02x13 - Time Squared

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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02x13 - Time Squared

Post by bunniefuu »



Come on in.

That's exactly what I needed.

Ah. Mr. Worf.

And the good doctor, bearing gifts.

Ale from Ennan VI.

Your omelets deserve no less.

This is not an efficient method
for the preparation of sustenance.

You're right. The ship's computer
would be more efficient,

but it wouldn't allow for the subtlety
needed for great cooking.

It would give you all ingredients
in pre-determined measurements.

It wouldn't allow
for flair or individuality.

And, Data, as we both know,
flair is what marks the difference

between artistry
and mere competence.

For much of the history of mankind,
the breaking of bread

was a symbol of friendship
and community,

something we've gotten away from
in the 24th century.

Ah, you have a practiced hand,

Yes, I have my father to thank.

Your father liked to cook?

No, he hated it.
That's why he left the chore to me.

It is my understanding
that in most human families,

the woman shares in the cooking.

There were only the two of us.

I never knew my mother.
She died when I was very young.

Where did you get these eggs?

On our last stop.

LA FORGE: At Starbase 73?
- Yeah.

What kind of eggs
did you say these were?


For you, Data, something special.

Don't be afraid. They won't bite you.

And for you, Mr. Worf.


A cook is only as good
as his ingredients.



Number One.

Go ahead.

PICARD: I'd appreciate you
joining me on the Bridge.

Right away, sir.

PICARD: Number One,
we've picked up an automated signal

- from a Federation shuttlecraft.
- From a shuttlecraft?

How is that possible? I thought we
were the only Federation vessel here.

Apparently not.

What's a shuttlecraft
doing out this far?

Where's its mother ship?

Sensors indicate there is at least one
life-form aboard the shuttle, sir.


Perhaps someone to answer
your questions, Number One.

Open hailing frequencies.

Communication is not possible, sir.
The shuttle is without power.

Set course to intercept.

Estimate intercept in three minutes.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no one
has gone before.

Captain's log, stardate 42679.2.

While en route
to the Endicor system,

we have encountered
a Federation shuttlecraft

which seems to have appeared
out of nowhere.

There are no indications
of where it came from,

or how it got out here.

We are closing on the shuttlecraft,

Thank you, lieutenant.

On screen.


Prepare to lock on tractor beam.

Target vehicle.

We will be within tractor beam range
in two seconds.

Set a*t*matic locking device.
Alert Shuttlebay 2.

Shuttlebay 2,

prepare for retrieval procedure.


Locking tractor beam.

Number One.

You're with me, Mr. Worf.

Dr. Pulaski,
you are needed in Shuttlebay 2.

I've been monitoring. I'm on my way.

Engage secondary tractor beam.

That's a Federation shuttlecraft,
all right.

Yet there are no Federation bases
or vessels in this area.

"NCC-1 701-D.

USS Enterprise.

Shuttlecraft 5."

"NCC 1 701 -D USS Enterprise.
Shuttlecraft 5."

How is this possible?

Commander, come here.


Yes, Number One.

Are you on the Bridge?

Where else would I be?

Well, right now I think you should be
in Shuttlebay 2.

Why? What is it?

RIKER: This, I think,
you should see for yourself.

Bring Commander Data.


The life signs are very confusing.

His heartbeat is strong,
but the pulse is off.

Is he injured?

There's no signs of trauma.

Why is he unconscious?
What happened to him?

I can't say.

The readings of his brainwaves
are very strange.

Strange? What way? Not human?


No, neither.

They're just out of phase.

Can you revive him?

I wouldn't even attempt it
until we get him into Sickbay.

Come on, let's get him there.


I have never felt anything
quite like this before,

so it's difficult to put into words.

That person is you.


He is as much Jean-Luc Picard
as the person I'm standing next to.

Beyond that,
there is very little I can be sure of.

I will have to wait
until he regains consciousness

before knowing more.

Data, I need to know
what's on the shuttle's logs.

Aye, sir.


both primary and reserve power
has been drained from the shuttle.

I am going to have to connect
to the Enterprise

in order to activate
the shuttle's systems.

report to Shuttlebay 2 immediately.

I'm on my way.

I'll be in Sickbay. Keep me informed.

Captain, seen this?

It looks like the damage
caused by an antimatter expl*si*n.

Must have been just out of range
of the shuttlecraft.

Data, I need those logs.


We'll be on the Bridge.


Resume course and speed.
Scanners at maximum range.

Maximum range.

There you go.
You should have power now.

Whoa. What happened?

Polarity is not compatible.

That's not possible.
The connection's idiot-proof.

The power requirements of the shuttle
do not match those of the Enterprise.

We will need
a variable phase inverter

to align the power from the Enterprise
to the circuits of the shuttle.

what do you think is going on here?

I don't mean just with the shuttle,
I mean everything.

I do not have enough information.


I'm just starting
a complete medical workup.

His vital signs are distorted.

Some of the indicators
are totally depressed,

others are fluctuating wildly.

I can't explain any of it.

But he is alive.

The restraints
are for his own protection.

Have you been able to determine
why he's still unconscious?

No. But I have been able
to rule out any head injury.

Wake him.

What happened?

Apparently the normal stimulant
had the opposite effect.

I'll have to try something else.

All right, Data.

I think I've got it now.

That ought to give you something.

Making this power adjustment
is very tricky.

By all rights, this connection
should blow all the shuttle's circuits.

Perhaps you had better step out
of the way.

All right.

But remember,

you're not indestructible yourself,
you know.



Increase the power.

Powering up.

Adjust the inverter
2 percent positive.

Two percent positive.

It's the right decision,
but it's having the opposite effect.

- Yes.
- I don't understand.

I can't think of anything
that would cause a circuit

to change so radically.

Adjust the inverter
2 percent negative.


Two percent negative.

That's it.

It shouldn't work, but it does.

Hey, Data,

take a look at the stardate.


- Captain.
PICARD [OVER COM]: Go ahead.

Captain, we've been able
to reactivate the shuttle

and the onboard clock indicates
that the shuttle

is six hours in front of us.

Captain, do you read me?

If the shuttle's from six hours
into the future,

then so is the other Captain Picard.

Captain's log, supplemental.

Part of the mystery
has been solved.

The reason there are two
number-five shuttlecrafts

is because one of them
is from the future.

Six hours, to be exact.

And so, presumably,
is the facsimile of me.

Try and wake him again.


It's only a sedative.

I know what it is.
Don't sedate him. Let him be.


Let him remain conscious.

I've never seen anything like this.

Are you all right?

I'm fine, doctor.

Save your ministrations
for your patient.

I want a staff meeting
in five minutes.

Doctor, I assume you will want
to remain here.

Yes. I will monitor the conference
from here.

Keep me informed of any changes,
no matter how small.

Captain's log, supplemental.

I've been informed
that Mr. Data has recovered the logs

from the duplicate shuttlecraft.

I am more than apprehensive
to play back a log

which will not be recorded
for several hours.

We've retrieved all we're going
to get out of the shuttle logs,

including the last visual records.
Everything before that is just a jumble.

Show me.

Distortion is because we had to use
a phase inverter to retrieve the logs.

The quality will improve slightly.

According to the shuttle log,
the Enterprise was destroyed

three hours, 1 9 minutes from now.

Captain, we also have a portion
of the last log entry.

It's audio only.

Captain's personal log, supplemental.

I have just witnessed
the total destruction

of the USS Enterprise
with a loss of all hands, save one.


All attempts
to obtain further information

from the shuttle have failed.

Well, at least now
we have something to go on.

I just don't understand how you
could have ended up in a shuttlecraft

while the Enterprise
was being destroyed.

Nor I. The last thing you would do
is leave the Bridge

of the Enterprise
during an emergency.


All right, let's proceed on the premise
that what we have just seen happened,

and that in less than four hours
from now,

the Enterprise will be destroyed.

And somehow,

although this is unfathomable,

I and I alone, escaped.


Our destination is the Endicor system.

We're due to arrive in three days.

The charts show nothing
of consequence,

certainly nothing to thr*aten the
Enterprise between here and there.

Sensors indicated no other vessels,
Federation or otherwise, in this area.


I have nothing to offer.

There is not enough information
upon which to base an hypothesis.

Well, the shuttle apparently came
from somewhere up ahead,

so rather than continuing
on this course,

maybe we should stop here

and let whatever it is out there
come to us.

We may already be too late.

Are you saying that stopping,
turning right or left,

When we brought the shuttle
and the other Picard onboard,

we committed to a sequence of events
which may be unalterable.

Yes, this is not some rock
on the trail,

which once seen
can easily be avoided.

This is much more complex.

There is the theory of the mobius.

A twist in the fabric of space
where time becomes a loop

from which there is no escape.

So when we reach that point,
whatever happened will happen again.

The Enterprise will be destroyed,

the other Picard will be sent back
to meet with us, we do it all over again.

Sounds like someone's idea
of hell to me.

Well, I know this much.

We can't avoid the future.

Agreed. So let's continue on course.

Somewhere out there,
something will happen.

A decision will be made

during the course of which,
I will be separated from the Enterprise.

At the time, the decision will seem
to be correct, but it won't be.

We have to anticipate,
and not make...

Not make the same mistake once.

Something is waiting for us
out there.

Let's try and determine what it is
as quickly as possible.


I'm just beginning to realize

how much of the body is held together
by its own internal clock.

He was thrown out of time,

which caused his body systems
to change their rhythms.

Now, slowly, as we get closer
to the time that he left,

his internal body clock is realigning.

You're saying
that when our time intersects

with the time he left,

in that instant,
he will function normally, and...

And there will be two of us.

Right now that is my guess.

Doctor, I don't think that's possible.

TROI: I'm able to feel much more
from him now, captain.

His emotions are still a jumble.




He desperately wants
to leave this ship.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We continue on course to Endicor.

We are now less than two hours away
from our rendezvous with ourselves.


Maximum scan, sir.
Nothing unusual to report.

If this timetable is correct,

we could get an indication
of something very soon.

Bridge, this is Sickbay.

Yes, doctor?

my patient is more coherent.

I'm on my way.
You have the Bridge, Number One.

How is he?

His vital signs are more normal,
which is to say more like ours.

He is calmer.

He's aware of me.

Perhaps in some fashion.

But he knows where he is,
who's here with him?

I doubt it.

What went wrong?

You know, don't you?

What did you do?

What happened?
Why did you leave the ship?

Don't turn away. Look at me.

Picard, look at me.

Captain, he doesn't understand you.

He knows I'm here.

Yes, but in a nightmare

of disjointed images
and half-heard voices.

He's in another dimension,
looking at us across a great chasm.

And he's feeling remorse
at what he witnessed.

He's afraid.

What is he afraid of?

Damn you. Help me.

Why did you leave the ship?

It's no use, captain.
He can't answer you.

When we get closer to his time,
he may be able to.

Are you still convinced he's me?

Yes, but you're not convinced.

Not in the slightest.

Except for his features, there is
nothing about him that I find familiar.

I want you to stay with him.

He'll be able to communicate with you
before anyone else.

I don't know how long anyone can take
this kind of anxiety state.

There has to be a breaking point.

I think he's handling it very well.

He has a lot of anger.

because of what he represents.

And what is that?


He's afraid that seeing him here

and knowing what happened
to the Enterprise

will make him timid.

Or worse, make him hesitate.

Part of my job
is to anticipate problems.

My duty is to the captain,
but first to the ship and its crew.

Doctor, the captain is quite capable
of making command decisions.

Yes, for now.

But this situation has put him
under extreme pressure

of a unique and very personal kind.

We both know
that pressure will only increase.

You said yourself
that he already has doubt.

Which is understandable
and healthy.

And could be potentially paralyzing.

Now, if we begin to see signs
that he's acting in an irrational manner,

I have the authority and the duty
to relieve him.

I don't think that will be necessary.

I hope you're right.

What force or phenomenon
could cause the shuttle

to be thrown back in time?

None that we've encountered.

In theory,
accelerating beyond warp 1 0.

Using the gravitational pull of a star
to slingshot back in time.

Is that what happened here?

The shuttle
doesn't have warp capability.


So some external force was needed.

We've never encountered
a natural force that powerful.

Why only six hours?
Why not a day? Or a year?

Are you saying
that there was some conscious mind

at work here?

There's no evidence either way.

Now, the Traveler moved through time
using the power of his mind.

I don't think that's the case here.


And Manheim's experiments
with gravity and time

were rudimentary
and uncontrollable.

Captain, I think this is one instance

where you should suppress
your natural tendencies.

Oh, really?

One of your strengths is your ability
to evaluate the dynamics of a situation

and then take a definitive,
pre-emptive step, take charge.

Now, you're frustrated because
you not only can't see the solution,

you can't even define the problem.

Hmm. Go on.

What we're facing is neither a person
or a place. At least not yet.

It's time.

You're saying I should just sit down,
shut up and wait.

Well, I wouldn't have put it
exactly like that.

Not something I do easily.

Your Persian flaw.

Yes, perhaps it is.


Captain to the Bridge.



WORF: This energy vortex
has just appeared beneath us.

There was no warning.

Well, at least the waiting's over.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We have apparently intersected
with something.

It is similar to our tractor beam, sir,
only much more powerful.

Bridge, this is Lieutenant La Forge.

- Bridge.
- The pull on the Enterprise is steady.

I'm having to hold the warp engines
at 30 percent

in order to maintain
our present position.

Transfer Engineering control
to the Bridge.

LA FORGE: On my way, captain.
TROI: Captain.

There is a consciousness here.

Not thought.

More like instinct.

What do you think, Number One?

I think we're being probed.

The beam is coming from the center
of the vortex.

Sensors show it
to be only a mass of energy.

What is it trying to learn?

I think it's trying to determine
if we are a life-force.

- We'll stay and investigate.
RIKER: Agreed.

Unless that was the mistake.

Staying too long.


We should go now.

- Well--
- That would be the prudent move.

I never thought I'd hear myself
saying something like that.

Under the circumstances, sir,
I think you're right.

But you would rather stay
and find out what it is?

What is its intent?


Engineering, transfer to Bridge.

PICARD: Mr. La Forge.
- Sir?

Try and take us out of here.
Maximum warp.

Aye, sir.

I've set the velocity at warp 9.


Warp engines are at 91 percent.

- Put it to the wall, Mr. La Forge.
LA FORGE: Aye, sir.


I can't hold it.

the engines can't handle the strain.

All stop.

Mr. La Forge.

I'm re-engaging warp engines,


All decks have reported.

No damage, no injuries.

The hold on the Enterprise
is still very strong.

I'm having to hold at warp 7
just to maintain our position.

Everything we do tightens its grip.

Let's see what we can learn.
Launch a class-1 probe.

Aye, sir.

Mr. Worf--

That was personal.

Captain, the power drain needed
to hold this position is enormous.

How long can you maintain it?

Just a few minutes. And then
we're gonna have to shut down again.

Captain, some kind of energy
just surrounded my patient.

PICARD: ls he alive?
- Yes.

Arm the photons, Mr. Worf.
Lock on the center of the vortex.

Photon torpedoes locked on target.

Hold for my order.

Like a rag in a dog's mouth.

I am now at maximum warp.

It's you, captain.

It was the entire ship,

but now it has focused its attention
entirely on you.

Captain, I can't hold it any longer.

If we don't shut down right now,
we are going--

Hold this position!

if I were to leave the Enterprise,

would its attention
still be focused on me?

Yes, I think it would.

You'd never survive.

But in those few seconds,
the Enterprise might break free.

That's what he--

That's what the other Picard
must have thought.

RIKER: Where are you going?
PICARD: You have the Bridge.

You're leaving the ship?

We may be on a road
that has no turns.

He's very agitated.

I must get to the shuttle.

I know.

Do you know where you are?

The Enterprise.

Yes, but you're only vaguely aware
of it.

And me. Do you know who I am?

No, you don't, do you?

I must go.

Release him.

Do you know what you're doing?

No. Release him.

- Security to Sickbay.

Security, disregard that order.

And clear all personnel.

Repeat, all personnel
from Shuttlebay 2.

I don't want any distractions.

You, stay here.

You've made a decision
to leave the ship?

- I must.
- Why?

The energy in the vortex wants me.

- You're certain?
- Yes.

It's an entity, a life-form,
which recognizes the Enterprise

as an entity, with me as its brain.
And it wants me.

Shuttlebay 2.

What's your other option?

This is our only chance.

If I leave,

it may be distracted long enough
for the Enterprise to escape.

You're wrong. If you leave,
the Enterprise will be destroyed.

Don't you remember?
You saw it happen.

If I don't leave the ship,
then the Enterprise will be destroyed.

If that's true, then help me.

We want the same thing.
We want the Enterprise to be safe.

There is a piece of information
I don't have. What is it?

- It's me.
- You?

RIKER: Captain.
- Yes.

We're about to lose warp drive.

- Understood.
- Understood.

When you say it wants you,
do you mean it's still you?

Only you and it's not me?

You're confusing me.

We're almost out of time.

I must get to the shuttle.

Wait. You can. I'll let you.

But first, tell me, what is--?
What was your other choice?

Stand aside.

You must tell me. What was it?

You don't know
what I'm talking about.

You're locked into a single intent,
unable to change.

Unable to alter
any of your previous actions.

I have to leave.
There's no other way.

There must be.


But it would never work.

What is it? What would never work?

I have to leave.

What was the other choice?

We can't fight, we can't escape,
we can't go forward.

No, no. We can't go forward.

That would destroy the Enterprise.

Was that it?
Was that the other choice?

I must leave.


Captain Picard!

I cannot allow you to leave.

Before we can go forward,

the cycle must end.

Dr. Pulaski, report to Shuttlebay 2.



Number One, we're wasting
our energy trying to escape.

It only weakens us. Helm, set a course
for the center of the vortex.

Mr. La Forge, on my command,
I want all the power you can muster.

- Yes, sir.
- We're going in?

- Yes.
DATA: Course set, sir.

Now, everyone hold their position.

No matter what.


Captain Picard.

This is Shuttlebay 2.

The other Picard
and the shuttle are gone.


They just vanished.

What's our position?

We are back on course to Endicor.

Stand down from red alert.

All decks have reported in.

No damage, no casualties.

You have the Bridge, Number One.


A lot of questions, Number One.

Damn few answers.

Maybe none of it was real.

Perhaps we were all part
of a shared illusion.

Or maybe
he was thrown back in time

so that we would be able
to take another road. Make...

Make a different choice.

Well, they say if you travel far enough,
you will eventually meet yourself.

Having experienced that,
Number One,

it's not something I would care
to repeat.

I'll be on the Bridge, sir.
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