05x14 - Wasichu

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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05x14 - Wasichu

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event.

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

I'll be home late tonight.

It makes two of us.

Are you still sleepy?

I thought we took care of that.

Morning, Alma.

I left you a note.


The civic leaders in Evian will brief you on the impact to their city.


You have to fly there to catch a train to Evian.

Your vote is an opportunity to right historical wrongs.

Paris opera ballet.

How'd you know my wife likes ballet?

Well, she contributes to the Brooklyn ballet, doesn't she?

Very considerate, Jay.

You this good to your wife?

Attention, please.

Passengers may now board the 10:27 train to Baltimore on track 12.


Yes, I just called the train.

Oh, you're here?

Uh, no, no, it's fine.

What hotel?


That covers the radio spots, the phone banks, and my hours.

I guess it'll seem like peanuts when we're up and running.

Chief, it's a small price to pay to reclaim your rightful future.

What, are you going gospel on me?

Where did you tell him you were today?

I'm having a root canal.

Can't you tell?

I hate to kick you out, but I can take a hint.

Hey, sweetie, just checking in.

I'm leaving for the Garden in half an hour.

I'll see you around 7.

Love you.



Works for me.

How about this?

Give me five.

- Here you go.

- Thanks.

Jay! How are you?


Law & Order CI Meet Paula Kendall, age 31.

Her husband, Jay said he found her when he came home from work around 7.

Said they were both late coming home.

You should see him.

His shirt's covered in blood.

- Is there any marks on him?

- Not that I saw.

EMS is checking him out.

Assuming it's the husband.

What about a burglar?

No evidence of that.

No ransacking either.

Just the mess you see here.

Her shield was in her briefcase over by the door.

Along with her w*apon.

Agent Kendall.

United states secret service.

When they show up, come find us.

Coat on the floor, blood on the door.

Looks like she had just gotten home.

No defensive wounds.

Somebody with her kind of training not to put up a fight?

Hey, guys.

Let's get this couch up.

One swing of this would put a hole in anybody's head.

It's her hair.

There's a brown hair caught in her wedding band.

Probably hers.

Maybe she took it off.

Maybe he put it back on her in a hurry.


She got a car?

I'm betting this isn't what agent Kendall wears to protect the president.

EMS is done with the husband.

Put him in a patrol car and have him brought to our squad.

/ Okay.

If we think she was having an affair, maybe he thought so too.

Right this way, Mr.


Here comes the cavalry.

Special agent Putney.

I was agent Kendall's supervisor.

Detective Barek, this is detective Logan.

Major case squad.

We're very sorry about agent Kendall.

Thank you.

- Who found her?

- Her husband.

And we're gonna need to know about her activities today, if you don't mind.

We'll want to talk to her husband.

He's in the house.

Go ahead.


I held her in my arms when I found her.

That's how her blood got on me.

We still have to test it in case evidence transferred from your wife to you.

Were you late coming home from work?

/ Yeah, um I was at a college game at the Garden.

Oh, yeah?

You were playing hooky from work, huh?

No, it was work.

I'm a lobbyist.

Um, someone was hosting a hospitality suite.

I left when the game ended.

You told one of the other detectives that your wife came home late.

How do you know?

Paula told me this morning she'd be late.

She was secret service, so she never gave me any details.

Who knew she was secret service?

Just the close family.

It's not something we told people.

That must have been tough.

Not knowing what she was doing day to day, where she was.

I accepted it.

She loved her job.

But she was an attractive young woman working with a lot of guys.

Paula and I were very happy.

You called 911 as soon as you found her?


³× Well, uh, no.

I mean, I tried to revive her.

Then I called.

Just that one call?


I couldn't get through.

I had to call back.

I just I just held onto her.

I couldn't let her go.

Um, I need to call her family.

I don't like that gap between the 911 calls.

I just got a call from the chief of D's about my detectives giving the runaround to the secret service.

Didn't I give you my speech about catching more flies with honey?

Because I know your partner's heard it.

Gee I'm not authorized to discuss the nature of agent Kendall's work.

As I understand the guidelines, you're not authorized unless her work's material to our investigation.

There's no reason to believe it is.

Oh, so you just want us to take your word for it?

My detectives found a change of clothes in agent Kendall's car.

The kind a woman might wear to meet a lover.

They also think she took off her wedding ring at some point today.

We hope it's related to her work.

'Cause otherwise it paints a tawdry picture of one of your agents.

Kendall was participating in a credit card fraud sting.

She was undercover today meeting with a suspect in a hotel.

- What was her cover?

- Credit card company employee.

She sold the suspect a database of half a million card numbers.

Her and her husband, Jay.

How were things between them as far as you know?


That was my impression.

He said she was gonna be home late tonight.

She had a meeting with a potential informant at a bar in midtown.

A female in her 20s.

That's all we know.

Kendall went alone.

She was a brave lady.

We'll do right by her.

You keep us in the loop.

We'll do the same.

That was a big help.

No offer to look at her work files, desk, nothing.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Meantime, you have her briefcase.

Whatever else she left in her house.

Home of Jay & Paula Kendall Brooklyn, New York Tuesday, March 7 Well, it looks like it's just the husband's stuff.

Maid doesn't clean up very well.

What do you got?

Something in her date book about the meeting with the informant.

A name, Amanda.

The rest is the usual federal B.


paper-clipped requisitions in triplicate.

This package?

The address is right, but the name says "Joseph Dwyer.

" Custom label says it's printed material.

That doesn't sound right.

Hydroponic indoor grow-light system.

Well, back in the day, there was only one thing you grew indoors, and it wasn't tomatoes.

Joseph Dwyer is 72 years old.

For the last two months, he's been in the hospital recovering from a stroke.

As far as his housekeeper knows, he has not taken up Gardening.

Well, the company sent out hydroponic supplies charged to Dwyer's credit card to six houses on this street.

The only houses that weren't hit were that one, with the tricycle in front of it, and that one.

Check out the skateboard.

I'm guessing that junior got ahold of Mr.

Dwyer's credit card.

The police were already at the Kendalls' when I got home.

Jud rolled in an hour later.

So, you see, there was no one home to witness anything.

Where were you, Jud?

Doing your good deeds?

We heard he's been helping old man Dwyer since he went in the hospital.



Yeah, he picks up Mr.

Dwyer's deliveries.

They keep getting sent to the wrong addresses.

Old man Dwyer's gotten into hydroponic Gardening.

Oh, what now, Jud?

You ordered that stuff?

Why, to grow pot?

How much money did you waste?

He uses Mr.

Dwyer's credit card.

Why, you little punk.

The last package was delivered yesterday to the Kendalls'.

I bet you were watching from right there.

You saw Paula Kendall come home?

Did you know she was secret service?

What happened, Jud?

Did she thr*aten to arrest you and you panicked?

No! I, I I never touched her.

I never talked to her.

I just - I just watched.

- Oh, for god's sake, Jud.

- Stop lying.

- Hold, hold on.

You say you watched.

What'd you see, Jud?

I saw a man k*ll her.

I was gonna ring the bell, but I heard noises, and I looked in the window and this guy was hitting her, and blood was flying everywhere.

Can you tell us what he looked like?

No, he was wearing some kind of uniform, like a gas company guy.

- Did she come home alone?

- Uh-huh.

She put her car in the garage, and it's like she forgot something.

I think she got a ring out of this pink bag, and then she went in the house.

After the beating, what happened?

I don't know.

I ran away.

I got scared, maybe he saw me.

Now wait a minute, you saw her put a ring on from all the way over here?

- I mean, it was dark out.

- No.

it was still light.

Just before 5.

Before 5?

You sure about that?

That's two hours earlier than when the husband expected her home.

Maybe the informant never showed up for the meeting, so she went home.

If the intruder was already in the house, he probably didn't expect her.

He wasn't there to k*ll her.

He was after something else.

I've known Jay and Paula since the day they met in my poli-sci class.

They were young then and passionate idealists.

Though Jay chose politics to fight for the causes he believes in, Paula chose a different arena in which to defend our great institutions.

Though, like most of you, it was only upon her death that I found out she joined the secret service, it came as no surprise.

- To our Paula.

- To Paula.


Anything you need, just let us know.

I'm very sorry, brother.

She was a beautiful lady.

Thank you, chief.

Jay, there's no justice to it.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you, congressman.



I'm here to convey the condolences of Mr.

Sam Cartegna.

Uh, please send him my gratitude.

Well, 5 o'clock is blackout time for burglars.

People coming home, the neighborhood's busy.

They might've been after information on agent Kendall's investigations.

According to secret service, all her sensitive files were locked up at work.

There were files piled up on a desk in the den.

Looked like they were put together in a hurry, huh?

Here's a computer plug, but no computer.

Most of the stuff was the husband's.

Like a lobbyist.

See what pies he has his fingers in.

"Hartson technologies".

"Keepers of Glen Eagle bay".

"Alliance for a just society".

You know, I could eat for a month on what this guy spends on one lunch.

But get this.

Twice a week he goes all the way out to Rogerstown, Long island, and blows 20 bucks at the South End diner.

Think it's the grilled cheese?

South End Diner Long Island, New York Thursday, March 9 I think we've been made.

Yeah, but as what?

We're not far from the Peconic Indian reservation.

Talk about feeling like a stranger in your own country.


Them or us?

- Coffee?

- Yes, thank you.

Smells good, uh?

We've been going through the Hamptons.

Every place we stopped at, they tried to sell us that decaf latte soy crap.

You'll like our prices better too.

Yeah, well, good.

Hey, uh, you mind answering a few questions?

You guys are city cops, right?

I knew it.

Hey, Annie, you owe me a buck! She thought you were county cops.

Do you remember this guy?

Yeah, egg white omelet.

Our cook doesn't normally make stuff like that, but he did on account he was with the chief.

The chief?

/ Chief Johnson.

Our tribal chief.

Remember what they were talking about?


The casino.

You getting a casino out here?

They're working on it.

Those fancy people in their beach mansions are gonna be real mad.

I'm gonna be a blackjack dealer.

Excuse me.

A casino in the Hamptons.

Jay Kendall's new cause.

That's just what they need.

An addiction-driven economy.

Hey, it's better than no economy at all.

I don't remember the Peconic tribe being on Kendall's client list.

Weren't the "Keepers of Glen Eagle bay" his clients?

Look at that.

Glen Eagle hall.

Bingo every weekend.

Couldn't the keepers be the Peconic tribe?

Kendall doesn't want people to know he's lobbying for a casino.

It might rub his rich clients the wrong way.

Not just the clients.

What about the competition?

You got the Mohegans in Connecticut.

You got Trump and his pals down in Atlantic city.

And then closer to home?

The Masuccis and their gambling interests.

We've been tracking the mob activity in Suffolk county related to this Indian gaming initiative.

We expected them to put a bite on the tribe for a piece of the action.

But, my guys, they found this.

"Hamptons heritage society".

It sounds like they'd be against the casino.

They are.

Last month, they get a $50,000 contribution from a Mr.

Donald Miloknay.

Miloknay's a lawyer whose sole client is Sam Cartegna, the Masucci underboss.

Hamptons Heritage Society Long Island, New York Friday, March 10 It's a disgrace how the Peconics have been oppressed.

All of the broken treaties, but a casino isn't the answer.

Well, I'm sure their casino will give them better odds than they had.

It's a safety issue.

Our children ride their bikes down the street.

Well, you're worried about crime, but you'd take money from a mob lawyer.

Don't be ridiculous.


Donald Miloknay?

We spoke on the phone numerous times.

He didn't strike me as Next time ask him who his clients are.

I think I better speak to our attorney.

Excuse me.

These anti-gambling flyers, they're paid for by "Alliance for a just society".

That was on Kendall's client list.

He's lobbying for a casino and against it.

He's playing the cowboys and the Indians.

Due to a scheduling conflict, I won't be able to join the fact-finding trip to France.

- Well, you can always reschedule.

- No.

I think it's best we let our association cool for the time being.

This unfortunate circumstance with your wife is attracting too much attention to you.

I've got everything under control.

Do you, Jay?

Your "give me fives" are not gonna keep your boat from sinking.

And if I so much as get my hair wet, my young friend well, you get the idea.

Thank you for coming in.

"The Alliance for a just society" is a front that Kendall's using to funnel money to anti-gambling groups.

He's building up the opposition.

More opposition the Peconic tribe runs into, the more they need him.

And the more money they pay him.

He's been billing them half a million a month.

Get this.

He's also been making contributions to congressman Bellingham's re-election campaign.

- "Park Slope" Pete.

- Yeah.

What's his stake in this?

He's on a congressional committee for Indian gaming.

The Peconics need him on their side to push through their casino.

Here's congressman Bellingham on a fact-finding tour of casinos in London.

And here he is in Macau last November on another fact-finding mission.

You'd think he could find his facts closer to home.


I think Kendall's got a charge on his credit card in Macau.


November 23rd, $12,000 charge for the mandarin oriental hotel, MCU.

Short for Macau.

$3,000 charge at the golf course.

Also in Macau.

Maybe Kendall went to Macau with the congressman.

Except Kendall's got a charge at the Waldorf bar on the 22nd.

One at the Carnegie deli on the 24th.

I don't think you can get back and forth to Macau in one day.

So it means he sprung for the congressman's hotel and green fees.

Or we can add bribery to Kendall's bag of tricks.

Playing everyone against each other.

That's a game that can blow up in your face.

And get somebody k*lled.

I keep the lines of communication open on both sides of the gaming issue.

I've always been a bridge builder.

Anyway, my work has nothing to do with Paula's m*rder.

Actually we think that someone was in there looking for information on you.

And your wife walked in on them.

You didn't notice that your home office was searched?


No, I didn't see that.

I was with Paula, and then well, I haven't been home since.

You're staying at a hotel?

That's a change, huh?

Staying at the hotel that you're actually paying for?

We were looking at your credit card statements at the charges.

Macau, London, all for congressman Bellingham.

Those are fact-finding missions, to study the socio-economic impact of casinos on their local communities.

Did you tell anyone that you and your wife were gonna be home late?

- No, no.

I had no reason to.

- Just one more thing.

Do you think get your assistant to give us a list of your clients?


³× Sally, can you get me a client list?

There's blood on the laptop.

It might be his wife's.

Excuse me, Mr.

Kendall, we're gonna need two copies of that.

Then go ahead, make two copies.

His shirt was soaked in her blood.

If that's the computer from the den, he would have gotten blood on it when he took it out of the house.

Well, no computer.

Took it out before we got there.

Yeah, well what about that gap between those 911 calls?

Maybe he was cleaning up the den.

He didn't want us to know someone was in there trying to get dirt on him.

Yeah, Kendall might be hiding something other than a couple of hotel bills.

This guy wants some attention.

Excuse me.

You retired from the job?


³× I took a b*llet in the shin.

A week ago last Friday, you happen to know who was working the night shift?

I was.

That was the night Mr.

Kendall's wife got k*lled, right?

Sorry, I got, I got big ears.

You know, he got in that night around 12.

Well, like you said, his wife was k*lled.

Couldn't go home.

Maybe he came here to crash in his office.

Well, he took a couple of heavy bags out of his trunk.

And then later, there was a light on in that room where they keep their shredder.

That sucker sounded like it was going full blast.

/ No kidding.

You happen to know where they, uh, take the shredded material?

Sure, they got this private company comes by every Thursday to pick it up.

You're kidding, right?

There's no way I can make these CDs readable again.

Blood on the laptop is Paula's.

Any luck here?

Detective Logan thinks all we need is a pot of Elmer's glue and a pitcher of margaritas Yeah, yeah.

Now you're talking.

I always liked jigsaw puzzles.

First word could be millennium.

S, T S, T studies.

Millennium studies?

That's very impressive, Barek.

"The millennium studies center is an international think t*nk" "under the high-powered directorship of futurists," "Victor Fergus and Stephen Talbot.

" They've been coming up with big ideas for the Peconic tribe?

And big fees.

$17 million in the last year, according to their last tax filing.

Where are the Peconics getting this money?


Once the casinos are up and running, they'll make it back in a month.

Over half the discs Kendall shredded were labeled millennium studies center.

This is the big secret he didn't want us to know.

Well, now we know about it.

Pay them a visit.

Well, they're address is a mail drop in midtown.

On their tax return, they claim business deductions, don't they, like office rent?

Check the return for an address.

Millennium Studies Center Queens, New York Monday, March 13 This is the millennium studies center.

Yeah, officers, this is it.

And the high-powered futurists, uh, Victor Fergus Stephen Talbot, that's you.

Jay asked us if we wanted to be heads of an international corporation.

- It's kind of hard to turn down.

- I bet.

- What's he paying you?

- Just rent and food, man.

Right, and the Charles Bartlett woodblock prints for, what, 20 grand apiece?

Okay, maybe a little spending money.

What do you do for this money?

Jay said we didn't have to do anything.

It sounded pretty good to us.

And it never occurred to you that, that he was running some kind of scam?

No, I don't believe that about Jay.

Ever summer during high school, he spent every day tutoring poor kids at Bed-Stuy for free.

Well, high school was a long time ago, fellas.

What happened here?

Uh, somebody broke in last week.

Yeah, I cut my feet on the glass coming up the walk.


Somebody breaks in glass usually falls inside.

What got stolen?

Just a couple of boards and my laptop.

With millennium business on it.

Yeah, emails from Jay checking in.

This lock's been picked.

They broke the window on the way out.

Cover the fact that you been hit by pros.

You tell Jay you been broken into?

No, we didn't want to bother him after what happened to Paula.

We filed a report with the police here.

You faxed it?

Some insurance company called.

They called you?

Is this the number you faxed it to with the 579 exchange?


³× When were you going to tell us you were on to this bogus think thank?

We don't know if it relates to agent Kendall's death.

Were you afraid that we were gonna find out that your agent Kendall was doing business with her husband?

There's no evidence she knew what he was up to.

He was dirty up to his eyeballs.

He was skimming millions.

And she didn't know?

What kind of secret service agent was she?

You found the informant agent Kendall was supposed to meet the evening she was k*lled.

Yeah, through phone records.

She called Paula's direct line.

They had a meeting after all.

It lasted less than five minutes.

Paula must have decided that she didn't have anything to offer.

So you cleared her?

Did you ask her how she got agent Kendall's direct number?

I was working at a credit card company.

People were coming up all the time.

You know, offering money for numbers and passwords?

And you thought you'd pass their names along to the secret service.

That's very civic-minded.

How did you get agent Kendall's name and number?

Maybe somebody in our fraud department?

This isn't a game show, Amanda.

You don't have to phrase your answers in the form of a question.

Now, you're meeting with agent Kendall.

Why did it get cut short?

I don't know.

You messed up.

You were supposed to keep her there longer.

Somebody put you up to calling her.

They didn't want her to go home.

That way they could break into her place.

Okay, I don't know anything about that part.

This cop just said I had to make a meeting with her.

What cop?

I was working at a phone bank last month for this fundraiser.

People were calling, pledging money.

I wrote down some of their credit card information.

- And I ordered a few things.

- And you got caught.

This cop came to my place a few weeks ago and said that they wouldn't press charges if I helped them with this crooked secret service person.

Agent Kendall.

/ He wanted me to set up a meeting with her.

Who was this fundraiser for?

Congressman I forgot his name.

Congressman Pete Bellingham?

Let me get you a refill.

"Park Slope" Pete.

If he's taking bribes from Kendall than he's gotta have a vested interest in what else Kendall's into.

And he might have used an ex-cop to find out.

Throwing my support behind the casinos now won't change any minds.

- But in another year - In another year?

Jay will explain it.

I have great regard for the Peconic people.

Thank you.

What the hell is going on?

He's got political fences to mend.

He, his support will mean more down the line.

Down the line After you squeeze a few more million out of the dumb Indians?

Chief, I I can't believe that I fell for your dances with wolves act! He does you an injustice.

He doesn't realize it wasn't always an act.

Back when you were a congressional aide / Congressman.

You made a liar out of me.

I can't be seen doing favors for people who paid for them.

I need deniability right now, Jay.

On another matter, I have a friend with a jealous wife.

He needs to account for his time a week ago, Friday, from 4 to 7.


We were at the Garden, weren't we?

In a hospitality suite?

See if you can't add my friend's name to the guest list.

He'll fax you his credentials.

I just got a call.

The cops were at the beach house.

It's bad, Jay.

I'm taking Susie and the kids away tonight.

You should get out too, buddy.

The balloons are about to come down.

The fundrasing committee heard someone skimmed credit card numbers from their contributors, they put a P.


firm on the case.

They found this Amanda, the phone bank operator.

They passed her name to someone in congressman Bellingham's office.

A Ted Bruno, some sort of security consultant on the congressman.

Which, from the look at this guy, is just a fancy name for a retired cop.

Bruno worked burglary in Bellingham's district and moonlighted as congressman's driver.

What do we have on Mr.


Amanda identified him as the man who asked her to meet with agent Kendall.

He also had an interesting collection of ID badges at his place.

The congressman didn't want any publicity over the thefts, so I told Amanda if she made restitutions, she wouldn't face charges.

What about the rest of her story, Ted?

Meeting up with agent Kendall.

I don't know.

Maybe she thought she could make a few bucks being a snitch for the secret service.

Well, what about these?

Souvenirs from your days undercover?

You know how it is.

Stuff piles up in a drawer.

Yeah, I got drawers that won't even close.

I understand.

What about this gas company badge?

You got a uniform that goes with it?


Just the badge.

Because when Paula Kendall was beaten with a $500 putter, there was a witness.

Who saw her getting beaten by a guy wearing a gas company jacket.

How long you been driving for the congressman?

Six years.

Six years of him telling you to turn left, turn right, double park so he can bang his girlfriend.

And now what, you're gonna clean up his little messes?

You know how much grease he's getting from that casino?

Millions, my friend.


And you, the fixer?

Ah, you're dressing like me.

Right off the rack.

I think you know how this is gonna go down.

You're the only one that was in agent Kendall's house.

You're the only one who talked to Amanda Breen.

Bellingham's gonna say you did it without his knowledge.

That you're a cowboy.

Don't go down alone.

Take the dirtbag with you.

I was with the congressman the whole afternoon.

I wasn't anywhere near that house.

You can ask him.

Office of Congressman Peter Bellingham Brooklyn, New York Wednesday, March 15 Ted Bruno's a loyal employee.

A bit of an unguided m*ssile.


Is he a cowboy, is that what you mean?

We need to verify his whereabouts on the Friday two weeks ago between 4 and 6.

Friday, really?

He was with me.

And where was that, congressman?

At a college basketball game at the Garden.

Hospitality suite.

Was there a sign-in at the hospitality suite?

I believe Mr.

Bruno had to show identification.

The Clifton foundation will have all the information.

They were the hosts of the suite.

What do you suspect Ted of doing?

Breaking into Jay Kendall's house.

Good lord, why would he do that?

Maybe he had a misplaced loyalty to you.

He knew you were close to Kendall.

Jay is one lobbyist among many.

A lot of people want access to me.

Oh, yeah, and they're gonna pony up to get it.

I mean, in the last four years you've racked up over a hundred flights on corporate jets.

over 300 meals at gourmet restaurants.

All courtesy of special interest groups.

Those were all legal under the rules.

That's not including the fact-finding trips to London, Macau, the Bahamas Monte Carlo?

Arranged by Jay and paid for by the Peconic tribes.

Even if I was so inclined Do you think I would be so careless as to become involved in illegalities with a man married to a secret service agent?

You knew she was secret service?

It was one of the first things Jay told me when we met.

He was very proud of her.

Now we're done here.

And once you've cleared Mr.

Bruno, I hope you'll have the decency to apologize to him.

Jay told us the only people who knew Paula was secret service were their families.

It's not something you tell a congressman just before bribing him.

Office of ADA Ron Carver One Hogan Place Friday, March 17 Bellingham sits on a house subcommittee on electronic fraud.

Last month, the secret service sent up this list of agents qualified to testify on the subject.

Special agent Paula Kendall.

Yeah, so Bellingham finds out that the lobbyist that he's been taking bribes from beds down every night with a law enforcement agent.

He might have panicked and imagined Jay Kendall was cooperating in a bribery sting.

So he sends Bruno into Kendall's house to find out.

This is from the people who ran the hospitality suite at the Garden.

Ted Bruno's name is on the list of people they checked in.

- Then he's alibied?

- Not necessarily.

Each person put down their name and address.

After the event, the computer arranged the list according to zip codes.

Bruno's name is at the end of the list and out of order.

Meaning it was added later.

Somebody hacked in.

Who has access?

One of the Clifton foundation's biggest contributors is Jay Kendall associates.

In return, Clifton gives Kendall access to the mailing list database.

Jay Kendall planted Ted Bruno's name on that list?


Unless we can prove Mr.

Bruno's name was added fraudulently to that list, his alibi might stand up.

The only guy who can prove it is the guy who added the name.



If he's willing to protect his wife's m*rder*r to save his own skin, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

His partner left the country yesterday by private plane with his family.

Destination unknown.

Kendall hasn't left yet.

Well, what's he waiting for?

Maybe he isn't a lost cause after all.

Before we unseal the house and turn it back over to you, we need to go through the events of the evening just one more time.

- Can we just make it quick, please?

- Sure.

We're gonna start in the den here.

Uh, I didn't go into the den.

Well, maybe you didn't, but we think the k*ller did.

These files here?

Somebody left them in a pile like this.

- Uh, I did that.

- Oh?

That was me, I the night before, I was working.

Oh, your maid doesn't remember the files being here.

Well, I can't account for her memory but I left the files there the night before.

I mean, why, why would I lie about that?

Okay, well, there was a computer here.

I took it work that morning.

The day your wife was m*rder*d?

Well, then, maybe you better explain how blood got on that computer.

Rear left corner, Jay.

We took a sample when we were in your office.

You brought that computer after you found Paula.

The same night you shredded the millennium discs.

Uh you know you know what, I'm gonna call my lawyer.

You do that now, you'll stand no chance with us.

You'll be charged as an accessory to your wife's m*rder.

Look, I did not m*rder my wife! You're helping the people who did.

All to cover up your own corruption.

I'm not corrupt! the surfing USA think t*nk?

Yeah, I, I can justify that.

Look, the Peconics get my full energy.

I will deliver for them.

You want us to believe that you're a good person.

Like Paula still believed.

Unless she was in on it.


No, she didn't know! Didn't know what, Mr.


She thought you were the same boy that she met in college.

A decent boy.

Who tutored kids in bed-stuy for free.

Look, I'm still a decent person.

How do you figure that, Jay?

You're letting the people who k*lled your wife get away.

What would you say to Paula now?

How would you explain this to her?

Oh, god.

Oh, god, Paula.

She's dead because of what I did.

Make it up to her, Jay.

Talk to us.

You didn't run.

You wanted to make it right.

Paula never wanted to be rich.

You know, I, I took the money because it was so easy.

I mean, and they just handed it to me because I had access.

I just spread it around.

Everybody got some.

Especially Bellingham.

Did he tell you what his guy Bruno did?

No, but I figured it out.

Bruno's alibi.

Whose idea was that?

Bellingham told me to add bruno's name to the list.

I knew what they were asking, but I did it anyway.

They k*lled Paula.

And I was too scared to say anything.

Now, Mr.


You call your lawyer.

We need Bellingham on tape to make it stick.

We can't just send Kendall in with a wire.

Bellingham would smell it.

And Bruno's got no reason to cooperate.

Let's make Bellingham come to Kendall.

Bruno's eyes lit up when I mentioned the millions that Bellingham was making off the Peconic.

We release Bruno, freeze his bank accounts.

And I'm betting he's gonna hit up Bellingham for money.

And Bellingham's too cheap to dig into his own pockets.

He'll go where the money is.

Jay Kendall.

A million dollars.

I don't know where Bruno got the idea I have that kind of money.

Maybe it was all those private jets you fly.

No time for jokes.

His demand must be met.

You have the wiring instructions?

So how do you know he's not working for the police?

I don't! That's why the payment has to be from one of your numbered accounts.

What was he doing in my house, congressman?

Why'd you send him?

Yeah, "give me five"?

That's a little code my partner and I use.

Only someone who's read our private emails would know it.

You gave yourself away.

What was that thug doing in my house?

First of all what happened to Paula was an accident.

Bruno took every precaution.

I discovered what she was! I became very worried I was being targeted for investigation.

Damn it, Jay, why didn't you tell me she worked for the secret service?

Why didn't you just come to me when you found out?

How could I reasonably expect you to tell me the truth?


Consider what you do for a living! You advocate positions you don't believe in.

And convincingly! Are you finished with that?


³× I'll have my assistant fax it to the bank.

So, if I wasn't such a good liar, Paula would still be alive?

- You're busted.

- What?

Congressman Bellingham, you're under arrest for m*rder.

You I was right not to trust you! I hope you got a good price! He's getting nothing.

He didn't ask for a deal and we didn't offer one.

Okay, it's your turn.

You know, my father always told me that I married up.

He was right.

She was better than me.
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