03x12 - Unrequited

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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03x12 - Unrequited

Post by bunniefuu »

[Man Narrating] In New
York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders are pursued
by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Saints do not move, though
grant for prayer's sake.

Then move not while
my prayer's effect I take.

Uh, time.

Problem, Romeo?

It's like kissing my
grandmother. I can't.

Try acting.

Let's continue.

Thus from my lips, by
thine my sin is purged.

Then have my lips the
sin that they have took?

Sin from my lips? O
trespass sweetly urged.

Give me back my sin again.

[Clears Throat]
Good choice, Marion.

A round of applause
for our brilliant Juliet.

[Light Applause]

He's all yours.

Okay, Marion.
Chin down, no smile.

You're sultry. You
eat men for lunch.

Nice. Yes. Mm-hmm.

Take a breather, sweetheart.

I brought the final list.

Uh, Marty Chapman
agreed to emcee.

I thought he wasn't available.

No doesn't always mean no. I just
need you to sign off on the budget.

I'm bad with figures.
You know that.

Harvey, all these famous people!

You're a magician!

It's only the beginning.

I want full tox screens
on every sample.

Okay, folks. It's time
to pick your pockets.

So out with the
checkbooks. That's right.

I want you to
give till it hurts.

Which for some of you
shouldn't take that long.


She promised 35. We got
25. What's she trying to pull?

Nothing, Stan. Just
a misunderstanding.

[Emcee] Now let's take
a moment to say thank

you to our gorgeous
hostess for the evening,

Marion Whitney.

Isn't she lovely?

And she opened her beautiful
home for this worthy cause.

But I would sincerely ask
you all... [Continues, Indistinct]

I need to see you in the library.
Daniel, I'm in the middle of...

There are two detectives
here about your husband.

James? Tell them he passed away.

That's why they're here.
They're saying he was m*rder*d.

James wasn't poisoned.
He had emphysema.

Everyone knows
that's what k*lled him.

Everyone except the medical
examiner who did the autopsy.

You exhumed the
body? On what authority?

A court order based on information
in a letter from an anonymous source.

I would have thought the police knew better
than to put stock in an anonymous letter.

I assume that since you didn't bother to
notify Mrs. Whitney of the exhumation...

that this letter also
names her as a suspect.

Like you said, we know better than
to put stock in anonymous letters.

"New York Gives A Damn." This is
one of your late husband's causes?

No. One of mine. You're
interrupting a very important evening.

[Goren] We can come back
tomorrow. That would be so much better.

Yeah. But since we're here...

The death certificate says your husband
died in his sleep in the early evening.

Who was here that day?

The staff, my husband's nurse,
Daniel... There were lots of visitors.

- We'll need their names.
- Your husband was taking medications?

For his blood pressure. And
oxygen for his emphysema.

[Applause, Laughter]

That's, uh, Marty Chapman?

My mom and I used to
watch him every Sunday night.

If you behave, you can come
and listen to his monologue.

We'd like that.

The oxygen... It came through
a tube into his nose from a t*nk?

Yes, from a t*nk, Detective.
Please, are we done?

You haven't asked what kind
of poison k*lled your husband.

I mean, that's just
what people usually ask.

What? Are you accusing me?

You're just distracted
with the party.

An organophosphate toxin.

♪♪ [Salsa]

The poison.

They've started dancing.
Daniel will give you the names.

I'm sure this is all
just an awful mistake.

You must love dancing.
You're just so light on your feet.

I'm a student of the dance.

Dance of the merry widow.

♪♪ [Salsa Continues]

And the tanks are sealed.

So the trick was introducing the
toxin into the old guy's oxygen stream.

Uh, the toxin... It
vaporizes easily?

Yeah. It's designed to.
It's an industrial pesticide.

Well, if you mix it with a
base, like, uh, petroleum jelly?

It would vaporize at a slower
rate. Death would take longer.

You could coat the inside of the connector
with the toxin and petroleum jelly.

Toxin would be released into the oxygen
as it passed into the breathing tube.

Hmm. And you...
hook him up for his nap,

and it would be like
he died in his sleep.

Maybe you should talk to the
kindly person who tucked him in.

Poisoned? How's that possible?

It was something he
inhaled through his nose.

Then it must have come from
the oxygen tanks or the cannula.

That's what we thought.

We also thought that it
was standard procedure for

the company that rents
the equipment to pick it up.

But you returned it yourself the
very next morning way up in Yonkers.

The invoice says so.

That was Mr. Whitney's idea. Since
the rental place was on my way home,

he'd have me do it
to save on delivery.

- Sounds like Mr. Whitney
never met a nickel he didn't like.
- He was stingy.

But his wife seems anything but.

She was hosting a big-time
fund-raiser at her house the other night.

She was? Good for
her. She's having fun.

She wasn't having fun when
Mr. Whitney was around?

Hardly. She belonged to this
little singing group at the "Y,"

something called
Bound for Broadway.

She'd have to sneak out to perform at
senior centers around the city. [Pounding]

I have to get these meds
upstairs. Excuse me.

Maybe singing wasn't the only
thing she was sneaking out for.

The photo. That's her, uh,
cochair from her fund-raisers.

Lawrence Bradley. They
look very cozy in that chair.


What the hell are you imagining?
I'm interested in her acting.

I signed her on as a
student four weeks ago.

Do you have a lot of
students in their 60s? No.

Fifties? Forties?

I'm guessing 25's the cutoff for
actresses. Twenty-six if they're pretty.

You have no idea.

I hold auditions. Students have to
show commitment and talent and...

- A big bank account?
- I have no interest in that at all.

Lincoln Center
Awards, 1999 to 2003.

You have any former
students on here? No.

[Eames] Just wishful thinking?

Yes. Very good.
That's... That's what it is.

I'm thinking you're mentoring
students. You're cochairing fund-raisers.

These are things
that would impress...

the Lincoln Center nominating
committee for service awards.

And that's how Marion
Whitney got in your class.

She's using her influence to
wrangle you up big-time recognition.

I have no time for this, and I
certainly have no time for you.

Marty showed such generosity taking
time away from his busy schedule.

I really believe I made
a dear friend that night.

Many dear friends.

It was electric. [Laughs]

All thanks to you, Harvey.

This son of yours, Esther...
You are the luckiest woman alive.

[Cell Phone Rings]
Oh, who can that be?

I have to take this.
Please excuse me.

"You are the
luckiest woman alive."

Ma, please! I thought
you would like her.

Why should I? You getting
married? Of course not.

Don't worry. I have a
pretty good idea who...

We'll have our own autopsy.

Daniel, this is my moment
now. I will not tolerate obstacles.

Money's just been flying out of her
pocket... dance lessons, voice coaches.

She's servicing a
long-suppressed ambition.

To star in the uptown
Y's production of Mame?

Pretty slim motive to k*ll
your husband of 40 years.

So far the only person who thinks
she did it is our anonymous letter writer.

We getting any closer to giving him a
name? No prints, no saliva for D.N.A.

The letter is just simply declaratory
sentences printed on a dot-matrix printer.

You know, I've checked
a dozen databases.

Until the fund-raiser last week,

the Whitneys never came up in
connection with any charity works,

or the arts, not even a
mention in the society pages.

But all of a sudden, Marion Whitney's
hosting charity events, arranging awards...

This check for 10
grand... Marion signed it,

somebody else wrote in the amount,
and a third person wrote in the payee.

Waste Management, Inc. Dated
two weeks after her husband died.

They gave you this address because
I'm Marty Chapman's business manager.

Waste Management is what Marty
named his personal corporation.

Because of all the crap
he's had to put up with.

Oh, it's a joke.

So why did Mrs. Whitney
pay Mr. Chapman $ 10,000?

Actually, she paid him 35.

This was the last payment.
We got it at the fund-raiser.

[Eames] A payment for what?
To emcee the fund-raiser.

You know, that check
you got last week...

It's dated six weeks ago.

All I know is, Harvey
pulled it out of his

pocket, filled in the
amount and gave it to me.

[Eames] Who's Harvey? Harvey
Gruenwald. He produces charity events.

And carries around blank
checks signed by Marion Whitney.

"The Lincoln Center Awards."
I see you have tapes here.

Dates all the way back to 1966.

Every year, I have a few clients
on the nominating committee.

You have some tapes missing.
You lend them to someone?

Harvey borrowed them.

He ever ask your help in
getting someone nominated?

Say, Lawrence Bradley?

He asked me to find out what
the committee was looking for.

- He asked when?
- Maybe three months ago.

[Intercom Beeps]

Hello. [Indistinct] Hmm.
Before James Whitney died,

Marion Whitney already had
Harvey plotting her new life.

Yeah. And maybe
her husband's death.

m*rder*d? No.
Marion didn't tell me.

That's just... please...
So unexpected.

Uh, who do you think did it?

We're keeping an open mind. Did
you speak to Mrs. Whitney that day?

What, talk to her?
I-I was at the house.

Right. Your name was on the list she
gave us. And the purpose of your visit?

Uh, to ask, um, Marion
about sponsoring a benefit.

- How did you meet Mrs. Whitney?
- At a benefit.

Don't ask me which one. I'm
always meeting new people.

- Like all these people?
- Yes. Yes.

That's me with Al, with
Dusty, Hill and Bill, with Liza.

That's you and the
governor and the two mayors.

Yes. That was at a benefit
for First Responders.

Six months ago?
That was one of yours?

- I was there.
- I hope you made a donation.

Well, it was hard not to.

So with all these close
friends in the acting profession,

did it make it easier for you to get Marion
into Lawrence Bradley's acting class?

[Chuckles] All I did was get
her an audition, as a friend.

Marion's wonderful
talent did the rest.

And as a friend, I'm sure you
dangled a Lincoln Center Award...

in front of Mr. Bradley.

[Chuckles] Where
did you get that idea?

From Marty Chapman's business manager. You
asked him about the nominating procedures.

[Phone Ringing]
I don't remember.

But everything I do,
it's always as a friend.

Look, I...

Hel... Hi, Ma.

Yes, I have your prescriptions.

I'll bring them with me when
I pick you up at the center.

You having fun? Uh, yeah...

Listen, Ma, I'm gonna have
to call you back. Love you.

I like how you're so
nice to your mother.

She lives alone in Astoria.
I like her to check in.

[Sighs] I have a
meeting downtown.

If you have any more questions, my
secretary can schedule an appointment.

Harvey Gruenwald's put on 1 1
major benefits in the last two years,

all for well-known charities.

So far, everyone I've talked
to says the same thing:

He's irritating, but
he gets the job done.

Can't be easy getting people to
part with their time and money.

I'm starting to see
how he does it.

Hubris and flattery...
Big part of it.

And the facial tic...
It's, uh, disarming.

The more anxious he gets,
the worse it gets. Oh, thanks.

If it's like most simple motor tics,
it's developed in early childhood.

- See what you missed?
- [Sighs]

This is the check from the First
Responders benefit, front and back.

Five hundred bucks? Who's Terry?

My date.

What was I supposed to do while I
was pregnant? Sit home and knit?

Check the endorsement.

It was signed over to
a men's clothing store.

We applied that check to this
invoice. There's still a balance due.

Five thousand
dollars worth of ties?

They were party favors for
celebrities at one of his benefits.

What's this notation here:
"animal patterns only"?

Oh, the theme of the benefit
was endangered Asian wildlife.

No, see, the theme of this benefit
was endangered rescue workers.

Last July? Well, the
wildlife benefit was in May.

We stopped working with him.

We've heard he's been stiffing
people left and right since last spring.

Can we get a copy
of this invoice? Sure.

So Harvey's having to rob
Peter to pay the pandas.

How lucky for him Marion
Whitney dropped into his lap.

Lucky? He told us that
he met her at a benefit.

She didn't attend benefits
before her husband died.

Maybe her singing
group from the "Y"...

performed at a senior
center in Astoria.

Oh, yes. Bound for Broadway.
They come here regularly.

Our seniors enjoy it.

Of course, it helps they're
a little hard of hearing.

And Marion Whitney's
always a part of the show?

Oh, sure. We all get
a big kick out of her.

She rolls up in her
chauffeur-driven Bentley,

and the whole singing
group on board. [Laughing]

Um, is there a Mrs.
Gruenwald that comes here?

Gruenwald. Oh, Esther. Yes.

She has a son? Harvey? Mm-hmm.

Now, does he ever accompany
her to Mrs. Whitney's shows?

Once or twice, yes. He's
a wonderful young man.

You ever see him
chat up Mrs. Whitney?

Yes. The last time she was here.

Oh, that must have
been three months ago.

Harvey came alone. He said
his mother was under the weather.

And after the show, I saw him
ask Mrs. Whitney for her autograph.

Uh, these were, um,
done on a computer here?

Yes. We have donated
equipment that our seniors can use.

Including a dot-matrix printer.


I have to take my nap. I
don't have time for you now.

Anyway, Harvey doesn't live here anymore.
He has a hideaway bed in his office.

But he sleeps over sometimes. Uh,
there's a quilt and a pillow on that couch.

You can see it just
fine from right here.

Yes, he sleeps over.

It's easy for him. No
wife, no kids, no life.

You don't think much
of his charity work?

It's not like he's out in the
jungle healing the lepers.

He plans parties, for
God's sakes. A grown man.

But important people
support what he does...

Um, Marty Chapman,
Marion Whitney.

He thinks they care
about him. They don't care.

How could they? I mean, he
sweats, and that thing with his face.

Well, they take advantage
of his good nature.

It wouldn't surprise me.

Marion Whitney, for example. We
hear she's got him on a short leash.

He's not here five
minutes, she's calling him.

Her husband died
not too long ago.

He was poisoned. You
know how we found out?

A good citizen sent us a
letter with valuable information.

Valuable up-up to a point.

We need this good citizen
to tell us what they know.

- That smell... Is that coffee?
- Mmm.

Yeah, I only made
enough for one cup.

You are tough, Mrs. Gruenwald,

'cause normally Detective Eames
and I, we'd be in the living room by now.

I told you I don't
have time for you.

I don't say things just
to hear myself talk.

We'll leave our
card, just in case.

Your hands sweat. No,
I... You wiped your hands.

I don't mean to embarrass
you. It's just, um...

It's a side effect of
medications that you take?

Same thing happened to my mother
when she took her medications.

It's the pills I take
for my headaches.

Headaches? Butalbital?
My mom used to take that.

Yeah, well, I'm still takin' it.

If she wrote the letter, she blamed
Marion Whitney for the m*rder.

Isn't Harvey your
suspect? Maybe.

But the mother is jealous of the
attention that he lavishes on Marion.

She might've written the
letter to get rid of Marion.

Whatever cards
this old gal's holding,

you need to get her
to show 'em to you.

And a dot-matrix
printer isn't gonna do it.

Well, maybe this will. The lab
found traces of Butalbital in the letter.

It's secreted through the sweat
on Mrs. Gruenwald's hands.

Call Carver. Get a subpoena.


[Whispering] Thank
you so much for coming.

Thank you. [Loud Knocking]

[Esther] Harvey, what are you
doing in there? Ma, I'm busy.

I have to tell you something.
[Knocking Continues]

What do you wanna tell me?
The police came by this morning.

They asked me about that Whitney
woman. They think she k*lled her husband.

That's ridiculous. Why
would they want to ask you?

I don't know. You
be careful around her.

You're so impressed
with her, you'd do

anything she tells you.
She's not your friend.

Come on. Don't be like
that. Not one of them, Harvey.

You go ahead, have your picture
taken with them all you want.

That doesn't mean
they respect you.

How would you know?
You never once...

I'll see you in the morning, Ma.

[Door Opens]

Mrs. Gruenwald? This is
Detectives Eames and Goren.

This is Unit 229. We have
a 10-54. Female down.

4562 Steinway, Apartment 4-F.

Central, put a
rush on that, "K."

[Eames] Bed sheets are turned
down. Box of crackers on the nightstand.

She was probably in bed
when she heard an intruder.

She's got a chipped tooth.
[Police Radio, Indistinct]

Got it.

Well, let's mark that. Yes, sir.

All right. There's a nick.

Well, the perp didn't want to break
in unless he was sure where she was.

He opened the lock,
rang the doorbell.

When she got to the door...

Smash in her face.
The rest was easy.

Here we go. There's
a chipped tooth there.

Yeah. Victim's here.

Okay. What are you doing
here? Where's my mother?

You can't go in there.
It's a crime scene.

What kind of a crime?
What are you talking about?

Your mother was m*rder*d
last night. We're very sorry.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Ma! Ma!

I should have stayed with her last
night after the burglary downstairs.

We don't think this was a burglary.
We think someone came in to k*ll her.


A-Are you all right? Do
you need a drink of water?

No. It's this suit. I
rented it at the last

minute. This is the
only size that they had.

You had a benefit last night?

No. It was the opening
night of the Sinatra

thing at Radio City. I
went with Mrs. Whitney.

We think your mother
sent us a letter accusing

Marion Whitney of
poisoning her husband.

No. No. Ma liked Marion.

That's not the
impression she gave us.

Well, Ma has her own way of
showing affection. You don't know her.

I have to, uh, make
some calls to relatives.

I'll be at my office. Thank
you so much for coming.

Harvey nearly swallowed his face
when we told him it wasn't a burglary.

You confirm his
alibi for last night?

Two ushers at Radio City saw
him sitting next to Marion Whitney.

Harvey was genuinely shaken
about his mother's death.

And afraid. Now
something's inspiring that fear.

Maybe it's the fact that he
owes money everywhere.

What's he doing with these
funds he collects at these benefits?

The charities say he turns
over about 10 percent to them.

The rest he claims for expenses.
But he's not spending it on himself.

He bunks in his office or on his
mother's couch. He even rents his tux.

Then where's the money going?

Maybe the question
to ask is, where did

Harvey get the money
from in the first place?

These benefits, they cost hundreds
of thousands of dollars to put on.

What was he doing before
he started hitting up socialites?

Driving them. Three years ago,
Harvey worked for a limousine company.

Harvey was a driver. He
had terrific people skills.

People skills? What kind?
It's the damnedest thing.

Whenever he drove famous people
around, he'd come home with an autograph,

or even a picture with them,
without pissing them off.

Which isn't easy,
let me tell you.

Well, maybe it's his tic. You know,
people feel they can't say no to him.

You gotta use what God gave you.

God didn't give Harvey the seed money
for his fund-raising business, did he?

No. I did. The kid
discovered a secret.

You offer a celebrity
enough money, they'll

show up pretty much
wherever you want 'em to.

We've heard that. It's
true. Let me show you.

That's my daughter's wedding.
See who I'm standing next to?

Looks a lot like
Charlton Heston.

Well, Harvey was driving
him. He knew I was a big fan.

The next thing you know, I got Moses doing
the invocation at my daughter's wedding.

And it only cost
me 10 grand. Oh.

Do you mind if I get a
drink of water? Be my guest.

So how does it work? Harvey
takes a cut from the fund-raising...

to cover his overhead,
and you take a cut of that?

[Man] It's not just the money. I'm thinking
about getting into the music business.

And thanks to Harvey, I've
made some great contacts.

Cut crystal. And
there's a lot of them.

They're for the limos. A pal of
mine owns a glassware company.

Crystal Needs. That's where Harvey
rents his glasses for his fund-raisers.

Harvey rent from any
other pals of yours?

Pal of mine's in
the linen business.

Another pal of mine
rents tables and chairs.

Harvey keeps a lot of
your "pals" in business.

The start-up
money, Mr. Weaver...

It was a loan. A
high-interest loan.

We have a legal
binding contract.

Secured by these pals of
yours in the wedding photo?

Besides Moses, I
see Carmine Masucci,

Tony Virgini, Mike Tobis.

You guys are bleeding
Harvey dry, aren't you?

How much does he owe you?

We're up to date. Harvey cut
me a nice check last month.

Last month?

Then this little angel floated
down from heaven to save Harvey.

"To Nicholas, with
warm regards. Marion."

Another pal of yours?

Now she is.

It's her money. She's free
to do with it what she wants,

even if it means helping
Mr. Gruenwald repay a business debt.

A $500,000 debt? Did he
tell you who he owed it to?

His partner, Mr. Weaver.

Uh, Nicholas
"Nickie Boy" Weaver.

He's a loan shark with ties
to various crime organizations.

Harvey was desperate to
meet his obligation to him.

That's why he made a point of
running into you at the senior center.

That's why he
k*lled your husband.

I don't believe
that for a minute.

And it's why his mother's dead.

She wrote letters to the police. She
posed a threat to Mr. Weaver's investment.

What do you expect my
client to do about all this?

We need her help making a
case against Mr. Gruenwald.

You're wrong about Harvey. [Goren]
Well, we're not wrong about Nick Weaver.

Once he's wrung every
last dime out of Harvey,

it'll be your turn.

You hear that, Daniel?
He's trying to scare me.

You really are a poor
judge of character, Detective.

Well, if you'll excuse me.

Well, you're a hard character
to pin down, Mrs. Whitney.

You know, I was surprised
finding your autographed photo...

hanging in a mobster's office.

That wasn't the face
of a friendly witness.

Gruenwald's got her
hook, line and sinker.

She refuses to see
who she's dealing with.

We should've showed
her Esther's autopsy.

Her k*ller practically ripped her
arm off dragging her to the couch.

I think that Marion sees very
clearly who she's dealing with.

But she seems to be
pursuing her own agenda.

This says that Harvey's
mother had scarring on her lungs.

Right. Consistent with a case of
bronchial asthma four years ago.

Well, I wonder what kind of
inhalation therapy they gave her.

Yeah, that's right.
That's very nice.

Harvey... Harvey,
you cannot dwell.

I keep seeing her.
It's... It's all my fault.

That isn't true. You know, we
can give a benefit in her memory.

What was her favorite
charity? I don't know.

We'll think of something appropriate.
That's how you deal with loss.

You fling yourself
back into life.

This'll knock 'em back on
their heels. What do you say?

This is how she
treated her asthma.

The medication goes in here?


And then it's, uh, vaporized
and inhaled through here.

Somebody took it apart
to see how it worked.

Petroleum jelly.
There are specks.



Well, Harvey mixed 'em
together to test to see if the...

[Sniffs] the smell would be released
when the vapor passed through it.

That's how he got the
idea to k*ll James Whitney.

Well, let's go give
him a science prize.

Then I can count on
you? Okay, Harvey.

We can't do this without you.
Thank you so much. Yeah. Bye-bye.

Harvey Gruenwald.
Mr. Gruenwald, you're

under arrest for the
m*rder of James Whitney.

Please. No. Not in
front of all these people.

Believe me, Harvey, they've
seen worse. Harvey, this way.

Done? [Chattering]

I told you. I never
touched Ma's medical stuff.

So you can't tell us how
your greasy little fingerprints...

got all over the
inside of this gizmo?

Uh, Ma might've
asked me to fix it.

With petroleum jelly? Why?
The little motor was squeaking?

It was an experiment,
wasn't it, Harvey?

Before you...

Well, before you moved
on to James Whitney,

oxygen t*nk, the poison.

I didn't have anything to
do with that. I didn't k*ll him.

No, see, this proves that you
did, and we know why you did.

Your partner, Nickie
Boy, was squeezing you.

He's the big fish, Harvey.
That's who we want.

What are you
people trying to do?

Get a mob loan
shark off the street.

He put you up to
k*lling Mr. Whitney.

And then he k*lled your
mother. He knew you'd be out.

Tha-That's not true. I never
told him I was going out.

Well, the tux... It
was tight, right?

That's because you
rented it last minute,

because that's how you got the
tickets to Radio City last minute.

Yes. I had to rush around. I didn't have
time to call Nick or anybody. [Door Opens]

I'm George Salinas.
I've been retained to

represent Mr. Gruenwald.
My client's invoking.

The person who invited
you... That was Marion?

Yes. That's enough.

Harvey's not
taking us seriously.

He will when the judge denies
him bail. I'm asking for remand.

Based on a nebulizer?

Based on his misappropriation of charitable
donations and on two m*rder counts.

I'm charging him for
his mother's death.

Send him over for
arraignment when you're ready.

You know, opening night tickets
for Radio City couldn't be easy to get.

I'd like to find out how
Marion snagged 'em.

Not guilty.

Your Honor, the
People ask for remand.

Your Honor, Mr. Gruenwald's
prepared to post a million dollars...

to guarantee his
appearance at trial.

Your Honor, we have two
elderly victims callously m*rder*d.

Your Honor, we're prepared
to post two million dollars.

Mr. Gruenwald is a flight risk with
no residential address in the city.

We'll post three million dollars
and agree to an ankle bracelet.

He'll go to work. He'll
go home. Nothing else.

He can have crossed five states
before anyone notices he's missing.

Your Honor, if bail is
granted today, we won't object

if Mr. Carver wants to
revisit the issue in a week.

I don't see how I can say no.

Bail is three million.

Defendant will be fitted
with a monitoring device,

and I want him
back here next week.

Next case. [Gavel Raps]

Now I know what a
cattle auction feels like.

Harvey's lawyer was taking his
bidding cues from Marion Whitney.

She wants him out for this week.
She needs him for something.

You have full access to Mr. Gruenwald's
records. See what he's up to.

The Kathleen Karr Project is a
program we run for underprivileged kids.

Mr. Gruenwald made
a generous contribution.

We saw the check. We also saw
your address on an invoice from a florist.

Mr. Gruenwald's having a boatload
of roses delivered here next Monday.

I'm letting him use the theater
for a little show he's producing.

A little show starring Marion Whitney.
The audience... Do you know who's coming?

Gruenwald faxed
me the list last week.

I recognize some of the
names on the first page.

They're a little creaky.

I recognize some
of these names too.

I heard Gruenwald tell her all
the guests were A-list people.

[Eames] You've met Mrs. Whitney?

She came in for a
lighting rehearsal.

I bet she was excited.
I couldn't figure her out.

One minute she
seemed out of her depth,

the next she sounded like she
had greasepaint in her veins.

[Goren] Uh, for example?

She asked for
side shin lighting.

I told her that's mostly for
dancers to highlight their legs,

but, uh, no dancing in her show.

Uh, you said "mostly."
What else are they used for?

For children.

Where on earth
did you find this?

[Eames] Actors Equity. They
had it under her maiden name.

This photo must be from the '50s.
Actors Equity keep them that long?

As long as you pay
your dues. She was 12

years old when she
played her last bit part.

Long time to hold on to
a dream. Come Monday,

she's hoping to
prove it was worth it.

And this is why she needs
Mr. Gruenwald out of jail till then.

[Phone Ringing]

I'd prefer we had all three of them.
[Goren] You might get your wish,

once Harvey and Marion see how they fail
to live up to each other's expectations.

Come, you spirits that
tend on mortal thoughts.

Unsex me here and fill me...

[Yawning] from
the crown to the toe.

Harvey. Harvey,
who's in the front row?

I'm still juggling. There
are people coming from

London. I want to keep
the center seats for them.

London? Harvey, you're my rock.

Larry, I think I should be
nearer to the edge of the stage.

I want to fix them with my
eyes. I want to frighten them.

Take my word for it, Marion. If they're
here tonight, they'll be frightened.

Come... [Goren] There he is.

My partner thought you skipped.

I'm sorry. This is
a closed rehearsal.

Sorry, but we need to make sure
Mr. Gruenwald is complying with his bail.

Still wearing your ankle
monitor, aren't you? Yeah, I am.

There it is. Still ticking.

Harvey and I have
important work to do.

You know... You know, you guys
are lucky to have found each other.

I know. Thank you.

It's hard to say who's
luckier... You or Harvey.

I'd say Harvey. Before
he met you, Mrs. Whitney,

he was being skinned
alive by Nick Weaver.

You know, your arrangement
with Nick Weaver...

Even on a good month,
it's hand-to-mouth.

Oh, I don't do this to get rich.

Well, you're not doing it to
get poor though, either, are ya?

It's the celebrities.

Getting your picture taken with
them. Being on a first-name basis.

Well, it makes you... important.

No. No. Come on. It
shows that you have value.

It proved it to your
mother. Oh, sure it did. No.

We found the autographed
photos that you gave your mother.

"A terrific kid."

"What a great kid."

I mean, if Dino and Jack say so,
then Mom has to believe it's true.

I didn't tell them
to write this.

Harvey, this need,
this pathological need...

It's what got you into deep
trouble with Nick Weaver.

You didn't want to believe
he k*lled your husband,

but now we have proof.

We found this in his
mother's apartment.

He practiced on it before tampering
with your husband's oxygen t*nk.

- Oh, that's-that's not true, Marion.
- I know.

Don't worry, Harvey. Marion
doesn't care if you k*lled James.

It gave her an
opportunity of a lifetime.

- Fifty years, to be exact.
- That's exactly how long...

little Marion Lester's been
waiting by the stage door.

My God! Where did
you get this old thing?

You see, Harvey, you need the
approval of one special person.

But Marion here... Well, she wants,
you know, the whole world to love her.

And tonight, thanks to you,
she's gonna feel the love.

[Goren] That's why
she kept you out of jail.

But after tonight,
she's done with you.

Wha... What are
you talking about?

You have your bail
hearing tomorrow.

Well, your lawyer... The
one Marion hired for you...

He should've filed papers
in support of that bail,

but he hasn't done
any of those things.

He knows what he's doing.

He's going to jail tomorrow.

Harvey... another casualty
of little Marion's ambition.

Harvey, we'll talk about this
later. Now stop listening to them.

After the show tonight,
that's when you'll talk.

You don't wanna
spoil her big night.

I mean, she's
worked so hard for it.

Isn't that right, Mr. Bradley?

Keep me out of this.

Her talent... That's not why
you took her on as a student.

Harvey has a connection with the Lincoln
Center A wards Nominating Committee.

Have you heard anything
from them yet, Mr. Bradley?

He's been promised an award.

A Purple Heart for
being your acting coach.

But, you know, none of this should
matter to your audience tonight.

By the way, have you
seen the guest list?

- It's at my office.
- We asked the theater manager for a copy.

- H-He doesn't have the final list.
- There are nearly 200 people here.

A full house. Do you
know any of them?

They're all behind-the-scenes people,
agents. She wouldn't recognize any of them.

Well, we looked them up.

Um, well, there's this guy here.

He represents child actors.

He was so disappointed when we told
him that you were, you know, all grown up.

And that one... He books talent
for cruises up the Hudson River.

Now the rest... Well, for
example, there's this page.

Uh, these are all people from
your mother's senior center.

Right? He's busing them in.

And the next page... Those are
Nick Weaver's buddies and their wives.

They're mostly in the food and
beverage business. Stop it! Stop it!

You gave Harvey all this
money, and this is the payoff.

You cheat. You
fraud. You charlatan.

It's not the final list, Marion. There
are people from London coming.

All my work. All those years.

All this... for those nobodies?


He took your
money, your husband.

Yeah, yeah, he did.

No. No.

That morning, I saw him in
the pantry next to the tanks.

- No, Marion. Please.
- And when I told him...

that James was taking a
nap, he said to let him sleep.

Well, I... I didn't tell anyone
'cause I couldn't believe it,

but... now it's clear.

So, you're... you're both even.

He k*lled your husband, and
she helped k*ll your mother.

Your mother was gonna put a
wrench into Marion's big night,

so she got together with
her new pal, Nick Weaver.

[Chuckles] That's an absurd lie.

Ask her how she got those
last-minute tickets to Radio City.

- Come on, ask her!
- They were rush tickets!

I think what she means is a
messenger service rushed them...

from the agent's
office to Nick Weaver's.

- We even have the receipt.
- And then Nick Weaver
rushed them to Marion.

And then Marion rushed to call
you to get you out of the house...

so one of Nick Weaver's
pals could... k*ll your mother.

You... You helped him.

You... You helped. You
begged me to go with you.

You wouldn't let me call
my mother after the show.

Harvey. Harvey. You
begged me to go with you.

You-You-You wouldn't
let me call my mother.

She made me help her
with her lines all night

long while my mother
was being m*rder*d.

- Mrs. Whitney.
- Don't touch me.

[Harvey Sobbing]

I haven't done anything. It was
Nick Weaver. He threatened me.

I had no idea what
he had in mind.

Well, I was gonna just
ask you to step aside,

but now I'm gonna have
to put you under arrest.

You can't do this to me.
This can't be happening to me.

Sorry. Looks like you
forgot your ruby slippers.

Let's go, ma'am.

[Sobbing Continues]

You too, Harvey. No.

You're under arrest. Please, no.

Oh, God. Oh, God.

And they thought they were the
answer to each other's prayers.

Well, they were. I mean, she's gonna
have another shot at fame at her trial.

And Harvey... I think
Harvey will like jail.

Well, it's where all the
famous people are these days.

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