02x08 - The Pilgrim

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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02x08 - The Pilgrim

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Sorry I'm late.

I wanted to find that wine you like, and I had to go all the way to the Bowery.

Al, honey? What? No way.

No way.

Pick up.

Pick up.

It's me.

I thought things were really great, and now I find this typed letter not even signed? You have to talk to me, Al.

If this has anything to do with my parents coming, it's really not okay.

I'm not mad, I just wanna talk.

Maybe he's just scared of committing.

The way you talk about your dad.

It's not my dad.

It's him.

He's got somebody else.

- I could just k*ll him.

- If you could find him.

Oh, I'll find him.

Watch this.

Al, this is Leslie again.

You don't call me in the next 12 hours, you're in big trouble.

I know what's been going on at school.

Like that ever works.

I gotta go to the gym, see you.

Please, honey, just call me.


If you don't have enough money why don't you put back the vermouth? You can't make a martini without vermouth, okay? How much you need? Oh, no, that's okay.

She needs 80 cents.


If you give me your address, I'll send you the money.

Forget it.

Thanks for letting us in.

I don't know why she didn't meet us at the airport.

Leslie? Yoo hoo? It's Mom, we're here.

What's this? Leslie? Her purse and her wallet and her keys are here.

Please call the police.

Maybe she's visiting somebody in the / Just call them now.

And use your cell.

And don't touch anything.

Law & Order CI Missing woman is Leslie Dornan.

Neighbors haven't seen her since yesterday.

She have a boyfriend, girlfriend? Not according to her folks.

- Her father's a cop? - Pittsburgh PD, retired.

Guess he knew which strings to pull to get Major Case here.

This turns into anything, we'll put you in on the collar.

Go ahead, impress me.

It's Aramaic.

It's the language that Christ spoke in.

Parts of the Old Testament were written in it.

But don't ask me what it means.

This is Aramaic too.


And Mrs.

Dornan? Is that your daughter's handwriting? I don't know.

I can't tell.

This wall-hanging here? My mother brought that back from Turkey.

It's the Lord's Prayer.

But I don't think that Leslie knew that language.

The last time you talked to her, how did she sound? She sounded fine.

Leslie wouldn't hurt herself.

She loves life, she's a fighter.

The detective said you didn't think Leslie was involved with anybody.

No, she wasn't.

Well, she definitely had a regular visitor.

This is hair gel.

He liked to sit here and watch TV.

He'd rest his head against the wall.

Those are scuff marks.

He liked to put his feet on the table.

Well, he's tall.

Six, 6'4".

If she had a boyfriend Why didn't she tell you? How about you tell us about her boyfriend? Al? They broke up last Tuesday.

Leslie came home, his stuff was gone.

She was furious.

She kept leaving messages on his phone, how she was gonna make trouble for him.

Let's start with Al's full name.

Alan what? It's not Alan.

It's Ali Al-Javad.

He's Moroccan.

He's a grad student at Hunter.

Is that why she didn't tell her parents about him? Because he's Moroccan? Her dad could be pretty intense.

She must have really liked him.

He made her feel so special.

He bought her expensive gifts, antiques.

I noticed the coffee table.

That was a gift? Yes.

He had me buy that for her in Amsterdam last summer.

He just gave you a bunch of money and told you to buy what you want? No.

He gave me the name of the antique store.

They took care of the shipping.

Who picked up the coffee table on this end? We all did.

We took my brother's van to the customs broker in Jersey.

Just the table.

Nothing else? Yes.

If you're trying to freak me out, it's working.

How did Al and Leslie meet? You're embarrassed.

Did he pick her up in a bar or maybe a chat room? It's not sleazy.

It's the Singular Singles website.

You can see their video, hear what they have to say.

It's not like a total pick-up.

I love dancing salsa and singing karaoke.

This is the boyfriend, Ali Al-Javad.

My dream girl is a full-figured American lady who loves to laugh.

Give me some mail.

No, he's not Moroccan.

When Moroccans speak English, they sound French.

I'd put this guy further east.

How about we put him in this seat? You talk to his college? Well, he registered two years ago.

Took a full load the first semester and then one class each semester after that.

Just enough to satisfy the requirements of his student visa.

And then he found a girlfriend.

Someone vulnerable, grateful for the attention.

Somebody who'd be afraid to ask too many questions.

He moved in with her, everything's in her name.

He stays off the radar.

He's a sleeper.

Maybe, just maybe, this guy doesn't like school.

Maybe he's just here for a good time.

We still have a missing woman.

A 33-year-old single woman who'd been drinking, who'd been dumped.

I mean Someone is trying very hard to convince us she committed su1c1de.

This is the translation off the wall writing.

It's from the Old Testament.

The Song of Songs.

"Night after night on my bed, I have sought my true love.

" "I have sought him but not found him.

" "I have called him but he has not answered.

" They wanted to write a su1c1de note, but they couldn't fake her handwriting, so they wrote it in Aramaic.

Ali took a flight out of Newark to Germany Tuesday night.

The day before Leslie disappeared.

One of his buddies must have taken care of her.

He left the country the same day he left her? Well, whatever job he had to do here, it was over.

Look at this itinerary.

He had to connect through Atlanta and Paris.


He could have flown direct from JFK for half the price.

Maybe he was hooking up with somebody in those cities.

Or maybe it was about leaving out of Newark.

He had something to do in New Jersey before getting on that plane.

The table.

The table he had Leslie's friend buy in Amsterdam, it was shipped to a customs broker in Jersey.

An antique that he could have bought in SoHo for less money.

It was a dry run.

He was testing the customs inspection.

He brought something else in.

He had to take delivery of it or maybe hand it off to somebody before leaving the country.

All Ashore Customs Broker Weehawken, New Jersey Friday, November 1 Tuesday, yes, Mr.

Al-Javad picked up a crate of household goods from the Netherlands.

Did Customs inspect it? Inspect? Oh, the crate? You're kidding, right? I guess we are.

How large a crate was it? Three foot by three foot.

Weight, 80 pounds.

The container the crate was shipped in, where would that be now? Ali's crate was loaded in first.

That would put it somewhere in the back.

You know, we get about six million containers a year coming in, and we only check about 2% of them.

The more I know the less I sleep.

This corner here is positive for expl*sives.

Do you have any idea how much? Judging by the way Homer's bouncing around, I'd say a lot.

So much for sleep.

The lab tests from the container came back positive for Titadine.

It's a high-yield, high-grade form of dynamite.


There was an advisory on that stuff last year.

Eight tons of it were stolen from a factory in France.

Most of it's unaccounted for.

Until this morning.

The Feds and the Joint Task Force are gonna be all over this.

You're not suggesting we bow out.

Hell, no.

We've got a suspected homicide to clear.

Where are we with Mr.

Al-Javad's accomplices? We found a number of prints from the rental van.

I like this guy.

Jorge Galvez.

His prints were on the inside of the cargo area of the van.

He's got a juvenile record in Baltimore.

It's g*ng related.

Then he served three years here for assaulting a motorist over a fender bender.

A rageholic.

Since he was paroled two years ago, he's been clean.

Not even a parking ticket.

His last year in prison he worked in the library, he got his GED.

Something put him back on the straight and narrow.

A religious conversion? He wouldn't be the first person to find God behind bars.

Some people find Allah.

Some people find Jesus.

There are a lot of teams in the league.

Galvez finished his parole, but maybe his PO is still in touch with him.

Smokin' Chicken Brooklyn, New York Monday, November 4 Jorge hasn't worked here since a year ago last spring.

What happened to him? He went to the hospital.

His appendix burst.

After that he disappeared.

His last paycheck I mailed to his apartment, it got returned.

You meet any of his friends? Just the people from the prison outreach program.

What about his religious friends? His parole officer told us that he converted to Islam when he was in prison.

And I can see that you sell halal chicken, meaning it's slaughtered according to Muslim tradition.

I know that your community has had a rough year and we are not looking to make things any worse.

There's a missing girl.

Jorge might be involved.

We need to find him.

I took him to our mosque, helped him with his Arabic so he could read the Koran.

Jorge had this big chip on his shoulder.

He'd talk a lot of trash about America, how oppressed he was.

I told him, you stop breaking the law, you won't feel so oppressed.

When Jorge went to the emergency for his appendix, who took care of him? A girlfriend? A nurse.

He was at Mount Sinai for over a week.

A week? I like your health coverage.

Our health coverage is my wife's chicken soup.

We don't cover hospitals.

Somebody had to guarantee that hospital bill.

I just signed the hospital papers.

The prison outreach program that I was working with at the time, they had a fund for that sort of thing.

Have you seen Jorge since? No.

Once his parole was up, we didn't keep in touch.

Excuse me.

That's a smart question, Randy.

That's your name, right? Randy asked why the Greek Bible is called the Septuagint.

Septua means 70 and the story is that it took 70 scholars to translate the Hebrew Bible into Greek.

At the great library at Alexandria in Egypt, right, Mr.

Edwards? Right.

The library and its 700,000 books were destroyed by fire over 1,300 years ago.

My mother was a librarian.

They just built a new library on the site of the original.

This time with state of the art smoke detectors.

You've been? I've read about it.

I'm one of five people who actually reads the Smithsonian magazine.


Yeah, one of six.

I should get back to class.

Substitute teacher.

You must like punishment.

I like making a contribution.

I wish you could make one to our case.

He had an uncle in Baltimore.

A dry cleaner.

He was talking about hitting him up for work.

I hope that helps.

Jorge's uncle, the dry cleaner, died three years ago.

So either Jorge lied to Edwards or Edwards lied to us.

What's this? It's the Smithsonian article on the new library in Alexandria.

When Edwards mentioned smoke detectors, it didn't ring a bell.

You actually read this when it came out? The magazine's the perfect size for my treadmill.

There's nothing in here about smoke detectors.

And since there's no reason Edwards would mention a detail like that He's been to Egypt in the last year.

The State Department would know.

The Egyptian consulate in Munich issued a tourist visa to Ethan Edwards a year ago last June.

A week later, they issued another one to Jorge Galvez.

They both got passports in April last year.

They both left the country in the same week, and they both got back two months ago.

Sounds like they had a meeting of the minds.

Edwards' co-workers, at the outreach program, they knew he was a Muslim, but he didn't become political until he met Jorge Galvez.

The school board have an address on Edwards? Just a PO box.

I'll get Carver working on a subpoena for the postal records.

You two call the task force.

- Bedroom clear! - Bathroom clear! Living room clear! This is not good.

It's rat poison.

Rat poison's an anticoagulant.

su1c1de bombers in Israel, they use it to mix with the shrapnel when making bombs.

The idea is when their victims are wounded, they bleed to death.

A su1c1de bomber.

When the hell did this kid decide that's what he wanted to be when he grows up? Doesn't look like he's planning to grow up.

This is the crate they shipped from overseas.

The K-9 unit came up positive for expl*sives.

Once we get all this weighed, we'll know how much Titadine we have to worry about.

Edwards lived here alone until a couple of weeks ago, another man described as male, Hispanic.

- Galvez.

- We couldn't get a positive ID.

At this point, we're not sure which one's the actual su1c1de bomber.

It could be a su1c1de bomber, or they might try and use a remote-controlled device.

Well, I'm going with a su1c1de bomber.

You see here, here and here.

Something was taped to the wall.

The paint was ripped off when it was taken down.

And duct tape residue.

The sheet was used as a backdrop.

And These three marks.

Probably a tripod.

I think they made a video tape.

A su1c1de note.

The Bureau feels releasing any information to the public is counterproductive.

It might even provoke these people to step up their operation.

They already know we got their scent.

We weighed that crate, they have 50 pounds of Titadine, they made a vest, they're good to go.

Agent O'Dell, it's established practice to let the eyes and ears of the American public help us deal with t*rror1st threats.

For once we have more to offer them than a color scheme.

We have the actual photos of the t*rrorists which the District Attorney will recommend be released to the media.

I'll let my people know that.

We're still tracking down Galvez's associates and relatives here and in Baltimore.

We got some background on Edwards, he might have family up in Westchester.

Which one is the designated martyr? Galvez took electronics courses in prison.

He probably assembled the b*mb.

Which leaves Edwards the job of carrying it.

What are his qualifications? Theology major at Manhattan University with a minor in languages.

He speaks Spanish, Arabic, working knowledge of Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic.

Everything you'd need to study the Bible in the original text.

He volunteers in soup kitchens.

He mentored kids in inner city schools.

How can a man with that background m*rder innocent people? Well, that's probably why he made a tape.

To explain himself.

We can always ask his parents.

Home of Joe & Vera Edwards Bronxville, New York Thursday, November 7 It's because of his religious beliefs, that's why you singled him out.


Edwards, will you please just answer my question? He called last July.

He was in Phoenix.

He'd just gotten back from traveling around Europe.

And Egypt.

He got a visa for Egypt last year.

Yes, he visited Egypt.

Why aren't you telling us anything? Is Ethan hurt? We spoke to Ethan three days ago.

He's working as a substitute teacher in Queens.

Did you know that's what he was doing? No.

If Ethan wanted us to know he was here, he would've told us.


Edwards, I need you to unlock the door to the garage.

This woman is missing.

Leslie Dornan.

Maybe Ethan knows what happened to her.

- Is she his girlfriend? - No.

It's complicated.

Ethan would never hurt anyone.

He's a very ethical person.

Well, he's certainly familiar with the Ten Commandments.

He's got the Torah, the Koran, the Bible with notes written in the margins.

He followed a path of study.

He probably would've been a minister if it weren't for his father.

Your husband doesn't like religion? Joe's a chemist.

He likes tangible things.

And Ethan embraced the intangible.

Have you ever talked to him about his conversion to Islam? He said it made him feel centered and connected to something bigger than him.

When was this picture taken? That's the summer I took Ethan to do volunteer work in Appalachia.

He was just ten.

Did your husband take that picture? No.

Joe didn't go with us.

It wasn't a good time in your marriage? Maybe it brought you and Ethan closer.

When Ethan was traveling, maybe he contacted you more than your husband.

He sent me e-mails.

He called me once, after the att*cks.

I wasn't sure where he was.

Did he talk about the att*cks? He wanted to know if anyone we knew had been hurt.

He sounded very shaky.

He wanted to come home, but he said he had things he had to do first.

You're probably the one person that he's afraid to disappoint.

Oh, he knows that couldn't happen.

You said that Ethan was looking for a connection to something bigger than himself.

Now, if he found people that offered that connection, he might be persuaded to do things that he found morally repugnant.

What things? A su1c1de bombing.

Oh, my God, no.

Oh, Ethan.

You can help us bring him in.

As we reported earlier, Vera Edwards, the mother of fugitive t*rror1st suspect Ethan Edwards, suffered a massive heart attack after being informed that her son might be a member of a t*rror1st cell.

A spokesperson for Saint Peters hospital says that Mrs.

Edwards remains in very critical condition.

In fact We're monitoring the hospital, the parents' house, phones, e-mails.

In the hopes he'll reach out to his dying mother? Detective Goren feels that she's a role model for Edwards.

They've got something.

You raised me to believe you can't take without giving back.

So really, this is a path I was always meant to walk.

Tell everyone that there's a message coming, and America better read it carefully because it's being written in a language it understands.

It was e-mailed to his parents.

It's clean, nothing embedded, no way to trace where it came from.

This is a streaming video, right? Like the videos on Singular Singles? The software to process and send a streaming video, are they all the same? No.

There are different kinds.

And each one would have a signature on the video? Sure.

Why? Hello, I'm Khalid.

I'm a stock analyst with an MBA from Wharton School of Business.

I enjoy sports This is the only video I found on Singular Singles that uses the same software as the Edwards video.

I like romantic dinners and long walks in the city at night.

Let's give him his long walk.

Get his phone number and address from the website.

I got pizza.

Police! Get him down, get him down! He was gonna k*ll Edwards.

Keep Edwards from talking.

Talk about what? We got the b*mb.

One of the bombs.

This vest weighs about 40 pounds and minus the shrapnel.

We've only got about 20, There's another vest out there.

Our search of Khalid's place didn't turn up any leads to Jorge or to what their target might be.

These items were in Ethan's knapsack.

We're not sure what this is.

"1/55 at 31.

" It doesn't correspond to any address.

The Bureau is assuming Galvez and Edwards were planning a coordinated attack.

The first man detonates in a crowd.

The second man waits for rescue personnel to arrive or targets the crowd fleeing the first expl*si*n.

All we need is when and where.

Well, they'd pick a confined space to maximize the concussive power of the shock waves bouncing off the walls.

If we assume Galvez sticks to the plan.

Do we have a choice? The task force turned up an e-ticket in Khalid's name for a flight out of JFK to Madrid tomorrow night.

If this follows the MO, it means his part of the job would be over by then.

Which puts the target date for the operation within days from now.

Step into him fast.

You're an American citizen, Ethan.

Born and raised.

Free to worship in a religion of your choice.

How can you sit there and let Jorge k*ll innocent Americans? Well, maybe what they say is true, you're a traitor.

The worst kind of scum.

No, I'm not a traitor.

One nation under God.

My allegiance is to God, to Allah.

k*lling in the name of God is good? It's better to k*ll in the name of oil? I don't get it, Ethan.

Your family told us you were upset by 9/11.

It was a mistake.

It was too much.

But then America sent g*n ships and k*lled hundreds of innocent people, women, children.

that no one learned.

So we need what? A refresher course? Look, I'm sure that he has it all worked out.

Anyway, this is all, you know, big-picture stuff.

My partner and I, we're here for the little picture.

For Leslie Dornan.

Her parents just wanna bury her.

You know, it just occurred to me that you haven't asked about your mom.

You don't wanna know how she is? How is she? We're working on the barter system here, Ethan.

You give us something, we give you something.

You're afraid.

No, you're afraid that you're gonna fail this test.

That those other guys were right.

Who? What are you talking about? Well, the reason why Khalid tried to k*ll you.

To protect the operation.

I accept that.

He knew it.

And the other guys at the training camp, they knew it, too.

Ethan, when it comes right down to it, this is really not your fight.

I mean, you don't have centuries of injustice and colonial oppression to harden your resolve.

I'm a Muslim.

It's my fight, too.

You know, I read the Koran a long time ago.

When I was in the army, I was stationed in Germany.

And there was this girl who lived near the base, she was Turkish.

She was Muslim.

I wanted to impress her.

And you know, it's really not what you'd expect.

For example, they recognize the right for women to vote, to own and inherit property.

To divorce their husbands.

And this was written what? Like 1,300 years ago.

It's the true word of God.

Well, you would know.

You've been looking for the true word.

You've been searching for God.

But there's one thing that I couldn't find in here.

And that's the part where Allah, you know, tells everybody to just go ahead and indiscriminately k*ll innocent people.

I mean, that part, that's not in here.

I mean, where is that? Must be in some secret chapter.

But it isn't because I didn't miss it, did I, Ethan? I mean, it's exactly what my Muslim friends told me is that it's not in the Koran.

That there's no sanction for what you were planning to do and what Jorge still plans to do.

No, we weren't You weren't what? Let me show you something.

This x-ray is of a su1c1de b*mb victim in Israel.

This victim has no external injuries, no shrapnel wounds.

Just this white mass.

Emergency room doctors call this the white butterfly.

It's what the heart and lungs and other internal organs look like after they've been turned into soup by the concussion from the b*mb.

Ethan, what I want to know is you went searching for God, how did you end up looking for targets? That's probably news about your mother.

Oh, by the way, this x-ray is of a five-year-old girl.

I was sent by God.

So are we.

We have to consider another option.

Sodium Amytal.

Truth serum? I've seen it used on Soviet defectors, and it didn't work.

If we inject him, we'll lose his trust, and it'll waste time.

Ethan is a difficult subject, and we have nothing to leverage him with.

We have his sense of morality.

His sense of morality is what got us here in the first place.

The FBI has access to it, doesn't it? I'm not getting squat without authorization from Justice.

The new FBI.

Well, isn't that what the President said? You're either with us or against us? He sees the world in high contrast.

It's black and white.

Our way or the highway.

He has no idea what we sound like to the rest of the world.

Washington's still making up its mind.

Progress? So, you gonna lead us out of our ignorance? I just want America and the West to stop trying to control the destiny of my Muslim brothers and sisters.

Surgery? So, you think by blowing yourself up is a step in the right direction? Martyrdom has a lot of symbolic value.

Buddhist monks set themselves on fire to protest their religious persecution.

A man did it at the Pentagon in the '60s to protest the Vietnam w*r.

And they were understood loud and clear because they didn't muddy it up by k*lling other people.

You ever think about that instead of a su1c1de b*mb? Well, I'm sure things made a lot more sense six months ago.

You know, they were much clearer I'm just tired.

No, no, no, no, no.

You had doubts long before you ran into us.

About how all this k*lling squares up with the will of a merciful God.

Of course I had doubts.

I'm not a psychopath.

Well, you had more than doubts.

You knew you were lost.

"Night after night on my bed, I sought my true love.

" "I sought him but not found him.

" "I call him but he does not answer.

" In the trade we call this a tell, Ethan.

You didn't write the verse on Leslie's wall by mistake.

You wrote it 'cause you were calling out to God, and he's not answering.

And you haven't felt this lost since that summer you went to Appalachia when your parents separated.

And that is your personal struggle, your jihad, to find connection to something bigger than yourself.

And nothing's bigger than God.

And the moment you realized you lost connection with him was when you were watching Jorge k*ll Leslie.

It wasn't supposed to happen.

He was just gonna talk to her.

So if Leslie had to die to protect your mission then maybe there was something wrong with your mission.

Something unjust.

And that's what was going through your head.

I wouldn't k*ll innocent civilians.

Well, Leslie's dead.

And more innocent people will die if Jorge sets off his b*mb.

There's only one way back to God.

There's only one way to make your parents understand that you're not about this or this.

If I tell you where she is, what do I get? We'll tell you how your mother's doing.

I'll write down the address.

If you tell us where Jorge is, how we can stop him, we might let you know where your mother is.

Whatever happens is God's will.

Boiler Room Webster Projects Bronx, New York Sunday, November 10 I hope this doesn't turn out to be the consolation prize.

These hairs under Leslie's fingernails.


Blond hairs, short, razor cut, black roots.

- Jorge's gone blond.

- I have shoe prints here.


Anyone do boots? What do you think, military issue? Regular army, mid '90s.

Brand new.

Probably came from a surplus store.

He's got a crew cut.

He may be wearing military Clothing.

Ethan said they wouldn't k*ll civilians.


Tomorrow's Veteran's Day.

The Veteran's Day parade down Fifth Avenue.

That's a two mile long target.

The note we found from Ethan's backpack, That's the mechanized infantry battalion.

And 31 could be 31st street, their muster point for the parade.

Why that battalion? First of the 55th were deployed to the Gulf.

These are Desert Storm veterans.

Authorities are still seeking information on the whereabouts of suspected t*rrorists Ethan Edwards and Jorge Galvez.

Police are investigating reports that Galvez was spotted in his native Baltimore.

Other sources tell us authorities now believe the suspects may have fled the country.

In other news We have a possible ID.

East of Madison, south side of the street.


Desert Storm, right? I can tell by your uniform.

I was 171st Armor.

You were with the 55th mechanized division.

You got your ID? You know, they're checking IDs.

You wanna smoke? You know, I quit seven years ago, but being back in the uniform really plays a trip on my head.

You got a light? Police! Clear! Out of the way! Get those people back.

Mark the perimeter.

God's will.

Let's hope so.
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