02x11 - Baggage

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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02x11 - Baggage

Post by bunniefuu »

The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event.

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

- I checked her out for you.

- Dad! Haven't you ever heard of knocking? I'm sorry.

I took your car around the block a few times.

It's fine.

It wasn't fine yesterday.

It stalled out on me four times on the way home.

Anyway, I've got to get ready for work.


Sure, yeah.

I'm sorry I snapped at you, Dad.

That's okay.

But like I said, your car's running good.

I'd give you mine, but Phil and I are talking about driving down to Dyker Beach, gettin' in 18 holes before Oh, it rang before when you were getting ready.

You should give her our car.

Maybe Phil can take Tommy's.

What is it, sweetheart? I'm gonna be late for work.

Oh, hey, you're running late? I am so sorry, Keith.

I just meant you're in a hurry.

I had car trouble on the way in.


I'm just gonna put my things in my locker.


Aren't you gonna get that? Hello? What the hell are you doing here? You're not on break! Get back to work, or so help me God, I will have you fired! No, oh, no.

God, not again! Come on.

Come on.

Come on.


Come on.

Come on.

I saw it on the way in.

We're gonna need a tow.

Something's leaking.

Give me a crowbar.

Forget the tow.

We need the cops.

Law & Order CI We left everything as is as soon we heard you were coming.

So how come they yanked you in on this? The victim had a harassment complaint out on her ex-boyfriend.

He's a cop.

I sure hope a cop didn't do this.

Well, her feet are torn.

She might've been dragged.

Got bruises on her torso.

Her nose and jaw are broken.

Clumps of hair have been torn out.

There are skull fractures front and back.

The k*ller didn't pose the body.

He just beat the crap out of her and dumped her in here.

He punished her.

We got tread marks here and in front of the car.

We couldn't get a clear print.

The ground's too hard.

There's condensation on the window everywhere but here.

There was a note? We got her purse, too.

"Will be back.

" She had car trouble.

So the k*ller pulled up here to help her.

She left a note, and they drove away.

And he k*lled her.

Then he came back.

He transferred the body into the trunk.

Trusted the wrong Samaritan.

Pepper spray.

Jenny Sullivan was not a trusting person.

She knew this guy.

Are the keys in there? Anyone try this? No.

She said it kept stalling out.

I drove it around the neighborhood for at least 15 minutes.

It seemed fine.

Who could know that some animal would find her? Jenny had a boyfriend, an ex-boyfriend named Frank Hoyt.

Oh, you don't think he had anything to do with We love Frank.


Sullivan, you don't agree.

You didn't love Frank? I had some problems with him.

Same problems Jenny had? She had a good job at the airlines.

Got a big promotion of supervisor.

Had to fight to get it, too.

And that's when he started bugging her to quit.

She filed a complaint against him.

What was that about? Well, they had lunch a few weeks after they broke up.

He wanted to give it another try.

They had an argument, that's all.

He was still harassing her.

He kept calling her.

Just yesterday morning, he got her all upset.

She never said it was Frank! Mr.

Sullivan, do you blame yourself? I was all worried about my golf game.

I should've given her my car.


She talk about him? Yeah.

She said he was still in touch with her, which she wasn't too happy about.

This is her locker right here.

It's a long stretch of road between your parking lot and the expressway.

You hear of any incidents, Mr.

Ramsey, people being followed? No.

The crew use these on the job? No.

She put this up? I guess so.

There's a new coat of paint on the door.

Maintenance crews come through once in a blue moon.

Well, they didn't repaint these.

Excuse me.

- Desmond.

- Thank you.

Mr McCarthy.

You worked with Jenny Sullivan? Yeah, she was one of my supervisors.

Her and Keith here.

Bad stuff what happened to her.

Desmond, you said she got a call yesterday morning, right? Yeah, on her cell phone.

You said it freaked her out.

She pretty near took our heads off.

What was the call? She say anything? No.

I thought it was a hang-up.

She just flipped.

The phone call at work came in at around 9:00.

Hoyt was in a departmental meeting, so the call wasn't his.

His car was clean.

The guy just didn't do it.

I'll feel better when we find who did.

I just talked to the garage.

They can't find anything wrong with her car.

So she imagined her car problems? Maybe she imagined being harassed.

She didn't imagine the phone calls.

Her father said that he tested the car.

He drove it around the block a few times.

Yeah, it's Goren.

Can I have Mike down in the garage? FORENSIC GARAGE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 We drained the gas t*nk.

That's when we heard it rattling around in there.

A ping-pong ball? When you drive over long distances, like the airport road or an expressway, it gets sucked down to the gas line intake, plugs it up, the car stalls.

When you stop, it floats back up to the surface.

Car starts up again.

But if you just drive it around the block Because of the stop and go, the ball never gets sucked down.

Car never stalls out.

Ralph, that was Jenny's work.

They have some forms we have to fill out.

What are you doing, sweetheart? I was just looking at her room.

Oh, sweetie.

I got things to do, okay? I'm sorry.

So this went into her t*nk Wednesday when her car started stalling out.

But she was k*lled Thursday night.

There was a weather pattern Wednesday.

The afternoon flights were canceled.

She went home early.

Her car was probably sabotaged in the employee parking lot.

The k*ller couldn't make his move until the next day.

So potentially a co-worker.

Her father said she had to fight for her promotion.

If there was a fight, there was a loser.

BAGGAGE WAREHOUSE TRANS UNION AIR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Personnel told us you had seniority in baggage, but she had more years in the company.

She made a stink, she got the job.

Your job.

It wasn't my job.

There was a salary bump with that promotion.

/ Would've been.

Oh, man, instead you got stuck in this little hellhole.

I don't mind.

I like the guys.

Loyalty counts for something.

Can I bum a smoke from you? I mean, you can smoke in here, right? So what do you supervise here, Mr.

Tate, lost luggage? No, no, don't sweat it.

You were just biding your time.

"Indecent Exposure Gentlemen's Club.

" - We passed that on the way here.

- I didn't notice.

You guys hang out there? Yeah, sometimes.

Jenny must've felt right at home at a titty bar.

Oh, right.

That's the point.

She wouldn't.

Right, Walter? You know what? We're gonna let you get back to work.

And thank you for your help.

I almost forgot.

I once busted a stripper.

Her specialty was this thing with a glow stick.

They do that there? Yeah, they do that.

I can't believe you touched that thing.


Sullivan did make a sexual harassment complaint but not against Walter Tate.

The person involved got a warning.

Can we see the complaint? It's against our policy.

Well, what did this person do to Ms.

Sullivan? I can't get into that, but the general sense was that Ms.

Sullivan was overly sensitive.

Let me guess.

It had to do with her locker.

Somebody wrote graffiti on it, and that's why it was repainted.

Someone slipped something through her vent, and that's why she blocked them.

We're betting a thousand anyway.

You might as well let us see it.

You understand I'm bending our rules.

I think your rules are used to it.

Playboy pinups in the break room, dirty cartoons That's from our inspection of the workplace.

Her complaint wasn't about that.

Well, I guess she wasn't all that overly sensitive.

The complaint was against Desmond McCarthy.

The big guy in the locker room.

Yeah, he exposed himself to her.

He put the glow stick on her car seat.

He poured urine through the vents of her locker.

Jenny catalogued everything he did.

Every obscene gesture, every piece of graffiti, dates, times, witnesses.

Did she have notes or a journal? He told us she had a spiral notebook with her.

Oh, I didn't ever saw anything like that.

She ever say anything to you about her problems at work? We talked about other things.

Who makes the bed? Jenny does.

She likes things neat.


So this is where she hid the notebook.

What's going on? We've been talking about how good Jenny was doing at her job.

You must be proud of her.


I was proud.

My dad's a retired cop.

When I've got a beef at work, I go to him.

Is that what Jenny did? She came to you with her problems? Yeah, sure.

Everybody has a bad day one time or another.

You can't let it get to you.

That's what you taught Jenny? Don't show weakness? Be strong? When she told you some guy at work was ragging her, you told her to just tough it out.

The guy was just a jerk.

Did you know she filed a complaint against him with the company? You're not surprised.

You know what's on the complaint.

You read her notebook.

- No.

- Yes, you did.

And now you're taking it on yourself because you're thinking maybe you should've listened more carefully to what Jenny said.

And that's why you're not telling anyone about it.

I didn't know.

She tried to tell me.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

"While in the break room, McCarthy started telling me "about a video about women who used sex toys.

"When I told him to stop, he exposed his genitals to me.

"I left the room.

"August 12, 5:10 p.


"While on my way to the locker room, "Jack Martinez stopped me to discuss a work order.

"Later, when I approached my locker, I saw McCarthy leaving.

"When I opened my locker, I found everything soaked in urine.

" What a living hell.

The airline just gave this bozo a slap on the wrist.

That sends a message.

Well, no wonder McCarthy's buddies got in on the act.


"Walter Tate, McCarthy and Martinez engaged in "a lively discussion of their r*pe fantasies.

" Martinez is the guy who distracted her.

While McCarthy messed with her locker.

And here.

On her way to the parking lot, Tate and Bill Stuart told her what they saw at the strip club.

When she got to her car, the glow stick was on the seat.

These guys conspired to harass her.

Maybe not just to harass her.

You see what she wrote here? It's a week before she died.

The address on Fordham Place.

It's the State Human Rights division.

She was filing a complaint with the State.

She was going for the jugular.

And they went for hers.

Who told you this? Guy who works the desk at human resources.

I give him a ride sometimes.

- This is crap.

- What did he say exactly? They found the complaint she made on bright boy here.

I'm not taking the fall for this.

Just relax, would you? You relax, Martinez! No, you know what? Don't relax.

'Cause if they try to hang this m*rder on me, I'm not the only one going down.

What motive? You just said the Human Rights division never heard from her.

She hadn't made up her mind yet.

She was scared.

She'd been burned before.

But if these guys got wind she was even thinking of going to the State Appalling as their behavior is, it doesn't predispose them to m*rder.

They threatened her with r*pe.

They f*ndled her.

/ Yes, they did.

But there is not a single case on the books proving a causal relationship between sexual harassment and m*rder.

Not a single case until now.

Not with this evidence.

These men may have been pigs, but that doesn't make them K*llers.

I'm sorry.

Her notebook mentions her confiding in the other supervisor, Keith Ramsey.

It's interesting.

He never said anything to us.


I knew what was going on.

It was hard to miss.

And she told you about it? We talked about it.

She wrote it in her notebook.

She kept a very detailed chronicle.

Yeah, well, then you know I wasn't involved.

Right, we got that.

What we don't get is why you didn't tell us.

Because it didn't have anything to do with her death.

You know, I told corporate what was going on.

It was up to them to come down on those guys.

Why didn't you? You're their supervisor.

Are you afraid of them? I can take care of myself.

But you didn't take care of Jenny.

She wrote in her notebook you're the only guy she trusted.

Or maybe you enjoyed seeing her get tormented.

Where is this coming from? Eames, please.

We need to call in anyway.

This case has brought out the What's the code word? Feminist in my partner.

Well, it's all right.

You know, she's an attractive woman in what used to be a man's job.

It can't be easy.

Attractive? If hostility turns you on.

That's not what I meant.

If you wanna know, that's more my type.

Not bad, if you like high-maintenance ball-busters.


You see, I like women.

They don't always get a fair shake.

So you have no problem with Jenny working in How did you put it, what used to be a man's job? Of course not.

I told those guys that she deserved a chance.

You know, I hope you're wrong about those guys.

I have to go.

The new age man.

He likes women, he understands them.

He tried to help Jenny.

And still she's dead.

Another ineffectual nice guy.

I wonder how helpful he really was.

HUMAN RESOURCES TRANS UNION AIR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 These memos from Keith Ramsey are about work procedures.

Where are the ones about sexual harassment? We never got anything from him about that.

These memos concern his comments on work proposals made by Ms.


"Putting more security in the baggage terminal "will result in additional costs.


Sullivan's proposal requires further study.

" Ms.

Sullivan, she wanted more security in her department? Apparently, yes.

She thought incoming mailbags were spending too much time in the terminal.

She proposed rescheduling pick-ups by the post office.

Ramsey said that she overstated the problem.

Every chance that he gets, he submarines her.

What's the date on her memo about the mailbags? August 25.

McCarthy poured urine in her locker on the 27th.

Her security memo? September 15th.

On September 18, she found the glow stick in her car.

They were harassing her in response to her memos.

Mailbags and security.

Touchy subjects.

Identity fraud? You have my attention.

Jenny complained that her workers were taking unscheduled breaks.

These breaks coincided with flights arriving from Sioux City and Bakersfield.

All the flights carried mailbags.

Sioux City is a distribution center for major credit card companies.

Bakersfield is headquarters for two credit reporting companies.

That's what was in those mailbags, credit cards and credit reports.

Which were being stolen.

Which is what Jenny Sullivan uncovered? There's no evidence that she knew what was going on.

She was doing her job.

Getting in the way.

They tried to drive her out by harassing her.

When that didn't work, they k*lled her.

The FBI has to be brought in on this.

Who's the ringleader, Ramsey? The m*rder seems out of character for him.

The evidence against him won't support an arrest warrant anyway.

We'll start with the others.

She was wound too tight.

I just ragged on her so she'd loosen up, you know.

Yeah, loosen up.

Is that why you think the FBI's here? It's the mailbags, Desmond.

That's why you wanted her to loosen up.

That's why you k*lled her.

I never went near those bags.

I took those breaks 'cause I have a medical condition.

Right, the Sioux City mailbag syndrome.

I hear it's contagious.

Your buddies all caught it.

I swear I never opened those bags.

You're the only one of those guys who touched her.

And k*lling her was that much easier? It wasn't me.

I got nothing to say about mailbags.

But the k*lling, I'm not taking the hit for that.

That was Walt.

Walter Tate.

He messed with her car.

I did not steal from mailbags.

That's a federal crime.

I'm no idiot.

I got a wife and kids.

Maybe you didn't steal, Walter, but maybe you know those other guys did.

Desmond and Stuart.

You're not gonna get me to say anything about anybody.

Well, you got a lot more character than your buddies, Walter, I'll give you that.

One of them told us that you were seen putting something in Jenny's t*nk.

That's a damn lie! You talk to Bill Stuart.

You ask him why he washed out the trunk of his car the day after the m*rder.

That's right.

People saw him.

I'm not going down for this.

I did not k*ll her.

If you know who did, Bill, now's the time.


It's Martinez.

Martinez drove out after her that night.

Somebody saw him.

I just put the mailbags in a room and those other guys, they took stuff out of them.


See, Martinez, you did more than just push mailbags around the terminal.

There's what you did to Jenny.

That sex stuff? Yeah, that wasn't my idea.

I liked her.

Everybody was giving her such a hard time, and she still brought us homemade cookies.

Cookies? Keith said it was a peace offering.

Something must've been wrong with her baking because somebody saw you following her that night.

They didn't see me.


He's the one followed her.

There isn't enough against Ramsey.

But with Martinez's statement, the Bureau can proceed against McCarthy, Stuart and Tate for mail theft and fraud.

As far as the m*rder, well, that's your jurisdiction.

Thanks for your help.

Well, at least they said thank you.

So now we have four m*rder suspects.

And four witnesses and four sets of facts.

This is not a promising development.

These guys could've orchestrated this.

Not these four.

Someone fed them those stories.

The same mind that put the ping-pong ball in Jenny's car is now playing ping-pong with us.

I had a very nice time.

It's not that.

I just have a big day tomorrow.

I'll call you later this week.

Keith, I'll call you, okay? I better get my coat.



Tell me some news, Keith.

We need to get back to business.

I told you I can't get the documents right now.

It's too dangerous.

The cops are questioning my guys.

Your guys, they can hurt you.

My guys only know what I tell them.

You don't have to worry about them.


Then I just worry about you.

Our new best friends at the FBI traced the usage of the card numbers stolen from the airport.

So far they're showing over a million dollars in long distance calls to Eastern Europe.

Our boys must be fencing the cards to the Russians.

Such lovely business partners.

What're you looking for? Cookies.

Martinez said that Jenny made them cookies.

But it's not in here.

Maybe she had other things on her mind.

She wrote down everything else.


Ramsey told her he discussed her harassment with a woman's rights lawyer.

More bull.

She wrote down the lawyer's name.

Lucia Hastings.

Can you look it up in the bar association directory? Probably the only bar Lucia's associated with is the cocktail lounge at the airport.

Well, what do you know.

Lucia Hastings.

Associate at Markham & Frasier.

APARTMENT OF LUCIA HASTINGS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Like I said on the phone, I don't know Keith very well.

Is one of his employees suing him? Executives are such easy targets.

Executives like Keith? He mentioned ever since he became a - I'm so bad with titles.

- Vice President.

Yeah, I know.

But of what? Do you still have his card? Vice President of Operations.

I'm curious.

How did my name come up? You made an impression on him.

But then again, you are his type.

You met socially? At a club.

Ahmad's in SoHo.

Couple of months ago.

So what's he done? Embezzled company funds? I'm surprised that you'd say that.

'Cause, you know, he's such a nice guy.

Well, sure, he was nice.

Nice enough to date? I let him take me out to dinner.

How did the evening end? Not the way he hoped.

And when you told him that you weren't interested, how did he take it? He just got very quiet.

I gave the waiter my card to pay for the drinks.

I thought that was the least I could do.

Then I went to the powder room.

When I got back, Keith was gone, and I haven't heard from him since.

Later on, did you notice anything missing from your purse? / No.

How about your wallet? Credit card that you left on the table? No.

It was there when I got back.

How about when you got your bill at the end of the month? Well, as a matter of fact, someone had charged a bunch of phone calls to Sarajevo of all places.

Of all places.

He stole her credit card number and passed it on to his Russian buddies.

He masquerades as an airline exec.

That's what he does for sport? Well, it's not a sport.

It's how he sees himself.

The waitresses at Ahmad's said he comes in a couple of nights a week, in a business suit, flashing a roll, chats up one or two ladies and usually goes home alone.

Home being The Dakota across the hall from Yoko.

At least that's what he told the bartender.

I wish we could give him a new home.

The phone charges on Lucia Hastings' card tie him to the mail theft ring.

That still leaves the m*rder.

Ramsey doesn't like confrontation.

It would take something deeply threatening to trigger the kind of rage that k*lled Jenny Sullivan.

I don't know what that trigger could be.

I can't see it yet.

Thank you.

And one for the lady? - No, thanks.

- Please.

I've been on the phone all day trying to avert another airline strike.

And the only thing that'll make me feel better is if I can buy a beautiful woman a drink.

Well, thank you.

Thank you for accepting.

I am Keith.


What airline do you work for, Keith? Trans Union.

I'm Vice President of Operations.

There's gonna be a strike? Right now, I couldn't care less.

Hi, Keith.

How fabulous to run into you.

I just got off the Concorde.

You know, when you finally take over that airline of yours, you should really buy a couple of those.

They are so fabulous.

And who's this? - Hi, I'm Alex.

- Steffi.


What a cute name.

And you remember Bob? Bob, the shipping magnate? / Hi, Keith.

Did Alex tell you what she does for a living? She's a queen.

Queen of Sheba.

They're pulling your leg.

No, no.

Shipping magnate.

Queen of Sheba.

And what was it, Vice President of Trans Union Airlines? It's so fabulous.

Why don't the three of us go back to our place and talk about our fabulous jobs? You know, you two are very funny, but Steffi and I We even brought you an invitation.

We insist, Keith.

I'm sorry.

Backlog in night court.

Two hour wait to get an attorney appointed to represent you.

But I ran into two attorneys I know who are taking cases.


Drotos, Ms.


Both excellent.

They've looked at the complaint.

Your choice, Mr.



Drotos, why don't you have a seat? All right.

No, wait.

I don't want him.

I want her.

- Do you two need a minute? - Yeah, that would No.

I don't need a minute.

I didn't have anything to do with any mail theft.

These charges are ridiculous.

So if you had $3,600 on you, we shouldn't think anything of it? A friend repaid a loan.

And this money clip, these cufflinks.

They're from Bulgari.

How much do you make a year? Fifty, sixty grand? Those are gifts.

From your many admirers? This It's a Kiton jacket.

That's $5,000.

Was this a gift or did it fall out of a suitcase in the lost and found? Mr.

Ramsey, you shouldn't answer any of their questions.

Keith, I'm not sure, but I think I detected a tone of condescension in her voice.


You know, Keith might just be a supervisor of baggage handlers, but he's really a lot more sophisticated than you give him credit for.

Let's stay on point.

All right, the point is, is that he is a high-flying airline executive trapped in the life of a nobody.

I mean, isn't that right, Keith? You are reading way too much into this.

It was a hustle.

If you just wanted to get lucky, you should've hit on the waitresses at Ahmad's.

They think you're pretty cute.

He doesn't want waitresses.

Do you? You want thoroughbreds.

Why not? And that's why you stole the credit cards to bankroll this man of the world you needed to be.

I had nothing to do with that.

Do you remember Lucia Hastings? You mentioned her to Jenny.

Jenny wrote about everything.

He lifted her credit card number.

I did no such thing.

These are the calls to Eastern Europe that were charged to her card.

The same phone numbers also appear on the bills for credit cards stolen from the mailbags at the airport.

I did not lift Lucia's credit card number.

I'm not some creep.

Before we arrested him, we searched your apartment.

Not the one at The Dakota, the other one.

And we found these things in a drawer in your bedroom.

It's a Chanel scarf.

A young woman left it behind.

A silver business card holder with the business cards.

A gold Dunhill lighter.

I tried to return that.


Ramsey, I really think we need to talk before this continues.

This must be really embarrassing for you.

For a classy woman to see you for what you are.

It's not what you think.

You know what I think? I think that you really resent women who frustrate your plans.

Like Lucia, like Jenny.

I tried to help Jenny.

Isn't that what the notebook says? That I helped her? You wanted her out of the way.

It was those other guys.

I told her not to provoke them.

But she baked them cookies.

How was that provocative? Where'd you hear about that? Did she write about it? No, she didn't.

You told the guys that they were a peace offering.

Yeah, I told Jenny they wouldn't appreciate it.

You were worried there for a moment.

No, what do you mean? That she'd written about the cookies.

She wrote about everything else.

Each instance of sexual harassment but not one word about the cookies.

What is the big deal about a tin of cookies? She didn't bake them for the guys.

She baked them for you.


That's why she didn't write about it 'cause it was private.

I mean, she had a thing for you.

I don't know anything about it.

Well, why not? A man of the world.

How could you miss it? No, no, you gave her a shoulder to cry on.

Right? And she looked up at you with those big cow eyes.

- That's insulting! - No, no, no, you see, I get it now.

She liked you.

But the funny thing is, with all her memos and complaints, she was gonna screw everything up for you.

- No more Steffis.

- Not true.

No more man of the world.

The only thing that would be left would be Jenny Sullivan.

The booby prize.

That would never happen.

Jenny thought it could.

How could she? How could she think that I would even be seen with somebody like her? Well, why not? I mean, maybe she didn't look so hot in a cocktail dress, but unlike those uptown girls, she would've gladly jumped into the sack with you with both feet.

Never in a million years would I let something like that happen.

- Mr.

Ramsey - Shut up.

So why were you so resistant? Is it because you thought she was crummy? Like your job, like your office? - She just didn't belong.

- Like you? You were afraid that people would think that girl is the best a crummy, little nobody like Keith could ever hope for.


I am better than that.

Well, Jenny presumed to think otherwise, and so you taught her a lesson.

It was those other guys.

Keith, she would've never gotten into their car.

She didn't trust them.

She only trusted you.

And that's why we know you did it, Keith.

You looked at her and you saw yourself.

Your true, crummy self.

And that made you angry at her.

She got in your way, right? And you got angry at her.

She loved you, and you were angry at her.

She trusted you.


- So you beat the life out of her.

- God! No! - You punished her! - That dumpy bitch! Why didn't she just quit? Why didn't she Don't look at me that way! Don't look at me.

That's the problem with most men.

They want what they can't get, and don't want what they have.


The problem with men is they talk too much.
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