05x01 - Grow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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05x01 - Grow

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

I made the honor all again this year, mommy.

And daddy bought me a new violin, I practice everyday.

I know daddy misses you a lot, even though he doesn't always say so.

Do you want to say hi, uncle Larry?

You tell her for me, kid.

Uncle Larry says hi.

I love you, mommy.

I know you're watching over me.

Monica Chapel I just don't know, Evan.

You know?

I mean it's big.

This - it's big.

- Well, nothing's carved in stone.

But you know what's at stake.

- Just think how you'll feel.

- Bye, uncle Larry.

You take care, kid.

Think about what I said.

Can't we just wash the wall with bleach?


Ramsford, bleach doesn't k*ll black mold.

You'll have to close till you clean it up.

But we just got three stars from the Times.

It's our money review.

I'd like to show it to you.

It's in my office.

I'm gonna have to get tough with this guy.

You wait in the car.

I've seen your crack hos up here this afternoon.

I'm warning you.

The Taft houses are family buildings now.

- Check it out, I fix cars now.

- Stealing cars maybe.

I'm gonna get your ass kicked out of here.

You watch me.


I thought it was all in the past.

Yeah, I know where that is.


Don't move.

I'll be there.

Hey, man.

Where are you going?

Citation pad's on the seat.

Central, this is 6-8 Charlie.

We got that missing DOH Chevy reported 10-16 two days ago.

Location is south side of east 115th, corner of Madison, in front of the Taft projects.

Send a tow and units.


If he ran into trouble up there, they better send the whole damn cavalry.

Law & Order CI We got nine buildings to search, This guy better not be playing house with a girlfriend the last three days.

We know if he was working the night he disappeared?

His boss is not sure.



He didn't have an inspection scheduled, but he did spot-checks of past violators, so He carried a g*n?

This piece of paper was in the glove box.

There's g*n oil stain on it.

Our inspectors are prohibited from carrying weapons.

If he was spot-checking violators, he'd bring his citation pad with him?

Well, it depends.

Sometimes a verbal warning is sufficient.

No doubt Larry ran into trouble while performing his duties.

No doubt.

NYC Department of Health Tuesday, August 16 He got a call, personal, I think.

He looked upset, and then he left.

He mention his plans for the evening?


Our conversation was mostly work-related.

He was training me.

All right, Mr.

Brookings, we'll get a statement from you later.


Sugar cravings.

Late night trips to the projects might be supporting a drug habit.

That's one way to cope with a city job.

I haven't decided on a partner for you yet.

I'm a get along kind of guy.

Just glad to be here.

Here you go.

Fill out these forms, read the playbook.

We'll talk later.

What, the desk?

Well, you're right.

It's the smallest one in the squad.

And it's behind this pillar.

It wobbles.

But you know what, Mike?

It's yours.

It's in Major case.

You earned your shot here.

So be happy.

Nice desk.

Have you checked his LUDs?

Maybe he had a connection in the projects.

Or it's about the personal call he got before he left work.

He brought a g*n.

Maybe someone he knew was in trouble.

You gonna just leave him there?

Where I can see him.

I burned a couple of favors to get him here.

We'll see.




Found him.

Taft Housing Projects Thursday, August 18 Tracks over tracks.

He's been dirty a long time.

Elevator's been out of service the last three days.

But it happens once a month, so nobody thought it worth mentioning.

It's a blunt force wound.

Doesn't look like it should've been fatal.

Who you got living on this floor?

Grandmothers, families, and a jailbird drug dealer name'a Raynard.

The super wants me out because his oldest girl's got a thing for me.

But I'm clean.

I got a job.

I ain't dealing.

You were home Friday night.

Maybe you heard something outside your door.

I don't know anything about that m*rder.

You stayed in all night?

You didn't go out once?

- Not even to throw out the trash?

- No, sir, I didn't.

Those aren't the kinds of answers we like from parolees.

- So I guess I'm coming in?

- Yeah, you guessed right.

You from the Taft houses?

I used to do vertical patrols there when, way back when.

Ride the elevators.

Check the roof.

Hey, uh, are the Wilson brothers still running things there?

Or, uh, Buster Yates?

Buster moved to Texas.

But the rest, they're either dead or locked up.

Buster used to crack me up.

Funny guy, right?


He was funny.

So what are they looking at you for?

That health inspector thing?

I had nothing to do with it.

Look at my sheet.

I never did no v*olence.

Hey, these are a couple of sharp detectives.

They probably knew you were holding out.

Were you?

I found something near the elevator Friday night.

I got rid of it, because the super would try to put it on me.

What'd you find?

A needle.

Not a junkie's needle.

But the super would say it was mine anyway.

Why not a junkie's needle?

Spike was too thin.

Dope would never go through it.

- This needle, it looked new?

- Yeah.

Like a hospital needle.

Yeah, okay, so I talked to the people searching your house, you're clean.

We'll get you home as as soon as we can.

Hey, uh Sorry.

I didn't mean to step on your Nah.

It's a good thing.


The only needle marks I found were on his arms.

And the only thing on the tox screen was heroin.

So what k*lled him?

Well, my best guess right now is heart failure from being mugged.

What about these marks here on his chest?

Looks like the decomp has been accelerated.

Could be pressure was applied there at the time of death.

From kneeling on his chest?

Straddling him?

All right.

I'm on top of him.

I have a needle.

- I need to look inside his mouth.

- Let me.

His tongue is in the way.

Right there, pull.

Okay, good.

The dime-sized bruise under his tongue.

It's a needle mark.

Somebody injected him with something that didn't show up on the tox screen.

Maybe that's what caused the heart attack?

Potassium chloride on both counts.

It's absorbed by the body, practically undetectable, and it's an instant heart attack.

A needle full of potassium I don't remember that in the mugger's handbook.

Potassium-induced heart attack.

Maybe somebody he was shaking down?

Restaurant owner, slum lord?

Well, whoever did it had specialized knowledge of potassium.

"Narcotics anonymous".

This was in Larry's pocket.

He took it with him into the projects.

Maybe to carry the message to somebody in trouble.

Somebody he knew well.

You don't make 12-step calls to strangers by yourself.

He was lured into the project to help a friend?

A nice guy to the end.

Apartment of Larry Chapel Queens, New York Monday, August 22 I've got his 12-step meeting book here, stuffed in with all these, um, appliance manuals, Mexican travel brochures.

I don't think Larry had any immediate plans to quit.

He got a family that he's close to.

Brother's graduation gown.

The hood is green.

He's a medical doctor.

Not only that, he's an ME.

Evan Chapel, Nassau county medical examiner's office.

Public service runs in the family.

That might not be the only thing.

This, uh photo's of the family picnic.

Everyone's in short sleeves.

Except the Chapel brothers are in long sleeves.

I'm devastated by my brother's death.

I keep feeling there was something more that I could've done.

Did he try to call you that night?

Would you have been home?

He didn't call.

I wish he had.

- I was here all night.

- Just the two of you here?

Gwen and I are all we have, now that Larry's gone.

My wife Monica passed away just before Christmas.

Gwen has an aunt in Phoenix.

I haven't told her yet her uncle died by dr*gs in a housing project.

Larry might have gone there to help another addict, - somebody close to him.

- I doubt it.

I was his only friend.

We understand that it might be hard for you to talk about your brother's death.

Especially around your daughter seeing that the subject of your own addiction could come up.

See, you wear long sleeves in the summer, and your teeth Yes.

My brother and I were dope buddies.

I had a two-bag-a-day habit in medical school.

I stopped when Gwen came along.

Larry never did.

I warned him about this high quality heroin going around, causing heart failure.

No, see, we think his heart got a boost from a shot of potassium under his tongue.

It's an exotic death, don't you think, doctor?

You see a lot of that kind of thing in your line of work?



No, never.

Dad, I'm ready to go.

- Are they here about uncle Larry?

- Yes, they're detectives.

- This is my daughter Gwen.

- Hi.

What are you reading there?

It's a book about ways kids can make themselves feel better when people they love die.

Sorry about your uncle.

He was a troubled soul.

He took dr*gs to make the pain go away.

He's with my mom in heaven now.

Let's get your lunch box, huh?

You mind seeing yourselves out?

- Bye, nice meeting you.

- Bye, Gwen.

Somebody gave that girl a straight story, and it wasn't her dad.

It might be the same person who gave her that book.

It's from the library at Middleton college.

Middleton Community College Nassau, New York Tuesday, August 23 The book was checked out to one of our staff.

Leslie Eastman.

Uh, she's supposed to be at her desk, but she just went up to the stacks.

- How long has she worked here?

- Since February.

She's a library science major.

Following in mummy's footsteps.

Her mother's a librarian?

And that's the accent that she talks with?

It's south African, I think.

That's her desk?

She's really phobic about people touching her stuff.

- I do it just to bug her.

- What's Ms.

Eastman look like?

Uh, medium height, middle-aged.

I mean, like, mid-30s.

Streaked blonde hair.

It's the long ears, the flame at the top of the head.

It's a Thai Buddha.

It's carried for good luck.

It's her.

What timing.

If it weren't for your lucky charm, we would've missed you.

Looks like your luck's run out.

What a little pagan you are, detective.

Don't you know that the secret of luck is never to trust it?

My lawyer will meet us at your office.


Beauty, brains, and a complete psycho.

My dream girl.

The Australians won't be open for business for another five hours.

What are we looking at here?

Wallace coached her how to steal diamonds.

Then cut her throat.

This is her youngest victim.

Her own daughter?

How do you figure Wallace ties in to the health inspector?

We'll ask her.

I'm sure Ella told you all kinds of stories about me.

My lawyer can refute every one.

Look, you're facing two m*rder charges here.

By tomorrow morning, we'll have extradition papers from Australia - for the m*rder of your daughter.

- My daughter was lost at sea.

And found on land in a shallow grave with a broken neck.

You'll go to these trials.

You'll be sent to prison.

For life, no parole.

Only way to get a light at the end of the tunnel is with a full confession.

But I've done nothing.

Except build a new life for myself with a job I'm good at and, people who love me, a family.

It's what I've always needed.

Evan Chapel and his daughter, this is your idea of family?

You gave her the book on death.

Told her the truth about her uncle Larry.

The worst thing you can do is lie to a child.

They haven't heard about all this.

Phony name, phony career.

Did you tell them anything about yourself, Nicole?

Did you tell them what you do to the people who love you?

You don't see me at all, do you?

I thought this is a land of second chances.

There's no second chance for you.

Because wherever you go, people die.

Accidents, Bobby.

They happen in every family.

Here's my lawyer.

I'll tell him about your offer.

Arraignment Court Monday, August 29 We're asking this defendant be held without bail, your honor.

Miss wallace is a fugitive on a m*rder warrant, a flight risk, with no ties to the community.

Your honor, the people have no physical evidence or eyewitness testimony.

Ella Miyazaki accidentally cut herself when she jumped out a window into the Hudson river.

Your honor, we shortly expect a request for Ms.

Wallace's extradition to Australia for the depraved m*rder of her three-year-old daughter.

That's not her child.

Your honor, I have an affidavit from the coroner in Australia.

Because these remains fossilized in the iron-rich soil of eastern Australia, it was impossible to extract any DNA from them.

There is no way of determining whose child that is.

There will be no extradition request forthcoming.

Since your case seems light on evidence, I don't see why this client would flee.

I'm setting bail at $1 million.

I looked like a first-year law student up there.

Why didn't we have this DNA report?

Because we didn't know from the iron-rich soil of eastern Australia.

Nicole knew because she buried the child there.

- She didn't trust her luck.

- I'm not trusting mine, either.

Send me everything you have on her.


Larry's death was no accident.

Nicole says they happen in every family.

She was on the loose in December.

That's around the time Evan's wife died.

Another accidental death?

You do believe I'm innocent?

I mean - murdering my own child.

- If I doubted you would I want to marry you just as soon as possible?

I was so afraid that my arrest on top of everything else Larry's death is a blessing for both of us.

I relied too much on him.

This is going to be a new time for me.

For us.

Monica Chapel's death was ruled an accidental suffocation.

The flue in the hot water heater malfunctioned.

The house filled with carbon monoxide.

She died in her sleep.

She was alone in the house.

Evan and Gwen were on an overnight trip to check out a boarding school.

You know, in Larry's apartment, in the drawer where he kept his NA meeting book, he had, um, appliance manuals.

A manual for a Bach gas water heater.

That's what the Chapels had, a Bach.

But Larry lived in an apartment.

He wouldn't need a manual for a gas water heater.

Unless he was looking to sabotage one.

To k*ll his brother's wife?

That's a pretty sophisticated m*rder for a junkie.

/ Yeah, but not for a junkie whose strings are being pulled by Nicole.

She wanted a family so bad, she got one by getting rid of the lady of the house.

Hypoxia from a carbon monoxide leak.

One of the most common ways your house can k*ll you.

The carbon monoxide detector should've woken her up.

Well, it didn't.

Probably because of the sleeping pills she took every night.

Her tox screen tested positive.

All right, thanks, doc.

You might make a case Larry was involved.

But Nicole She was having an affair with Evan, but his wife was in the way.

So she manipulated Larry into helping her.

Then she kills him.

A year ago, Evan started teaching a late-night class in forensic pathology at the same college that Nicole worked.

Except she started there in February, two months after Evan's wife was k*lled.

New Haven, Connecticut?

I have a motel charge on Evan's credit card statement for one night.

There's another two charges in November.

Another one in December and January.

Charges stopped when Nicole started working at the library.

When she and Evan didn't have to sneak around anymore.

I still don't see what she wants with this guy.

He's got a mortgage, savings bonds Your average worker bee.

He's weak like his brother.

- Someone she can manipulate.

- To do what?

Start in New Haven.

See if you can pick up a scent at the motel.

New Haven Lodge New Haven, Connecticut Thursday, September 1 Mr.

Chapel was with us on five separate occasions.

Each time he checked in at 7 o'clock at night, and was out by 6 the next morning.

You remember if he had company, a woman?

I don't remember the gentleman at all.

No phone calls.

No room service.

Single room.

Twin beds.

Nothing says romance like twin beds and a towelette.

Excuse me.

Is there a hospital or a treatment center nearby?

Yeah, the Samuel pasche medical center.

We get a lot of business from them.

Chapel I have a Gwendolyn Chapel?


A young girl?

Yes, she came in several times last winter for tests as part of a long-term study of DES children.


Her mother took it when she was pregnant with her?

All I can tell you is the girl's participation in the study ended last January.

Excuse me.

DES, that's something pregnant women took?

A synthetic female hormone used to prevent miscarriages.

It caused birth defects, so they stopped using it in the early '70s.

I don't know how Gwen would've been exposed to it.

Well, if she was, there was probably a lawsuit.

Evan and Monica Chapel v.

Seward O'Malley, MD, OB/Gyn.

Gwen's mother was given dienestrol cream by her gynecologist to treat vaginal dryness.

Dienestrol contains synthetic estrogen, same as DES.

It's contra-indicated for pregnant women.

Turns out she was three weeks pregnant.

Gwen was born with a heart defect that was corrected, and she runs a very high risk of cervical and vaginal cancers at puberty.

How much was the settlement?

$5 million, in trust to Gwen.

Well, that's what Nicole was after.

If she knows about it.

She works in a college library.

They probably have an account on this database.

Don't look so happy.

It's her.

You're early.

I thought you'd slithered back into a crevice rather than face another trial.

But here I am in the daylight, adhering to the conditions of my bail like a good girl.

Carrot stick?

Look, this meeting was your idea.

It's about Evan and Gwen.

Yeah, a husband without a wife.

A little girl without a mother.

That's convenient for you, isn't it?

What's this?

Being the best she can be.

Building your daughter's self esteem.


You think by reading a book and throwing on an apron, you can approximate being the parent to a child?

I mean, that's like an ape trying to eat with a fork and knife.

I wasn't born to it, but I'm getting better.

And there was a vacancy.

That's lucky for you.

I had nothing to do with his wife's death.

/ Yes, you did.

You k*lled her and Larry.

Because not only can you zero in on the weakness of a person, but you have the cold-blooded willingness to exploit one, - even a little girl.

- No Even with birth defects.

Three months ago, you used a library computer to download information on Gwen's lawsuit.

Because that's what you're after.

You're after the money.

You believe me capable of anything.

Libraries have always been a refuge for me.

All those books.

Is it the same for you?

What did you want to tell me about Gwen and Evan?


You leave them alone.

I am free to do as I please for my own reasons, Bobby.

Reasons you'll never know.

Under the terms of settlement, Gwen doesn't get the money until she's 18.

Evan and whoever he's married to can't touch a dime.

I can't see Nicole flipping pancakes for the family breakfast until the girl's 18.

"In the event of death" Gwen dies, all the money all the money in the trust goes to her heirs.

Meaning her father and whoever he's married to.

Why not?

Nicole's gonna k*ll her for it.

Daddy doesn't love me, does he?

Sometimes daddies can love too much.

You wouldn't want that.

And besides, I love you.

I'll tell you what.

I think you're ready for a new, grown-up lotion.

You want to try mine?

My wife died in a tragic accident.

My brother had nothing to do with it.

Nicole and I met after Monica died in March.

She helped me find a book in the library.

And two months later, she downloaded Gwen's lawsuit.

Gwen probably told Nicole about her condition.

I imagine Nicole wanted more information.

- Well, she could've asked you.

- She did.

We talked about how we could lessen Gwen's risk of cancer.

- Nicole had good ideas.

- Dr.

Chapel She knows how to take care of herself, you can tell.

Not like Monica with her sleeping pills, always running to the doctor.


Chapel, Nicole is only out for herself.

She knows if Gwen dies, you'll be a rich man.

That's a horrible thought, even for a homicide detective, but especially for a woman.

How can you be so blind to this to this monster that, uh, that k*lled her own daughter?

Her child was swept out to sea.

She's told me all about it.

You won't even look at it.

If I thought for one second that was her child, do you think I'd have asked her to be my wife?

We're engaged.

Uh, Dr.


It's a picture of his only daughter.

He keeps it in the same cardboard frame it came in.

It's perfunctory.

Hormonal therapy.

- Gynecological cancer.

- He's looking for treatments for Gwen.

Why a PDR unless he wrote a prescription?


Chapel called in a prescription to a pharmacy in Glen cove two weeks ago for synthetic estrogen.

The patient's name was Nicole Wallace.

Chapel had the pharmacist compound a paste containing 30 times the usual amount of estrogen enough to promote the growth of cancerous tumors especially in someone who is already highly susceptible to cancer.

If Gwen's being dosed with this paste every day, how long before she develops tumors?

A matter of months.

The cervical cancer would ravage her before there'd be a chance to detect it.

And it would look like she died as a consequence of her exposure to DES in her mother's womb.

As a paste, how would you administer it without her noticing?

Couldn't be mixed with food.

Through her skin in a lotion?


What is it you're looking for?

It doesn't say here.

It should say.

Gwen, can you show us what lotions you use?

I don't want you involving her in this vendetta.


Chapel, let her through.

Here it is.

Nicole gave me her special lotion to use when she took the other one away.

Which one did she take away?

The one dad gave me in a blue bottle.

- Gwen.

- Thanks for your help, Gwen.

I thought he was gonna start hyperventilating till he heard, "Nicole got rid of daddy's lotion".

She's got his back.

I think with all the excitement today, I should spend some quality time alone with Gwen.

She asked me to stay, and I told her yes.

I'm putting her to bed early.

I promised her.

Why don't you make some popcorn, daddy?

The lotion Nicole gave Gwen was negative for estrogen.

The good stuff must've been in that blue bottle.

As usual, Nicole's timing was perfect.

Six months ago, Chapel's office asked the New York ME for all infant mortalities and their files, including ones out of their jurisdiction.

Nicole's daughter's autopsy was among them.

That's why Evan didn't look at the photo.

- He had already seen it.

- Why didn't he tell us that?

Because the study, it was just a ruse.

So that he could see the girl's autopsy.

He told us he heard about the girl's death from Nicole.

Yeah, well, he, he lied.

Let's say he did meet Nicole in March at the library.

Less than a month later, he was checking up on her.

He's an ME.

He can access her file from the police database.

Somehow that didn't scare him away.

Did he looked surprised to you?

When, when, when Gwen said that Nicole took the blue bottle away?

Thanking his lucky stars is more like it.

If they were conspiring, Nicole would've told him that she took the bottle.

But she took it without telling him.

She suspected what he was up to.

What are you saying?

That it's Evan.

Evan and Larry that k*lled his wife.

And they plan to k*ll Gwen.

Now, Nicole tried to stop it by k*lling Larry.

But she was wrong, it couldn't stop Evan.

Maybe it's you who's wrong.


No, she wanted to tell me, but I didn't give her the chance.

I'm still here.

I haven't run.

Well, you won't.

Not yet.

Look, I, uh I know what you were trying to to tell me the other day.

You wouldn't have believed it coming from me.

You had to find out on your own.

What tipped you off about Evan?

Was it the way that he spoke about his dead wife?

His affect was all wrong?

Something like that.

And you got rid of Larry to protect Gwen.

I k*lled Larry?

What an imagination you have.

You lured him into the projects.

Did you tell him that Evan was up to his old habits?

I mean, he probably confided in you.

A man will talk about his past when he's in love.

Especially with someone who he knows can't judge him.

Someone whose past is much worse than his.

He confided in me long before he knew anything about me.

No, he already knew.

That's why he picked you because of your past.

No, Bobby, he thought I was a normal divorcee getting her life back together.

Nicole, less than a month after you met, he pulled the file on your daughter's death.

He knew what you'd done.

That's why he went ahead with his plans to k*ll Gwen.

Because he knew he'd found the perfect patsy.

A woman who already m*rder*d her own child.

Or did you think that you'd finally met "the one"?

A man who sensed his his own limitations, who understood the weakness of others.

And he had a daughter.

Daughter loved you.

She does love me.

Here you are with a child k*ller as a boyfriend, because this this is the kind of people that you attract.

Because you will never have a normal life.

A normal life is not for you, Nicole.

If you want to protect Gwen, then you have to help us put Evan away.

How do you suggest I do that?

By testifying that you found the tainted lotion.

- They'll never believe me.

- They will.

If you confess to Larry's m*rder.

You're insane to think that I'd be willing to go back to prison.

I have a child to care.

You cannot possibly think that you could have anything to do with Gwen's life.


/ Now, you think about your own child, Nicole.

That was an accident.

I I never meant for her to die.

I didn't.

- I loved her.

- You couldn't stop yourself.

But she was just a little girl.

You couldn't control yourself.

And you can't guarantee that that won't happen again.

Gwen is a good girl with a good heart.

She wouldn't she wouldn't love me if there wasn't anything good about me.

What about your own child?

Wasn't she a good little girl?

Didn't she love you, even more than Gwen?

One day, Gwen will do something.

Or maybe she'll do nothing, and you will snap.

No, no, that won't happen.

Yes, you are not safe to be around, Nicole.

Too much damage has been done.

With her I'll be healed.

It'll be all right.


If you want to save yourself, you have to face up to who you are.

That's it?

That's all you have for me?


Go to prison.

I'll give you Evan.

In his office, I saw him hide a bottle of potassium chloride in the gray cabinets.

Mm, you're implicating him in a m*rder that you committed.

You'll never get him for murdering his wife or for Gwen.

But you can get him for Larry.

The bottle has his fingerprints.

He has a scar on his left thumb.

And you planted it in his office.

You know, Larry and Evan used to talk about retiring to Mexico if they had the money.

This is not a way out for you, Nicole.

I'm not looking for one, Bobby.

Don't believe me.

You, of all people, mistrusting a librarian.

Nicole asked me to prescribe this for her.

She said she'd taken it in the past for a chronic condition.

And you have no idea how it ended up in your daughter's lotion?

That's right.

No idea.

Or how your brother got the operating manual for your hot water heater?

How would I know?


Chapel, I'm gonna offer you a one-time-only civil servant special, if you come clean about your wife and daughter.

I don't have anything to say.

Doctor, you use potassium in your work?

No, not at all.

What would you be doing with this?

I have never seen that before.

Got some nice smudges on it.

Look like a thumbprint with a scar.

You don't have a scar, do you, doc?

Fingerprints can be transferred.

This is a setup.

I wouldn't k*ll my brother.

He's the only one who knew me.

Who knew how hard it was for you to stay clean and to work a straight job and to be a good father.

/ Yes.

Everything normal people take for granted sickens me.

Well, why fight it?

Why not just go live on the top of a mountain of smack in Mexico.

Isn't that what you and Larry dreamed of?

How did you know about that?

Were two people standing in the way of your gratification?

Was it Monica?

All her doctors and her sleeping pills.

And Gwen.

She was damaged goods from day one, wasn't she?

Who told you about Mexico?


/ Too bad you got greedy and decided to cut Larry out of it.

I did not k*ll him! You have a choice, Dr.


A certain conviction for your brother's m*rder or a plea to manslaughter for your wife's death and attempted m*rder.

All right.

My wife, the hot water heater, that was all Larry's idea.

- I just went along.

- And Gwen?

I can always have more children.

$5 million.

Where do you get that kind of money?

- Nicole, she'd understand.

- Yeah, don't count on it.

She turned you in.

Come on, get him out of here.


He's busy right now.

What It's Evan's housekeeper.

Gwen didn't come home from school.

Well, it's Nicole.

She said she was Dr.

Chapel's fiance.

Gwen knew her.

She, she ran over and hugged her.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't know.

They still haven't turned up at the house.

Well, she won't.

She's running.

She's, she's got the kid.

I should've! Come on.

Three days, 200 leads, and zip.

You may have to graduate her to the back of a milk carton and move on, huh?

Goren, line two.

Logan, I want you to meet somebody.

Okay, thank you.

That was the Arizona police.

Gwen is safe.

Nicole dropped her off at her aunt's house an hour ago.

She did it.

She did the right thing.

You have a message.

You were right, Bobby.

I couldn't take the chance.

This is one more thing you've taken from me.

I'll put a trace on the call.
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