05x11 - Slither

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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05x11 - Slither

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Sammie says if I wanna make friends, I have to look like I belong.

You have to bring all your good jewelry?

You brought all your watches.

It's Sammie.

Wait, wait, wait.

Did I tell you that Bernard is going to introduce me to the Donald?

About 50 times.

I prefer a hero's journey.

It's It's so much more involving.

Bernard, the concept of heroes and villains is so dated.

More champagne.


That german guy just invited me to the Hamptons this weekend.

Well, you could do worse.

He owns a shipyard.

Bernard, tell Marcel to leave me alone.

Sammie! I want to dance.

They pretend not to like each other.

I suppose they think I'll be jealous.

I'm about to pass out on my feet.

well, I can fix that.

Come with me.

We're not talking about dr*gs, are we?

We're talking espresso, my friend! Oh, dr*gs are for people who don't know how to have a good time.

- Russ.

- Uh, yeah?

Your report looked a little screwy, so I ran the numbers.

Oh, good catch.


- You okay?

- Uh, yeah.

I just, uh, caught a bug.

You need to party less, buddy.

Where's Monica?

I have her drink.

Oh, she's in the powder room.

Can't shake that flu.

I got it myself.

Oh, my god! We have to get out of here.

- What is it?

What's wrong?

- Come on! I'll get Bernard.

Monica! Monica, what's wrong?

Tell me! No! No! No! Oh, no! They been squatting here since last week.

Every time I try to get them out, the lady takes a swing at me.

Police, open up.

Come on, you junkies.

Get out of here.

Okay, lady, get your clothes.


Sir My husband is a very important bank president.

Don't touch him! He needs his rest! His final rest.

He's DOA.




Wake up! Law & Order CI All they had were their skivvies.

Turns out Mr.

Corbett's a bank president from Grand rapids, missing since last Thursday.


Moody's a lawyer for the bank.

What was Mr.

Corbett doing in the city?

He was on a six-month stint at our corporate office.

Any drug incidents in his personnel file?


I don't know why they'd be at the hotel.

The bank leased him a very nice townhouse on the west side.


From townhouse to flophouse.

Fresh tracks.

Look at these bruises.

It's probably from being beaten.

And then there's this interesting crescent-shaped cut on his arm.

You got a timeline on his drug use?

He's a new recruit.

Cause of death was respiratory arrest from an overdose.

His tan is even between his fingers.

- Spray on.

- He got his eyebrows waxed.

I doubt he picked up metrosexual grooming tips in Grand rapids.

Psychiatric Ward Bellevue Hospital Wednesday, December 7 There was a party.

They didn't see it.

Who, who didn't see it?


Where's Russ?


Corbett, you said "they"?

Sammie, Bernard, they didn't see it.

She's lucky to be alive.

The amount of heroin in her system should have been enough to k*ll her.

To k*ll her?

They might have used heroin to chemically restrain them over the long weekend.

While their nice townhouse sat empty.

This is one of our most distinguished properties.

It was designed by stanford white Oh, my god.

Oh, no! Somebody had a busy weekend.

This, this place was a masterpiece.

Look, they even took the light fixtures.

I see.

Yeah, I've never seen a burglary quite like this one.

I think they actually stole the toilet.

Something was up here.

The Venus ceiling.

Venus on a half shell.

Yeah, it was a one-of-a-kind pressed tin ceiling.

I'm gonna call my office.

Same story upstairs.

They took everything but the light bulbs.

Everything in five days.

Even Venus.

The neighbor saw a truck parked out front all weekend.

Maybe a half dozen guys.

Nobody said boo.

Car, watches, china, art.

This g*ng used the whole buffalo.

Anybody at the bank know who the Corbetts were socializing with?

They hooked up with some party crowd a couple weeks after getting here.

Corbett started missing meetings.

His work got sloppy.

Fast lane isn't for everybody.

- Phone records?

- Lot of calls to no-name cell phones.


Shouldn't be too hard to unload this stuff.

/ Well, yeah.

They'd get the best price from someone restoring a stanford white building.

This website tracks renovations of architecturally important buildings in the city.

You just passed it.


Stanford white row house.

It is beautiful, but since it's not original to the house, I'm not interested.

You sure there's no tin ceiling in this house?


/ Just there's a cone nail.

A new cone nail.

That's what they used for tin ceilings.

That nail is probable cause for a search warrant.

So you can tell us now or after we slap on the handcuffs.

Okay, look, I didn't know that the ceiling was stolen.

I just got a call yesterday.

I went to take a look.

- It was exquisite.

- Who were they?

I don't know.

Two guys.

I met them in Soho, corner of Crosby and Howard.

They had it in a blue van.

And you didn't think it was stolen?

We'll get somebody over here.

Keep an eye on Venus till she can be transported.

He's only here for three months, but he's very eager for company.

Now, what about that other thing?

Marcel / Don't question me.

You make the big screw-ups.

Those hicks should be dead.

What are you doing with that watch?

I like it.

You better not let him see you You're the one to be careful.

Look at you, Hilary.

An old whore with no tricks.

No blue van.

A boot scraper.

You know, the cut on Russ Corbett's arm Dried blood.

Sounds like a party.

I am so sorry.

I don't know what happened.

We'll set up another appointment?

Uh, excuse me.

Was there a party in this building last Thursday night?

The police, just the people I wanna talk to.

Come with me.

Look at this.

They even took the faucets.

- Have you ever seen anything like this?

- Matter of fact.

Where are the owners?

In south America.

He's been subletting it to this screenwriter, Wes Banyon.

Uh-huh, and where is he now?


And three months late on his rent.

I got permission to show the place.

Today I come in, find this.

Loose fan belt.

Pry marks.

They tried to move it.

The screenwriter, describe him.

Mid-30s, black hair, goatee.

Fade out, Mr.


Talk to Wes three weeks ago.

Got him a rewrite job.

No can do.

Busy on a spec script.

A big secret.

Now this.

Very upsetting.

All right, Mr.


Thank you very much.

Very important voice.


Broken up very.

Rest of the body turned up.

The ME matched this head to a body that they found in Staten island last week.

Head and hands had been cut off.

Now, the body is bruised, probably from a fight.

Fits with the cause of death.

Blunt force trauma to the back of the head.

Except for finding his head.

He might never have been identified.


No kidding.

Thank you very much.

A banker, a screenwriter, and now a missing heiress.

Latent found a fresh print on the vegetable bin.

Belongs to a Hilary Marsden.

Her parents reported her missing in 1985 in Hong Kong.

God, my parents spent a fortune trying to find my sister.

If Hilary were alive, she would have contacted us.

There's no mistake, Mala.

It's her fingerprint, and it's recent.

The missing persons report mentions Hilary was getting married?


She called us from Hong Kong.

Said she had met her soul mate, and she sounded so happy.

Then we didn't hear from her again.

That must have been hard for you, huh?

You were young when your sister disappeared.

It must have made the world a frightening place for you, huh?

Is this supposed to be her?

You know, older, blonder.

I saw that woman at a party a few weeks ago.

I didn't think it could be Hilary.

I just couldn't get her out of my head.

Whose party was it?

Um, a friend gave my name to a party service.

They fax me invitations, and I meet a lot of interesting people.

Sometimes they buy my art.

The In-crowd Monday, December 12 Her name's Hilary Marsden, Mr.

Fremont, with a "D.

" - She might be blonde now.

- Sorry, I don't recognize her.

What about your guest list database?

Maybe she's on it.

Uh, this way.

We have thousands of names.

If I like someone's look or personality, I add them to our list.

Uh, Sammie, I need you to find a number for these detectives.

Hilary Marsden, with a "D.

" You know, Sammie.

We, we, we met someone who has friends named Sammie and Bernard.

I'm Bernard.

Who's been talking about us?

Your friend Monica Corbett.

Monica and, uh ah, Russ.

We added them to our list because Russ has a goodish sort of job.

- You aren't friendly with them?

- They're very polite, but, uh they're not our sort.

I think that they want to be your sort.

He wax, he waxes his eyebrows.

He also copies your spray-on tan.

Detective, you outed him.

He pays a lot of money for that tan.

I hate my English pallor! Russ is very smitten with Bernard.

He has a boy crush on him.

Oh, Sammie thinks that everyone is madly in love with me.

Oh, I'm afraid to ask.

Has something happened to Russ and Monica?

Oh, yes.

They were abducted and, uh, drugged.

While their townhouse was being stripped.

Are they all right?

Monica's in a psychiatric ward, and Russ died of a heroin overdose.

So, no, they're not all right.

How about that database?

The loft was rented to a screenwriter named Wes Banyon.

Do you know him?


Is there someone else back here?

Blonde woman?

That was me.

No, no, no.

She was she was at the fax machine.

There's only Sammie, Marcel, and me.

I didn't find a Hilary Marsden.

Is this yours too?

Salon AKS on Madison avenue.

It's for chemically damaged hair.

You dye your hair?

Sammie, tell the truth.

Bernard insists my hair be a very particular shade of blonde.

I make so few demands.

Tell Monica that we're very sorry for her misfortune, detective Goren.

Goren, Eames.

says that's not a dye job.

But somebody who went from brunette to blonde would need a special conditioner.

Bernard looked like he knew our names.

Don't flatter yourself.

Yes, Hil's my client.

She used to be a very pretty girl.


Something happen to her?

She's had a lot of work.

Figure enhancements, facial restructuring.

And, my god, what we do to her hair.

She's very finicky about the color.

What'd she talk about when she was in the chair?

She's in real estate.

She's always asking me if I know any clients who are looking for short-term rentals.

High-end clients from out of town?

I get referrals from the best hotels.

You have an address or a number for her?

I messengered some products to her, to a chinese restaurant on Mott street.

She lives upstairs.

My sister?

She saw you at a party.

How did you get back in the country?

My mother's Irish.

We have dual citizenship.

I use my Irish passport.

I didn't want to deal with my parents.

- They spent a lot of money to find you.

- I'm sure they did.

And I'm sure they couldn't care less.

You told them you were marrying your soul mate.

That didn't work out, that's all.

My partner has famously bad taste in men.

Married liars.

That's my special t*rture.

Oh, it's nothing like that.

The man I fell in love with is the most fascinating, intelligent, sensitive.

The problem was me.

And do you know him?

He's a writer.

Wes Banyon.

He wanted to sublet his loft.

You've been in his loft?

Yeah, I do a very detailed inspection of every property I represent.

Why, did he say I did something wrong?

Wes was m*rder*d.

Every stick of furniture in his apartment stolen.

Except for the fridge we found his head in.

Oh, my god.

That's terrible.

You ever meet these people?

Russ and Monica Corbett?

They were abducted outside Banyon's loft.

Their place was stripped too, floorboards to rafters.

No, I never met them.

You know, I just thought of the perfect cover for someone who's scouting victims for a g*ng of thieves.

Real estate agent?

You can chat up the marks.

Find out where they live.

Find out how much money they make.

Size up their furnishings.

Is that what you did to Wes Banyon?


I don't know the Corbetts, and Wes Banyon didn't have a pot to piss in.

Are we finished?


Marsden hired a lawyer for her sister.

She had a very plausible explanation for why her fingerprint was on Mr.

Banyon's refrigerator.

She has a plausible explanation for every coincidence.

What are we dealing with here?

Some kind of Manson family?

If the Manson family shopped on Madison avenue.

Marcel, you're almost out of creme de menthe.

Let us toast.

To no more mistakes.

We've been making mistakes, and when I say "we," I mean you.

You let that woman live, Hilary.

That was a mistake.

But not a stupid mistake.

You make stupid mistakes! Leaving a severed head where police can find it.

- Letting Hilary get caught.

- Who needs her?

The old whore! But Sammie had the brilliant idea of contacting Mala to get Hilary out of jail.

We're lucky Mala's our sort.

Bernard I can't move my arms.

Ah, let me help you.

Mala, come here.

Did I tell you how pretty you look tonight?

Now take both ends of the tie.

Got it?

See how little pressure it takes to k*ll a man?

Oh, she's a natural.

I met Hilary at the Four seasons hotel.

She invited me to a gallery opening.

Where you met Bernard and Sammie?


Russ and I, it was our dream to come and live in New York.

Sammie and Bernard became a part of that dream.

Bernard ever talk about his life?


Whenever we would ask him a direct question, he'd make a joke.

- A joke?

- He'd say, "Soon you'll know more than you ever wanted to know about me," or "You'll brag to your friends that you knew me.

" She can't remember how she got in the hotel, who drugged her?

We started pulling robbery-homicide cold cases involving out-of-towners.

Two years ago, Belgian couple, rented house in Connecticut, came to the city for a big weekend.

Found unconscious in Central park.

They'd been doped with roofies while their house was being gutted.

Here's another one.

Australian executive last summer found dead off Canal street of a heroin overdose.

They hit his rental in the Hamptons.

Find rich tourists, dope them up, take them down.

The only deviation is Wes Banyon.

We have any background on these characters?

Bernard's a brit.

Became a US citizen by marrying Eileen Fremont six years ago.

Two years later, he moved to New York.

His wife is still in London.

Far as we know, they're still married.

This is interesting.

From the 2-7 about an office robbery two weeks ago.

Look who the complainant names as a suspect.

Wesley Banyon?

Wasn't he already dead two weeks ago?

Office of Lenny Dupar Wednesday, December 14 I give a man a place to work, and he steals.

It was like this when you found it?

The whole place was.

- You know what he was working on?

- A screenplay.

He said it would redefine him in the business.

I saw one page of it.

It had somebody setting a corpse on fire.

- Did he write with a typewriter?

- Yeah, an IBM selectric.

Sounded like a t*nk.

That's what this ribbon's from.

The cartridge of a selectric.

Not many places to unload those.

Turned up at a typewriter store in the Flatiron building.

Guy there said somebody who looked like Bernard's friend Marcel brought it in.

Got 50 bucks for it.

Have latent take a look at it.

See what other prints turn up.

I totally forgot I need an eye exam.

I'm just copying down the letters the same as they are on the ribbon.

And once we know what his script is about, then, then we'll know, uh, - why he was k*lled.

- See, I'd rather know who.



Okay, we'll be there.

Homicide in the West village.

The witness who found the body is asking for "inspector" Goren.

Apartment of Marcel Costas Thursday, December 15 His name's Marcel Costas.

The manager said this man, Mr.

Fremont, told him he hadn't heard from his friend in a few days, and asked him to open the apartment.

I didn't know who else to call.

It's horrible.

Who would do such a thing?

Well, maybe we can think of some ideas downtown, huh?

If that's an invitation, accepted.

Marcel and I met a year ago.

Over ties at Sulka.

He had flawless taste in neckwear.

You were close friends?

I don't think it was possible to be really close to Marcel.

But he was very loyal.

And, uh, a good extra man at dinner.

Though he never really favored the ladies.

Marcel liked to maintain the illusion that he was straight, but I know that he preferred the rough types.

But you, you're married.


To dear, sweet Eileen.

She lives in London.

She look like Sammie, busty, you know, cheekbones, blonde?

What a peculiar question.

No, we just know that you favor that type.

One, one of the girls, she dyed her hair.

She went under the knife to look more like your type.

What was her name?

Hilary Marsden?

Her again?

I do not know her.

You speak another language?

Well, some French, of course.

And Italian and No, no, another, like an Asian language.

No, because I noticed you have a slight glottal stop.

Very good, detective.

My father was in the foreign service in Taiwan.

And I learned Mandarin in grammar school.



You know, that's a coincidence.

We have a Chinese restaurant we go to lunch at.

They're goofing with me.

The name is in Chinese.

And they won't tell me the name of their restaurant.

Do you think you could tell me what it is?

"Uncle Shanghai's fragrant kitchen.

" Uncle Shanghai's fragrant kitchen.

Could you say it in Chinese?

Good day.

For your amusement Now you have absolutely everything you need from me.

You hit a nerve.

But which one?

He spoke Chinese with an accent.

But not a European accent.

With the accent of another Asian language.

Bangkwang prison?

Yeah, in Thailand.

That's his accent.

That's where Bernard grew up.

That's where he learned Chinese.

The script that Wes Banyon was writing it's about Bernard.

Let him have his fun.

It's the only way to keep a man.

Come on, it's a party, not a wake.

Hilary, Bernard is taking me to Miami! There's a bikini sale at Bergdorf's! You can both take her shopping tomorrow, hmm?

You know what I like.

Bangkok times, 1988.

My skin's already crawling.

I see Nicole Wallace.

And is that who I think it is with her?

Bernard Fremont.

AKA Thierry Gervais.

Just after they were arrested for m*rder at the Bangkok airport.

Fremont's French, he's not British.

He grew up in Thailand.

He was Nicole's boyfriend.

He taught her how to k*ll.

He's the school of m*rder.


Gervais, alias Bernard Fremont," "was released from prison after serving eight years.

" And Nicole served 10 for the same murders.


Wallace didn't have a well-connected American heiress greasing the wheels of justice on her behalf.

What have you come up with on Marcel's m*rder?

Drugged with rohypnol before being strangled.

Latent found the prints of five known male prostitutes in the bedroom.

We're finding what Bernard wants us to find.

Monica Corbett survived.

You found Mr.

Banyon's head.

He didn't make those mistakes.

That's why Marcel is dead.

It's punishment.

Then find a mistake he did make.

And, by the way, I'm sure it's occurred to you he might be in touch with Nicole wallace?

The tourist murders in Thailand all have the same MO.

Except for Bernard and Nicole getting caught at the airport with the passports of two victims, they were perfect crimes.

"Her betrayal"?

Who betrayed who?

When Bernard was arrested at the airport, where were the passports?

He was traveling with Nicole.

The passports were found in their luggage.

Seems like a rookie mistake.

Unless they were set up.

Hilary met him in 1985?

Her soul mate.

Three years later, he's with Nicole.

Hilary was jealous.

She planted the passports.

Then she rescued him from jail.

She's still in love with him.

I wonder if she knows Nicole's been in New York.

Old jealousies never die.

Yeah! Thank you.

He's just training her, that's all.

Yeah, well, I don't like her.

I don't like the way she looks at me.

Well, this is a surprise.

You said you didn't My friends know me as Hilary Dobbs, so We just saw your sister with Bernard.

They look pretty chummy.

Well, if you're just here to harass us You, know, uh Bernard he told us that he thinks that, uh, it was one of Marcel's dates that k*lled him.

We were hoping you could come down to the station, look at some photos.

We never really met any of Marcel's dates.

You know, we'd really like to close this case.

Bernard was so sure that it was one of them.

He'd love to know you helped us.

I met them.

Marcel was more open with me.

I'll look at the photos.

- Sammie - Come on.

Come on, Hilary.

I don't recognize any of them, I told you.

This one.

I saw him with Marcel maybe three weeks ago at a party.

Marcel said he was a real lowlife.

That's what he liked about him.


Well, that's detective Carmine.

I doubt he's been hustling on the side.

You were right.

Hilary knew better.

Better training, more experience.

Bernard taught you all the tricks.

You must be the one he loves.

He loves me more.

Shut up.

They're playing us.

I don't care, it's true.

He's my soul mate.

We're gonna be married.

Well, he's Hilary's soul mate too.

Isn't that right, Hilary?

He'd never marry her.

He makes fun of her.

All the work she's had.

How her boob job came out crooked.

Well, if you're his soul mate, what's he doing with Hilary's sister?

He's using her.

Will you shut up?

Hilary, it Why don't you get up, go back downstairs?

No, I'm not going without Sammie.

No, see, you are leaving and she's staying.

- A little thing about lying to the police.

- Hilary She doesn't know anything.

She doesn't know anything.

Marcel did the Corbetts.

Bernard didn't know anything about it.

And Wes Banyon, Bernard was working with him, and Marcel got insanely jealous and he k*lled Banyon.

Marcel was unstable.

He was a danger to Bernard, so So I k*lled him.

Bernard and Sammie had nothing to do with it.

Sammie, let's go.

Well, that was very bold.

You knew that she'd break, implicate Bernard.

But you don't believe that we actually think he's innocent, do you?

We know all about his work in Thailand.

He paid his debt.

He earned his freedom.

You earned it for him.

It must k*ll you to see him with Sammie, and Mala.

Well, at least he's not with Nicole.

Those tactics might work on Sammie.

They won't work on me.

You know, we found out that plastic surgery in Thailand is very cheap.

Is that what you did while you were waiting for him to get out of jail?

You knew that he was missing Nicole.

So you remade yourself in the image of his true soul mate?

He just likes blondes.

Do you know why he's here in New York?

Because Nicole is here.

He knows that.

And that's how he knows our names.

From newspaper clippings of the work that she did here.

It's a shame.

After you tried to get rid of her all those years ago.

What are you talking about?

When they were arrested at the airport in Thailand with the passports you planted in the luggage.


I was 400 miles away in Phuket when they got arrested.

Nicole put the passports in the suitcase.

She wanted Bernard arrested.

She wanted to leave him, but she was afraid that would come after her! So she got herself arrested with him?

Well, I'm sure that wasn't part of the plan, no.

No, no.

He taught her everything she knew.

She was loyal to him.

Don't you know her at all?

About her father?

Nicole hates men.

Okay, you're right.

She would turn on him.

Does he know?

She's his creation.

He thinks she's perfect.

Poor Bernard.

"Poor Bernard.

" He's a monster.

A monster?

Look at him.

He comes to New York.

Everybody wants to know him.

Everybody wants to be his friend.

Because he's special.

He makes you feel special.

And that is the story that Wes Banyon was hired to write.

A hero's journey.

Hilary, don't throw your life away.

It's done! Marcel and I did the killings.

Now I want a lawyer.

If she wants to fall on your sword for Mr.

Fremont, who are we to stop her?

Alone or not, she's m*rder*d at least three people that we know of.

Banyon was writing Bernard's life story.

I don't think he got what he he bargained for.

"I treat k*lling like a business, as" "impersonal as a handshake.

" Now, does that sound like the words of a hero?

It's absurd.

I live here, minding the laws.

Making an honest living.

Can't say the same for your friends.

We had Hilary Marsden, Dobbs, whatever in here.

She gave this statement.

Love makes some people commit outrageous acts in the name of loyalty.

I'm curious about this screenplay that Wes Banyon wrote about you.

It was excellent.

- It was mythic.

- Mythic?

I'd love to read it.

Wes wouldn't let me have a copy.

He made me come to his office to read it.

Did it mention the languages that you speak?

And my travels and my trysts with the most beautiful women in the Far East.

Your good taste in clothes.

In all things.

And my uncanny ability to always come out on top.

Except for your eight years in prison.

A judicial mistake that I corrected.

I don't dwell.

I move forward.

Is Nicole in it?

She'd have to be.

Have you heard from her lately?

Nicole is a fugitive.

Thanks to you two.

And, no, she'd never put me in that kind of danger.

She's very protective.

Well, you'd be very proud of your star pupil.

I can't take the credit.

She's a natural.

She's very adept in poisons.

Is that something that you taught her?

I'll take a pass on that.

I've asked myself what she would have been like if if she'd never run into you.

I guess not very different.

As they say, detective, nature will out.

I'd love to see how Banyon portrayed her in the screenplay.

Wes did our relationship justice.

He made it "mythic.

" Oh, like giants straddling the world.

We haven't been completely honest with you.

We do have a copy of the script.

Where would you have possibly found it?

In Hilary's apartment.

She found it cleaning out Wes' office after you k*lled him.

Oh, you little liars.

In her statement, Hilary said that Marcel k*lled Wes.

We weren't honest about that, either.

That's not really Hilary's statement.

She broke.

She implicated you in all of the murders, including Wes'.

I don't believe it.

I know her.

And I don't believe that that's the script that Wes wrote.

Well "I gave Nikki the courage to become who she was meant to be.

" "m*rder makes her complete.

" The hag! - I can't believe she kept a copy.

- Wes has you saying, "I treat k*lling like a business, as impersonal as a handshake.

" I never said that.

He makes you out to be nothing more than, you know, m*rder*r and thief, you know, with there's nothing about language.

Nothing about your taste in clothes.

There's nothing about giants, what was it?

straddling the world?

He took everything out of context.

Uh, here's my favorite line.

He has one of your girls saying, "I'm tired of sleeping with him.

" "He smells bad, and he's lazy.

He's not much of a man anymore.

" Liar, liar! He twisted every confidence.

I paid him to write a hero's journey! And he just wrote about how you used people.

They used me.

Those Sammies and Marcels were nothing before I came along! Oh, empty carcasses, devoid of dreams and ambition.

And you bent them to your will to commit unspeakable acts.

Uh, your charisma God, it must have been astonishing.

I was so beautiful.

You should have seen me.

I had a perfect body.

And that's why the movie was so important to you.

I was raised in the slums.

Look how far I've come.

My life is the stuff of legend.

Banyon, he wrote the truth.

He didn't write legend.

He was so smug.

He said that he could write anything he wanted about me.

- That's when you hit him?

- It was a reflex to his bad manners.

Nobody deserved it more.

And then you called Hilary and Marcel and Sammie to help you get rid of the body?

Clumsy idiots.

Oh, but you already know all about that.

We didn't until now.

Hilary never broke.

But you have the script.

This is from Wes Banyon's typewriter.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

- People on bail?

- Remand, your honor.

The defendants are facing life sentences.

They have hidden monies, dual citizenships.

They are the definition of flight risk.

Your honor, they have surrendered their passports.


Fremont wants to clear his name.

- They request reasonable bail.

- Your honor I'll split the difference, Mr.


Bail is set at $2 million for each defendant.

I never got what smiling is supposed to prove.

Innocent people aren't happy to get their mug shot taken.

Hilary's sister bailed him out.

What is it these women see in him?

The door to another world.

Bernard, please.


Bernard, please.

Wait, there was a woman on the stairs.

She bumped into him, and then she ran out.

Call EMS.

Secure the area.

There's no pulse.


Maybe poisons was a lesson he should have skipped.

He showed her the door to another world.

And she repaid the favor.
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