own,

without any help from you.

Of course it does, of course it does.
It's just that...

Well, she's a remarkable woman.

Brilliant. Lovely.

Very passionate.

And she could have been yours,

but you just didn't do enough
to keep her.

And now, well,

I'm here,

and I'm going to take her too.

That's the first bad play
I've seen you make.

If you can bring happiness
into Deanna's life,

nothing would please me more.

You know, you're really not
such a bad sort, Ral.

Except you don't have any values
beyond the value of today's bid, that is.

Deanna is just the woman

to bring some meaning
to your sorry existence,

if you're smart enough to take it.

I doubt that you are.

To the last mile.

Sir, the Ferengi vessel
is moving out of orbit.

Impulse power.

They are approaching the entry
to the wormhole, sir.

Computer, is the Ferengi Goss
still onboard the Enterprise?

COMPUTER: DaiMon Goss departed
the Enterprise at 1400 hours.

They are powering
forward m*ssile launchers.

Yellow alert. Hail the Ferengi.

Request an explanation
of your actions, DaiMon Goss.

I've learned from informed sources

that the Federation
has manipulated these negotiations

from the very beginning,

and has already signed
a secret agreement with the Barzans.

That is not true.

The Ferengi offer
was never seriously considered.

Premier Bhavani welcomed you
to these proceedings,

despite my better judgment.

We will be ignored no longer.

They've fired a m*ssile
directly at the opening, sir.

- Destroy it.
WORF: On-screen.

Firing phasers.

Your offers both have merit,

If I could find a deciding factor...


Riker to Picard.
What's happening, captain?

Goss has fired a m*ssile
at the wormhole.

I need you on the Bridge,
Number One.

Excuse me.

Excuse me for saying so
under the circumstances, premier,

but this fight seems to really be

between the Federation
and the Ferengi.

Now, it seems unconscionable
that your wormhole

is being used as a pawn
in their power struggle.

You must know
we will not allow you to do this.

GOSS: If the Ferengi cannot have
the wormhole, no one will.

A m*ssile will have
no destructive effect on a wormhole.

But if it should explode
near the shuttlecraft,

they will be destroyed.

Casualties of w*r, captain.

My men are prepared to die.
Are yours?

Captain, he's lying.

I'm almost sure of it.
He doesn't mean what he says.

Why? What is he doing it for then?

Permission to enter the Bridge,

Premier, with all due respect--

I believe I'm in a better position

to settle this with DaiMon Goss
than you are.

May I address him?


DaiMon Goss, this is Devinoni Ral.

I have nothing to say to you, Ral.

Well, then just listen.

The planet Barzan has reached
an agreement with the Chrysalians

for long term control
of the wormhole.

Now, on behalf of the Chrysalians,
I'm prepared to offer the Ferengi

free access to the wormhole
in perpetuity.

I have your word on this?

Yes. My word, sir.

In exchange
for Ferengi convoy privileges

to be negotiated in good faith.

This is an acceptable offer.

The Ferengi vessel has shut down
its forward m*ssile launcher.

Stand down red alert.

Commander Riker.

I'm sorry you had to learn
about my decision this way.

You represented the Federation well.

But I have come to believe
that the Chrysalians' tradition of peace

is more desirable to my planet.

Excuse me, premier,
there's something you should know.

I'm sorry, was there something
you wanted to say?

No. Not at all.

I've sensed
you suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Well, after all,
it was a very tense situation.

But that's what's so odd.

It wasn't tense at all.

In fact, I sensed no tension
from you or Goss.

What? I was tense.

I was ready to blow it up.

- What-- I strongly protest!
- Screen off.

It was as though you were performing
a scene for all of us.

Pardon me, captain, I believe
there's a slight conflict of interest here.

I agree. Entirely.

Mr. Ral asked me not to tell anyone
he has empathic powers

which he uses to manipulate
his competitors in a negotiation.

And, yes, it did put me
in a conflict of interest

which I hope I have now resolved.

Premier, I believe Ral
has used your fear

of continuing aggression

between the Federation
and its enemies

to undermine our position.

I also believe that this incident
was staged by Ral and Goss

to provide you a reason to choose
in favor of the Chrysalians.

Captain, it's the shuttlecraft.
They're coming back through.

Shuttle 9 to Enterprise.


This is Shuttle 9 reporting in.


And the Ferengi pod, commander?

Trapped. On the other side, sir.

Delta Quadrant.
We tried to warn them.

They wouldn't follow us.


Captain, this end of the wormhole
is currently stable,

but the other end
apparently shifts positions periodically.

The Barzan probe had no way
to recognize this.

both sides will be unstable.

It's a dry well, captain. Worthless.

Acknowledged, shuttle.

Main shuttlebay,

- prepare for final approach.
CREW MEMBER: Aye, sir.

Captain, DaiMon Goss is demanding
to know where his men are.

Advise him to set his coordinates
for the Delta Quadrant.

He may run into them
in 80 years or so.

Mr. Ral.

Congratulations on winning the rights
to the Barzan wormhole.

I take the risks, Mr. Riker.

And I stand by my agreements.

Come in.

- When do you leave?
- Soon.

I've been recalled
by the Chrysalians.

Explanations demanded
and so forth.

I'm sorry.

Well, I've done well for them
over the years.

They understand the stakes.

It'll be fine.

I had to do it, Troi.

Bhavani was ready to go
with the Federation.

I sensed it.

I'd used up every card in the deck.

I needed to change the rules.

You must have known
I couldn't allow you to do that.

My human physical response

must have been blocking
my Betazoid senses.

I'm very grateful
for what you did in a way.

It's made me take a hard look
at who I am.

I don't like what I see.

I once asked you
to run away with me.

Now I'm asking again.

I need you.

You could help me change.
You could--

You could be my conscience.

I already have a job as counselor.
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