06x07 - Country Crossover

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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06x07 - Country Crossover

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: In New York City's
w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued

by the detectives
of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.


(SINGING)! Went past
your door fast night

It made me wonder

What would it feel like
to be over and under?

Give me time,
I'll make you mine

Give me time,
I'll make you mine

Give me time,
I'll make you mine

I... I...
I'm gonna get you

Yeah, I'm gonna get you



(EXHALES) Sorry, Curtis,
I get self-conscious.

Don't. Just do
what you did in the video.


My club makes hits
for you, Curtis.

You mean our club, right?

I listened to what
you said, Curtis.

Goro, what I said
was I don't do rap.

Goro, who's on the door?

I am.
Get back to the club!

As soon as Curtis plays my CD.

Who wants a line?

Okay, Seamus.
Party's over.

Seamus, get that crap and your
posse out of here. We're done.

All right, Brook, he's a busy man.
Let's go.

Goro, Goro!
Come on, chop, chop!

Let's... Let's call it
a night, May.

But you said that we could
show my husband the video.

When it's finished.
Not tonight.




Somebody out there?




You and you, not you.

Let's just get a taxi.

(GROANS) You're not
my daddy, peaches.

Carrie, you're in
no shape to drive.







What's the body count?

Five to St. Vincent's,
four to Bellevue,

all near the door,
trying to get in.

Plus the DOA.

Car's not that banged up,

is he the only one
that got thrown this far?

It seems so.
His name's Curtis Gold.

That's his studio.

Brad and five friends
swear she didn't hit him.

Claims she backed up
to avoid him.

They said the guy came out
the door and collapsed.

Oh, yeah, right.

His hands are cut and bloody,

but there's no glass
on the ground here.

Other than that,
he looks untouched.

LOGAN: Well, it looks like all
the action took place in here.

LOGAN: No sign
of forced entry.

WHEELER: But lots of glass
for Gold to cut himself on

when he crawled out of here.

It's a recording studio.
Good burglary target.

Well, it looks like they took stuff
off the wall just to smash it.

"Give me your money
or I'll bust up your Grammy?"

You'd think they'd take
the $4,000 microphone.

I dated a recording engineer.

Trust he wasn't a drummer.

Oh, look.

Cocaine, in a recording studio.

I'm shocked. Shocked.

Here's another shock.
They left his stash.

So it's not a hit-and-run,
not a robbery.

And not our problem.

If the rich girl
stays off the hook,

this gets kicked back
to the 1-5.

Hey, Detective.
It's all yours.

We should check
with Captain Ross.


you don't wake
your captain up for this.

Trust me.

All I want to know is
what were you thinking?

Okay, look, I got guys here who can't
wait to see me fall on my face...

I need you to keep me in the loop.
Are we clear?


Your rabbi looks pissed.

You know, save it.

Take it easy, Wheeler,
he can't want this case.

Don't worry, I didn't tell him
it was your idea to kick it.

The ME's waiting for us.

I don't get it.
Who was this guy?

It's not the guy,
it's the neighborhood.

The 1-5's overwhelmed,

there's too many clubs,
too much crime.

The Mayor's worried Chelsea's
reached a tipping point.

"Tipping point"?

The last moment before an
outbreak turns into an epidemic.


Tipping point.

RODGERS: You were right He
wasn't hit by that twit's SUV.

Two blows. One to the face,
one to his left side.

You're telling me somebody
k*lled him with two punches?


I love it when you
talk Latin, Rodgers.

He bled to death.

One blow ruptured his spleen.
Died maybe an hour later.

That's one hell of a punch.

He had Gaucher's disease.

That means you bleed easily,

bruise easily, fracture easily.

And it makes the spleen swell.

I talked to Curtis' doctor,

he was scheduled to have his
spleen removed next Tuesday.

Was he partying?

'Cause we found cocaine
and pills in his studio.

Nope. He tested clean,

unless you count
pain meds and Epogen.

(SIGHS) The guy was beyond
fragile, he was brittle.

Maybe that's why the crime
scene was so poorly staged.

Whoever he was with didn't
know about his condition.

Curtis went down fast,
the k*ller panicked.

Or maybe the k*ller knew,

and aimed right
for his soft spot.

You're a half-glass-empty
kind of guy, aren't you?

Depends what's in it, Wheeler.

Curtis was working late the night he died.
Studios keep logs.

Let's track who his
last session was with.

Let's do that.

MAY: We just started working
together two months ago.

Curtis was a genius.

You know he had two MTV awards?

Are you new in town?

asks me that. Um...

My husband and I moved here from
Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania.

You're a long way from home.

Have a seat, May.

My husband Zak, his dad
died, left a VA policy.

Zak's dream, our dream, is for
me to make it as a singer.

Zak said now's our chance, and I met
Curtis here and said he wanted to help.

Curtis was single.
Did he have a girlfriend?


Curtis was in that studio
from morning to midnight.

So, your relationship was

strictly professional, right?

You mean...

God, no, I'm married.

You're married, he's single.

How'd your husband feel about you
working late nights together?

My husband Zak, he... He
thought Curtis was a... gay.

So, I kind of let him think that
just so he wouldn't worry for me.

You remember the last time
you worked with Curtis?

Sure. Thursday night,
the night he...

We were supposed to
work together until 9:00,

but friends of his kept
stopping by, so we ended early.

Do these friends have names?

Seamus something. He owns Spire,
the club across the street.

Seamus Flaherty?

MAY: You know him?

Short guy, lot of mileage?

And his girlfriend, Brook.

And one of the club's bouncers,

I don't know his name,
but he's a big black guy.

Any arguments
with these friends?

The bouncer was pretty angry.

He kind of made me nervous.

He had a CD that
he wanted Curtis to play,

and Curtis told him
he was through with rap.


That's why Curtis
made everyone leave.

He said, "Party's over. Get that
crap out of here," to Seamus.

Thank you.


How come I never see you
with the same partner twice?

Flaherty and I go way back.

To one of the first murders
in one of his many bars.

There's been so many, he
probably can't keep track.

We're unlucky.

Kennedys are unlucky.

He tell you about
the cop he shot?

We were talking about Curtis Gold's
m*rder and the coke vial you left.

Me? No.
My date was young,

it was inappropriate of her
to have brought out the coke.

Curtis had a problem, which I
did not have a problem with.

She's gone.

We understand
one of your bouncers

was also at Curtis'
studio Thursday night.

I don't recall. So much
chaos with the accident.

Tragic night.

Come on, Flaherty,
after all these years,

you think it's in your
interest to lie to the NYPD?

One of your bouncers, a big,
threatening black guy...

Whoa! Your partner's
a dinosaur here.

Curtis was helping
this guy with a rap CD.

That could be Goro.

How about a real name?

Far as I know,
that is his real name.

I haven't seen him
since Thursday night.

No idea where he is.

If I hear from Goro, though,
you'll be the first I call.

Will you excuse me?


Hey! I know you. You worked
the door last night.

Tough one.

We're lookin' for one of
your co-workers. Goro?

Goro? Don't know him.

We got 20 guys workin'
security, give or take.

Why do you guys always gotta
be so difficult? Huh?

Gonna ask you one more time.

Who was the black guy
workin' the door,

holdin' back the
crowd last night?

I keep to myself
on the job. Sorry.

Logan, he's afraid of him.

Big mountain of a guy like you?
That can't be true.

Last week, Goro had the
kitchen makin' him an omelet.

Egg whites he wanted.
He got yolks instead.

Goro went all kung fu on
him, broke both his arms.

We think Goro's
involved in a m*rder.

We make the case against him,

he's off your door,
out of your life.


I'm not showin' you this, okay?

You gonna talk to him?
Might wanna bring back-up.



Kids. Great.

Mr. Goro! Police!

Please don't move.


I'm ready to join
your investigation.

Goro is the name I gave myself.

The symbol for crisis,
is two symbols.

Danger and opportunity.

Goro means crisis?

It means I see
opportunity in danger.

I study Chinese philosophy.

Martial arts.

I'm ready to defend
my street, my City.

(CHUCKLES) So, you're like
the Batman of bouncers, huh?

Anyway, Thursday night you
pay a visit to Curtis Gold?

I wanted him
to listen to my CD.

But I interrupted his work,
which I regret.

I did not stay.

He said he was through with rap
music and didn't like your music.

That had to piss you off.

Curtis just needed
to listen to it.

Because of this k*ller,
he won't get that chance.

And I won't get mine.

So you're basically saying you had
no motive to k*ll him, correct?

Of course not.

But my guilt is not at issue.

Mr. Goro, we think
whoever k*lled Curtis,

it wasn't a purposeful act.

It might be that someone,

maybe upset about a rejection,

threw a punch that caused more
damage than anyone could have known.

Does that make sense?

I'm working on the same theory.

The sooner I get back
to my investigation,

the sooner Curtis' death
shall be avenged.

I must go now.

I must protect my block.


Hold that thought, okay?

Unless he threatened someone
else, we can't hold him.

Well, he's crazy as a loon.

If we send him back
out on the street,

he's going to hunt
for Curtis' k*ller.

Boy, that's a mess
I don't wanna clean up.

I thought you said
he is Curtis' k*ller.

Well, we're not sure. He may
be or he may know who it is.


Well, motive?
Look at him.

I mean, he's at
his tipping point.

The guy's gonna do a black
Rambo on the streets.

Wheeler, is he dangerous?

I'd say yes. But he didn't
make an explicit threat,

we can hold him on.

You heard him, Wheeler. "Curtis'
death shall be avenged."

You don't call that a threat?

Could be. Or could be
the plot of one of

the Mortal Kombat video
games he got his name from.

Under his real name, he has no
rap sheet, no medical history,

and I bet he has an alibi.

Four of his fellow bouncers confirmed that
he was on the door from 9:00 p.m. on.

And if you worked for him,
you'd confirm his alibi, too.

Detective, what do you
want me to do?

Ask the D.A. to hold him on suspicion
of being a large, scary black man?

Oh, come on, man.

Fine. You still
have to street him.

You come up
with something else,

you can take
another shot at him.

No point in going back
to Flaherty?

He's coverin' for him. Whatever
Goro did, Flaherty's in on it.

We got a hit on the coke vial.

Flaherty's girlfriend,
Miss Brook St. Clair.

She's on parole,
maybe wants to talk.

Brook St. Clair?


I told you I didn't see
anything that night.

Seamus, Goro and me all left
Curtis' club at the same time.

I went to my shift here.
I swear.

Well, you left out the part about
why Curtis kicked you out.

The party favors!

Who told you that?

It's your prints on the vial,
Brook, you're the one on parole.

So, about that argument
between Goro and Curtis?

Look, I don't wanna
badmouth that guy.

And we don't wanna
bring you in.

You just don't know
what'll set him off.

This one time, this big gavone
spilled a drink on my pants,

and Goro threw him out
on the street.

From the second story!

I don't remember there
being windows at Spire.

Not Spire, the last club I worked.
Leather and Lace.

That's where I met Seamus.

Leather and Lace.
Who ran that?

Little Paddy Egan.

And Goro was the bouncer there?

Last year.

Before he went to Spire.

It's too bad, too, 'cause
when Goro worked the floor,

nobody bothered us twice.

Who's Little Paddy Egan?

Flaherty's brother-in-law.

Leather and Lace, it's another
Flaherty family jewel.

Hmm, sounds familiar.

Double homicide in the basement
next door last Christmas Eve.

Two club patrons, drug dealers.

Shot execution style.
Case is still open.

And shortly thereafter,
Goro transfers to Spire

where Curtis Gold
is found dead.

It's a nice coincidence,
but the MO's are different,

and we still don't have
a motive for Goro.

Maybe because they're
not Goro's motives.

Maybe Flaherty's runnin' a one-man
execution staff on his payroll.

Set him off, watch him go.

Should we keep
Captain in the loop?

He's your rabbi, not mine.

they try to trap I keep with the rap

It's more than paranoia
got me needing the strap

I can feel the disease
in the belly of the beast

Power to the people

Now, it's time
to grab your piece

Watch when I bust,
start kicking up dust

There ain't no army
that's ready to deal with us

Whatever time is left
for my lungs to take a breath

Best believe
I'm ridin'...to death

I can feel the disease
in the belly of the beast

Power to the people

Now, it's time
to grab your piece

I can feel the disease
in the belly of the beast

Power to the people

Now, it's time
to grab your piece...

Well, he's not
dressing to blend.

Jeff! Tell Seamus
Goro is here.

He didn't come in today.

I will tell him myself.

Come on, Goro,
let's... (GRUNTS)

Oh, that's not good.

Don't take a b*llet
that is not meant for you.


Goro! Hands in the air!

Hands in the air!

Bouncers aren't allowed to carry
weapons, Goro, you know that.

You're kidding.

Criminal possession
of a w*apon.

That's the only charge
that'll stick.

Mr. Goro didn't have his g*n
out, he wasn't brandishing it.

Well, gee, well, next time
wait until he sh**t,

and then you can
charge him with m*rder.

ROSS: Logan...

Well, do me a favor, would you?
Don't let him post bail.

Detective Logan believes Goro was
involved in the Curtis Gold m*rder.

Maybe the Leather and Lace
homicides, too.

He worked there last year.

Why am I just now
finding out about this?

We wanted to wait
for ballistics.

Turns out, Goro's g*n is a match
for the Christmas Eve executions.

I'm not saying anything.

I don't deny this.

I made them kneel and I
shot them in their heads.

They sold dr*gs and
defiled women in my club.

It was a just thing to do.

Goro, how did you know they sold dr*gs?
Did someone tell you?

Mr. Flaherty.

He also told me they were
disrespecting our dancers.

Okay, that's good.
That's good, Goro.

Yeah, you can really
help yourself out here.

So tell us, did Flaherty
ask you to sh**t them?

He didn't need to.
I knew what had to be done.

For the sake of justice!


And the next man
you k*lled, Curtis Gold.

No, I did not k*ll Curtis.

He gave me notes on my songs.

But he turned you down
that night.

He said he wasn't
into rap music.

He did not disrespect me.

WHEELER: Maybe Seamus
Flaherty put you up to it.

Did he ask you to punch Curtis because
Curtis refused to help his girlfriend?

I would never hurt Curtis.

He came into the club
I took care of him,

I made sure he got his table.

Mr. Flaherty always said, "Always
take care of our investors."

I did not k*ll Curtis Gold.

WHEELER: Goro was right.

Curtis Gold was a silent partner in Spire.
Flaherty burned him.

That gives Curtis the
motive, not Flaherty.

What about Leather and Lace?

Anything there
implicate Seamus?

No, Goro's totin'
that whole load.

He's completely loyal
to Flaherty.

Well, loyalty's a one-way
street with Flaherty.

Squeeze him a bit on the
money, something may come out.

Goro a stone k*ller?

Man, you just never know.

You knew Goro had
his own moral code.

His own sense of justice.

What did you think he would
do when you told him

your two clients from Leather
and Lace insulted the dancers?

It's hardly
a solicitation of m*rder.

It got results.
For Goro, too.

Just a week after the sh**ting

he was working
for you at Spire.

Goro was telling the girls that there was...
What do you call it?

That they were
debasing themselves.

Who needs a monk
in a strip club?

We transferred him,
end of story.

Detectives, unless you have
something substantive,

I'd say end of interrogation.

By the way, Curtis Gold

you were with him the night
he was m*rder*d, right?

Yeah. I told you that. And I told
you he was alive when I left him.


What you didn't tell us was
Curtis was about to file

a million dollar lawsuit
against you for fraud.


You think this is about Curtis
getting his money back?

From a nightclub?

If I was gonna k*ll everyone

who was upset about losing their
money in the bar business,

I wouldn't have enough time
to run my club.

Yeah, but the thing is, your clubs
are losing money, but you're not.

You got a condo on Perry Street
and a house in Westhampton?

You a detective or a CPA?

The Mayor wants the Chelsea
club scene cleaned up.

If the state liquor authority won't
do its job, maybe a city audit will.

Worked for Al Capone.


Look, my client had
absolutely nothing to do

with the death of Curtis Gold,

but in a spirit of cooperation,

he's willing to give you
some information.

About Goro?

I told you he was with me
when I left.

The one who wasn't was
May from Pennsylvania.

She and Curtis were having
a, you know, an affair.

May Daltrie? She said
Curtis was all about work.

Yeah, Curtis? Come on.

Maybe she told you that.

But those little runts, those are
the ones you gotta watch for.

The two of 'em
used to come into Spire.

So did you see them
touch, kiss?

No. But I'm behind a bar
my whole life.

Think I don't know when something's
goin' on that shouldn't be goin' on?

Is that it? A
bartender's intuition?

No. Check out
Curtis' studio.

She bought him atrophy,

a little plastic thing says
"World's Best Producer."

I saw it in the booth
when I was there that night.

Gee, that's hot.

Well, then you turn it over.

And it says, "Because you're mine.
Love, May."

May, you wanna offer
these people something?

Sure, um...

Oh, coffee, black.
Can I help you?

She's fine.
Have a seat.

I'm sure you been
workin' all day like me.

Yeah. Construction?

Yup. Had my own business
back home,

but you go somewhere new, you gotta
prove yourself all over again.

Tell me about it.

But we're in for the long haul.

When May makes it,
it'll all be worth it.

Sol heard you guys
arrested the... bouncer.

We did, but it turns out he didn't k*ll Curtis.
That's why we're here.

Really? Everyone on the block was
scared of him, I just assumed.

WHEELER: So did we,
but he didn't do it.

So we're hoping you or Zak can shed
some light onto Curtis' personal life.

His personal life,

well, gee, I only met him once.

Curtis and I mostly
just talked about music.

Curtis called my songs "cow
punk." Country-rock mix.

Yeah, whatever you call it,

May is gonna be a star.

She has got
the voice of an angel.

So Curtis was gay, huh?

Yup, seemed gay to me.

You met him once,
you could tell.

Well, the way he dressed Never had a wife.
We put it together.

May, did Curtis
ever hit on you?

Gosh, no.

Truth be told, we didn't
know Curtis well at all.

Is there anything else?

Yeah, where were you
the night of the m*rder?

Just for the record.

Zak picked me up
and we went home.

We watched a DVD.

Anything good?

Oh, uh, Walk the Line.

Oh, yeah, that's
the Johnny Cash bio.

Did you like it?

I didn't like it much, no.

I don't think he'd suspect a scrawny guy
like Curtis was gonna seduce his wife.

Unless a friend on the
block tipped him off.

Jeff the bouncer?

You think all white guys
who chew tobacco are buddies?

In Chelsea? Yeah.

Zak's good people.

He always picked up May
outside the studio.

She usually worked late, so
he'd wait for her at the bar.

Talked about her singing
career, how talented she was.

He didn't just love her. It
was like he worshiped her.

Yeah, well, if you ask me, he
loved her a little too much.

I mean, he was blind
to what was goin' on.

That's what I thought.

He gave up everything for her, and
she gives herself up to that runt.

Yeah, and I bet everybody at the
club was laughin' about it.

It was gettin' bad.

Seamus and Brook
was jokin' about it

when they came back
from Curtis' that night.

How come nobody warned him?

I tried.

I said, "Just 'cause
Curtis is puny"

"doesn't mean you should
trust him with your wife."

I'll tell you what.

If it was me,
I'd have kicked his ass.

No. He was real calm.

He goes, "if he tries anything",

"I'll scare Curtis so bad
he won't try twice."

But by "scare,"
he meant talk to him.


ZAK: Should you people
have a warrant?

You got nothin' to hide, right?

No, of course not.


Are they gonna go through May's personals?
She'll skin me alive.

I'll give 'em a hand.

So what's May gonna do next?

ZAK: I guess we're gonna
find another producer.

I mean, May can't just
give up her singing

just 'cause this guy
Curtis ends up dead.

Yeah. Tough business, huh?

ZAK: Pretty tough,
we're learnin'.


But May's too good to quit,
she's gonna be a star.

We'll find another way.

Zak, what's going on?

I told 'em we got
nothin' to hide.

What's that?

Stolen from Curtis' studio
the night he was k*lled.

"Because you're mine,
Love, May."

"You're mine"? What the
hell does that mean?

A joke.
Just "You're my producer."

I was just trying to show him
that I was grateful, that's all.

I think it was a little
more than grateful.

According to
the g*ng at the club.

Don't listen to him, Zak.

WHEELER: He knows
all about it, May.

We got a witness who
quotes Zak as saying,

"I'll scare Curtis so bad
he won't try twice."

That's on the night
of the m*rder.

No. Zak.

Sit in the chair,
wait for my call.

I can't.
May, you sit down and shut up.

I can't let you do this
when it was me!

I did it. God help me.
I k*lled him.

I had to sleep with Curtis.

I was afraid to say no.

Afraid? He physically
threatened you?


I was afraid that he'd
drop me as a client.

But Thursday night I told
Curtis that I loved my husband,

that I was gonna
tell him the truth.

And how did Curtis react?

He told me not to.
He wanted me to stay.

But I left.

I told Zak everything.

That I was gonna
end it with Curtis.

And then I went back upstairs.

Your husband let you go alone

to confront a man
who coerced you?

Zak wanted to
show Curtis a lesson.

But I said no.
I had to be the one.

So I could walk away
with my dignity.

And when you told Curtis
it was over?

He tried to kiss me.

He wouldn't listen,
so I hit him.

Can you show me where?

Once in the face like that.

And that's it? You hit him
once and he went down?

I think I hit him twice.

Was that in the face again?

No. The second one
was lower, here.

He went down after two punches?

I might have kicked him,
too, I don't remember.

But you didn't mean
to k*ll him?

Of course not.

You wouldn't have kicked him very
hard, knowing how sick he was.

Curtis wasn't sick.


Wheeler? Word.

You buy May's story?

Mmm, could be
protecting her husband.

He could be protecting her.

Zak just came in, he says he needs
to get something off his chest.

It was my fault. I thought
May would be safe.

It's your fault that
Curtis slept with May?

He forced himself on her.

She told you that?

He practically r*ped her.

And then she gave him atrophy?

Whatever May did,
she felt she had to.

When I heard what Curtis
had done, I went nuts.

So you decided
to teach him a lesson.

Went upstairs, and I clocked
the guy in the face.

I guess he must've
hit his head. Right?

I hit him once
and he went down.

I thought he'd get up,
but he just stayed down.

I've had couples point their fingers
at each other lots of times.

But fighting to take the blame?
That's new.

Don't you believe in true love?

You mean true confusion. He says
it's him, she says it's her.

They each have
reasonable doubt.

It's a good strategy.


One of 'em punched Curtis,
panicked when he went down,

then they staged
a fake robbery.

And then blamed the big scary
black man on the corner.

Okay, we have to
keep it simple.

We know that Zak would attack
Curtis to defend her honor.

But what's May's motive?

Well, maybe Curtis
went cold on her.

Cut her off.
Ended her dream.

Well, what did the ME say?

Any blow to the
spleen would do it.

He was that sick? And she
didn't know about it?

She knew it.
Curtis told her.

Guys use whatever
they have to get over.

They have a tragic story,
a sickness.

Even if they have a dead cat,
they'll work it into their rap.


But May did point
to my left side

to show where she'd hit him.

Because she knew it would make
her confession more believable.

Zak didn't have a clue, he thought
he'd died from a head wound.

Well, as long as
he's standing by her,

I still have two
conflicting confessions.

Let her go. And book
him for as*ault.

Maybe a little taste of prison
life will weaken his bond to her.

You need to get new evidence or
break up their marriage. For good.

Otherwise we have no case.


Wait, this is my sitter.
I'll be right back.


Okay, well, Zak stood by May
through infidelity and m*rder?

A few nights in jail
won't shake him.

It's May whose loyalty
is shaky.

She betrayed Zak once, she'd do
it again in a Nashville minute.

So let's give her the chance.

Seamus Flaherty wants
to meet with me? Why?

Well, it turns out he
co-owned Curtis' studio.

He says he wants to
give you back your tapes.

You don't believe him.

No, I don't. Seamus only
looks out for Seamus.

My guess is he smells money.

Money? But I don't have
any money at all.

But this case is gonna
get a lot of exposure, May.

Good kids from out of town
corrupted by the big, bad city.

Your story is gonna be
worth a lot of money.

Seamus wants a piece of it.

Well, what about Zak,
should I tell him?

I'm sure Zak
will want a piece, too.

But may, you need to start
looking out for yourself.

This'll always be
Curtis Gold Studios.

May, I'm right outside
if you need anything.

What, is she your den mother?
Where was I?

The studio.

Yeah, I'm never gonna
change the name, May.

I'm gonna keep this place
in honor of Curtis.

He was a good man.
He loved you.

Just ignore the camera.

The tape's only gonna be
seen by my investors.


May, I mean, you know, you
got your 15 minutes of fame,

but we're gonna need
a little help to turn that

into, you know, 15 years
of rock and roll stardom.

I'm sorry if this
question is rude.


Do you know anything
about music?

I mean, you own a bar.


I knew that babe in the woods
routine was just an act.

You wanna talk business?
Okay, May.

I got the money
and the connections

to make all your dreams
come true.

Look at that.

I told you everything
that happened that night.

I don't know how much
more I can show you.

Humor me. I'm a visual learner.
Uncuff him.

My partner's in the booth
downloading tape files.

Evidence. You shouldn't
be watchin' that.

Can you leave it on?

MAY: What is this?

SEAMUS: It's your
ticket to stardom.

I Was a Devil's Darling?
That's the name of my show?

Limited engagement, my club.
Industry professionals only.

I'm even gonna get you a career
architect to create the show.

You know what that is?


It's this guy, he writes the
songs, he constructs your image.

Best in the business,
a real star-maker.

I showed him your video, he liked
the video, but he loves your story.

But that video isn't anything
like me and my story...

I Was a Devil's Darling.
I Was a Devil's Darling.

That's your story, that's your
image, that's your ticket. Okay?

You shared a bed with the devil
and you lived to tell the tale.

You want me to say that
my husband is the devil?

Well, he did k*ll a guy, right?

That's not what happened.

Okay, you know,
you got a little of that,

victim who falls
for the abuser thing.

Which I personally
find very sexy.

I'm gonna push that.

Zak didn't abuse me.

Well, he didn't really treat
you very well, now, did he?

"Death ls An Aphrodisiac"?

I don't even know
what that means.

Well, it's Greek. It means,
you know, sexual turn-on?

I need to think about this.

No. No. Thinking is
not an option, okay?

We gotta get this in place so we open
the show just when you take the stand.

Take the stand?

Your husband k*lled Curtis Gold.
He admitted it.

It's a tragedy, but you gotta
put yourself in front of it

Hey, don't t*rture yourself.

All you gotta do
is verify his account.

It wasn't his fault.


I am prepared to offer you


this amount of money,

today to cement
our partnership.

That's a lot of money.

May, you cannot do it

with an open m*rder investigation
hangin' over your head.

Your husband
beat Curtis to a pulp.

That's not what happened,
he only hit him twice.

Twice. Yes.
Yeah, he's an animal.

And he doesn't deserve
to be on the streets.

That's not what happened, he...

Curtis was sick...

May. Let it go.

He had a bad spleen.

I was gonna take him
to the hospital.

My husband didn't know!
I did.

He can't be here,
his wife's inside.

You said it was taped.

You set me up!

Zak, no!

Fellows, we're in
a meeting here.

Meeting's over, Flaherty,
let's go.

He was sick!
I heard the whole thing, May!

You told me to kick him in the
side, you made me k*ll him.

No. Zak,
you don't understand.

I saw you, May. You wanted
to be a star so bad

you were... You were
gonna take his money.

I wanted the money
for the lawyer, Zak.

Everything I did,
I did for you!

You broke our marriage vows
for me?

What do you think?

Curtis Gold was gonna work with
me just based on my talent?

Curtis said you're gonna be
a star, everybody says so!

Who? My father?
Our friends back home?

Curtis was interested in me and my
voice at first, but later on...

I had to sleep with him.

We spent all our money moving
here, chasing your stupid dream!

Our dream.

Your dream.

And I was too much
of a coward to tell you.

Your eyes shining with
pride, loving me so much.

Bragging to
all our friends back home!

I slept with Curtis,
the only other man

I've ever slept with
other than you.

And I did it
because I love you.

You loved him so much
you set him up for m*rder?

It wasn't like that!

You had him k*ll Curtis, then
you were gonna blame Goro.

Goro was a k*ller! He was gonna
end up in jail someday anyway!

Why, May? Why'd you
make me k*ll him?

I just wanted to throw a
punch, get it out of my system

is all I needed.

If Curtis was still alive,
my sin would hang over us.

But if he was dead, it'd be
like nothing ever happened.

We would be pure again.

I was trying to save us,
don't you see that?

Okay, Zak, let's go.

I love you, Zak, please
say you love me! Please!

Zak. Zak,
we'll go home,

we'll forget we ever came
to New York City, please.

We're not like Goro,
we're good people.

We just wanna go home.

We just wanna go home!

We misjudged her.

She put love for Zak first
every step of the way.

"I loved my husband so much
I had to k*ll my lover."

Make a good country song.

It's a shame Curtis is
too dead to record it.
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