02x10 - The Dauphin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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02x10 - The Dauphin

Post by bunniefuu »

Sir, we are approaching Klavdia lll.

- Take us to impulse power.
- Aye, sir. Impulse power.

- Bridge, this is Engineering.
PICARD: Yes, lieutenant.

Now that we're out of warp,
I'd like to use this time

to make some routine adjustments
on the deuterium control conduit.

We're overdue.

How much time would these
adjustments require, lieutenant?

A couple of hours, sir.

Proceed, Lieutenant La Forge.
Standard orbit, ensign.

Wes, I'm gonna need
an SCM model three

from ship's stores.
Can you handle that?

- Right away.
- All right.

Magnify, Mr. Worf.

Hardly an inviting planet,
even for a research establishment.

I would have thought the inhabitants
of Daled IV

would send a future leader
to a more hospitable environment.

For some, security is more important
than comfort.

Yes, but 16 years...


Captain, we are being hailed.

- Hailing frequencies, Mr. Worf.
- Open.

This is Captain Picard
of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

I am Anya...


Sir, the planet's troposphere
is distorting our signal.

- Can you clean that up, Mr. Worf?
- I'll try.


This is Picard of the Enterprise.
Please, will you repeat your message?

ANYA: I am Anya.
Have you come for Salia of Daled IV?

- That is correct.
ANYA: What species are you?

- Human.
ANYA: Excellent. Bring us aboard.

That is all.

Friendly, isn't she?

Friendly or not,
Salia has the rank of head of state.

So we shall treat her
and Anya accordingly.

Number One, Mr. Worf,
let's go greet our visitors.

- You have the Bridge, Mr. Data.
DATA: Aye, sir.

Welcome to the Enterprise.
I'm Captain Picard.

- This is Salia of Daled IV.
- I didn't feel a thing.

Is that normal
when one is transported, captain?

Oh, yes, itis.

Those must be
the matter-energy conversion controls.

- May I take a look?
- Yes, of course.

I could arrange for a tour of the ship,
if you'd like.

- Oh, I'd love that.
- No, that will not be necessary.

Just show us to our quarters,
Captain Picard.

Very well.

We are accommodating you
in quarters normally reserved

for Starfleet admiralty. I'm sure
you'll find them quite comfortable.

That's a superconducting magnet,
isn't it?

Yeah, it's an SCM model.

- How did you know that?
- Study.

For the last 16 years,
it's all I could--

Please, Salia, walk ahead with me.

Better be careful. Those can rip
the iron right out of your blood cells.

Commander, who is she?

Uh, I think she's a governess.

No, the girl.

Oh, I don't know
if she'll have time for you, Wes.

She's destined to rule
an entire world.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.


Come in.

- You wanted to see me?
- Yes.

Data, the girl who came onboard.

Salia of Daled IV.

- Who is she?
- Little is known.

She was born on Daled IV.

Her parents were from opposite sides
in a civil w*r

which has lasted for centuries.

They both died shortly after her birth.

A Federation ship brought her
and her governess to Klavdia lll,

so that she could be raised
in a neutral environment.

And now she's returning?

It is hoped she will unite
the factions and bring peace.

Ensign Crusher, report.

- Are you all right?
- Geordi?

Yeah, I'm fine, I just--

Wes, we're waiting for that magnet.

I'm on my way.

Captain, we've broken orbit
and laid in a course for Daled 1V,

and we will remain
on impulse power

until Lieutenant La Forge completes
his adjustments.

Mr. Worf,
have our passengers' accommodations

met with their approval?

I doubt if anything ever meets
with that woman's approval.

- Sir.
- Captain,

I'm concerned
about our new passengers.

Their emotions do not fit who they are
and what they're doing.

You're suggesting they're not
who they say they are?

Actually, no. It's more like
they're not what they say they are.

- Picard to Salia's quarters.

- May we turn on the viewer?
SALIA: Yes, of course.

Are your quarters satisfactory?

Yes, very.

Tell me, captain,
who is the young man I met before?

That was Ensign Wesley Crusher.

Thank you for checking on us,

I only hope our quarters on Daled IV
will be this luxurious.

Please feel free to contact me
at any time.

Picard out.

What I sensed before hasn't changed.

What puzzles me, captain,

is how she is expected
to bring peace to Daled IV.

Its inhabitants have been fighting
throughout their recorded history.

What do we know
about the cause of these wars?

Only that it is the difference
between night and day.

Data, you used a colloquialism.

Did I?

What I meant, sir, is that Daled IV
rotates only once per revolution.

Therefore, one side is constantly dark
and the other side constantly light.

One might surmise
that the two hemispheres

have developed disparate cultures,
which is a major cause of most wars.

This child is supposed to bring
them together.

She seems too delicate
for such a task.

Do not be fooled by her looks.
The body is just a shell.

How can I be a leader if I don't know
anything about my people?

You will lead because you are
accepted by both sides.

And because it is in your blood.

What is expected of me
once I'm there?

You will know.

- How?
- You just will.

Salia, you must arrive
with an open mind,

without preconceived ideas
of the worlds you will find,

or the people on either side.

It's very frustrating.

You feel the weight
of so much responsibility.

You're not sure you'll live up to
everyone's expectations.

It's not only that.

Nobody's even asked me
if this is something I want.

It is your duty.

Then I have no choice.

It won't be as bad as you think.

In fact, it could be quite wonderful.

Besides, you are the last
and only chance.


Don't you think I'm going to need
more than instinct

to do whatever's expected
of me on Daled IV?

Energy depletion level?

Point oh-four percent and increasing.


Wesley, you haven't found
that defocused area yet?

I'm looking.

Yeah, I see the way you're looking.

- Wesley!
- What?

- Sorry.
- Ugh.

- I've got my mind on something.
- I can see that.

It's this girl they beamed up, Geordi.
She's perfect.

Absolutely perfect.

Now I understand
why you can't concentrate.

- I'll do better. I'll do better.
- Okay.


Warning. Resonant field applied.

- What is it? What happened?
- Uh, nothing.

I had it on the wrong setting.


I suppose it had to happen to you.
It usually does at about this age.

What usually does?

Glands, erupting with hormones.
Happens to all of us.

Just because I said
that I think she's interesting--

You said she was perfect.

Uh-uh. Come on down.
You're no use around here for now.

Come on down from there.

Go talk to her. Use the ladder.

That's silly, Geordi.

But since you recommended it,
how should I approach her?

- If she'll talk to me, what should I say?
- Just say, "Hi, I'm Wesley Crusher.

- I'd like to talk to you."
- And then what?

Whatever occurs to you.

- Well, what if nothing occurs to me?
- Look, Wes, I don't have time for this.

You're gonna have to ask
somebody else.



That is how the Klingon
lures a mate.

- Are you telling me to go yell at Salia?
- No.

Men do not roar.

Women roar.

Then they hurl heavy objects.

And claw at you.

What does the man do?

He reads love poetry.

He ducks a lot.

Well, Worf, it sounds like
it works great for the Klingons,

but I think I need to try something
a little less dangerous.

Go to her door. Beg like a human.

It should be that simple, Wesley.

Judging by her appearance,

it is likely you and Salia
are biologically compatible.

Of course, there could be a difference
in the histocompatibility complex

- of the cell membrane, but--
- Data, I want to meet her,

not dissect her.

- Picard to Salia's quarters.
SALIA [OVER COM]: Yes, captain?

May I activate the view screen?

Hurry, go, go.


We've invited Anya
to take a tour of the ship.

- Maybe you would like to join her.
- Very much.

Your escort will go with you shortly.
Picard out.

I think I'll go on the tour.


Why can't 1?

This is the only chance I'll ever have
to see a vessel like this.


You must remain here
where it is safe.

Salia, do an old woman a favor
and obey me for the rest of this trip.

You are no more an old woman
than I am a leader.


Yes. Come in.

I am here to escort you
on a tour of the Enterprise.

ANYA: Salia will remain behind.
I will be right there.

You are a leader.

And I am older
than you could ever imagine.

What should I say?

How do-- How do I act?
What do I do?

Guinan, I need your help.
Could you step over here a minute?

Sounds simple enough.

Now, the first words out of your mouth
are the most important.

You may want to start
with something like this.

You are the most beautiful woman
in the galaxy.

- But that might not work.
- Yes. Yes, it would.

You don't know how long
I've wanted to tell you that.

- But you were afraid.
- Yes.

- Of me?
- Of us. Of what we might become.


Or that you might think that was a line.

Maybe I do think it's a line.

- Then you think I'm not sincere?
- I didn't say that.

There's nothing wrong with a line.
It's like a knock at the door.

RIKER: Then you're inviting me in?
- I'm not sending you away.

That's more than I expected.

Is it as much as you hoped?

To hope is to recognize the possibility.
I had only dreams.

- Dreams can be dangerous.
- Not these dreams.

I dream of a galaxy
where your eyes are the stars.

And the universe worships the night.


Putting me on a pedestal so high
you may not be able to reach me.

Then I'll learn how to fly.

You are the heart in my day
and the soul in my night.

I don't think this is my style.

Shut up, kid.

Tell me more about my eyes.

This is the dilithium crystal chamber.

Ah. Our chief engineer,
Geordi La Forge.

What is that? What are you doing?

Nothing to be concerned about.

Just performing
some routine adjustments.

I wasn't aware that
the deuterium control conduit

required routine adjustments.

I perform periodic inspections
on all engineering systems.

In this case you seem
to have found a malfunction.

It's not a malfunction.

It's simply that a minute
defocused area has developed.

Lowers our operating efficiency.

It could also lead
to excess pion production.

Our computer would detect that.

Unless, of course,
it too is malfunctioning.

I really have to get this finished.


Please come with me.

I will be back to check your progress.

Ensign Crusher,
what can I do for you?


- Is there a problem?
- No.

Could you show me
how to work the food dispenser?


Really, it's quite simple.

You just tell the computer
what you want

and it prepares it for you.


What should I order?

I don't know. What do you like?

I'd like something sweet.

I know.

Thalian chocolate mousse.

It's a wonderful sensation.

On Thalos VII,
they age the beans 400 years.

- You've been there?
- It's one of my favorite places.

Oh, it must be fun
to visit a planet like that.

It's the best part of being
on the Enterprise.

I've studied about some of them.

But to see them,
that would be wonderful.

Tell me about some of
the other places you've been.

Oh, there's too many.

The only world
I've known is Klavdia Ill.

It's about time we changed that.

- How?
- Come with me.

I'll be with you in a moment.

- What's wrong with him?
- Andronesian encephalitis.

That disease is contagious.

Very unlikely.
Our air filtering system can--

But there is a chance.

If you mean mathematically,
yes, the probability is not zero.

I cannot rely
on your primitive technologies.

k*ll the patient.


Destroy the patient, immediately.

Now, you calm down.

If you won't take action, then I will.




Security to Sickbay! Hurry!

Wait! Hold your fire.


- What is she? Keep her away.
- Do not interfere.

She wants to k*ll Hennesey.

His disease threatens Salia.

Captain, there is no chance
of contagion.

- The situation is under control.
ANYA: That's not good enough.

Well, it will have to be.

Your powers are infinitesimal
compared to mine.

Yes, that may be.

But you will obey my orders.

You will remain in your quarters

and in your present form
for the rest of this voyage.

Is that clear?


Keep her under guard.

Aye, sir.

Wait for me.

What kind of creature is she?

I've never seen anything like her.

There is mention
in the galactic zoological catalog

of a species called allasomorph which
is supposed to posses power to alter

their molecular structure
into other life forms.

Such a creature
would make a perfect protector.

I want a security team
stationed outside Sickbay, Mr. Worf.

Aye, sir.
Captain, what if Anya transforms?


Can a place so remarkable truly exist?


There are many more.

- All of them are different.
- I've learned about them.

That's all I did
on Klavdia lll was learn.

I know so much,
but I've seen so little.

Think of all you have
to look forward to.

This is a great time to be alive.

- For you.
- For both of us.

This is all just beginning.

We've only charted
19 percent of our galaxy.

The rest is out there, just waiting.

Look what we've already discovered.

I've never seen anything
so wondrous.


Computer. Rosseau V.


It's breathtaking.


And you've been to this place?

Someday you'll visit Rosseau V

and many other places,
all more spectacular.

If only it were possible.



What is it?

In a moment, the harmonic resonance
from the neutrino clouds

will become synchronous.

It's so beautiful.

It's like this place has a voice.

It's trying to speak to us.

Thank you
for sharing all of this with me.

Someday you'll see it all for yourself.

Look over there.

Remain here.

You are restricted to these quarters
for the remainder of this voyage.

ANYA: You are the protector
of this ship, are you not?

I'm in charge of Security.

You must understand
my duties as well.

If you confine me to this cell,
I cannot protect Salia.

There is no need for concern.

She is safe on this ship.

You must understand that I cannot
make such an assumption.

You no longer have the choice.

- You have to trust me to protect her.
- No.

A true protector
cannot have two charges.

Your responsibility is to the ship.

My duty is to Salia.

My responsibility to the ship
includes protecting Salia.

You know I'm stronger than you.

I was unprepared.

You underestimated me
in your Sickbay.

That is usually fatal.

Still you are here.
Confined to your room.

I ceased my struggle by choice,
not because of you or your captain.

I would have stopped you.
If not me, someone else.

No. You cannot control me.

We will see.

We've obviously brought
a very dangerous life form on board.

I want to minimize
the chance of any incident.

Whatever kind of life form Anya is,
emotionally, she's Salia's mother.


The most dangerous animal
is a mother protecting her young.


Captain, this is Anya.

- Yes?
ANYA: Salia is gone.

Where is she?

This has all been so wonderful.
I'm not even sure it's real.

Believe me,
Ten-Forward isn't an illusion.

Not that.

I mean the way I feel.

You won't find a better dish
of chocolate anywhere.

I'm sure I won't.

Is something wrong?

I've had a great time
being with you, Wesley.

And that makes you sad?

When I was on Klavdia lll,

all I could think about
was leaving that isolation.

What makes me sad
is having to face it again

after seeing what else is possible.

Is that what awaits you on Daled 1V,


I thought you were going there
to reunite two warring parties.

What else do you know?

Very little.

The ship's computer doesn't
have that much on Daled IV.

How will you stop the fighting?

I'm not certain.

I only know I will have
many responsibilities when I get there.

Your language has no word
for the position I'll hold.

In many ways
I'll have even less freedom

than I did on Klavdia lll.

You could stay.

On the Enterprise?

Why not?

Because I can't.

Just because a girl runs out

doesn't mean
she doesn't wish you to follow.

What is it? What happened?

- Salia?
- Stay away from me.

I'm sorry.

- I don't understand.
- I can't stay here.

I can't have this life.

I want it more than anything,
but I can't have it.

Salia, nothing is impossible.

Not for you.

There's a way. I know there is.

Leave her alone.

Ensign, step away from her.

Come with me.

Energy depletion level.


- La Forge to Bridge.
PICARD: Yes, lieutenant?

I've just completed
my final adjustments.

Thanks for the time.

You now have warp engines available.

Very good.

Number One, get us to Daled
as quickly as possible.

Ensign Gibson,
take us to warp 8.8.

Warp 8.8, sir.

Estimated time?

Three hours, nine minutes.

Ensign Crusher, when you've finished
your duties in Engineering,

- report to my Ready Room.
WESLEY [OVER COM]: Yes, sir.

- You have the Bridge, Number One.
RIKER: Aye, sir.

The woman, Anya,
is not what she appears to be.

She is...

An allasomorph.

A shape shifter?


She's not only a governess,
she's also the girl's protector.

Now, I don't care to interfere
in the personal relationships

of those under my command,

but in this case...

You want me to stay away from Salia.

Yes, I do. For the good of the ship
and the safety of everyone onboard.

I will do as you ask.


Why won't you let me have a friend?

It is my duty
to protect you from danger.

There's no danger here.

There is always danger
from one who is not your kind.

Salia, he's confusing you.

You're forgetting
your responsibilities.

Whether or not I see Wesley
is for me to decide.

It is not. I raised you.

I protected you,
and I intend to deliver you to Daled IV.

Maybe what you want
doesn't matter anymore.

Salia, please.

I know it's difficult for you.

But you must do
what you're destined to do.

PICARD: Standard orbit.
- Aye, sir.

Hailing frequencies, Mr. Worf.

Captain, I'm encountering
the same interference

we experienced on Klavdia lll.

DATA: The troposphere appears to be
distorting our signals.

It is fascinating, captain.

Klavdia lll and Daled IV
have almost identical atmospheres.


Times 20.

How could anyone exist
in an environment

so totally hostile toward human life?

Mr. Data, do whatever is necessary
to override the interference.

Let's complete our mission.


Come in.


- You shouldn't have come.
- Do you want me to leave?

- I didn't say that.
- Then you want me to stay.

- Does Anya know you're here?
- That doesn't matter.

I'm glad you came.

I thought Anya would have
kept you with her.

I have certain rights.

- In other words, you slipped out.
- Heh, while she was asleep.

I hope you didn't get in trouble
from your captain.

Oh, I haven't gotten in trouble yet.

Anya thought you would corrupt me.

With my wild way of life?


With the normal things people do
when they like each other.


Wesley, get out of here now.

- What's going on?
- Just go, please.

Security, crew quarters.

No! Anya, no!


You should not have disobeyed me.

I had to.

I warned you to leave her alone.

Captain's log, stardate 42568.8.

Since Anya's powers
of transformation

apparently gave her the ability
to escape her guards unnoticed,

we have sealed her quarters
with a force field

that will contain her no matter
how small a form she may take.

Captain, I am receiving
an audio signal.

Audio on.

Come in, Enterprise.

This is Command Headquarters
of Daled IV.

We have been expecting you.

Sir, sensors indicate
the communication originated

from a terawatt source on the planet.

That's more power
than our entire ship can generate.

It is what is needed
to penetrate the atmosphere.

Which means we lack the ability
to respond, sir.

Sir, there are beam-down coordinates
encoded within the carrier signal.


I'll arrange for our guests
to beam down.

Force field off.


Come in.

We have arrived.

Salia will be with you
in just a moment.

You're not going?


My duties have been completed.

I have done all that I could.

I hope it was enough.

You raised me well.
And I thank you for that.

I would not have harmed the boy.

I only wanted to frighten him.

I know.

You are ready for what awaits you,
and you will do well.

I know I've been hard on you,

but I wanted to prepare you for
anything you might be required to do.

Will I ever be able to leave Daled IV?

Probably not.

But anything is possible.

That's what Wes said.

I hope he's right.

Where will you go?

The third moon is within range
of this ship's transporter.

I shall go there.

It was my home
before we went away.

I'm going to miss you.

I know.

I am ready now.

I will escort you
to Transporter Room 6.

You will be happy to see me leave.


You are a worthy opponent.

Thank you.

At heart, we are very much alike.

Yes, we are.

Perhaps we shall fight again.

On the same side?

It would be an honor.

Shall we go?


Come in.


Wesley, I have to go now.

Was it fun?

What do you mean?

Playing humanoid.
Was it fun?

Wesley, look at me.

Right now, this minute,
this is what I am.

A humanoid girl.

What are you really?

- Does it matter?
- Yes.

Our natural state is one unlike
anything you can imagine.

So you took this form for our benefit?

That's why you wanted to know
what species we are.

I'm sorry I hurt you.

I didn't mean to.

- I loved you.
- I love you too.

Can you?

Yes. Oh, yes.

I have the same feelings,
the same emotions as you.

You must believe me.

Please go.

Wesley, let's not say
goodbye like this.

Prepare to beam Salia
to the specified coordinates.

Aye, sir.

Our world is grateful for the courtesy
which you have extended us.

I hope someday that the Federation
and Daled IV will have formal contact.

That is my wish as well.

Coordinates have been input, sir.



A taste to remember me by.

I wish there was something
I could give you.

You already have.

I'm glad you came to say goodbye.

Thank you, for everything.

I want you to leave now.


I cannot arrive on my planet
in this form.

And I want you to remember me
as I am now.

Don't worry. I will.



Seeing her on the transporter pad,

it was like seeing pure light.

I miss her.

I feel...


I know that sensation.

But there'll come a time
when all you remember is the love.

I'm never going to feel this way
about anyone else.

You're right.

I didn't expect you to say that.

There'll be others.

But every time you feel love,
it'll be different.

Every time, it's different.

Knowing that
doesn't make it any easier.

It's not supposed to.
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