01x05 - Jones

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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01x05 - Jones

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In New York
City's w*r on crime

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued by the detectives

of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.


You hardly been
here a half hour.

Yeah, well, now I got a
half hour drive back home

before Denise wakes up.

What, her sleeping
pills no good anymore?


Come on, baby.

Just hold me.

Come on.

Angie, you know
how I feel about you.

I'll call you when I call you.

Woman on intercom:
Henry, wake up.

I need you right
now in the kitchen.

Henry, come on,
answer me. I mean it.

- What?
- What is that?

It's a condom, Henry.
A used condom.

What's it doing on my floor?

Those damn bastards.

God! The parking lot guys.

Last night, at Kray's. I
went there with a client.

What are you talking about?

One of them must've brought
his girlfriend into the car,

and the son of a
bitch just threw it,

just left it there
on the ground.

And then I get in, you
know, and I step on it,

and it sticks to my shoe,
and then I drag it in here.


I'm so sorry.

Oh, sweetheart.

You should just stop
taking clients there.

That'll send them a message.

That is exactly
what I'm going to do.

You should make them
pay to clean your car.

I know.

All right, what's the line
on Purdue-Michigan?

Give me a dime on Michigan.

- (knocking)
- Right. I got to go.


You settled the Kendricks
case for 75 grand?!

You could've gotten
twice that much.

- Why didn't you call me?
- I did. You didn't answer my pages.

Is that the story you're going
to go with? You see this ring?

Yale Law. Right?

You think they just
give these out to idiots?

If I hadn't settled, they might've
actually read the medical report.

Your chiropractor had Mrs.
Kendricks' injury on the wrong shoulder.

- 75 grand was a gift.
- All right, well just check
with me next time.

There's not going
to be a next time.

- Mullins and Koop
has offered me a position.
- (Phone ringing)

Things've been slow
around here anyway.

(ringing continuing)

Yeah? Hey, what's going on?

Tonight? No,
Angie, I can't tonight.

Because I have
a job, that's why.

Okay, okay, okay.

But I can't stay for long.

What? What?

Oh, Angie, I don't
have time for this.

- I want to help you relax.
- I'm not in the mood.

You know, Denise nearly
caught me last night.

You made me so crazy,

I forgot to take off
the damn condom.

It fell out of my pants
on the kitchen floor.

Well, we don't have to have sex.

We can just chill out, you know.

- Talk and stuff.
- I can't.

- Not now.
- Well then, when?

3:00 in the morning?

Slam, bang, like I'm some whore?


Why can't we just hang
out like a regular couple?

'Cause we're not
a regular couple!

We have structure.

- That's the way it has to be.
- Well, screw your structure.

I ain't with it no more.

I want you to leave your wife.

Are you nuts? I'm
not leaving Denise.

- You said you were
going to take care of me!
- Oh, just take it easy.

You're wife's
going to leave you!

- I'm going to call her.
- Don't you dare.

- Let go of me! Let go!
- Don't you dare.

- (screams)
- (grunting)

I'm going away for two weeks,
and you've hardly said boo to me.

Stuff's piling up at work.

Are you sure it
isn't anything else?

Marie, it's nothing.

Henry, I'm sick of traveling.

I want to be one place.
I want to be with you.

We're good together, aren't we?

I can make you happy.
Better than Denise.

Let me think about it.

I'm serious.

I'd do anything to be with you.

I know. Let's skip dessert.

My plane's not till midnight.

We'll get a room
near the airport.

Marie, I just want to spend
some time alone... with you.

Two weeks is... it's just too
long to be away from you, baby.

(theme music playing)

Decedent's Angie
Suarez, 24. Lives alone.

No known husband,
boyfriend or girlfriend.

Prostitution raps?

She doesn't have
a record, period.

Neighbors didn't
notice anything.

She have any
friends in the building?

No special friend.

General impression
is people liked her.

She's just a tiny little thing.

It took a real
tough guy to k*ll her.


Tough guy she liked a lot.

She did her nails,

lipstick, make-up,
silk lingerie.

Not cheap for a girl like her.

Scented bath oil.

This was going to be a big date.

I was bringing her
some pie my wife made.

Angie was nice to her when
I was in the hospital last fall.

Man, it's an awful thing.

She ever talk about boyfriends?

No. She talked about
her family back in Miami,

about trying to better herself.

How was she doing with that?

- Not too good
with the hours she was keeping.
- What hours were those?

Every night around 8:00,
a van would pick her up,

and there would be a driver

with six or seven
young Hispanic girls,

all dressed up and looking fine.

She wouldn't get
home till 2:00 or 3:00.

- You waited up?
- We'd hear her in the hallway
singing to herself,

like she had a couple
of drinks too many.

But she always came home alone.

All right. Thank you.

There are hostess
bars over in Queens,

cater to a Spanish clientele,
mostly undocumented workers.

They pick up
their girls in a van.

Man: Angie works here since
last year. She's a good employee.

She's good at playing
these guys for their money.

You want the girls to talk to
you, you gotta buy them drinks.

Everybody knows the game. She
hasn't been here for a few days.

Because she was strangled
and drowned in her bathtub.

Little Angie?

- No.
- Anyone here good for it?

No. The customers don't
know where they live.

Maybe she was seeing
one of them on the side.

House rules. No sex, no dating.

Just talking and dancing.


Madre de Dios.

It was someone she knew well.

Maybe someone from here.

Sorry, mister, I have to work.

I can't sit and talk to you.

Let's dance.

I like to dance.

Is that better?

Angie like to dance?

She loved it.

But she don't like this place.

You have to drink to make money,

and she don't like drinking.

And Mr. Casamayor,
he don't treat her so nice.

How's that?

She broke her foot on the stairs
in the subway, and she can't walk,

and he said if she don't come to
work anyway, he going to fire her.

Nice boss.

How about the customers?

Is anyone special?

No, she treat them all the same.

Anyway, she have a boyfriend.

- Who's that?
- I don't know. An Anglo.

She say one day she
gonna be with him.

She don't have to
work like this no more.

- Thank you, Tia, okay?
- Yeah.

This is for the drinks
and for the dance.

Thank you.

No Anglo boyfriends on here.
What about her apartment?


The guy got rid of anything that
might've had his name or number.

- He leave any other calling card?
- Looks like he wiped his fingerprints
off doorknobs,

that sort of thing.
No signs of sex.

We got coke residue on
a mirror in the bedroom.

But Angie's tox was
negative for dr*gs.

So we feel pretty good she
wasn't k*lled by a stranger?

She knew the guy. Good.

Councilman'll be delighted to know
it's not some maniac terrorizing his slum.

You can kick it over to the 1-5.

Why? We got time for this.

Chief of detectives...

needs a couple of bodies for
the Mayor's Drug Task Force.

Okay, I should know better.
But it's a good opportunity.

Suit yourself.

- You like this case, too.
- Yeah, I like Angie.

The captain's right, the task force
is a good way for you to get noticed.

I didn't take this
job to get noticed.

All right, this came
in 20 minutes ago.

Female Caucasian, young, blonde,
found nude on Rockaway Beach.

Possible drowning or
strangulation. Five feet tall, slim build.

Big day for little women.

Man: A couple of surfers
found her right here.

- Tide's been running high
in the last couple of days?
- About four feet.

- How do you explain
she got all the way up here?
- I don't.

But her lungs are full
of water. She drowned

probably after being
assaulted and tossed off a boat.

She's been dead at
least a couple of days.

Well, unless they're scenting
the ocean with lavender,

this woman was
drowned in a bathtub.

- What are you doing?
- Oh!

Denise, you nearly
gave me a heart attack.

What are those?

This is evidence in a case.

This woman got her jacket
caught in a door getting off a bus.

Nearly dragged her
half-way down the block.

It sounds like a good case.

Well, might only be worth
15 or 20 grand to the firm.

But the bus company's really
going to make me work for it.

Is everything okay at the firm?

Yeah, on paper, on paper.

It just takes longer and
longer to get the cases settled.

- You need help?
- Oh, Denise.

I know you hate to ask.

I'll talk to Tom at the bank.


What would I do without you?

Handprints around her neck
are similar in size and range

as the ones on Ms. Suarez.

Tox screen was positive
for cocaine and alcohol.

Stomach was full. Clams
casino'd be my guess,

indicating she was k*lled
about an hour after eating.

- Sexual as*ault?
- No.

- Negative for all
three ports of entry.
- She looks athletic.

Well developed arms and
legs, stomach like a trampoline,

a tush you could
crack walnuts with,

and an excellent body wax,

except of course for
the exclamation point.

She could be a stripper...?

These scars on her back, about
six months old. Look like glass cuts.

Maybe she fell through a
shower door or a window.

And Angie Suarez broke
her foot eight months ago.

What's this guy's twist besides
picking on petite women?

Neither victim showed
any signs of sexual contact.

No sign the perp gratified
himself on or near the bodies.

But we've got a
serial k*ller, right?

Well, there's a...

ritualistic aspect
to the killings.

Bathtub, similar body types.

But there's no extraneous
v*olence pre or postmortem.

The murders were committed
within a day or two of each other.

It could be a serial
k*ller or a k*lling spree.

(phone ringing)

Deakins. Uh-huh.

Okay. Got it.

Well, whatever they are...

now there's three of 'em.

Handprints look the same
size as the other ones.

Same body type. No drowning.

This one was
strangled right here.

This is a toe
separator for a bunion...

when she runs. She was jogging.

Abrasions on her hands
and knees from the fall.

She was probably att*cked
from behind on the path.

The foot's swelled.
Feels cracked.

More likely the guy was running
next to her and tripped her.

As if by accident.

There are no drag marks,

so she probably hopped over here

under her own
steam or with his help.

Then he went to work on her.

Somebody she knew.

Someone she felt safe with.

None of the witnesses
saw her this morning,

but they said she jogged
most days, always alone.

- What do you hear from the precincts?
- No open cases with similar MOs.

We got a pop on the jogger's
prints. Deirdre Carnahan, 33.

She has priors?

Her prints are in the system
because she's a city employee.

- Court clerk's office.
- Civil Court?


I'm looking for Angie Suarez's
phone... phone records.

We have a woman who worked in Civil Court
where personal injury lawsuits are filed.

We have a Jane Doe
with a broken wrist

and glass cuts on her back,
probably from an accident.

And we have Angie Suarez...

who was calling the law firm
of Henry Talbott every other day

since she broke her
foot in a slip-and-fall.

Yes, Ms. Suarez
was a client of ours.

She was suing the city.

She'd call every so
often and ask about it.

- She was very impatient.
- Who was handling her case?

- An associate, Rand Bowers.
- What about this woman?

She had a broken wrist,
glass cuts on her back.

Marie Rimer. She
was suing a strip club.

A mirror fell on her when
she was doing a lap dance.

Rand Bowers was
handling this case as well.

- Can we speak to Mr. Bowers?
- He doesn't work here anymore.


Anything I can help
here with, Anna?

These detectives are asking
about two of our clients,

Angie Suarez and Marie Rimer.

- And why's that?
- They were found m*rder*d.

- Are you Henry Talbott?
- Yeah.

Jeez. What happened?

Maybe we should talk
about it in your office.

That's a freak thing,
losing two clients like that.

I guess I'm not
surprised. If I remember,

they were employed in
marginal lines of work.

- That's right. You're not
that involved in their cases.
- I sign clients.

I hand them off
to my associate...

and write them a check
at the end of the day.

Delegation. Is that the secret
to success you learned at Yale?

- Your ring.
- Oh.

It's one of my secrets.

Eames: What was Rand Bowers'
relationship with Ms. Suarez and Ms. Rimer?

I don't know.

Do you think something
improper was going on?

He knew all the victims.

Another woman was
k*lled with the same MO.

Deirdre Carnahan, from
the court clerk's office.

Her colleagues said she knew Mr. Bowers
from when he came in to file lawsuits.

I should tell you, I fired
Rand Bowers last Monday.

- For what reason?
- His work was erratic.

He wasn't getting
his cases settled,

and I don't know if it was
the job or his personal life,

but he seemed like he was
just spinning out of control.

Schultz & Moynahan.

It's a golf tournament.
You used to work there?

Yeah, I was senior partner.

Too much management,
not enough law.

Nothing beats flying solo.


I see you like college hoops.

You have a few
games circled here.

I follow the teams.

(laughs) No, it's all right.
We're not Vice Squad.

(nervous laugh) Okay. Scared me.

Got to do something
to relieve the stress.

I'm sure you do.

(phone ringing)

Is that a private line?

It's my wife.

(ringing continues)

- Don't mind us.
- Actually, I do.

Why don't you just...

leave your name
with my secretary,

and if I think of something,
I'll give you a call.


Connecticut is gross.

You've been bugging me to
take you away for the weekend.

- I'm taking you to Connecticut.
- I told you, I want Miami, South Beach.

This time of year? It's like a
damned sauna. You'll like Connecticut.

- It's got a casino.
- (snorts)

There's no sandy beach there.

Please, Henry, I got
beautiful bikini to wear

with little string go
up between here.

Oh, yeah? Why don't you
wear it in the hotel room?

I want to feel the
sun on my skin.

You promise me Miami. You
promise we go away for a month.

- I have a law firm to run.
- I think you have other girl.

I think you have
wife. I will find out.

Baby, there's no one.


just give me this weekend,

and we'll go to
Miami for Labor Day.

- Better be not promise.
- Don't worry...

no promise.

Talbott can say whatever he
wants, but he did not fire me.

We're more interested in
what you have to say about him,

starting with the $60,000
settlement to Angie Suarez.

- I don't know anything about it.
- Talbott said the case was never settled.

He said the same
thing about Marie Rimer.

The strip club's
insurance company

say they wrote a
check out for 150,000.

Talbott handled the clients' money,
not me. Ask Suarez and Rimer.

It'll have to come
from you, Rand,

because they're dead.

Oh my God.

Oh, that crazy son of a bitch.

Uh, Talbott?

He told me not to tell
them about the settlements.

He said he was keeping the money.
He was investing it or some bull.

I think he was having
affairs with them.

He had them all on speed
dial on his office phone.

- The guy had needs.
- Like gambling?

And coke. He had drawer full
of cash he'd give his secretary

to run errands to his
coke dealer, his bookie.

It's what got him tossed
out of Schultz & Moynahan.

- How does he stay in business?
- Mostly his wife bailed him out.

She's got family
money. A lot of it.

Looks like his train's
about to run out of gravy.


Mrs. Talbott, is
your husband home?

No, he's away working.

He already left for his office?

No, I meant he's in Pittsburgh
on business until Monday.

- He drove himself
to the airport last night.
- Mom, what's going on?

- Go back inside. It's okay. Go.
- Where in Pittsburgh?

He didn't tell me.

I have no idea. What's going on?

We're sorry, but we
have a search warrant

and an arrest warrant
for your husband.

- Arrest for what?
- Three murders.

Henry never hurt
anyone his whole life.

He's never so much as
raised his voice at me.

I'm sure that's
true, Mrs. Talbott,

but we still need to find him.

I told you, I don't
know where he is.

Well, doesn't he
have a cell phone?

He turns it off
when he's working.

We checked last night's
flights to Pittsburgh

from LaGuardia, Newark, JFK.

Your husband
wasn't on any of them.

No. He went to Pittsburgh.

This is Angie Suarez.

She worked in a hostess bar.

She was k*lled Monday
by somebody she knew.

She was your husband's client...

and his mistress.

- And he stole $60,000 from her.
- That's not true.

Marie Rimer. She was a stripper.

She was k*lled Monday or Tuesday

in the same way as Ms. Suarez.

She was also a client, and he
slept with her and stole her money.

Deirdre Carnahan.

She worked in the
court clerk's office.

She was another one of
your husband's mistresses.

By the way, he jogs in
the morning, doesn't he?

- Yes.
- Thursday?

I guess. I'm not sure.

Deirdre Carnahan was k*lled

by someone she was
jogging with Thursday.

All these women were
k*lled by the same man,

the same man they
were all sleeping with.

Your husband.

Is something
wrong with the floor?


You were remembering something?

No, I was just thinking.

You're completely
wrong about Henry.

- He's deceiving you!
- No.

He's my husband.
I'm calling my lawyer.

We'll just see how
far you get with this.

Talbott knows how to pick them.

There is... there is one guy
Talbott would stay in touch with.

His bookie.

Man: I don't know
anything about bookmaking.

I own a diner.
That's my business.

Those envelopes Talbott's secretary
brings you... what are those, lunch orders?

Mr. Turman, Henry Talbott is a
suspect in the m*rder of three women.


What do you want
me to do about it?

It's late Friday. There's lots
of games on the schedule.

He's going to call in. We
want to put a trace on him.

This is something you
want to help us with, right?

He already called.

- About an hour ago.
- Where was he?

Caller ID had a
Connecticut area code.

Sounded like he was at a gas
station. There was a girl with him.

Sounded like a Russian girl.
You guys think he's running?

- Why? How much is he down?
- 120 Gs.

No Russian names
among his clients.

Maybe his phone
records. You calling in?

Yeah. I'm going to get out notification
to the Connecticut State Troopers.

I'm worried for this
girl, whoever she is.

- If she says the wrong thing...
- It may not matter.

Whatever set Talbott off...

Maybe one of the girls
threatened to expose him.

He was going to get
disbarred, lose his wife.

He went into panic mode.
Yeah, hook me up to Operations.

Here. Calls to the
Mikhailkov Chiropractic Clinic.

I smell blinis.

The clinic had one
of their therapists

spending the weekend in Connecticut
with some mystery boyfriend.

It's her. Irina Konchalovsky.
Troopers found her naked

in a rest stop off I-95
outside of Bridgeport.

The strangulation marks
are probably from a belt.

Four girls in a week.
That guy's cleaning house.

Forensics examined
Talbott's office phone.

His speed dial had
room for eight numbers.

Two slots were for his wife's
numbers, another slot was his bookie,

five other slots had
their numbers erased.

Five girlfriends. There's
one still out there.

- Any way to recover those numbers?
- Once they're gone, they're gone.

But there was a message on his
voice mail. No way to tell how old it is.

I transferred it to tape.

Woman: It's me.
I'm so sorry, baby,

but I'll be tied up in
report until 9:00 tonight.

Nothing I can do about
it. I'll make it up to you.

"In report." That's a
hospital nurse's meeting.

- Our fifth girlfriend's a nurse.
- Check his phone records.

I don't remember any nurses, but
there are calls to a half dozen hospitals.

Better get started. Let's
not let this one get away.

Maybe there's a way
we could reel Talbott in.

What about between
shifts? Can't we get together?

- I'm on call. I have to sleep here.
- Damn it.

Damn it. Well,
when can I see you?

- Wednesday night.
- That's two days.

I know, baby.

Well, just screw it.

- Come... come away with me now.
- I can't.

I want to so much,
baby. I want you.

Look, Dana, I want
to stay at your place.

Of course. Did something
happen with Denise?

I left her.

Henry, you make yourself at
home for as long as you want.

I got to go. I'll see
you Wednesday.

I hear disturbing
things about you, Henry,

but your business
is your business.

I need you to settle up.

The full 120.

I know you check
your messages, Henry.

If I don't hear from
you within 24 hours,

my associates'll find you.

There's no second
chance on this, Henry.

You got my number. Call me.

- How was that?
- That was pretty good.

What took you so long?
You got the money?

- I was just getting ready to leave.
- (Sirens blaring)

Freeze! Don't move!

All right, cuff him!

He called and asked me to
help him with his gambling debt.

- Of course I agreed.
- Why couldn't he do it himself?

He's out of town on
business. I told you.

We know he's out of town.

Want to see what "business"
he was up to this weekend?

This girl was a
therapist at a clinic

that treated your
husband's clients.

- It won't end with her.
- I don't want to talk about this anymore.

Since there aren't any charges
pending, I'm walking my client out of here.

Where you going, Mrs. Talbott?
You going to anesthetize yourself

with these pills we found in
your purse and your house?

What do you got there? Sedatives,
sleeping pills, anti-depressants...

I have a medical condition.
My doctor prescribed them.

There's no prescription number on
these. You got these under the table.

The only medical
condition you have is denial.

- Detective!
- Your husband got them
for you, didn't he,

from one of his connections? To
help you blot out what you know.

- I don't know anything.
- You know!

Our lab analyzed that
spot on your kitchen floor.

You know, the one
that you were staring at?

They found traces of
semen and spermicide.

What happened?

Did Henry nail one of his
girlfriends on your shiny floor?!

Did he leave
something there for you

to flaunt how little
he cares for you?!

Henry cares about me.

Not you. Your money.

Me. He loves me.

Don't you get it?

Even if what you say
is true, which it isn't,

if he k*lled them, he did
it for me. To be with me.

- Denise.
- Henry loves me.

No one's keeping him
away from me or my children.

So much for sisterhood.

She knows something.

It's just a matter of
pushing the right button.

Doctors usually
only keep pill samples

in their offices.

Bottles like these...

What, Talbott, got them
from a friendly pharmacist?

Or a very friendly
nurse at a hospital.

Woman: Those lot
numbers are correct.

The bottles did come
from our dispensary,

but I can't imagine one
of my nurses stealing.

She would've been pressured
into it by her boyfriend,

- Henry Talbott.
- Have you seen him?

- He's a lawyer.
- Oh, yes.

Every six months
he comes around,

hands out his business
card fishing for referrals.

But I don't know if he has a
relationship with anybody here.

He tends to favor petite
women in their 20's or 30's.

That describes a
lot of my nurses.

We'd like to show
his picture around.

And we need a list of
your off-duty nurses.

I'm on my way out right now.
I'll be home in 20 minutes.

What kind of surprise?

A bath? Sounds so sensual.

I'll be there as quick as I can.

We just wanted to
make sure you were safe.

Thank you.

Off-duty personnel
accounted for.

One thing you can
say in Talbott's favor...

He's an equal
opportunity sleazeball.

I'm going home
and put my feet up.

- See ya Friday, Artie.
- See ya.

I didn't talk to her.

- (sniffing)
- Ahh.



Hey, Don Juan,
you're under arrest.

Let me make sure I
haven't missed anything.

There's no physical
evidence of any kind

at the crime
scene or in his car.

There's no
fingerprints, no fibers,

no witnesses to connect
Mr. Talbott to any of the bodies.

There's no evidence of contact
between Mr. Talbott and any of these girls

that cannot be explained away
by a professional relationship.

We have the kid who
used to work for him.

Besides the fact his own conduct is
questionable, he can offer no evidence

that Talbott was sleeping with the
victims, let alone m*rder*d them.

We know he
defrauded two of them.

However satisfying
that knowledge is,

it doesn't amount to
a prosecutable case.

The only charges
we can make stick

are gambling and
possession of cocaine.

He needs to be
caught in the act.

And maybe he can be,

given the right stimulus.

Henry: So what happens now?

Now I fill out the booking form.

I need your date of birth.

February 17th, 1957.

I never would've
guessed you're over 40.

- Really? Why is that?
- Place of birth?

Queens. St. Mark's Hospital.

I think I know why.

It's because I have a lot of girlfriends
for a guy my age. Is that right?

Maybe it's true. But you
ask them. They'll tell you.

I could never hurt a woman.

It's just... it's not my nature.

You know,

you should sit up
more when you type.

It's bad for your back
and your shoulders.

- Think so?
- I've done a lot
of repetitive motion cases.

No, more, more. Straighten
your shoulders back there.

Like that, yeah, good. It
feels better though, right?

- I need him in interrogation.
- I'm not done booking him.

- I don't care,
I need him in interrogation now.
- Hey, lay off.

- Hey, it's none of your business.
- Ooh, tough guy.

Stand back from the door.

Well, we're here. Where's he?

He likes to take his time.

I appreciate what
you said back there.

I see that kind of
stuff all the time.

They do it because they
know they can get away with it.

But I'm not telling you
anything you don't already know.

You're not wearing
a wedding ring.

Is that for professional
reasons or 'cause you're single?

I'm single. Very
single right now.

I'll bet when guys
find out you're a cop,

they don't know
how to handle it.

They feel threatened.

They leave you alone or
they try to push you around.


Sounds like every Saturday
night I've had for the last year.

- How do you know so much?
- Because I listen to women.

Is that how you keep all those
women happy, by listening to them?

I listen when they
tell me what they like,

what they want.

And then I give it to them.

I have a lot to give
the right woman.

I'm going to walk out of here.

And when it's appropriate,
I'd like to call you.

If it's okay with you.

Let's just see
what happens here.

Henry: Nothing's
going to happen.

Just tell me you'll
think about it.

- I'll think about it.
- Doesn't have to be anything.

Just a drink. I'm
a good listener.

- Stop it.
- You know, you have beautiful hair.

You really believe

if he comes home

that he's going
to be a good boy?

Look at him.

His facing four m*rder charges,

and he still can't help himself.

Look how cocky he is.

It's because he knows that
he has you in his back pocket.

You hoped he'd change.

He... he won't.

It's the way his brain is wired.

He's never been the man
you thought you married.

He never will be.


One night, two weeks ago,

I found him in the garage.

He was taking clothes
out of the trunk of his car...

Women's clothes.

A white jacket, a red blouse.

He put them in a garbage bag.

Henry: It was a great
piano bar. It was very cozy.

Looks like you
started without me.

Where have you been
since Thursday night?


as you probably
figured out by now,

I have... I have a coke problem.

Thursday night I was on a binge.

Coking, drinking.

Anyone with you
Thursday to Sunday?

I don't know.
Probably the escorts.

You have to check
my credit card for that.

When these things
happen to me, I...

I become a pretty bad boy.

Why do you keep looking at her

when I'm the one talking to you?

- I'm being polite.
- You were coming on to her,
weren't you?

(laughing) He's...

- You had enough of this guy?
- Plenty.

I need to go wash off the slime.



She's your... your type.

Hmm? Hmm?

- Like your girlfriends,
Angie, Marie, Irina.
- Those aren't my girlfriends.

Their numbers were
on your speed dial.

You erased them, I know,

but our technicians
recovered them.

For a Yale lawyer,

you should know better
than to lie about the obvious.

All right, I was seeing them.

Angie, when did
you last see her?

Sunday night,

when my wife had
already gone to bed.

Goren: She said you
had dinner with a client.

- That's right.
- What restaurant?

- I don't know.
- You had clams casino.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

You remember what I said
about lying about the obvious?

So you know I had
dinner with Marie.

Then you should also know

that we got out of
there just after 8:30.

Marie Rimer. She
was a hot little number.

- Who cares?! I went home.
- (sighs)

You know, I have a theory
about why certain men

are attracted to petite women.

- You want to hear it?
- Not particularly.

Petite women...

are a snug fit for small men.

That's so ridiculous.


I think I'm onto something here.

Small men can feel like
they have a Titan m*ssile

in their pocket.

Like they're a big
man on the campus.

That's how it felt when
you made love to them.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Come on, man,
you're a small guy.

What size shoe do
you wear? I wear a 13.

You look like... like a nine...

or more like an eight?

I'm an... why am I even... I
don't want to talk to you about this!

- Don't drag me into this!
- Ah, you got small hands, too.


- Isn't that the giveaway?
- Ohh.

You've always felt inadequate.

That's why you're
always screwing around.

- No. No.
- You couldn't hack it
with the big law firms,

you couldn't "measure" up...

Whoops... to your peers...

That's not true.
That's not true.

While these women, they
made you feel powerful.

You could dominate them.

But one of them, what,

wanted something more from you?

Threatened to
have you disbarred?

Ruin your marriage

with that cash machine
that you call a wife?

No, I was home!

Why don't you just ask my wife?!

We did.

She told us about
Marie's red blouse,

the white jacket in
the trunk of your car!

She knows your game, Henry.

She's been watching
you through that glass

ever since you came in
here with Detective Eames.

Oh, Denise...

Denise! Denise!

It's not true. It's not true!

She's through
being your lifeboat,

your Rock of Gibraltar, Henry.

Listen to me. It's
only been you.

It's only you. I swear to God!

Goren: This time
she's letting you drown.

No. No, she can't do this.

Why do you think I
did this, you bitch?!

- (sighs)
- Huh?!

I did it for you! You hear me?!

- You hear me?!
- You know what she told me?

She takes dr*gs because
you couldn't satisfy her!

You never could get
her over the hump.


You're dead, Denise!

Dead. Do you hear me?

Dead! Don't... don't leave me!

Denise, Denise.

You're dead! You're dead.

You hear me? You're dead!

Now she gets to go
home and tell her kids.

(theme music playing)
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