02x08 - A Matter Of Honor

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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02x08 - A Matter Of Honor

Post by bunniefuu »

We are approaching
Star base 179, sir.

- Half impulse, Mr Crusher.
- Going to half impulse.

Captain, this is the bridge.
We have arrived at Star base 179.

Acknowledged, Number One.

Establish position 090,
mark 345 at 27,000 kilometers.

Hailing frequencies.


Star base 179,
this is the Enterprise.

Enterprise, this is Star base 179.
Ready for transfer on your mark.

Cmdr Data, you have the bridge.
Ensign Crusher, you're with me.

Star base 179, we are ready
to commence transfer.

Acknowledged, Enterprise.
Begin transfer.

Welcome aboard the Enterprise.
I'm Cmdr Riker, your First Officer.

Those here as replacements,
step outside and follow Lt Lewis.

He will assign you
to your crew quarters.

Ensign, you're on the exchange
programme. Follow Mr Crusher.

Mordoc, how are you here?
You can't have graduated already.

I am not Mordoc. I am Mendon.

Ensign Mendon,
from the planet Benzar.

Sorry. It's a friend of mine.
You look just like him.

We are from the same geostructure.
Naturally, we look alike.

How do you tell each other apart?

We just do.

It's nice to have you here, Ensign.

Briefing and indoctrination
begin in 15 minutes.

I want to say how happy I am
to be assigned to the Enterprise.

It wasn't just luck.
I requested it.

I know I can be of great help
to the ship.

Yes. Of course.
Just follow Mr Crusher.

Yes, sir.

Cmdr Riker,
report to the phaser range, please.

On my way.

I wondered
if you had any feelings about

the officer exchange programme
initiated by Starfleet.

Just positive ones, sir.

Actually, I just welcomed
Ensign Mendon on board.

He seems eager to please.

Well, that's a Benzite trait.

It's been suggested an officer from
the Enterprise might participate.

That's probably a good idea.

Well, there is a Klingon vessel
in the area.

I don't recall a Federation officer
ever serving on a Klingon vessel.

No. Neither do I.

It might prove beneficial.

Having Worf on board
certainly has been.

Yes, sir.

Who did you intend to send, sir?

I thought of asking for a volunteer.

- I might be interested, sir.
- Damn! Sorry, what was that?

I wouldn't mind the assignment, sir.

Any particular reason?

Because nobody's
ever done it before.

I'll inform Star base
of your acceptance.

They'll contact the Klingons,
make the arrangements.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds,...

..to seek out new life
and new civilizations,...

..to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Captain's log, stardate 42506.5.

We have departed from Star base 179

and are headed for a rendezvous
with the Klingon vessel, Pagh.

I have informed the staff of
Cmdr Riker's temporary assignment.

I have studied everything
about my heritage.

Just the man I need to talk to.

Is it true that a Klingon First
Officer must assassinate his Captain?

Yes, sir.

- Wouldn't that bring about chaos?
- Of course not.

When or if the Captain becomes
weak or unable to perform,

it is expected that his honourable
retirement be assisted by his First.

Your Second Officer will assassinate
you for the same reasons.

Must take a little getting used to.

The Klingon system has operated
successfully for centuries.

It is different.

Many things will be different.

Can I help you, sir?

A wonderful way to maintain constant
control over defensive shields.

But I'm sure there's a way
to improve response time.

Didn't mean to interrupt you.

Just thought
I could be of some help.

I am correct in what I said.

That is superb designing.
Absolutely first-rate.

Yes, it is.
Would you care to be more specific?

The input sampling.
It's simple, yet efficient enough.

A minor change of the helm read-out

would be more helpful
in emergency situations.

We've never had problems with it.
Have you seen it work?

Not in a practical exercise.

But in theory - my theory - it would
be more than a marginal improvement.

I'll mention it to the Captain.

He is open to astute observations,
isn't he?

I've never known the Captain
not to listen to his officers.

Outstanding. Soon we'll get things
running perfectly.

What is that?

A Klingon delicacy.

Pipius claw. This is heart of targ.

This, of course, is gagh.

- Yes, serpent worms. Like some?
- No. Thanks.

I never heard of a Klingon starving
on his own vessel, but you might.

- Not if I weaken first.
- Their beliefs are rather brutal,

but usually what kills us kills them.

That's good to know.
Like something to drink?

I'll abstain in honour
of your last hour on board.

Your sacrifice
will not go unnoticed.

I'm aware of the feast
before the transfer.

I've done it dozens of times.

However, I usually made
more palatable choices.

Well, these are
the more palatable choices.

Thank you.

We know so little about them.
There really is so much to learn.

This is a great opportunity.

I envy you, Mr Riker.

Thank you.


An emergency transponder?

Altered to give an omni directional
signal and an emergency call.

- You suspect trouble?
- A security precaution.

I want to ensure
your return to this ship.

Sentiment, Lt Worf?

Efficiency, Commander.

I understand. Thank you.

We have a Klingon vessel approaching.

- Hailing frequencies.
- Open.

They are returning our hail
in proper language. It is the Pagh.

On view screen.

I'm Capt Picard
of the USS Enterprise.

This is Capt Kargan
of the Klingon vessel, the Pagh.

Beam your First Officer
on board immediately.

We are preparing to do so.

And, Captain, you are getting
a fine officer.

Thank you for your opinion,
but I will judge that for myself.

Screen off.

Not very hospitable, are they?

That is not your concern.
Observe your station, Ensign Mendon.

Didn't mean to offend you.

You didn't. Yet.

Transporter, prepare to beam
Cmdr Riker to the Pagh.

Acknowledged, Captain.

- Mr Data, you have the bridge.
- Aye, sir.

- Good luck, Commander.
- Thanks, O'Brien.

- I wouldn't wanna go.
- Why?

- You're not afraid, are you?
- No, I'm not.

I would be... Ready, sir.



- Resume course, Mr Crusher.
- Aye, sir.

Take over, Cmdr Data.
I'll be in observation.


I am Ensign Mendon.

I just wanted to tell you
how pleased I am to be aboard.

Yes, of course.
Good to have you aboard.

If you have a few minutes,
I've noted a few procedural changes

which might speed up
bridge operations.

I pick things up very fast.

Of course you do.
You have an excellent record.

However, on the Enterprise
we use the chain of command.

You will report
your observations to Lt Worf.

I beg your pardon.
I just wanted to impress upon...

No need to apologize. We should have
explained at your indoctrination.

Ensign Mendon.

You may impress me.

- Is something wrong?
- No.

It's just...

..I?ve never seen anyone
of your species before.

I'm just an average, everyday human
who happens to be a Commander.

- Now, what were your orders?
- To escort you to the Captain.

- Proceed.
- Yes, Commander.

Cmdr William Riker
of the Starship Enterprise.

That is incorrect.

I don't understand.

You are Cmdr William Riker,

First Officer
of the Klingon cruiser, the Pagh.

Or do you intend
to disobey Federation orders?

I have no such intention, sir.

Exactly where are your loyalties,

I'm afraid
I still don't understand, sir.

This ship is equipped with our best
weapons and our finest warriors.

We are on a peaceful mission, but
can be ready for battle, instantly.

I know I can count on
every Klingon warrior in this crew

to serve and die in that battle.

So I ask you again, Cmdr Riker.
Where are your loyalties?

I have been assigned to serve
this ship and to obey your orders.

I will do exactly that.

Will you take an oath
to that effect?

I just did.

This is your Second Officer,
Lt Klag.

Something you wanted
to say to me, Lieutenant?

Yes, sir.

I do not believe you.

Then you challenge
my authority over you?


And your position on this, Captain?

I would say
it is your first command decision.

My oath is between
Capt Kargan... and myself.

Your only concern
is with how you obey my orders.

Or do you prefer the rank
of prisoner to lieutenant?

I will take your orders.

And you,
Cmdr Riker, will obey my orders.

Of course, Capt Kargan.

Sir, a*t*matic scan has registered
an unknown substance

on the aft quarter of
the exterior skin, dorsal section.

- Target it and define.
- Aye, sir.

I've located it, sir.
Dorsal of the Engineering section.

View screen on.

Focus on area.

Magnification factor ten.

Increase magnification to 50.


It appears to be a rare form
of subatomic bacteria,

capable of doubling itself
in size every 15 minutes.

It's reacting with two compounds
present in the ship's structure.

- Origin?
- Captain.

I noticed it when I did
an intensive scan of the Pagh.

The Klingon ship.

And whom did you inform?

No one. I have not yet
completed my full analysis.

You should report
whatever is out of the ordinary.

And I think that falls
into this category.

But, sir, I have not
completed my full analysis.

It would be improper
to report it until then.

How did you come to that decision?

It is a Benzite regulation.

No officer on our ships would
report an occurrence like this

without a full analysis
and a resolution.

I have simply followed
proper procedures.

It is our procedure, Ensign,

to notify command
of any possible danger to the ship.

The decision is not yours.
Do you understand?

Yes, sir.

Now, continue your analysis
and determine the danger,

not only to our ship,
but to the Klingon vessel, also.

Yes, Captain.
That will take a couple of hours.

Use whatever resources
are necessary.

We may have encountered
a new life form.

I want to know everything about it,
quickly. Cmdr Data, supervise.

Aye, sir.

And then I will instruct you
in Enterprise etiquette.

First Officer's personal log.

I have been aboard the Pagh
a short time,

but am impressed with the Klingons'
abilities and single-mindedness.

you're not eating very much.

I'm not that hungry.

- Is the food alright, Commander?
- Delicious.

The pipius claw was excellent.
And the bregit lung.

And the rokeg blood pie?


Then you'll also enjoy... this.

Isn't that gagh?

Very good. You did some research
on our nutritional choices.

Yes, but, ...

..it's still moving.

Gagh is always best served live.

Would you like something easier?


Yes. If Klingon food
is too strong for you,

perhaps we could get one of
the females to breast-feed you.

You're not worried
about my weakening, are you?

Look around you.
There are no old warriors.

No, sir.
I'm sure they all died with honour.


You may live long enough
to learn about us.

He is not very attractive...

..but I will have him.

They are inquisitive.

They want to know
how you would endure.

Endure what?


One or both?

I may be back for you.

- Is she serious?
- Yes.

Commander, would you say you're...
a typical Federation officer?

I suppose so. Why?

- Well, you're not what I expected.
- In what way?

You have a sense of humour.

I was thinking the same about you.

In all my dealings with Klingons,
including our Lt Worf,

the thought never occurred to me
of Klingons laughing.

There is much about us
you do not know.

- That's why I'm here.
- You should ask.

I may. After this tour,
I may have some worthy questions.

Questions about what?

About our future?
Our future is honour.

Our present is serving this ship.

Like you,
I have a mother and a father.

They look like me. I look like them.

Are they still alive?

My mother lives. My father was
k*lled in battle at Tranome Sar.

And your father?

My... father?

My father was captured in battle
by Romulans and not allowed to die.

He eventually escaped.

Where is he now?

He is on our planet.

He waits.

He waits for his death.

He will fade of a natural illness
and die, weakened and useless.


I will not see him.

He's your father.

A Klingon is his work,
not his family.

That is the way of things.

He's your father.

Klingons do not express feeling
the way you do.

Perhaps you should.

We would not know how.

Yesterday, I did not know how...
to eat gagh.

I can confirm the organisms feed on
compounds in the Enterprise's hull.

- And the Klingon ship, the Pagh?
- They are more susceptible.

Their hull contains
more of the compounds.


At this rate of reproduction,
there should be

a 12-centimeter opening
in the Klingon hull.

Signal them at once. They may be
unaware of it and need help.

Aye, sir.

- Change course to intercept.
- Aye, sir.

It will take time to locate them.

They are on manoeuvres
in the Pheben system.

Find them.

Tell me, Cmdr Riker,
what do you make of this?

I felt no collision.
Were we hit by a meteor?

No collision.

- Corrosion, then?
- No, not corrosion.

- Science Station, analyse.
- We have.

Fortunately, that section could
with stand the change in pressure.

Then what is it?

A space organism,
eating away at our hull.

What are you talking about?
Surely you can repair it?

I'm afraid not.

We estimate that in
less than eight hours,

we will have lost too much shell
to remain intact.

Our only contact recently
was with the Enterprise.

There was no direct contact
with the Enterprise.

Tactics Officer,
report to Cmdr Riker.

The Enterprise did conduct
an extensive scan of this vessel.

Normal procedure.

What type of beam did the Enterprise
use to cause this damage to us?

None. Why would they? We're allies.

My logs show that the Enterprise
directed an intense scanning beam

at this specific area,
for a duration of two minutes.

Explain that.

I can't.

It could be a w*apon.

It's no w*apon.

The Enterprise has no reason
to do that. It makes no sense. Why?

Why is no longer important.

What is important
is our response to this attack.

Engage cloaking device. Set course
to intercept the Enterprise.

What do you intend to do, Captain?

There is only one response.

I intend to attack the Enterprise
and destroy it.

You're making progress.

You've eliminated
half the possibilities already.

Thank you. But I seem to have
become efficient after it was needed.

It was my responsibility
to learn and adapt

to the Enterprise's regulations.
And I didn't do that.

Not really.
You just made an error.

Capt Picard may not like them,
but he knows they turn up sometimes.

I've failed. I had an opportunity
to show the Captain

my superior capabilities
and I failed.

I can never recover from that.

Mendon, it was a mistake.

You didn't put the organism
on the hull, you discovered it.

You were trying to analyse it
and messed up on protocol a little.

I realise you are being nice to me,
and I appreciate it.

What I don't understand is why.

Why not?
I thought you could use a friend.

Thank you.

I hope I can learn your ways
before I mess up again.

I imagine my methods
must seem foolish to you.

They're... different.

But that's what this exchange
is all about.

You learn how we do things
and take that back to your command.

It's up to them to decide
which is better.

You're right. I'll do it your way.

I'll work even harder than before
and I'll succeed brilliantly.

What is the status?

The rate of increase continues.

Cmdr Riker, check the organism
growth with Engineering.

Keep him under scrutiny.

Captain, I'm not convinced Riker
knew of any plot against us.

If he did, why would he
have come on board?

- Because he was ordered to.
- To die?

It's the expectation of any officer
to be ordered to die at any time.

For a Klingon, perhaps.

But Riker's people do not volunteer
for death so easily.

He may be a spy, ...

..but he's no coward.

That only proves
that he's intelligent.

And you might not be
as strong as you used to be.

I've picked up the Enterprise.

So soon?

The Enterprise
is on an intercept course with us.

You almost had me believing
this was a misunderstanding.


The Enterprise has changed course
and is following us. Why?

- Ask them.
- The reason is obvious.

Their intent is clear.

- How long before we make contact?
- Less than 15 minutes.

Put the ship on full battle alert.
Arm all photon torpedoes.

Let them charge
into their destruction.

Captain, bearings show we should be
in contact with the Pagh now.

- Slow to impulse.
- Aye, sir. Impulse speed.

Hailing frequencies are open.
There is no response.

Continue transmission.

The Pagh is either cloaked
or destroyed, sir.

Conduct an intensive scan
of the area.

Enterprise has slowed to impulse.
It is making an intensive sweep.

Hold your position.
Let them come to us.

They may be here to help you.
Don't be a fool.

Do not forget my rank.

I haven't. I am simply trying
to help you understand.

I understand fully.

Now, you understand.
I am still Captain of this vessel.

You are still crew and sworn
to obey me. You gave me your oath.

Yes, sir, I did.

Then fulfil that oath
and serve this ship as you swore to.

Tell me of the surest method
of attack against the Enterprise.

I won't.

You must. It is a matter of honour
and loyalty to your oath.

I will not surrender the secrets
of the Enterprise to you.

If your word is no good, then
how can we ever trust Starfleet?

I will not break a vow
I made in the past.

I also made an oath to your ship.
I will not break that.

- They are in conflict.
- No, sir, they are not.

I will obey your orders.
I will serve as First Officer.

In an attack against the Enterprise,
I will die with this crew.

But I will not break my oath
of loyalty to Starfleet.

If you had told those secrets
about the Enterprise,

I would have labelled you a traitor
and k*lled you where you stood.

But instead you will die with us.

You'll die like a Klingon.

Sir, I have something
to report immediately.

- Go ahead, Ensign.
- I have isolated the organisms.

They are a submicron form,

capable of breaking
nuclear bonds in the tritanium.

Can they be removed from the hull?

Yes. They are controllable
and can be removed from both ships

by using a tunnelling neutrino beam.

Thank you, Ensign. Well done.
Initiate that procedure.

Lieutenant, add that information
to the hailing messages.

Aye, sir.


The Enterprise has changed
hailing message.

It promises help in cleaning
the organisms and in repairs.

I told you, they're here to help.

I do not believe them.

Arm all weapons. Prepare to attack.

Captain's log, stardate 42507.8.

Although our search
has been extensive

we are still unable
to locate the Klingon ship,

or any evidence of its destruction.

Considering the absence of debris,

one must assume the Klingon vessel
is in the area and cloaked.


Since we do not know its intent,
I recommend we go to red alert.

- Make it so, Lieutenant.
- Aye, sir.

The Enterprise
has raised its shields.

A normal procedure
in a suspicious situation.

It's not an act of aggression.
They will not fire first.

Then they are fools.

For we will.

- You'll get only one shot.
- We'll only need one.

Stand by on phasers and torpedoes.
Prepare to fire them simultaneously.

I recommend you don't fire
until you're within 40,000 km.


To cut down their response time.

You are honouring
your promise to serve us?

Would you do less?

You will give the order to fire,
Cmdr Riker.

Call out distances.

Any questions, Mr Riker?

I'd like to say
I question your judgement.

In my opinion, your reason for
this confrontation is not valid.

Are you finished?

Yes, sir.

Commence with attack, as ordered.

55,000 km and closing.

Is that a w*apon, Commander?

No, sir.

Give it to me.

We are receiving an emergency
signal from a command transponder.

Location 035, mark 313.

Frequency and code
designate Cmdr Riker.

Chief O'Brien,
lock on to that signal.

Yes, Captain. We're not yet
in safe range for a transfer.

- Defensive shields remain in place.
- We may have to stretch it.

We must know what's going on,
and only Cmdr Riker can tell us.

Beam him directly onto the bridge
on my command.

Yes, sir. I'll wait till 40,000.



Transporter room, stand by.

- You control the shields.
- Ready, sir.


40,000 kilometers.

Prepare to drop cloaking shields
and fire when ready.


Transporter room, energize.

Hold where you are, Klag.
I've relieved Capt Kargan.

He was acting
in an irrational manner.

I'm your Captain now.

Where am I?

Aboard the Starship Enterprise.

Riker has no honour.

He tricked me.

- He is only dazed, sir.
- Well, that's fine, ...

..but where's Cmdr Riker?

Cloaking shields off.

- Obey my orders.
- We will be destroyed.

If we are, it will be in battle,
and I will die with you.

So I repeat, cloaking shields off.

It is the Pagh, sir.

It has all armament locked on us
and ready to fire.

Hold position. Hailing frequencies.

Enterprise to Pagh.
We are here to assist. Do not fire.

They will not believe you.

Pagh, we're here to assist.
Do you read me?

Enterprise, this is Capt William
Riker of the Klingon vessel, Pagh.

I order you to lower
your shields and surrender.

Lower shields.

Surrender, as ordered.

I demand to be beamed back
aboard my vessel.

Transporter Chief, prepare to
beam Capt Kargan aboard the Pagh.

Aye, sir.

Capt Riker, we can carry out
your repairs immediately.

Thank you, Capt Picard.

- You should have k*lled me.
- I don't want your command.

- But you tricked me to get it.
- Either way, you can have it back.

Then return to your station.

Get him off my ship.

Yes, Captain.

You understand the Klingons
better than I thought, Commander.

Thank you, my friend.

Almost the shortest assignment
in the history of Starfleet.

Wrong, Number One. It was almost
the longest. Well done.

Thank you. I learned quite a bit.

Apparently, not when to duck.

When not to duck
would be more accurate.

Welcome aboard, Number One.

conduct the Commander to sickbay.

Aye, sir.


Your little toy worked. Thanks.

I'm glad it did.

You come from a very brave
and unique people.

I'm glad you're with us
on the Enterprise.

Thank you, Commander. And...

..welcome home.
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