02x21 - Peak Performance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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02x21 - Peak Performance

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 42923.4.

Despite misgivings,
I have agreed to Starfleet's request

to divert to the Braslota system

to take part
in a w*r-game exercise.

Joining us
as observer and mediator

is the Zakdorn master strategist,
Sirna Kolrami.

Mr Kolrami, Capt Jean-Luc Picard.
Welcome aboard.

Captain, I bring you greetings
from those at Starfleet Command.

Would you care to see your quarters?

I require little rest.

I prefer that we commence
with our mission.

Despite their reputations,

this Zakdorn does not appear
to be a very formidable warrior.

In military brinksmanship,

individual physical prowess
is less important

than the perception
of the whole species.

For over nine millennia,
foes have regarded the Zakdorns

as having the greatest
strategic minds in the galaxy.

So no one is willing to test
that perception in combat.


Then the reputation means nothing.

The Braslota system.
In orbit around the second planet

is the 80-year-old starcruiser

He is still your first choice?

Cmdr Riker
will captain the Hathaway.

You have 48 hours to prepare
before the Enterprise att*cks.

- We'll experience battle conditions?
- Correct.

Engineering will disconnect
the Enterprise's weapons

and link the system
with a modified pulse beam.

Hits are recorded electronically.

If the computer registers damage,
it will act accordingly,

shutting down the affected areas
for the appropriate repair time.

Additional questions?

Capt Picard,
it is my understanding

that you initially resisted
the request for this simulation.


May I know why?

Starfleet is not military.
Its purpose is exploration.

Then why am I here?

With the Borg threat,

I decided that my officers and I
needed to hone our tactical skills.

In a crisis situation, it is
prudent to have several options.

I prefer brains over brawn, too.

It's a waste of effort
testing combat skills.

It's a small part in the make-up
of a captain.

Your objection is noted.

Let us hope that
your distaste for the exercise

will not affect
your strategic abilities.

Mr Kolrami, when I agree
to do something, I do it.

Do you care to surrender now?

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange, new worlds,...

..to seek out new life
and new civilizations,...

..to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Your team should number 40,
so select whom you will,

except Mr Data,
who will serve as my First Officer.

I had envisaged you
defining the crew.

Here, the leader of an away team
controls the mission.

If you want to judge leadership,
start at the beginning.

Very well, Captain.

- My, what a charmer.
- Doctor...

he needs an attitude adjustment.

The Zakdornian culture is replete
with self-assuredness.

Seldom is it undeserved.

Kolrami is a third-level grandmaster
at the game of strategema.

Another millimeter.

That's it. A little more.
There. That's excellent.

- Lieutenant?
- Yes, Commander?

- You've heard about the simulation?
- Yes. Good luck.

I researched those Avidyne engines.
They're archaic. Touchy.

Anticipating the worst,
can they be overhauled in 48 hours?

I've already taken the liberty of
putting together a few necessities.


Am I disturbing you?

Just finished.

What do you think of the simulation?

- Waste of time.
- It's just an exercise.

Useless. If there is nothing
to lose, no sacrifice,

then there is nothing to gain.

You mean, besides pride.

In this case, it doesn't matter.
I probably haven't got a chance.

- There is always a chance.
- Slim.

The Hathaway's
most sophisticated weapons,

even in a computer mock-up,
can't defeat the Enterprise.

Well, still...

You're out-manned, out-gunned,
out-equipped. What's left?


Join me.

The honour is to serve.

Scan all sectors within
three light years of Braslota.

- How's your crew shaping up?
- One last request.

Anyone in particular?

I would like Acting Ensign Crusher
on board for educational observation.

Thank you, Captain.

We'll have some time
before reaching Braslota.

Would you play me
in a game of strategema?

Although I'm intrigued
by the audacity of your request,

I can't fathom
why you would wish the encounter.

- I enjoy a challenge.
- Very well.

An opponent of limited dimensions
can often be quite diverting.

Thank you.

- You're gonna beat him?
- No.

- Then it's gonna be close?
- No.

- But you have a chance?
- No!

- Are you going to show up?
- Sure.

Kolrami's the best.
Just to play him is a privilege.

Aside from that, is there anything
to look forward to?


This is gonna be exciting.

Against an opponent
of approximate skill,

strategema can last over 1,000 moves.

I wouldn't bet on being here
that long.

I have wagered heavily
in the ship's pool

that you will take him
past the sixth plateau.

And if I don't?

I will be irritated.

Forever curious,
this urge to compete.

It's a human response.

That inborn craving to gauge
your capabilities through conflict.

There are other ways
to challenge oneself.

Perhaps, but they all lack
a certain thrill.

Humans can find it helpful

to have an outsider set the standard
by which they're judged.

To avoid deceiving oneself.

Maybe you should
challenge Kolrami to strategema.

Why, Doctor?

When someone is that smug,

you occasionally
have to deflate them a little.

Yeah, I'd like to see your
neural flex tear him down a peg.

To what end?

actuation positions for strategema.

Ready? Begin.

- Come on, Commander.
- Will.

You can get him. Come on.

Come on, you got him.

Here you go.

- That's it?
- I'm afraid so.

- But you only made 23 moves.
- Yes.


Cmdr Riker,
there's your next challenge.

Away team assembled
and ready to transport.

I may get there
and want to come right home.

Good luck, Number One. Captain.

The simulation
will commence in 48 hours.

There should be some
emergency bridge lighting here.

Not good.

You're wrong, Mr Worf,
it's fantastic. And it's ours.

Mr Worf?

Sir, Lt La Forge is a superior
officer. The honour should be his.

This is a battle simulation.
You're my Tactical Officer.

I've discussed this with Geordi
and we agreed.

Besides, if Engineering's anything
like the bridge, I'll be busy.

Attention, crew of the USS Hathaway.
This is your Captain.

Over the next two days
you might lose a lot of sleep,

but with your skill and stamina
we'll have this lady ready to fly.

I want hourly progress reports
from all stations. Riker out.

Nice job, Geordi. Now what are
the possibilities of warp drive?

Not good.

There are only a few dilithium
fragments left in the holding clamps.

Also, there's no antimatter
to fuel the drive.

Any recommendations?

- No, sir.
- We haven't got a prayer.

Would you like to transfer back
to the Enterprise, Mr Crusher?

No, sir.

Wes, remember our purpose
is to improvise.

It's the effort that counts.


I believe the rules
are understood by all.

- Weapons conversion, Lt Burke?
- Complete, Captain.

- Signal received. Locked on.
- She's been stripped down.

The only offensive systems you need
will be simulated.

What's the Zakdornian word
for mismatch?

"Challenge." We do not whine
about the inequities of life.

How you perform in a mismatch is
what is of interest to Starfleet.

After all, when one is
in the superior position,

one is expected to win.

Screen off.
You have the bridge, Mr Data.

Aye, sir.

Lt Cmdr Data,
I'm intrigued by your challenge.

Dr Pulaski informed me of your
desire to play a game of strategema.

But I expressed no such interest.

Data means he would never
have asked you himself,

but he wants to pit
his skill against yours.

Play against a machine.
Why should I wish to?

I don't blame you. It's no fun
when you know you're going to lose.

But I wouldn't lose. Now you'll
no doubt tell me to prove it.

- Data, you can't let that pass.
- Indeed, I...


Then you will play
for the honour of your ship.

The honour of the ship?

It's your reputation
that's on the line.

With my knowledge of the
Enterprise's Security override,

we may be able
to convince the sensors

that an enemy ship is approaching.

Their instruments would lie to them.

That might give us
the edge we're looking for.

But what about the viewscreen?

If I am successful,

the computer will project
a false image of the enemy ship.

So unless someone
runs to a window and looks out...

They're going to fall for it!

The lining's still smooth.

We should be able to do something
with the dilithium we scavenged.

I'm sure the system's functional.

But without antimatter,
what difference does it make?

I have to return to the Enterprise.

We've only got 32 hours!

- This is important.
- And this isn't?

Attempt the routeing bypass here.

If it works, they will be surprised.

Where am I going to get
the opti-cable?


Captain? I left an experiment
running on the Enterprise.

- May I go back and shut it down?
- It's that important?

It has to be monitored. It is
my final grade in plasma physics.

- Message from the Hathaway, sir.
- On screen.

Request permission
for Ensign Crusher to reboard.


Apparently, he left a very critical
experiment unattended.

- Any objection?
- He should be escorted,

and have no contact
with anything save his research.

Permission granted.
Mr Burke, will you handle that?

Aye, sir.

I don't know why Riker chose him.

Just a noncommissioned child.

I can't believe I forgot about this.
I let excitement cloud my judgement.

It's very dull.
I spent six weeks setting this up.

- That's a lot of work.
- Oh, no! This is ruined.

Too bad. Look, is this going
to take much longer?

I'll have to dispose of this safely.
It's very volatile.

- I'll beam it off the Enterprise.
- Fine. Just do it.

I'll transfer it
to the transporter room.

In the present context, what did
she mean by, "Bust him up"?

In her own way,
Dr Pulaski was instructing you

to take the shortest route
to victory.

As opposed to what?

Ready? Begin.

I can't believe it.

A computer beaten
by flesh and blood?

You advanced quite far
against a worthy opponent.

Thoroughly enjoyable, Mr Data.

I'm at your disposal for a rematch.

Thank you.
But what would be the point?

How can you lose?
You're supposed to be infallible.

Obviously, I am not.

Ensign, where is Cmdr Data?

He has temporarily removed himself
from bridge duty, sir.

Your crew is excellently trained.
A tribute to your leadership.

Although I doubt their extensive
preparation will be needed.

Why is that?

I do not expect Capt Riker
will present much of a challenge.

Mr Kolrami,
may I speak with you in private?

I want to know the root of
your prejudice for my First Officer.


Mr Kolrami, you have denigrated
and abused Cmdr Riker

since coming aboard this ship.

I would like some explanation.

Having studied William Riker's file
prior to this assignment,

I have found him wanting.

In what regard?

His work record is exemplary,

but, as you know, a starship captain
is not manufactured.

He, or she, is born from inside.

From the character of the individual.

My interviews have revealed a man

who displays circumstantially
inappropriate joviality,

belying the seriousness
of his station.

Don't confuse style with intent.

Only a fool would question
Riker's dedication to Starfleet

and the people under his command.

He is the finest officer
with whom I have ever served.

We shall see if your faith
is well founded.

The test is whether the crew
will follow where he leads.


His joviality is the means
by which he creates that loyalty.

And I will match his command style
with your statistics any time.

Come in, please.


Counsellor. Is something the matter?

That was going to be my question.

With my repository of knowledge,

I expected to perform better
against a humanoid life form.

Some of our greatest advances
have come from analyzing failure.

- While it can be ego-bruising...
- I do not have an ego.


Well, a loss can be disheartening.

- But I do not have a...
- Data!

You can handle defeat in two ways.

You can lose confidence,
or you can learn from your mistakes.

That is what troubles me.
I made no mistakes.

I have conducted a diagnostic
check of all my programs.

I am checking the ship's computer.

Is that all necessary?

I believe so.
I have proven to be vulnerable.

At present, my deductions
should be treated with scepticism.

That's why you haven't been
on the bridge?

Yes. The Captain would be ill-advised
to rely upon my judgement.

I think you're overreacting.
I'm sure you're alright.

l, however, am not sure.

Easy now.

- Is that it?
- Yeah.

Good. Good work.

Alright. Hand me
that connector on the kit.

- What is that?
- My experiment from the Enterprise.


It deals with high-energy
plasma reactions with antimatter.

You went back to the Enterprise
for that?

- You cheated.
- No, sir. You told me to improvise.

We need to calibrate a thermal curve
to start a controlled reaction.

Assuming you can,
can you regulate the reaction?

There's just enough crystal left
to do it.

We'll channel
the reaction through the chips.

- Are we good?
- Better than good.

Great. Brilliant.
It's gonna be fun. Carry on.

Come in, please.

- Alright, Data, enough of this.
- Doctor?

How long are you going to sulk
like Achilles in his tent?

I'm conducting diagnostic...

You can sell Troi that story,
but not me.

You're smarting because
you were beaten. Well, it happens.

No, Doctor, I'm concerned about
giving the Captain unsound advice.

I wish I had never manoeuvred you
into playing that game!

I'm sorry.

Why, Doctor? It is done,
and perhaps just as well.

This has indicated
that I am damaged in some fashion.

I must find the malfunction.

The simulation begins in one hour.

You'll have warp drive,
but maybe not what you expect.

That deserves an explanation.

- We'll have warp one for...
- Just under two seconds.

Not enough for an escape.
It may give us strategic advantage.

- All of this is theoretical.
- And if it fails to pay off?

Have you ever driven
a Grenthemen water hopper?

- Ever popped the clutch?
- We could stall the Hathaway?

And the Enterprise
will pulverise us.

Let me try to understand.
You are saying that Cmdr Data

is suffering from
a profound loss of confidence,

and that you believe
that only I can restore the balance?

Yes, sir.

Deanna and I have tried,
but we're not getting through to him.

Don't you think you're overreacting?

Data is not capable of the emotions
you're assigning him.

The effects are the same,

whether it's human emotions
or android algorithms.

Data is not on the bridge
and I don't think he will be

until we find some way
to address his problem.

I'm less than one hour away
from a battle simulation,

and I have to hand-hold an android.

The burdens of command.

Come in, please.

I require your presence
on the bridge.

Captain, with all due respect,

you should choose
another First Officer.

You are my First Officer.

I have not isolated the problem.
I might make a mistake.

Yes, you might.

But that does not alter
your duty to me and to this ship.

Do you know
how to formulate a premise?

- Yes, sir.
- Formulate this.

How do I deal with
Cmdr Riker and the Hathaway?

I will await your answer
on the bridge.

And, Commander,

it is possible to commit
no mistakes and still lose.

That is not a weakness.
That is life.

I believe I understand, sir.

Will you leave your hesitation and
self-doubt here in your quarters?

I have several examples of
Cmdr Riker's battle technique.

At the Academy,

he calculated a sensory blind spot
on a Tholian vessel

and hid within it
in a battle simulation.

As a lieutenant on the Potemkin,

his solution to a crisis
was to shut down power

and hang over
a planet's magnetic pole,

his opponent's sensors.

From these specifics, what
conclusion can you extrapolate?

Only 21 percent of the time does
he rely on traditional tactics.

So, the Captain must be prepared
for unusual cunning.

Counsellor, Cmdr Riker will assume
we have made this analysis.

Knowing that we know his methods,
he will alter them.

But knowing that he knows
that we know that he knows,

he might return to his usual pattern.

Wait! You're overanalyzing, Data.

One cannot deny human nature.

What kind of a man is Cmdr Riker?

- A fighter?
- Yes.

The weaker his position,
the more aggressive his posture.

And he won't give up.

Then despite whatever options
he is given, he must be...

The man that he is. Exactly.

Is that a failing in humans?

You will have to decide
that for yourself.

On screen.

The hunt begins, Number One.

We're ready. Remember, Enterprise,
Capt Riker has never lost.

Begin now.

Screen off.

Set course 223, mark 357.

Full impulse power.
Initiate Kumeh manoeuvre.

Kumeh manoeuvre? Why start
with such a recognizable ploy?

He wants us to reveal our tactics.
Mr Worf?

Counter with the Talupian manoeuvre.

Agreed. Three-quarter impulse,
full on my command.

- Mr Worf, prepare your surprise.
- Aye, sir.

Set course 317, mark 73.

Present minimal aspect.
Ready warp one.

Optimal spread
on simulated torpedoes.

Romulan warship approaching
from astern.

- What?
- It came out of nowhere.

Bring us about. Maximum shields.

Full w*apon systems.
Open hailing frequency.

I can't, sir, there's nothing there.

Warp three, evasive.

Disengage weapons and shields.
Re-engage modified beam.

- He's quite good.
- He's the best.

Computer reports simulated damage
to several aft decks.

Repair time, 3.6 days.

How did he do that?

Mr Worf overrode the sensor codes.
Played some holographic games.

Mr Data, input a new code.

Attack posture,
circumvental attitude.

Prepare beams for photon mode.

Bye-bye, Hathaway.

Computers report damage
to the Enterprise.

They're moving.
Why not go after them?

They're not through with us.
Prepare warp jump.

- There are no guarantees.
- There never are.

I'm gonna trust your expertise.
Stand by for my signal.

Ready with photon torpedoes.

Captain, sensors picking up
a Ferengi warship at warp five.

- Did you input that new code?
- Aye, sir.

Mr Worf, I didn't give you enough
credit. Continue the simulation...

Divert all power to shields!

Sever modified beams.

- Engage phasers and target.
- Fire when ready!

That's no ghost attacking.
That's real.

- We must assist, sir.
- We've no offensive weapons.

Where are my weapons?

Unavailable, sir. We cannot disengage
the modified beams.

- We must retreat!
- Unacceptable.

The Ferengi
have stopped their attack.

Transport the away team aboard.

- Transporter functions gone, sir.
- Shields reduced.

Use this moment to escape.

I have 40 crew on the Hathaway.

Sacrifice them to save 1,000.

Acceptable tactical losses
under the circumstances.

Not to me!

Notify Starfleet. Hail the Ferengi
on my word. Formulate alternatives.

As the observer,
I order you to withdraw!

I am the Captain!

Your order is nullified.
Ferengi on main viewscreen.

I am Capt Jean-Luc Picard

of the Federation Starship
USS Enterprise.

Why have you att*cked my vessel?

Why was your ship combative

with another Federation vessel
of lesser design?

Why do you now protect
your former target?

What is its value to you?

Our probes indicate you were aware
of our approach, yet took no action.

Your answers
will dictate our response.

We have refrained
from launching a counterattack

in the hope
of a peaceful resolution.

Our probes indicate
that you are crippled,

and the ship you protect
has no weaponry,

no light-speed drive,
and only a scarce crew.

This makes no sense to us.

Unless it contains
something very valuable.

I am Bractor, Leader of the Ferengi
attack vessel Kreechta!

I will have the secret
of the other Federation ship.

Surrender it to me,

and I will allow
your Enterprise to leave unharmed.

You have ten of your minutes.

Sir, they're massing
a surge of power.

We're being scanned.
They've locked on.


Our shields will not withstand
another as*ault.

Then there are no options.
Retreat or die.

Captain's log, supplemental.

Due to my miscalculation,
the Enterprise has been subjected

to a surprise attack
by the Ferengi.

I have little time to decide
the fate of 40 of my crew

stranded aboard
the derelict Hathaway.

I am open to suggestions.

Captain, we can launch a limited
number of photon torpedoes.

I've given you my advice.
The Hathaway is expendable.

- Cmdr Riker is hailing, sir.
- On screen.

Have you been
monitoring communications?

Yes, sir. Kolrami's right.
Save the Enterprise.

That would leave you defenceless.

When Bractor closes in, we'll hit
our warp drive, take our chances.

Your what?

We have
a two-second warp capability.

Impossible! That ship
was rendered warp inactive.

I told you he was the best.

I'd like to hear more about this.

Right now, I have to
work something out with Mr Data.

Premise. The Ferengi
want the Hathaway,

believing it to be of value.

We must remove it
from their field of interest.

They will soon locate it
after a two-second warp.

There is a way.
Number One, can you hear this?

Yes, sir. We're all here.

Can you pull a rabbit
out of your hat?

- Mr Data?
- On the Captain's command,

we will fire four photon torpedoes
at the Hathaway.

One millisecond later, the computer
will trigger your warp jump.

I hate this plan. We're not even sure
our warp jump will work.

If the warp engines
fail to function,

the result could be unfortunate.

Very unfortunate.

We will be dead.

Capt Riker,

I cannot order you to do this.

What the hell?
Nobody said life was safe.

The advantage is,

that it will appear from the
Kreechta's perspective as though...

As though you were destroyed
in the expl*si*n.

That will deceive them
only for a few minutes.

Their sensors will soon locate us.

We only need a few minutes.
You'll prepare a surprise for them.

Then we're agreed.

On my mark, four minutes.

Remember, if the implementation
is off by one millisecond,

the Hathaway will not survive.

That's the one thing
we're all absolutely sure about.

Are we ready, Number One?

- Ready, Captain.
- Ready, Captain.

Good luck to both of you. Bractor.

- I will wait no longer, Picard.
- The answer is no.

Your actions have been criminal.
You will not profit by them.

- You are a fool!
- How can you stop us?

You believe the Hathaway has value?

We deny you your prize. Fire!

Destroy your own, rather than
suffer the ignominy of defeat?

I did not think the Federation
had such iron.

You had no claim on that vessel.
It was ours to destroy.

As you are ours to destroy.

You can try.

Enterprise targeted, Leader!

Leader, there is
another Federation ship closing.

- A starship!
- Maximum shields!

We have been outmanoeuvred.

Our sensors show
no Federation starship nearby.

Of course not.
That was Klingon guile.

You made it, Number One.
Smooth ride?

Well, it certainly was different.

- We'll lock on and pick you up.
- With pleasure, Captain.

I must admit, your Cmdr Riker
acquitted himself quite admirably.

And so, Captain, have you.

My report to Starfleet
will be most favourable.

Thank you.

Initiate recovery procedures.
Continue repairs.

Plot a course
for the nearest starbase.

Captain's log, supplemental.

With the transporter repaired
and my crew safely aboard,

we have officially ended
our Starfleet battle simulation.

Why have you suspended the game?

Because this is not a rematch!
You have made a mockery of me.

- Data, you beat him!
- No, sir. It is a stalemate.

No game has ever gone this high.

- What did you do?
- I simply altered my premise.

Working under the assumption
that Kolrami wanted to win,

he expected me
to play for the same goal.

You didn't.

No. I was playing
for a standoff. A draw.

While Kolrami
was dedicated to winning,

I passed up obvious avenues of
advancement to settle for a balance.

I could challenge him indefinitely.

Then you have beaten him.

It is a matter of perspective.

In the strictest sense,
I did not win.


- I busted him up.
- Yes!
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