04x19 - Beast

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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04x19 - Beast

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

You're sure it's not gluttony?

Lisa, I know this.

It's sloth.

And your handwriting is horrible.

Okay, I need quiet.

The quiz isn't over yet.

The deadly sin we were looking for, sloth.



And the proud new owners of a sexy Townsend hoodie, Matty's Angels!


Orange hoodies.

Isn't this what prisoners have to wear?

Lisa, stay.

Do a shot with me.


One more missed curfew and Greg is going to ground me.

Good morning.

Whose is this?

Won it at the quiz.

Play with us sometime.

You'll get one, too.

One of your office girls can wear it.

Might be a tough sell.

Cologne, right?

A man's cologne?



Beckstead is in Three.

Four for the dinner cruise.


All the times we've been to New York, I've always wanted to do this.

Where's Lisa?

She was over there.

Maybe she went to the ladies' room.

I'll go find her.

Drunk before the booze cruise.


Guys, did you see a woman, blonde?


Help me.

Don't worry.

All the tests are normal.

I've controlled her pain with morphine.

So, nothing at all led up to this?

She had mild GI distress yesterday.

She used an OTC antacid.

You'll run more tests?

She needs more specialized evaluation.

She shouldn't be awake.

Do you have pain, Mrs.


My face feels strange.

Get the intern on-call to room 1405.



What's wrong?

Tell me.

What's happening?

It's chloracne.

A year ago, even veteran doctors had never heard of it.

And now your night nurses recognize it.

We can thank that Ukrainian politician for that.

Have you tested Mrs.

Ross for dioxin poisoning?

We had to send out the samples.

It'll take time.

All the more reason for me to talk to her as soon as possible.

I'm with the Board of Health.

There are some questions I need to ask.

First of all, have you consumed sport fish or game?


Do you know what's happened to me?

Well, that's what these questions will help us determine.

I need an inventory of everything you've consumed in the last week.


Ross, can you help us out here?

We have dinner out almost every night.

Except Tuesday.

I see my friends.


And breakfast she has at home.

Fruit and yogurt.

Maybe you can write down what you remember.

What do you do for a living?

Website for wedding planning, webofjoy.

You work out of an office?

A converted brownstone in Brooklyn.

How recent is the conversion?

We just finished the renovations two weeks ago.

And where's your office?

In the basement.

It's all been redone.

No one forced Lisa to work down here.

She just liked the quiet.

I maintain a very healthy work environment.

I keep anti-bacterial soap in the bathroom.

Hey, you bake that stuff in the sun 10 years, add a little chlorine, you got dioxin.

Good to know.

"Stag and hen packages.

" How long was Lisa working down here?

Not long.

She was developing a new product, bachelor and bachelorette parties.

You know I said to Lisa, "stag and hen" just sounds so British?


Yeah, it's an exhaust for an incinerator.

That's what was bolted down here.

You know, before they outlawed it in the '70s, they burned everything back then.

Including plastic.

You burn plastic, you get dioxin.

And you never get rid of it.

And Lisa was sitting right under the chimney.

The scrapings I took from the walls and the exhaust contain dioxin, but the levels aren't real impressive.

But it's there.

That's significant.

Dioxin is a slow poison.

You don't get sick overnight, the way this lady did.

The results on her dioxin level.

This can't be right.

I've never even heard of a level like this.

From environmental exposures.

But if she ingested pure dioxin?

If she'd licked the inside of the incinerator, she wouldn't test this high.

I think we've moved out of the basement, Mr.


We're talking about an intentional poisoning.

How easy is it to get pure dioxin?

Not easy for a layman.

How about to make it?

The chemical components are available, but you'd need a knowledge of chemistry.

Knowledge that a doctor or dentist might have.

Get a search warrant.

See what Dr.

Ross has been feeding his wife.

I have medicine for her face.

Let me see.

This doesn't work.

Don't bother.

I'll just try a little.

Nothing works on chloracne.

I read up on it.

I don't understand.

I don't understand.

You think something here made her sick?

Should we get ourselves checked?

We don't think you need to be worried at this point.

How did your daughter meet Dr.


Was she a patient?


Lisa was a manager at a pub near Greg's office.

He'd come in for lunch.

They look happy here.

Treats her like a goddess.

Always tells her she's beautiful.

We should get to the hospital.

All's well in Camelot.

Mom sounds like she wishes she'd married Dr.


Look at this.

The alarm is set for 3:00 p.


That's not the alarm.

The alarm is set for 5:15 a.


, you know, dentist hours.

This is a dual time zone function set for five hours ahead.

Five hours ahead.

That's what, British Isles?

Bachelor parties, "stag and hen," that's a British expression.

Kind of posh for a Jersey girl.

Her husband needs to be at work by 6:00 a.


She's in bed.

She needs to know what time it is in Great Britain.

It's a boyfriend, a British boyfriend.

Naughty girl.

Maybe Ross found out.

We need to talk to her alone.


Thanks for calling.

It's too late.


Yes, Gregory, we're both here.


Oh, God.

My baby!

My wife is dead.

My apartment's been ransacked.

I have been questioned by the police and the Health Department, and no one can tell me what the hell happened!

We understand your frustration, Dr.

Ross, but we're stalled until we figure out how your wife was contaminated.

My apartment.

Is it safe to go there?

It tested clean.

We have a few more questions.

Had Lisa been overseas in the last year?


I don't think she even had a passport.

Was she in touch with anybody in Europe or England?

Maybe a friend or a business contact?


Not that I am aware of.

We're sorry for your loss.

Your TMJ is acting up.

It's stress.

This is unbelievably awful for me.

Wasn't a lot of laughs for Lisa, either.

He didn't seem all that rattled when you brought up merry old England.

And before you say it, if this happened to my wife, I'd grind my teeth, too.

I wasn't going to say anything.

I was counting how often he used the words "me," "my," and "I.

" If his wife had a Brit boyfriend, there's gotta be a phone trail.

Sorry, the dumps on her home and work phones don't show any calls overseas.

You check her computer for e - mails?

The judge wouldn't include it in the search warrant.


Eleven "me's," "my's," and "I's.

" One "she.

" It's all about him.

Get back to that judge about a warrant for Dr.

Ross' office.

Check his deliveries.

Maybe he got his dioxin from the tooth fairy.

I will, Doctor.

Yes, word-for-word.


Ross is tied up making arrangements for Mrs.


But he said to tell you that she never came to the office, so she couldn't have been contaminated by anything here.

A lot of photos of Dr.

Ross and his wife, especially of his wife.

Even in the examination room.

Well, she was so beautiful.

A lot of people comment on her beauty?


I bet Dr.

Ross liked that.

My mother told me to always stay away from beautiful women.

You know why?

You have to worry all the time.

Well, maybe not you.


Ross, he worries?

I mean, he'd have to.

He's only human.

I kept telling him he was just imagining things.

For example?

Well, that.

It was Lisa's.

He had me smell it.

It's beer.

Well, that's what I thought.

He said he smelled a man's cologne.

This is every invoice for the last six months.

Cross-referenced by supply company and product.

I see you use the same two courier services for pick-ups.

You have accounts with them?

You have Mercury Messenger down here.

I didn't see in the log that you used them.


Ross asked for their phone number a couple of weeks ago.

He used them for his personal business?

I don't know.

Maybe for a pick-up from the tooth fairy.

It would have been two weeks ago, give or take.

Yeah, I got that.

Cómo está, Rudy?

Hey, I'm busy right now.

Yeah, sure.

I'll check you later.

All right.


I'm not finding any deliveries to or from a Gregory Ross.



Ross, delivery to Brooklyn, what is that, 10 days ago?

Lisa Ross' office.

Who was the sender?

I don't have that information.

It was a walk-in, cash transaction.


Like your friend who made us?

Looks like you got a lot of late-night deliveries there.

Your biggest client wouldn't happen to be Dial-a-Dope, would it?

We don't look at what's in the packages.

We just deliver them.

The ME ran a tox screen.

Lisa tested positive for cocaine, but there was no evidence of long-term use.

The coke is probably what Mercury delivered.

Somehow, her husband got wind of it, maybe tried to find out who sent it.

Or maybe he arranged for the delivery himself.

Coke to his wife's office?

That's too reckless for a guy who's anything but.

The receptionist at Lisa's office remembered her opening the package.

There was some kind of pretty card inside.

Lisa read the card and put the rest of the package in her purse.

Gift of dr*gs, courtesy of her Brit boyfriend.

A gift of pleasure, because he couldn't be here to pleasure her himself.

So, he helped her get high by herself?

He would have been better off saving up for a plane ticket.

Well, there's other ways for them to get high together.

Naughty cyber pals.

It's negative.

No cocaine residue on these surfaces.

The guy sent her cocaine.

He wanted influence over her.

He'd want to see proof of that influence.

There's no video cam.

Could you just wait Wait a moment, please.

All right, so Lisa, she She has the dual time zone clock next to her bed.

She checks it in the morning, that's her time, after her husband goes to work.

She figures out when her boyfriend's online.

They start chatting.

She takes the cocaine and she types, as she feels the drug take effect on her.

So, she gets wired and starts typing fast.

What a turn-on.


He wanted influence.

He would have told her how to He would have told her how to take the drug.

Could you test this seat, please?

You think she snorted it off the chair?

We're thinking she didn't snort it.



Cocaine residue, right on the money.

Very naughty cyber pals.

This is good-bye for me.

Lisa was my partner.

I can't play without her.

It's so unfair.

It was all coming together for her, a career and a great marriage.

Don't go overboard.

What do you mean?

Forget it.

I'm really going to miss her.

A lot of guys will.

Her vaginal tissue tested positive for cocaine.

Now, in and of itself, that's not so unusual.

I had a gentleman here last week who died giving himself a sherry enema, but I also found microscopic lesions that suggested a more caustic chemical irritant than cocaine alkaloid.



She ingested it through her vaginal tissue.

The cocaine was cut with dioxin.

So her boyfriend set up an online encounter, he directed her, made sure she took the full dose.

He k*lled her without ever touching her.

And they say all the good men are taken.


I don't think so, no.

Lisa didn't have enemies.


What did you find out?

That's funny.

We were going to ask you the same thing.

What did you find out?



I am in the dark here.

Mercury Messengers.

You in the dark about Mercury Messengers?

I No.

I was going to use them to send x-rays to a colleague.

No, see, your phone records show you called Mercury two days after they delivered a package to your wife.

I saw their name on an envelope in Lisa's trash.

I tried to find out who sent it.

They wouldn't tell me.

It's all right.

You know, we all get jealous one time or another.

This was not jealousy.

I was expecting a delivery myself and Your hygienist said that you were convinced that this smelled of cologne, a man's cologne.

You know, that's jealousy talking.

Were you just taking a flyer, or was there something to it?

I found a fragment of a chat on Lisa's computer.

She was chatting with a man, they seemed friendly.

They used terms I didn't understand.

Sexual terms?


I just said they were friendly.

It was not a sexual chat.

Okay, friendly terms.

Like what?

"Visual round.

" He said that his was difficult, and he asked her about hers.

It could be some private code.

Or a game.

"Townsend Arrows.

" "Arrows" is British slang for "darts.

" She get this playing darts?

No, she won it playing trivia a week ago, Tuesday, at a pub.

You mean pub quiz.

My kid brother plays that.

A "visual round" is a round of the game.

She might have been chatting with someone she met there.

Another player.

Do you know who she played with Tuesday nights?

A married couple, food-and-beverage types.

They play at a pub downtown, Dempsey's.

I played with them once.

A waste of time.

I have patients waiting.

Just one more thing.

Why didn't you tell us about your wife's online relationship?

It was not a relationship, and I didn't want you wasting your time.

How considerate.

He's a conflicted man.

Flaunted his wife's beauty, felt validated by it, and then ridicules her, her friends, her hobbies.

"Food-and-beverage types.

" People she might be sharing her secrets with.

I see a pub quiz in our future.

Matty's Angels?

Uh, I'm Matty.

This is Marcia.

You two looking to join a team?

Well, we never played before.

Quiz is about fun.

If you're a jerk who always has to be right, this isn't for you.

Maybe we should sit this out.

You got a know-it-all man, too?

Partner, as in police.

We need to talk to you about Lisa Ross.

Ready, everyone?

Our next round is American Presidents.

In 1876, he won the popular vote, but lost the presidency.

I got that.

We write our answers down.

It's Tilden.

Oh, yeah!

Who is it?

It's Tilden.


Before she died, Lisa was chatting online with another pub quiz player, a man.

He might have told her that he was British.

Living in England.

Lisa never said anything to me.

The White House bathtub was replaced at the request of this president.

I have it.

It's Taft.

Taft was enormous.

This person might have been masking their identity because they had a grudge against Lisa.

It's very important that we find him.

We didn't talk about that stuff.

You guys make your own scorecards?

It's easy, on the computer.

This presidential pair ran a country that didn't elect them.

It's Ford and Rockefeller.

A devil with horns and three halos.


Who's the third angel?


She's so upset about Lisa, she won't play.

They were close?

Drinking pals, anyway.

Colleen hooked up with us six months ago.

She likes to party after the quiz.

Lisa was a level-10 stud magnet.

She reeled them in and then threw them to Colleen.

Maybe not all of them?

Colleen said a lot of guys would miss Lisa.


Girl speak.

You got a number for Colleen?

Lisa was beautiful, so, obviously, men will miss her.

That's all I meant.

Marcia was pretty sure you meant something else, and we know there was somebody, another pub quiz player.

What difference would it make?

She got food poisoning.

No, the poisoning, it was deliberate.

Oh, no.

You're not protecting her by keeping her secrets.

She did talk about a guy.

She compared him to her husband.

It was very mean.

Well, we've heard it all.

Don't be shy.

She said the way he touched her wasn't like Greg.

It wasn't dental.

Now, that we haven't heard.

So Lisa was actually having an affair?

But we've gone over her schedule.

I mean, we don't know when she had the time.

She saw him in the morning.

She called him Mr.


He brought her coffee after her husband went to work.

But look, the times we stayed out late, I saw her make out with a lot of guys.

There could have been more than one guy.

Sure, we understand.

Colleen, your lunch is here.

Is that it?

That's it.

That's an early lunch.

Excuse me.

Colleen, what time does her shift start?

She was 9:00 to 5:00, but she asked to change.

Probably so she could go on auditions.

A lot of our temps are actresses.

She also changed the layout of her cubicle.

I noticed that they drilled a new hole for her computer cable.


She was getting a glare from her screen.

All right.

Thank you.

Come on, look at all these cubicles.

Anyone passing by can see the screens, but Colleen moved her computer so she could have privacy.

Well, private chats at 7:00 a.


Maybe she was doing her acting on the Internet.

So Colleen was the one on the computer, chatting up Lisa, pretending to be a guy, conning her into poisoning herself.

Lab find anything on their computers?


Colleen's work computer crashed two days after Lisa got sick.

The hard drive got reformatted.

These girls have a history?

They met six months ago.

They saw each other once a week at the pub.

Everybody said they got along.

Colleen went out of her way to make Lisa seem promiscuous.

Now, that's usually a sign of sexual jealousy.

Maybe they had the hots for the same guy.

Do we have anything else on her?

Well, she moved from upstate a year ago.

She worked for an environmental group, Planet Preserve, for three years.

Before that, it was community college, waitressing.

Planet Preserve, their website will list their projects.

Well, it was a clerical job, but Colleen was so smart, so curious about science.

Could you send her a big hi from me, Jack, who taught her soil testing?

You mentored her?

I unchained her from the Xerox machine whenever I could.

Take her out into the field or over to the lab at the college.

She work with a lot of pollutants?

Dioxin, in particular?

Of course.

There's nearly three million cubic yards of contaminated sediment along this strip of river alone.

You know, it sounds like you awakened, like, a passion in her.

Was she like that?


Fixating on a person or a cause?

Well, certainly on this cause.

And I think I found out why, after she left.

She might have had a health problem.

From environmental contamination?

I thought so.

She kept getting these bills here from Saint Edwin's Hospital.

I was afraid she had a cancer.

I'm Dr.


I'm running behind today.

I apologize.

It's not the way I like to start things off with a new patient.

You don't have to say anything, Gregory.

I know and you know, and it's okay.

We'll be fine.

Colleen Dexler was not a patient here.

The bills she received were for somebody else, a family member?


Last name, Dexler, first name, Morgan.

Date of birth, March 8th, 1973.

Deceased 1994.

That's all I can tell you.

Cause of death?


Thank you.



The Westchester ME might have an opinion about that.

Morgan Dexler, Eleven years ago, she presented at Saint Edwin's with a variety of symptoms.

Then that turned into this.

They still don't know what happened to her.

We can guess.


It still haunts me.



Never occurred to us.

Morgan's younger sister, Colleen, did you have much contact with her?

She was the only family member that I dealt with.

Of course, there was no father.

Her mother came to the hospital once, but the cysts on Morgan's face just scared her off.

So Colleen made the decisions about Morgan's care?

I mean, it wasn't ideal.

She was highly emotional, very devoted to her sister.

Morgan was a She was such a beautiful girl.

Was anybody else close to Morgan?

Beautiful girls usually have boyfriends.

Well, she had one, but I never met him.

He didn't go to the hospital?

No, not while I was there.

I was told he had a very busy practice.

He was a doctor?

A local dentist.

Well, finally, an answer.

You know, when I lost my angel, my pastor said that God would reveal in the future what we couldn't fathom today.

Is this Colleen or Morgan?

Oh, Morgan, of course.

That's from a catalogue she did.

She was 11.

Well, sit, sit.

Look Let me show you something here.

Look at this.

This Oh, right.

Oh, this.

Now, this was from the Foliage Fair.

She did the song from The Fantasticks.

She's gorgeous.

The boys must have been lining up at your door.

Local trash.

You know, none of them was good enough for her.

But she did have a boyfriend, didn't she?

A dentist?

Gregory, a person of quality.

They were engaged, but he moved away after Morgan died.

He was just so heartbroken.

We were surprised that he didn't spend more time at the hospital.

Morgan's doctor said that he had never met him.

Gregory had his patients to think of and, you know, he was such a wonderful dentist.

He did this crown for me.

Eleven years.

You know, it's still perfect.

One visit.

Only took an hour.

Did Colleen have anything to do with Gregory's staying away?

We heard she was at the hospital every day.

Her work hours were flexible.

It's hard for you, this Seeing your beautiful daughter d*sfigured.

She was such a beauty, you know.

An angel.

Well, she was lucky she had Colleen.

Did Gregory get along with Colleen?

They were friends.

Because of Morgan.


Gregory ate at the restaurant where Colleen worked.

She brought him home, and then he met Morgan.

But he dated Colleen first?

That must have made for some tension.

Oh, not at all.

That kind of man wants a star.

"A star.

" That must have made Colleen feel special.

She might have been carrying a torch for Gregory all these years.

And why didn't he tell us that he had a girlfriend who died of the same symptoms, same disfigurement?

Because he poisoned her in the first place.

Well, we might have gotten this wrong.

He might have k*lled Morgan and Lisa.

We had no luck figuring out where he got the dioxin three weeks ago.

I wouldn't hold my breath figuring out where he got it 11 years ago.

The crown that he made for Colleen's mother.

She said that he made it in an hour.

Now, he must have had a lab in his office.


Ross used to share a practice with my father.

Dad was old school.

He had the lab.

After he retired, I closed it and put the apparatus in storage.

What about the chemicals he used?

Do you have records of those?

Right here.

Do you have fond memories of Dr.


Dad loved him.

He was all work and no play.

Well, he played a little.

Didn't he have a stunning girlfriend?

Over in Dobbs Ferry.

Morgan Dexler.

Queen of the Hudson Valley Beauty Pageants.

I felt bad for him.

He called her his fiancée, but my friends and I would see her late at night with this kid, Jason Crick, a mechanic.

The lab had ether, chlorine.

Add plastic to that soup and you get dioxin.

This very tidy, very thorough inventory.

Any reason you kept it?

In case I got another visit from an environmental group.

Which group visited you?

Planet Preserve, two years ago, to check on our disposal of hazardous chemicals.

That's when I closed the lab.

Do you remember who they sent?

A woman around my age.

Yes, that's her.

Forensics found dioxin residue on the lab apparatus.

Meaning Dr.

Ross poisoned his fiancée, Morgan Dexler, 10 years ago.

Because she was cheating on him with a mechanic.

He went after her principal asset, her beauty.

Colleen figured out what he did.

Then why not turn him in?

Probably because she has her own plans for Gregory.

She lured his wife Lisa into an online relationship in order to k*ll her.

Eliminating her as a romantic rival and giving her leverage over Gregory.

He k*lled Colleen's sister and Colleen k*lled his wife.

Jealousy and desire.

What tangled webs they weave.

Let's start with Dr.


He knows he's guilty of one m*rder.

We charge him with two, maybe we can convince him to cut his losses.


Ross is a respected professional.

How anyone could think he's capable of this is beyond me.

Simple, he's done it before, the same reason.

He knew his fiancée, Morgan Dexler, was cheating on him.

I knew no such thing.

With the local grease monkey.

All the girls at your old dental office knew.

Well, they neglected to tell me.

Doctor, it's not just that your lab had all the ingredients to make dioxin.

Or that we found dioxin residue on the lab apparatus.

It's your absence from the hospital when Morgan was sick.

We didn't know what she had.

I couldn't risk infecting my patients.

I'm sure a jury will be moved by your concern.

Fact remains, twice in 10 years.

I've talked to the Westchester D.


Plead to the m*rder of your choice, we'll agree to 25-to-life and waive prosecution for the other m*rder.

Fight us, and we'll prosecute you for both.

We'll leave you alone to discuss it.

There's another suspect you should consider.

Morgan's sister, Colleen.

She showed up at my office this week, making threats, presuming we had some kind of relationship.

Did you?

Of the most superficial kind.

She sent me cards at Christmas.

She called me on the anniversary of Morgan's death.

She's fixated on me.

I met her.

She was a waitress in Dobbs Ferry.

I ask her out, next thing you know, her mother's thrusting Morgan at me.

Her mother?


Colleen never got over it.

She must have poisoned Morgan and now Lisa.

She is a monster.

A monster, Mr.


And a perfectly reasonable alternate theory of the crime.

We'll pass on your offer.

Nice try.

Problem is we got two good suspects for both crimes.

We'll get nowhere as long as they point the finger at each other.

Colleen's been waiting for Dr.

Ross for 10 years.

And now, the life that she's dreamed of as the new Mrs.

Ross is within her grasp.

She won't toss it away by accusing Gregory of m*rder.

We need to throw her off her game.

If we put another obstacle in her way, she might hang herself climbing over it.

What obstacle do you have in mind?

The one that she's been running into all her life.

No, Lisa said Dr.

Ross was kind and gentle.

She never said he threatened her.

Didn't she tell you that the way he touched her, it was dental?

That's just one of those catty things that was always coming out of Lisa's mouth.

She wanted excitement.

Like Mr.


There were others, too.

One of those guys poisoned her.

Her husband might have bored her to death, but he would never hurt her.

He's a pussycat.

We've been tracking down his old girlfriends.

We came across one you might know.

Morgan Dexler.

Your sister, right?

Okay, I wasn't totally honest.


Ross and I kept in touch after Morgan died.

Totally as friends.

When he finally got married, I was real happy for him.

And how did you end up friends with Lisa?


Ross told me he suspected Lisa of cheating.

He thought it might be someone at the pub.

I went there to check it out, for his sake, as a friend.

You told Dr.

Ross what Lisa was doing?


I couldn't stand breaking his heart.

We appreciate your honesty, Ms.



Dexler's early, but I thought No problem.

Have a seat, Mrs.


I thought this was about Morgan.

It is.

We forgot to mention that Dr.

Ross was also charged with Morgan's m*rder.


Oh, that's impossible.

No, see, we found evidence that he cooked up dioxin in his old dental office.

He poisoned your daughter, just like he poisoned his wife.

Well, that It makes no sense.

That's what I said.

Yeah, all right.

Gregory and Morgan were engaged.

They were in love.

Well, maybe Gregory was, but we don't think that Morgan was ready to settle down.

The girls at Gregory's old office remembered seeing her with a young man, a mechanic.

It's true, Mom.

She was still seeing Jason Crick.

You spiteful girl, how can you say that about your poor sister?

You saw them together, Colleen?

Gregory did.

He hired a detective to follow Morgan.

Well, I don't believe it.

My Morgan had class and standards.

Even if the detective misinterpreted what he saw, it would give a jealous guy like Dr.

Ross a powerful motive to hurt Morgan.

And, like we said, we found dioxin residue on his lab equipment.

Oh, dear God.

But he didn't do anything to Morgan.

You see, on the other hand, if she was sleeping with the mechanic, he might be who was jealous.

That's right.

Morgan told me Jason said if he couldn't have her, no one would.

And garages have all kinds of toxic sludges lying around.


Garages are full of pollutants, including dioxin.

Maybe we should bring this kid in.

We can't.

Car crash, four years ago.

For the last time, my daughter never gave that trash the time of day.

Mom, she was sleeping with him.

It sounds like Morgan was just taking advantage of Gregory.

She was.

That's just not true.

There he goes.

Where are they taking him?


And with two m*rder charges, he won't be getting bail.

You don't think he deserves this?

You think he's too kind and gentle?


Well, didn't you hear them?

He m*rder*d your sister.

He m*rder*d my angel.

Well, Colleen would know better.

She dated him.

Did she tell you that?


He took you to breakfast at a family restaurant.

A family restaurant?

How romantic.

That's a man's way of telling a woman he's not interested.

Mom, don't say that!

It wasn't just breakfast.

Colleen and Gregory, they kept in touch over the years.

You know, with cards and then phone calls.

In 10 years, you've gone from breakfast to greeting cards with this man?

You are pathetic.

You don't think that Colleen would even have a chance with Gregory?

Men like him require beauty and class.

You mean like Morgan?

She had class?

Oh, she had that and much more.


Morgan was spreading them for Jason Crick in his trailer behind the garage!

Shut your mouth!

Morgan was the kind of woman that Gregory could introduce to his peers.

Like Lisa, the woman that he married.


Like her.

Like her, Colleen.

A woman with class, not like you.

Lisa was a slut, a restaurant hostess who put coke up her crotch.

You call that class, Mom?

You're disgusting.

Yeah, but she's right.

How did you know what Lisa did?

'Cause you were online with her, weren't you?

You sent her the coke that you mixed with dioxin, told her what to do.

That's how you knew.

That's the only way you could know.

Oh, God.

It's the only way you could ever have Gregory.

You're gonna have to let him go, Colleen.

You know, he's already put it all on you.

He said that you k*lled Lisa and Morgan.


Just Lisa.

He k*lled Morgan.

I know why.

I understand.

She didn't love him.


Neither of them did.

But I do.

And you just wanted the chance to show him.


I just needed time with him.

Time together.

That's all we needed.

You're under arrest for the m*rder of Lisa Ross.

You are such a disappointment.

Why did you have to give him to Morgan?

You k*lled her.

It's your fault.

My fault?

I wouldn't have cheated on him.


He wouldn't have k*lled me.

He lied to us.

He hired a PI to follow Morgan.

He knew she was cheating on him.

That nails his motive.

That should do it for Dr.


Engaged to one beautiful girl, married to another.

Each time he must have thought he'd died and gone to heaven.

Beauty, it's a beast.
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