01x17 - Seizure

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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01x17 - Seizure

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal
offenders are pursued

by the detectives of
the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Make sure you give me one
in the back where it's quiet.

I'm going...

to sleep in. Heh, heh.

Woman: The burgers are
great, you don't have to worry

about a bunch of guys
slobbering over you.

It is pure luck I
walked in here.

I just hope I don't
get lost tomorrow.

You've never been
to their offices?

I was recruited at a job fair in
Dayton. What's the address?

That's not far.

I can show you.


I just need to make a
quick stop at my motel.

I go by that building every
morning on my way to the school.

You go to school?

I'm a teacher.

Sixth grade.

I know, I shouldn't
be grading papers

while drinking beer.

You know what, Allison?

I think I'm just going to go
to sleep and get up early.

Thanks anyway.

(loud music plays)

People told me it would be
hard meeting people in New York.

What do they know?

My God, look at your nails.

I love French nails.
I did them myself.

Really? Mine are such a mess.

I could fix them for you.

I got everything at the motel.


Waitress: That'll be $12.

My treat.

Damn it, I must have spilled
something. I need soda water.

We can take care
of it at the motel.

My son.

He's with his daddy tonight.

Let's go.

I always lose with guys.

I just have this talent
for picking jerks.


Beautiful. Can you do my toes?

Think I have pretty
toes? Mm-hmm.

Kiss them.

Come here.

Let me just go to the
bathroom a second.

Hey, this stuff dries fast.

(door bangs)


(theme music playing)

The guy checked in
around 5:00 p.m. yesterday.

Paid cash for one night. Asked
for "a quiet room in the back."

Signed in as "John Smith."

There was 30 bucks in cash,

some change inside that. No ID.

This how you found it,
with the photo facing up?


Just so we'd see it.

We're getting tapes from the
security camera in the front office.

This T-shirt...
"Arista Day Camp."


(sniffs) It's ketchup.

Looks like somebody
used it to wipe a stain.

(blade clicks)

The buckle's in the right place.

Size 34.

The way she's cut
up... Like the other five

in the city last year,
right? The "Motel Ripper"?

It could be.

Detective: That's why
we called Major Case.

We thought that
guy was locked up.

So did we.

The obvious places have
been wiped clean of prints.

The key was never turned in.
But Smith paid with a new $50 bill.

The manager made a deposit last
night. We're in touch with the bank.

Victim? Her prints
aren't in the system.

Harland's checking
a kids' day camp.

How close a match is
it to the other killings?

It's the same belt size,
buckle under the right ear,

same puncture wounds with
the same left-handed orientation.

The victim's dark
blonde, like the others.

The place looked
like a hurricane hit it.

It's a rage m*rder, the same
signature as The Motel Ripper.

Since Kevin Reddick, The
Motel Ripper did those killings,

and he's in Rikers awaiting
trial, we're talking about a copycat.

Except the signature
was never made public.

Someone found out what it
was, because they copied it.

Assuming Kevin Reddick
is really The Motel Ripper.

(sighs) When Reddick was
pulled over six months ago,

he had news clippings of the
five murders in his briefcase,

no alibi, he wears a size
34 belt, he's left-handed,

and he has a history of abusive
relationships with women.

I'll worry about convicting
Reddick on those killings.

As for this one, I suggest
someone leaked the details

of the signature, or Reddick
bragged to one of his cellmates.

(phone ringing)


I'll let them know.

Harland got an ID
on the kid's mother.

Man: Rosa was real careful.

She never brought any of
her, you know, "friends" home.

Even when Petey
stayed with his dad.

Well, she's not much
of a housekeeper.

As long as she kept
the place vermin-free.

She have any
friends in the building?

She had me and
the missus. Poor girl.

"Free cover, free drink.
Ladies' night, every Tuesday."

Last night's coupon is missing.

Woman: Rosa something.

Comes in every other week.

Last night she was here.
She left with somebody.

No. It was a her.

Ladies' night, as in
"ladies' only" night.

Eames: The other girl,
had you seen her before?

No. She was nice
looking, blonde, 30s.

Pink blouse and a brown skirt.

Street, casual,
young professional?

She was going for casual.

She was at the bar for a
while, checking things out.

Definitely "bi-nervous."

One more thing, did either
of them have anything to eat?

Fries or burger? No.

Thank you. We'll be in touch.

The hand towel at the motel.

There were no ketchup
stains on Rosa's clothing,

maybe on our mystery woman?

She ate on the way here, or
on her way back to the motel.

That means we'll be
hitting all the burger joints

between here and there.

All the lights are down.


I like this place.

I followed the list
exactly like you said.

I didn't think I could do it.

Yeah, I did that too.

Yeah. Yeah. Do we have to...

Okay, I'll tell you.

I'll... I'll... I'll tell
you everything.

Yeah, I pulled on them.

As hard as I could.

The waitress at Potter's Grill
saw you sharing fries with her.

It's very important
that we find her.

I just met her that night.

All I know is, she's from Ohio.

Her name is Mary Ellen.

She said she was starting
a new job yesterday.

A design company
on Northern Boulevard.

I was going to help
her find the address.

You left with her?

No. I changed my mind.

I'm not saying she
meant anything by it,

but she wanted to stop
by her motel room first.

She was coming on to you?

Well, I'm not saying for sure.

Please... don't lie to us.

I'm not lying. Your
ears are turning red.

My mother taught
me what that means.

Was it Mary Ellen
who changed her mind?

Eames: You don't want people
to know about your personal life.

That's understandable.

Goren: Either way,
you're a very lucky woman.

The next girl that
Mary Ellen picked up,

she was found dead
in that motel room.

Oh my God.

That could've been me.

I was going to leave with her...

but when she found
out I was a teacher,

I don't know, all of a sudden,
she said she had to get up early.

She just left.

Oh my God. I can't believe...

Can you excuse me?

Mary Ellen was making choices.

The mother of a seven-year-old
is fair game, but not a teacher?

(cell phone ringing)


How long? All right. Thanks.

Latent found the $50
bill from the motel.

They're pulling prints.

(man snoring)

(loud clattering)

Sorry about that, Johnny.

John "Johnny" West.

You were advised of
your rights? Uh-huh.

You want to take care of this
now or wait for your lawyer?

Let's do it now.

Goren: Okay, Tuesday...
what did you do Tuesday?

I got high.

At the Aladdin Motel?

No, I never been there.

This is you checking in, Johnny.

No, that ain't me.

This is the money you paid
with. It's got your fingerprints on it.

Yeah, okay, it's me.

You were with
a girl... a blonde?

Yeah, I mean, you know,

we got down to the
business. (chuckles)

You and her and her little
friend she brought along?


No, I never seen her.

How about now? No! No!

Your blonde friend picked
her up Tuesday night.

She's not my friend.

I met her outside of
a bodega on Astoria...

I mean, she paid
me to rent that room.

Eames: Because
you're such a stud?

No. She told me
exactly what to say.

"Ask for a room in the back,
because I want to get some sleep."

I think that she
wants me and her to...

but no, she didn't.

She gave me another 50
and told me to get lost. So I did.

Eames: You did a stint in Rikers
back in December for possession?

- Yeah.
- You met Kevin Reddick.

You were on the same
tier as him? Who...?

The Motel Ripper. You picked
up a few tricks from him...

Like what kind of belt to
use... I never talked to him!

Where to s*ab her.
Get that away from me!

You copied Reddick's
signature so well,

the DA's talking about
charging you with all the murders.

Get that away from me!

You're a meth-head,
isn't that right?

But you don't sh**t up?

No. I don't like needles.


(wincing) Oh, look at that.

I see. I see! No, look
at that. I cut myself.

Come on, look. Look,
it's really coming out.

He faints at the sight of blood.

That's why he doesn't sh**t up.

It's an involuntary reflex.
Common in 10% of the population.

They start hyperventilating,

which causes pressure
on the vagus nerve,

heart rate slows down... pfft!

What it means...

he couldn't have cut her up.

He wouldn't have.

It's not him.

Carver: Your little
demonstration aside,

Mr. West is still the only
candidate for this crime.

Why not a woman? Maybe
Reddick has a girlfriend

who wants to
prove he's innocent.

There's no evidence he
has a girlfriend. No wife,

no sister, no "kissing cousin."

We even investigated
his two co-workers,

at his building management
company. This woman...

This Mary Ellen...
she had a job?

Design firm on Northern
Boulevard. No such place.

Whoever she is, Reddick would
need to be in contact with her now,

giving her instructions,

So, we check prison
visits, letters, phone calls.

The sooner you connect this
m*rder to Reddick, the better.

His lawyer's going to court
this week to argue for bail.

I don't want Mr. Reddick
out of jail for a second.

Man: Inmates get pre-paid calling
cards. We don't monitor the calls.

Eames: What about
the visitors' list?

Reddick hasn't had any visitors of a
personal nature since he's been here.

He's had lawyers,

Mr. Munoz.

Inside his tape player.

Goren: Look at that.

I wouldn't want to
show my face, either.

"'Hot 4 U 4 Ever.' Karyn."

Talk about "keeping
the home fires burning."

I need a cigarette
and eight hours' sleep.

This doesn't read like they've
been together on the outside.

My bet is, this is the only
sex they've actually had.

"You looked strong and powerful.

It's good you've been out of the
sun. Your pale skin turns me on.

Could you tell?"

She's seen him... since
he's been locked up.

She's not on the visitors' list.

He's been in court
for pre-trial motions.

When's that bail hearing?

What prompts
this motion for bail

is new evidence that
tends to exculpate my client.

Last week, a young woman
was found m*rder*d in Queens

in a manner identical to those
murders my client's accused of.

Carver: Your Honor, our
evidence against Mr. Reddick

is the same now as it was when
you remanded him to custody.

Judge: All right, Mr. Carver.
I'm continuing remand,

but I want a full investigation,

and I want the parties here in 30
days to reconsider bail for Mr. Reddick.

Next case. (bangs gavel)

Goren: Karyn?


I told you, I
didn't write those.

Goren: That little
move in the courtroom,

is that a special
request from Kevin?

Eames: How about these?

Kevin's "submissive
little doggie."

Goren: He ever ask
you to hurt someone?

(snaps) No. And I wouldn't!

Where were you
Tuesday night last week?

In class. I'm a French Lit
major at NYU. I'm not a criminal.

He just asked me to pose for
pictures. They're just pictures.

Nude pictures.
For a serial k*ller.


You don't understand.

When he talks to you,

he talks to this... part of you.

I can't explain it.

You just want to
do things for him.

He's just so... hot...


You want to see pictures of
what he did to those five girls?

It's not "so hot."

I know, he's got
this brain disease.

But he would never hurt me.

He told you he had
a brain disease?

His shrink called me.

He warned me to
stop talking to Kevin,

that he's dangerous.
Like I didn't know.

- But that's the whole point.
- The doctor's name?

Buckman. Can I go now?

I'm going to miss
my study group.

We're going to check
your alibi, Karyn.

Until you hear from us,
don't skip any classes.

(door closes)

Serial k*ller groupies.

And I thought I was pathetic
with my ABBA fan club card.


"Dr. Roger Buckman,
Haddon School of Medicine,

Department of Neuropsychiatry."

He visited Reddick at Rikers.

Buckman: Reddick didn't
tell me about any other girls.

He didn't even tell
me about this one.

But once I became
aware she was putting

herself in danger, I
had a duty to warn her.

You told her Reddick
had a "brain disease."

Was that just to scare her?

I told that ridiculous girl
people who commit these crimes

have a brain disorder. I
never told her that Reddick did.

I wouldn't violate
his confidentiality.

Is Reddick a patient
or a test subject?

Buckman: Test subject.

I'm studying Limbic
Trigger Syndrome.

Certain chaotic violent behavior

is caused by
biological abnormalities

in the limbic
system of the brain.

Chaotic behavior
like rage killings?

Yes. The subjects have
lesions in the limbic system.

Over time, they
cause partial seizures

which are usually followed
by the violent behavior.

What, you're
saying that everyone

with the lesion
commits rage killings?

No, I'm saying that every
rage k*ller has the lesion.

Eames: Back to Karyn Barrett,

how did you find out about
her relationship with Reddick?

My research
associate, Dr. Dwyer.

Is the doctor in?

Kevin bragged about
toying with this girl.

I was worried for her. So I
asked Dr. Buckman for advice.

Eames: Did he brag
about any other women?

You know where to
draw the line, Cathleen.

I'm sure she does, Doctor.

Thank you.

No, he didn't
mention anyone else.

He bragged about Karyn to you.

He must feel very
comfortable around you.

I think the point was to
make me uncomfortable.

He likes to play games.

Who sees him more
often, you or Dr. Buckman?

I do. I conduct the interviews.
I supervise the PET scans.

Which one's Reddick?

I can't tell you.

And the ID tags are numbered.

Your subjects, are
they all serial K*llers?

No. Kevin's the only one
accused of that class of crime.

But they're all rage K*llers.

I like the way you
have things arranged...

You know, books, boxes...

All sorted by size. It's very...


A defense against
the chaos in here.

The lesion in the limbic
system, does it show up?


It's there. That shadow
right by the hypothalamus.

The limbic system,

that governs emotion
and motivation.

- You've studied the field?
- By necessity.

Family history of schizophrenia.

If this study of yours pans out,

it's a pretty good basis
for an insanity plea.

Limbic Trigger Syndrome
is a mental disease,

so yes, there'd be
legal ramifications.

Eames: Like K*llers
getting away with m*rder.

Dr. Dwyer: They wouldn't get away
with anything, they'd get treatment.

Your study will take, what,
five years to complete?

And who knows how long

before it's accepted by
the medical establishment?

By then it'll be too
late for old Kevin.

It's still helpful for
him to understand

why he behaves the way he does.

This is...

very cutting edge stuff.

It must be so exciting for you, doing
the research, teaching young students...

I don't teach. I only
do pure research.

How did you get interested?
A professor inspired you?

My mother, I guess.

Before she died, she
taught high school biology.

A teacher.

I'm sure she'd be
very proud of you.

Thank you for
talking to us, Doctor.

A university
researcher with a Ph.D?

Rosa Dern's k*ller had
a soft spot for teachers.

Dr. Dwyer's mother was
a high school teacher.

Dr. Dwyer spared the
teacher but k*lled the mother

of a seven-year-old...
That fits your profile?

A mother who left her
son with her ex-husband

while she had sex with
strange women in motel rooms.

That was the point
the k*ller was making

by leaving the boy's picture
on top of Rosa Dern's clothes.

Which by the way, were folded
neatly on top of the dresser.

Not by Rosa Dern who was a slob,

but by the k*ller.

Dr. Dwyer's a neat freak.

But why? Why would
she commit such a crime?

I'm not sure.

(door opens)

You should call
your office. What?

The Queens County DA has taken
jurisdiction over the Rosa Dern case,

on the theory that she was k*lled by
someone unconnected to Kevin Reddick.

They're saying whoever k*lled
Rosa Dern also k*lled the other five.

If you really think
Cathleen Dwyer did this,

and you can connect
her to Reddick, do it fast.

I'm stunned you're even asking.

I can't think of an individual
less likely to commit a m*rder.

How long have you
known Dr. Dwyer?

Eight years. Ever since the
university invited me here.

She was a very bright, very
serious graduate student.

She sounds like a lot
of fun. Any boyfriends?

You people do
go for the obvious.

I sat in on some
of those sessions.

They weren't blowing
kisses at each other.

Everybody keeps their
game face for the boss.

I'd be a pretty poor
psychiatrist if I allowed

someone's weak character to
undermine the integrity of my life's work.

Other than the
sessions you mentioned,

Dr. Dwyer was alone with
Reddick the rest of the time?


Does she have access
to the crime reports,

or did Dwyer tell her
any details of the killings?

You mean the k*ller's
unique signature?

No, of course we
don't have that data.

And Reddick would not
incriminate himself by telling us.

I see Dr. Dwyer had him
brought here for medical tests.

Yes. Under guard, for his PET
scan, neurological evaluations.

Were there other people?

Technicians who might've
observed them together?

Yes. Obviously.

Yeah, that was a big day when Dr. Dwyer
brought in the Motel Ripper the first time.

He's the most
famous k*ller they got.

The first time?

Reddick had another PET scan?

Yeah. They
misplaced his first one.

And then, Dr. Buckman
said it was blurry,

so they brought him
back three months later.

How was Dr. Dwyer with
him? Was she friendly?

Well, not the first
time. But the second...

she was fussing all over him,
holding his coat, getting him water.

Goren: That's unprofessional.

I've seen her like
that with Dr. Buckman.

But this was different?

During his PET scan,
she held his hand.

I mean, I don't know
if he was nervous,

but to stand there for 45 minutes
holding that man's hand? Um-mm.

Holding hands
with a serial k*ller.

Sounds like probable
cause for a search warrant.

Super: Are you sure you
can just come in here?

Don't you have
to tell Dr. Dwyer?

No, we don't. You mind
waiting in the hallway?

Has this place just been
painted? I smell fresh paint.

About a month ago.
Before Dr. Dwyer moved in.

I am not finding a pink
top or a brown skirt.

Family photos.

Here's Dwyer skateboarding
with a neck brace.

Tough kid.

Dwyer, Dwyer and Mom...

There's no pictures of Dad.

What did I tell you about
"the negligent dad"?

I don't know. I forgot
to write it down.

What have we here?

Dr. Dwyer's "secret garden."

Novels by Yukio Mishima.

Domination porno
for intellectuals.

Magazines. This is rough stuff.

"Total Submission."

Dr. Dwyer likes
a "strong daddy."

Reddick's the right
man for the job.

Her student loans.

She owed a couple of bricks.

Collection notices,
overdue credit cards.

You got to wonder how
she can afford this place.

- How much is the rent here?
- Cheap. It's rent-controlled.

How did Dr. Dwyer get it?

Super: I don't know. There
was a long waiting list.

Then all of a sudden,
she pops up and moves in.

What company
manages the building?

Super: Gump & Worsley.

Kevin Reddick's old employer.

They were in my apartment,
Kevin, in my bedroom.

They looked through my
things, they touched everything.

- What did they take?
- Just the financial papers.

That's it?

Yes. There was nothing for them to
find. What are we going to do now?

You're going to sit tight.
You're going to be okay.

I don't know if I can... You
remember how you were before?

You thought you were too
weak, that you couldn't do it.

But I said you could. I
told you could, and you did.

Doesn't that make you feel good,

that I know what
you're able to do?

You had the strength all along.

You just needed the right man.

As long as nothing
comes between us,

no cops, no fears, no doubts...

everything will be fine.

(stammers) I can't.
I don't want to.

(whimpers) No, don't go.

I'm done here.

Please. Stay.


All right, big deal, so Reddick
called me about Dr. Dwyer.

What did Reddick say
when he called you?

He said he had this lady
friend who was living in a dump.

He wanted to show her
what a good guy he was.

Kevin took good care of my
building, so why not do him a favor?

This is a girl who had problems
paying her student loan every month.

Weren't you taking a big risk?

Kevin told you what,

that she'd do you
favors? That she was hot?

Reddick just said that
this girl was a little kinky

and if I played my
cards right, then...

- Kinky?
- Yeah, she likes
to take direction.

He told me she had a whole
collection of erotica on the subject.

- (cell phone ringing)
- Excuse me.

Yeah? Hello. Yeah.

Serves Dwyer right for telling
Reddick she had that stuff.

You really think she told him?

She lives alone.

She had it hidden in the
back of her linen closet.

She's ashamed of it.

If she didn't tell him, who did?

Attorney: So, Dr. Dwyer
k*lled Rosa Dern

for two rooms with a river view?

Carver: She k*lled for needs
far more basic than housing.

Needs he's uniquely
adept at exploiting.

Flattery will get you
nowhere, Mr. Carver.

We thought you wanted to talk
about your legal predicament.

My only predicament
here is deciding

which tie to wear at
your client's execution.

Of course, if he
gives me a reason

to take the death
penalty off the table...

A reason?

His testimony against Dr. Dwyer,

that she agreed to commit
a m*rder on his behalf.

Thanks to the Queens County DA,

my client is already
halfway out the door.

- I got it.
- What?

- A red tie.
- Goodbye.

Goren: I have to know.

All that stuff you told your
buddy about Dr. Dwyer,

you made that up, didn't
you? I mean, Dr. Dwyer?

Attorney: Kevin, let's go.

That educated,
uptight little scientist?

Not in a million years
would she tell some creep

she's never been intimate
with her nasty little secrets.

I mean, especially a creep
like you. No woman would.

I wouldn't. Not even if I
was going to marry the guy.

Well, I guess I just have
a way with the ladies.

Maybe with mixed-up
college kids...

but not Cathleen Dwyer.

You're not that good.

You expect us to believe

that little mouse had the
idea... Much less the will...

To strangle and s*ab
some poor woman

without some input from you?

You have no idea what's
inside that head of hers.

I think I have an idea it's not
filled with what you'd like it to be...

Dominance, submission, pain.

That's your fantasy, not hers.

No. No.

She loves that stuff.

She told me once, she let
a guy twist her up so much,

he dislocated her shoulder.

Attorney: Kevin, let's go.

- (door closes)
- Dislocated shoulder?

You'd go to the emergency
room for that, wouldn't you?

(fax beeps)

Four years ago, Cathleen Dwyer
walked into her neighborhood hospital,

complaining of
severe shoulder pain.

The bill was paid
with a credit card.

One of her maxed-out
credit cards?

No, this cardholder
had excellent credit.

Dr. Roger Buckman.
They had an affair.

He'd know about
Dr. Dwyer's kinks.

He could have been
the one who told Reddick.

Isn't that a dangerous thing to
tell a serial k*ller about a colleague?

Not to mention bad manners?
Unless you're priming the pump.

I wonder if the university knows
what goes on in their research labs?

Woman: The affair was years ago.

Anyway, we're a
university, not a monastery.

Eames: How have things
been between them lately?

Only one thing I'm aware
of. Two months ago,

Dr. Dwyer asked the Review Board
to mediate a dispute with Dr. Buckman.

She wanted to stop doing the
interviews with Kevin Reddick.

- Why?
- They were making her

But a few days later, Dr. Dwyer
withdrew her objections.

Buckman pressured her?

The pressure's on for results.
Funding was nearly cut last summer.

Buckman turned things around?

He made a very strong
argument that cutting funding

before he had a
chance to study Reddick

would be a disservice
to the community.

The decision was validated when
Dr. Buckman presented Reddick's PET scan.

The lesion was clearly present.

Can we see the PET scan he
presented to the Review Board?

I just got this from
the PET scan lab.

All the PET scans
charged off to the study.

These things aren't
cheap. 1,500 bucks a pop.

Even Buckman got a
PET scan, and Dwyer.

Looks like all the
researchers got one.

They're part of
the control group.

Okay, here's the charge
for Reddick's first PET scan.

They flubbed it, but
they still charged for it.

And here's the second
one three months later.

Reddick's the only test
subject they did twice.

I need to see a doctor.

Moving out?

Soon enough.

Dr. Buckman, this is Ron Carver

from the District
Attorney's office.

Yes, what's this about?

Goren: Come on in, Dr. Dwyer.

Maybe she can testify too.

There's a hearing
tomorrow on a motion

to dismiss charges
against Kevin Reddick.

I'd like you to testify
as expert witnesses.

You made a speech. It was
at the Harvard Medical School.

Here it is. You said, "The
Motel Ripper homicides

fit the profile of rage killings. And
when the perpetrator is identified,

I have no doubt"... no doubt...

"that he will be found to have
a lesion in the limbic system

of his brain which triggers his
chaotic and violent behavior."

That was what you
said. Yes, that's right.

At Harvard.

When they caught Reddick, he
had the lesion, just like you predicted.

That's what we need
you to say on the stand.

Well, the study isn't done yet.

I'm not sure that a court
of law is the best forum.


You already said on record

that the Motel Ripper
will have the lesion.

I have another quote from you.

Goren: Oh!

Oh jeez, I'm sorry.

We didn't mean to
embarrass you, Dr. Dwyer.

(stammers) W-why
would I be embarrassed?

Well, you had these
hidden in your apartment.

You know, Reddick told us

you were interested
in this kind of activity,

to cast aspersions
on your character.

Reddick doesn't know.

You didn't tell him?

Then it must've
been Dr. Buckman.

That's why Reddick knew
about the dislocated shoulder.

- Cathleen, I swear to you...
- Goren: It's okay.

You were trying to establish
a rapport with Reddick...

Telling stories out of school
about some woman you slept with.

That is absolutely false.
You would know if it's true.

Reddick seemed to have

this uncanny ability
to read your mind...

and your desires.

No wonder he had
an unfair advantage.

Cathleen, don't
listen to this nonsense.

You felt he understood you.
You started feeling attracted to him

and that's why you
tried to back out.

But Buckman pressured you...

Forced you into
Reddick's presence.


You must've known
what he'd do with her.

With her need to submit?

Buckman: I don't know
what you're talking about.

Yeah, I wasn't sure either, until
I found a paper that you wrote

10 years ago about the
Hillside Strangler in California.

He convinced his girlfriend to commit
a copycat m*rder to exculpate him.

That's what he had
planned for you?

To help exonerate Reddick?

Not because he isn't the
Motel Ripper, but because...

he doesn't have a lesion.

He doesn't have
limbic trigger syndrome.

That's ridiculous.
Reddick has the lesion...

You knew, the minute
you saw his first PET scan.

The theory you staked
your whole career on...

was crap.

And sooner or later,
someone was going to find out

that Reddick did
not have the lesions.

So you buried that PET scan,
and you gave the Review Board

another one from some
other subject, to what?

To buy time, so you could
figure out a graceful way

to knock Reddick
out of your study?

And you did that by...

giving him someone he could
dominate and manipulate?

Who had the mental equipment...

who had the
predisposition to k*ll.

Dr. Dwyer, the PET scan...

Showing the lesion, on what
Dr. Buckman claims to be Reddick's brain...

what are those
faint shadows there?

They're difficult to see if
you're not looking for them.

Those are the
cervical vertebrae.

What's that right there?

An injury to the disk.

Between C2 and C3?


That's the injury you got when
you were roller skating as a child?

This is your PET scan.

And the lesion?

It's in your brain.

And you knew that,
didn't you, Doctor?

You knew that, and you used her.

- Oh, no. No...
- Oh my God... oh my God!

No. Don't listen to that.

You son of a bitch!

Keep that crazy
woman away from me.

You son of a bitch.
How could you?!

How could you do this to me!?

Dr. Buckman, you're
under arrest for m*rder.

(Dwyer screams) It's
him! It's him! You bastard!

You stupid burned-out
quack! I hate you, you creep.

(screaming continues)

So, she had a lesion and
she committed m*rder.

Doesn't that prove
Dr. Buckman's theory?

She wasn't driven
to k*ll out of rage.

She chose to k*ll
out of love. Love?

It's "a many splendored thing."

(theme music playing)
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